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Cardiff University

Prospectus 2019
Proud to be a top 10 UK and
world top 100 university
Source: Academic Ranking of World Universities 2017

At Cardiff University we aim to be a world-
leading, research-excellent, educationally
outstanding university, driven by creativity
and curiosity.
We value the contributions that our postgraduate students
make to the University and its aims, and seek to offer a
challenging and supportive environment in which you can
achieve your personal goals.
We look forward to welcoming you to Cardiff in the near future.

Studying at Cardiff University has been such a rewarding

experience, both academically and socially. I wouldn’t have
continued into postgraduate study had it not been for the expert
guidance and encouragement from the faculty at Cardiff. The
staff have been very supportive and have propelled me on in my
ambitions of a successful academic career. Living in Cardiff has
been really beneficial to my studies as the facilities and libraries
are excellent. Cardiff also has a vibrant arts and literature scene
and great venues for experiencing all that the city has to offer.
Ameila, MA English Literature

Important legal information

The contents of this prospectus relate to the Entry 2019 admissions
cycle and are correct at the time of going to press in June 2018. However,
there is a lengthy period of time between printing this prospectus and
applications being made to and processed by us, so please check our
website before making an application in case there are any changes
to the course you are interested in or to other facilities and services
described here.
Where there is a difference between the contents of this prospectus
and our website, the contents of the website take precedence and
represent the basis on which we intend to deliver our services to you.
Any offer of a place to study at Cardiff University is subject to
terms and conditions, which can be found on our website and which you are advised to read
before making an application. If you are not able to access
information online please contact us:
Tel: +44 (0)29 2087 0084
Your degree: Students admitted to Cardiff University study for a
Cardiff University degree

Over 8,500 postgraduates
from more than 100 countries
Source: HESA Student Record 2016/17


About Cardiff
04 Cardiff – a Capital City 17 English Language
06 Teaching and Facilities Programmes
08 Research 18 Living in Cardiff
10 Doctoral Academy 20 Students’ Union
12 Careers and Employability 22 Cardiff University Sport
14 Student Services 25 Funding
16 International Students 26 Study Options

Academic Schools
30 Architecture 83 Law
35 Biosciences 88 Mathematics
38 Business 91 Medicine
43 Chemistry 97 Modern Languages
46 Computer Science and 100 Music
Informatics 102 Optometry and Vision
50 Dentistry Sciences
53 Earth and Ocean Sciences 104 Pharmacy and
55 Engineering Pharmaceutical Sciences
59 English, Communication 107 Physics and Astronomy
and Philosophy 110 Politics and International
63 Geography and Planning Relations
69 Healthcare Sciences 113 Psychology
73 History, Archaeology and 116 Social Sciences
Religion 121 Welsh
79 Journalism, Media and

Further Information
124 How to Apply 132 Research Programmes
127 Fees and Areas Index
128 Campus Maps 134 Travelling to Cardiff
130 Taught Programmes Index University

Cardiff is a prosperous and
attractive city, bounded by
an historic waterfront area
on one side and beautiful
countryside on the other,
and with good public
transport links.
The Complete University Guide

Top 3 capital city

for quality of life
Source: Most recent European Commission Quality of Life in
European Cities Survey

Cardiff – a Capital City

Cardiff - a Capital City

Cardiff is a thriving and attractive city which The city is one of the UK’s best
shopping destinations with the
is widely recognised as an outstanding place St David’s Dewi Sant Shopping
in which to live and study. Centre standing alongside
pedestrianised shopping streets,
Cardiff caters for many tastes, Cardiff has an abundance of indoor and outdoor markets
offering everything from the urban green spaces. Our parks and a fascinating network of
excitement of the city to the and gardens reach right into the glass-canopied Victorian and
peace and tranquillity of the heart of the city, with extensive Edwardian shopping arcades.
nearby coast and countryside. areas of peaceful parks and
The quality of the ‘Cardiff gardens close to the city centre. Sport for Everyone
Experience’ is such that the Cardiff is one of the UK’s major
city is widely recognised as an Vibrant City Life sporting centres with facilities
outstanding place in which to When it comes to entertainment, and events to please both
live and study. Cardiff is well-equipped. In competitors and spectators. The
addition to the facilities provided Cardiff City Stadium is home to
A City with Character, in our Students’ Union, there are Cardiff
Heritage and Ambition a multitude of cafés, pubs and City football team ‘the
Cardiff combines all the nightclubs a short distance from Bluebirds’, while rugby is played
advantages of a compact, the main University buildings. at the famous Cardiff Arms Park
friendly and inexpensive The world-acclaimed Welsh and first-class cricket (including
location with the cultural and National Opera is based in international matches) takes
recreational facilities of a Cardiff, while for those who place at the SWALEC Stadium.
modern capital city. prefer drama, Cardiff has two The atmosphere in the city on
Cardiff has a distinctive thriving theatres and a large an international match day is
character, a good quality of life, well-established arts centre. one not to be missed! The city
and a growing national and There are also comedy clubs and boasts one of currently only 10
international reputation. It hosts several multi-screen cinemas in Olympic-sized swimming pools
numerous major sports, arts the city centre. Concerts to suit in the UK, a white water rafting
and cultural events and, as the all tastes are held at the world- and canoe centre, an ice rink
capital city of Wales, it is home class Wales Millennium Centre, and facilities to play a range of
to many national institutions. the Motorpoint Arena and St other sports.
These include the National David’s Hall.
Museum Cardiff and the 74,500
Beyond Cardiff
Cardiff Bay is regarded as
seat Principality Stadium, home one of the most successful The surrounding countryside
of Welsh rugby. regeneration projects in the offers attractive scenery and
UK, a modern development opportunities for all kinds of
of homes, shops, bars, outdoor pursuits, such as hiking,
restaurants, offices, an rambling and rock climbing.
entertainment complex, visitor The coast is easily accessible
attractions, sport facilities, the with the Wales Coast Path,
Wales Millennium Centre, the which is recognised as having
distinctive Roath Lock, the BBC national importance for its
TV production studio, and the outstanding scenery, wildlife and
National Assembly for Wales, all historic features.
surrounding a huge freshwater The Brecon Beacons National
lake. Park includes four distinct
mountain ranges.

Teaching and Facilities
Teaching and learning take place in an levels of subject specific
and transferable skills,
environment which enables interaction independence and teamwork,
with academics at the forefront of research which are all attributes valued
by employers.
knowledge and creates a stimulating
environment for study. Languages For All
Language learning opens doors
Our teaching has received employers can have confidence to new experiences, expands
robust endorsement from the in the quality and standards of your networks and improves
Quality Assurance Agency for our teaching and awards. your employability.
Higher Education (QAA). The Our teaching and learning at We offer a flexible and
QAA audit confirmed that postgraduate level encourages innovative choice of study
prospective students and the development of higher options designed to fit with your

Teaching and Facilities
degree, so that you can learn to receive a grant to study or Open Access IT rooms across
a new language or develop work in a European country for the campus, some of which are
your existing skills. We provide 2-12 months, as part of your open 24 hours a day, 7 days a
weekly short courses, as well as postgraduate degree, subject to week, are freely available for
autonomous learning for further agreement from your Academic you to use. The IT Service Desk
practice or independent study. School. provides IT help and advice, and
Our programmes use the The Erasmus+ programme is an support is available 24/7.
latest technology and teaching exciting opportunity to become The Cardiff Supercomputing
methods to ensure that you are immersed in a different culture, Facility provides high
able to make the most of your make new friends and improve performance computing services
language learning at the times your language skills. for our researchers and research
and the places that best suit students.
you. IT Facilities
Our modern IT facilities enable Libraries
Courses are currently offered easy access to a range of Our modern libraries are
at a variety of levels in: support, tools and resources welcoming, comfortable and
• Arabic to support your study and offer a wide range of information
• Italian research. The University- resources in print and online.
wide wireless network covers We provide a flexible study and
• German
University buildings and our research environment, with
• Russian owned residences. study spaces to suit all learning
• Mandarin Chinese The University network provides needs, and long opening hours,
• French you with access to a wide including evenings and weekends
• Japanese range of software applications throughout the year and 24/7
and collaboration tools. Your opening in our two main sites.
• Spanish
University username and There are more than 1.3m
• Portuguese password enable you to access printed books in the library
online resources and services, collection and an extensive
Students can also study Welsh including email and networked range of online resources
through the ‘Welsh for All’ file storage. You will also have including eJournals, eBooks,
provision. a free subscription to Microsoft indexes, databases, statistical
Office 365 products (Microsoft collections and full text archives.
Office ProPlus) for the duration Research students, in particular,
Erasmus+ is an exchange of your studies. benefit from an extensive range
programme which allows you of specialist collections.

Continuing Professional
We offer a vast range of part-
time courses in a variety of
subject areas. Courses are
offered in the daytime, evening
and at weekends to suit busy
postgraduates who wish to
enhance their CV, improve
business/project management
skills or would like to broaden
their learning experience.

Top 5 UK university
for research quality
Source: Research Excellence Framework 2014


Advancing our understanding of dementia, Research Excellence
working with the Laser Interferometer Framework (REF) 2014:
Overall ranking of universities
Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO), and (Top 30):
shaping the society in which we live; our Rank University Grade Point
researchers are helping to create a stronger, Average*

healthier and more sustainable world. 1 Imperial College

3 University of Oxford 3.34
We are a member of the Russell innovation in fields such as
4 University of Cambridge 3.33
Group – the UK’s ‘Ivy League’ of cyber security, biodiversity
5 Cardiff University 3.27
leading research universities. management and engineering
6 KCL 3.23
We were ranked 5th among UK design.
7 University of Warwick 3.22
universities when judged on Our nine flagship Research 8 University College 3.22
research quality and 2nd on Institutes bring together London
research impact in the most academic talents from across 9 London School of Hygiene 3.20
recent Research Excellence a range of disciplines to tackle and Tropical Medicine
Framework (REF 2014). 87% some of the biggest challenges 10 Queen Mary University 3.18
of London
of our submitted research was facing society, the economy and
11 University of Edinburgh 3.18
rated as world-leading (4*) the environment. 12 University of Bristol 3.18
or internationally excellent The impact of our research 13 University of Sheffield 3.17
(3*) – the top two categories continues to reach far beyond 14 University of Bath 3.17
of assessment. Notably, 15 the journals in which it is 15 University of York 3.17
out of 27 of our academic published. Our expertise puts us 16 University of Manchester 3.16
disciplines were rated in in demand with policy-makers, 17 University of Southampton 3.15
the top 10 on quality. This non-governmental organisations 18 Lancaster University 3.15
national assessment exercise, and industry alike. 19 University of Durham 3.14
undertaken periodically by the 20 University of St Andrews 3.13
In recent years, we have won
UK funding bodies, confirmed 21 University of Leeds 3.13
circa. £121m per annum in new
our place as a world-leading 22 University of East Anglia 3.11
research grants and contracts.
centre of research excellence. 23 University of Glasgow 3.10
This research excellence 24 Swansea University 3.09
Our health and biosciences
benefits both postgraduate 25 Royal Holloway, 3.09
research embraces laboratory University of London
taught and research students,
science through drug 26 University of Nottingham 3.09
who are able to study in a
development to major clinical 27 Newcastle University 3.09
vibrant, research-intensive
trials. We investigate the natural 28 University of Exeter 3.08
environment where academic
world, with research that 29 University of Birmingham 3.07
staff are among the leading
brings direct improvements to 30 Cranfield University 3.07
scholars in their field.
ecosystems around the globe.
Instruments designed here are REF is a major assessment of research
probing the furthest reaches of • 5th in quality among undertaken periodically by the UK funding
bodies. The results are ranked in a number
space, as well as the ocean floor UK universities of ways, one of the most common being
and beneath the earth’s crust. • 2nd in impact among ‘Grade Point Average’ (GPA). GPA is a
measure of the overall or average quality
Research into climate change UK universities of research. It is calculated by multiplying
is complemented by work to • 87% of our submitted the percentage of research in each of
the five quality categories (4* to 1* and
find sustainable alternatives to research was rated as unclassified) by its rating, adding them
industrial processes and energy world-leading or all together and dividing by 100. Further
production, while our computer information about REF is available on our
internationally excellent. website.
scientists are delivering
Doctoral Academy
w A central source for doctoral students to access a comprehensive range of
workshops and support, to help progress their research and develop their careers
w Regular interdisciplinary activities enable a network of researchers and a
stimulating research environment
w Annual student-led conferences and other research showcase events
w Guest speakers such as Hugh Kearns, writer of ‘The Seven Secrets of Highly
Successful Research Students’
w Access to a nurturing community of postgraduate researchers helping you develop
links outside of your specialism and with local industry
w Overall satisfaction with the research degree is significantly above the sector
average (PRES 2017) (85% compared to 82% for the sector)
w We outperform the sector in all thematic areas, with particular strengths
in ‘resources to support research’ and ‘progress and assessment’.

Doctoral Academy
Undertaking Doctoral Research An increasing number of topics Doctoral Training
is intellectually stimulating, are offered via online courses or Programmes
challenging and unlike other videos, available to researchers
forms of study at the University. whenever they wish to access As a world-leading, research
For that reason, the Doctoral them. intensive university, we
Academy runs ‘Starting Out’ are involved in a range of
induction sessions in November Interdisciplinary and dedicated doctoral training
and at each of the additional Funding Opportunities programmes. Funded by the
enrolment points (January, April UK Research Councils or
In addition to courses, the
and July). These events will charitable organisations, these
Doctoral Academy enables
introduce you to the nature of a programmes offer excellent
researcher development by
research degree, to the support postgraduate research
providing opportunities for
available for your research and opportunities, spanning many
involvement in student-led
career development and to other of our areas of research
conferences, and offering
research students, who will excellence.
funding for student-led
become your friends, colleagues interdisciplinary activities. Nearly We are also currently leading
and perhaps even collaborators. £10,000 has been awarded to or participating in a range
The research and professional this year’s researchers to enable of specific doctoral training
skills development programme them to gain experience and initiatives, such as UK Research
offered by the Doctoral Academy develop skills by running their Council sponsored Doctoral
has several elements: formal own events and initiatives. Training Partnerships (DTPs) or
training workshops, careers Centres for Doctoral Training
There are also public events
events, community events and (CDTs). These initiatives bring
to showcase doctoral research
student-led activity. together a consortium of key
such as ‘Images of Research’
universities and also other
Supporting the and the ‘Three Minute Thesis’.
research, industrial and third
Researcher Journey These help researchers practice
sector organisations.
communicating their research in
Topics include a range an accessible and practical way There are also fully funded
of research skills, which which is crucial to successfully studentships available helping
complement the training utilising your PhD. cover tuition fees, living costs,
provided at Academic School and some research training
and research group level, as well Access to GW4 Resources grants. For current opportunities
as broader areas of research Cardiff University is part of the go to and
management and professional GW4 Alliance which enables us search doctoral training
development. to offer our researchers access initiatives.
to specialist, flagship equipment
The focus of our
across the West including
programme is:
Bath, Bristol and Exeter
• Transition Universities. We are also a part
• Acquisition of the GW4 Doctoral Student
• Completion Training Scheme helping us to
• Employment provide our researchers with
the opportunity and funds
This enables us to support our to develop discipline specific
researchers on their journey as training.
new researchers, helping build
confidence, skills, persistence
and a fulfilling career.

94% of postgraduates were in
employment and/or further
study six months after graduation
Source: DLHE Survey, 2015/16

Completing a postgraduate qualification at Cardiff University

can equip you with various skills and attributes that would
support your application to a professional services firm like
PwC. Experiences from your postgraduate qualification in
Cardiff can help you to stand out in our application process and
increase your chances of success.
Jennifer, Senior Associate Student Recruitment, PwC

Careers and Employability

Careers and Employability

Whatever the stage of your career journey, • All students have access
to a careers account, where
our Careers and Employability team are here you can search graduate
to support you in achieving your goal. employment opportunities
with organisations recruiting
• Work closely with your subject directly from Cardiff University,
In Graduate Market 2018, specific Careers Adviser and book events and access our
Cardiff ranked within the top Employability Officer to plan wealth of career resources.
25 for universities targeted your career and prepare you
for the recruitment process International Students
by the largest number of top
employers in 2017-18. We into your desired industry. Our Careers Advisers are
also feature in the top 25 • Attend our many careers on-hand to provide support,
universities targeted by The fairs, employer presentations resources and guidance to help
Times Top 100 Graduate and employer-led workshops you research career pathways
Employers. covering topics such as career and opportunities in the UK and
planning, CVs, applications your home country.
• 94.4% of our UK, full-
time, Postgraduate and interviews. We have We also have specialist events
Research students were in hundreds of employers on and information resources to
employment and/or further campus throughout the year help our international students
study six months after who are looking to recruit explore their career options in
graduation (DLHE survey Cardiff University students. the UK, at home and overseas
2015/16) • Access over 2000 registered after graduation.
• 94.0% of our UK, full- employers on the Cardiff
time, Postgraduate University Jobs Board. You
Taught students were in can narrow your search
employment and/or further criteria by job sector,
study six months after location and salary to find
graduation (DLHE survey opportunities that suit you.
2015/16) • Build your experience with
paid graduate internship
opportunities provided by
Our Careers and Employability Employers
our Work Experience Team,
team offer a wide range of Here are just some of the
register when you enrol.
services to support you with your employers our postgraduates
career development during your • Bring your ideas to life with
have been able to secure
time at Cardiff University and support from the Enterprise
employment with:
beyond: team to nurture your idea for
a business, social enterprise Admiral, Atkins, BAE
• Explore your options and find Systems, BBC, Bloomberg,
or freelance work. Access
out where your postgraduate Cap Gemini, Citibank
tailored support to help start
study can lead you by Group, Deloitte, Eversheds,
or grow your business with 1:1
researching your ideas on EY, GE Healthcare, HSBC,
mentoring, access to funding
our online Careers Advice IBM, Jaguar Land Rover,
and office space. You can
webpages: Microsoft, NHS, Office for
attend weekly workshops on National Statistics, PwC, Sky
a variety of topics including
advice News, TATA Steel and the UK
investment, crowdfunding,
digital marketing, networking, Government.
pitching and more.

Student Services
At Cardiff University, we have a range of loans, debts, childcare, housing,
academic matters and other
services dedicated to helping you to make welfare issues.
the most of student life. The team offers financial
advice on funding, benefits
It is important to us that our The Advice and Money team and placement year funding, in
students feel that they have the offers free, impartial, non- addition to overseeing financial
support they need in order to judgemental and confidential support services for students
thrive during their time with us. advice, face-to-face, over the experiencing money issues. A
We provide six main areas of phone and by email. This service variety of support is available
support to postgraduates. is available to prospective and for students with financial
current students in relation to difficulties, including the
a range of issues, including Financial Assistance Programme
extra funding, bursaries, fees, and Hardship funds.

Student Services
The Counselling, Health The Disability and Dyslexia organising a regular programme
and Wellbeing team offers Service offers information, of worship, lectures and social
confidential counselling and advice and guidance to current events. Our Chaplains provide
wellbeing support to students and prospective disabled a range of services, including
who wish to discuss matters of students about support that social events, opportunities to
a personal or emotional nature may help them to engage with explore religious faith and issues
which impact on their ability to their studies. We provide of social justice, confidential
study. Support is provided on confidential advice, guidance pastoral listening, quiet spaces
an individual or workshop basis and information about disability for prayer or meditation, lectures
and is supported by self-help related matters. We offer and debates, opportunities for
material. assistance with identifying worship and communal prayer,
The service works to the British your support needs and the information about local faith
Association for Counselling reasonable adjustments you communities and places of
and Psychotherapy ethical require, and liaise with your worship, and inter-faith events
framework. Academic School and other to encourage dialogue between
departments to advise on members of different religions.
For students experiencing
and implement reasonable The Day Care Centre provides
health concerns during their
adjustments. full day care facilities to students
course, a referral to the
Student Occupational Health The International Student with children aged 10 weeks to
Service may be suggested. This Support team offers confidential 5 years. Located in the heart of
confidential service will deliver advice and support for students the Cathays Campus, the Centre
an assessment and identify from outside the UK on a offers care through the medium
adjustments which may be wide range of issues including of English and basic Welsh.
needed on medical grounds immigration and visas. The staff provide children with
to assist you to meet your The Eye Clinic operated by the age-appropriate learning and
academic and/or placement School of Optometry and Vision play activities, and nutritious,
requirements. Sciences is open to students well-balanced meals catering to
who wish to have their eyesight vegetarian and other diets.
The Disclosure Response Team
examined. Early application is advisable.
are specialist University staff
who are trained to respond to A GP Surgery is conveniently The Careers and Employability
disclosures of violence and located on Park Place, near to team provides advice and
abuse. The team offer practical the Students’ Union. information, workshops, events,
help to ensure students are work experience placements
Our inter-faith University
aware of the support and and more. Page 13 has further
Chaplaincy offers advice,
reporting options within and information on Careers and
support and care, as well as
outside of the University. Employability.
supporting student groups and

Find out more . . .

Tel: +44 (0)29 2087 4844


International Students
Whatever your chosen field of study or research, you can be sure
that you will be working with internationally respected academics,
enjoying a great social life and making lifelong friends from across
the world.
w A world top 100 university in the Academic Ranking of World Universities 2017
w Over 7,500 students from more than 100 countries choose to study at Cardiff
w Accommodation is guaranteed for most international students
w One of the most affordable of the major university cities in the UK
w Postgraduate qualifications that are recognised throughout the world

International Students
A Supportive Environment English Language In-sessional Student Support
for International Students Requirements Support with academic writing,
examination techniques,
The Induction Programme Our minimum English language
listening and speaking,
A comprehensive programme requirements are typically:
pronunciation, notetaking and
in September and January; • IELTS 6.5 with 5.5 in each seminar skills.
includes a free coach collection sub-score
service in September from • TOEFL iBT 90 Teaching Quality
Cardiff and Heathrow airports. • We offer small and friendly
• Pearson Test of English 62
International Careers Advice classes
Please note that these are
The Careers and Employability • Teaching material is relevant
minimum requirements and
Service provides resources to and applicable to life in the
some programmes may ask for
help research your career path, UK today
higher requirements, details
see page 13 for more details.
of which are provided in the • Our staff are well-qualified and
Guaranteed accommodation Academic Schools section. experienced and will offer you
Cardiff is one of only a few regular feedback, and support
universities that offers high English Language and advice to make sure
quality, conveniently located Programmes that your individual language
accommodation for single Our English language teaching needs are addressed.
international students, who centre offers a variety of
apply through the normal IELTS
courses ranging from 8 weeks to
admissions process. Some 9 months, which cater for most There is an IELTS Test Centre
conditions apply, see page 19 language levels and abilities. at Cardiff University offering
for more details. Our students come from all regular test dates throughout
International Student Advisors over the world to improve their the year.
In addition to support provided English, before commencing
by your academic school, our university study in the UK.
student advisors assist with Classes are taught on campus
Find out more . . .
any issues including visas and by the University’s experienced For detailed information on all
finance. and well-qualified English aspects of applying, studying
International Student Societies language tutors. and living in Cardiff please go
Found in the Students’ Union, Summer Pre-sessional online to:
societies specifically for Programmes
international students run social international
8, 10, 12 and 20 week intensive
and cultural events, including courses are available for If you have any questions,
‘Go Global’ and our Festival of international students holding please contact one of the
Culture and Diversity. conditional offers from Cardiff educational advisers, or the
University. International Office, and we
Applying as an
English for University Study will be happy to help you:
International Student
Programme Tel: +44 (0)29 2087 4432
The International Office offers a Academic year programme with
personal and dedicated service, Email:
entry in:
to help international students
with the application and • September (from IELTS 4.0)
transitional process to studying. • January (from IELTS 4.5) international
• April (from IELTS 5.0)

Cardiff is the UK’s most
affordable university city.
NatWest Student Living Index

Living in Cardiff

Living in Cardiff
We know that where you live is very Affordable Residences
important to you. You will want to settle Residences fees depend on
a range of factors such as
quickly and live in a secure, sociable location facilities within the residence
that is also a suitable study environment. and whether residences
are catered, part-catered or
University Residences We have numerous residences, self-catered. Typically a study
with facilities, locations and bedroom in catered residences
International postgraduate costs approximately £147 per
budgets to suit most students.
students are guaranteed a week. A self-catered residence
single-occupancy place in Your choices include:
costs between £108-£137 per
University residences for the full • Single or mixed gender week (2018/19 prices for single
duration of their studies, and EU accommodation occupancy residences).
students for the first year of their • Private or shared bathrooms. Residences fees and associated
studies. About 70% of University charges are payable by Direct
We offer outstanding quality and residences have private Debit in three instalments
value with a range of residences bathrooms (usually in October, January and
to suit individual preferences • Self-catered, part-catered or April).
and budgets. fully catered (with vegetarian
Living in a University residence options) Private Sector
provides you with the • A variety of social and Accommodation
opportunity to meet and get to sporting facilities. For UK students, and for any
know students from a variety international or EU students
• A limited supply of residences
of backgrounds and studying a who wish to rent privately owned
suitable for couples or
range of different subjects. accommodation rather than
Dedicated postgraduate flats live in university residences,
*Please note this cannot be
and blocks are available so there is a good variety of
guaranteed and you should not
that you can meet, live and accommodation available in
bring your family to Cardiff until
work alongside students who the city.
suitable accommodation has
understand the demands of Our Students’ Union runs its
been secured.
postgraduate study. own professional letting agency,
In order to qualify, you must
Cardiff Student Letting, which
be an eligible full-time student
provides student houses for
and apply using the normal
many budgets and does not
admission and allocation
charge agency fees.
Advice on tenancy agreements
and other aspects of living in
private sector accommodation
is available from the Student
Unions’ Advice and
Representation Centre.
Other letting agencies are
available within the city, but you
should always ensure they are
reputable before signing any
paperwork or handing over any

Students’ Union
As soon as you enrol as a student, Eat, Relax, Study
you automatically become a member of The Students’ Union premises
have undergone major
Cardiff University Students’ Union, one of the redevelopment in the last few
biggest, best and most active in Britain. years, transforming them into
a great place to study, socialise
As a student-led, independent representative for all and relax.
part of the University, the postgraduates. Whether you Since the role of Vice President
Students’ Union represents have concerns about your Postgraduate Students was
students and provides a diverse course, issues around teaching introduced in 2015, the
and inclusive range of activities hours, or if you need social Students’ Union has done a
and services that enrich student support, the Vice President, lot of work to strengthen the
life. Postgraduate Students works to postgraduate community in
We have a designated Vice support your needs. Cardiff, including hosting events
President, Postgraduate specifically for postgraduate
Students who is a key students. From showcasing
the research our talented PhD

Top 4 Students’ Union

in the UK.
Which? University Student Survey

Students’ Union
students undertake through Jobs and Skills shop, cafés, University clothing
recognising research events, to shop, print shop, pub and a
The Students’ Union offers a
fun social events like wine tasting hairdresser. The Students’
range of courses to develop your
and quiz nights, it’s a great Union also has its own letting
skills, opportunities to volunteer
chance to get to know your fellow agency that specialises in letting
in the community, and the
postgraduate students. student accommodation.
chance to gain work experience
The Students’ Union also while you study. If you are Representation
provides a varied range of thinking of owning your own
other events that are open The Students’ Union is the
business, you can get valuable
to all students including live recognised voice of students
advice on how to get your
music, club nights, gigs and at Cardiff University, joining
idea off the ground. If you’re
performances. students in campaigning about
looking for temporary work to
the issues important to them.
earn some money while you
Advice and Welfare The Students’ Union recruits
study, the Students’ Union and
The Students’ Union has its own and trains over 1,000 Student
Cardiff University run Jobshop,
Student Advice service offering Academic Reps each year to
a dedicated service for students
free, professional, confidential represent students across 24
looking to find temporary work
and non-judgemental advice Schools.
that fits around their studies.
on a range of student issues, Reps serve as a valuable link
including academic, housing and Shops and Services between the University, the
financial issues. Within the Students’ Union Students’ Union and the student
building, you will find a range of body, ensuring that the student
Societies and Activities voice is taken seriously at every
shops and services, including
With more than 200 societies a supermarket, bank, book level.
and 60 sports clubs to choose
from, there’s plenty to keep you
busy. Joining a society or club
can be a great way, to expand
your social circle, continue with
a favourite hobby or sport, and
build contacts with like-minded
If you don’t have time to fully
commit to a club or society, the
‘Give it a Go’ programme offers
you the chance to try out a whole
host of activities. The programme
also offers day and weekend trips
throughout the year.

Student Media
There are opportunities to get
involved in our award winning
media, which include the
student newspaper ‘Gair Rhydd’,
a lifestyle magazine called
‘Quench’, as well as our own
radio and TV stations, ‘Xpress
Radio’ and ‘Cardiff Union TV’.
Cardiff University Sport
Regardless of your level of ability or from the main campus. A superb
modern multi-purpose sports
commitment, we provide an extensive range hall complements a second
of opportunities for you. sports hall and range of indoor
facilities at the centre, which
We have four main centres Sports Training Village, include two brand new glass
for sport across the University Talybont backed squash courts, a futsal
campus: court, cricket nets and fitness
This is conveniently located and conditioning suite. Outdoor
at one of our major student facilities include two floodlit
residences, just a short walk artificial pitches and two floodlit

Cardiff University Sport
multi-use hard courts, suitable Sports Fields, Llanrumney with over 100 teams across
for netball, tennis and 5-a-side netball, football and rugby
We have 33 acres of first-class
football. The centre also hosts playing every Wednesday.
grass pitches (one of which
physiotherapy services and
is floodlit) at the complex for
team conditioning sessions. High Performance
outdoor sport. In addition to the
grass pitches the site also has Sports Programme
Fitness and Conditioning
a state-of-the-art FIFA and IRB This helps students of the
Centre, Senghennydd
approved full-size 3G match highest sporting level to develop
Road pitch and includes a warm up their sporting career whilst
Located at the heart of the area and 75-seater spectator studying at Cardiff University.
main campus, facilities include stand, which means sport can Financial awards are available
a fitness suite with a wide be enjoyed throughout the to assist with training, travel
range of cardio and resistance winter months. and other essential expenses,
equipment and a newly This facility hosts many while a comprehensive support
refurbished conditioning suite University sports fixtures, and programme ensures individuals
with a full range of Olympic international competitions, as have the necessary environment
lifting platforms and functional well as visiting international to excel in their given sport.
training equipment. The centre touring teams. Areas of support include;
has been used by international physical preparation such as
teams including the New Sports Clubs physiotherapy, sports massage
Zealand and Australian rugby and strength and conditioning
We provide you with the
teams who used the facility coaching, to other areas of
opportunity to participate in
ahead of matches against support such as lifestyle
both elite and recreational sport.
Wales. The centre is suitable management and academic
Currently there are over 60 clubs
for all abilities, from beginners support.
for men and women, ranging
through to professional athletes.
from traditional sports (such Cardiff University together
The centre offers a friendly and as rugby and cricket) to martial with the University of South
personal approach to health arts, motorsports and water Wales and Cardiff Metropolitan
and fitness services, such as sports. University forms one of the
personal training, individual UK’s six centres of cricketing
Many of our clubs compete
programme design, fitness excellence. Funded by the
in the British Universities
testing, and nutrition advice. Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC),
and Colleges Sport (BUCS)
the Centre helps to ensure
Studio 49, Park Place competition, where teams travel
all over Wales and England that the best young cricketers
The studio is centrally located can combine higher education
battling it out for BUCS points
on Park Place, close to the with opportunities to develop
with other universities.
Students’ Union. It is the home their cricket. In addition,
to a wide range of fitness Cardiff competes at the very
Cardiff University together with
classes to suit all abilities. The highest level of university sport
Welsh Triathlon and Cardiff
centre offers a range of fitness with eight clubs taking part in
Metropolitan University form the
classes including spin, zumba, the BUCS Premier League. In
National Triathlon Performance
yoga, pilates and aerobics. 2016/17, we ranked in the top
Centre Wales, providing a
12 UK universities competing in
performance environment for
the BUCS competition.
talented elite level triathletes.
If you are looking for a less
formal format of competition we
also have an extremely popular
intra-mural games programme


Securing funding for postgraduate study • professional career
development loans worth
is an important consideration for most between £300 and £10,000
students. Most funding sources are highly are available for some types
of programmes and to UK
competitive and are subject to various residents
conditions. • charities, trusts and
foundations offer a wealth
You should research your • international students are of funding for postgraduate
funding options early to ensure also advised to investigate study. We have subscribed
that you can meet application funding opportunities offered to the Alternative Guide to
deadlines. Even if you can’t within their own country with Postgraduate Funding, giving
find full funding for your the British Council and other you access to a range of
programme, you may be able to external funding providers resources to find and apply
find funding from a number of • our Unistaff Jobshop can help for funding from these
different sources. In fact, many you secure part-time, casual
of our students have funded • many course websites offer
and regular employment scholarship competitions to
their programmes through a within the University and local
combination of the sources prospective students
listed below. • crowdfunding and peer-to-
• UK government postgraduate peer loans are a new and
• Through our Master’s loans for master’s
Excellence Scholarship innovative means by which
programmes are available for other postgraduate students
scheme, we are committed those UK students who fulfil
to investing up to a total of have funded their studies.
the eligibility criteria
£500,000 in this competitive
scheme, to support high
calibre UK students who are
planning to start an eligible
master’s programme in
September 2019
• we run a highly prestigious
international scholarship
scheme to support
exceptional international
• the seven UK Research
Councils fund UK/EU
research students on a
competitive basis through our
doctoral training programmes
(see page 10)
• throughout the year, we
advertise a range of funded
PhD projects and places

Study Options
We offer a wide range of postgraduate Distance Learning
taught and research degrees with flexible A number of our courses
are available via distance or
study options to suit your individual eLearning (these are labelled
circumstances. ‘DL’ in the course listings within
the Academic School pages).
The Postgraduate Diploma These courses provide you
Taught Degrees with the flexibility to study in a
(PgDip) offers the same level of
Taught master’s programmes convenient location and at a
specialised knowledge and the
involve a period of structured speed and intensity that suits
same structured teaching as a
teaching, normally over two you.
master’s degree but without the
semesters full-time, combining
dissertation component. A PgDip Blended Learning
instruction through lectures,
is comprised of 120 credits.
seminars, tutorials, directed Some of our programmes are
reading and independent as Postgraduate Certificate offered as blended learning
well as practical work. For a (PgCert) programmes are less (BL). Blended learning combines
full master’s programme, this extensive than PgDip and are face-to-face classroom methods
is followed by the preparation comprised of 60 credits. with computer-mediated
and submission of an individual You can also choose to study a activities or online provision.
dissertation or final project. range of individual modules on a
Some courses may also include stand-alone basis. Benefits of a
industrial or work-related The majority of our taught Taught Degree
placements. A full master’s postgraduate programmes have • Study a subject you enjoy in
programme is comprised of 180 only one start date per year. more depth
credits. This is in the autumn term, and • increase your career
for academic year 2019/20 it prospects by developing a
is the week commencing stronger academic and/or
23 September 2019. vocational profile
• change career direction with a
conversion degree
• develop your transferable
skills to a higher level.

