B 19 GGSN Admin GGSN Service Configuration Procedures
B 19 GGSN Admin GGSN Service Configuration Procedures
B 19 GGSN Admin GGSN Service Configuration Procedures
This chapter is meant to be used in conjunction with the previous chapter that describes the information
needed to configure the system to support GGSN functionality for use in GPRS/UMTS networks.
It is recommended that you identify the options from the previous chapters that are required for your specific
deployment. You can then use the procedures in this chapter to configure those options.
Important At least one Packet Accelerator Card (PAC) or Packet Services Card (PSC) must be made active prior to
service configuration. Information and instructions for configuring PACs/PSCs to be active can be found
in the Configuring System Settings chapter of the System Administration Guide.
Caution While configuring any base-service or enhanced feature, it is highly recommended to take care of conflicting
or blocked IP addresses and port numbers for binding or assigning. In association with some service
steering or access control features, like Access Control List configuration, use of inappropriate port number
may result in communication loss. Refer respective feature configuration document carefully before
assigning any port number or IP address for communication with internal or external network.
Important This section provides the minimum instruction set for configuring a GGSN service that allows the system
to process PDP contexts. Commands that configure additional GGSN service properties are provided in
the GGSN Service Configuration Mode Commands chapter of Command Line Interface Reference.
These instructions assume that you have already configured the system level configuration as described in
System Administration Guide.
To configure the system to work as GGSN service:
Step 1 Create the GGSN service, local User Datagram Protocol (UDP) port for the Gn interfaces' IP socket, and bind it to an
IP address by applying the example configuration in the GGSN Service Creation and Binding section.
Step 2 Associate the accounting context for the GGSN service and configure charging characteristic profile parameters for
GGSN service by applying the example configuration in the Accounting Context and Charging Characteristics
Configuration section.
Step 3 Configure the SGSN and PLMN related policy and session setup timeout for the GGSN service by applying the example
configuration in the SGSN and PLMN Policy Configuration section.
Step 4 Optional. Configure the GGSN service to support network-requested PDP contexts by applying the example configuration
in the Network-requested PDP Context Support Configuration section.
Step 5 Verify your GGSN configuration by following the steps in the GGSN Configuration Verification section.
Step 6 Save your configuration as described in the Verifying and Saving Your Configuration chapter.
• A maximum of 256 services (regardless of type) can be configured per system.
• Bind address should not conflict with any other GTP-based service.
Important The GGSN only communicates with the SGSNs configured using this command unless a PLMN policy
is enabled to allow communication with unconfigured SGSNs. PLMN policies are configured using the
plmn unlisted-sgsn command.
Step 1 Verify that your GGSN services were created and configured properly by entering the following command in Exec Mode:
show ggsn-service name <ggsn_svc_name>}
The output of this command given below is a concise listing of GGSN service parameter settings as shown in the sample
output displayed. In this example, a GGSN service called ggsn1 was configured and you can observe some parameters
configured as default.
Service name: ggsn1
Context: ggsn1
Associated PGW svc: None
Associated GTPU svc: None
Accounting Context Name: ggsn1
dns-client Context Name:
Authorize: Disabled
Fqdn-name: Disabled
Bind: Done
Local IP Address: Local IP Port: 2123
Self PLMN Id.: MCC: 450, MNC: 06
Retransmission Timeout: 20 (secs)
Max Retransmissions: 4
Restart Counter: 16
Echo Interval: 60 (secs)
Max IP sessions: 4000000
Max PPP sessions: 2500000
Max sessions: 4000000
Service Status: Started
Newcall Policy: None
MBMS Policy: None
MBMS Charging ID Optimization: Disabled
Step 2 Verify configuration for errors by entering the following command in Exec Mode:
show configuration errors section ggsn-service verbose
GTPP version 2 is used by default. However, if version 2 is not supported by the CGF, the system reverts to
using GTPP version 1. All subsequent CDRs are always fully-qualified partial CDRs. For CDR encoding
different dictionaries are supported.
For more information on GTPP dictionaries, if you are using StarOS 12.3 or an earlier release, refer to the
AAA and GTPP Interface Administration and Reference. If you are using StarOS 14.0 or a later release, refer
to the GTPP Interface Administration and Reference.
Whether or not the GGSN accepts charging characteristics from the SGSN can be configured on a per-APN
basis based on whether the subscriber is visiting, roaming or, home.
