The Art of Success
The Art of Success
The Art of Success
Contents The Art of Success
Introduction 4
Executive summary 5
Defining success for law firms 7
Defining success for lawyers 12
How experience drives ethos 16
How experience drives ethos for decision makers 18
How experience drives ethos for lawyers 20
Formative years 22
The state of the world 28
In their own words 33
Conclusion 34
Appendix 35
About the author 38
Introduction The Art of Success
is based on 10 qualitative interviews challenging old ways of thinking and redefining what law firms
can do.
and quantitative research with 118 Given the ever-increasing speed of change and the variety of
business models, we’ve decided to expand this year’s research
lawyers in independent law firms, and divide it into three reports, spread across the course of the
year – with each wave of research building on the last. Working
Executive summary The Art of Success
BASE 118
Executive summary The Art of Success
Defining success
Most independent law firms see success
Breaking with the past
Most decision makers and lawyers
In good shape
The vast majority of smaller, independent
Cautiously optimistic
More lawyers are feeling ‘quite confident’
as a trinity of three important elements: in independent law firms have firms are either stable or growing – with compared to recent years, but fewer
1 the quality of their expertise, experienced poor staff morale in the most planning to expand in the next five are feeling ‘very confident’. Overall the
2 solid commercial logic, past. Consequently, good staff morale years. At the same time, many at the decision makers running small law firms
3 commitment to treating staff is one of the top factors that drives the smaller end of the spectrum (especially seem happy with their firms, happy with
and clients with respect. ethos of the law firms in our sample and those with five fee earners or less) are their lot, and reluctant to return to life
Being a ‘good’ lawyer isn’t just about is a major contributor to lawyers’ job content to remain as they are, not willing in a large firm or the top tier.
knowing your law or being a skilled satisfaction. to jeopardise the ethos that makes their The future looks set to be challenging,
craftsman. It's about understanding how firm successful or compromise their but also increasingly ‘boutique’ – with
to apply the law to serve your client's hard-won work/life balance. smaller, more specialist firms looking
business and personal needs. It's also to steal business from larger, more
about exercising common sense. Having established and traditional firms by
excellent people skills is as important as focusing on quality over quantity.
being commercially savvy.
Crucially, our research reveals that nearly
a third of respondents think that half
the profession are not actually capable NOW
lawyers – a strong indication of the
importance of these three elements.
1 _ Defining success for law firms The Art of Success
1 _ Defining success for law firms The Art of Success
57% The one thing almost every respondent recognises is that the quality of Quality of legal
Financially sustainable/not over-committed legal expertise within the firm is the primary contributor to its success. expertise ranked
41% 57% of our sample cited it as their top priority. higher for:
Treats staff with respect
40% While this might sound obvious, it is Independent firms live or die by Those
Loyal client base/trusted advisor role worth pointing out that respondents the quality of their advice, and more
74% with large/
top tier
40% are becoming increasingly aware are beginning to realise that they experience
Have shared goals/values across the team that the quality of their legal should celebrate and promote
26% expertise is the key differentiator their expertise, rather than Specialists
High job satisfaction across the team for their firm’s success. assume that it is understood.
focused on
one area
of law
Well-positioned/has competitive edge The next 3 most significant contributors to success:
20% 1-5 fee
Well-informed about client’s business • Being financially sustainable/not Sound financial management 70% earner firms
19% over-committed means there is less pressure to hit
Empowers lawyers to spend time needed on the case • Treating staff with respect unrealistic targets.
16% • Having a loyal client base This contributes to happier staff
Operates a responsible and fair pricing policy
These all combine to create which, in turn, means clients
16% a ‘virtuous circle’ within most receive a better service, which leads
Good at marketing
independent firms. to repeat business, which contributes
to a healthy balance sheet.
Prepared to invest in short term
Knowing about your client's business is more important when you specialise:
Supports flexible/remote working
11% Specialists consider it to be
Simple management structure/reporting levels a top 5 contributer to success
Invests 118(i.e. PM)
in support roles BASE 48
Flexibility to be selective about clients
8% 8
1 _ Defining success for law firms The Art of Success
For many, success has less to do with the number at the bottom
of the balance sheet and more to do with the less tangible
things, such as being a force for good or enjoying a better
quality of life.