Degree Classification Mode of Study Period of Study

Master’s degree, e.g. MA, MSc, MScEcon, Full-time (FT) Normally 1 year
MBA, MTh, LLM, MDA Part-time (PT) Normally 2 to 3 years
MScD taught or MClinDent (for dental graduates) FT 3 years
Postgraduate Diploma (PgDip) FT Normally 9 months
PT Normally 18 to
21 months
Postgraduate Certificate (PgCert) FT Normally 6 to 9 months
PT Normally 2 semesters

Study Options
Research Degrees The type of research you are Our preferred start date for
Research degrees involve the engaged in and your experience the majority of our research
in-depth study of a specified of undertaking postgraduate programmes is 1 October. You
field over an extensive period. research will differ depending may also commence a PhD or
The results of this research are on whether you are studying for MPhil in January, April or July,
written in the form of a thesis a lab-based research degree or subject to the agreement of the
or dissertation, demonstrating one within the arts, humanities Academic School.
an original contribution of and social sciences.
Benefits of a
knowledge or practice to their Increasingly, institutions
chosen discipline. offer research degrees that Research Degree
contain some structured • Make a valuable contribution
Opportunities for supervised
teaching, such as our Master of to knowledge and society in a
research are available in all our
Research (MRes) programmes, subject area you love
Academic Schools.
Professional Doctorates and • develop more specialised
We encourage you to explore our PhD in Economics. These knowledge and expertise
opportunities in Academic programmes provide advanced
Schools outside your original • increase your career
research training and specialist prospects by developing a
degree subject, as you may knowledge before you embark
find that many of them offer stronger research profile
on your specific research project.
research areas that link with • develop your intellect
your area of interest. • develop new skills and
problem-solving abilities.

Degree Classification Mode of Study Period of Study

PhD Full-time (FT) Normally 3 to 4 years
Part-time (PT) Normally 5 to 7 years
EngD FT 4 years
Professional Doctorates in Psychology FT 3 years
(DClinPsy, DEdPsy)
Professional Doctorates in Education (EdD), PT Normally 4 to 7 years
Social Work (DSW), Health Studies (DHS),
Social and Public Policy (SPPD) or Nursing (DNurs)
Advanced Healthcare Science and Practice (DAHSP) PT 5 to 7 years
MPhil, MScD by research (for dental graduates) FT 1 to 2 years
PT Minimum of 2 years
MD (for medical graduates) FT 2 to 3 years
PT 3 to 5 years
MRes FT 1 year
PT 2 years

Academic Schools
30 Architecture
35 Biosciences
38 Business
43 Chemistry
46 Computer Science
and Informatics
50 Dentistry
53 Earth and Ocean
55 Engineering
59 English, Communication
and Philosophy
63 Geography and
68 Healthcare Sciences
73 History, Archaeology
and Religion
79 Journalism, Media
and Culture
83 Law
88 Mathematics
91 Medicine
97 Modern Languages
100 Music
102 Optometry and
Vision Sciences
104 Pharmacy and
107 Physics and Astronomy
110 Politics and
International Relations
113 Psychology
116 Social Sciences
121 Welsh


The Welsh School of Architecture is one of the top-ranked schools

of architecture in the UK. Through our research and teaching we
seek to create a built environment that enhances people’s lives
without destroying the planet for future generations.

We provide a vibrant Our record of teaching We were ranked

collaborative excellence is reflected top for research
environment and in the popularity of impact in the field of
a strong studio our courses and the architecture and the
culture with people strength of our position built environment in
from diverse across the key league the 2014 Research
national, cultural tables Excellence Framework
and professional

“Apart from my passion for research, I decided to undertake the degree due to the career
flexibility options it provides. While undergoing the process of applying for a PhD, the
wonderful help and advice from my potential supervisor further encouraged me to study
here. I am glad I came here because the experience has been wonderful (though not
without its challenges!). The highlight of my experience as a research student was being
selected (with seven others) to represent the University at a competition. I came here with
a lot of expectations; I haven’t been disappointed.”
Feyikemi PhD Architecture

30 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning

Postgraduate Taught

to include the design of more construction industry organisation.
Architectural Design complex buildings and the It is taught by blended learning
This one year full-time MA in demands of urban design. methods using the internet, and
Architectural Design is aimed Example modules include: supplemented by short Cardiff-
at students who are looking for Design in Practice; Research based courses.
a rich, engaging and design- Preparation; Reflective Practice; Example modules include:
focused postgraduate programme, Design Thesis; Practice, Industry Context; Construction
but do not wish to qualify as a Management and Economics. Contracts; Professional Services;
UK registered architect. In the Professional Practice
MArch: 2 years FT with sandwich
programme, we will focus on using
year Blended learning:
design-led research to inform your
Entry requirements: Welsh School PgDip: 1 year FT, 2 years PT
learning and investigation. You
will develop your existing design of Architecture graduates must Entry requirements: To apply
skills by focusing on how design normally have our degree of BSc for this course we require you to
thinking might address current in Architectural Studies with at hold the qualifications prescribed
global challenges. You will explore least a 2:2 honours classification by the Architects Registration
problems by making and testing and a mark of 55% or higher in Board (ARB) at Part 1 and Part
design propositions, introducing design modules. 2, plus a minimum of 12 months
and developing established If you are entering from another professional experience compliant
knowledge. School, you would normally need with ARB requirements.
Example modules include: at least a 2:1 class degree or Occasionally we may waive this
Architectural Design and Research; equivalent qualification, which criteria in cases where candidates
Analysis of Precedent; Issues in carries exemption from the Part 1 are in the process of having non-
Contemporary Architecture; Low of the RIBA. In all cases, a strong compliant qualifications approved
Carbon Buildings; and Architectural design portfolio is a requisite. by ARB and/or are sitting the ARB
Technology. Contact: Architecture Admissions Prescribed Examination.
MA: 1 year FT Administrator Candidates who are not intending
e: to become registered architects,
Entry requirements: 2:1 minimum
t: +44 (0)29 2087 5963 or who are already registered, are
with strong performance in design
advised to consider the Master of
project work.
Architecture: Design Administration degree.
Architectural Studies Professional Practice English language: IELTS 7.0
Our MArch is a unique two-year In this programme, students will
programme. In the first year of acquire an in-depth understanding Building Diagnostics for
study, you will predominantly be of the legal and economic aspects Energy and Environmental
based in an architectural practice, of architectural practice and Performance
undertaking a combination of construction procurement, and Our MSc Building Diagnostics
practice-based and academic hone the related skills necessary for Energy and Environmental
work. Throughout the course, to practice effectively on entry into Performance aims to give
we explore the full range of the architectural profession. students a solid foundation in
skills required to be an architect The programme is designed to the evaluation of the operational
and enable you to develop be undertaken whilst in full- performance of buildings for
your personal and professional time employment within an energy and environmental
experience. We build on and architectural practice or related aspects. The programme will
extend your existing knowledge,

Entry requirements English language Contact

Please see individual IELTS 6.5 unless stated. Unless otherwise stated, contact
programmes. Carys Meredith
t: +44 (0)29 2087 9693 31
focus on improving the energy Contact: Dr Gabriela Zapata- computer science, or for
and environmental performance Lancaster professionals who wish to develop
of existing buildings through e: a specialisation in computational
a better understanding of t: +44 (0)29 2087 0643 methods in architecture.
how to diagnose problems in Applicants should normally hold
these areas, and by integrating Computational Methods a first or upper second class
technical and occupant-centred Honours degree. We require
in Architecture
approaches. It will prepare you prospective students to submit a
for a future career across a range This course addresses the personal statement and portfolio,
of roles in facilities and building need for creative professionals accompanied by an endorsement
management, consultancy, energy who are equipped with the IT from the student’s previous
and environmental performance skills, digital fabrication skills, educational establishment or
assessment and research. simulation software skills, or place of employment confirming
the ability to design custom- that the work is their own.
Example modules include:
software development tools to Alternative qualifications or
Low Carbon Buildings; Climate
solve unique design problems. relevant professional experience
Comfort and Energy; Perspectives
Our multidisciplinary approach may be accepted.
on Performance; People and
will provide students with the
Buildings; Advanced Monitoring Contact: Dr Wassim Jabi
knowledge and skills to discover
Tools and Techniques; and e:
innovative computational methods
Post Occupancy Evaluation t: +44 (0)29 2087 5981
for use in the creative and design
for Sustainable Building
industries. You will be taught by
Management. Environmental Design
experts across the subjects of
MSc: 1 year FT, 2 years PT architecture, computer science of Buildings
Entry requirements: This and engineering, which will give With both governments and the
course is suitable for graduates/ you a distinctly interdisciplinary public becoming increasingly
experienced practitioners in approach to looking at design. aware of dwindling global
architecture, engineering, facilities Example modules include: resources and more and more
management, building surveying, Introduction to 3D Modelling and interest in sustainability issues,
social science or planning, who Parametric Design; Computational there is a growing demand for
want to develop skills to evaluate Form Finding; Algorithmic professionals working in the built
the environmental and energy Design Thinking; Information environment to be well-versed in
performance of existing buildings Processing in Python; and Building sustainable design.
and to propose management Performance Simulation. Our MSc Environmental Design
strategies for the effective building
MSc: 1 year FT, 2 years PT of Buildings aims to develop
operation. Applicants should
Entry requirements: This knowledge and expertise in
normally hold a 1st or 2nd class
programme is suitable for the design of comfortable and
honours degree in a relevant
graduates in architecture, the built healthy environments in and
subject area or have appropriate
environment, civil engineering, around buildings, regardless of
professional experience.
architectural engineering, climate, and with due regard to
sustainability issues.
Example modules include:
Earth and Society; Passive Design;
Environmental Design Practice;
Low Carbon Buildings; and
Climate Comfort and Energy.
Distance learning:
1 year FT, 2-3 years PT
MSc: 1 year FT, 2-3 years PT
Entry requirements: Applicants
should possess a good first degree
(typically a 2:1 or equivalent), or
equivalent work experience in a
relevant discipline.
MArch students in our Friary House studio space

32 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning

Historic Buildings; Case Studies Buildings and Sustainable Mega-
Master of Design and Regional Work; and Design Buildings Design.
Administration Tools: Methods of Repair. MSc: 1 year FT, 2 years PT
The MDA aims to equip students MSc: 1 year FT, 2 years PT

Entry requirements: Applicants
with the expertise necessary for
Entry requirements: Candidates should normally hold a first or
the successful administration
must satisfy the requirements second class honours degree or
and management of the design
of the Cardiff University General have appropriate professional
process in the procurement of
Entrance Requirement and, in experience. Applicants should
buildings. It is intended to fulfil the
addition, will normally possess hold a degree in a relevant
growing need for experts in design
an initial degree in the discipline subject area, such as architectural
management, working within
of Architecture, Surveying, engineering, architecture or
consultancies, or in contracting,
Archaeology, Planning, Facilities related subjects, including
specialist contractor firms, or
Management, or related subjects. sustainable design, urban
client bodies. The course is taught
At the discretion of the Board planning, environment and
by blended learning methods
of Studies, non-graduates sustainability, environmental
using the internet, supplemented
whose relative lack of formal design.
by short Cardiff-based courses.
qualifications is compensated
Example modules include: Urban Design
for by their relevant work
Industry Context; Construction
experience may also be admitted Urban Design lies at the
Contracts; Design Delivery;
to candidature, provided the intersection of several disciplines,
Project Delivery; and International
candidate has held, for a areas of practice and knowledge.
minimum period of two years, a
Blended learning: To facilitate the integration
position of responsibility relevant
MDA: 1 year FT, 3 years PT of a range of expertise and
to the programme.
perspectives, the teaching of
Sustainable Building urban design at Cardiff University
Sustainable involves a collaboration between
Conservation Mega-Buildings the Welsh School of Architecture
The course aims to be unique Until recently, large buildings and the School of Geography and
amongst schools in Britain in two have been viewed as mega-scale Planning. The MA Urban Design
ways; firstly, the teaching offers a energy consumers with little encompasses theory, design
design-based iterative element, regard for sustainable design and and research, emphasising the
thereby testing the formulation of performance. However, this is development of critical thinking
informed decisions. changing, with a new generation skills for creative, contextual design
Secondly, it places emphasis on of mega-buildings that have been addressing important challenges
the role of sustainability within the designed with energy conservation for contemporary cities.
historic context at both technical and sustainability as their Example modules include:
and strategic levels. By using the principal criteria. Urban Design Thinkers; Urban
Welsh School of Architecture’s This programme focuses on the Design Foundation; Research
established expertise as a research principles of sustainable planning Methods and Techniques;
Focus for sustainable design, it and design of mega buildings, and Development Management and
addresses these concerns which aims to train students to respond Research Based Design Project.
have been identified internationally to the environmental challenges MA: 1 year FT
by ICOMOS as the critical associated with these buildings.
future direction of conservation Entry requirements: We welcome
Students will learn to adapt to
education. applications from those with
shifting demands as sustainable
degrees in design, architecture,
The course seeks to attract a policies are increasingly supported
planning, landscape architecture
broad range of students with varied by the public and by governments
or civil engineering.
levels of experience in professional worldwide.
practice. Being both RIBA approved Contact: Student Enquiries
Example modules include: Low
and IHBC accredited, it launches Carbon Buildings; Climate Comfort e:
new career possibilities. and Energy; Sustainable Mega- t: +44 (0)29 2087 6087
Example modules include: Buildings Overview (Climate, +44 (0)29 2087 6131
The Conservator’s Role; Tools Context and Culture); Sustainable
of Interpretation; Energy Use in Service Systems for Mega- 33
Postgraduate Research
Intake: April, October
Architecture Creative Practice
Research areas: Energy and
Research is a big part of what in Architecture
Environmental Performance
we do, as it leads to new of Buildings and Systems; This programme is aimed at
understandings that are important Sustainability at an Urban Scale; design professionals who wish to
in their own right, but also informs Resource Use and Management; advance their discipline through
our teaching and impacts on The City, Landscape and the act of practice and within the
the outside world. Our research Environment; Cultures, Histories workplace. Its aim is to encourage
spans the physical sciences, and Ideas; Visual Cultures; and enable those who are at
social sciences, humanities and Practice and Pedagogy; Building the forefront of creative practice
design to foster excellence in Design; Materials; Project to undertake research through
key areas of architecture and the Management; Building Law; design, focusing on specialisms
built environment. The Welsh Digital Design Techniques; developed through practice and
School of Architecture has an Architectural Education. to fill the current void of doctoral-
excellent reputation for high level practitioners in the discipline.
Entry requirements: Suitable
quality research, both nationally PhD: 3 years FT, 5-7 years PT
for graduates in architecture,
and internationally, with strengths
planning, engineering, social Intake: October
in architectural science, history
sciences, computer science and Entry requirements: Candidates
and theory of architecture, and
environmental sciences with will be expected to have a good
architectural practice.
an upper second class honours first and second degree in
PhD: 3 years FT, 5-7 years PT degree. architecture (commonly known as
MPhil: 1-2 years FT, Part 1 and 2) and at least 3 years
up to 3 years PT experience in practice.

Entry requirements English language Contact

Please see individual IELTS 6.5. Ms Katrina Lewis
programmes. e:
t: +44 (0)29 2087 6251

The artificial sky and heliodon facility (part of the School’s environmental laboratory)

34 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning


Our research spans the full range of biological and
biomedical sciences, and seeks to deliver new solutions to
global challenges that have major economic, societal and
environmental impact.

We are ranked 13th In the 2015 World 60% of our research

in the UK. 98% of our University Ranking, was deemed
submitted research was Life Sciences at ‘outstanding’ for its
rated internationally Cardiff University was impact in terms of its
excellent, world-leading ranked in the top 100 reach and significance
or internationally worldwide and the top
recognised 10 in the UK
(REF 2014)

“Whilst studying for my undergraduate degree at Cardiff, Prof. Lynne Boddy’s lectures
enthused me about wood-decay fungi – so when a PhD project came up on the topic,
I jumped at the chance! Cardiff University is a great place to do a PhD, as there’s lots
of interesting research going on in the department and a lively sense of community
amongst the postgraduates. I’ve had opportunities to learn a lot of techniques and
travel to interesting places, with plenty of fun along the way!”

Sarah PhD Biosciences 35
Postgraduate Taught
Students on the MSc programme to Clinical Practice; Stem Cells
Tissue Engineering have the opportunity to and Regenerative Medicine.
The MSc programme is currently attend many different clinical MSc: 1 year FT
in its 12th year. It is one of the attachments, and visit local
Entry requirements: Suitable
few programmes which accepts companies developing stem cell
for life sciences and clinical
students who are clinically and other relevant therapies for
graduates interested in acquiring
qualified (BDS, MBBS) and non- clinical use. To date, 95% of our
multidisciplinary skills in an
clinically qualified (BSc), providing graduates develop careers in
expanding area of biomedical
a unique teaching and learning areas highly relevant to the MSc.
environment. Example modules include:
Cellular and Molecular Biology;
Tissue Engineering from Concept

Entry requirements English language Contact

You will ideally have a minimum IELTS 6.5 (5.5 in sub-scores). e: dentalpgadmissions@
2:2 undergraduate degree in
a relevant discipline and may t: +44 (0)29 2074 4251
come from either a Bioscience or
clinical background.

Postgraduate Research
opportunities. Research projects biomedical or bio-molecular
Biosciences may be undertaken in the science subject. Applications
MRes in Biosciences laboratories of internationally- will also be considered from
The Master of Research (MRes) renowned scientists within candidates who have a minimum
in Biosciences is a one-year the School of Biosciences, the of 5 years relevant commercial
programme designed to provide Neuroscience and Mental Health experience who only wish
a valuable postgraduate Research Institute, the European to undertake stage 1 of the
qualification that enables Cancer Stem Cell Research Institute programme (postgraduate
individuals to further develop a or Water Research Institute. certificate).
broad range of research skills. MRes: 1 year FT English language: Applicants
Past course participants have Intake: September whose first language is not English
progressed in academia, industry, must either have obtained an
Research areas: Molecular
medical and other institutions, IELTS score of 6.5 with a minimum
Biosciences; Neuroscience;
such as laboratory, field and of 6.0 in each element or have a
Organisms and Environment;
database researchers. As well as recognised English qualification.
scientific and empirical training, the Contact: Ms Eleanor Breeze
course also provides opportunities Entry requirements:
The equivalent of an e:
to develop presentation and
undergraduate degree at level 2:2 t: +44 (0)29 2087 5278
organisational skills transferable
to many general employment (or higher) in a relevant biological,

Entry requirements English language Contact

Please see individual Applicants whose first language Please see individual programme
programme details. is not English must either have details.
obtained an IELTS score of 6.5
with a minimum of 6.0 in each
element, or have a recognised
English qualification.

36 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning

MRes in Stem Cell Biosciences

Neurobiology PhD, MD, MPhil
This MRes will develop your Our research spans the scale of
understanding of the ways in which biology from the whole ecosystem
stem cells are utilised in modern to molecular biology and protein
neuroscience, providing a solid structure. We aim to address the
foundation for further study or a major global challenges of our
research career in a field where time in sustaining and keeping
ground-breaking discoveries can healthy both the world’s growing
translate into major improvements population and the planet’s
in brain disorders. ecosystems.
Delivered by internationally Our research contributes to the
recognised stem cell scientists underlying biological mechanisms
and neuroscientists working in of life and disease, seeking
our Neuroscience and Mental to deliver new solutions with
Health Research Institute, the major economic, societal and graduates in biological and related
programme provides an in- environmental impact. Through sciences, including anatomy,
depth introduction to stem cell our research-led teaching, we will physiology and pathology, aural
neurobiology and to key scientific inspire and train new generations, and oral sciences, biomedical
skills, including experimental equipping our graduates with the sciences, biology, chemistry,
design, data collection and skills and understanding needed computer science and informatics,
laboratory techniques. Students to contribute to research, the forensic science, genetics,
will also undertake a 7 month knowledge-based economy and medicine, neuroscience,
research project in the laboratory wider society. optometry and vision sciences,
of a specialist researcher in Stem PhD: 3-4 years FT, 5-7 years PT mathematics and statistics,
Cell Neurobiology, based in the MD: 2 years FT, 3 years PT pharmacology, psychology, sport
University. MPhil: 1-2 years FT, 2-3 years PT sciences and zoology.
MRes: 1 year FT Intake: January, April, July, October English language: Applicants
Intake: September Research areas: Molecular whose first language is not English
Research areas: Molecular Biosciences; Neuroscience; must either have obtained an
Biology; Neuroscience; Stem Cell Organisms and Environment; IELTS score of 6.5 with a minimum
Engineering. Biomedicine. of 6.0 in each element or have a
recognised English qualification.
Entry requirements: Entry requirements: A 1st or 2:1
The equivalent of an undergraduate UK honours degree or equivalent Contact: Education Office
degree at level 2:2 (or higher) in is usually required. MSc/MPhil e:
a relevant biological, biomedical for PhD programme. Suitable for t: +44 (0)29 2087 5243
or bio-molecular science subject.
Applications will also be considered
from candidates who have a
minimum of 5 years relevant
commercial experience who only
wish to undertake stage 1 of
the programme (postgraduate
English language: Applicants
whose first language is not English
must either have obtained an
IELTS score of 6.5 with a minimum
of 6.0 in each element or have a
recognised English qualification.
Contact: Ms Eleanor Breeze
t: +44 (0)29 2087 5278 The Sir Martin Evans Building (School of Biosciences) 37

We educate 3,500 students annually, including over 1,500

international students, which contributes significantly to our
dynamic and vibrant research and teaching environment.

Multi-million pound Ranked joint 1st for our 100% of our

Postgraduate research environment postgraduates are in
Teaching Centre and 6th for the quality work and/or further
with fully-equipped, of our research out of study six months after
industry standard 101 UK Business Schools graduating
Trading Room (REF 2014) (responses to DLHE Survey

“Lecturers are very helpful and always willing to discuss further queries, providing
useful guidance and feedback, when needed. I’ve also had the chance to meet
and cooperate with different people from different countries. Being exposed to an
international environment has helped me expand my horizons and understand
different cultures, making my studies at Cardiff University a fascinating experience.”
Panagiotis Katsionis MSc Maritime Policy and Shipping Management

38 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning

Postgraduate Taught

Accounting and Systems; Research Methods for bank or government agency. It
Finance; Finance and Investment; offers those with a substantial
Finance Empirical Finance; Research economic or finance background
Accounting and Finance Topic in Finance. the opportunity to specialise in
MSc: 1 year FT more depth in the areas of Money,
This course is designed to provide Banking, Finance and Trade.
you with comprehensive and Entry requirements: Applicants
will ideally have an undergraduate Example modules include:
rigorous training in advanced
degree in finance. Macroeconomics; Quantitative
accounting and finance. It will
Methods; International Banking;
offer the breadth and depth of
knowledge and expertise necessary
Economics Issues in Money, Banking
and Finance; Investment and
to cope with the ever-changing Financial Economics Electronic Trading.
financial environment, as well as a
consideration of the international This course is designed to MSc: 1 year FT
aspects of the industry. provide you with the knowledge Entry requirements Applicants
and expertise for a career in will ideally have previously studied
Example modules include:
fund management, stockbroking, modules in microeconomics,
International Corporate Finance;
investment banking, corporate macroeconomics and one
Financial Derivatives; International
treasury and other financial quantitative module.
Accounting, Accounting and
sector roles. Much of the material English language: IELTS 6.5 (5.5
Finance in China; Asset Pricing.
is challenging, both analytically in each sub-score).
MSc: 1 year FT
and sometimes technically, but
Entry requirements: Applicants attention is given at all times Management,
will ideally have an undergraduate
degree in Accounting and Finance.
to the practical questions of Employment and
how to interpret financial data
for research purposes; how
Finance to identify and exploit trading Human Resource
The MSc in Finance is both opportunities; and how to
measure and manage risk.
academically challenging, with input
from world-leading academics, Example modules include: This academically challenging
and practically focused, giving you Macroeconomics; Quantitative course is CIPD accredited and is
the opportunity to develop the Methods; Empirical Finance; designed to provide you with the
confidence, knowledge and skills Financial Derivatives; knowledge and expertise needed
needed for a successful career Mathematical Finance. for a successful career in Human
in finance. Given the increasing Resources. You will be equipped
MSc: 1 year FT
integration of national capital with the skills to succeed in a
Entry requirements: Applicants
markets, it is becoming more and career within the global Human
will ideally have an undergraduate
more important to possess a high- Resource Management industry
degree in finance.
quality postgraduate qualification in and have the opportunity to study
finance for those wishing to work for advocacy, debate and negotiation
International Economics, skills. You will also learn how to
financial institutions, corporations
Banking and Finance understand and to undertake
and government bodies involved
with capital markets, project This course is designed to high-quality research, to aid your
investment and the finance provide you with the knowledge decision-making within industry.
industry. and expertise for a position of Example modules include:
Example modules include: responsibility in an international Human Resource Management in
Market Structures and Trading bank, financial institution, central Context; Management of Human

Entry requirements English language Contact

All programmes need IELTS 6.5 (6.0 in each sub-score) Postgraduate Admissions Office
a minimum of a 2:1 at unless stated otherwise. e: carbs-pg-admissions@
undergraduate level unless
stated otherwise. t: +44 (0)29 2087 6953 39
Resources; Leadership; Work successful manager in a globalised and have at least 3 years related
and Organisations; Employment business world. Central to the professional experience. For
Law; Practice of HR in the Modern course’s objectives is the idea of those who have substantial work
Workplace. the international manager who experience but do not have a first
MSc: 1 year FT or 2 years PT combines specialist knowledge degree, entry is considered on a
Entry requirements: Applicants of the role of management and case-by-case basis.
will ideally have an undergraduate management functions, with a
degree in business, social strong understanding of the social, Logistics and Operations
sciences, humanities, law or other political and ethical context of Management
relevant subjects. business. Such understanding
is essential in a world where Logistics and Operations
English language: IELTS 7.0
overall (6.0 in each sub-score).
national differences persist and Management
management of cross-cultural Overseen by one of the largest
environments is demanded.
International Human groupings of logistics and
Example modules include: operations management experts
Resource Management
International Business Ethics; in the UK, this course is designed
This course is designed to provide Academic Skills and Research to provide you with the knowledge
you with the knowledge and Methods; International and expertise for management
expertise to practice Human Management Consultancy; roles in companies on a national
Resource Management in a multi- International Marketing; Asian or international basis. Our aim is
national, globalised context. It is Business Systems; International to provide you with the skills to
both academically challenging, with Business Environment. manage these critical business
input from world-leading academics, MSc: 1 year FT functions through real-life
and practically focused, giving you examples, scenarios and insights
Entry requirements: Applicants
the opportunity to develop the from academics at the forefront of
will ideally have an undergraduate
confidence, knowledge and skills knowledge in their field.
degree in business, social
needed for a successful career
sciences, humanities, law or other Example modules include:
in International Human Resource
relevant subjects. Lean Operations; Project
Management. Central to this is
Management; e-business and
the idea of the international HR
manager who combines specialist
Public Leadership e-logistics; International Logistics
and Grand Challenges in Logistics;
technical knowledge with a strong This is a unique, challenge-based
Operations Management.
understanding of the social, political learning programme designed to
and ethical context of business in a link research and practice and MSc: 1 year FT
globalised world. help you engage innovatively Entry requirements: Applicants
Example modules include: with significant and complex will ideally have an undergraduate
Human Resource Management service issues. It is a perfect fit degree in a related field, such as
in Context; Management of for experienced practitioners who business, logistics, operations
Human Resources; International aspire to senior leadership roles and management, computer science
Management; Globalisation and want to make a difference in public or engineering.
Labour; Contemporary Issues in and third sector services ranging
HR Research. from education to environmental Maritime Policy and
MSc: 1 year FT protection, fire and rescue, health Shipping Management
care, housing, planning, policing This course is practically oriented
Entry requirements: Applicants
and social services. and draws heavily on the research
will ideally have an undergraduate
degree in business, social Example modules include: and advisory work of our expert
sciences, humanities, law or other Contemporary Challenges in faculty. It is designed to provide
relevant subjects. Public Service Leadership; you with the knowledge and
Leading Public Service Change; expertise for a career as a senior
English language: IELTS 7.0 (6.0
Leading Policy and Delivery; manager in maritime affairs in
in each sub-score).
Innovation and Creativity in Public either the private sector or for
Service; Work-Based Project. government agencies.
International Management
MSc: 2 years PT Example modules include: Ship
This course is designed to
Entry requirements: Applicants Chartering; Risk Management
provide you with the knowledge
will ideally have an undergraduate in Supply Chains; Maritime
and experience to become a
degree in a relevant subject area Economics; Advanced Trade and
40 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning
Sea Carriage Law; Maritime Policy. key element of the programme you with problem-solving
MSc: 1 year FT is the New Venture Plan, where management skills for a career in

Entry requirements: Applicants student teams develop their industry, commerce or the public
will ideally have an undergraduate own comprehensive business sector. Studying as part of an
degree in either maritime studies, plan for a new venture. The New international cohort is an ideal
transport, environmental studies, Venture Plan is supported by opportunity to network and build
business administration, business academic faculty as well as, where lasting business connections from
studies, economics. appropriate, a corporate sponsor around the world, for your future
or entrepreneur. role in an ever-changing global
Sustainable Supply Chain Example modules include: business environment.
Management New Venture Creation, Venture Example modules include:
Growth and Development, Management Consultancy;
With a unique focus on Entrepreneurial Finance, Business Project; Global
sustainability, this course is your Entrepreneurial Marketing and Marketing; Purchasing and Supply
chance to gain a comprehensive The New Venture Plan. Chain Management; Strategic
understanding of all aspects Operations Management.
MSc: 1 year FT
of supply chain management,
English language: IELTS 6.5 (5.5 MBA: 1 year FT
including procurement, supply
and distribution of products. in each sub-score). English language: IELTS 6.5 (5.5
Under the supervision of world in each sub-score)
leading academics, you will have Strategic Marketing
the opportunity to acquire high- This accredited degree Executive MBA
quality practical skills and develop programme offers knowledge This programme has been designed
innovative ideas to thrive in this and expertise for developing a to meet the needs of experienced
dynamic environment, and become professional marketing career in managers looking for ways to
a supply chain manager of the the UK or overseas in industry, develop their understanding and
future. commerce or the public sector. knowledge of business. It will help
Example modules include: Upon completion of the taught you become a reflective practitioner
Sustainability for Business; modules you will embark upon a by encouraging you to integrate the
Strategic Supply Chain Marketing Project working with a theories and knowledge gained
Management; Building a real organisation. This gives you from the programme with the
Sustainable Supply Chain; Global the chance to apply your newly skills, values and insights derived
Issues in Sustainable Supply Chain acquired knowledge and skills to from your existing professional
Management; and Responsible address a live marketing issue experience.
Purchasing; Supply Management. and to present possible solutions. Example modules include:
MSc: 1 year FT Example modules include: Strategic Management;
Entry requirements: Applicants Strategic Marketing Management; Leadership and Professional
will ideally have an undergraduate Digital Media Marketing; Development; Entrepreneurship
degree in related field, such Marketing and Society; and Innovation; Sustainable
as supply chain, logistics and/ International Marketing; Live Business; Operations
or operations management, Business Project. Management.
Engineering, Business/ MSc: 1 year FT MBA: 2 years PT
Management disciplines, Entry requirements: Applicants Entry requirements: Candidates
Computer Science, Economics, will ideally have an undergraduate must have a minimum of a 2:1
Trade or Finance. degree in marketing, business, Honours degree, or equivalent
management or related field. from a recognised university, and
Marketing and Strategy 3 years relevant work experience.
Business Strategy and MBA Applicants without a first degree
are also encouraged to apply,
Entrepreneurship Business Administration where they have substantial and
This course is designed for those The Cardiff MBA is designed to relevant work experience.
interested in entrepreneurship, provide you with comprehensive
whether that be establishing their business and management Media Management
own business or working in a new knowledge, skills and experience.
venture development capacity in This course is designed to provide
The combination of theory and you with a solid background in
an established organisation. A practical application equips 41
business management theory and Managing a Media Enterprise. promotes interdisciplinary
practice, and an opportunity to MBA: 1 year FT research awareness and
gain specialised media knowledge English language: IELTS 7.0 (6.0 interaction with academic faculty.
and skills to excel and adapt in in each sub-score). MSc: 1 year FT, 3 years PT
the field of media management. PgDip: 1 year FT, 2 years PT
It combines the core ingredients Social Science Research Entry requirements: A 2:1 at
of the long established MBA
Methods (Business and undergraduate level. Suitable
programme with the opportunity
to understand the management
Management Studies) for graduates in social science
and cognate disciplines
challenges of the media industry, This programme provides
including sociology, politics,
which is vital to the success of advanced training in research
critical psychology, education,
many advanced and emerging methods across the full range of
social policy and social work,
creative economies. the social sciences and meets the
criminology, management and
Example modules include: training requirements for ESRC
business studies, history, area
A Creative Introduction to PhD funding. We offer a Business
studies, geography, pedagogy,
Managing Digital and Social and Management Studies pathway
public administration, industrial
Media; Global Communications, with four specialist routes:
and employee relations, and law.
Digital Media Management; Accounting and Finance, Human
Resource Management, Logistics Contact: Social Science Research
Strategic Management and Methods Administrator
Developing; Launching and and Operations Management,
Marketing and Strategy. This e:

Postgraduate Research
Macroeconomic Theory and Governance; Asset Pricing, Risk
Economics Applications; Regional Economics Management; International
Our Economics PhD programme (especially Wales); International Finance; Banking.
involves two years of research Trade and Finance; Econometrics, Management, Employment
training (MSc Economics and Theory and Forecasting; Finance; and Organisation: Organisation
MRes in Advanced Economics). Economic History. Studies; Employment Relations;
The second year includes Human Resource Management;
advanced study in the core Management and Public Sector Management.
areas of macroeconomics, Business Studies Logistics and Operations
microeconomics and Management: Procurement;
Our Management and Business
econometrics, plus opportunities Logistics; Supply Chain
Studies PhD involves one year of
to specialise in a variety Management; Transport and
research training followed by three
of fields including finance, Shipping; Operations Research;
years work on your PhD topic. The
labour economics, monetary Operations Management/
training in the first year comprises
policy, international trade and Excellence.
of participation in general and
international macroeconomics.
subject-specific modules, which Marketing and Strategy:
Years three and four comprise the
leads to a master’s qualification in Marketing Strategy; Consumer
PhD research phase.
Social Science Research Methods. Behaviour and Culture; Strategic
PhD: 4 years FT Management; Entrepreneurship
PhD: 4 years FT, 7 years PT
Intake: October and Innovation; Social Media and
Intake: October
Research areas: We offer a Marketing Communications.
Research areas
full range of expertise, but the
following areas are of particular Accounting and Finance:
strength: Labour Economics; Corporate Finance; Corporate

Entry requirements English language Contact

At least a 2:1 at undergraduate IELTS 7.0 (6.5 in each PhD Programme Office,
level and preferably a specialist sub-score). Cardiff Business School
master’s degree. e: business-research@
t: +44 (0)29 2087 6786

42 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning


Our internationally leading research and education is
focused on tackling the important scientific challenges of
the 21st century. We provide an outstanding and stimulating
environment for chemical research and education.

