PRV Venn For Supply Steam U.C
PRV Venn For Supply Steam U.C
PRV Venn For Supply Steam U.C
Size L G H Cv value Mass (kg)
15 ( ½ " ) 140 62 155 ¼" 1 .0 7.5
CONSTRUCTION 20 ( ¾ " ) 140 62 155 ¼" 2.5 7.5
25 (1 " ) 150 67 160 ¼" 4 .0 9 .0
32 (1 ¼ " ) 180 73 182 ⅜" 6.5 12 .0
40 (1 ½ " ) 180 73 182 ⅜" 9 .0 12.5
50 (2 " ) 200 86 187 ⅜" 16 .0 15.5
65 (2 ½ " ) 230 94 202 ⅜" 25 .0 20.5
80 (3 " ) 260 110 221 ⅜" 36 .0 26.5
100 (4 " ) 320 139 285 ⅜" 64 .0 52 .0
125 (5 " ) 380 187 320 ⅜" 100 .0 82 .0
150 (6 " ) 420 206 368 ⅜" 144 .0 110 .0
200 (8 " ) 540 255 425 ⅜" 256 .0 176 .0
Flange code JIS 10KFF
When the existing RP-1H Type pressure reducing valve is replaced with the RP-6 due to changes in operating
conditions, the same face-to-face dimension can be attained by the use of face-to-face dimension adjustment
spacers.(Size 15~80mm)
For more details, please contact our agent in your area.
Example1: additional condition: the temperature is 205℃ . secondary pressure 0.05MPa; and flow of saturated
This example shows you how to decide nominal Draw a vertical from point A until it intersects steam 700kg/h.
diameter of valve at the following conditions: with the saturated steam curve. The intersection First, we should find out the intersection point F
primary pressure 0.45MPa, secondary pressure point is named C. Now move from point C to between primary pressure curve 0.8MPa and
0.2M P a, flow of saturated steam 700 kg/h. temperature curve 205℃ paraallelly and we can oblique line. Next, move on the oblique line and
First, find out the intersection point A of primary stop at point D. Draw a vertical line from point D find it the intersection point G on the secondary
pressure curve 0.45MPa and secondary until it intersects with flow curve 700kg/h.The pressure curve 0.05MPa. Draw a vertical line
pressure curve 0.2M P a. intersection point is named E. Since point E is from point G until it intersects with flow curve
located between a nominal diameter range of 700kg/h. the intersection point is named H.
Draw a vertical line from point A. This line inter- size 40mm~50mm. The larger value, which is size
sects with flow curve 700kg/h. The intersection Since point H is located between a nominal diameter
50mm is taken as the nominal diameter that we are range of size 32mm~40mm. The larger value, which
point is B. Since B is located between a nominal looking for.
diameter range of size 40mm~50mm. The larger is size 40mm in this case, is taken as the nominal
value, which is size 50mm is taken as the nominal Example 2: diameter that we are looking for.
diameter that we are looking for. Now let's try to find out the nominal diameter at
Now let's find out the nominal diameter at an the following conditions: primary pressure 0.8MPa;
Primary pressure: The inlet pressure of
pressure reducing valve or the inlet pres-
sure of piping that is near to pressure re-
ducing valve.
Secondary pressure: The outlet pressure
of pressure reducing valve or the outlet
pressure of piping that is near to pressure
reducing valve.
Set pressure: secondary pressure at
minimum adjustable flow.
Offset pressure : The difference between
secondary pressure and set pressure
when primary pressure is kept at a cons-
tant level but flow increases gradually
from minimal adjustable flow to the rated
flow of pressure reducing valve.
Lockup pressure: The increased pressure
PRESSURE CHARACTERISTICS above set pressure when the secondary
valve of pressure reducing valve is locked
Example: RP-6 Type up.
Minimum adjustable flow: The minimum
flow of pressure reducing valve for main-
taining stable flow.
Rated flow: The maximum flow at the
specified offset pressure when primary
pressure is kept at a constant level.
The secondary pressure is set at 0.2 MPa when primary pressure is 0.3 MPa. The chart shows the
change of secondary pressure when primary pressure changes between 0.3~1.0~0.3 MPa.
