Sustainability & Sustainable Development
Sustainability & Sustainable Development
Sustainability & Sustainable Development
A Definition: Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own
The UK Government’s Strategy for sustainable development has four main aims. These are:
social progress which recognises the needs of everyone;
effective protection of the environment;
prudent use of natural resources; and
maintenance of high and stable levels of economic growth and employment.
For the UK, priorities for the future are:
more investment in people and equipment for a competitive economy;
reducing the level of social exclusion;
promoting a transport system which provides choice, and also minimises environmental
harm and reduces congestion;
improving the larger towns and cities to make them better places to live and work;
directing development and promoting agricultural practices to protect and enhance the
countryside and wildlife;
improving energy efficiency and tackling waste;
working with others to achieve sustainable development internationally.
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A Sustainable Framework
- Reduction
- Reuse
- Recovery
i) material recycling
ii) composting
- Disposal
Waste Management Paper 26B (Landfill Design, Construction and Operational Practice)
sets out that future landfills are to be sustainable!
‘Sustainable’ with regard to landfills is taken to mean that this generation will not leave problems
for future generations. This implies a timescale of 30 - 50 years during which the landfill should be
managed so as to optimise the bioreactor process. At the end of the 30-50 year timescale the
landfill may be releasing gases and leachate into the environment but these will be released at an
acceptable rate. The acceptable rate is the rate which can be safely returned to the environment.
It is dependent upon the quality and rate of the release and is determined using risk assessment.
Waste Management Paper 26B (Landfill Design, Construction and Operational Practice),
Department of the Environment, HMSO,
ISBN 0-11-753185-5
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MPG6 (Mineral Planning Guideline 6) gives the objectives of sustainable development for
minerals planning as:
a) to conserve minerals as far as possible, whilst ensuring an adequate supply to meet the
needs of society for minerals;
b) to minimise the production of waste and to encourage efficient use of materials, including
appropriate use of high quality materials, and recycling of waste;
The Scottish Office Environment Department, National Planning Policy Guideline, NPPG 4,
Land For Mineral Working, April 1994,
ISSN 1350-6153, ISBN 0 7480 0897 7
Environmentalists tend to believe that, ecologically speaking, things are getting worse and
worse. Bjorn Lomborg, once deep green himself, argues that they are wrong in almost
every particular.
These environmentalists, led by such veterans as Paul Ehrlich of Stanford University, and Lester
Brown of the Worldwatch Institute, have developed a sort of “litany” of four big environmental
• Natural resources are running out.
• The population is ever growing, leaving less and less to eat.
• Species are becoming extinct in vast numbers: forests are disappearing and fish stocks are
• The planet's air and water are becoming ever more polluted.
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The price of life (source: T. Tengs et al, Risk Analysis, Cost of saving one year of on
June 1995 person’s life (1993$)
Why is the perception that things are getting worse when in fact they may not be?
One is the lopsidedness built into scientific research. Research money goes to areas
where there are many problems and the problems are perceived to be big. Therefore, it is
in the interest of researchers to “exaggerate”. The next time you here about some startling
finding notice how the researcher involved when asked what can we do will say “What we
need is more research to study this problem”.
Environmental groups need to be noticed by the mass media. One way of doing this is to
raise the awareness of environmental problems and talking of environmental successes
does not do this.
Bad news sells more newspapers, television and internet space than good news.
People tend to have a poor perception of the global situation. For example, if you life
somewhere that has bad air pollution you will tend to believe that this is true throughout the
world. The graph above suggests that, for London at least, things are betting better from
and air pollution point of view.
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Here is another discussion of Sustainability taken from the Web site of a group that would
be considered deeply green:
3. Come mainly from the qualities of being human (i.e. creativity, communication,
coordination, appreciation, and spiritual and intellectual development.)
Sustainable development
Because we are committed to the ideal of sustainable development, we signed the
International Chamber of Commerce Business Charter in 1991. We are actively pursuing
sustainability by:
Integrating environmental activities into business operations.
Being open in our communications - both internally and externally.
Co-operating in environmental issues within the company itself and with our external
Sustainability is all about growth without exhausting the natural resources that future
generations may need. The problem is tackled in two ways:
Dematerialization - an environmental term which means that fewer materials are
needed to create better products. Mobile phone manufacture is a good example of
this: years ago, a portable phone that may have weighed 15 kilograms delivered an
indifferent talk-only service. Today, mobiles weighing just less than 200 grams can
provide a variety of high-speed, high-quality digital services including voice, text
messages, fax and the Internet.
Immaterialization - a term used to describe how technology can supplant the need
for physical products by replacing them with services. For example, downloading a
video over the Internet can save a journey to the video shop. Equally, network
services can dispense with the need for a telephone answering machine.
A Definition: Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own
With regards to engineering you should consider the following to help you maximise the
“sustainability” of a ground engineering procedure or project. These are:
In many cases there will be a conflict between different aspects of the above. For example one
solution might minimise resource use while another solution will minimise long term energy use.
In these cases we must use our judgement as engineers to find the “most sustainable” solution.