Colinde: Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree

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1.​Rockin' around the Christmas tree

Rockin' around the Christmas tree

At the Christmas party hop
Mistletoe hung where you can see
Every couple tries to stop

Rockin' around the Christmas tree

Let the Christmas spirit ring
Later we'll have some pumpkin pie
And we'll do some carollin’

You will get a sentimental feeling

When you hear
Voices singing let's be jolly
Deck the halls with boughs of holly

Rockin' around the Christmas tree

Have a happy holiday
Everyone dancing merrily
In the new old fashioned way

You will get a sentimental feeling

When you hear
Voices singing let's be jolly
Deck the halls with boughs of holly

Rockin' around the Christmas tree

Have a happy holiday
Everyone dancing merrily
In the new old fashioned way
Rockin' around the Christmas tree
Have a happy holiday
Everyone dancing merrily
In the new... old …..fa-shioned….. waaaay

2​.Let it snow

Oooooh the weather outside is frightful

But the fire is so delightful

Since we've no place to go

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

It doesn't show signs of stoppin'

And I've brought some corn for poppin'

The lights are turned way down low

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

When we finally kiss goodnight

How I'll hate goin' out in the storm

But if you'll really hold me tight

All the way home I'll be warm

The fire is slowly dyin'

And, my dear, we're still goodbyin'

But as long as you love me so

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

When we finally kiss goodnight

How I'll hate goin' out in the storm

But if you'll really hold me tight

All the way home I'll be warm

The fire is slowly dyin'

And, my dear, we're still goodbyin'

As long as you love me so

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

Let it snow.. let it snow.. let it snooooow

3.​Shake up Christmas

Ho, ho, ho...

Shake up the happiness

Wake up the happiness
Shake up the happiness
It's Christmas time

O:There was a story that I was told

And I want to tell the world before I get too old
And don't remember it, so let's December it
And reassemble it, oh yeah

O:Once upon a time in a town like this

A little girl made a great big wish
To fill the world full of happiness
And be on Santa's magic list

Shake it up, shake up the happiness

Wake it up, wake up the happiness
Come on all, it's Christmas time
Shake it up, shake up the happiness
Wake it up, wake up the happiness
Come on all, it's Christmas time
Ho, ho, ho,
Ho, ho, ho,
It's Christmas time

G:At the same time miles away

A little boy made a wish that day
That the world would be okay
And Santa Clause would hear him say

M:I got dreams and I got love

I got my feet on the ground and family above
Can you send some happiness with my best
To the rest of the people of east and the west

G:And maybe every once in a while

You give my grandma a reason to smile
'Tis the season to smile
It's cold but we'll be freezing in style

M:And let me meet a girl one day

That wants to spread some love this way
We can let our souls run free
And she can open some happiness with meeee
Shake it up, shake up the happiness
Wake it up, wake up the happiness
Come on all, it's Christmas time
Shake it up, shake up the happiness
Wake it up, wake up the happiness
Come on all, it's Christmas time

I know you're out there

I hear your reindeer
I see the snow where
Your boots have been

I'm gonna show them

So they will know then
Then love will grow and
They beliiiieeeve agaaaaain

Shake it up, shake up the happiness

Wake it up, wake up the happiness
Come on all, it's Christmas time
Shake it up, shake up the happiness
Wake it up, wake up the happiness
Come on all, it's Christmas time
Ho, ho, ho,
Ho, ho, ho,
It's Christmas time

Shake it up, shake up the happiness

Wake it up, wake up the happiness
Come on all, it's Christmas time
Shake it up, shake up the happiness
Wake it up, wake up the happiness
Come on all, it's Christmas time
Ho, ho, ho,
Ho, ho, ho,
Ho, ho, ho,
It's Christmas tiiiiiime

4​.Cerul și pământul
Cerul si pamantul X2
In cantec rasuna
Ingeri si oameni X2
Canta impreuna

Hristos se naste,
Domnul coboaraaaa
Ingerii-i caaanta,
Magii-l adoara
Pastori alearga, |
Ieslea-nconjoara, |- X2
mari minuni se intamplaraa |

In Viflaim azi X2
E mare minune
vergura curata X2
Fiu nascut in lume

Hristos se naste,
Domnul coboara
Ingerii-i canta,
Magii-l adoara
Pastori alearga, |
Ieslea-nconjoara, |- X2
mari minuni se intamplara |

Din cer cuvantul X2

In trup se arata
Noaptea din lumea X2
Zi se face indata

Hristos se naste,
Domnul coboara
Ingerii-i canta,
Magii-l adoara
Pastori alearga, |
Ieslea-nconjoara, |- X2
mari minuni se intamplara |