Ranked 9th in the We are the recipients We have an established

UK, 95% of our of the first prestigious record of collaborations
research output was Regius Professorship with international
rated internationally in Wales, awarded companies, which
excellent or world- by Her Majesty The help our research
leading Queen in recognition achieve global impact
(REF 2014) for a long track record and create industrial
of exceptionally high opportunities for our
quality research students

“One of the many reasons I chose to study the MSc Catalysis course at Cardiff University is the
Cardiff Catalysis Institute. The CCI is a world renowned centre for research in the UK, offering
degrees that give you the freedom to investigate a cutting-edge topic in depth, amongst
leading researchers with truly first-class facilities. The course is taught by experts in their
fields, bringing in-depth knowledge and heaps of enthusiasm. The chemistry department
itself is fantastically organised, providing support from the moment the course begins.
Cardiff is a great city, with lots of things to do and a good atmosphere.”
Joseph MSc Catalysis 43
Postgraduate Taught
giving our graduates an edge
Advanced Chemistry when looking for employment in Medicinal Chemistry
The programme is designed to academia or industry. The field of medicinal chemistry is
provide graduates with advanced Example modules include: becoming increasingly important,
knowledge, understanding and Biosynthetic Approach to Natural as we continue to push the
skills. It allows you to tailor the Products; Bioinorganic Chemistry, boundaries in the discovery
programme to meet your own Biocatalysis I: Modern approaches of new drugs and applications
educational needs and explore to biocatalysts; Biocatalysis in healthcare. This MSc in
your own interests in the broad II: Industrial Applications Medicinal Chemistry will allow
field of chemistry. You will be of Biocatalysis; Advanced you to specialise in this area
able to choose from a wide range Techniques in Organic and and explore the wider context
of modules offered in different Biological Chemistry. of drug discovery, business and
chemical disciplines, enabling you healthcare.
MSc: 1 year FT, 3 years PT
to develop skills and knowledge On the course, you will develop
in specific areas of chemistry and the specific technical knowledge,
making you highly attractive to Catalysis
understanding and laboratory
potential employers in research, Catalysis lies at the heart of many skills needed to design drugs.
industrial, commercial and chemical processes, from living
You will also investigate the
healthcare organisations. systems to large-scale industrial
relationship between medicinal
Example modules include: reactors. By understanding and
chemists and drug discovery
Modelling of Biological applying catalysts, we can make
companies with stakeholders,
Macromolecules; Applications processes faster, cleaner and
such as patients, investors and
to Materials Science; Catalytic more sustainable. Specialists in
Materials for Green Chemistry; catalysis are particularly sought
after in industry, as more efficient Example modules include:
Asymmetric Synthesis of
processes can lead to less waste Drug Discovery Chemistry;
Pharmaceuticals and Natural
and cost savings. Techniques in Drug Discovery;
Products; and Drug Discovery
Drug Targets; Drug Development
Chemistry. Our MSc in Catalysis will provide
from Laboratory to Clinic; and
MSc: 1 year FT you with a sound foundation
Trends in Drug Discovery.
in catalysis theory and its
applications. We will explore MSc: 1 year FT, 3 years PT
Biological Chemistry
three branches of catalysis –
The chemistry of biological heterogeneous, homogeneous and
processes is the basis of all life biological – and you will be given
on planet Earth. On this course the opportunity to specialise in the
you will develop an understanding area you are most interested in.
of the processes that are core
Example modules include:
to biological chemistry. We
Catalysis and Electrocatalysis;
will explore aspects such as
Catalyst Design Study; Preparation
biosynthesis, retrosynthetic
and Evaluation of Heterogeneous
analysis, molecular biology
Catalysts; Mechanism and Ligand
and the principles of drug
Design in Homogeneous Catalysis;
development. We will also look
and Practical Catalytic Chemistry.
at the applications of biological
The School of Chemistry
chemistry in catalysts, synthetic MSc: 1 year FT, 3 years PT
is located in the historical
methods and spectroscopy, Main Building

Entry requirements English language Contact

2:2 degree classification or IELTS 6.5 (5.5 sub-scores). Dr Tom Tatchell
equivalent qualification. e:
t: +44 (0)29 2087 0759

44 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning

Postgraduate Research

PhD: 3 years FT, 6 years PT
Catalysis Doctoral Chemistry
MPhil: 1 year FT, 2 years PT
Training Centre A PhD in Chemistry can offer
Intake: January, April, July, October
This PhD is a 4 year course that knowledge and expertise for a
offers an unparalleled opportunity career in the pharmaceuticals and Research areas: Biological
to conduct cutting-edge research fine chemical sectors, biomedical Chemistry; Catalysis in the Cardiff
in all areas of catalysis, from research fields, research and Catalysis Institute; Inorganic
theory to engineering. It is part of managerial roles in general Chemistry; Organic Synthesis;
the EPSRC Catalysis Centre for manufacturing industry (e.g. food, Physical Organic Chemistry; Solid
Doctoral Training (CDT), which is cosmetics, petrochemical etc.), State Materials; Theoretical and
delivered in partnership with the and teaching. The research carried Computational Chemistry.
universities of Bath and Bristol. out within the School of Chemistry Entry requirements: 2:2 or
The first year is a Master of is diverse and encompasses both equivalent in Chemistry or related
Research (MRes) qualification, fundamental and applied themes. subject.
before you decide on which Available research topics closely English language: IELTS 6.5.
area of catalytic chemistry or mirror the particular research
interests of individual staff Contact: Dr Ben Ward
engineering to specialise in during
members, which fall broadly into e:
your research project.
Biological and Organic, Inorganic, t: +44 (0)29 2087 0302
The CDT will allow postgraduates Physical, and Theoretical and
to develop advanced knowledge of Computational chemistries.
traditional and emerging catalysis
disciplines, an understanding of
industry and global contexts plus
research and professional skills.
PhD: 4 years FT (1 year MRES +
3 years)
Intake: October
Research areas: Heterogeneous
Catalysis; Homogeneous
Catalysis; Chemical Engineering.
Entry requirements: Candidates
should possess a degree in a
relevant subject area, such as 2:1
or higher in chemistry or chemical
engineering or the equivalent.
Ideally, candidates should hold a
relevant higher level degree such
as an MChem/MSci or MSc in
Chemistry (or equivalent).
English language: IELTS 6.5.
Contact: Helen Whitfield
t: +44 (0)29 2087 4791

Postgraduate students working in one of the School’s laboratories 45
Computer Science
and Informatics

We are a research-led School with a longstanding,

international reputation for applied research activities.

99% of our submitted Contemporary and Valuable option of

research was rated at relevant portfolio of taking a salaried
least of international both specialist and professional
standard, with conversion master’s placement with
79% classed as degrees catering to a some taught
internationally variety of backgrounds master’s degrees
excellent or and interests

“The MSc Computing course packs a lot into one year. Beyond core-programming
skills in several languages and software engineering practices, I was pleased that the
wide range of module options allowed me to focus my studies around the areas which
interested me the most. Cardiff itself is also a great place to get started in the world
of computer science; frequent tech meet-ups and hack days are good opportunities
to get ideas and advice.”

Matilda MSc Computing

46 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning

Postgraduate Taught

Computer Science and Informatics

with valuable industry experience subject other than computer
Advanced Computer and the opportunity to develop your science. Non-graduates whose
Science IT professional skills. relative lack of formal qualifications
Designed for computing graduates, Example modules include: High is compensated for by their
this programme offers exposure Performance Computing; Visual relevant work experience will also
to topics that are driving key Computing; Pattern Recognition be considered.
technological developments and Data Mining; Informatics; and
and trends in one of the fastest- Distributed and Cloud Computing.
Computing and
moving and innovative academic IT Management
MSc: 2 years FT including
disciplines. You will choose to study
sandwich year
with Placement
optional, research-led modules Designed for graduates who want
that allow the freedom to build a Computing and to move into computing from
distinctive personal portfolio of
IT Management another discipline, this programme
skills and knowledge. Core to this provides you with a broad technical
programme is the opportunity to Designed for graduates who want
knowledge and a sound business
further develop the scope of your to move into computing from
context for managing IT systems.
problem-solving skills by studying another discipline, this programme
advanced programming languages provides you with a broad technical You will learn the skills needed
and new programming paradigms. knowledge and a sound business to develop business applications
context for managing IT systems. through a fundamental
Example modules include: High understanding of software and web
Performance Computing; Visual You will learn the skills needed
development, e-commerce and
Computing; Pattern Recognition to develop business applications
database management.
and Data Mining; Informatics; and through a fundamental
Distributed and Cloud Computing. understanding of software and web You will also have the option of
development, e-commerce and learning about cloud computing,
MSc: 1 year FT, 3 years PT software as a service, and other
database management.
recent developments and emerging
Advanced Computer You will also have the option of
technologies that are radically
Science with Placement learning about cloud computing,
changing the opportunities and
software as a service, and other
Designed for computing graduates, threats for the provision of IT
recent developments and emerging
this programme offers exposure systems.
technologies that are radically
to topics that are driving key You will have the opportunity to
changing the opportunities and
technological developments enhance your CV by undertaking a
threats for the provision of IT
and trends in one of the fastest- paid work placement, providing you
moving and innovative academic with valuable industry experience
disciplines. You will choose to study Example modules include:
and the opportunity to develop your
optional, research-led modules Business and IT Management;
IT professional skills.
that allow the freedom to build a E-Commerce and Innovation;
Information Modelling and Example modules include:
distinctive personal portfolio of
Database Systems; Distributed Business and IT Management;
skills and knowledge. Core to this
and Cloud Computing; Visual E-Commerce and Innovation;
programme is the opportunity to
Communication and Information Information Modelling and
further develop the scope of your
Design. Database Systems; Distributed and
problem-solving skills by studying
Cloud Computing; and
advanced programming languages MSc: 1 year FT, 3 years PT
Visual Communication and
and new programming paradigms. Entry requirements: Applicants Information Design.
You will have the opportunity to will possess minimum of a 2:2
enhance your CV by undertaking a MSc: 2 years FT including
honours degree or equivalent
paid work placement, providing you sandwich year
professional qualification in a

Entry requirements English language Contact

Applicants will possess a 2:2 IELTS 6.5 (5.5 in each sub-score) Dr Leigh Hodge
honours degree in a computer unless stated. e:
science or cognate subject, t: +44 (0)29 2087 9342
unless stated. 47
Entry requirements: Applicants will You will develop a first-hand Statistical Methods; Optimisation
possess minimum of a 2:2 honours understanding of the problem- Methods; Distributed and Cloud
degree or equivalent professional solving potential of software and Computing; and Supply Chain
qualification in a subject other than what computational systems Modelling.
computer science. Non-graduates can achieve. You will also be MSc: 1 year FT, 3 years PT
whose relative lack of formal introduced to programming skills
Entry requirements: A 1st or 2:1
qualifications is compensated for and data handling techniques
UK honours degree, or equivalent
by their relevant work experience using important languages such
is required in a numerate subject,
will also be considered. as Java and Python. Emphasis is
such as mathematics, operational
placed on handling data and you
Computing research, statistics, computer
will develop essential skills in SQL
science, management science,
This programme offers students (Structured Query Language) for
economics, engineering or a
from diverse career and subject advanced database functionality
suitable science degree.
areas a balance of software using industry standard products
engineering skills and technical such as Oracle™. Contact: Alastair Clarke
abilities, required for a career in You will have the opportunity to e:
Software Development. enhance your CV by undertaking a t: +44 (0)29 2087 5262
You will develop a first-hand paid work placement, providing you
with valuable industry experience Information Security
understanding of the problem-
solving potential of software and and the opportunity to develop your and Privacy
what computational systems IT professional skills. This programme addresses the
can achieve. You will also be Example modules include: key security issues that are faced
introduced to programming skills Computational Systems; Python for by global communications and
and data handling techniques Computing; Software Engineering; information systems and provides
using important languages such Human Centric Computing; and a mix of business context with core
as Java and Python. Emphasis is Web Application Development. security, trust and privacy issues
placed on handling data and you MSc: 2 years FT including that challenge the IT sector.
will develop essential skills in SQL sandwich year This combined business/security
(Structured Query Language) for approach provides valuable training
advanced database functionality Entry requirements: Applicants will
possess minimum of a 2:2 honours for interacting with organisations,
using industry standard products and understanding their business
such as Oracle™. degree or equivalent professional
qualification in a subject other than functions in a deeper context.
Example modules include: computer science. Non-graduates Using case based analysis, you will
Computational Systems; Python for whose relative lack of formal have the opportunity to learn about
Computing; Software Engineering; qualifications is compensated for forensic approaches to investigation
Human Centric Computing; and by their relevant work experience across multiple platforms.
Web Application Development. will also be considered. Example modules include:
MSc: 1 year FT, 3 years PT Information, Network and Cyber
Entry requirements: Applicants will Data Science Security; Security Techniques; Digital
possess minimum of a 2:2 honours and Analytics Forensics; Secure Applications; and
degree or equivalent professional Our MSc in Data Science and Identity and Trust.
qualification in a subject other than Analytics aims to provide you with a MSc: 1 year FT, 3 years PT
computer science. Non-graduates comprehensive set of skills needed
whose relative lack of formal to handle, collect, store and analyse Software Engineering
qualifications is compensated for large and complex sets of data. This one-year programme based at
by their relevant work experience You will be taught by subject the National Software Academy in
will also be considered. experts from both the School of Newport is designed for graduates
Mathematics and the School of from diverse backgrounds who
Computing with
Computer Science and Informatics, have some prior experience
Placement which will allow you to see the topic of programming to gain the
This programme offers students from different perspectives and skills, knowledge and hands-on
from diverse career and subject provides access to a wide range of experience to be effective as a
areas a balance of software modules across both Schools. commercial software engineer.
engineering skills and technical Example modules include: Pattern Students will undertake practical
abilities required for a career in Recognition and Data Mining; development using current leading
Software Development.

48 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning

edge commercial tools and programming techniques to create modelling, analytic and
techniques, and be exposed to direct highly skilled and in-demand digital interpretation skills required to

Computer Science and Informatics

industrial involvement in a dynamic storytellers, newsroom developers make sense of online behaviours,
commercial-like environment. and data journalists. interactions and populations using
Example modules include: It is jointly delivered by Cardiff Big Social Data. This Master’s
Agile Software Development; University’s internationally Degree will act as an excellent
Programming Principles and respected Schools of Journalism, platform to pursue further
Practice; DevOps; Manipulating Media and Culture and Computer advanced study and research in
and Exploiting Data; Delivering Science and Informatics. this area of growing importance.
User Experience. Example modules include: Python The depth of knowledge gained
MSc: 1 year FT for Data Analysis; Web Application on this MSc, coupled with the
Development; Digital Investigation; practical work and an individual
Entry Requirements: A 2:2 degree
Data Journalism and Business; dissertation, will put you in an
in a STEM subject with evidence of
Financial Journalism. outstanding position to gain
programming in degree transcript
employment in academia,
or a 2:2 degree in a non-STEM MSc: 1 year FT
government or industry as a Data
subject, with evidence of suitable Entry requirements: Applicants Scientist with a focus on social
non-professional programming will normally be expected to hold data.
experience. a UK higher education degree of
lower 2nd class honours or above. Example Modules: Python for
Computational and Data Analysis; Computational
English language: IELTS 7.0
Data Journalism (MSc) Social Science; Applied Social Data
Applicants whose first language is Science; Quantitative Research
This course will help you unlock the not English must obtain a British
powerful world of computational Methods.
Council IELTS score of at least 7.0
and data journalism to tell (with a minimum sub-score of 6.0 MSc: 1 year FT
insightful and important stories in each component). Entry Requirements: Applicants
by interpreting and visualising will possess minimum of a 2:2
Contact: Student Support
data in compelling new ways, and honours degree or equivalent
understanding what computational e: jomecstudentsupport professional qualification in a
tools and techniques can bring to subject other than computer
the industry. t: +44 (0)29 2087 4156
science; preferably in a STEM
This industry-informed and Social Data Science subject or social science with a
hands-on course combines the strong quantitative element.
foundations of good journalism, Our MSc in Social Data Science
such as a commitment to equips graduates with the data
ethical reporting with the latest collection, transformation,

Postgraduate Research
computing, informatics, and visual their areas of expertise.
Computer Science computing. Our multidisciplinary PhD: 3 years FT, 5-7 years PT
and Informatics research continues to have a MPhil: 1-2 years FT, 2-3 years PT
The School has a long-standing, positive impact in areas as diverse
Intake: January, April, July, October
strong and dynamic research as healthcare, security, social
culture which underpins our computing, manufacturing and the Research areas: Complex
international reputation for environment and we offer you the Systems; Data and Knowledge
world-class research in the areas opportunity to work alongside our Engineering; Visual Computing.
of distributed and scientific research staff, who are leaders in

Entry requirements also considered. Degree-level Contact

A 2:1 honours undergraduate mathematics (or equivalent) is Computer Science
degree or a master’s degree in required for research in some Postgraduate Research
computing or a related subject. project areas.
e: comsc-pgresearch@
Applicants with appropriate English language
professional experience are IELTS 6.5 (6.0 in each sub-score). 49

The School of Dentistry has a reputation for excellence

in teaching, research and clinical care, with a history of
postgraduate education dating back over 40 years.

£2.2 million state- Ranked 1st in its Unit 91% Overall

of-the-art Dental of Assessment in the satisfaction in the
Simulation Suite most recent Research 2017 Postgraduate
housing 80 units Excellence Framework Research Experience
(REF 2014) Survey

“The MScD in Orthodontics programme is the longest running at over 40 years now.
It provided me with the opportunity to undertake valuable research alongside clinical
training. The nurses and consultants in the department look after you really well and
are always friendly and approachable. Cardiff has been a very rewarding place to
be both socially and academically - a great place to be and has provided me with
all the skills I need to continue in my long career as an orthodontist.”
Stacey MScD Orthodontics

50 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning

Postgraduate Taught

ideally suited for this programme.
Clinical Dentistry Implantology You will additionally gain hands-on
(Endodontology/ Our course is an academic and laboratory research experience,
Prosthodontics) clinical programme leading to the leading to a dissertation.
The MClin Dent Programmes in award of an MSc/Postgraduate Example modules include:
Endodontology and Prosthodontics Diploma in Implantology. In Research methods; Cell Biology
are three year full-time specialist this programme, students treat of Oral Tissues; Microorganisms
training programmes that develop patients under expert supervision. in Oral Disease; Tissue Repair,
advanced clinical skills, to enable Students have the opportunity to Regeneration; Scientific Methods.
students to become specialists participate in the full spectrum of
MSc: 1 year FT
in their chosen field of either contemporary implant practice,
Endodontology or Prosthodontics. where all forms of bone and soft- Entry requirements: Applicants
tissue grafting are undertaken. should possess, as a minimum,
Example modules for
Endodontology include: Example modules include: a 2nd class honours degree (or
Foundation to Restorative Dentistry Concepts in Restorative Dentistry equivalent) from either a clinical or
with Emphasis on Prosthodontics; and their Applications to Dental scientific discipline (BDS, MBBS,
Foundation to Restorative Dentistry Implantology; Implantology. BSc therapy and hygiene or
with Emphasis on Periodontics; biology, biochemistry, biomedical,
MSc: 1 year FT
Foundation to Restorative Dentistry engineering or medical (MD),
PgDip: 2 years PT chemistry or pharmacy).
with Emphasis on Endodontics;
Clinical Practice in Surgical Entry requirements: A Bachelor
and Advanced Endodontics; of Dental Surgery/Doctor Dental Orthodontics
Clinical Practice in Conventional Surgery degree (or equivalent)
The course equips students with
Endodontics. (BDS/DDS). Two years clinical
the skills needed to perform
experience required.
Example modules for as a competent specialist in
Prosthodontics include: Orthodontics, with a focus on the
Oral Biology clinical, theoretical and research
Foundation to Restorative Dentistry
with Emphasis on Prosthodontics; Oral and Dental disease is a areas required for provision of
Foundation to Restorative Dentistry worldwide problem, often leading appropriate patient care.
with Emphasis on Periodontics; to loss of quality of life. This MScD: 3 years FT
Foundation to Restorative Dentistry course offers in-depth knowledge
Entry requirements:
with Emphasis on Endodontic; of Oral Biology, including disease
Home student: BDS, Full GDC
Advanced Clinical Prosthodontics; mechanisms, understanding of the
registration, MJDF/MFDS/FD.
Advanced Operative. complex interplay between host and
microorganisms driving pathology, Overseas: BDS or equivalent, Part
MClinDent: 3 years FT 1 and/or Part 2 MJDF/MFDS/FD,
as well as current approaches to
Entry requirements: Primary tissue repair and regeneration. M’Orth.
Dental Qualification - BDS/DDS or Dental, Basic Science or Applied
equivalent; open to international Science graduates with the desire to
students only. Minimum of two become future leaders in teaching
years clinical experience post or research in dental schools are

Entry requirements For non-clinical taught Contact

Please see individual programmes we require a e: dentalpgadmissions@
programmes for details. minimum IELTS score of 6.5
overall (with a minimum of 5.5
t: +44 (0)29 2074 4251
English language in each sub-score) or equivalent
For clinical taught programmes we qualification.
require a minimum IELTS score of
7 overall (with a minimum score of
6 in each sub-score) or equivalent. 51
clinical attachments and visit local MSc: 1 year FT
Tissue Engineering companies developing stem cell Entry requirements: Applicants
The MSc programme is currently and other relevant therapies for are required to have a minimum
in its 12th year. One of the few clinical use. To date, 95% of our 2:2 undergraduate degree in
programmes which accepts graduates developed careers in a relevant discipline and may
students who are clinically areas highly relevant to their MSc. come from either a biosciences
qualified (BDS, MBBS) and Example modules include: or clinical background. Suitable
non-clinically qualified (BSc), Tissue Engineering: From Concept- for life sciences and clinical
providing a unique teaching and Clinical Practice; Stem Cells and graduates interested in acquiring
learning environment. Students Regenerative Medicine; Cell and multidisciplinary skills in this
on the MSc programme have the Molecular Biology; Research expanding area of biomedical
opportunity to attend different Methods. research.

Postgraduate Research
have excellent future career PhD: 3 years FT, 5-7 years PT
Dentistry prospects and often go on to MPhil: 1 year FT
We provide internationally work in biomedical industry
Intake: January, April, July, October
competitive research projects or academia. We welcome
mainly in Oral and Biomedical applications from highly motivated Research areas: Oral and
Sciences, as well as Dental biomedical science or dental/ Biomedical Sciences; Microbial
Sciences with the latter focusing medical graduates to study for a Diseases; Applied Clinical
on applied Clinical and Public PhD or MPhil degree. Research and Public Health.
Health Research. Our graduates

Entry requirements English language Contact

Honours degree at 2:1 or above For non-clinical research Postgraduate Admissions
or equivalent (students with a programmes we require a e: dentalpgadmissions@
2:2 and an MSc qualify). minimum IELTS score of 6.5
Science graduates: Biology, overall (with a minimum of 5.5 in t: +44 (0)29 2074 4251
Chemistry, Pharmacy. each of the four sub-scores) or
equivalent qualification.
Dental/Medical graduates:
BDS, MBBS or equivalent. For clinical research programmes
we require a minimum IELTS score
of 7 overall (with a minimum
score of 6 in each of the four sub-
scores) or equivalent.

MSc student during their stage 2 laboratory research project

52 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning

Earth and Ocean Sciences

Earth and Ocean Sciences

Established in 1891, the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences
has a long tradition of internationally recognised research
and high quality teaching across the disciplines of geology,
geography and environmental science.

94% of our research Collaborations with The vibrant research

outputs were deemed other consortia (e.g. environment at the
world-leading or GW4 + DTP, NERC CDT heart of our School
internationally in Oil and Gas) provide offers a stimulating
excellent, ranking innovative training and friendly student
us 4th in the UK and experience for experience
for Earth Systems future employment
and Environmental
Sciences (REF 2014)

“The standard of the research and facilities at Cardiff University is excellent and after
completing my undergraduate degree here I knew that Cardiff was a great city to live
and work in. During the course of my PhD I’ve had an extremely rewarding academic
experience and have enjoyed a thoroughly encouraging and supportive atmosphere.”

Bethan PhD Earth Sciences 53
Postgraduate Taught
project through which you will Environment.
Applied Environmental collaborate with companies, MSc: 1 year FT
Geology consultancies, government
Our MSc in Applied Environmental agencies or University applied
Geology will help you to develop research projects. It also
all of the advanced knowledge includes compulsory fieldwork to
and skills required to be industry- maximise your transferable skills
ready in the geoenvironmental, and immerse you in hands on
geotechnical, consulting and experience of the industry.
regulatory industries. The course Example modules include:
has been running for 25 years and Project Planning; Design and
its enduring popularity means that Management for Applied
we have now trained over 700 Environmental Geology;
postgraduate geologists. Contaminated Land; The vocationally-focused MSc
Applied Environmental Geology
With a vocational focus, the Environmental Assessment and
has strong industry links and
programme includes a five month Regulation; The Initial Conceptual excellent employment record
individual applied dissertation Ground Model (ICM); Water in the

Entry requirements A proficient level of numeracy Contact

A 1st or 2nd class UK BSc needs to be apparent in your BSc Dr Peter Brabham
(Honours) degree or equivalent degree course module portfolio.
in earth/geological sciences, English language t: +44 (0)29 2087 4334
environmental sciences, mining,
IELTS 6.5 or above.
civil engineering, environmental
engineering, physical geography
and other related subjects.

Postgraduate Research
students with opportunities to Research areas: Solid: Earth and
Earth Sciences work with world experts and use Ocean Science Living: Earth and
Our postgraduate research high quality research equipment. Ocean Science Changing: Earth
degrees enable students to Students also benefit from and Ocean Science
undertake independent research participating in teaching exercises,
work, specialising in a particular School activities and essential
area of interest and supported by skills-training experiences.
an academic supervisor.
PhD: 3-5 years FT, 5-7 years PT
We pride ourselves on having a
MPhil: 1 year FT, 2-4 years PT
vibrant research environment,
which provides our MPhil and PhD Intake: January, April, July, October

Entry requirements English language Contact

Graduates in appropriate IELTS 6.5. Mrs Christine Williams
science subject such as geology e:
or environmental science, with at t: +44 (0)29 2087 5772
least a 1st Class or 2:1 honours
Dr Andrew Kerr
degree, or a master’s.
t: +44 (0)29 2087 5772

54 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning


We are one of the leading engineering schools in the UK with
a reputation for the highest quality research and a vibrant,
friendly teaching environment.

Rated 1st for We have strong Our students benefit

the impact of our links with industry from our excellent
research in both and our graduates research facilities and
Civil Engineering and are highly sought working with engineers
General Engineering after by national who are leaders in
(REF 2014) and multinational their fields

“I chose Cardiff University because of the opportunity to work in an inspired research
environment with people who care not only about the quality of the work they are doing but
its greater impact. The level of support, from supervisors, administrators, staff and other
students, fosters a positive learning environment and encourages research students to
step out of their comfort zones, embrace their abilities and be impactful with their work.”

Jon PhD Engineering 55
Postgraduate Taught
upon the skills you have acquired MSc: 1 year FT, 3 years PT
Advanced Mechanical in your undergraduate degree, Entry requirements: A 2:2
Engineering undertaking advanced BIM training honours degree in civil or
This MSc course will provide you and consolidating your modelling environmental engineering or a
with an advanced qualification and analysis skills as well as your similar field.
which will enhance your career smart engineering knowledge.
prospects, and extend and update Example modules include: Civil and
your engineering skills and Geo and Hydro-Environmental Geoenvironmental
knowledge. The integration of the Modelling; Artificial Intelligence;
case study and project will allow
Flood Design; Advanced Robotics;
you to explore, in-depth, a chosen This MSc offers you the knowledge
Building and Infrastructure
topic related to the course. and expertise that you need
Information Modelling.
to help you forge a career as a
The close involvement with MSc: 1 year FT consulting geoenvironmental
industry, particularly at the project
Entry requirements: A 2:2 engineer within a multi-disciplinary
stage, ensures that the experience
honours degree or experience professional team. The course
the course provides has both
practicing in Civil, Structural, is designed to provide specialist
relevance and meaning. Lecturers
Environmental and Construction postgraduate professional
delivering the modules are working
Engineering, or other related development in this emerging
with some of the world’s most
disciplines, such as Architecture, discipline, encompassing
renowned engineering companies
Mechanical Engineering, or areas traditionally within civil
and our graduates are sought after
Computer Science, working engineering, earth sciences
by a large range of employers.
towards digital and smart and biology.
Example modules include: engineering. Example modules include:
Tribology; Artificial Intelligence;
Geo and Hydro-Environmental
Advanced Robotics; Civil Engineering Modelling; Land Contamination;
Manufacturing Informatics;
The MSc in Civil Engineering Soil and Groundwater Chemistry;
Advanced Mechanical Engineering
aims to build on the knowledge Sediment Transport Dynamics;
case study.
and skills that you have obtained Coastal and Estuarine
MSc: 1 year FT as an undergraduate and to Engineering.
Entry requirements: A 2:2 help prepare you for a career MSc: 1 year FT, 3 years PT
honours degree in mechanical as a consulting civil engineer
Entry requirements: A 2:2
engineering or a similar field. across the broad spectrum of the
honours degree in civil or
professional discipline. The overall
environmental engineering, earth
Building and aim of this well-established course
sciences or biosciences, or in a
Infrastructure Information is to provide a sound scientific,
relevant numerical field.
Modelling (BIM) for technical and commercial
understanding of civil engineering
Smart Engineering Civil and Water
issues and practice.
This MSc course will provide you Engineering
Example modules include:
with the tools you need to become The MSc in Civil and Water
Advanced Structural Mechanics;
an established professional in Engineering will offer you the
Sediment Transport Dynamics;
the dynamic fields of BIM and knowledge and expertise that
Construction and Construction
smart engineering, giving you a you need for a career as a
Management; Engineering
distinct edge when applying for a consulting water engineer within
Geology; Environmental Fluid
career or for a PhD studentship this specialist professional area of
in these areas. You will build civil engineering. The course will

Entry requirements English language Contact

A 2:2 honours degree, please IELTS 6.5 (5.5 in sub-scores) Postgraduate Admissions Office
see individual programmes. unless stated. e:
t: +44 (0)29 2087 0050

56 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning

complement your undergraduate level knowledge and skills in
degree by introducing you to the engineering, manufacturing
hydroinformatics, computational and applications of compound Engineering, Innovation
hydraulics and environmental semiconductors. The experience and Management

hydraulics, including water quality of our staff and our reputation, as This newly developed MSc
indicators and sediment transport well as our position at the forefront programme aims to take well
processes in coastal, estuarine of compound semiconductor qualified students (typically those
and inland water. technology, mean we have an having a good bachelor’s degree
Example modules include: unrivalled combination of expert in Manufacturing Engineering or
Physical Hydrology; Environmental researchers, cutting-edge facilities an equivalent qualification) and
Law; Flood Design; Soil and and industry contacts. equip them with the specialist
Groundwater Chemistry; Geo and Example modules include: knowledge and skills they need
Hydro-Environmental Modelling. Fundamentals of Micro- and to be employed as professional
Nanotechnology; Quantum engineers across a wide range of
MSc: 1 year FT, 3 years PT
Theory of Solids; Compound the Manufacturing Engineering
Entry requirements: A 2:2 industry.
Semiconductor Application
honours degree in civil or
Specific Photonic Integrated Example modules include:
environmental engineering or a
Circuits; Commercialising Advanced Robotics; Artificial
similar field.
Innovation; High Frequency Device Intelligence; Manufacturing
Physics and Design. Informatics; Commercialising
MSc: 1 year FT Innovation and Condition
Technology and Monitoring; Systems Modelling
Entrepreneurship Entry requirements: A 2:2
and Forecasting.
honours degree in electronic
This course aims to provide MSc: 1 year FT
engineering, electrical
you with key, advanced level
engineering, or physics. Entry requirements: A 2:2
knowledge and skills that will
honours degree in manufacturing
allow you to succeed in the rapidly
growing wireless and microwave
Electrical Energy Systems engineering or a similar field.
communication industry. Modules This course meets an urgent
delivered by Cardiff University’s need for specialists in advanced Structural Engineering
internationally recognised electrical energy systems that This MSc offers you the knowledge
Business School will allow you the are needed to design and build and expertise for a career as a
opportunity to gain valuable skills secure, reliable, low-carbon consulting structural engineer
in entrepreneurship and an insight and affordable energy systems within this specialist professional
into what’s involved in starting in developed and developing area of civil engineering. It
your own business. countries around the world. The will provide you with a sound
programme maintains a particular scientific, technical and
Example modules include:
focus on the integration of commercial understanding of
Fundamentals of Micro and
renewable generation in electricity structural engineering issues and
Nanotechnology; Advanced
transmission and distribution practice, while training you in
CAD, Fabrication and Test; High
networks, and will prepare you for engineering research methods in
Frequency Electronic Materials;
a new era of truly ‘smart’ grids. order to develop a range of related
Entrepreneurial Marketing;
Concepts and Theory of Compound Example modules include: transferable skills.
Semiconductor Photonics. Magnetic Devices: Transducers, Example modules include:
Sensors and Actuators; Power Tensile Structures; Advanced
MSc: 1 year FT
System Protection; Smart Grids Structural Mechanics;
Entry requirements: A 2:2 and Active Network Devices; Environmental Building Studies;
honours degree in electrical Condition Monitoring, Systems Engineering Geology; Numerical
or electronic engineering or a Modelling and Forecasting; Techniques in Structural
similar field. Advanced Power Systems and Engineering.
High Voltage Technology. MSc: 1 year FT, 3 years PT
Compound Semiconductor MSc: 1 year FT
Electronics Entry requirements: A 2:2
Entry requirements: A 2:2 honours degree in civil or
A collaboration between the School honours degree from a good UK environmental engineering or a
of Engineering and the Institute university or an equivalent. similar field.
for Compound Semiconductors,
this MSc course is designed to Suitable for graduates in electrical
provide students with advanced- engineering or a related discipline. 57
High Voltage Technology; Risk characterisation, and advanced
Sustainable Energy and Hazard Management in the communication systems, you will
and Environment Energy Sector. also develop research skills and
This MSc aims to develop MSc: 1 year FT, 2 years PT other related abilities. You will
postgraduate specialists who can enhance your general engineering
Entry requirements: A 2:2
demonstrate mastery of a broad competency, employability, and
honours degree in engineering,
spectrum of advanced engineering develop an excellent platform for
environmental engineering, earth
principles to real-life technological, your career.
sciences, pure sciences or a
financial, regulatory, managerial Example modules include:
related discipline.
and ethical problems encountered RF Circuits Design and CAD;
in the Sustainable Energy and Fundamentals of Micro and
Environmental profession, and
Wireless and Microwave
Nanotechnology; High Frequency
who are equipped to be key Communication
Electronic Materials; Concepts
professional players in the wider Engineering and Theory of Compound
industry, the professions, and This course will provide you Semiconductor Photonics; Non-
public service. with advanced level knowledge linear RF Design and Concepts.
Example modules include: and skills needed in the rapidly
MSc: 1 year FT, 2 years PT
Environmental Fluid Mechanics; growing wireless and microwave
communication sector. With Entry requirements: A 2:2
Thermodynamics and Heat
a focus on areas including honours degree in electrical or
Transfer; Low Carbon Footprint;
advanced computer aided design, electronic engineering or a
Advanced Power Systems and
advanced measurement and similar field.