1 When you select the size, use nominal dia- 3 In the case when primary and secondary 5 It is easy to understand that an extremely
meter selection chart. Considering pressure pressure are not constant but change small valve allows only a tiny flow. However,
loss and thermal loss, the flow amount for within a certain range, the nominal dia- this does not mean a large valve is better
selecting the nominal diameter should be meter can be determined using the pri- than small valve. In fact, an extremely large
larger by 10-20% than designed flow amount, mary and secondary pressures that pro- valve may cause the occurrence of “hunting” ,
particularly in case of the pressure reducing duce the smallest differential pressure. which canlead to abnormal wearing. Another
ratio is large or the set pressure is lower than thing to be noted is the minimum adjustable
0.1MPa. 4 In the case the pressure reduction ratio ex- flow, which is about 5% of the rated flow.
ceeds its maximum value, it is required to You should not select a valve which may be
2 The secondary pressure of a pressure re- perform two-step pressure reduction by using used when the flow is lower than the mini-
ducing valve changes when primary pres- 2 pressure reducing valves. Although the mum adjustable flow. In winter or summer,
sure or flow changes. Therefore, when se- flow at step 1 and step 2 are the same, the flow may change extremely. It is recom-
lecting nominal diameter, it is necessary to nominal diameter of the valve at step 1 should mended that you install two pressure redu-
consider lockup pressure and offset. be different from that at step 2, because pri- cing valves, a large one and a smaller one,
mary pressure is different from secondary and switch between them according to change
(See flow characteristics and pressure pressure. Therefore, it is necessary to select of flow.
characteristics.) two nominal diameters for the valves to be
Fig.1 With bypass piping Fig.2 Without bypass piping
SL-37 ~ SL-40 TYPE (kg/h) SL-37 ~ SL-40 TYPE (kg/h)
5 . Install straight piping, stop valve, and pressure gauge before and after pressure reducing valve.
If end connection of pressure reducing valve is realized using screw, then use union joint to make it easy to fix and remove.
※ The diameter of piping before and after pressure reducing valve should be determined based on the standard velocity of flow of fluid.
Generally, since the nominal diameter of secondary piping of pressure reducing valve for steam and gasses is larger than the diameter of pressure
reducing valve , it is necessary to use reducer.
6 . If you install solenoid valve (on/off o peration ) or control valve at the secondary side of pressure reducing valve, there should be an interval (L) between such
solenoid valve or control valve and pressure reducing valve. The interval (L) should be larger than 2m in the case of solenoid valve.As for control valve, the
interval should be larger than 1m if nominal diameter is less than 100 mm , and larger than 1.5m if nominal diameter is larger than 125 mm (see Fig.3).
7 . In the case of 2-step pressure reduction, the interval between 2 valves should be 1~2m (see Fig.4).
8. For pressure reducing valve for steam, “hunting” or vibration may occur if drain accumulates.
To prevent hunting and vibration, it is necessary to prevent drain from entering into the piping or install stem trap at the primary side.
In addition, since pressure reducing valve cannot be closed completely, it is necessary to install steam trap at the secondary side if the amount of steam used
is near zero.
10. Apply appropriate support to pressure reducing valve to make sure it does not bear the weight of piping, bending force, or vibration directly.
11. If you think there is possibility of freezing, insulate or discharge the drain.
Table of velocity of Steam as standard condition. Table of velocity of Air as standard condition.
Item For steam Standard velocity (m/s) Item For air Standard velocity(m/s)
Saturated steam ( 0 . 2 ~0 . 5MPa ) 15 ~ 20 ( 0 . 1 ~0 . 2MPa ) 8 ~15
Pipage Pipage
Saturated steam ( 0 . 5 ~1 . 5MPa ) 20 ~ 30 (20 ~30MPa) 5 ~7
Saturated steam 20 ~ 30 Saturated line 10 ~20
(Steam engine)
Super heated steam 30 ~ 40 (Compressor) Low pressure supplyline 20 ~30
High pressure supply line 10 ~15