By default, the GGSN always accepts the charging characteristics from the SGSN. However it accepts charging
characteristics from RADIUS too, they must always be provided by the SGSN for GTPPv1 requests for
primary and secondary PDP contexts.
If the system is configured to reject the charging characteristics from the SGSN, the GGSN can be configured
with its own that can be applied based on the subscriber type (visiting, roaming, or home) at the APN level
(refer to the APN Configuration section of this chapter for more information). GGSN charging characteristics
consist of a profile index and behavior settings (refer to the GGSN Service Configuration section of this chapter
for more information). The profile indexes specify the criteria for closing accounting records based specific
criteria (refer to the GGSN Service Configuration section of this chapter for more information).
Important This section provides the minimum instruction set for configuring a GTPP accounting support in a GGSN
service. Commands that configure additional GTPP accounting properties are provided in the Command
Line Interface Reference guide.
These instructions assume that you have already configured the system level configuration as described in
System Administration Guide and GGSN service as described in GGSN Service Configuration section of this
To configure the GTPP accounting support for a GGSN service:
Step 1 Create the GTPP group in accounting context by applying the example configuration in the GTPP Group Creation
Step 2 Configure the charging agent and GTPP server (CGF) related parameters for the GTPP accounting support by applying
the example configuration in the GTPP Group Configuration section.
Step 3 Verify your GTPP group and accounting configuration by following the steps in the GTPP Group Configuration
Verification section.
Step 4 Save your configuration as described in the Verifying and Saving Your Configuration chapter.
• In addition to one default GTPP group "default" a maximum of 8 GTPP groups can be configured with
this command in a context.
• In case no GTPP group is configured in this context, system creates a default GTPP group named "default"
and all the CGF servers and their parameters configured in this context are applicable to this "default"
GTPP group.
• Total 33 GTPP groups (1 default and 32 user defined GTPP groups) can be configured in one
context. Number of CGFs in 1 GTPP group is limited to 4 and a total of 32 CGF servers across all
GTPP groups in one context are configurable.
• Total 32 GTPP groups can also be configured under an APN
Step 1 Verify that your CGFs were configured properly by entering the following command in Exec Mode:
show gtpp accounting servers
This command produces an output similar to that displayed below:
context: source
Preference IP Port Priority State Group
---------- --------------- ----- -------- ---------------- ----------
Primary 3386 1 Active default
Primary 3386 100 Active default
Step 2 Verify configuration for errors by entering the following command in Exec Mode:
show configuration errors section ggsn-service verbose
APN Configuration
This section provides instructions for configuring the APN templates that are used to determine how PDP
contexts should be processed. APNs are configured in system authentication contexts.
Important This section provides the minimum instruction set for configuring APNs in a GGSN service. Commands
that configure additional APN properties are provided in APN Configuration Mode Commands chapter
of Command Line Interface Reference.
These instructions assume that you have already configured the system level configuration as described in
System Administration Guide and GGSN service as described in the GGSN Service Configuration section of
this guide.
Step 1 Create the APN in system context and specify the support of PDP contexts and selection mode by applying the example
configuration in the APN Creation and Configuration section.
Step 2 Configure the authentication and accounting parameters in APN by applying the example configuration in the
Authentication, Accounting, and GTPP Group Configuration in APN section.
Step 3 Configure the IP allocation method in APN by applying the example configuration in the IP Address Allocation Method
Configuration in APN section.
Step 4 Optional. Configure the charging characteristics related parameters for the APN by applying the example configuration
in the Charging Characteristics Parameter Configuration in APN section.
Step 5 Optional. Configure virtual APNs by applying the example configuration in the Virtual APN Configuration section.
Step 6 Optional. Configure other optional parameters for the APN by applying the example configuration in the Other Optional
Parameter Configuration in APN section.
Step 7 Verify your APN configuration by following the steps in the APN Configuration Verification section.
Step 8 Save your configuration as described in the Verifying and Saving Your Configuration chapter.
Step 1 Configure the authentication and accounting parameters by applying the example configuration in the Authentication
and Accounting Configuration in APN section.
Step 2 Attach a GTPP group with APN by applying the example configuration in the GTPP Group Association to APN section.
Important Additional charging characteristics parameters are configurable as part of the GGSN service. Refer to the
GGSN Service Configuration section of this chapter for more information.
context <dst_ctxt_name>
apn <apn_name>
ip address alloc-method { dhcp-proxy [allow-deferred] [prefer-dhcp-options] | dhcp-relay
| local [allow-deferred] | no-dynamic [allow-deferred] } [allow-user-specified]
• The process used by the system to determine how the address should be allocated. For detail information
on IP address allocation, refer Usage section of ip address alloc-method command in APN Configuration
Mode Commands chapter of Command Line Interface Reference.