Postgraduate Research
communications, communications
Engineering Wireless and Microwave related electronics or microwave
The School of Engineering is Communication engineering. This course is ideal
committed to providing the best Engineering for those wishing to make a career
possible environment for our This one year course is based in either academic or industrial
research students. We have high on our established MSc Wireless research.
quality research facilities, friendly and Microwave Communication In order to enhance your
and supportive teaching staff who Engineering, but provides you professional development, this
are internationally recognised with the opportunity to focus on course offers you the option
for their research, and a vibrant a substantial research project. of obtaining a Postgraduate
research culture with staff and You will have the opportunity Certificate if you wish to complete
students from around the world. to enhance your independent the taught part of the course only.
EngD: 4 years FT research skills by undertaking
Example modules include:
PhD: 4 years FT, 5-7 years PT a research project which will
Software Tools and Simulation;
MPhil: 1 year FT, 2-5 years PT comprise the main part of the
HF and RF Engineering; Advanced
Intake: January, April, July, October course. The research project
CAD, Fabrication and Test;
provides students with an
Research areas: Mechanics, Commercialising Innovation;
opportunity to put into practice
Materials and Advanced and Non-linear RF Design and
the knowledge and skills acquired
Manufacturing; Energy and Concepts.
during the Autumn Semester,
Environment; Health, Technology which includes taught modules MRes: 1 year FT
and the Digital World. in the areas of modern mobile

Entry requirements English language Contact

A 2:1 honours degree or a IELTS 6.5. Research Admissions Office
Masters degree in Engineering e: engineering-pgr
or a similar field from a
good UK university or an t: +44 (0)29 2087 4642
equivalent international degree

58 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning

English, Communication
and Philosophy

English, Communication and Philosophy

We value critical rigour, creative thinking, and intellectual
inquisitiveness. Enriched by our diverse, international student
community, we explore new perspectives, examining key
issues in the study of language, texts, cultures, ideas, values
and identities.

Ranked in the top Ranked in the The School is the

10 overall for English top 100 universities for largest of its kind
Language and the study of in the UK, with over
Literature and 4th English Language 70 teaching, research
for the impact our and Literature and professional
research in Philosophy (QS World University service staff
has on society Rankings by Subject 2017)
(REF 2014)

“I was struck by the School’s vibrant and supportive atmosphere. My PhD has
flourished with the help of excellent supervision, countless workshops, research
seminars and networking opportunities, and an active and welcoming PhD
community. As a self-funded student, I was fortunate to secure several scholarships
from charities and smaller funding bodies. PhD students also have the opportunity
of gaining paid teaching experience by leading undergraduate seminars.”
David PhD Language and Communication 59
Postgraduate Taught
challenging in ideas, diverse in
Applied Linguistics methods of teaching and learning,
Language and
Tailored for any career requiring and engaged in a wide variety of Communication Research
specialised language awareness, theoretical and methodological Our programme offers the
our programme combines excellent approaches. You may choose from knowledge and expertise needed
grounding in language description a wide range of modules, or choose to prepare for research in
and research methodology with to study a specialist pathway. linguistics and communication
specialised topics in language Pathways include: Medieval at PhD level, or in professional
and social life, including and Renaissance; Romantic or commercial spheres. The MA
foreign language teaching and and Victorian; Modern and focuses on providing a very solid
professional communication. Contemporary; Gender and foundation in research methods
The programme is taught in the Sexuality; Critical and Cultural and theoretical paradigms, which
renowned Centre for Language and Theory; Advanced Literary Studies. puts you in a very strong position
Communication Research. for further study. You will also be
MA: 1 year FT, 2 years PT
Example modules include: able to choose from a wide variety
Research Foundations in of optional modules. Based in the
Forensic Linguistics esteemed Centre for Language
Language and Communication;
Research Experience in Our innovative programme and Communication Research,
Applied Linguistics; Public and provides a unique opportunity to the MA carries ESRC Advanced
Professional Discourse; Language study the impact of language in Course Recognition.
Learning: Theory and Practice; the legal and judicial process. Example modules include:
Critical Approaches to Discourse. Delivered by leading forensic Research Foundations in
MA: 1 year FT, 2 years PT linguists, it offers the theory and Language and Communication;
techniques to critically analyse Qualitative Research Methods;
Creative Writing the use of language in a variety Quantitative Research Methods;
of legal contexts, to critically Research Experience in Language
Taught by professional writers, evaluate expert testimony on and Communication.
this programme is designed forensic matters and to consider
for creative writers seeking to MA: 1 year FT, 2 years PT
the role of expertise in legal
develop their talents. Expanding systems more generally. You will
your knowledge and skills in the Language and Linguistics
develop a theoretical and practical
writing of one or more literary understanding of communication Set in a world-class research
genres, you will master the ability in legal settings, including methods centre, our programme offers
to independently produce literary of data collection, and analysis both solid training in research
works of refinement and skill, and training in the examination of foundations and practice,
gaining the ability to conduct forensic linguistic evidence. and the freedom to tailor your
writers’ workshops. Assessment programme around your interests
Example modules include:
is based on essays, projects and and ambitions. You will be able
Research Foundations in
portfolios of creative writing, to choose from a wide variety of
Language and Communication;
rather than examination. optional modules that will not
Research Experience in Forensic
MA: 1 year FT only permit you to acquire a well-
Linguistics; Forensic Linguistics.
rounded understanding of the
MA: 1 year FT, 2 years PT theoretical and methodological
English Literature
approaches employed within
Our programme is taught by staff linguistics but also to develop a
with an international reputation keen appreciation of how language
for innovative and influential interacts with social factors in
research. It is broad in syllabus, various communities of practice.

Entry requirements English language Contact

All programmes need a minimum IELTS 7.0 (with 6.5 in each Postgraduate Office
of a 2:1 at undergraduate level sub-score). e:
unless stated. t: +44 (0)29 2087 4722

60 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning

Example modules include:
Research Foundations in

English, Communication and Philosophy

Language and Communication;
Research Experience in Language
and Linguistics; Public and
Professional Discourse; Current
Issues in Sociolinguistics.
MA: 1 year FT, 2 years PT
MPhil: 1 year FT, 2 years PT
The John Percival Building, home of the School of English,
Communication & Philosophy

Postgraduate Research
We run two annual Postgraduate programme. Many of our alumni to excellence and diversity in
Research Conferences, allowing are now pursuing careers as research. Our programme is
interdisciplinary debate, and writers in a range of areas designed to offer the knowledge,
enabling postgraduate students including radio, television and expertise and high-level research
to present their research to film. Publishing and teaching skills essential for an academic
fellow students, members of remain popular alternative career career or other forms of
the academic staff and visiting choices. We are members of the professional employment. We
scholars. All postgraduate research South, West and Wales Doctoral are members of the South, West
students have the opportunity to Training Programme, and welcome and Wales Doctoral Training
apply to gain teaching experience, enquiries from applicants who are Programme, and welcome
while undertaking an Higher considering applying for 2019-20. enquiries from applicants who are
Education Academy-accredited PhD: 3 years FT, 5 years PT considering applying for 2019-20.
Learning to Teach programme. PhD: 3 years FT, 5 years PT
Intake: October, January, April
In the School, research students MPhil: 1 year FT, 2 years PT
also have access to a generous Research areas: Fiction (including
allowance for conference the short story) ; Creative Non- Intake: October, January, April
attendance and other research- Fiction; Poetry; Script Writing for Research areas: Critical Marxism;
related activities and use of a Film, Radio and Television. Cultural History; Deconstruction;
dedicated research student suite. Entry requirements: Applications Deleuze studies; Eco-humanities;
are welcome from graduates with Gender, Sexuality and Race;
Creative and at least a 2.1 at undergraduate German Aesthetics and Frankfurt
Critical Writing level (in any academic discipline). School; Postcolonialism;
While an MA in Creative Writing or Postmodernism; Theories of the
Hone your writing at one of the
English Literature is an advantage, Literary; Trauma and Memory
UK’s leading centres for Creative
it is not a prerequisite. Studies.
and Critical Writing, coached
by experienced and published Entry requirements: Suitable
professional writer-academics. Critical and for graduates in humanities and
Free to follow your genre of choice Cultural Theory social sciences. A 1st or 2:1 class
and explore blending forms, you Explore an interdisciplinary UK honours degree, or equivalent
will complete a substantial piece topic that engages and excites is required. Entrants usually hold a
of creative work together with a you, supervised by pioneers in master’s level qualification.
reflective critical commentary critical and cultural theory with
in our dynamic, creative-critical a long-standing commitment

Entry requirements English language Contact

All programmes need IELTS 7.5 (with 7.0 in each Postgraduate Office
a minimum of a 2:1 at sub-score). e:
undergraduate level and a t: +44 (0)29 2087 4722
master’s degree unless stated. 61
English; Women’s Writing and Applied Linguistics, Language
English Literature Women’s Literary History. Education, English for Specific
Pursue original research in a wide Entry requirements: Applications Purposes; Forensic Linguistics,
variety of literary fields, from the are welcome from graduates with Language and the Law;
medieval to the contemporary, and at least a 2.1 in English Literature Intercultural Communication;
across the theoretical range of the (and/or relevant discipline) and an Healthcare Communication,
discipline. The PhD programme is MA in English Literature (and/or Dementia and Communication,
supported by especially tailored, relevant discipline). Lifespan Communication; (New)
discipline-specific skills and work- Media, Comics and Graphic
in-progress workshops, as well Language and Novels; Visual and multimodal
as a number of specialist reading communication, Non-verbal
groups, research initiatives
Communication, Literacies.
and engagement platforms. Pursue research within one of the
Entry requirements: Applications
These include: the Medieval foremost international centres
are welcome from graduates
and Early Modern Research for research, research training
with at least a 2:1 in a suitable
Initiative; Cardiff Romanticism and teaching in social, applied
field (such as linguistics,
and Eighteenth-Century Seminar; and interactional areas of human
communication, media studies,
the Centre for Editorial and communication, mass media,
languages, some social sciences,
Intertextual Research; Cardiff language and linguistics. Drawing
English literature and humanities).
Poetry Experiment; and Cardiff on the range of specialisms within
BookTalk. We are members of the the Cardiff Centre for Language
and Communication Research,
South, West and Wales Doctoral
Training Programme, and welcome you are encouraged to join Investigate a topic at the
enquiries from applicants who are dedicated teams collaborating cutting-edge of current research
considering applying for 2019-20. on a broad range of projects and under the expert supervision
themes often taking innovative of academic scholars at the
PhD: 3 years FT, 5 years PT
interdisciplinary approaches to forefront of their fields. Our work
MPhil: 1 year FT, 2 years PT in the philosophy of mind and in
questions of contemporary and
Intake: October, January, April international relevance. We are moral and political philosophy is
Research areas: African American members of the Wales ESRC informed by analytic, continental
Literature; Book History; Children’s Doctoral Training Partnership and empirical approaches to
Literature; Cultural History; Digital Linguistics Pathway, as well as the these areas of research. We are
Humanities; Editing Theory and South, West and Wales Doctoral members of the South, West
Ppractice; Experimental Writing; Training Programme, and welcome and Wales Doctoral Training
Film and Adaptation; Gender enquiries from applicants who are Programme, where Philosophy is
and Sexuality Studies; Gothic; considering applying for 2019-20. one of the four principal areas of
Historicism (new-Elizabethan, PhD: 3 years FT, 5 years PT distinctive strength.
neo-Medieval, neo-Victorian, MPhil: 1 year FT, 2 years PT Acquiring new skills at fortnightly
counter-Romantic); Illustration research workshops, you will explore
Intake: October, January, April
Studies; Literary History; Literature ideas and present work in progress
of the Long Eighteenth Century; Research areas: Language at our weekly reading group. As
Literature and the Environment; Description; Sociolinguistics; a doctoral student, you will be
Literature and Law; Literature Language Over Time: Language exposed to the latest developments
and Science; Literature and Variation and Change; and in the discipline through our
Slavery from 1760 to the Present; Historical Linguistics; Corpus research seminar series.
Manuscript Culture; Medical Linguistics; Systemic Functional
PhD: 3 years FT, 5 years PT
Humanities; Medieval Literary Linguistics, Systemic Functional
Grammar; Language Acquisition MPhil: 1 year FT, 2 years PT
and Cultural Studies (including
Medieval Afterlives); Modern (First and Second); Lexical Intake: October, January, April
Drama; Modernist Literature; Old Studies; Linguistic Ethnography; Research areas: Ethics and
Norse-Icelandic and Old English Formulaic Language; Metaphor; Political Philosophy; Philosophy of
Literature; Postcolonial Literature; Intonation and Information Mind; Philosophy of Perception;
Postmodernist Literature; Structure; Professional Discourse Moral Psychology; Modern
Renaissance Literature; Romantic and Workplace Communication; European Philosophy; Critical
Literature; Shakespeare; Victorian Discourse Analysis, Critical Theory; French Existentialism;
and neo-Victorian Literature; Discourse Analysis, Corpus- Feminism; Metaethics; Post-
Visual Culture; Welsh Writing in Informed Discourse Analysis; Structuralist Theory.
62 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning
Geography and Planning

Geography and Planning

We have built our reputation across the boundaries of urban
planning and human geography to become one of the leading
human geography and planning schools in the UK. We are
also one of the largest, with over 70 teaching, research and
support staff.

We are recognised as We are ranked in the In the UK we are 6th

a centre for research Top 100 for geography for Town and Country
excellence - 85% of in the QS World Planning in the
our research for was University Rankings Complete University
rated as world-leading by Subject 2018. Guide 2019
or internationally
(REF 2014)

“I have found the teacher-student relationship to be fantastic. It feels like the lecturers
have a genuine interest in what you’re studying and what you want to achieve. Not only
are they excellent teachers but they are friendly, approachable and always make time
to see you if you need them. Throughout the year there are numerous international
expert guest lecturers who present to the class, and the School’s own lecturers are
also industry experts, which makes for a fascinating environment to learn in.”
Tom MSc International Planning and Development 63
Postgraduate Taught
skills to take forward innovative of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)
City Futures environmentally friendly urban and offers a broad education
With over 50 percent of the developments that are sensitive to in international planning and
world’s population now living in the needs of sustainable spaces. development for those wanting to
cities and 70 percent predicted Example modules include: work in the planning profession.
to do so by 2050, this MSc will Debates in Eco-City Planning Spanning the disciplines of
help you understand and solve and Development; Governance spatial planning and development
the practical problems of living in of the Eco-City Development studies, it enables you to acquire
globalised and multicultural cities. Process; Live Project for Eco-City the knowledge and critical
You will gain an understanding Development; Researching Eco- awareness to make significant
of the key issues and future Cities; Environmental Policy and contributions to the design and
challenges of urbanisation in Climate Change. management of cities and urban
a globalising world and cover systems. Core teaching focuses
MSc: 1 year FT
the different urban theories on issues of development and
that seek to interpret processes underdevelopment, city futures in
of contemporary and future Food Politics and
a globalising world, and creation
urbanisation and globalisation. Sustainability
of space and place within different
You will also develop the analytical This programme will prepare you political, cultural, economic and
and methodological skills to to pursue an academic career in environmental contexts. Options
investigate urban trends and food studies; enhancing the skills enable you to follow specialisms
dynamics in global cities. of those already working in the in urban design, real estate and
Example modules include: sector and developing prospective housing – or a general route with
Planning City Futures; Advancing practitioners and policy-makers options in planning, environment,
Urban Theory; Researching Cities to understand more deeply the transport, real estate, site planning,
for Social Change; Development interplay between food security, regeneration and housing.
and Urbanisation Processes; justice and sustainability. The
Example modules include:
Governing Places. course is specifically aimed at
Development and Urbanisation
those wishing to gain expertise in
MSc: 1 year FT Processes; Planning City Futures;
contemporary food geographies
Researching Spatial Planning and
and politics.
Eco-Cities International Development; Space
Example modules include: and Place: International Planning
Our MSc Eco-Cities programme Sustainable Food Systems; Food Practice; Housing in a Globalising
addresses how cities can be Security and Justice; Researching World.
planned and built to promote Sustainability; Food Governance
low carbon urban development MSc: 1 year FT
and Politics: The Big Challenges in
and lifestyles. You will explore Food Science and Technology.
how ecological development can Planning Practice
mitigate climate change and MSc: 1 year FT, 2 years PT
This programme offers an exciting
promote greater sustainability. opportunity to complete a Royal
International Planning
You will gain a critical Town Planning Institute (RTPI)
understanding of the forms
and Development accreditation through a part-
of development that badge This programme is accredited by time flexible study programme.
themselves as sustainable or the Royal Town Planning Institute It is specifically aimed at those
low carbon and will develop the (RTPI) and the Royal Institution applicants who have not taken a

Entry requirements English language Contact

All programmes need a IELTS 6.5 (5.5 sub-score) unless Student Enquiries
minimum 2:2 at undergraduate stated. e:
level in a similar discipline t: +44 (0)29 2087 4022
including geography, planning,
sociology, economics and

64 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning

‘conversion’ master’s degree to You will also be introduced to the range of spatial scales; nurture
gain access to the UK planning political and ethical frameworks professional judgement; and

Geography and Planning

profession. within which social science develop specialised skills to
You will be able to ‘top up’ your research is conducted, and support employability.
planning knowledge with the to some of the ways in which While the focus is on planning in
spatial planning component of an the results of social science developed capitalist societies,
RTPI-accredited education, making research are disseminated. especially the UK and Europe,
you eligible (after two years of The Environmental Planning the programme’s understanding
planning practice) for professional and Geography pathways have of planning is comparative, and
membership of the RTPI. Economic Social Research Council the skills taught are applicable in
(ESRC) recognition and provide many planning contexts.
Example modules include:
the appropriate training basis for
Site Planning; Design and Example modules include:
proceeding to a PhD.
Development; Live Project; Site Planning; Design and
Planning and Real Estate; Example modules include: Development; Planning and Real
Planning: Nature, Purpose and Developing Core Research Skills; Estate; Planning: Nature, Purpose
Instruments; The Reflective Foundations of Social Science and Instruments; Housing in a
Practitioner. Research; Qualitative Research Globalising World; Planning for
Methods; Quantitative Research Sustainability.
PgCert: 1 year FT
Methods; Research Applications.
MSc: 1 year FT, 2 years PT
MSc: 1 year FT, 3 years PT
Social Science Research English language: IELTS 7.0 (6.0
PgDip: 1 year FT, 2 years PT
Methods (Environmental in each sub-score).
Planning) Spatial Planning and
Sustainability, Planning
This programme provides Development
advanced training in research and Environmental Policy
Our MSc Spatial Planning and
methods across the full range The MSc Sustainability, Planning
Development programme is
of the social sciences. You will and Environmental Policy will
accredited by the Royal Town
be provided with a thorough provide you with knowledge and
Planning Institute (RTPI) and the
theoretical and practical understanding of contemporary
Royal Institution of Chartered
knowledge of how to construct theories, issues, principles
Surveyors (RICS) and is the ideal
effective research studies, of the and practices in the field of
starting point for taking on the
variety of data collection methods sustainability. You will gain
professional challenges of making
available to the social scientist insights into the ways in which
liveable, prosperous places. It
and of the principal methods of problems are defined, and the
will enable you to develop core
analysing social scientific data. scope for applying cutting-edge
planning skills, applicable at a
policy and planning solutions to

We are based in the iconic Glamorgan Building 65
Example modules include:
Principles of Transport Economics;
Researching Transport; Transport
and the City; Transport Analysis;
Sustainable Transport Policies.
MSc: 1 year FT

Urban Design
Urban Design lies at the
intersection of several disciplines,
areas of practice and knowledge.
To facilitate the integration
of a range of expertise and
perspectives, the teaching of
urban design at Cardiff University
involves a collaboration between
the Welsh School of Architecture
and the School of Geography and
Planning. The MA Urban Design
encompasses theory, design
and research, emphasising the
development of critical thinking
skills for creative, contextual design
addressing important challenges
for contemporary cities.
Example modules include: Urban
Design Thinkers; Urban Design
Foundation; Research Methods
and Techniques; Development
Management; Research Based
Tanzania: Studying international planning and development Design Project.
MA: 1 year FT
the environmental challenges different aspects of transport Entry requirements: We welcome
faced by government, business (planning, policy, operation and applications from those with
and regulatory bodies. management) and its links to degrees in design, architecture,
Example modules include: urban planning, by examining real planning, landscape architecture
Principles and Practices of world issues. or civil engineering.
Environmental Governance; You will understand the principles
Environmental Policy and and will practice transport Urban and Regional
Climate Change; Environmental scheme appraisal and evaluation Development
Management; Planning for and will use statistical and Our MSc Urban and Regional
Sustainability; Researching modelling methods for analysing Development programme is
Sustainability. travel behaviour and a range of designed for those who want
MSc: 1 year FT, 2 years PT transport options. to understand more about
This MSc is professionally economic development and urban
Transport and Planning recognised by the Royal Town regeneration theory and practice,
Planning Institute (RTPI). The and help meet contemporary
Transport touches almost every
programme also meets the policy challenges.
aspect of our day-to-day lives.
academic requirements for the It provides you with the
This programme encourages you
Transport Planning Professional opportunity to understand
to address the challenges ahead
Qualification from the Chartered socio-economic change in towns,
for developing the transport
Institution of Highways and cities, regions and city-regions
systems of tomorrow. It offers
Transportation (CIHT). – issues which are of increasing
a great opportunity to study

66 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning

significance globally across interconnections between socio- presenting potential solutions
different regions and nations. economic demands and mounting based on creative and strategic

Geography and Planning

Example modules include: environmental impacts and risks planning and design interventions.
Urban and Regional Dynamics; in both the Global North and the With a focus on Asia and the
Governing Places; Urban and Global South. Global South, we will introduce
Regional Development in Practice; You will investigate, question you to the key urban design skills
Researching Urban and Regional and explore alternatives to and competencies which will
Development; Designing Cities. the prevailing tensions and enable you to make a valuable
MSc: 1 year FT, 2 years PT interdependencies between contribution to the international
development and socio-ecological planning and urban design arena.
English language: IELTS 6.5 (5.5
systems through a local, national This includes practical design
in each sub-score).
and historical lens. skills but also in-depth knowledge
Example modules include: and critical understanding of the
Environment and often complex interaction between
Development and Urbanisation
Development urban planning, regulation,
Processes; Principles and
This new interdisciplinary Practices of Environmental policy and urban design, which
programme will provide you with Governance; Environmental Policy contemporary urban practitioners
a broad education, and stimulate and Climate Change; Planning for must negotiate.
critical thinking, on the political, Sustainability; Debates in Eco-City Example modules include:
regulatory, cultural and economic Planning and Development. Site Planning; Design and
links between development and Development; Planning City
MSc: 1 year FT
environmental management. Futures; Designing Cities;
In order to address the complexity International Planning Researching Spatial Planning
of contemporary trends, the and International Development;
and Urban Design
process of development will be Transport and the City.
treated as an intrinsically political Our new MSc International
MSc: 1 year FT
(contested) and ecological (vital) Planning and Urban Design
activity that occurs at the interface programme explores the major
between state, society and the problems and dilemmas of
rest of socio-nature. The focus global cities within the context
will be on exploring the politicised of planning and urban design,

Postgraduate Research
With our international links and Intake: October
Geography and Planning research profile, we provide a rich Research areas: Environment;
We are a centre of research and lively scholarly environment Social and Cultural Geography;
excellence and play a leading role in which to conduct doctoral Spatial Planning and Analysis in
in academic and policy debates at research work and achieve your City Environments; Urban and
national and international levels. full academic potential. At present Regional Governance.
Our aim is to recruit committed there are around 30 full-time PhD
research students for the pursuit students in the School.
of innovative, cutting-edge PhD: 3-4 years FT, 5-7 years PT
research at PhD level.
MPhil: 1-2 years FT, 3 years PT

Entry requirements English language Contact

A 1st or 2nd class honours IELTS 6.5 (6.0 in each sub-score). Student Enquiries
degree. e: gandpenquiries
t: +44 (0)29 2087 4022 67
Healthcare Sciences

It can be difficult to keep up with the latest developments and

further your healthcare education, whilst balancing work or
other commitments. The School of Healthcare Sciences will
support you in gaining clinical and academic skills to apply in
your workplace and further your career.

94% of our research Cardiff University Students benefit from

was classed as has achieved 2nd innovative clinical
internationally place in the Guardian and research facilities
excellent or University league and dedicated
world-leading tables 2018: health postgraduate study
(REF 2014) professions for the spaces
second year running

“I am very proud to have studied my MSc in Physiotherapy at Cardiff University. The mode of learning
at MSc level in Cardiff is primarily self-directed and I found this to be helpful. Most of the classes are
interactive sessions and the lecturers are always available to help students. They are also friendly
and easy to approach. Resources such as textbooks and journals are readily available to students
and there are various other educational and research facilities and equipment available to aid
learning. I found the study environment to be conducive to my learning and this helped me
develop my academic writing. Cardiff was a peaceful, friendly and fun place to study.
Omowumi MSc Physiotherapy graduate (Nigeria)

68 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning

Postgraduate Taught

Healthcare Sciences
Core Modules for settings, in order to develop and your own Designated Supervising
enhance practice. Medical Practitioner (DSMP).
all programmes:
MSc: 18 months FT, 4 years PT By undertaking our hands-on
Research Methods and Health
programme you’ll be part of a
Improvement in Health and Social
Advanced Practice School with facilities which enable
Care, and Study Skills.
(Education for Health the development of your skills in
Advanced Practice Professionals) a safe environment. You will also
undertake associated clinical
You will be part of an exciting The Advanced Practice Education
practice placements which are
and innovative programme and for Health Professionals
supported by experts in their field.
you will have the opportunity to programme offers two routes
You’ll have the opportunity to hone
choose a pathway that is right for (Nursing and Midwifery Council
your independent learning, group
you and your career. This includes [NMC] and non NMC) which
discussion skills and be part of
a generic pathway or a specialist focuses on evidence-based
stimulating academic tutorial
pathway in Community Health approaches to facilitating learning,
sessions, aiding your career
Studies, Education for Health teaching, inter-professional
Professionals or Non-Medical learning and quality assurance
in higher education and clinical Example modules include:
practice. Non-Medical Prescribing;
You will be part of a close-knit Transforming Care; Systems and
class where you’ll have the MSc: 18 months FT, 4 years PT /
Services through Leadership;
opportunity to share ideas and PgCert: 1 year FT, 3 years PT
Foundation in Advanced Clinical
improve your group discussion. Assessment for Healthcare
You will be supported to develop Advanced Practice Professionals.
your independent clinical, (Non-Medical Prescribing) MSc: 4 years PT
leadership and management skills This part-time course is designed PgCert in Advanced Clinical
with the support of experienced to prepare nurses, midwives, Practice: 2 years PT
staff who have a considerable physiotherapists, podiatrists,
local, national and international
paramedics and radiographers Community Health
to practise as Non-Medical Studies (SPQ)
Example modules include: Prescribers, meeting standards
Transforming Care; Systems and set by the Nursing and Midwifery If you are a registered nurse and
Services through Leadership; Council (NMC) and the Health and want to prepare for work in the
Foundations in Advanced Care Professions Council (HCPC). dynamic and lively community
Clinical Patient Assessment for setting, this programme will
MSc: 4 years PT
Healthcare Professionals provide you with a recordable
PgCert in Non-Medical
specialist practitioner qualification
MSc: 18 months FT, 4 years PT Prescribing: 24 weeks PT
with the Nursing & Midwifery
Council (NMC). Studying to
Advanced Practice Advanced Clinical become a community nurse with
(Community Health Practice us means you will have the choice
Studies) Increasingly, as an advanced of qualifying in district nursing or
The MSc Advanced Practice practitioner you have to be general practice nursing.
(Community Health Studies) prepared to deliver complex care Our course is a stimulating
course aims to offer a flexible and traditionally delivered by doctors. blended programme that offers
innovative educational opportunity We aim to extend your skills to this both theoretical study and clinical
to professionals working within level through education, clinical practice. We have close working
community health and social care experience and supervision from relationships with local service

Entry requirements English language Contact

An undergraduate degree in a IELTS 6.5 (5.5 in each sub-score). e hcarepgtadmissions@
relevant discipline, please see
individual programmes for detail. t: +44 (0)29 2068 7538 69
providers and you will benefit from MSc: A further 1 year to gain with close links to the College of
varied placements supported by MSc (Non-funded). Must be Occupational Therapists.
an experienced supervisor. You undertaken within 3 years of Example modules include:
also have the option to incorporate completing PgDip Occupational science and
the community practitioner nurse occupational therapy theory and
prescribing qualification. Occupational Therapy application; Evidencing learning
Example modules include: (pre-registration) in specialist professional practice;
Contemporary issues in district Ranked 1st in the UK for Neurorehabilitation: a theoretical
nursing; Contemporary issues in Occupational Therapy by the basis.
practice nursing; Leadership in Complete University Guide 2018, MSc: 18 months FT, 4 years PT
community nursing: Transforming our accelerated programme aims
care. to qualify those, who already hold Radiography
MSc: 18 months FT, 4 years PT a degree, as an Occupational
Our innovative radiography
PgDip: 3 years PT Therapist. Once you have
programme is accredited by
successfully completed the course
the Society and College of
Specialist Community you will be eligible to register with
Radiographers, and the skills
Public Health Nursing the Health and Care Professions
you obtain are transferable to all
Council (HCPC) and the Royal
If you are a registered nurse or NHS Trusts, and are recognised
College of Occupational Therapists.
midwife and want to prepare for overseas. This course aims to
work in the dynamic and lively Our programme is a stimulating expand your knowledge in areas
community setting, working with blended programme that offers such as image appreciation,
children and their families, this both theoretical study and clinical radiographic reporting and
programme will provide you with practice. We have close working mammography, and much more.
a professional award of Specialist relationships with local service
You will have the opportunity to
Community Public Health Nurse providers and you will benefit from
work with, and be supported by,
(SCPHN), with subsequent varied placements supported
experienced radiologists and
registration on the Specialist by an experienced mentor.
clinical specialists. You will have
Community Public Health Nurse You’ll receive close academic
access to our imaging suite with
part of the Nursing and Midwifery support from an experienced
computed radiography system
Council (NMC) register, as a personal tutor and be taught by
and PACS for both film viewing
health visitor. experienced staff.
experience and for experimental
Our course is a stimulating PgDip: 2 years FT purposes. Designed for qualified
blended programme that offers Entry requirements: 2:2 in any healthcare practitioners our
both theoretical study and clinical undergraduate degree. course aims to immerse you in all
practice. You will delve into areas aspects of Radiography practice;
of the principles of Health Visiting, Occupational Therapy both practical and theoretical.
safeguarding children, public Example modules include:
One of the few MSc courses in
health, health promotion and Clinical competence in
Occupational Therapy in the UK
community nurse prescribing. mammography; Appendicular/
for qualified professionals, ranking
You will benefit from varied Axial Radiographic Reporting.
1st in the UK for Occupational
placements supported by an
Therapy (pre-registration) by the MSc: 18 months FT, 4 years PT
experienced supervisor.
Complete University Guide 2018.
Example modules include: Our programme aims to develop Image Appreciation
Contemporary approaches in your knowledge and essential skills
SCPHN (Health Visiting) practice; Our Society and College of
to help you progress your career.
Health visiting practice to safeguard Radiographers approved course
Our programme focuses on will enable qualified healthcare
children; Public health: promotion
the acquisition of high quality professionals to carry out clinical
and protection with community
clinical reasoning skills and image appreciation and use the
nurse prescribing (v100).
the development of innovative results in patient management.
PgDip: 1 year FT, 2 years PT, ideas based on evidence based
3 years extended PT (Funded) Throughout your studies, you
practice. You will be supported
will be immersed in all aspects
by experienced staff who are well
of radiography practice (both
respected within the profession,
practical and theoretical) that will

70 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning

help you gain invaluable skills provide you with an advanced level Example modules include:
that you will use in the further of managing patient care. You Critical Inquiry: Examination

Healthcare Sciences
advancement of your profession. will have the opportunity to learn of Photography in Healthcare;
You will have ample opportunity from experienced educational and Clinical Photography Theory
to work in clinical settings with clinical staff who have developed and Practice.
plenty of hands-on experience. a considerable local, national and Distance learning PgCert: 14
Some teaching is given through international reputation. months PT
the interpretation of medical test You will gain a critical appreciation Entry requirements: An honours
results. You will also have access of current and emerging evidence degree in photography or relevant
to an imaging suite with computed and reflect upon professional, media related subject, which has
radiography system and PACS. clinical, policy and management a concentration on photography,
Example modules include: issues. Many theory aspects of the or a minimum of two years
Appendicular/Axial Image course are contextualised through relevant work experience, which
Appreciation; Image Interpretation the use of the operating theatre must be in accordance with the
and Reporting in Mammography. clinical skills suite, enabling programme regulations.
learning in a safe environment.
PgDip: 2 years PT
PgCert: 1 year PT You will have the opportunity to Physiotherapy
develop independently, through
You have the opportunity to
Radiographic Reporting theory and research, whilst also
learn in an environment that is
improving hands-on clinical and
Meet the ever-changing needs ranked in the top ten in the UK for
problem-solving skills.
of this fast-developing sector by Physiotherapy (pre-registration)
Example modules include: by both the Complete University
developing your skills to carry out
Managing Care in Anaesthetic Guide and the Times Good
clinical image reporting tasks in
Practice Development; Cardio- University Guide 2018.
your workplace. Our innovative
Respiratory Physiology and
programme is accredited by We aim to develop your evaluative,
the Society and College of critical thinking and problem-
Radiographers, and the skills MSc: 18 months FT, 4 years PT solving skills, and to increase
which can be developed are your practical and theoretical
transferable to all NHS Trusts, and Clinical Photography knowledge of physiotherapy in
are recognised overseas. If you are a practising photographer order to advance in your career.
Much of the course content is working in a healthcare setting, You will have the opportunity
delivered to you by experienced completing our nationally to work and be supported
radiologists and clinical recognised, Institute of Medical by internationally renowned
specialists, who will support you Illustrators accredited clinical researchers as well as clinicians
throughout your studies. You will photography programme, means who are experts in their field.
have access to an imaging suite you will become part of more than Our course benefits from using
with computed radiography system 45 years of established history of some of the latest technology
and PACS with some teaching clinical photography education. and equipment which is
given through the interpretation of Supported by experienced staff designed to meet the needs of
medical test results. and a personal tutor, you will physiotherapists at any stage in
Modules Include: Radiation benefit from face-to-face study their career.
Science and Protection and days and practical photography Example modules include:
Appendicular/Axial Radiographic sessions in a dedicated training Musculoskeletal Diagnosis and
Reporting, Image Interpretation studio. In addition to direct Treatment; Neurorehabilitation:
and Reporting in Mammography. interaction with your peers, a Theoretical Basis; Cardio-
PgDip: 2 years PT support and learning resources Respiratory Physiology and
PgCert: 1 year PT are easily accessible to students Pathophysiology.
online at any time. Upon MSc: 18 months FT, 4 years PT
Managing Care in graduation you will be eligible
Entry requirements: A degree
to apply for full membership
Perioperative and in physiotherapy (UK diploma or
to the Institute of Medical
Anaesthesia Practice Illustrators and join the Academy
equivalent in physiotherapy). Only
This innovative and creative qualified physiotherapists are
for Healthcare Science’s (AHCS)
programme has been designed to eligible to apply.
accredited register. 71
Sports Physiotherapists (IFSP). Example modules include:
Sports and Exercise You will have the opportunity Science of Performance and
Physiotherapy to work and be supported Injury in Sport; Assessment and
Our well-established and by internationally renowned Treatment of Sports Injuries; Sport
innovative programme is suited to researchers as well as clinicians and Exercise Participation; Inter-
individuals managing people with who are experts in their Disciplinary Management; Injury
sport or exercise related injuries profession. Prevention.
(a minimum of two years clinical On successful completion you MSc: 18 months FT, 4 years PT
experience is required). will have achieved the theoretical PgDip: 1 year FT, 2 years PT
The curriculum was designed in requirements of the Gold
collaboration with the Association Level Association of Chartered
of Chartered Physiotherapists in Physiotherapists in Sports
Sports Medicine (ACPSM) and Medicine certificate and be
international organisations such working at a specialist level within
as the International Federation of your field.