The smaller or more specialist your firm, Our smaller and more specialist firms also
the more the quality of legal expertise identified more issues as ‘top priorities’,
seems to matter. 67% of specialist firms placing greater emphasis on shared goals,
and 70% of firms with five fee earners marketing, flexible working and having
or fewer cited it as a contributing factor
(compared to 57% across the whole
the freedom to be selective about their
clients. Specialists also placed greater
firms 67% 70% five fee earners
or fewer
sample). For niche firms, expertise emphasis on being well-informed about
becomes a key differentiator. their client’s business (27% vs. 19%
across the whole sample).
BASE 118
1 _ Defining success for law firms The Art of Success
Marketing & support To what extent do the following areas contribute to success?
Good at marketing
14% see being good at marketing
14% 46% 25%
as very important for success
BASE 118
1 _ Defining success for law firms The Art of Success
Looking ahead
77% agreed that non-legal businesses will compete directly with law firms
With so much uncertainty surrounding the future legal
landscape, we presented our sample with a selection of possible
scenarios and asked them to pick the ones they felt were most
likely to happen in the next three to five years. The next top three answers all paint a similar scenario, where smaller more specialist
The future landscape: Percentage of respondents agreeing firms will start to steal business away from the traditional high street firms who aren’t
with the following statements able to offer the same level of bespoke service.
Increase in small specialists providing quality vs quantity 58% believe that legal solutions will still require qualified legal professionals.
BASE 118
2 _ Defining success for lawyers The Art of Success
2 _ Defining success for lawyers The Art of Success
2 _ Defining success for lawyers The Art of Success
BASE 118
2 _ Defining success for lawyers The Art of Success
Uses technology to get the best legal solutions every client, without considering what each to clients instead.
13% individual client actually wants to achieve.
uses tech
Sound grasp of the business world
A respondent said:
Good at marketing
8% “Actually, a lot of lawyers don’t have to do
good at a lot of law all the time – they have to use
marketing common sense and business nous.”
BASE 118
3 _ How experience drives ethos The Art of Success
On average, each person said they’d
Lack of good case management system experienced around four of the listed
34% issues. Yet again, the average among
Lack of client loyalty lawyers was higher (5.1 issues for
30% lawyers vs. 4.4 for decision makers).
Lack of access to quality legal info
Other top complaints were lack of
mentoring, the stress and pressure of
Over complex structure/too many levels of reporting working in a ‘billable hours’ culture and
19% a lack of common goals across the
Unsustainable equity partner drawings partners and business.
19% BASE 118
3 _ How experience drives ethos for decision makers The Art of Success
Which driver has been the most fundamental in shaping the ethos/practices of your current firm?
3 _ How experience drives ethos for decision makers The Art of Success
Lessons learned
Indeed, when you compare our decision Which driver has been the most fundamental in shaping the ethos/practices of your current firm?
makers’ past experiences and their current
ethos side by side, there’s a clear and
strong correlation between many of them. Satisfaction drivers in current business
This includes common goals across the
business, realistic targets and reasonable
workload. 73% 65% 45% 42% 38% 27%
A respondents said:
31% 49% 57% 30% 16%
3 _ How experience drives ethos for lawyers The Art of Success
Happy hens Which driver has the most impact on job satisfaction?
23% 86% 29% 63% 34%
Good financial Good staff Simple reporting/ Good case Fair remuneration Culture of
management morale management management across partners/ mentoring
structure system staff
Common goals/ More realistic Reasonable Access
Client loyalty/ values across 'billable hours' workload for all to quality
trusted advisor business targets/no targets staffing levels legal info
3 _ How experience drives ethos for lawyers The Art of Success
Again, as with the decision makers who Which driver has the most impact on job satisfaction?
run independent law firms, there’s a high
correlation between many of the negative
experiences that lawyers have experienced
in the past and the things that drive their
sense of job satisfaction today. Satisfaction drivers in current business
There are, however, two notable exceptions.
Even though ‘fair pay across partners and 11%
staff’ is a top factor (63%), only 6% said 23% 86% 29% 63% 34%
they’d experienced unequal pay.