Din rasarit vin X2

Magi cu bucurie
Cu dar de smirna X2
Aur si tamaie

Hristos se naste,
Domnul coboara
Ingerii-i canta,
Magii-l adoara
Pastori alearga, |
Ieslea-nconjoara, |- X2
mari minuni se intamplaraaa |

5.​ Deschide nana usile

deschide nana usile
ca vin pruncii cu dobile
Corindele corind,corindele corind

ca de-aseara stam pe-afara

si opincile-ndetara
Corindele corind,corindele corind
stresinile-or picuratu'
de ne-o nins si ne-o ploiatu'
Corindele corind,corindele corind

fa nana mai mare focu'

sa sa vada pa oblocu'
Corindele corind,corindele corind

Fa nana lumina-n casa

sa sa vada pa fereastra
Corindele corind,corindele corind

daca nu ne deschide-ti
pa pereti creasca bureti
Corindele corind,corindele corind

Sa fiti gazde sanatosi

Sa traiti ani buni frumosi
Corindele corind,corindele corind

​ olinde, colinde

Colinde, colinde,
E vremea colindelor!
Caci gheata se intinde
Asemeni oglinzilor.
Si tremura brazii,
Miscand ramurelele,
Caci noaptea de azi-i
Cand scanteie stelele.

Se bucur' copii,
Copii si fetele!
De dragul Mariei
Isi piaptana pletele.
De dragul Mariei,
Si al Mantuitorului,
Luceste pe ceruri,
O stea calatorului.


6.Deschide ușa creștine

Deschide usa crestine
Ca venim din nou la tine
La multi ani, multi ani cu bine.

Si la Vifleem am fost X2
Unde S-a nascut Hristos,
La multi ani, multi ani cu bine.

Si-am vazut pe-a Sa mama X2

Pe care Maria-o cheama.
La multi ani, multi ani cu bine.

Umbla-n jos si umbla-n sus X2

Ca sa nasca pe Iisus,
La multi ani, multi ani cu bine.

Mai tarziu gasi apoiX2

Un staul frumos de oi.
La multi ani, multi ani cu bine.

Si acolo pe fan jos X2

S-a nascut Domnul Hristos
La multi ani, multi ani cu bine.
Ingerii cu flori in manaX2
Impletesc mandra cununa
La multi ani, multi ani cu bine.

Pe cununa-i scris frumosX2

"Astazi s-a nascut Hristos!"
La multi ani, multi ani cu bine.

Si-de acum pana-n vecie X2

Mila Domnului sa fie
Tuturor cu bucurie!X2

​ olinde pe regiuni​

Moldova​: L
​ a poarta la stefan voda
La poarta la Stefan Voda,
Lerului Domnului,
Boierii s-au strans la vorba.2x

Dar vorba de cin-este,

Lerului Domnului,
De Iisus nascut in iesle.2X

Insa Stefan Domn cel sfant,

Lerului Domnului,
De la ruga auzind,
Pe boierii ce vorbeau,
Lerului Domnului,
Si pe Domnul proslaveau. 2X

El pe data s-a plecat,

Lerului Domnului,
Cu boierii s-a-nchinat,2X
Si cu glasul de supus,
Lerului Domnului,
A slavit pe Domn Iisus.2X

Transilvania:Sculati, gazde, nu dormiti

Sculati, gazde, nu dormiti,

Vremea e sa va treziti. X2
Casa sa vi-o aranjati,
Flori de mar,
Si masa s-o incarcati
Flori de mar.

Ca umblam si colindam
La multi ani sa va uram, X2
Sa traiti, sa-ntineriti,
Flori de mar,
Pentru multi ani fericiti,
Flori de mar.

Si la anul vom veni,

Numai daca ni-ti pofti.X2
Si mai multe vom ura,
Flori de mar,
Un cocut faca ni-ti da,
Flori de mar.

Si colinda nu-i mai multa,

Sa traia cine asculta! X2
Si colinda-i atata,
Flori de mar,
Cine-asculta sa traia,
Flori de mar!
Maramures:Marut margaritar
Noi umblam sa colindam
Marut margaritar
Noi umblam sa colindam
Pe la curti de boieri mari
Marut margaritar
Pe la curti de boieri mari
Da’ boierii nu-s acasa
Marut margaritar
Da’ boierii nu-s acasa

Ca-s plecati la vanatoare

Marut margaritar
Ca-s plecati la vanatoare
Sa vaneze caprioare
Marut margaritar
Sa vaneze caprioare
Caprioare n-or aflat
Marut margaritar
Numa-un pui de iepuras

Sa fii gazda sanatoasa

Marut margaritar
C-ai primit colinda noastra
Si la anul cand venim
Marut margaritar
Mai bogati sa va gasim.

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