• If DHCP-Proxy and DHCP-Relay method is selected for IP address allocation, a DHCP service must
be configured on the system as described in DHCP Service Configuration section and specified the name
of DHCP Service by entering the dhcp service-name command as described in APN Configuration
Mode Commands chapter of Command Line Interface Reference.
• If local pool is selected for IP address allocation, a local pool must be configured on the system as
described in IP Address Pool Configuration on the System section and specified the name of a private
IP address pool by entering the ip address pool command as described in APN Configuration Mode
Commands chapter of Command Line Interface Reference.
Important Additional charging characteristics parameters are configurable as part of the GGSN service. Refer to the
GGSN Service Configuration section of this chapter for more information.
context <dst_ctxt_name>
apn <apn_name>
cc-sgsn {home-subscriber-use-GGSN | roaming-subscriber-use-GGSN |
cc-home behavior <bit> profile <index>
cc-roaming behavior <bit> profile <index>
cc-visiting behavior <bit> profile <index>
• If multiple behavior bits are configured for a single profile index, the variable bits is achieved by "Or"ing
the bit strings and converting the result to hexadecimal.
If behavior bits 5 (0000 0001 0000) and 11 (0100 0000 0000) are both being assigned to profile index 5 for
a home subscriber, the appropriate command is cc-home behavior 410 profile 5.
Step 1 Verify that your APN were configured properly by entering the following command in Exec Mode:
show apn all
This command produces an output similar to that displayed below is an excerpt from a sample output. In this example,
an APN called apn1 was configured.
access point name (APN): apn1
authentication context: test
pdp type: ipv4
ehrpd access: N/A
Selection Mode: subscribed
ip source violation: Checked drop limit: 10
accounting mode: gtpp No early PDUs: Disabled
no-interims: Disabled
Bearer Control Mode: none
max-primary-pdp-contexts: 1000000 total-pdp-contexts: 1000000
current primary-pdp-contexts: 0 total-pdp-contexts: 0
primary contexts: not available total contexts: not available
max secondary contexts per-subscriber: 10 IMS Authorization: disabled
Credit Control: disabled
mbms bearer absolute timeout: 0 mbms bearer idle timeout: 0
mbms ue absolute timeout: 0
local ip: nexthop gateway addr:
primary dns: secondary dns:
primary nbns: secondary nbns:
ppp keep alive period : 0 ppp mtu : 1500
absolute timeout : 0 idle timeout : 0
idle-timeout-activity ignore-downlink: Disabled
long duration timeout: 0 long dur inactivity time: Disabled
long duration action: Detection
wimax header compression/suppression: none
ip header compression: vj
ip hide service address: Disabled
ip output access-group: ip input access-group:
ipv6 output access-group: ipv6 input access-group:
policy-group in: policy-group out:
permit ip multicast: False
ppp authentication:
eap authentication initial-access-request: authenticate-authorize
allow noauthentication: Enabled imsi authentication: Disabled
msisdn authentication: Disabled
ip destination context: ip-ctx
Rule Base: default
FW-and-NAT Policy: default
Bandwidth-Policy: default
Link-Monitoring: OFF
Content-Filtering Policy-Id: Not configured
mediation accounting: Disabled
mediation-device context: Not set mediation no early PDUs: Disabled
mediation no-interims: Disabled mediation delay-GTP-response: Disabled
outbound username: N/A
ip address pools: N/A
ip address secondary pools: N/A
access-link ip-frag: df-ignore
ignore DF-bit data-tunnel: On
ip allocation type: local pool allow user specified ip addr: true
prefer dhcp options: false
allow deferred: true
3GPP Qos to DSCP Mapping:
qci 1: ef
qci 2: ef
qci 3: af11
qci 4: af11
qci 5: ef
qci 6: ef
qci 7: af21
qci 8: af21
qci 9: be
3GPP Qos to DSCP Mapping based on Alloc. Prio:
qci 5 (Alloc. P 1): ef
qci 5 (Alloc. P 2): ef
qci 5 (Alloc. P 3): ef
qci 6 (Alloc. P 1): ef
qci 6 (Alloc. P 2): ef
qci 6 (Alloc. P 3): ef
qci 7 (Alloc. P 1): af21
qci 7 (Alloc. P 2): af21
qci 7 (Alloc. P 3): af21
qci 8 (Alloc. P 1): af21
qci 8 (Alloc. P 2): af21
qci 8 (Alloc. P 3): af21
GTPP Group: gtpp-gp GTPP Accounting Context: acc
Mobile IPv6 Tunnel MTU: 1500
Mobile IPv6 Tunnel MTU Exceed Action: notify-sender
Mobile IPv6 Home Agent: none
Mobile IPv6 Home Link Prefix: ::/0
Mobile IPv6 Home Address: none
Step 2 Verify configuration for errors in APN configuration by entering the following command in Exec Mode:
show configuration errors section ggsn-service verbose
Regardless of the DHCP method, there are parameters that must first be configured that specify the DHCP
servers to communicate with and how the IP address are handled. These parameters are configured as part of
a DHCP service.
