Load History Analysis and AS3600
Load History Analysis and AS3600
Load History Analysis and AS3600
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Version(s): Various
Area: Analysis
More discussion on the theoretical basis for the load history deflection method used in
RAM Concept can be found on the following web page:
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Creep Factor
The creep factor is defined as the ratio of total strain (elastic strain + creep strain) to elastic
strain. According to ACI 209, an average value creep strain:elastic strain is 2.35. As a
result, RAM Concept adopts a default creep factor of 1 + 2.35 = 3.35. The ACI 209
average value and the RAM Concept default are based on standard conditions. Other
factors, like curing method, concrete composition, and cement content, can affect creep
and should be incorporated into the creep factor that is defined.
The ACI 209 creep model assumes that the initial loading is applied at 7 days. Some
codes, like AS 3600, assume a different time for initial load application. When using the
load history calculations in RAM Concept, the creep factor should be converted for an
initial loading time of 7 days.
ACI 209 defines a modification factor for initial load application times other than 7 days.
This correction is automatically included in the load history calculations and should not be
incorporated into the input creep value. The initial load application time defined in the Calc
Options dialog is used to calculate this correction. This correction factor is automatically
calculated and applied for each load history step and is based upon the time of application
of loading in each step.
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Shrinkage Strain
According to ACI 209, average shrinkage strains range from 0.000415 to 0.001070 for
standard conditions. RAM Concept uses a default value of 0.0004.
Environmental factors, especially ambient relative humidity, can have a significant impact
on the ultimate shrinkage strain and should be considered when inputting the value in the
Calc Options dialog. If the relative humidity is low, the shrinkage value could be
significantly higher than the default value.
ACI 209 defines a modification factor for shrinkage strain for conditions with a moist cure
duration other than 7 days. RAM Concept uses the input Moist Cure Duration in the Calc
options dialog to automatically account for this modification. Input shrinkage strains should
not include this modification.
Shrinkage Restraint
Elements like stiff columns and walls restrain shrinkage movements and cause a gradual
buildup of tensile stress in the concrete, which leads to cracking. The shrinkage restraint
percentage is a simple way to account for this cracking. The higher the percentage the
earlier cracking will occur and the more the tension stiffening effect will be reduced.
The ACI 209 time function for shrinkage and the input ultimate shrinkage strain are used to
calculate the shrinkage strain at each given time step. This shrinkage strain is multiplied by
the defined shrinkage restraint percentage. This tension strain is then summed with the
modified concrete strain determined in the load history calculations (accounting for creep,
etc.) for use with the concrete stress-strain curve to find the concrete stress.
Here is a simplified numerical example, illustrating the effect of the shrinkage restraint
Assuming the concrete is linear elastic, the stress increase due to the shrinkage restraint
would be (3605ksi)*(0.0004)*(0.1) = 0.144 ksi. This is roughly 1/3 of the cracking stress. In
other words, the shrinkage restraint is reducing the cracking moment by about 1/3.
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From a practical standpoint, setting the restraint percentage to 30% would reduce the
cracking moment to zero (in the
absence of axial compression), cause all elements on the floor to crack, and significantly
increase deflections. Increasing the value above 30% would have very little effect, since it
would not affect cracking and would only reduce the tension stiffening effect slightly.
The following are some recommendations for the user input shrinkage restraint assuming
an ultimate shrinkage strain of 0.0004 (use engineering judgment for interpolations
• 0% - unrestrained or very lightly restrained slabs (flexible columns only, single stiff
• 10% - normally restrained slabs (more than one stiff element, some flexibility)
• 20% - completely restrained slabs (basement walls around entire perimeter, etc.
causing a high degree of restraint)
For other values of shrinkage strain, the percentages can be calculated based on an
appropriate reduction to the cracking moment using the simple numerical example above.
For example, for a given shrinkage strain and a desired reduction in cracking moment of
33%, the user input shrinkage restraint would be calculate from fr*0.33/(E*)
fr = modulus of rupture
= shrinkage strain
Ageing Coefficient
The ageing coefficient accounts for the rate of application loading for the calculation of
creep effects. The RAM Concept Manual describes this parameter as follows:
“An ageing coefficient is used as a modifier of creep to account for the rate of application
loading, its effect on the creep and the variation of concrete strength over the time period.
While the rigorous calculation of the coefficient is rather involved, this value can normally
be taken as 0.8 with little loss in accuracy.”
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See Also
Load History Article
Created by Karl G
When: Thu, Mar 8 2012 9:22 PM
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