Palestine Medical Council Certificate Examination: Anaesthesia
Palestine Medical Council Certificate Examination: Anaesthesia
Palestine Medical Council Certificate Examination: Anaesthesia
Specialty : Anaesthesia
1. Regarding two compartment pharmacokinetics witch statement is false?
a adrug is removed from the peripheral compartment
b) the central compartment is blood volume
c) a drug with a high volume of distribution is likely to be lipophillic
d) a drug can have a short duration of action while being eliminated very slowly
e) most anaesthetic drugs are modelled well with a two-compartment model
5.The respiratory centre in the brain stem receives input from the following except:
6.The carotid bodies has the following properties except the following except :
7.With a decrease in body temperature the false statement is:
a) the greater the time interval between onset of ventricular fibrillation and defibrillation, the
less the success of defibrillation
b) 5-40 joules should be applied to the heart if the chest is open
c) paddles should be of 13 cm in diameter in adults
d) defibrillation is most effective when the electric shock is delivered during inspiration
e) the myocardium is refractory to defibrillation in hypothermia
a) chronic obstructive airways disease patients have high serum bicarbonate levels
b) the normal anion gap is 20-25 mmol/L
c) mixed venous pH is always lower than arterial pH
d) the pKa for bicarbonate buffer is 6.1
e) kidneys cannot produce urine with a pH <4.4
13.Adrenaline characterized by the following except:
a) can be nebulised
b) is a bronchodilator
c) may elevate the blood sugar
d) has an almost equal effect on both alpha- and beta-adrenergic receptors
e) tracheal administration of adrenaline should be used even in presence of IV access during
cardiopulmonary resuscitation
15.Pulmonary artery wedge pressure will be greater than left ventricular end
diastolic pressure in the following situations except:
a) thermodilution
b) electromagnetic flow meter
c) Doppler ultrasound
d) limb plethysmography
e) ballistocardiography:
18.Regarding the dopamine the false statement is :
24.Regarding the pharmacokinetics of volatile agents all are correct except:
a) blood/gas partition coefficient of desflurane is 0.69
b) sevoflurane can be used for inhalational induction in adults
c) inspired concentration influences the rate at which alveolar concentration is attained
d) alveolar concentration during recovery decreases more slowly after prolonged anaesthesia
29.In a normal resting man, a fall in heart rate would be expected to occur following
except :
a) the [H+] electrode relies for its action on the hydrogen ion sensitivity of a glass
b) A CO2 electrode is, in principle, a modified [H+] electrode
c) The [H+] electrode requires no temperature compensation
d) CO2 may be measured by an infrared absorption spectrometer
e) N2O may be measured by an infrared absorption spectrometer
33. Concerning the opioids used in the perioperative period all are correct except:
34.These are true in the SI system of measurement except:
a) nalbuphine
b) nalorphine
c) naloxone
d) buprenorphine
e) meptazinol
40.Pulse pressure the statement is:
47. Local anesthetic that is effective topically:
A. Cocaine.
B. Mepivacaine.
C. Procaine.
D. Chloraprocaine.
52. All are true, EXCEPT: -about infrared analysis may be used for
A. Carbondioxide
B. Oxygen.
C. nitrous oxide
D. Carbonmonoxide.
61. To calculate total peripheral resistance which of the following MUST be
A. Heart rate.
B. Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure.