Important This section provides the minimum instruction set for configuring a DHCP service on system for
DHCP-based IP allocation. For more information on commands that configure additional DHCP server
parameters and working of these commands, refer DHCP Service Configuration Mode Commands chapter
of Command Line Interface Reference.
These instructions assume that you have already configured the system level configuration as described in
System Administration Guide and GGSN service as described in GGSN Service Configuration section of this
To configure the DHCP service:
Step 1 Create the DHCP service in system context and bind it by applying the example configuration in the DHCP Service
Creation section.
Step 2 Configure the DHCP servers and minimum and maximum allowable lease times that are accepted in responses from
DHCP servers by applying the example configuration in the DHCP Server Parameter Configuration section.
Step 3 Verify your DHCP Service configuration by following the steps in the DHCP Service Configuration Verification section.
Step 4 Save your configuration as described in the Verifying and Saving Your Configuration chapter.
Step 1 Verify that your DHCP servers configured properly by entering the following command in Exec Mode:
show dhcp service all
This command produces an output similar to that displayed below where DHCP name is dhcp1:
Service name: dhcp1
Context: isp
Bind: Done
Local IP Address:
Next Hop Address:
Input: 5000
Output: 1566 1899
Service Status: Started
Retransmission Timeout: 3000 (milli-secs)
Max Retransmissions: 2
Lease Time: 600 (secs)
Minimum Lease Duration: 600 (secs)
Maximum Lease Duration: 86400 (secs)
DHCP Dead Time: 120 (secs)
DHCP Dead consecutive Failure:5
DHCP T1 Threshold Timer: 50
DHCP T2 Threshold Timer: 88
DHCP Client Identifier: Not Used
DHCP Algorithm: Round Robin
DHCP Servers configured:
Address: Priority: 1
DHCP server rapid-commit: disabled
DHCP client rapid-commit: disabled
DHCP chaddr validation: enabled
Step 2 Verify the DHCP service status by entering the following command in Exec Mode:
show dhcp service status
Step 1 Create the DHCPv6 service in system context and bind it by applying the example configuration in the DHCPv6 Service
Creation section.
Step 2 Configure the DHCPv6 server and other configurable values for Renew Time, Rebind Time, Preferred Lifetime, and
Valid Lifetime by applying the example configuration in the DHCPv6 Server Parameter Configuration section.
Step 3 Configure the DHCPv6 client and other configurable values for Maximum Retransmissions, Server Dead Tries, and
Server Resurrect Time by applying the example configuration in the DHCPv6 Client Parameter Configuration section.
Step 4 Configure the DHCPv6 profile by applying the example configuration in the DHCPv6 Profile Configuration section.
Step 5 Associate the DHCPv6 profile configuration with the APN by applying the example configuration in the Associate
DHCPv6 Configuration section.
Step 6 Verify your DHCPv6 Service configuration by following the steps in the DHCPv6 Service Configuration Verification
Step 7 Save your configuration as described in the Verifying and Saving Your Configuration chapter.
• server-resurrect-time: PDN DHCPV6-SERVER is considered alive after it has been dead for given
seconds. Default is 20.
• client identifier command configures the client-identifier which is sent to the external dhcp server. By
default, IMSI is sent. Another available option is MSISDN.
• enable rapid-commit-dhcpv6 command configures the rapid commit for the client. By default
rapid-commit option is enabled for DHCPv6.
• enable dhcp-message-spray command enables dhcp-client to spray a dhcp messages to all configured
dhcp servers in the PDN. By default this is disabled. With Rapid-Commit, there can only be one server
to which this can be sent.