Postgraduate Research
Ranked as 4th in the UK for The initial 2 years consist of your research will aim to enhance
research assessed by REF 2014, doctoral training in the form education and healthcare with
as well as receiving 1st place of 6 taught research and direct benefits to patients and the
for research environment we professional practice modules public.
bring together clinical healthcare (out of 7 modules on offer). The You will have the option to choose
professionals and academics in remaining 3 years are allocated from one of our research themes:
pursuit of excellent research with for undertaking a research project Enhancing Palliative, Emotional
the aim of improving, influencing and production of a doctoral and Supportive Care; Workforce,
and informing healthcare now and thesis of normally 50,000 words. Innovation and Improvement;
in the future, with patients and During this period, you will be Maternal, Child and Family Health
families at the heart. allocated supervisors from within and Wellbeing; Optimising Health
our School research themes. through Activity and Lifestyles.
Professional Doctorate DAHSP: 5-7 years
of Advanced Healthcare PhD: 3 years FT, 5 years PT
Intake: September
Science and Practice MPhil: 1 year FT, 2 years PT
Entry requirements: Master’s or Intake: October
This exciting part time, inter-
1st or 2:1 honours degree in an
professional programme offers Entry requirements: Applicants
appropriate subject.
a research training package should normally hold a 2:1 degree
designed to help you gain or the equivalent in a field relevant
high level research skills and
Healthcare Sciences to the particular project.
knowledge, relevant to conducting Our research programme is
research directly within your structured to give you the
professional and clinical practice. opportunity to undertake original
You will do this by developing and independent research
new understandings of practice, in healthcare sciences. It will
generating/enhancing patient enable you to make a valuable
outcomes, and directly influencing contribution to knowledge and
professional or organisational practice within your profession.
change within your workplace, in Working closely with our clinical
line with your professional role. colleagues and across disciplines,

Entry requirements English language Contact

Please see individual IELTS 6.5 (5.5 in each sub-score). Research Office
programme. e: hcarephdenquiries@
t: +44 (0)29 2068 8588

72 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning

History, Archaeology
and Religion

History, Archaeology and Religion

Follow your passion for your subject in a highly respected
School with a wealth of leading academics, researchers
and resources.

Ranked 12th in We specialise in History, Latest research

‘Archaeology’ in the UK, Ancient History, Welsh projects span a
20th in ‘History’ (10th History, Archaeology, wide geographical,
in Ancient History) Archaeological and chronological and
and 10th in ‘Theology Historical Conservation, cultural range, from
and Religious Studies’ Religious Studies, Roman Caerleon in
in the UK’s Research Theology and our native Wales to
Excellence Framework Chaplaincy demonology in ancient
(REF 2014) Judaism and Christianity

“I found it easy to join the research community and to get involved with the School.
The department provides several opportunities for PhD students to work together
and to make friends – having our own office especially helps!”
Ulrika PhD Ancient History 73
Postgraduate Taught
Ancient History History and Archaeology History
Ancient History of the Greek and Roman History
Discover the history, society and
World Develop a sophisticated
culture of the Greek and Roman In this interdisciplinary understanding of historical
world, through a combination of programme, you will explore the themes or topics in a flexible
taught modules and individual history and archaeology of the programme offering a broad
research in this flexible ancient world from Archaic Greece chronological, geographical and
programme. Under the supervision to Late Antiquity. It is designed to thematic range. You will gain a
of leading experts, you can pursue develop your skills in interpreting thorough grounding in historical
your own interests from Archaic literary, artistic and archaeological theory and research methods,
Greece to Late Antiquity. evidence, building on your first alongside more subject-based
Example modules include: degree in Ancient History, Classics knowledge through a choice of
Themes and Approaches in or Archaeology. modules spanning the medieval to
Ancient History; Ancient Warfare; Example modules include: the modern periods.
Gender, Sexuality and Society in Themes in Classical Archaeology; Example modules include:
Ancient Greece; The Romanisation Approaches to Ancient Art; Order and Disorder in the Early
of Italy. Romanisation of Italy; The Modern World; Reading modernity:
MA: 1 year FT, 2 years PT Archaeology of Death & Culture and Society in Britain and
Commemoration and tailored America; Modernity, Empire and
Ancient and Medieval research topics including Domestic Resistance in the Non-Western
Space in Classical Antiquity. World; Central European History;
MA: 1 year FT, 2 years PT Modern European Languages for
Explore the military history of Historians.
the Greek, Roman and Medieval
worlds in a programme unique in
Late Antique and MA: 1 year FT, 2 years PT
the UK. Taught by leading experts Byzantine Studies
across disciplines, it offers the Analyse Late Antiquity and the
Medieval British Studies
flexibility to choose your own Byzantine empire, choosing to Acquire a broad knowledge of
period or theme, and to research specialise in one sphere or explore the medieval period in the British
specialist topics using historical, both. Your experience will be Isles in this interdisciplinary
archaeological, and literary enriched by our expertise across programme.
evidence and approaches. history, culture and religion, Taught by medievalists active
Example modules include: informed by the latest research in the Centre for the Study of
Siege Warfare: From Troy to Acre; of the Centre for Late Antique Medieval Society and Culture, you
Themes in Ancient and Medieval Religion and Culture. will discover fresh perspectives,
Warfare; tailored research topics Example modules include: building skills across medieval
including Aspects of Greek Warfare Rhetoric and Philosophy in Late history, archaeology, English
and Aspects of the Roman Army; Antiquity; Themes in Late Antique literature and Welsh. We offer
Postgraduate Latin. and Byzantine Studies; Special the flexibility to specialise to suit
MA: 1 year FT, 2 years PT Topics including Aspects of Late your interests and opportunities
Antiquity and Byzantium, Julian to evaluate sources using newly-
the Apostate and Byzantium: The acquired skills in palaeography,
Golden Age. Medieval English or Latin.
MA: 1 year FT, 2 years PT

Entry requirements English language Contact

You will ideally possess a higher IELTS 6.5 (6.5 in each sub-score). School Admissions
education degree with a 1st or e:
good 2:1 Honours (UK) from a t: +44 (0)29 2087 4929
related humanities and social
science discipline.

74 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning

Example modules include: Example modules include: Early Celts; Celtic Mythology and
Belief and Disbelief; Diplomacy Later Prehistory of Britain; Artefact Religion.

History, Archaeology and Religion

in the Middle Ages; Gender in the Illustration; The Archaeology of MA: 1 year FT, 2 years PT
Middle Ages; The Military Orders; Death and Commemoration;
Palaeography. Britain and Ireland in the Neolithic Conservation
MA: 1 year FT, 2 years PT and Viking Britain and Ireland.
Dedicated to training the next
MA: 1 year FT, 2 years PT generation of conservators, our
Welsh History Conservation programmes are
Investigate historical and cultural Archaeological Science particularly suitable for graduates
aspects across early modern Master the skills of an in archaeology, history, ancient
and modern Welsh History, from archaeological scientist in a history, conservation and the
the late eighteenth century dynamic programme taught by sciences. If you have an arts
onwards, with experts passionate leading experts. Our programme based degree you must supply
about their subject. Develop a combines scientific training evidence of the highest level of
sophisticated understanding with thematic and period-based education within science that you
of themes or topics you find study, giving you the freedom have achieved.
truly fascinating, in a flexible to tailor your studies to suit
programme offering chronological your ambitions as a practicing Care of Collections
and thematic range. You will gain archaeological scientist or This vocational programme
a thorough grounding in research researcher. Whether you’re looking offers exceptional training in
and historical theory, choosing to specialise in biomolecular preventive conservation and the
English or Welsh-medium archaeology, osteoarchaeology management of cultural and
supervision for your dissertation. or zooarchaeology or to take a heritage collections, regardless
Example modules include: general approach, you’ll find a of humanities or science
Topics in the history of Wales wide range of modules on offer. background. You will become
from the 18th century to the This programme is particularly adept in the skills essential for a
1980s; opportunities to follow suitable for graduates in heritage career, including project
your research interests, drawing Archaeology or relevant disciplines design and report writing, and
on a wealth of local archives and (such as conservation, heritage, gain valuable museum or heritage
special collections. biology, chemistry and geography). experience.
MA: 1 year FT, 2 years PT Example modules include: Example modules include:
Zooarchaeology; Biomolecular Assessment and design for
Archaeology Archaeology; Human collections care; Scientific
Osteoarchaeology; The approach in conservation practice;
Archaeology Analysis in heritage science;
Archaeology of Death and
Enjoy the freedom to shape Commemoration. Collection care in the museum
your own programme. Combine environment; Materials in the
MSc: 1 year FT, 2 years PT
periods, topics and regions, take museum environment.
an interdisciplinary approach
or specialise in Early Medieval
Early Celtic Studies MSc: 1 year FT, 2 years PT

Society and Culture, or Prehistoric Develop a critical understanding

of the Celtic world in this
Conservation Practice
Britain and Europe.
Renowned for our particular interdisciplinary programme Designed as a conversion
expertise in the British Isles, drawing on archaeological, programme for humanities and
Europe and the Mediterranean historical, literary and mythological science graduates seeking a
area, our experts teach from the sources. Studying in a modern career in Conservation, this
Neolithic through to the Celtic, Celtic capital with experts from highly respected two-year
Roman and Viking periods. True Archaeology, English, History and programme equips you with a
to our legacy as one of the first Welsh, you are additionally well- sophisticated understanding
universities in the UK to advance placed to access key specialist of theoretical principles and
the discipline, Archaeology collections and western Britain’s practical applications. Over
at Cardiff is broad-ranging major Celtic sites. the two years, you will become
and topical, reflecting what Example modules include: adept in the care and protection
the discipline can and should Later Prehistory of Britain; Post- of cultural heritage artefacts
contribute to society. Roman Britain and Ireland; The through hands-on experience, 75
amassing considerable experience Example modules include: Studying in the Centre for the
of working on cultural heritage Analysis in heritage science; History of Religion in Asia, you
objects from the UK and across Assessment and design for can explore the religions of South
the globe. collections care; Scientific Asia or China in combination or
Example modules include: approach in conservation practice; individually in our Asian Religions
Museums collections management; Materials and the museum pathway, drawing on expertise
Managing metallic and inorganic environment; Making conservation ranging from Chinese Buddhism to
cultural heritage; Designing decisions. ancient Indian religious traditions.
research in heritage science; MSc: 1 year FT, 2 years PT You can investigate sources
Advanced practical projects; in further depth by learning a
Making conservation decisions. Religious Studies classical language (Arabic, Ancient
MSc: 2 years FT Greek or Latin/Late Antiquity
Religious Studies or Sanskrit/Asian Religions), if
Professional Explore the great religious and you wish.
Conservation cultural transformations of Late Example modules include:
Antiquity or discover the religious Asian Religions; Themes in Late
This highly-regarded programme literature and culture of South Antique and Byzantine Studies
teaches the design, execution and Asia or China with our pathway or Asian Religions; Religion and
delivery of research in conservation options. Culture in Late Antiquity; Rhetoric
and conservation science via
Based in the Centre for Late and Philosophy in Late Antiquity.
seminars and laboratory practice.
Antique Religion and Culture, MA: 1 year FT, 2 years PT
Taught by internationally respected
Religion in Late Antiquity
researchers, it is designed to
examines the landmark period Islam in Contemporary
meet the needs of conservators
when contemporary world faiths Britain
and science graduates wishing to
emerged (200 – 800AD), taking
expand into this exciting field. The Gain the social science skills
theological, historical and linguistic
programme gives you flexibility essential to pursue high calibre
approaches to religions, ranging
to specialise in a variety of areas research of Islam in Britain today
from Christianity and Judaism to
to suit your interests and career within the flagship Centre for the
Greco-Roman Paganism.
direction. Study of Islam in the UK. Ideal for

Caerau Hillfort excavations - the award-winning CAER Heritage Project is a beacon of engagement in action,
revealing the history of South Wales’ ancient powerhouse in ongoing excavations since 2011

76 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning

professional development within part-time). Teaching takes place Chaplaincy; Critical Reflection
the public sector, our rewarding in three short residential schools on Practice; Faith, Belief and

History, Archaeology and Religion

programme delivers in-depth per year (four or eight days Spirituality; Ethics and Values in
understanding of the theoretical each semester/part or full-time Chaplaincy; Mental Health Issues
and conceptual vocabulary with online tutorial support in the Context of Chaplaincy.
surrounding British Islam plus the throughout). MTh: 2 years PT
skills to undertake high quality Example modules include: PgDip: 2 years PT
research according to social Hermeneutics for Research and PgCert: 1 year PT
sciences professional ethics codes. Ministry; Continuity and Change:
Example modules include: Ministry in Contemporary Society; Chaplaincy Studies:
History and Development of Theology of the Child; Contours of Military
Muslim Communities in Britain; Christian Theology; The Horrors
Acquire a respected qualification
Contemporary Debates in British We Bless (Old Testament Texts).
tailored to the professional
Muslim Studies; Muslims in MTh: 1 year FT, 2 years PT and vocational development of
Britain Today; Social Theory and PgDip: 1 year FT, 2 years PT military chaplains in this part-time
Research Design. PgCert: 1 semester FT, 1 year PT three year, multi-faith Master’s
MTh: 1 year FT, 2 years PT programme. Teaching is via four
PgDip: 1 year FT, 3 years PT Chaplaincy Studies short residential schools per
Gain a respected qualification year with online tutorial support
Theology tailored to your professional throughout. You will study with
Deepen and consolidate your development in this part-time fellow chaplains from all sectors in
understanding of theological Master’s programme. You can take an environment which integrates
issues in this wide-ranging a generalist route, or specialise in interdisciplinary study and
Masters. Designed for those in Military, Education, Healthcare or practical theological reflection.
ministry or seeking to continue Sports. Teaching is via four short Example modules include:
and expand theological study, residential schools per year with Practical Theology: Resources
this programme is particularly online tutorial support throughout. and Methods; Faith, Belief and
suitable for reflecting critically You will study with fellow chaplains Spirituality; Moral Issues in the
on professional practice. Choose from all sectors in an enriching Context of Military Chaplaincy;
to specialise in Church History, environment that integrates Perspectives and Skills in the
Practical Theology, Biblical interdisciplinary study and practical Military Environment.
Studies, Doctrine or Children, theological reflection. MA: 3 years PT
Families and Youth Ministry. (The Example modules include:
latter is available exclusively Perspectives and Skills for

Postgraduate Research
PhD: 3 years FT, 5 years PT History and Archaeology of Archaic
Ancient History MPhil: 1 year FT, 2 years PT Societies; Italy and the Western
Pursue original research, within a Intake: January, April, July, October Roman Provinces; the Later Roman
passionate community of research- and Early Medieval Periods.
Research areas: Ancient Medicine
active academics investigating Entry requirements: Suitable
and Science; Gender and Sexuality;
political and social history and the for graduates in ancient history,
the Greek City-state; Housing and
interpretation of epigraphic and classics, classical archaeology
the Built Environment; Political and
archaeological evidence. and related humanities and social
Social history; Warfare in Antiquity;
science disciplines.

Entry requirements position of responsibility relevant Contact

Applicants will ideally possess: a to the proposed course of study. School Admissions
UK higher education degree with English language e:
a 1st or good 2:1 Honours, and t: +44 (0)29 2087 4929
a master’s degree or a minimum IELTS 6.5.
of two years experience in a 77
Archaeology History and Welsh History Religious and Theological
Among the first UK universities Conduct your choice of unique Studies
to advance Archaeology historical research with the With research strength across all
and Conservation, today our freedom to explore exciting major religions, we offer a broad
contribution is broad-ranging, subjects across a broad scope for the pursuit of excellence
influential and topical. chronological, geographical and in a wide range of specialisms.
PhD: 3 years FT, 5 years PT thematic range. PhD: 3 years FT, 5 years PT
MPhil: 1 year FT, 2 years PT PhD: 3 years FT, 5 years PT MPhil: 1 year FT, 2 years PT
Intake: January, April, July, October MPhil: 1 year FT, 2 years PT
Intake: January, April, July,
Research areas: British and Intake: January, April, July, October October
European Prehistory; the Eastern Research areas: Medieval Britain Research areas: Religion in
Mediterranean; the Roman and and the wider world; early modern the contemporary world; Early
Post Roman Empire; the Medieval and modern Wales; Britain Christianity; Islam and Asian
World; Archaeological Science and and Europe; twentieth-century Religions; Narrative Traditions
Historiography; Bioarchaeology European authoritarian regimes; in Asia (hagiography, biography,
and Numismatics; Ancient Egypt; modern China, India and Japan; translation and commentary);
the Anglo-Saxon age; Medieval historiography; the histories of the Interface Between Religion
Culture and Society. international migration, gender and Society in the Contemporary
Entry requirements: Suitable for and medicine. World; Biblical Theology;
graduates in archaeology, history, Entry requirements: Suitable for Hermeneutics; Doctrine in
ancient history, conservation graduates in history, and related Contemporary or Historical
science and chemistry, and other humanities and social science Perspectives; Reformation and
related and relevant disciplines in disciplines. Contemporary Church History;
the humanities, social sciences, Practical Theology; Mission
and biological and physical and Evangelism; Chaplaincy;
sciences. Christianity in Contemporary
Conservation Entry requirements: Suitable
Recognised internationally for graduates in a wide variety of
for high quality research, our disciplines within the humanities
strength is the generation of and social sciences.
original, empirical data to guide
professional practice in the
heritage sector.
PhD: 3 years FT, 5 years PT
MPhil: 1 year FT, 2 years PT
Intake: January, April, July, October
Research areas: Composition,
decay and preservation of
materials; evaluation of
conservation treatments and
practices; management of
heritage assets; environmental
control for preservation.
Entry requirements: Suitable for
graduates in archaeology, history,
ancient history, conservation
science and chemistry, and other
related and relevant disciplines in
the humanities, social sciences,
and biological and physical
sciences. We are proudly rooted within our local community in Wales,
with particularly strong links in the heritage sector

78 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning

Journalism, Media
and Culture

Journalism, Media and Culture

The School is top-rated in the UK for its teaching and research,
helping to shape international media, journalism and
communication landscapes.

Internationally, we The School is situated Industry accreditation

are ranked amongst in the heart of recognises our
the world’s very best Cardiff’s vibrant journalism (television,
Communication and cultural and creative radio, online, magazine)
Media Studies Schools sector, alongside local and public relations
(QS World University and national media courses to be highly
Rankings by Subject 2017) companies, including valued by graduates
BBC Wales and employers alike

“The School of Journalism, Media and Culture is one of the best schools for
journalism studies in Europe. The School is big enough to attract top academics,
yet small enough to get to know everyone and feel at ease. The tutors are very
approachable and always happy to help you achieve your full potential. The choice
of modules and the various backgrounds of my fellow students created a fantastic
learning environment.”
Sandra MA Journalism, Media and Communcations 79
Postgraduate Taught
foundations of good journalism
Broadcast Journalism such as a commitment to Digital Documentaries
This course covers training for ethical reporting with the latest Across TV, YouTube, cinema and
television, radio and digital programming techniques to create streaming services, documentaries
journalism. It features a three- highly skilled and in-demand digital are a vital, successful and
week industry placement in the storytellers, newsroom developers constantly evolving media and this
second semester and aims to help and data journalists. course enables you to turn your
you get your first job in a highly It is jointly delivered by Cardiff ideas into innovative films for a
competitive industry. University’s internationally variety of audiences.
You’ll learn how to find, gather respected Schools of Journalism, You will achieve this by initially
and broadcast your stories, using Media and Culture and Computer learning how to integrate
our industry-standard studios and Science and Informatics. the theory and practice of
facilities. You’ll also learn how to Example modules include: Python documentary filmmaking, and
use social media platforms such as for Data Analysis; Web Application later through intensive practical
Twitter and Instagram professionally Development; Digital Investigation; workshops, one-to-one guidance
- preparing you for a career in Data Journalism; Business and and group sessions you will learn
multimedia broadcast newsrooms. Financial Journalism. to locate subjects and stories that
You’ll leave us with an MA that is matter to you, find a method of
MSc: 1 year FT
widely recognised as being at the making, and a mode of encounter,
forefront of postgraduate broadcast Cultural and Creative with your subject, develop distinct
training and is accredited by the shooting and editing strategies,
Broadcast Journalism Training
Industries and evolve your own unique visual
Council (BJTC). This course reflects contemporary language.
knowledge, theory, practice
Example modules include: Example modules include:
and research at the forefront of
Broadcast Journalism; Media Law Documentary Practice; Directing
academic and professional study
and Ethics; Data Journalism and the Documentary; Documentary
in the creative industries, and aims
a Specialist Module (e.g. Politics, Studies; Specialist Skills; Global
to produce graduates who have the
Business, Sport, Lifestyle or Crisis Reporting.
skills and competencies needed
Motoring). MA: 1 year FT
to meet the dynamic challenges
MA: 1 year FT of one of the fastest growing
English language: IELTS 7.5 employment sectors in the UK.
Digital Media and Society
Supported by leading-edge The course explores the role of
Computational and Data research and professional practice new digital media in shaping and
Journalism in this area, the course offers a transforming society. It investigates
This course will help you unlock the balance of theory and professional how big data affects our lives, how
powerful world of computational study, enabling you to identify citizen journalism and digital culture
and data journalism to tell emerging areas of opportunity change established institutions,
insightful and important stories, within the creative industries. how social media affects politics
by interpreting and visualising Example modules include: and business, and how technology
data in compelling new ways, and Introduction to Creative Industries; is related to power and social
understanding what computational Critical Issues in Creative Labour; change.
tools and techniques can bring to Creative Management of Social The course provides a thorough
the industry. and Digital Media; Practice and theoretical and methodological
This industry-informed and Theory of Digital Creativity. grounding in media and
hands-on course combines the MA: 1 year FT communication studies and

Entry requirements English language Contact

All programmes need IELTS 7.0 (6.0 in each sub-score) Student Support
a minimum of a 2:2 at unless stated e: jomecstudentsupport@
undergraduate level
unless stated. t: +44 (0)29 2087 4156

80 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning

specialist knowledge in areas The course is accredited by the We will teach you how to produce
such as social media, big data, Chartered Institute of Public magazine content for different

Journalism, Media and Culture

privacy and surveillance, internet Relations (CIPR) and is one of magazine markets such as
governance, digital rights, and only ten Public Relations and glossy fashion monthlies, quirky
citizen journalism. Communications Association independent quarterlies, weekly
Example modules include: (PRCA) Partner Universities in titles for business people and
Understanding Digital Media; the UK. customer magazines for retailers.
Citizen Journalism and Digital Example modules include: You will also learn how to pitch
Publics; Social Media and Politics; International Public Relations your portfolio when freelancing
Big Data and Everyday Life. Theory and Practice; Digital and the course is fully accredited
MA: 1 year FT Communications Management; by the Professional Publishers
Research Methods; Global Association (PPA).
International Journalism Communications Management; Example modules include:
Project Based Dissertation Reporting and Writing; Production
Suited to those with an MA: 1 year FT Skills; Advanced Features; Data
international outlook the course Journalism and a Specialist
offers a mixture of practical Journalism, Media and Module (e.g. Politics, Business,
journalistic and academic
skills that aim to foster the
Communications Sport, Lifestyle or Motoring).
The course provides insight into MA: 1 year FT
next generation of foreign
correspondents. how journalism and the media is English language: IELTS 7.5
changing in a globalised context –
The multicultural nature of the
course means you work alongside
from journalism ethics to internet Media Management
governance, from community
aspiring journalists from around This course is designed to provide
media to global communications,
the globe, many of them with you with a solid background in
and from crisis reporting to the
media experience in their own business management theory and
transformative potential of new
country. This provides a richness practice, and an opportunity to
technologies. It also provides
of exposure to comparative gain specialised media knowledge
research skills training and attracts
international media practices. and skills to excel and adapt in
students from around the globe.
Students get to specialise in the field of media management.
The course provides a thorough It combines the core ingredients
broadcast, documentary or multi-
theoretical and methodological of the long established MBA
media, working on online news
grounding in media and programme, with the opportunity
packages and films each week.
communication studies and is to understand the management
Example modules include: Global suitable for anyone interested in challenges of the media industry,
Crisis Reporting; Reporting the the advanced academic study of which is vital to the success of
Middle East; Reporting Health journalism. many advanced and emerging
and Science; Reporting Business,
Example modules include: creative economies.
Finance and Economics; Foreign
Understanding Digital Media; Example modules include:
News Reporting.
Citizen Journalism and Digital Global Communications; Digital
MA: 1 year FT Publics; Social Media and Politics; Media Management; Strategic
Big Data and Everyday Life; Putting Management and Developing and
International Public Research into Practice. Launching; Managing a Media
Relations and Global MA: 1 year FT Enterprise.
Communications MBA: 1 year FT
Management Magazine Journalism MA: 1 year FT
This course offers a mix of practice, Our Magazine Journalism course English language: IELTS 7.0 (6.0
theory and advanced academic prepares you for your first job in in each sub-score).
study. It develops the skills and magazine media. Contact:
techniques required to practice You will learn how to write punchy Postgraduate Admissions Office
public relations and communications news stories, get the most from an e: carbs-pg-admissions@
management at an international interview, produce varied feature
level, and an understanding of the packages, layout both print and
PR practitioner’s role as guardian of t: +44 (0)29 2087 6953
digital content, sub edit work and
corporate reputation. build your brand. 81
News Journalism Political Communication Science Communication
News journalism is driven This course explores the rapidly This degree aims to offer
by technology, embraces evolving role of communication in knowledge and expertise relating
entrepreneurialism and is full of political life, both nationally and to the organisation and funding
opportunity. But truth, accuracy internationally, and examines how of scientific research, the
and reputation remain at the heart changes including the increasing reporting of scientific innovation
of what we do as we train the importance of ‘spin doctors’, image- and controversy, and the role of
journalists of the future. based politics, the 24-hour news citizens, experts and the media
You will be taught how to find, cycle and the globalisation of media in scientific decision making and
produce and publish compelling are shaping politics. The course science communication. You will
stories and develop the widest also engages with the relations and receive training in presenting
possible audience for them using interplays between the media and science via news media or directly
social media. You’ll write stories, non-institutional politics. to audiences ranging from school
create images, produce videos and It is suitable for those interested children to the general public.
audio using the most relevant tools, in an advanced academic study This joint interdisciplinary degree
software and platforms available. of political communication or a is offered by the School of Social
career in political communication, Sciences and the School of
We have a strong focus on
as well as those already working in Journalism, Media and Culture.
employability and a near-100%
record of our students working as the industry. Example modules include: Media,
journalists after completing the Example modules include: Social Science and Health; Governing
course. You’ll train in our industry- Media and Politics; Electoral the Internet: Digital Freedoms
standard newsroom, produce real- Behaviour, Public Opinion and the and Restrictions; Introduction to
world journalism and get the chance Media; Debates and Concepts Science, Technology and Society;
to do placements at the biggest in Media and Communications; Public Engagement with Science
news organisations in the world. Media and Political Understanding; and Technology.
The course is accredited by the Project Based Dissertation. MSc: 1 year FT
National Council for the Training of MA: 1 year FT Entry requirements: 2:1 at
Journalists at the gold standard. English language: IELTS 7.5 undergraduate level or equivalent.
Example modules include: News Preferably a Science, Technology,
Journalism; Media Law and Ethics; Social Science, Engineering
Data Journalism and a Specialist or Maths subject. Relevant
Module (e.g. Politics, Business, experience will be considered.
Sport, Lifestyle or Motoring).
MA: 1 year FT
English language: IELTS 7.5

Postgraduate Research
based staff, which helps us some circumstances we can
Journalism Studies to deliver impactful research accept students in January
Our PhD/MPhil programme covers outcomes in terms of practice and and April.
all projects that we supervise policy in the wider world. Research areas: Digital Media
within the fields of journalism, PhD: 3 years FT, 5 years PT and Society; Journalism and
media and cultural studies. MPhil: 2 years FT, 2-3 years PT Democracy; Media, Culture and
A key strength of our research Intake: We strongly recommend Creativity; Communication and
environment is the dialogue September start dates, but under Human Security; Science, Health
between research and practice- and the Media.

Entry requirements English language Contact

Applicants should possess, IELTS 7.5. Student Support
or predicted to attain, a e: jomecstudentsupport@
1st (or equivalent) in their
undergraduate degree. t: +44 (0)29 2087 4156

82 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning


We are committed to providing an outstanding teaching and
learning experience and our teaching is underpinned by our
excellent research activity.

