8051 Assembler
8051 Assembler
8051 Assembler
8051 Assembler (Keil)
The following components are included in the A51 8051 Assembler Kit:
The A51 assembler translates assembler source files into a relocatable object
modules. The DEBUG control adds full symbolic information to the object module
and supports debugging with the µVision3 Debugger or an in-circuit emulator. In
addition to object files, the A51 assembler generates list files which optionally
may include symbol table and cross reference information.
µVision3 IDE
The µVision3 IDE from Keil Software combines project management, make
facilities, source code editing, program debugging, and complete simulation in one
powerful environment. µVision3 helps you get programs working faster than ever
while providing an easy-to-use development platform. The editor and debugger are
integrated into a single application and provide a seamless embedded project
development environment.
The BL51 Linker processes object files created by the Keil C51 Compiler and A51
Assembler and the Intel PL/M-51 Compiler and ASM-51 Assembler. These object
modules must adhere to the OMF51 object module specification. BL51 outputs an
absolute OMF51 object module that may be loaded into practically any emulator,
the Keil µVision3 Debugger, or the OH51 Object-HEX converter (to create an Intel
HEX file).
Intel HEX files are ASCII files that contain a hexadecimal representation of your
program. They easily may be loaded into a device programmer for writing EPROMs
or other memory devices.
All the above components also are included as part of the 8051 Compiler and
Assembler package, as well as the 8051 Professional Developer's Kit package.