C. Central versus pressure.
D. Systolic atrial pressure.
62. The human blood product with lowest risk of hepatitis trasmission is :
A. Whole blood.
B. F.F.P.
C. Frozen washed red blood cells.
D. Salt, poor albumin.
68. Nor epinephrin is synthesized from:
A. Arginine.
B. Lecine.
C. Tyrosine.
D. Tryptamin.
69. The ketone bodies which are part of fatty acid metabolism in diabetic patients
include all , EXCEPT:
A. Acetone.
B. Beta hydroxy glutamic acid.
C. Beta hydroxybutyric acid.
D. Acetoacitic acid.
71. The most sesitive diagnostic method for recognizing air embolism:
A. E.T.CO2.
B. Invasive arterial pressure.
C. Central versus pressure.
D. Pericardial dopplar monitors.
73. In anesthesia of repair of lacerated cornea , which of the following drugs should
A. Halothane.
B. Ketamine.
C. Atracorium.
D. Pancrium ..
74. The anesthetic considerations in patients with mitral stenosis includes all
A. Adequate cardiac rate control.
B. Use of trendelenburg position.
C. Avoidance of even minimal hypoxia and acidosis.
D. Careful avoidance of increased sympathetic nervous system activity.
75. Common to both atrial and venticular premature contraction is:
A. Prolonged QRS complex.
B. Normal stroke volume.
C. Presence of full compensotary pauze.
D. Presence of an ectopic focus.
77. Following spinal anesthesia, the most fibers to be affected are usually serving:
A. Pressure.
B. Touch.
C. Propioception.
D. Temperature.
82-Femoral nerve block: all true except
A. The nerve lies lateral to the femoral artery.
B. Used solely for postoperative analgesia for knee surgery
C. Sartorius muscle twitch is positive indication of nerve stimulation
D. Keep close to the inguinal ligament as the nerve soon divides after that .
E. Pectineus and Sartorius muscles are posterior to the femoral sheath
84-The following conditions do not require immediate surgical intervention all true
A. necrotising enterocolitis
B. congenital diaphragmatic hernia
C. pyloric stenosis
D. gastroschisis
E. imperforate anus
87-When wash and centrifugation technique is used for blood salvage : true except
A. The plasma fraction is discarded
B. Inflammatory mediators are eliminated to a great extent
C. The cost is lower than that of filter systems
D. The concentration of free haemoglobin is low as compared to
filter systems
E. The need for allogeneic blood may be reduced both when used
during and after surgery .
88-AnswerTrue or False.Aims of POPM: true except
A. Promote autonomic nociceptive impulses
B. Combine different approaches for optimal pain alleviation
C. Improve surgical outcome and reduce hospital stay and costs
D. Reduce pain experiences and risks associatedwith unrelieved pain
E. Aggressive approach to pain assessment andmanagement
93- Answer True or False. Acute pain services should include: true except
A. Designate personnel responsibility for 24-h services
B. Regular pain assessment and documentation at rest and movement
C. Regular audit of costeffectiveness is of minor importance
D. Patient education regarding pain monitoring and treatment options
E. Ongoing teaching programmes for staffmembers involved
94-Answer True or False. Patient satisfactionwith POPM: true except
A. The adequacy of pain management should be measured also in terms of patient
B. Patients often report satisfactionwith their POPM despite experiencing signif|cant
levels of pain
C. Satisfactionwith POPMin spite of pain indicates a poor variable that should be
omitted at the clinical audit evaluation
D. Patient satisfactionmay be def|ned in terms of the degree towhich patient’s
expectations are fulf|lled
E. Patient satisfactionmay be influenced by the communication process between the
patient and staff members.
98- Answer True or False. Concerning diabetes mellitus (DM): true except
A. The age-adjusted death rate for diabetics has increased by 30% since1980
B. The life-expectancy of a patient with DM is shortened by 15 years
C. Volatile anesthetic agents may adversely affect non-insulindependent DM(Type 2 ).
D. Regional anesthesia improves outcome in diabetic patients
E. a2 agonists reduce insulin secretion.
99-AnswerTrue or False .The following statements are true: true except
A. Intraoperative hypothermia increases wound infection rates
B. Rectal temperature can be 11C higher than core temperature
C. The resistance of a thermistor increases as its temperature increases
D. The resistance of platinum wire increases as its temperature increases
E. Defibrillation is a useful treatment of ventricular fibrillation when the core
temperature is 33 Centigrade.