84% of our research 80% of our research 97% of our graduates

was rated as has been deemed of 2015/16 who
world-leading or outstanding for its were available for
internationally impact in terms of its employment had
excellent reach and significance secured work or
(REF 2014) further study*
*combined data for the
School of Law and Politics

“I decided to take a master’s degree at Cardiff because I felt it had the expertise to
give me the knowledge I needed. During the course I developed a deeper interest in
the subject and so I decided to move on to a PhD. I was also encouraged by my tutors
in terms of the support I was given. The Law School has a very interactive learning
environment. Not only that, but both tutors and fellow students alike helped organise
social activities for the students on the LLM Human Rights Law.”
Ivan PhD in Law 83
Postgraduate Taught
your own perspective on the explored to give an understanding
Canon Law implications of ‘legal Europe’, of the broader relationships
The programme provides looking at both national and between the ‘regions’ and tiers
academic training in the scholarly supranational systems. of government/governance at the
study of church law, with a It enables you to explore the state and EU levels.
substantial emphasis on practical issues and participate in debate, Example modules include:
application. You will have the while developing your own legal Constitutionalism and Governance
opportunity to study topics in- skills and understanding. In and the Law of Devolution in
depth and conduct research in addition, it provides valuable Wales.
areas of canon law of particular training for a career in modern LLM: 1 year FT
interest to you. This degree legal practice, in European,
provides an opportunity for critical international and Government
appraisal of Ecclesiastical Law in Human Rights Law
organisations, or in legal research.
the context of relevant national The human rights revolution
Example modules include:
and international law. of the last 50 years has had a
Constitutionalism in the Central
This course is relevant for huge impact. Global and regional
European Union; Criminal Justice
practising lawyers, those human rights treaties now
in Europe; EU Internal Market
involved in the administration infuse domestic legal codes,
Law; Environmental and Climate
of church law, and academics reconfiguring many civil law and
Change Law.
who recognise the cutting-edge common law principles.
LLM: 1 year FT
nature of disciplined research in This programme critically analyses
religion and law. The LLM Canon the domestic and international
Law is the first degree of its type Governance and impact of the major UN and
at a British University since the Devolution European Conventions – both civil
Reformation. The past decade has seen and political, as well as the socio-
Example modules include: massive structural changes to economic and cultural. It aims
Conceptual Foundations and the constitutional arrangements to provide a sound knowledge
Historical Development of Canon of the United Kingdom. The LLM of the theory and the legal rules
Law; Government and Ministry in Governance and Devolution applicable to international human
Canon Law; Doctrine, Liturgy and programme explores these rights treaties and their domestic
Rites in Canon Law; The Interface structural changes, the most counterparts.
of Canon Law; Civil Law. obvious being the creation of Example modules include:
legislative and executive bodies Human Rights; Health and
Distance learning:
in Scotland and Wales, together Disability; Consent to Treatment;
LLM: 2 years PT
with a resumption of devolved International Humanitarian Law;
PgDip: 2 years PT
government in Northern Ireland. Global Justice.
PgCert: 1 year FT
The programme explores the LLM: 1 year FT
European Legal Studies opportunities and tensions
created by these innovations and Intellectual Property Law
Increasing interactions between will also explore the less public
European countries and their shifts in the relationships between Intellectual property law is a
legal systems have led to a the three branches of government. crucial part of an innovative
growing demand for lawyers who Issues concerning accountability, and creative economy, and has
can interact with legal systems democratic engagement and what become central to government
other than their own. This degree constitutes ‘good governance’ are and international policy. There is
offers an opportunity to develop a need for expertise in the field

Entry requirements English language Contact

Applicants should have a good IELTS 6.5 (6.5 in writing and Admissions Team
Honours degree in Law (2:2 or 6.0 in all other sub-scores) e:
equivalent) unless stated. unless stated. t: +44 (0)29 2087 6102

84 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning

for lawyers, policy makers and
others involved with developing Law Legal Aspects of

a knowledge economy. This The LLM programme has been Medical Practice
programme aims to meet the designed to give you the greatest In recent years, the law relating
needs of students, lawyers, policy flexibility to pursue advanced legal to medicine and healthcare has
makers and others who wish study in any area that you wish. become increasingly complex
to study intellectual property You can follow any of the modules and patients are becoming more
law from an international and available in the year of study from aware of their legal rights. This
comparative perspective. the lists of the specialised LLM has significant consequences for
It provides an overview of programmes, and complete a medical practices and questions
current issues in specific areas dissertation. of legal liability and compensation.
of intellectual property law, both Changes in the structure of the NHS
Our LLM Programme offers the
domestic, EU and international, are also giving rise to a number of
knowledge and expertise to
with a critical evaluation of current important legal problems.
enable you to contribute more fully
and proposed regulation. to your chosen profession through This programme aims to provide
Example modules include: the development of intellectual a sound knowledge of the legal
Innovation Policy and the Law; competence and postgraduate rules applicable to, and the issues
Patents and Trade Secrets: skills. surrounding, the practice and
Comparative and International administration of healthcare, as
Example modules include:
Perspectives; Copyright: further changes make a deeper
Competition Law; Energy Law and
Comparative and International understanding of the field ever
Policy; Global Health: Law and
Perspectives; Trade Marks: more significant. This part-time,
Governance; Money Laundering
Comparative and International distance-learning course provides
and Financial Crime; The Child
Perspectives. the opportunity to study topics
and the State: Law and Policy.
in-depth and conduct research in
LLM: 1 year FT LLM: 1 year FT areas of medical law of particular
interest to you.
International Commercial Legal and Political Example Modules: Students are
Law Aspects of International required to take four modules over
Commercial law in a fast paced Affairs the eight weekends of the course.
globalised economy presents both In recent years, key global They are Introduction to Medical
challenges and opportunities. issues have raised the profile of Law, Consent to Treatment,
Expert lawyers are needed to international affairs substantially. Clinical Negligence and Law and
meet these challenges and Lawyers are increasingly required Psychiatry and Ethics in Judicial
seek opportunities, particularly to understand the law and political Decision-Making.
when giving advice that can issues which influence how States Distance learning:
have considerable financial behave. LLM: 2 years PT
consequences. This programme will help you build Entry requirements: Applicants
This course is one of our most the necessary level of expertise to should have a good honours
popular and long established LLM work in the fast-growing world of degree in Law (2:2 or equivalent).
programmes and is respected international affairs. It offers tuition Candidates may be qualified in
by top international commercial from established experts in both medicine, dentistry, pharmacy or
law firms. It contains theoretical international law and international nursing, veterinary science or any
and applied elements which will relations in a stimulating and relevant discipline, or have served
equip you for roles within banking, challenging environment. This for a substantial period of time
finance and trade. programme offers an international within the National Health Service
Example modules include: perspective, with emphasis on or related administration.
Commercial Arbitration; international conventions as well
Comparative Corporate as political reality. Shipping Law
Governance; International Banking Example modules include: Around 90% of global trade is
Law; International Commercial Human Rights and Global Justice; carried by sea. It remains the
Maritime Law; Islamic Finance International Humanitarian Law; most cost efficient method for
Law. International Refugee Law; Asylum transporting raw materials and
LLM: 1 year FT Law of the Sea. finished products around the world.
LLM: 1 year FT 85
This requires a complex network LLM: 1 year FT training: either BPTC or the LPC,
of contracts involving ship owners Entry requirements: Suitable for both of which are offered by this
and operators, cargo owners, graduates from any field who wish School. Alternatively, you may
banks and insurers. to study social care law. proceed to legal work in some
The United Kingdom has a long other capacity, with the option of
standing expertise in the law pursuing full qualification later.
Social Science Research
relating to these transactions, Example modules include:
Methods (Social-Legal)
and provides dispute resolution English and Welsh Legal System;
services for parties with no
(Law) The Law of Contract; Crime, Equity
connection to the UK. This course Our MSc in Social Science and Trusts; EU Land; Public Tort;
offers a detailed investigation of Research Methods aims to Extended Essay.
the theoretical and practical issues provide advanced training in GDip: 1 year FT, 2 years PT
that arise within maritime law research methods across the
Entry requirements: Usually a
and can help you to develop the full range of the social sciences.
2:2 honours degree or above,
expertise necessary to become You will be provided with a
or the equivalent in the case of
a specialist in this major area of thorough theoretical and practical
degrees from non-UK universities.
commercial law. It stimulates a knowledge of how to construct
Applicants whose first language is
critical approach to evaluation of effective research studies, of the
not English or Welsh must provide
current and proposed regulation variety of data collection methods
an IELTS certificate level 6.5, no
and cultivates independent and available to the social scientist,
more than two years old, with a
original thought. and of the principal methods of
minimum of 6.5 in writing and
Example modules include: analysing social scientific data.
sub-scores of no less than 6.0 in
Carriage of Goods by Land, Sea You will also be introduced to the reading, speaking and listening. All
and Air; International Commercial political and ethical frameworks scores must have been achieved
Maritime Law; International Sales within which social science in one sitting of the test.
Law; Law of the Sea; Marine research is conducted, and to
Contact: Shani Hughes
Insurance some of the ways in which the
LLM: 1 year FT results of social science research
t: +44 (0)29 2087 6106
are disseminated.
Social Care Law This pathway builds on our Bar Professional Training
Community care law and the law long established reputation for Course (BPTC)
relating to people with mental scholarship in the area of socio-
legal studies and is focused on the The Bar Professional Training
health problems affect virtually Course (BPTC) is the postgraduate
every person in the UK at some Centre for Law and Society and
the Journal of Law and Society, course for those who wish to
time in their lives. Despite the qualify as a barrister in England
fundamental importance of which the School founded and has
hosted for almost 40 years. and Wales. To become fully
the law in these fields, its study qualified you will also need to
has been largely neglected by MSc: 1 year FT, 3 years PT undertake a one year period of
university master’s programmes. PgDip: 1 year FT, 2 years PT work-based training (pupillage).
This programme focuses on Contact: Postgraduate Office This programme is a skills-based
community care and mental health e: intensive course designed to
law, policy and practice in England t: +44 (0)29 2087 4351 prepare a prospective barrister
and Wales. It explores the origins for pupillage. It will equip you to
of the law in both fields: the growth Professional Training deal with the demands of legal
of the asylum and the development Programmes practice, and lay the foundation
of the Poor Law and critically for your future as a barrister. The
analyses the current legal regimes Graduate Diploma in BPTC will ensure you acquire the
as well as the policy, research and Law (GDL) skills, knowledge of procedure
theoretical socio-legal contexts in and evidence, attitudes and
The GDL is for those who already
which these legal regimes exist. competence required during
possess a degree in a non-law
Example modules include: subject and wish to qualify as pupillage.
Social Care Rights; Community solicitors or barristers. After the You can study for a Master’s
care, Human Rights; Disability; GDL, you may decide to progress (LLM) or a Postgraduate Diploma
Mental Health. to the vocational stage of legal (PgDip). The LLM includes an

86 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning

additional research project or Example modules include:
reflective portfolio of 8,000 words,
Legal Practice Course Business Law and Practice;

submitted after the end of the (LPC) Property Law and Practice;
taught part of the course. The Legal Practice Course (LPC) Litigation, Professional Conduct
LLM or PgDip: 1 year FT is the main postgraduate course and Regulation; Legal Skills; a
for those who wish to qualify as wide range of elective subjects.
Entry requirements: Usually a 2:1
a solicitor in England and Wales. LLM or PgDip: 1 year FT,
class degree or higher (a 2.2 class
To become fully qualified, you 2 years PT
degree will be considered on a
will also need to undertake a two
case-by-case) either (a) in law, or Entry requirements: Usually a 2:2
year period of work-based training
(b) in any other subject combined honours degree or above either (a)
(a training contract). The LPC
with a law conversion course in law, or (b) in any other subject
will ensure that you acquire the
(CPE/GDL). To enrol a student combined with a law conversion
skills and knowledge to prepare
must have: been admitted as a course (CPE/GDL).
you for this work-based training.
student member of one of the four Contact: Shani Hughes LPC
It will equip you to deal with the
Inns of Court; satisfied the English e:
demands that are likely to be
language requirement and passed t: +44 (0)29 2087 6106
made of you in legal practice, and
the Bar Aptitude test.
lay the foundation for your future
Contact: Shani Hughes BPTC as a solicitor by encouraging
e: habits of competence, confidence
t: +44 (0)29 2087 6106 and professionalism.
You can study for a Master’s
(LLM) or a Postgraduate Diploma
(PgDip). The LLM includes an
additional research project or
reflective portfolio of 8,000 words
submitted after the end of the
taught part of the course. Our Legal Practice Course has
always been highly regarded

Postgraduate Research
Research areas: We offer • Centre for Human Rights and
Law supervision in a broad range of Public Law
We are keen to attract the next areas spanning private, public • Centre for Law and Global
generation of legal scholars and and commercial legal spheres Justice.
to encourage innovative research from domestic, transnational and • Centre for Law and Religion
across a range of varied areas international perspectives. These
• Centre for Law and Society
of Law including commercial, areas are integrated within the
• Environmental Justice Research
discrimination, medical, family School’s vibrant research culture,
and civil justice. We offer which features several research
opportunities for both full and centres and groups: • Family Law Research Group
part-time study leading to the • Gender Rules Research Group
• Centre for Crime, Law and
degrees of MPhil and PhD. Justice • Law and History Research
PhD: 3 years FT, 5-7 years PT Group
• Centre for European Law and
Governance • The Law Lab
Intake: January, April, July,
October • Centre for Health and Social • Wales Governance Centre
Care Law

Entry requirements English language Contact

At least a 2:1 at undergraduate IELTS 7.0 (6.5 in each sub-score). Postgraduate Office
level and preferably a specialist e:
master’s degree. t: +44 (0)29 2087 4315/351 87

We offer four taught MSc programmes and a variety of

opportunities for research students across a broad range
of mathematical subjects.

100% of our research 100% of our Valuable opportunities

was rated as submitted research to work alongside
outstanding or ‘very was rated at least of industry on relevant
considerable’ for its international standard, projects and
impact in terms of its with 90% classed dissertations
reach and significance as internationally
(REF 2014) excellent or
(REF 2014)

“I am currently a second year PhD student at the department of Mathematics.
My research focuses on game theory and the study of cooperative behaviour, more
specifically in the pioneering field of the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma. During my
postgraduate studies at Cardiff University I have been given numerous opportunities to
promote my work though conferences, public engagement events and publications. I had
the chance to travel to several countries, to teach mathematics and computing and to
promote the role of women in the STEM” fields.
Nikoleta PhD Mathematics

88 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning

Postgraduate Taught

management, government
Data Science operational research/statistics. Mathematics
and Analytics The Mathematics MSc delves into
Example modules include:
Our MSc in Data Science and Operational Research Methods; the fascinating, challenging and
Analytics aims to provide you Computational Methods; Statistics elegant world of mathematics;
with a comprehensive set of skills and Operational Research in taking your skillset and knowledge
needed to handle, collect, store Government; Healthcare Modelling; base from a BSc in Mathematics
and analyse large and complex Credit Risk Scoring. (or similar) towards a point where
sets of data. you can embark on original
MSc: 1 year FT, 3 years PT
You will be taught by subject research in pure and applied
experts from both the School mathematics.
Operational Research,
of Mathematics and the School The course consists of a mixture
Applied Statistics and
of Computer Science and of taught modules in pure and
Informatics, which will allow you
Financial Risk applied mathematics, self-study
to see the topic from different This MSc aims to equip you modules which build skills crucial
perspectives and provides access with problem-solving skills and for both a research degree and
to a wide range of modules across techniques, allowing you to the workplace, and a dissertation,
both Schools. build and use mathematical which allows you to research
and statistical models with the mathematics under the guidance
Example modules include:
opportunity to study risk models of experienced, research active
Pattern Recognition and Data
in greater depth, particularly those academics. This one year degree
Mining; Statistical Methods;
models used in financial markets. is the ideal preparation if you
Optimisation Methods; Distributed
and Cloud Computing; Supply This course is ideal preparation for want to go on to do a PhD, work
Chain Modelling. further study or a career in areas in research or for a technological
such as operational research, company. You will gain hands-on
MSc: 1 year FT, 3 years PT experience with opportunities to
statistics, risk and financial
modelling, actuarial risk and credit work alongside industry on real
Operational Research scoring, management science and life issues and develop skills in
and Applied Statistics management consultancy. demand by a range of prospective
Our MSc in Operational Research employers.
Example modules include:
and Applied Statistics aims to Business and Risk Strategy; Example modules include:
equip you with the necessary Financial Mathematics and Operator Algebras and Non
analytical skills, methods and Modern Actuarial Risk Theory; Commutative Geometry;
ways of thinking to tackle and Computational Methods; Time Theoretical Fluid Dynamics;
analyse complex organisational Series and Forecasting; Advanced Mathematical Principles of Image
problems, help make better Use of Statistical Packages. Processing; Finite Elasticity;
decisions, and to become a Mathematical Foundations of
MSc: 1 year FT, 3 years PT
confident statistical analyst. Quantum Physics.
This course is ideal training and MSc: 1 year FT
experience for those looking for
Entry requirements: A 2:1 UK
career opportunities in areas
honours degree or equivalent is
such as operational research,
required in Mathematics.
management science, statistics,
management consultancy,
business analytics, supply chain

Entry requirements English language Contact

A 2:2 in a UK honours degree, IELTS 6.5 (5.5 sub-scores). Professor Owen Jones
or equivalent is required in e:
a numerate subject, unless t: +44 (0)29 2081 0253
otherwise stated. 89
Postgraduate Research
Graduates have gone on to a Exemplar projects are also
Mathematics wide range of careers, including available and we encourage you
Our PhD programme provides academia, both in the UK and to contact us prior to making an
an innovative and stimulating internationally, senior roles in application.
environment for both studying statistics and other mathematical PhD: 3 years FT, 5 years PT
and researching in the modelling or analysis, MPhil: 1 year FT, 2 years PT
mathematical sciences. management positions, both
Intake: January, April, July, October
This programme aims to equip you in business and governmental
organisations. Research areas: Applied
with the knowledge and expertise
Mathematics; Pure Mathematics;
for a career in the academic All opportunities for funding
Operational Research; Probability
world, or to pursue a variety of are advertised on our website,
and Statistics.
other opportunities in which a including studentships from the
strong mathematical background Engineering and Physical Sciences
is important. Research Council.

Entry requirements English language Contact

A 1st or 2:1 UK honours degree, IELTS 6.5. e:
or equivalent is required in
mathematics (or a suitable
related field).

MSc students working on a group project

90 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning


The School of Medicine has a long-standing record of
world-class research and educational innovation.

We are one of the Ranked 8th in UoA 1 Our postgraduate

largest medical (Clinical Medicine), with taught programmes
research and teaching 80% of our research in are highly vocational,
centres in the UK this UoA being deemed and are focused on
outstanding for its enhancing careers,
impact in terms of its improving employability,
reach and significance and increasing the
(REF 2014) knowledge base of
healthcare professionals

“This course has been everything I had hoped it might be: relevant; interesting; broad
and collaborative. The ability to study at a distance and flexibility to plan my own
learning has enabled me to use the materials and focus the assignments on topics
relevant to my work. As a GP educator working in Australia, it has been great working
alongside colleagues in other medical disciplines, in other parts of the world, learning
together and from each other.”

Esther PgDip Medical Education (e-learning) 91
Postgraduate Taught
Organisation and Delivery of Care; It will allow development of
Advanced Surgical Dissertation, Ageing, Health and key skills for the analysis of
Practice Disease. genomics data for gene discovery,
This programme is for those who MSc: 1 year FT, 3 years PT including genomewide association
wish to specialise in the field of studies (GWAS) and post-GWAS
surgical and perioperative care. Bioinformatics applications, such as gene-set and
It aims to offer knowledge and polygenic genetic epidemiology.
expertise to provide a transition The programme aims to provide
Example modules include:
between theory and your own a platform to explore, analyse
Computing for Bioinformatics
clinical practice, with an emphasis and interpret contemporary
and Genetic Epidemiology;
on the general principles of biological data with a focus on
Case Studies in Bioinformatics
surgical practice rather than on the genomic bioinformatics. It will
and Biostatistics; Genetic
management of specific conditions. allow development of key skills
Epidemiology: Association and
for the analysis of genomics
Example modules include: Linkage; Post-GWAS Genetic
data, including data from
Research and Evidence- Epidemiology.
next generation sequencing
based Practice; Preoperative technologies. Additional skills MSc: 1 year FT, 3 years PT
Management; Fundamentals of around emerging omics, including Entry requirements: 2:2
Postoperative Practice; Advanced metabolomics and proteomics, or equivalent qualification/
Surgical Practice (Dissertation); will also be developed. experience in bioscience,
Professional Practice. Example modules include: computing, mathematics/
Distance learning: Computing for Bioinformatics statistics, or relevant cognate
MSc: 2 years PT and Genetic Epidemiology; Next subject.
Generation Sequencing; Protein English language: English
Ageing Health Biology and Omics and Statistics language: 6.5 in IELTS (with 6.5 in
and Disease for Bioinformatics; Genetic all sub-scores) or equivalent.
This programme offers the Epidemiology.
opportunity to explore the complex MSc: 1 year FT, 3 years PT Clinical Leadership
health and social needs of older Entry requirements: and Leading Change
people living in today’s society. 2:2 or equivalent qualification/ in Cardiology
It aims to provide key biological, experience in bioscience,
This programme provides
social, ethical, demographic, computing, mathematics/statistics,
education in cardiology leadership
economic and psycho-social or relevant cognate subject.
by combining modules on
aspects of ageing, together with English language: 6.5 in IELTS change management, quality
an assessment of their relevance (with 6.5 in all sub-scores) or improvement and relevant
and the implications for work equivalent. clinical knowledge. It aims to
with older people. In addition, you support clinicians and healthcare
will develop an understanding of Bioinformatics and professionals to deliver novel,
some of the common physical and Genetic Epidemiology transformational approaches
mental illnesses encountered in to improve the quality of care
older individuals. The programme aims to provide a
platform to explore, analyse and for people living with cardiac
Example modules include: interpret contemporary biological conditions, from theoretical and
Foundations of Geriatric Medicine; data, with a focus on genetic patient-based care to population-
Physical and Mental Health; The epidemiology. based care. It will enable health

Entry requirements English language Contact

2:2 or equivalent qualification/ 6.5 in IELTS (with 5.5 in all PGT Admissions Team
experience in medicine, sub-scores) or equivalent e: pgtmedadmissions
healthcare, or relevant cognate evidence/experience, unless
subject, unless otherwise stated. otherwise stated. t: +44 (0)29 2068 7214
+44 (0)29 2068 8752
+44 (0)29 2068 8580

teams to create system wide patient. It provides opportunities Applied Genetic and Genomic

change with vast improvements in to explore critical care as a Counselling; Applied Genetics and
outcomes. The content comprises multidimensional phenomenon. Bioinformatics in Clinical Care;
a focus on hypertension, atrial Example modules include: Placement: Genetic and Genomic
fibrillation and heart failure. Research Governance and Counselling.
Example modules include: Evidence Based Practice; Distance learning:
Cardiology in Context; Cardiology, Advanced Management: MSc: 3 years PT
Co-Morbidity, Long-Term and Cardiovascular System; Quality Entry requirements: 2:1 in
End of Life Care; Leadership and Safety; Professional Practice medicine, healthcare, biological/
and Leading change; Health and Management Issues; Clinical biomedical/medical science or
Care Organisations and Drivers Management of Specialities. equivalent science, social science,
for Care; Quality and Safety; Distance learning: psychology, or relevant cognate
Research, Statistics and evidence MSc: 2 years PT subject.
Based Healthcare.
English language: 7.0 in IELTS
Distance learning: Diabetes (with 6.5 in all sub-scores) or
PgCert: 1 year PT This programme is for those equivalent.
PgDip: 1 year PT (post-PgCert) who have an interest in diabetes
MSc: 1 year PT (post-PgDip) and diabetes-related issues. It Medical Education
aims to develop competence in (e-learning)
Clinical Dermatology the diagnosis, treatment, and The Postgraduate Certificate,
This programme offers a decision-making in the care Diploma & MSc in Medical
structured education in of persons with diabetes and Education is an e-learning course,
dermatology and gives a firm develop leadership and evaluation offering build up of study credit via
grounding in the fundamentals skills in the delivery of care. a three-stage, progressive course
of clinical and scientific Example modules include: delivered online.
dermatology. It gives priority Principles of Diabetes; This distance learning programme
to clinical instruction, but also Management of Diabetes; is delivered entirely online and has
emphasises the scientific content Diabetes Complications. been established since 2008. The
of dermatology. Distance learning: course is organised into a series
Example modules include: PgDip: 2 years PT of modules that involve interactive
Disorders Presenting in the MSc: 1 year PT (post-PgDip) activities delivered within an
Skin and Mucous Membranes; online environment.
Environment and Skin; Genetic and These activities are conducted
Cutaneous Manifestations of
Genomic Counselling within groups, each one facilitated
Systemic Diseases and Skin
This programme is for those by an online tutor. This affords an
Cancer; Surgical Interventions in
interested in the clinical opportunity to explore the module
application of advances in human topic through discussion and
MSc: 1 year FT clarification of understanding and
genetics and genomics so that
Entry requirements: they can provide and critically also gives the opportunity and
2:2 equivalent in medicine. evaluate genetic and genomic time to apply new learning through
English language: 7.0 in IELTS counselling services. the online discussions, tasks,
(with 7.0 in all sub-scores) or wikis and assignments. Through
It aims to provide a thorough
equivalent. this there is ample time to reflect
grounding in human genomics,
on own practise and to share
genetics, genetic analysis and
experiences and new insights
Critical Care bioinformatics, in communication
with colleagues. This is a truly
This programme is for those and counselling skills, and in the
interactive online programme.
who wish to specialise in acute skills required for you to work as
part of a multi-disciplinary team Example modules include:
critical care, and those who teach
providing genetic and genomic Peer Review of Teaching;
within such settings. It explores
counselling for families. Educational Media and
the management of critically
Technologies; Research Skills;
ill patients, and allows you to Example modules include:
Learning and Teaching in Clinical
examine in-depth issues related to Counselling and Communication
Education; Evaluating Courses.
current practice of the critically ill Skills; Introduction leading to 93
Distance learning: Example modules include: Distance learning:
MSc: 3 years PT Contemporary Issues in Medical PgDip: 2 years PT
PgDip: 2 years PT Education; Learning and Teaching MSc: 1 year PT (post-PgDip)
PgCert: 1 year PT in Clinical Education; Educational
Media and Technologies; Occupational Health
Medical Education Research Skills and Evaluating (Policy and Practice)
The Postgraduate Diploma/MSc This is a programme for those with
in Medical Education will appeal MSc: 1 year FT, 2-3 years PT responsibility for the health and
to those wishing to explore the PgDip: 1 year FT, 2 years PT safety of employees.
issues fundamental to effective It offers knowledge and expertise
health professions education Medical Toxicology
in the science underpinning
in a dynamic, stimulating and This distance learning programme occupational health and safety.
supportive setting. The course is is for doctors, pharmacists and It aims to provide understanding,
highly practical and is organised other scientists who wish to analysis and application of
into a series of modules followed develop a broad understanding of the role of occupational health
by a dissertation component. the principles underlying medical practitioners and the analysis of
Modules usually last two days toxicology. their effectiveness in practice, and
each, followed by a period of the management of occupational
It aims to give an understanding
independent study. health issues, including
of the mechanisms by which drugs
The first session of each two-day and other chemicals produce toxic psychological, sociological and
unit is a synthesis of the previous effects and how these can be philosophical perspectives,
module and the independent predicted, treated and, whenever which may affect management
study period. This three stage possible, prevented. strategies and impinge on the role
process develops and clarifies of specialist practitioners.
Example modules include:
understanding of the module Example modules include:
Diagnosis and Management in
topic, gives the opportunity and Occupational Risk Assessment
Poisoning; Poisoning by Commonly
time to apply new concepts and and Control; Occupational Health
used Pharmaceuticals; Poisoning
skills, and concludes by allowing Law and Ethics; Occupational
by Non-Pharmaceuticals.
reflection on, and sharing of, Health Statistics Epidemiology;
experiences and insights with Distance learning:
Evidence Based Practice;
colleagues. The culmination of the PgCert: 1 year PT
Occupational Health Processes
modules is a practical teaching PgDip: 1 year FT, 2 years PT
and Management.
project, a student-led symposium MSc: 1 year PT (post-PgDip)
on a contemporary issue in Distance learning:
medical education. Neonatal Medicine MSc: 3 years PT

This programme is for those Pain Management

who are involved in the
multidisciplinary care of neonates
(Primary and
and very young children. It Community Care)
aims to provide training and This is a programme for those
education in the identification, who have an interest in, or want
critical appraisal, planning, and to specialise in, the field of pain
implementation of more effective management, within the area of
treatments, based on a sound Primary and Community Care.
knowledge of relevant research It aims to develop knowledge to an
evidence, clinical practice, advanced level and how this fits
anatomy, and pathophysiology. into interprofessional practice and
Example modules include: pain management as a whole.
Respiratory Care in Neonatal Example modules include:
Medicine; Cardiovascular Care in Primary and Care Pain
Neonatal Medicine; Critical Care Management; Research,
in Neonates; Neurological Care in Statistics and Evidence Based
Face-to-face, distance-learning, Neonatal Medicine; Nutrition and Practice: Assessment and
part-time or full-time options Gut Function in Neonates. Screening ; Biopsychosocial Pain
are available
Management: Fundamentals of
94 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning
Care in a Primary/Community Distance learning: and status of health and
Setting. MSc: 3 years PT wellbeing, and development of

Distance learning: effective action, and critically
Practical Dermatology assess the evidence relating
PgCert: 1 year PT
This is a highly interactive to the effectiveness of health
PgDip: 1 year PT (post-PgCert)
programme for doctors who want and healthcare interventions,
MSc: 1 year PT (post-PgDip)
a sound understanding of skin programmes and services.
Pain Management disease, as it presents in practice. Example modules include: Basic
It will help enable GPs and family and applied Epidemiology; Health
This is a programme for those who practitioners to successfully Economics; Policy and Planning
want to specialise in the field of manage dermatological problems and a variety of optional modules,
pain management. It is also aimed in patients. including Health Protection and
at educationalists, to provide
The MSc stage is designed Global Health.
the appropriate knowledge and
specifically for those who have MPH: 1 year FT, 2 years PT
expertise on pain, to teach others
completed the PgDip and wish to Entry requirements: 2:1 or
from various disciplines.
pursue further studies in this field. equivalent in a related discipline,
It provides opportunities to
Example modules include: Skin medicine, healthcare.
explore pain management as a
Lesions; Special Cutaneous
multidimensional phenomenon,
managed through multidisciplinary
Sites; Inflammatory Dermatoses; Therapeutics
Environmental Challenges This programme is for those
in Practical Dermatology; who wish to further develop
Example modules include: Demographic Subgroups in
Fundamentals of Pain their knowledge of the evidence-
Practical Dermatology. based management of commonly
Management; Biopsychosocial
Distance learning: encountered medical conditions,
Principles in Pain Management;
Patient Case Studies; and Clinical PgDip: 1 year FT gain confidence in their ability
Management and Professional MSc: 1 year PT (post-PgDip) to prescribe (or not prescribe)
Issues. Entry requirements: 2:2 appropriately, and increase
equivalent in medicine. understanding and confidence in
Distance learning: working closely with prescribers
MSc: 2 years PT
Psychiatry from other professions.
Palliative Medicine for This programme is for those who It aims to not only provide the
Healthcare Professionals have an interest in psychiatry. It very latest practical and factual
aims to enable doctors to become knowledge, but also to encourage
This programme is designed for critical thinking, to enable an
those wishing to advance their well informed, clinically proficient
eclectic psychiatrists, or to give approach to therapeutic problem-
knowledge of the management solving, which will be of lasting
of patients with non-curable and non-medical graduates an in-
depth knowledge of the field of value in dealing with future
terminal illness. advances in therapy.
psychiatry and its practice.
It aims to support healthcare Example modules include:
professionals to develop, share, Example modules include:
Anxiety Disorders and Depression: Safe Prescribing in Practice; The
and extend their knowledge, Management of Chronic Illness
understanding, and application Psychosis and Bipolar Disorder;
Behavioural Disorders and In Practice and Cardiovascular
of evidence-based medicine, Therapeutics.
best practice, and governance Dementia; Organic Disorders and
frameworks in palliative care, Intellectual Disability Psychiatry; Distance learning:
appropriate to their own Child and Adolescent Disorders. PgCert: 1 year PT
professional settings. Distance learning: PgDip: 1 year FT, 2 years PT
MSc: 1 year FT, 3 years PT MSc: 1 year PT (Post-PgDip)
Example modules include:
Physical Symptom Management; Wound Healing
Public Health
Care in the Last Year of Life;
This programme aims to provide and Tissue Repair
Palliative Care where you work;
Making a Difference: Developing knowledge to quantitatively This interdisciplinary programme
Palliative Care Services; and qualitatively assess the offers an opportunity to explore
Implementing Change. population’s health and health and analyse existing and
needs, including the determinants developing theories and concepts 95
that underpin wound healing financial, legal, ethical, and moral Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors;
and tissue repair, facilitating issues involved in the delivery of Management of Acute Wounds
professional and personal growth. wound care worldwide. and Management of Chronic
It aims to provide well-rounded Example modules include: Wounds.
knowledge of wound care with Biology of Wound Healing: Distance learning:
emphasis on preventative and Behavioural (Psycho-Social) MSc: 3 years PT
pro-active care, as well as the Aspects of Wound Healing:

Postgraduate Research
Contact: Julie Cleaver Research areas: Cancer and
Integrative Neuroscience e: Genetics; Infection and Immunity;
Our four-year programme provides t: +44 (0)29 2068 8341 Psychological Medicine and
a broader and more in-depth Professor John Aggleton Clinical Neurosciences; Population
practical and theoretical grounding e: Medicine.
in neuroscience than conventional t: +44 (0)29 2087 4563 Entry requirements: 2:1 or
three-year programmes. equivalent in a relevant subject.
PhD: 4 years FT Medicine In some cases, a medical degree
Intake: October and/or relevant professional
The School of Medicine offers
qualifications or experience are
Entry requirements: 1st or 2:1 in research degrees in the medical
a relevant area (eg. neuroscience, disciplines such as cancer,
psychology, anatomy, physiology, immunology, infection, immunity, English language: IELTS 6.5 (5.5
natural sciences). As this is neurosciences, mental health and in each sub- score) or equivalent
a training doctorate, previous population medicine. evidence/ experience.
research experience is not PhD: 3-4 years FT, 5 years PT Contact: School of Medicine
essential. MD: 2 years FT, 3 years PT Research Degrees Office
English language: IELTS 6.5 (5.5 MPhil: 1 year FT, 2 years PT e:
in each sub-score) or equivalent Intake: January, April, July, October t: +44 (0)29 2074 6716

Fulfil your professional duty to keep up to date with your continuing professional development

96 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning

Modern Languages

Modern Languages
With an international reputation for excellence in research
and teaching, we give students the opportunity to pursue their
interest in languages and cultures in an exciting, interdisciplinary
environment with strong links with the world of work.

84% of our research In a joint submission Our Teaching and

was rated as with the School of Learning scored 91%
world-leading or Welsh, the School of in 2017’s Postgraduate
internationally Modern Languages Taught Experience
excellent* ranked 7th in the UK Survey
(REF 2014) for the quality of our
*joint submission with research
the School of Welsh (REF 2014)

“The School has an excellent reputation, not just in the UK, but across the world.
The Translation Studies MA gives students the freedom to specialise in whichever
language combinations and fields of interest that they wish. After graduating I found a
job as a European Tours Manager for Schools Into Europe. The Translation Studies MA
developed my understanding of language use, translation, and culture in general,
and has definitely helped me improve my working practices.”

Laura MA in Translation Studies 97
Postgraduate Taught
practical experience in diverse, exciting new MA course explores
Translation Studies stimulating industries. this phenomenon internationally,
Our MA in Translation Studies Example modules include: Work providing the skills, knowledge
allows you to specialise in a whole Placement; Theory of Translation; and competencies vital for
host of language combinations. It Translation Methods and Skills; work in the sector. Along with
offers core training in the theory a Full Suite of Specialised classroom-based activities, this
and practice of translation, before Translation Modules (Legal, unique programme provides you
allowing you to specialise in Business, Medical, Politics, with opportunities to develop
specific pathways in modules on Scientific, Subtitling) and a range your individual research skills
interpreting, scientific, business, of Cultural Translation modules. and engage in placement-based
subtitling and pharmaceutical learning.
MA: 1 year FT, 2 years PT
translation. Optional cultural Example modules include:
modules in the history, processes Culture, Creativity and
and practices of translation Global Culture
Globalisation; Research
are also available, serving as and Creativity
Methodologies; Research writing
a launch-pad to PhD study. We The cultural and creative skills; Reflection on practice;
are particularly proud of our industries are currently the fastest Dissertation on topics in Culture,
optional work placement module, growing economic sector in the Creativity and Globalisation.
which enables you to work with UK, and an area of significant
MA: 1 year FT
employers, gaining valuable growth across the world. This

Entry requirements English language Contact

Candidates will ideally possess IELTS 7 (6.5 in each sub-score). e: languages-pg-admissions@
or expect to obtain a relevant
undergraduate degree at a t: +44 (0)29 2087 0824
minimum of 2:1 honours level.

Our dynamic, world-class research programme has produced high quality PhD students who have made
significant contributions in academia and industry

98 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning

Postgraduate Research

Modern Languages
The School of Modern Languages •Language and Translation been able to develop a dynamic
has a strong, intellectually Studies (PhD/MPhil) and forward-looking research
stimulating, and vibrant research •Literature and Visual Cultures ethos. We are part of the AHRC
culture, into which postgraduates (PhD/MPhil) South West and Wales Doctoral
are inducted and embedded. Training Partnership, leading on
We offer a multidisciplinary
We offer full and part-time PhD Modern Languages studentships
research environment organised
and MPhil opportunities, with for Cardiff University. We are also
around a number of research
supervision available across a a contributor to the ESRC Wales
themes, with numerous
wide range of research topics, Doctoral Training Centre, leading
opportunities for collaboration.
broadly categorised into the the language-based area studies
Our academic staff are dedicated
following themes: pathway. We warmly encourage
to producing world-class research
applicants for doctoral study to
•Culture and Identity (PhD/MPhil) in language, culture and beyond.
apply to us with these funding
•European Studies (PhD/MPhil) The combination of established routes in mind.
•Global Area Studies, History and researchers with international
PhD: 3 years FT, 5-7 years PT
Ideologies (PhD/MPhil) reputations and young scholars,
MPhil: 1 year FT, up to 3 years PT
has meant that the School has
•History and Memory (PhD/MPhil) Intake: January, April, July, October

Entry requirements specific merits. If you do not English language

The normal requirement for have the standard qualifications IELTS 7 (6.5 in each sub-score).
admission to all Research for the course you may still
programmes in the School is apply and your application will Contact
a 2:1 degree award, or the be considered. Interviews may e: languages-pg-admissions@
overseas equivalent, in a be conducted to identify and
relevant subject. assess the academic merit of t: +44 (0)29 2087 0824
However, we consider all prospective students.
individual applicants on their

Articulate the dialogue between culture and politics; interrogating the who, why and how of picturing others 99

We offer rigorous musical training within a lively and

imaginative liberal arts environment.