31% 43% 60% 63% 40%
The other exception is the same as for Good financial Good staff Simple reporting/ Good case Fair remuneration Culture of
management morale management management across partners/ mentoring
decision makers – a lack of mentoring. structure system staff
Even though 74% of lawyers complained Common goals/ More realistic Reasonable Access
about a lack of mentoring, only 34% said Client loyalty/ values across 'billable hours' workload for all to quality
trusted advisor business targets/no targets staffing levels legal info
it affected their job satisfaction.
4 _ Formative years The Art of Success
4 _ Formative years The Art of Success
none have worked have worked have worked in have worked
in-house in small firms mid sized firms in large/top
tier firms
None In house Small (<20FE) Mid sized (20-200FE) Large/Top tier (200+ FE) BASE 118
4 _ Formative years The Art of Success
Recency and longevity How recently were they in top tier? How long were they in top tier?
left within
five years
left six or ...83%
more years ago spent three or
23% more years there
A respondent said:
26% 40%
“What we are providing to clients is the
totality of our life experience. The fact
that most of us have spent most of our
lives being lawyers means there is a
very heavy legal content in that
life experience.”
6-10 years 6-10 years 3-5 years
4 _ Formative years The Art of Success
Definitely wouldn’t
Definitely wouldn't Probably
wouldn't Not sure Probably would
Not sure Probably would
Definitely would Definitely would
4 _ Formative years The Art of Success
Only 23 %
were at Department
Head level (or equivalent)
when they left.
4 _ Formative years The Art of Success
68% of decision
Decision makers makers rated their
satisfaction as
12% 19% 45% 23%
'very' or 'extremely
Lawyers high' vs.
3% 11% 29% 20% 26% 11%
of lawyers'
43% of
Very low Quite low Average Quite Very Extremely lawyers working
in independent
law rated their job
satisfaction as
average or low
BASE 118
5 _ The state of the world The Art of Success
Stable 6%
Declining 8% 6%
Don't know
Prefer not to say 2016 (112) 2017 (118)
5 _ The state of the world The Art of Success
Close / Retire
5 _ The state of the world The Art of Success
Smaller firms & the status quo Growth plans vs. size
Respondents said:
5 _ The state of the world The Art of Success
Confidence vs. caution 30%
17% 15%
In their own words The Art of Success
“The business has experienced good “There are unknowns for the economy
growth in its three years of trading...” with the change of US President
and Brexit to be entirely confident.”
Conclusion The Art of Success
This is the fifth year that we have conducted our research Over the course of the last five years in Their firms’ ethos, driven by things like
our research we have seen smaller firms bespoke service, good staff morale,
programme in Independent Law and it is increasingly clear that the weather the uncertainties brought about fairerpay, realistic targets and common
smaller, more agile, market focused law firm is increasing its power through regulatory change and economic business goals, is delivering both
and impact on the market for legal services. Adept, adaptable, difficulties and emerge as robust, growing commercial success and job satisfaction.
businesses with a continued sense that These new, enlightened, decision makers
commercially minded, customer-focused and obsessed with the future belongs to them. are proving that business achievement
providing common sense support founded on serious legal Disenchanted by the way that larger law starts with client care and a good working
environment and culture for their people.
competence, this is a segment of the market that is leading change. firms operate, successful independent
lawyers are determined to learn from It’s these elements, coupled with sound
their past experiences in larger and more investment in the right tools, technology
traditional firms and create a healthier and information to enable them to
working culture in their own firms for staff provide the bespoke services their clients
and clients alike. now expect, that will help them to not only
surive but thrive over the coming months
and years.
Appendix - Our Methods The Art of Success
Those taking part represent a wide The research fieldwork was undertaken by
spectrum of different seniorities, an independent market research agency,
experience and backgrounds and we have Linda Jones & Partners (,
views from sole practioners to lawyers with sampling in December 2016 and
working in firms with around 30 fee January 2017.
earners. The bulk of our sample were from
firms with fewer than 10 fee earners. The
majority of those taking part were decision
makers within their firms, responsible for
setting strategic direction and overseeing
spending and investment priorities.
Appendix - The Survey The Art of Success
Who we spoke to
Appendix - Previous Bellwether Reports The Art of Success
About the author The Art of Success
The Future of Law Since 1818 . . The Art of Success
Since 2013, our annual Bellwether reports have been a voice For a free trial of LexisPSL
for those often unsung, small and independent law firms across
England and Wales who are embracing new ways of working,
challenging old ways of thinking and redefining what law firms
can do.
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