Ranked 8th overall Ranked 2nd among Our 250-seat Concert

for Music in the UK UK university music Hall hosts our annual
(Times Good University departments for the concert series, as well
Guide 2017) quality of our research as regular workshops
environment and masterclasses
(REF 2014)

“I cannot recommend the MA music programme enough. While the first term courses
were especially helpful in providing fundamental preparation for an academic future in
musicology, the second term introduced really interesting and diverse subdisciplines
within musicology, which I found very engaging and intellectually stimulating. I found
the course leaders and lecturers to be incredibly supportive of my personal growth as a
student and very willing to advise me in regard to various assignments.”

Emily MA Music

100 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning

Postgraduate Taught

abilities and interests, so that you World of Music; Studying Musical
Music can tailor your programme of study Multimedia.
This MA is an opportunity to to best meet your career goals MA: 1 year FT, 2 years PT
challenge yourself academically and ambitions. This programme is
and musically, while following one ideal for performers, composers
of our three specialist pathways: and music scholars with interest in
Performance, Composition or developing their area of expertise,
Music Studies. We place an learning valuable skills, and
emphasis on flexibility and student exploring a relevant course of
choice and have designed a study.
programme that allows you to Example modules include:
personalise your course of study. Music Leadership and Public
A significant proportion of module Engagement; Composition
choices will be determined by your portfolio; Closed Recital; The

Entry requirements English language Contact

Suitable for graduates who IELTS 6.5 (5.5 in each sub-score). Victoria Parkin
normally possess a 2:1 degree e:
classification in music or a t: +44 (0)29 2087 4816
relevant related area.

Postgraduate Research
work suite available to research
Music students 24 hours a day. Strategic
We are a creative and collaborations with international
comprehensive centre of organisations, including the BBC
excellent musical research, National Orchestra of Wales,
composition and performance. Welsh National Opera, and
We combine acknowledged National Museum Wales, allow us
research expertise in dedicated to make extensive contributions
areas with a commitment to the to the world of music, both within
wider scholarly world, and a clear and beyond academia.
sense of our role in the cultural PhD: 3 years FT, 5 years PT
life of a capital city. PhD students
MPhil: 1 year FT, 2 years PT
may specialise in musicology,
composition or performance, Intake: January, April, July, October
presenting work as a thesis, a Research areas: Musicology;
portfolio of compositions with Critical Musicology;
commentary, or a performance Ethnomusicology; Historical Our dedicated onsite Music
recital with supporting thesis. Musicology; Composition; Library houses a wide range of
As part of our facilities we also Performance. scores, books, recordings, and
have a dedicated postgraduate archive collections

Entry requirements English language Contact

Suitable for graduates who IELTS 6.5 (5.5 in each sub score). Victoria Parkin
normally possess a 2:1 or e:
equivalent at undergraduate and t: +44 (0)29 2087 4816
a master’s degree in Music. 101
Optometry and
Vision Sciences

We are the only optometric training department in Wales,

and undertake research at the forefront of vision sciences.

The School of Study in our We collaborate with

Optometry and Vision £22 million purpose- leading external
Sciences was ranked built optometry and institutions such as
No. 1 in The Complete vision sciences facility Bristol Eye Hospital,
University Guide 2018 UCL, University of
Bristol and other GW4
universities, as well as
Schepens Eye Research
Inst (Harvard)

“Undertaking a PhD in the School was one of the most challenging yet rewarding
things I have done. The availability of advanced research technologies meant
that I gained a transferable skillset, including serial block face scanning electron
microscopy. Additionally, because of our strong international links, I was given the
opportunity to train at research labs in Japan and the USA. The breadth of lab skills
and network of colleagues I acquired have prepared me well for an academic career.”

Stacy PhD Vision Sciences

102 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning

Postgraduate Taught

Optometry and Vision Sciences

in the UK with a professional Learning Disabilities; Study and
Clinical Optometry qualification. It is aimed at those Research Skills.
Our MSc in Clinical Optometry who provide advice to eye care
has been designed to meet the commissioners or providers. Therapeutic Prescribing
continuing education and training Distance learning: for Optometrists (PgCert)
needs of the modern eye care PgCert: 2 years PT This course will provide
optometrists with a broad
Over 30 modules provide routes Glaucoma education in prescribing practice
for pursuing specialist interests that will equip them with the
Our distance learning
and for continued professional necessary knowledge and skills
Postgraduate Certificate (PgCert)
development, many of which to enhance their career and
in Glaucoma aims to help eye
are accredited for the College of contribute effectively to extended
care professionals to develop the
Optometrists’ Higher Qualifications. professional roles. The specific
specific skills and knowledge to
Distance learning: manage patients with glaucoma. aim of the programme is to
MSc: 4 years PT prepare optometrists to practise
Distance learning:
PgDip: 3 years as independent prescribers and
PgCert: 3 years PT
PT PgCert: 2 years PT to meet the standards set by the
Example modules include: General Optical Council for entry
Full-time MSc based in Cardiff:
Glaucoma; Acute Eye Care; on to the appropriate specialist
1 calendar year
Paediatric Eye Care; Low Vision therapeutic prescribing register.
Medical Retina; Cataract and Distance learning:
Eye Care Governance Refractive Surgery; Anterior PT PgCert: 18 months PT
Our Postgraduate Certificate Segment Conditions; Legal Tear
(PgCert) in Eye Care Governance Film Disorders; Audit Primary
seeks to provide those involved Care; Leadership Clinical
in the governing of eye care Teaching; Eye Care for People with

Entry requirements English language Contact

BSc (Hons) Optometry, GOC IELTS 6.5. Postgraduate team
registration or equivalent e:
national qualification. t: +44 (0)29 2087 0561

Postgraduate Research
Vision and Clinical Translation.
Vision Sciences
Entry requirements: A 1st
Our PhD in Vision Sciences or 2:1 UK honours degree,
comprises student-led research Master’s degree, or equivalent, is
across a wide range of disciplines, required. Suitable for graduates
from molecular and cell biology to in optometry, medicine,
neuroscience and clinical studies psychology, biomedical science,
of human vision. physics, biology, biochemistry,
PhD: 3-4 years FT mathematics, neuroscience or any Our School is housed in a £22M
relevant scientific discipline. dedicated optometry and vision
Intake: January, April, July, October sciences research facility
Research areas: Visual English language: IELTS 6.5.
Neuroscience, Retinal Contact:
Degeneration and Ageing, e:
Structural Biophysics, Human t: +44(0)29 2087 6163 103
Pharmacy and
Pharmaceutical Sciences

We have an international reputation for the quality of our

teaching and our cutting-edge research and we are among
the leaders in clinical skills development.

Based on our research Our interdisciplinary Our award winning

we are ranked research spans the research projects
joint first School continuum from basic include microneedle
of Pharmacy in the to applied translational technology, cancer
country science and clinical drug discovery,
(REF 2014) practice novel antimicrobial
development and
digital transformation
of residential care

“The MSc in Cancer Biology and Therapeutics is a truly integrated course
which delves deeper into the science behind cancer. It has also given me the
opportunity to see the disease and its treatment from the clinical side as well.
Whether you’re a Pharmacist or Biomedic or Medic, you’ll find something in this
course that you’ll enjoy and can relate to. And, like me, you’ll be in better stead
for your future too.”
Lauren MSc Cancer Biology and Therapeutics

104 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning

Postgraduate Taught

Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Studies

Cancer Biology Clinical Pharmacy Clinical Research
and Therapeutics This course is for pharmacists, If your line of work involves clinical
Through this course, you’ll receive working in primary or secondary research, this leading part-time,
an extensive breadth and depth of care. It integrates a traditional face-to-face MSc in Clinical
cancer-focused training. You’ll gain academic course with your Research course is designed to
from advanced teaching in the everyday role, to develop your vital help you enhance your career.
cellular aspects of cancer biology, skills and knowledge so that you It presents an overview of
together with the molecular can apply this to your work. clinical trial processes and the
mechanisms underlying cancer The programme offers an regulations for bringing in a new
development and progression. exceptionally wide variety of chemical entity, and explores a
And you’ll receive in-depth experiential learning, with a new broad range of therapeutic areas
training in cancer therapeutics, area every three months for the first and their treatments in relation to
encompassing biomarkers and two years of the course. This allows clinical trials, drug registrations
diagnosis, therapeutic targets, you to gain a broad experience of and drug safety.
drug discovery and clinical trials pharmacy, under the guidance of Through this course, you’ll be
and chemo/radiotherapy. a local practitioner, trained by the equipped to meet good clinical
The course offers research skills University to be your tutor. practice and regulatory quality
training and a laboratory-based As a clinical pharmacist, you will standards for developing new
research project that helps you to develop the skills and expertise healthcare interventions to
develop research hypotheses and you need to input optimally into improve treatments for patients.
critically evaluate translational patient care. This programme is recognised by
approaches with respect to the
Example modules include: the pharmaceutical industry and
development of contemporary
Foundation; Therapeutics; the Health Service as being of
cancer therapeutics.
a range of optional modules in outstanding quality and practical
Whatever your career aspirations year two and a Research Project value in the work place for clinical
in this field, this programme will in year three. research professionals.
give you a balanced combination
Distance learning: Example modules include:
of theory and practice to set you in
MSc: 3 years PT Clinical research; Therapeutics;
excellent stead for the future.
Blended learning: Advanced Clinical Research;
Example modules include: Contemporary Therapeutics;
PgDip: 2 or 3 years PT
Cellular and Molecular Biology of Research Methods.
PgCert: 1 year PT
Cancer; Translational Oncology
Entry requirements: Must be a MSc: 3 years PT, Face to face over
and Therapeutics; Academic
registered pharmacist with the a series of weekends.
Research Skills; Research
Methodology and Data Analysis; General Pharmaceutical Council Please note this course is
Bioinformatics. of Great Britain or a country where currently under review which may
there is a reciprocal agreement, result in some structural and
MSc: 1 year FT
and must be employed as a content changes. Please check
English language: IELTS 6.5 pharmacist in an accredited the website for updates.
(6.0 in sub-scores). hospital or primary care Entry requirements: Degree in
Entry requirements: Degree in organisation. biological or life sciences, or a
biological or life sciences, or a English language: IELTS 6.5 (6.5 healthcare-related subject.
healthcare-related subject. in writing and 6.0 in all other sub- English language: IELTS 6.5
scores). (6.0 in sub-scores).

Entry requirements English language Contact

See individual programmes. IELTS 6.5 (6.5 in each sub-score Postgraduate Admissions Team
unless stated). e: pgtphrmyadmissions@ 105
provides, whilst the second will be Entry requirements: Minimum
Pharmacist Independent pharmacists only. 2 years GPhC or Pharmaceutical
Prescribing Society of Northern Ireland
The course is made up of a 40
Pharmacist Independent credit module, at level 7 (QAA). pharmacist registration status and
Prescribing aims to provide Topics such as communication, equivalent appropriate patient-
patients with quicker and more consultation process, decision- oriented experience. Satisfactory
efficient access to medicines making, clinical patient DBS check.
and to make the best use of the assessment, and clinical English language: IELTS 6.5 (6.0
skills of pharmacists. The School governance will be covered. in sub-scores).
has developed this programme
Distance learning:
to prepare pharmacists as
Independent Prescribers, to STM: 7 months PT
meet the relevant standards set
by the General Pharmaceutical
Council (GPhC). Furthermore, this
programme develops the critical
analysis and personal reflection
skills of participants, and furthers
their lifelong professional
The programme is managed by
the School of Pharmacy and
Pharmaceutical Studies. Two
cohorts are run each year; the
first will run concurrently with the
School of Healthcare Sciences
(available to nurses, midwives and
allied healthcare professionals), Postgraduate students benefit from a rich learning experience at
taking advantage of the Cardiff University’s School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
multidisciplinary learning this

Postgraduate Research
time, we have about 60 students PhD: 3 years FT, 5-7 years PT
Pharmacy and studying for PhD qualification by Intake: January, April, July,
Pharmaceutical Sciences research. October
Our research degrees give you the The applied and multidisciplinary Available PhD and MPhil courses
freedom to investigate a cutting- nature of our work benefits from include: Drug Delivery and
edge topic in depth, amongst worldwide scientific collaborations, Microbiology, Medicinal Chemistry,
leading researchers with first- and strategic relationships with Pharmacology and Physiology,
class facilities. We have a strong global businesses and public Pharmacy Practice and Clinical
reputation for the quality of the sector bodies, that enable us to Pharmacy.
research that we conduct and see the real-world impact of our
attract large research grants from research.
a variety of sources. At any one

Entry requirements English language Contact

A 1st or 2:1 UK honours degree IELTS 6.5. The Postgraduate Research Team
or equivalent is required. e:
Requirements are project t: +44 (0)29 2087 6419
specific but are generally suitable
for graduates in pharmacy,
biosciences, chemistry, and
related disciplines.

106 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning

Physics and Astronomy

Physics and Astronomy

Studying with us offers you the opportunity to gain a
fundamental understanding of the way the Universe works
as well as providing you with the skills for a wide range of
careers. You will join a thriving postgraduate community within
a friendly, supportive environment.

99% of our submitted Our MSc students have Our School is the
research was rated access to a dedicated home for the Institute
as internationally suite of facilities within of Compound
excellent or world- the School Semiconductors
leading which will form part of
(REF 2014) the University’s new
£300m Innovation

“The major learning outcome from the Advanced Experimental Techniques in Physics
module for me was an appreciation of incremental achievement. Writing weekly
lab diaries, the exercise increased my confidence and crucially has instilled a
self- sustaining motivation to keep making small steps towards goals rather than
relying on the sprint finish. I found this to be extremely valuable.”

Cameron MSc Physics 107
Postgraduate Taught
knowledge of compound
Astrophysics semiconductor physics, as well as
This MSc course aims to provide a range of valuable skills that will
specialist training and an edge in enhance their career prospects in
a highly competitive recruitment this exciting field.
market to students who wish to Example modules include:
work in the field of astrophysics. Modern Quantum Optics;
Taught topics reflect our Advanced LABVIEW Programming
world-leading strengths in for Physicists; Low Dimensional
theoretical, observational and Semiconductor Devices;
instrumentational research and Compound Semiconductor
on successful completion of the Application Specific Photonic
courses, should be ideally placed Integrated Circuits; Quantum MSc Physics student Peter
to pursue a career in a highly- Theory of Solids. testing an analogue-to-digital
skilled numerate role. MSc: 1 year FT
Example modules include: Entry requirements: 2:1
Entry requirements: 2:1
Cosmology; Energy and gas in honours degree or equivalent
honours degree or equivalent
interstellar space; Galaxies and in astrophysics, physics or
in astrophysics, physics or
galaxy evolution; Formation and mathematics. Applicants with
mathematics. Applicants with
evolution of stars; Advanced a 2:2 honours degree will be
a 2:2 honours degree will be
general relativity and gravitational considered on a case by case
considered on a case by case
waves. basis.
MSc: 1 year FT
Entry requirements: 2:1 Data Intensive Data Intensive Physics
honours degree or equivalent Astrophysics A collaboration between our Data
in astrophysics, physics or Innovation Research Institute, the
This course brings together
mathematics. Applicants with School of Physics and Astronomy
expertise from the School of
a 2:2 honours degree will be and the School of Computer
Physics and Astronomy, the
considered on a case by case Science and Informatics, this
School of Computer Science
basis. course combines the study of
and Informatics and the Data
Innovation Research Institute, physics with the latest techniques
Compound to equip you with a wide variety in data collection and analysis,
Semiconductor Physics of transferable skills and a providing you with a unique range
Delivered jointly by the Institute sophisticated understanding of knowledge and skills.
for Compound Semiconductors of both data science and Example modules include:
and the School of Physics astrophysics. Pattern Recognition and Data
and Astronomy, this Master’s Example modules include: Data Mining; Low Dimensional Demi
programme provides thorough Analysis; Formation and Evolution Conductor Devices; Advanced
training in the theory, fabrication of Stars; Advanced General LABVIEW programming for
and applications of compound Relativity and Gravitational Physicists; Advanced Experimental
semiconductors, and integration Waves; Computational Physics; Techniques in Physics; and Data
with silicon technology. On Techniques in Astrophysics. Analysis.
completion of this course students MSc: 1 year FT
MSc: 1 year FT
will have gained a sophisticated

Entry requirements English language Contact

We welcome applications with a IELTS 6.5 (5.5 sub-scores). Admissions Office
2:1 honours degree. Applicants e:
with a 2:2 honours degree will t: +44 (0)29 2087 6457
be considered on a case by case

108 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning

Entry requirements: 2:1 science industrial practice, Solids; Computational Physics;
honours degree or equivalent research and development, or Formation and Evolution of Stars;

Physics and Astronomy

in astrophysics, physics or in other highly-skilled numerate Advanced LABVIEW Programming
mathematics. Applicants with careers. for Physicists; Advanced General
a 2:2 honours degree will be On the course, you will cover Relativity and Gravitational Waves.
considered on a case by case theoretical and experimental MSc: 1 year FT
basis. physics along with advanced areas Entry requirements: 2:1
of application that reflect our honours degree or equivalent
Physics wide-ranging research expertise. in astrophysics, physics or
The MSc Physics will provide you Example modules include: mathematics. Applicants with
with the knowledge and skills Concepts and Theory of a 2:2 honours degree will be
required to pursue a career in Compound Semiconductor considered on a case by case
academic research, physical Photonics; Quantum Theory of basis.

Postgraduate Research
world-class laboratories to support Research areas: Quantum
Physics and Astronomy our wide range of research Devices; Compound
We offer a challenging and activities, which involve worldwide Semiconductors; Nanoscale
supportive environment in which collaborations on the latest Diamonds; Biophotonics;
our research students develop cutting-edge research. Gravitational Waves;
the skills and knowledge they PhD: 3-4 years FT, 5-7 years PT Observational and Theoretical
need to succeed in industry, MPhil: 1-2 years FT, 2-3 years PT Astrophysics; Astronomical
research or academia. We have Instrumentation; Brain Imaging
Intake: January, April, July, October
an established track record of and Physics Education Research.
research excellence and host

Entry requirements English language Contact

Graduates with a 1st or 2:1 IELTS 6.5. Admissions Office
honours degree in physics, e:
astrophysics, mathematics, t: +44 (0)29 2087 6457
engineering or a related subject.

Weekly tutorials are an integral part of your MSc experience 109
Politics and
International Relations

The Department of Politics and International Relations prides

itself on world-class research and an international reputation
for excellence.

Our Department 81% of our research 97% of our graduates

of Politics and was rated as of 2015/16 who
International Relations world-leading or were available for
is one of the largest internationally employment had
in the UK excellent secured work or
(REF 2014) further study*
*combined data for the
School of Law and Politics

“I decided to take this programme as I wanted a masters that matched industry-
specific technical skills with academic skills. What I enjoyed most was the breadth
of module topics available – from in-depth analysis of devolved policies in Wales to
a very current and conceptual introduction to International Political Economy.
I now work in Public Affairs and Policy at an international airport and the skills I
gained during this programme enable me to fulfil the demands of my role.”

Lisa MSc Politics and Public Policy

110 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning

Postgraduate Taught

Politics and International Relations

and Debates in Contemporary
International Relations Politics and Public Policy Comparative Politics; Government
This programme is designed This programme is designed from the Inside: from the
to give you a comprehensive to provide a comprehensive Minister’s Viewpoint.
grounding in the disciplinary and understanding of the nature MSc Econ: 1 year FT, 2 years PT
academic skills that are central of public policy, how political
to the study of International problems are identified, how Welsh Government
Relations. The programme bridges policies are made, the factors
the sub-fields of international affecting their success or failure,
and Politics
relations theory, political and how the power to make This programme provides
philosophy, political science, policies might be constrained. an informed insight and
international law, foreign policy The focus of the programme is understanding of the political
analysis, diplomacy, international not limited to public policy, but landscape of Wales. Owing
history, and international political encompasses how we engage and to devolution and distinctive
economy. understand key contemporary historical and cultural factors,
political debates. Over the course Welsh politics today is a
Example modules include:
of the programme, students will fascinating and fast-evolving
American Foreign Policy;
be given the conceptual, analytical topic of study. The relevance of
Introduction to Digital
and practical skills that are the programme is not confined
Technologies and International
essential to policy analysis and to Wales. However, issues
Relations; Just War, Humanitarian
provide a springboard for further relating to shared sovereignty
Intervention and Global Justice;
postgraduate research, or a career and multi-level governance are
Popular Culture; World Politics;
in the policy-making world. central to contemporary political
Public International Law.
debates. The Welsh case provides
MSc Econ: 1 year FT, 2 years PT Example modules include:
a fascinating study of broader
Public Policy; Governing and
trends in European and global
Policy-Making in Britain; Themes
governance. Many students who
complete this programme find
employment in both the public
and private sectors.
Example modules include:
The Law of Devolution in Wales;
Contemporary Welsh Politics;
Devolution and Public Policy in
Wales; Government from the
Inside; Public Policy.
MSc Econ: 1 year FT, 2 years PT

Our programmes are led and supported by leading academic

researchers, all of whom are experts in their fields of study

Entry requirements English language Contact

Suitable for graduates who IELTS 6.5 (with 6.5 in writing and e:
normally possess a 2:1 degree 6.0 in all other sub-scores). t: +44 (0)29 2087 6102
classification in a relevant
subject area. 111
Postgraduate Research
Political Theory; Digital PhD: 3 years FT, 5 years PT
Politics and Technologies and Global Politics; MPhil: 1 year FT, 2 years PT
International Relations Critical Global Politics; Global Intake: January, April, July, October
Our Politics and International Environmental Politics; Law and
Research areas: British Politics;
Relations academics are at the Global Justice. Each research
American Politics; Cold War
forefront of their research areas. postgraduate participates in
History; Critical Military Studies;
With a combination of established the work of one of the research
Cybersecurity and Internet
researchers with international groups and will be offered
Governance; Environmental
reputations, and younger scholars, opportunities to present their
Politics; European Politics;
we have a dynamic and forward- own projects. In addition,
Feminism and Critical Global
looking research ethos. We postgraduates participate in
Politics; Global Governance;
pride ourselves on providing an Research in Progress seminars.
Global Justice; International
enthusiastic and intellectually This seminar series is designed
Relations and Technology;
stimulating environment for to allow students to present
International Relations and
postgraduate research to those issues relating to their own
Practice Theory; Nuclear Politics;
wishing to study a full or part-time research, and to hear papers
Political Theory; Post-Colonial
PhD or MPhil, with supervision from staff. Prospective students
Studies; Public Policy; Welsh
available across a wide range of are encouraged to look at staff
Politics and Governance; Security
research topics. webpages to identify potential
We host active research groups supervisors or supervision teams.
and centres in a range of fields, Opportunities to work across law
including Welsh Governance; and politics exist in all fields and
such applicants are very welcome.

Entry requirements If you do not have the standard English language

The normal requirement for qualifications for the course IELTS 6.5.
admission to all Research you may still apply and your
programmes in the School is application will be considered. Contact
a 2:1 degree award, or the (Interviews may be conducted to MPhil/PhD Enquiries,
overseas equivalent, in a identify and assess the academic Cardiff Law School
relevant subject. However, we merit of prospective students). e:
consider all individual applicants t: +44 (0)29 2087 4351
on their specific merits.

The Senedd, also known as the National Assembly building, located in Cardiff Bay

112 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning


With acknowledged excellence in research and teaching,
and being one of the largest psychology departments in the UK,
we offer a range of postgraduate opportunities.

Our research quality Our School was Cardiff University Brain

was ranked 2nd in the ranked in the top Research Imaging
UK for Psychology 40 in the QS World Centre is one of
(REF 2014) University Rankings by Europe’s top facilities for
Subject 2018 and has brain imaging, bringing
appeared in the top 50 together world-leading
for the last five years expertise in brain

“My time at Cardiff University has been a fantastic experience. Arriving from Canada
in April of 2013, my dissertation evolved considerably as I developed crucial research
skills. I was also afforded the opportunity to take on a large teaching load; something
that I thoroughly enjoyed. Overall, Cardiff has provided me with all the skills I need
going forward.”

Jonathan PhD Psychology 113
Postgraduate Taught
Children’s Psychological Cognitive and Neuroimaging: Methods
Disorders Behavioural Therapies and Applications
The MSc in Children’s Psychological Two BABCP-accredited programmes This programme aims to provide
Disorders will equip you with a are available for mental health students with knowledge and
thorough theoretical understanding professionals to develop skills in understanding of a variety of
of the psychological factors that effective Cognitive Behavioural neuroimaging techniques and
cause and maintain cognitive, Therapies (CBT). All training is their application to cognition and
emotional and behavioural delivered by BABCP accredited behaviour in health and disease.
problems in children. practitioners and the content closely You will learn through a variety of
Taught by leading international adheres to the Department of teaching methods and hands-on
experts, you will discover and Health competency framework for activities including lectures, journal
research how both mental health CBT. Acquisition of skills is ensured clubs, workshops, computing
difficulties and neurodevelopmental through a variety of teaching sessions, and lab classes - we
conditions, which include anxiety, methods, supervised practice and pride ourselves on our level of
depression, ADHD, autism and assessed clinical work. Students contact time with you. Classes are
conduct disorder, emerge in completing this programme have an led by international experts in both
childhood. You will also gain an excellent grounding in CBT. the methods and applications of
in-depth knowledge of how these The postgraduate diploma in neuroimaging. Based in Cardiff
conditions can best be assessed; CBT is available as a second University Brain Research Imaging
enabling you to subsequently year, following on from the Centre (CUBRIC), which has
inform intervention and advise the postgraduate certificate, and recently been expanded with
best course of treatment. enables health staff to develop a £44M investment, you will
further competence in high have access to a wide range of
Example modules include: Origins
intensity CBT. Students completing equipment, including: Magnetic
of Developmental Psychopathology;
this programme have a high-level Resonance Imaging (MRI),
Introduction to Clinical and
of clinical skill in CBT. Participants Magnetoencephalography (MEG),
Educational Psychology; Child
on the programmes work with Electroencephalography (EEG,
Assessment and Intervention; Child
adults, children and older adults, including EEG sleep labs) and
Development Disorder Research
in a wide range of settings. Brain Stimulation (TMS/TDCS).
The course aims to put you in a
MSc: 1 year FT, Entry Accreditation by BABCP ensures
competitive position for a PhD
requirements: 1st or high 2.1 an excellent standard of training.
studentship or research position in
in Psychology or a Psychology Some further criteria would have
related subject (or equivalent), to be met for full practitioner
accreditation with BABCP. Example modules include:
from a course recognised by
Introduction to Neuroimaging
the British Psychological Society PgDip: 2 years PT
Methods; Research Design
(BPS). Applicants will need to be PgCert: 1 year PT
and Analysis in Neuroimaging;
able to handle scientific concepts, Entry requirements: Memory: Functions and Failures;
be numerate and have excellent Applicants are expected to be Clinical Neuroimaging Research;
writing skills. A-levels in biology, graduates with a core profession Neuroimaging Research Project.
chemistry, mathematics, English or in mental health, or obtain the
history at grade A are desired. MSc: 1 year FT
equivalent through the BABCP
English language: IELTS 7.5 with a Knowledge and Skills Assessment. Entry requirements: Minimum 2:1
minimum score of 7.5 in writing and in a relevant science based degree.
English language: IELTS 6.5.
a minimum score of 5.5 in each English language: IELTS 7.0.
Contact: CBT Admissions
remaining sub-score. Contact:
Contact: t: +44 (0)29 2087 0360 e:
e: psych-msc-childdisorder@ t: +44 (0)29 2068 8815

114 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning

with a thorough knowledge of English language: IELTS 6.5 with
Social Science Research research design, data collection, a minimum score of 6.5 in writing
Methods (Psychology) and the principal methods of and a minimum score of 5.5 in
This programme provides analysing social scientific data. each remaining sub-score.

advanced training in research MSc: 1 year FT, 3 years PT Contact: Social Science Research
methods across the full range of PgDip: 1 year FT, 2 years PT Methods Administrator
the social sciences and meets the Entry requirements: 2:1 e:
training requirements for ESRC
PhD funding. It provides students

Postgraduate Research
English language: IELTS 7.5 English language: All applications
Educational Psychology (sub-scores 7.5). must be proficient in written and
The aim of the full-time Contact: Doctorate in Educational spoken English.
Professional Training Doctorate Psychology Enquiries Contact:
in Educational Psychology DClinPsy Main Office
Programme is to offer knowledge
t: +44 (0)29 2087 5381 e:
and expertise for a career as an
educational psychologist (EP), via
doctorate-level study. Trainees Clinical Psychology
t: +44 (0)29 2087 0582
develop academic, professional The DClinPsy programme is a
and research skills over the course full-time three year professional For applications:
of the three years of study. doctorate, leading to the award
Completion of the programme of Doctor of Clinical Psychology,
confers eligibility to apply for validated by Cardiff University and Psychology
registration as an educational is the basis for registration with the The School of Psychology is an
psychologist with the Health and UK Health and Care Professions excellent environment in which
Care Professions Council (HCPC) and Council (HCPC). Trainees are to do research. We welcome
to the British Psychological Society currently full-time salaried NHS applications from students
(BPS) for Chartered EP status. employees of Cardiff and Vale interested in researching for a PhD
University Health Board (UHB) and in a number of areas.
DEdPsy: 3 years FT
full-time postgraduate research
Intake: September PhD: 3 years FT, PT opportunities
students at Cardiff University. We
Research areas: Research are currently progressing toward
Methods in Educational secondary accreditation in CBT Intake: January, April, July, October
Psychology; Processes and and Systemic Therapy, and also Research areas: Cognitive
Methods of Assessment; The engaging with the fast-track Science; Developmental and
Psychology of Learning: Managing route to Post-Doctorial Clinical Health Psychology; Neuroscience;
Change; The Psychology of Neuropsychology training. Social and Environmental
Behaviour: Managing Change; DClinPsy: 3 years FT Psychology.
Understanding and Working Entry requirements: At least a 2:1
Intake: October
with Systems, Organisations or equivalent. Psychology or in a
and Groups: Managing Change; Research areas: Recovery
related discipline. A postgraduate
The Role of the Educational from Stroke; Spinal Injury; Post-
master’s degree (or equivalent)
Psychologist: Managing Change. traumatic Growth; Recovery from
would strengthen your application,
Psychosis; Autism; Intellectual
Entry requirements: A qualification but is certainly not a requirement.
Disability Syndromes, child
in psychology which confers English language: IELTS 7.5
development and wellbeing.
eligibility for the Graduate Basis for (sub-scores 7.5).
Chartered Membership (GBC) of the Entry requirements: At least a
2:1 or equivalent in Psychology. Contact: Clair Southard
British Psychological Society (BPS),
A postgraduate master’s degree (or e:
usually by the December preceding
equivalent) would strengthen your t: +44 (0)29 2087 5381
the start of the programme.
Relevant experience working with application, but is certainly not a Professor Tom Freeman
children and young people (0-25), requirement. BPS Graduate Basis e:
of at least a year. of Registration (GBR) or equivalent. t: +44 (0)29 2087 5381 115
Social Sciences

We are an interdisciplinary teaching and research community

and internationally recognised centre of excellence.

Ranked 3rd in the UK We enjoy excellent We have one of the

for research quality in links with local and highest levels of
Sociology and 5th for national government, research grant capture
Education major private in the UK, securing
(REF 2014) and public sector over £48million since
organisations and the 2010
third sector

“The diversity in backgrounds & knowledge amongst the teaching staff,
coupled with a research-led teaching approach, first class facilities and a
pleasant environment made for a very positive student experience. My pre-
existing ideas and views were continuously challenged and further developed.
It was stimulating and inspiring being introduced to new ways of thinking,
helping make better sense of our social realities within a social work context. I
felt thoroughly prepared for social work practice at the end.”
Adam MA Social Work

116 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning

Postgraduate Taught

Social Sciences
as well as in the academy and Example modules include: Critical
Childhood and Youth in criminological research. Our Perspectives in Social Science;
Childhood and Youth is a growing problem-orientated learning Global Futures in Education;
field of inquiry across the social approach emphasises how to Principles and Practice of Research
sciences. This MSc offers the apply subject-specific knowledge Design and Methods; International
opportunity to examine leading to the analysis of, and response and Comparative Skills Systems;
theories, methodologies and to, instances of crime, safety and Social Contexts of Education.
research evidence, in order to justice in the public, voluntary and MSc: 1 year FT, 2 years PT
understand the relationship commercial sectors.
between the conceptualisation Example modules include: Science Communication
of childhood, methodological Researching Crime, Safety and
approaches to researching with This degree aims to offer
Justice; Principles and Practice of
children and young people, and knowledge and expertise relating
Research Design and Methods;
the social impact of childhood to the organisation and funding
Responses to Crime, Safety and
policies and practices in a variety of scientific research, the
Justice; Criminal Justice in Europe;
of social and cultural contexts, reporting of scientific innovation
Critical Perspectives in Social
and across the young life course. and controversy, and the role of
It is aimed at practitioners, policy citizens, experts and the media
MSc: 1 year FT, 2 years PT in scientific decision making and
makers and postgraduates who
want to develop their knowledge science communication. You will
of childhood and youth, and Education, Policy receive training in presenting
learn approaches to conducting and Society science via news media, or directly
research with these groups. As education becomes to audiences ranging from school
increasingly globalised, schools children to the general public.
Example modules include:
and education systems around This joint interdisciplinary science
Contemporary Issues in Childhood
the world are frequently being communication degree is offered
and Youth Studies; Research,
shaped by a common set of global by the School of Social Sciences
Policy and Practice in Childhood
education policies and ideologies. and the School of Journalism,
and Youth Studies; Critical
This programme aims to develop Media and Culture.
Perspectives in Social Science;
Principles and Practice of your ability to critically analyse Example modules include: Media,
Research Design and Methods; dominant ideologies, policies Science and Health; Governing
Social Contexts of Education. and practices; to understand the the Internet: Digital Freedoms
forces that are driving them, their and Restrictions; International
MSc: 1 year FT, 2 years PT
shortcomings and likely outcomes; News Production; Introduction to
and to discover and engage with Science, Technology and Society;
Crime, Safety and Justice alternative models of education, Public Engagement with Science
Our MSc in Crime, Safety and training, teaching and learning, and Technology.
Justice aims to produce graduates at the early childhood, primary, MSc: 1 year FT
capable of ‘problem-solving’ in the secondary and post-secondary
Entry requirements: 2:1 at
fields of crime, safety and justice. levels, and in non-formal and
undergraduate level or equivalent.
We base the programme on the informal contexts outside
Preferably a Science, Technology,
‘SARA’ mnemonic - scanning, the formal education system
Social Science, Engineering
analysis, response, assessment altogether.
or Maths subject. Relevant
– a familiar scheme in policing
experience will be considered.
and crime prevention practice,

Entry requirements English language Contact

Second class degree or above IELTS 6.5 (with a minimum of 6.5 Taught Masters Administrator
at undergraduate level or in writing and at least 5.5 in all (unless stated)
equivalent. Preferably a social other sub-scores) unless stated. e: socialscienceadmissions@
sciences or humanities subject
unless stated. t: +44 (0)29 2087 0284
+44 (0)29 2087 4809 117
English language: IELTS 7 (with a Example modules include: researchers in the East Asian
minimum of 6.5 in writing and at Critical Perspectives in Social region. This innovative programme
least 6.0 in all other sub-scores). Science; Principles and Practice aims to develop expertise and
of Research Design and enhance professional capacity
Social and Public Policy Methods; Advanced Concepts in the field of employment, skills
in Contemporary Sociology; and workforce development in
This programme will equip you
Responses to Crime, Safety a changing global context. We
with the theoretical, conceptual
and Justice; Global Futures in seek to provide you with the
and analytical tools to examine
Education. knowledge and analytical tools to
contemporary social and public
MSc: 1 year FT, 2 years PT develop and assess alternative
policies in both national and
policy interventions, identify and
international contexts, interpreting
Social Science seek solutions to challenges in
a range of evidence in analysing
workforce development, and
policy developments and their Research Methods
undertake effective research in
social impacts. We will enable you Our MSc in Social Science the field.
to deepen your understanding of Research Methods aims to
the major aspects of social and Example modules include: Skills
provide advanced training in
public policy, including competing and Performance in the Workplace;
research methods across the
conceptions of citizenship Globalisation and the Future of
full range of the social sciences.
and how these inform social Work; Workforce Development
You will be provided with a
policy; contemporary forms of Policy and Competitiveness;
thorough theoretical and practical
governance and public policy Research Methods and Techniques
knowledge of how to construct
implementation, and the use of in Context.
effective research studies, of the
theories and research evidence variety of data collection methods MSc: 2 years PT at another
to analyse and explain social and available to the social scientist institution
public policy change. and of the principal methods of Entry requirements: 2:1
Example modules include: analysing social scientific data. at undergraduate level (or
Critical Perspectives in Social We offer five pathways in social equivalent) and at least two years
Science; Principles and Practice science subjects: Criminology; of work experience in skills or
of Research Design and Educational Studies; Social Policy; employment-related issues.
Methods; Citizenship and Social Social Work; Sociology. Our course English language: IELTS 7.0
Policy; Democracy, Politics and pathways have Economic and
Institutions: Exploring Governance Contact: MSc Skills and
Social Research Council (ESRC)
and Public Policy; International Workforce Development
recognition and each provides the
and Comparative Social and Programme Administrator
appropriate training for proceeding
Public Policy. to a PhD. e:
MSc: 1 year FT, 2 years PT t: +44 (0)29 2087 4021
Example modules include:
Developing Core Research Skills;
Social Science Foundations of Social Science Professional
This MSc allows you to create a Research; Qualitative Research Programmes
bespoke programme of study that Methods; Quantitative Research
draws on our expertise in fields Methods; Research Applications Social Work
such as sociology, criminology, MSc: 1 year FT, 3 years PT Our MA Social Work programme
education studies, childhood and PgDip: 1 year FT, 2 years PT allows you to build upon academic
youth studies, and social and and occupational experience
Entry requirements: 2:1 at and achieve a professional
public policy. You will develop
undergraduate level or equivalent. qualification in social work. You
your knowledge, skills and
understanding of social scientific will benefit from strong tutorial
theory and research methods,
Skills and Workforce support, teaching informed
alongside more specialist Development by research and practice, and
material. You will gain a range Our MSc Skills and Workforce access to a range of placement
of transferable skills for the Development is taught in opportunities in specialist fields.
workplace, as well as a foundation Singapore in partnership with Situated within the broader
for further training in a variety of the Institute for Adult Learning, environment of social sciences,
professional fields. Singapore. It is aimed at this programme provides a
practitioners, policy makers and theoretical and critical approach

118 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning

to the acquisition and appreciation Entry requirements: a 2.2
of knowledge about social work
Professional Graduate degree or above (or equivalent).

Social Sciences
practice and its context. Principles Certificate in Education Applicants with extensive work
of human rights are core. (PGCE) in Post- experience will be considered on
Example modules include: Compulsory Education an individual basis.
Introduction to Social Work Theory and Training (PCET) English language: IELTS score of
and Practice; Social Work with This one-year full-time PGCE 6.5 (5.5 in each sub-score)
Children, Youth and Families; programme is designed for Contact: PGCE Programme
Social Work with Adults; Working those wanting to teach in post- Administrator
with Individuals, Families, Groups 16 contexts e.g. higher and e:
and Communities; Working In and further education, colleges, as
t: +44 (0)29 2087 4021
Across Organisations. well as in professional contexts.
MSc: 2 years FT The programme integrates
both theoretical and practical
Entry requirements: GCSE Maths
approaches to teaching and
grade A-C. 2:2 at undergraduate
learning. Through taught sessions
level and relevant employment
and mentored teaching practice in
or voluntary based social work
the workplace you will learn about
experience. Candidates without
employment in the sector, how
a degree, but with at least
to plan lessons in your subject,
three years experience may be
how to teach, engage and assess
learners, how to manage the
English language: IELTS 6.5 (with learning environment, and how to
a minimum of 6.5 in writing and at understand and use theory and
least 5.5 in other sub-scores). research to broaden and improve
Contact: MA Social Work your professional knowledge and
Programme Administrator expertise in teaching.
e: PGCE: 1 year FT
t: +44 (0)29 2087 4967

Postgraduate Research
PhD We collaborate with major you through regular meetings. We
universities and international are part of the Wales Doctoral
Social Sciences agencies around the world, Training Partnership and funded
as well as with local policy by the Economic and Social
Research training is a strong makers and practitioners. Our Research Council.
feature of our PhD programme. research environment includes PhD: 3-4 years FT, 5-7 years PT
We are committed to theoretically a wide range of active research
informed research with a clear MPhil: 1-2 years FT, 2-3 years PT
groupings, seminar series, and
policy focus. We offer research informal study groups. Our PGR Intake: January, April, July, October
opportunities for postgraduate Café, a student-led initiative, Research areas: Science,
study in sociology, social provides a unique intellectual Technology and Risk; Crime,
policy, criminology, science forum and support network for Security and Justice; Education
and technology studies, social those pursuing doctoral studies. and Education Policy; Health and
work and education, and also Social Care; Inequality, Labour
You will be supervised by two
encourage applications from and the Future of Work; People,
qualified, experienced academic
students who wish to pursue Place and Policy.
staff who will guide and advise
interdisciplinary studies.

Entry requirements: English language: Contact:

2:1 or above at undergraduate IELTS 7.0. Graduate Office
level and/or a master’s degree. e:
t: +44 (0)29 2087 4972 119
Professional Doctorate environments, public services and The modules draw on a range
positive community wellbeing. of theoretical perspectives and
The Professional Doctorate is
Research-based and critical explore empirical studies that
a part-time doctoral research
understanding in relation to key relate to the public, private and
degree scheme. It is fully
aspects of community, wellbeing, voluntary sectors.
equivalent to the PhD, but
substantially different from it, in health, illness and medical SPPD: 5-7 years PT
that it is strongly professionally sociology are promoted. Intake: October
orientated, focusing on ‘applied’ DHS: 5-7 years PT Research areas: Inequality;
rather than ‘pure’ research. This Intake: October People, Place and Policy.
inter-professional learning allows
Research areas: Health and
you to reflect on what is shared Doctor of Social Work
Social Care.
across professional boundaries
and what is distinctive to your The Social Work taught modules
own occupation.
Doctor of Social facilitate considered reflection
and Public Policy on social work practice.
Doctor of Education The Social and Public Policy Contemporary debates about
taught modules are designed to the politics of social work; anti-
The EdD programme enables discriminatory practice; evidence-
experienced students to reflect respond to the developmental
needs and interests of those based and reflective practice;
on their own identity and social work theory; social work
practice, based on contemporary employed within UK regional
government and local authorities, ethics and values, and changing
educational issues and their legislation in Wales, England,
interaction with the wider as well as research institutions.
The modules prepare students Scotland and Northern Ireland are
framework of educational systems covered. It is recognised that many
and social, cultural and political to make informed judgements
on complex issues, such as the candidates will be managers or
contexts. Particular attention is teachers of social work practice,
paid to theoretical frameworks; successful construction and
operation of ‘multi-level’ and rather than practitioners, and
relevant questions of power; module assessment reflects this.
professional identity; leadership ‘inclusive’ governance and its
implications for policy-making; DSW: 5-7 years PT
and governance; and equality
in the context of educational negotiating the requirements of Intake: October
practices and organisations. equal opportunities legislation;
Research areas: Social Care;
and administration responsibilities
EdD: 5-7 years PT People, Place and Policy.
in public policy settings.
Intake: October
Research areas: Education and
Education Policy.

Doctor of Health Studies

The Health Studies taught
modules introduce a range of
social science perspectives and
methodologies, in order to explore
the contemporary importance of
health, medicine and health care
organisation policy and practice, We are located in the historic Glamorgan Building, just a short walk from
and how these interact with social the main University facilities, as well as the city centre’s amenities and
capital, economic and material transport links

Entry requirements: English language: Contact:

A good first degree, normally IELTS: 7.0. Graduate Office
a master’s, and two years e:
professional experience in a t: +44 (0)29 2087 0855
relevant field.

120 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning


We are a vibrant and welcoming community of academics
and students committed to the development of language,
society and identity in contemporary Wales.

84% of our submitted Ranked 7th in the Our innovative and

research was rated UK for our research interactive MA
as world-leading quality in ‘Modern programme has
or internationally Languages and achieved a 100% score
excellent* Linguistics’ (REF 2014) for overall student
(REF 2014) and achieved 100% for satisfaction for two
research impact* consecutive years*
*joint submission with the *Postgraduate Taught
School of Modern Languages *joint submission with the Experience Survey 2016
School of Modern Languages and 2017

“Coming from Ireland, I’ve always had a deep-seated passion for different aspects of Celtic
studies, from language to history, literature and law. The MA has afforded me the invaluable
opportunity to pursue academic topics tailored specifically to my individual interests. For me,
this undoubtedly places the course miles ahead of others in its field. The faculty and staff at
the School are second to none and each academic is an expert in their field. The hands-on
and personable approach I have experienced is a testament to the course’s organisation and
execution. Being granted the chance to learn Welsh for the first time has been a highlight.”
John MA Welsh and Celtic Studies 121
Postgraduate Taught
your chosen area of study and Research module to enhance your
Welsh and Celtic Studies to undertake original research. knowledge and understanding of
Our innovative and highly flexible Examples of ground-breaking MA research and employability skills,
MA is tailored to your interests research in recent years include and Special Subject research-led
and our faculty’s expertise. linguistic landscape mapping, modules on your chosen areas
It offers you the chance to creative literary criticism, of study.
explore the relationship between intertextuality and medieval Welsh MA: 1 year FT, 2.5 years PT
literature, language, culture and literature, and digital technologies
identity across the centuries. and minority languages.
From medieval literature to You can study our postgraduate
contemporary language planning programmes through the
and policy, the exact content of medium of Welsh or English. If
the course will be tailored to suit you choose to study through the
your individual research interests medium of Welsh, you will need
and be based around faculty to demonstrate your proficiency in
expertise. the language.
We will help you to develop Modules include: A core
advanced academic skills in Academic and Professional

Entry requirements English language Contact

A 1st or a 2:1 UK honours IELTS 6.5. e:
degree, or equivalent,
is required.

Postgraduate Research
Intake: January, April, July,
Welsh October
The originality, quality and breadth Research areas: Welsh literature
of our research, coupled with our (medieval, renaissance, modern);
excellent reputation, make us Literary and Critical Theory;
an attractive destination for PhD Bilingualism; Sociolinguistics
study. (including Patagonia and Ireland);
Our research interests are varied Language Planning and Policy;
and include Welsh language, Textual Transmission: Oral and
literature, culture and identity; Written; Welsh American Studies;
creative and critical writing; and Second Language Acquisition/
the social and international Welsh for Adults; Creative and
aspects of language planning, Critical Writing.
acquisition and policy.
PhD: 3 years FT, 5 years PT
MPhil: 1 year FT, 2 years PT

Entry requirements English language Contact

A 1st or a 2:1 UK honours IELTS 6.5. e:
degree, or equivalent,
is required.

122 FT = full-time, PT = part-time, DL = distance learning, BL = blended learning

Further Information

How to Apply
You will find that applying for most taught you may be required to write a
research proposal.
and research postgraduate programmes can You can submit an application
be done online and directly to the University directly using our Online
from our Coursefinder pages. Application Service, which also
allows you to save your progress
Once you have identified your programmes may have fewer and return at a later time.
area of interest and programme entry dates. Entry to our You will receive an automatic
of study using the information Doctoral Training Programmes is acknowledgement of your
in the Academic School pages usually on 1 October each year. application when submitted and
(starting on page 28), use Start dates are indicated within be granted access to the Online
our step-by-step guide to help the Academic Schools section. Applicant Portal, where you can
navigate through the process. track your application, upload
Funded studentships usually
any additional supporting
have an application deadline
STEP 1: Review Entry and specify the start date in the
documents and update your
Requirements advert.
contact details.
Entry requirements, including
English language requirements, STEP 3: Investigate Your Offer
vary between programmes. Funding Options
You will find entry requirements You can track the progress of
Unless you intend to apply
listed on our coursefinder pages your application in our Online
for a fully-funded studentship
with more specific information Applicant Portal. You will also
(typically for PhD studies), we
on our website, where you will receive an email containing
would advise you to determine
also find a list of accepted the details of your offer.
how you will fund your studies
English language tests and before making an application. Most applicants will receive
exams. an offer within four weeks,
Some postgraduate funding
although some applications
STEP 2: Check Key Dates options may require you to have
may take longer. Your offer
and Deadlines secured an offer of admission
could be:
prior to applying for the funding.
The majority of our taught For more information on funding, Conditional
programmes start in late see page 25. You need to submit additional
September. Although most evidence. In most cases this
taught programmes do not STEP 4: Submit an will mean providing copies of
formally close for applications Application your qualification certificates
until the programme start date, when they become available.
Your application will typically
you are advised to apply as early
include a supporting statement, Unconditional
as possible as places are limited
at least one reference, proof You have been offered a
and programmes may close for
of your English language place – congratulations!
applications as they become
abilities, and evidence of any
full. Where programmes operate UK/EU students: In most
qualifications you have already
an application deadline, this is cases, all you will need to do
achieved. You can begin your
indicated on our website. to secure it is to accept your
application without evidence of
Entry to our MPhil and PhD any pending qualifications, but offer.
programmes is typically any offer you receive may be International students: You
available on four dates through conditional until such point as will need to accept your offer
the year: 1 October, 1 January, this evidence is provided. For a and pay a deposit to secure
1 April and 1 July. Selected research degree application, your place.
programmes and other research

How to Apply
Applying for an MPhil or PhD
It’s important that you conduct Apply to a Pre-defined
some background research Research Project
to help you identify the MPhil
or PhD programme that can Many Schools advertise research
support your research interests projects that have been proposed
and career goals. Remember by supervisors. These projects
to look at a variety of Schools, are advertised at different time
Research Group and Institutes, during the year, many are funded,
as research becomes more particularly for home fee paying
interdisciplinary you might find students, and others accept self-
what you’re looking for in an funded or sponsored students.
unexpected place. To apply for these projects you
usually do not need to submit a
There are opportunities to research proposal, however, you
apply with your own idea, to a should discover more about the Your Research
pre-defined research project or potential supervisor and project Proposal
a narrow research area. Each before you apply.
route offers opportunities for If you need to write a proposal
funded and self-funded study. Apply to a Narrow as part of your research
We advertise funded Research Area application, it should outline
opportunities throughout the Some Schools advertise narrow your proposed area of study
year, but particular peak times research areas, where the and what you hope to achieve
are November/December and specific project has not been through your inquiry. We
February-April. detailed, but the supervisors always advise you to contact
It is important that you check and topic have been identified. the Academic School that
for any specific application These opportunities allow you your area of interest is
guidelines, such as deadlines, to develop your research with based within so that they
eligibility and application a supervisor in a specified can provide you with specific
processes. area, this may happen at the requirements, as these
application stage or during your vary in terms of length and
Apply With Your Own Idea first year of PhD study. structure of the proposal.
and Find a Supervisor As a general guideline, a
Use the Academic School pages
Apply to a Doctoral research proposal may
and research areas index in this Training Initiative include:
prospectus to help match your Our research-excellent profile • title for the proposed
idea with the research interests and reputation enables us to research project
of a School. Before submitting secure funding for doctoral study • a concise summary of the
your application, including your from a wide range of sources. research project
research proposal, it is a good In particular, we are currently
idea to discuss your proposal leading or participating in a • literature review
with the School and a potential range of specific doctoral training • aims and questions to be
supervisor. They may be able initiatives. Each of these has its addressed
to suggest improvements, own application process and • significance of the research
direct you to a more suitable deadlines.
• methodology and design
supervisor and help you identify
funding opportunities. • list of key academic


Tuition fees vary depending on the course you decide to study, mode
of study (full-time, part-time, blended learning or distance learning),
and whether you are classified as a home or overseas student.
Whether you pay home or Deposits for Postgraduate For entry 2018/19, deposit
overseas fees depends on Taught Programmes amounts were:
whether you meet certain w £5,000 for clinical
eligibility criteria regarding your We will ask you to pay a deposit
towards your tuition fees in order programmes (MSc
residency and/or nationality. Clinical Dermatology,
to secure your place of study if:
For an up-to-date list of fees and MSc Implantology, MScD
w you are classed as an Orthodontics, Master
our tuition fee policy, please visit international/overseas
our website. of Clinical Dentistry
applicant for tuition fee (Endodontology), Master
Fees paying purposes and have of Clinical Dentistry
been offered a place on (Prosthodontics), PgDip
You can pay your fees in a postgraduate taught
full before or on enrolment, Implant Dentistry)
or in three instalments. w £1,000 for all other
Enrolment is not complete w you are a UK/EU offer postgraduate taught
until fees have been paid in holder applying to a degree programmes.
full or arrangements to pay by programme in the School
of Medicine, the School of You will receive confirmation
instalments have been made. of your deposit amount,
Dentistry or the Centre for
If you are sponsored for the Professional Legal Studies in the payment deadline and
payment of your fees from our School of Law and Politics. information about how to make
sources other than Cardiff your payment in your formal
University, you should provide This applies to full-time and offer.
proof of sponsorship to us part-time, on campus and
before enrolment. It is your distance learning programmes,
responsibility to inform your exemptions apply.
sponsor that tuition fees are
to be paid by 31 December
following enrolment.

Aberconway Hall 58
Aberdare Hall 60
Cartwright Court 57
Colum Hall 59
Gordon Hall 64
Hodge Hall 61
Liberty House 50
Roy Jenkins Hall 56
Senghennydd Court 63
Senghennydd Hall 62
Talybont Court 55
Talybont Gate 52
Talybont North 53
Talybont South 54
University Hall 51

Directions Satnav Postcodes

For door-to-door directions to Cardiff, Cathays Park Campus –
go to: Main Building: CF10 3AT
Heath Park Campus – CF14 4XN

Cathays Park Campus
Aberconway Building 30
Architecture 6
Biosciences 1, 2

Business School 30
Bute Building 6
Careers and Employability 11
Chaplaincy 10
Chemistry 1 The academic buildings, libraries,
Computer Science and Informatics 21
Cardiff University Brain Research Students’ Union, most of the student
Imaging Centre (CUBRIC)
Day Care Centre
16 residences and the city centre are within a
Deri House
Earth and Ocean Sciences
1, 22
short walking distance of each other.
Eastgate House 22
Engineering 21
English, Communication and Philosophy 27 Cathays Park Campus
Eye Clinic 31
Friary House 20
Geography and Planning 7
Glamorgan Building 7
Global Opportunities Centre 11
Hadyn Ellis Building 32
Health Centre 13
Healthcare Sciences 22
History, Archaeology and Religion 27
International Office 20
John Percival Building 27
Journalism, Media and Culture 35
Julian Hodge Building 29
Law 4
Main Building 1
Mathematics 18
McKenzie House 23
Modern Languages 8
Music 24
Optometry and Vision Sciences 31
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 5
Physics and Astronomy 21
Politics and International Relations 4
Psychology 3
Queen’s Building 21
Redwood Building 5
Registry 23
Security Centre 2
Sir Martin Evans Building 2 Heath Park Campus
Social Sciences 7
Southgate House 34
Sports 34, 15
Student Recruitment 20
Student Support Centre 11
Students’ Union 14
Tower Building 3
Trevithick Building 21
Welsh 27

Heath Park Campus

Cardigan House 84
Cochrane Building 83
Dental School/Hospital 76
Healthcare Sciences 79
IV Lounge 81
Medicine 78
Neuadd Meirionnydd 81
Michael Griffith Education Centre 80
Nursing and Midwifery 79
Sports and Social Club 91
Tŷ Dewi Sant Building 79

Taught Programmes Index
Page C D
A Cancer Biology and Therapeutics 105 Data Intensive Astrophysics 108
Accounting and Finance 39 Canon Law 84 Data Intensive Physics 108
Advanced Chemistry 44 Care of Collections 75 Data Science and Analytics 48, 89
Advanced Clinical Practice 69 Catalysis 44 Diabetes 93
Advanced Computer Science 47 Chaplaincy Studies 77 Digital Documentaries 80
Advanced Mechanical 56 Chaplaincy Studies: Military 77 Digital Media and Society 80
Childhood and Youth 117
Advanced Practice 69 E
Children’s Psychological 114
Advanced Practice 69 Disorders Early Celtic Studies 75
(Community Health Studies) Eco-Cities 64
City Futures 64
Advanced Practice (Education 69 Education, Policy and Society 117
Civil and Geoenvironmental 56
for Health Professionals) Electrical Energy Systems 57
Advanced Practice 69 English Literature 60
Civil and Water Engineering 56
(Non-Medical Prescribing)
Civil Engineering 56 Environment and Development 67
Advanced Surgical Practice 92
Clinical Dentistry 51 Environmental Design of 32
Ageing Health and Disease 92 Buildings
Ancient and Medieval Warfare 74 European Legal Studies 84
Clinical Dermatology 93
Ancient History 74 Executive MBA 41
Clinical Leadership and 92
Applied Environmental Geology 54 Leading Change in Cardiology Eye Care Governance 103
Applied Linguistics 60 Clinical Optometry 103
Archaeological Science 75 Clinical Pharmacy 105 F
Archaeology 75 Clinical Photography 71 Finance 39
Architectural Design 31 Clinical Research 105 Financial Economics 39
Architectural Studies 31 Cognitive and Behavioural 114 Food Politics and Sustainability 64
Architecture: Professional 31 Therapies Forensic Linguistics 60
Practice Communication Technology 57
and Entrepreneurship
Astrophysics 108
Genetic and Genomic Counselling 93
Community Health Studies (SPQ) 69
B Compound Semiconductor 57
Glaucoma 103
Bar Professional Training 86 Electronics Global Culture and Creativity 98
Course (BPTC) Governance and Devolution 84
Compound Semiconductor 108
Bioinformatics 92 Physics Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) 86
Bioinformatics and 92 Computational and 80, 49
Genetic Epidemiology Data Journalism H
Biological Chemistry 44 Computational Methods in 32 History 74
Broadcast Journalism 80 Architecture History and Archaeology of 74
Building and Infrastructure 56 Computing 48 the Greek and Roman World
Information Modelling (BIM) for Computing and IT Management 47 Human Resource Management 39
Smart Engineering Human Rights Law 84
Conservation Practice 75
Building Diagnostics for Energy 31
Creative Writing 60
and Environmental Performance
Crime, Safety and Justice 117
Business Administration (MBA) 41
Critical Care 93
Business Strategy and 41
Entrepreneurship Cultural and Creative Industries 80

I Medical Toxicology 94 S
Image Appreciation 70 Medicinal Chemistry 44 Science Communication 82, 117

Taught Programmes Index

Implantology 51 Medieval British Studies 74 Shipping Law 85
Information Security and Privacy 48 Music 101 Skills and Workforce Development 118
Intellectual Property Law 84 Social and Public Policy 118
International Commercial Law 85 Social Care Law 86
Neonatal Medicine 94
International Economics, 39 Social Data Science 49
Neuroimaging: Methods 114
Banking and Finance Social Science 118
and Applications
International Human Resource 40 Social Science 42, 65, 86
News Journalism 82
Management Research Methods 114, 115, 118
International Journalism 81 O Social Work 118
International Management 40 Occupational Health 94 Social-Legal / Law 86
International Planning 64 (Policy and Practice) (Social Science Research
and Development Occupational Therapy 70 Methods pathway)
International Planning 67 Occupational Therapy 70 Software Engineering 48
and Urban Design (Pre-registration) Spatial Planning and 65
International Public Relations 81 Operational Research 89 Development
and Global Communications and Applied Statistics Specialist Community Public 70
Management Operational Research, Applied 89 Health Nursing
International Relations 111 Statistics and Financial Risk Sports and Exercise Physiotherapy 72
Islam in Contemporary Britain 76 Oral Biology 51 Strategic Marketing 41
Orthodontics 51 Structural Engineering 57
Journalism, Media and 81 P Sustainability, Planning and 65
Communications Environmental Policy
Pain Management 95
Sustainable Building 33
L Pain Management 94 Conservation
(Primary and Community Care)
Language and Communication 60 Sustainable Energy and 58
Research Palliative Medicine for 95 Environment
Health Care Professionals
Language and Linguistics 60 Sustainable Mega-Buildings 33
Pharmacist Independent 106
Late Antique and 74 Sustainable Supply Chain 41
Byzantine Studies Management
Physics 108
Law 85
Physiotherapy 71 T
Legal and Political Aspects of 85
International Affairs Planning Practice 64 Theology 77
Legal Aspects of Medical Practice 85 Political Communication 82 Therapeutic Prescribing for 103
Politics and Public Policy 111 Optometrists
Legal Practice Course (LPC) 87
Practical Dermatology 95 Therapeutics 95
Logistics and Operations 40
Management Professional Conservation 76 Tissue Engineering 52, 36
Professional Graduate 119 Translation Studies 98
M Certificate in Education (PGCE) Transport and Planning 66
Magazine Journalism 81 in Post-Compulsory Education
Managing Care in Perioperative 71 and Training (PCET) U
and Anaesthesia Practice Psychiatry 95 Urban and Regional Development 66
Manufacturing Engineering, 57 Public Health 95 Urban Design 66, 33
Innovation and Management
Public Leadership 40
Maritime Policy and 40 W
Shipping Management R Welsh and Celtic Studies 122
Master of Design Administration 33 Radiographic Reporting 71 Welsh Government and Politics 111
Mathematics 89 Radiography 70 Welsh History 75
MBA 44 Religious Studies 76 Wireless and Microwave 58
Media Management (MBA) 41, 81 Communication Engineering
Medical Education 93 Wound Healing and Tissue Repair 95

Research Programmes
and Areas Index
Page Creative Practice in Architecture 34 F
A Creative Writing 61 Family Law 87
Accounting and Finance 42 Crime, Law and Justice 87 Feminism and Critical 112
Acute Eye Care 103 Crime, Security and Justice 119 Global Politics
Adult Nursing 72 Criminology 119 Finance 42
Advanced Healthcare Science 72 Critical and Cultural Theory 61
and Practice (DAHSP)
Critical Military Studies 112
Gender Rules 87
Ancient History 77 Critical Theories 62
Genetics 96
Applied Mathematics 90 Cultures, Histories and Ideas 34
Geography and Planning 67
Archaeology 78
Architectural Education 34 D Glaucoma 103
Data and Knowledge Engineering 49 Global Governance 112
Architecture 34
Dentistry 52 Global Justice 112
Astronomy and Astrophysics 109
Developmental and 115 Gravitational Waves 109
B Health Psychology
Biological Chemistry 45 Digital Design Techniques 34
Health and Social Care 119
Biomedicine 37 Digital Media and Society 82
Health and Social Care Law 87
Biosciences 36, 37 Domestic Law 87
Health Studies (DHS) 120
Brain Imaging 109
E Healthcare Sciences 72
British Politics 112
Earth Sciences 54 History and Welsh History 78
Building Design 34
Economics 42 Human Rights and Public Law 87
Building Law 34
Education 119
C Education (EdD) 120
Imaging 96
Cancer and Genetics 96 Education and Education Policy 119
Inequality, Labour and
Catalysis 45 Educational Psychology 115
the Future of Work 119
Chemical Engineering 45 Employment and Organisation 42
Infection and Immunity 96
Chemistry 45 Energy and Environment 58
Inorganic Chemistry 45
Child Nursing 72 Energy and Environmental 34
Integrative Neuroscience 96
City, Landscape and 34 Performance of Buildings
and Systems International Law 87
Engineering 58 International Relations and 112
Clinical Psychology 115
Practice Theory
Cognitive Science 115 English Literature 62
International Relations and 112
Cold War History 112 Environment 67
Commercial law 87 Environmental Justice 87
Communication and 82 Environmental Politics 112 J
Human Security Ethnomusicology 101 Journalism 82
Complex Systems 49 European Law and Governance 87 Journalism and Democracy 82
Composition 101 European Politics 112
Compound Semiconductors 109
Computer Science and 49
Conservation 78
Creative and Critical Writing 61

Language and Communication 62 Paediatrics 96 Technology Enhanced Learning 37

Research Programmes and Areas Index

Languages and 99 Performance 101 Theoretical and Computational 45
Translation Studies Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical 106 Chemistry
Law 87 Sciences Translation and Adaptation 99
Law and Global Justice 87 Philosophy 62 Transnational Law 87
Law and History 87 Physical Organic Chemistry 45
Law and Religion 87 Physics and Astronomy 109
Urban and Regional Governance 67
Law and Society 87 Physiotherapy 72
Literary and Film Studies 62 Political Theory 112 V
Logistics and Operations 42 Politics and International 112 Visions Sciences 103
Management Relations Visual Computing 49
Population Medicine 96 Visual Cultures 103, 34
Post-Colonial Studies 112 Visual Function 103
Management 42
Private Law 87 Visual Neuroscience 103
Management and 42
Business Studies Probability 90 Visual Rehabilitation 103
Marketing and Strategy 42 Project Management 34
Psychological Medicine and 115 W
Materials 34
Clinical Neurosciences Wales Governance 87
Maternal, Child and 72
Family Health and Wellbeing Psychology 115 Welsh 122
Mathematics 90 Public Law 87 Welsh American Studies 122
Mechanics, Materials and 58 Public Policy 112 Welsh for Adults 122
Advanced Manufacturing Pure Mathematics 90 Welsh History 78, 122
Media, Culture and Creativity 82 Welsh Literature 122
Medical and Dental Education 96 Welsh Politics and Governance 118
Quantum Devices 109
Medicine 96 Wireless and Microwave 58
Medicines Optimisation and 96 R Communication Engineering
Healthcare Outcomes Radiography 72 Workforce, Innovation and
Mental Health Nursing 72 Improvement 72
Radiotherapy 72
Microbial Diseases 52 Religious and Theological Studies 78
Midwifery 72 Resource Use and Management 34
Molecular Biosciences 37 Retinal degeneration and ageing 103
Music 101
Musicology 101 S
Science, Health and the Media 82
N Security Studies 112
Nanoscale Diamonds 109 Social and Cultural Geography 67
Neuroscience 96 Social and Environmental 115
Social and Public Policy (SPPD) 118
Observational and Theoretical 109
Astronomy and Astrophysics Social Policy 119
Occupational Therapy 72 Social Sciences 42, 119
Ocean Sciences 54 Social Work 119
Operating Department Practice 72 Social Work (DSW) 120
Oral and Biomedical Sciences 52 Sociology 119
Organic Synthesis 45 Solid State Materials 45
Spatial Planning and 67
Analysis in City Environments
Statistics 90
Stem Cell Neurobiology 37
Sustainability at an Urban Scale 34

Travelling to

Travelling to Cardiff
By Air
Cardiff benefits from its close proximity to two international
airports, Cardiff Airport and Bristol Airport. In addition, Birmingham,
Manchester and all London Airports are also accessible by inter-city
train or coach.

By Rail, Coach or Bus

Cardiff is easily accessible by rail or coach from London and many
towns and cities across the country. The Cardiff- London inter-city
service, from London Paddington, departs approximately every 30
minutes throughout the day, with a journey time of just over two
hours. Frequent regional network trains and coach services connect
Cardiff with towns and cities across the UK.
Local bus services operate in and around Cardiff frequently.
Train Services:
Coach Services:
Bus Services:

By Road
Cardiff is served by the M4 and is easily accessible from all
parts of Britain.
If you are using satnav, the postcodes are as follows:
Cathays Park Campus (Main Building):
CF10 3AT
Heath Park Campus:
CF14 4XN
Park and Ride Service:

We offer the information contained in this prospectus as a guide only.
It does not constitute a contract and is not binding on prospective
students, students or the University.
While we make every effort to check the accuracy of the factual
content at the time of publication, some changes to the information
in this prospectus will inevitably occur in the interval between
publication and the academic year of entry to which the prospectus
For example, courses and entry requirements may have changed in
line with market and student demand, and research development.
The modules featured in this prospectus are a sample and are not the
full list.
You should not, therefore, rely solely on this prospectus and should
visit our website for up-to-date information concerning course
content and entry requirements for the relevant academic year when
considering applying to the University.
If, however, you feel that any of the information is misleading then
please write to:
David Roylance, Communications and Marketing, Cardiff University,
Friary House, Greyfriars Road, Cardiff CF10 3AE.
Tel: +44 (0)29 2087 0408
Edited by: Sian Catley, Postgraduate Recruitment Office,
Cardiff University
Designed by: Barry Diamond, Cardiff University
and Creative Loop (Cardiff)
Printed by: McLays (Cardiff)

This prospectus is printed on paper obtained from well managed

sources using vegetable-based inks. Both the paper used in the
production of this prospectus and the manufacturing processes are
FSC® certified. The printers are also accredited to ISO14001, the
internationally recognised environmental standard.
View the prospectus on our website:
This prospectus can be made available in alternative formats,
please contact:
Publications Officer
Tel: +44 (0)29 2087 4455

Proud to be a top 10
UK and world top 100
Source: Academic Ranking of World Universities 2017

Connect with us for the latest news, including new
programmes and funding opportunities.

Contact us
Students from the UK:
Tel: 029 2087 0084
Students from the rest of the world:
Tel: +44 (0)29 2087 4432

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