• request dhcp-option command configures DHCP options which can be requested by the dhcp-client.
It supports the following options:
• dns-address
• netbios-server-address
• sip-server-address
Step 1 Verify that your DHCPv6 servers configured properly by entering the following command in Exec Mode:
show dhcpv6-service all
This command produces an output similar to that displayed below where DHCPv6service name is dhcp6-service:
Service name: dhcpv6-service
Context: A
Bind Address: 2092::192:90:92:40
Bind : Done
Service Status: Started
Server Dead Time: 120 (secs)
Server Dead consecutive Failure:5
Server Select Algorithm: First Server
Server Renew Time: 400 (secs)
Server Rebind Time: 500 (secs)
Server Preferred Life Time: 600 (secs)
Server Valid Life Time: 700 (secs)
Step 2 Verify the DHCPv6 service status by entering the following command in Exec Mode:
show dhcpv6 status servicedhcpv6_service_name
Step 1 Configure the list of domain name servers with IPv4/IPv6 address in context configuration mode by applying the example
configuration in the Creating IPv4 and IPv6 DNS List section.
Step 2 Configure the IPv4 primary and secondray domain name server in APN configuration mode by applying the example
configuration in the Configuring IPv4 DNS section.
Step 3 Configure the IPv6 primary and secondray domain name server in APN configuration mode by applying the example
configuration in the Configuring IPv6 DNS section.
Step 4 Verify your DNS configuration by following the steps in the APN Configuration Verification.
Step 5 Save your configuration as described in the Verifying and Saving Your Configuration.
Free IPs are used first depending on which subscriber is connecting. Normally same IP is given to a subscriber.
So if a subscriber is connecting again, instead of using a free IP, GGSN allocates the IP which was given to
him previously. This IP will be from the released state. For GGSN, Username and IMSI are used as key for
generating subscriber ID used by VPN while allocating IP from the IP pool. Therefore if the subscriber ID
matches to any of the previous ones for IPs in released state, that IP is re-allocated to that subscriber, otherwise
a new IP is allocated.
When a group of pools have the same priority, an algorithm is used to determine a probability for each pool
based on the number of available addresses, then a pool is chosen based on the probability. This method, over
time, allocates addresses evenly from the group of pools.
Important Setting different priorities on each individual pool can cause addresses in some pools to be used more
Important This section provides the minimum instruction set for configuring local IP address pools on the system.
For more information on commands that configure additional parameters and options, refer ip pool
command section in Context Configuration Mode Commands chapter of Command Line Interface Reference.
Caution From 14.0 onward for configuration of multiple IP pool in an APN, GGSN expects Framed-IP-Address
and Framed-Pool from RADIUS.
Caution In pre-release 14.0, the maximum number of IP pools in an APN is 16 for static and dynamic type of pool.
From 14.0 onward this limit has been changed for static address allocation to 1 and out of the maximum
16 pools which can be configured under a particular APN, the first IP pool should be a static pool, which
is the only working static pool from an APN.
These instructions assume that you have already configured the system level configuration as described in
System Administration Guide and GGSN service as described in GGSN Service Configuration section of this
To configure the IP pool:
Step 1 Create the IP pool for IPv4 addresses in system context by applying the example configuration in the IPv4 Pool Creation
Step 2 Optional. Configure the IP pool for IPv6 addresses in system context by applying the example configuration in the IPv6
Pool Creation section.
Step 3 Verify your IP pool configuration by following the steps in the IP Pool Configuration Verification section.
Step 4 Save your configuration as described in the Verifying and Saving Your Configuration chapter.
Step 1 Verify that your IPv4 address pool configured properly by entering the following command in Exec Mode:
show ip pool
The output from this command should look similar to the sample shown below. In this example all IP pools were
configured in the isp1 context.
context : isp1:
+-----Type: (P) - Public (R) - Private
| (S) - Static (E) - Resource
|+----State: (G) - Good (D) - Pending Delete (R)-Resizing
||++--Priority: 0..10 (Highest (0) .. Lowest (10))
||||+-Busyout: (B) - Busyout configured
vvvvv Pool Name Start Address Mask/End Address Used Avail
----- ---------- --------------- ------------------ -------- --------
PG00 ipsec 0 254
RG00 pool3 0
SG00 pool2 10
PG00 pool1 0
SG00 vpnpool 0 5
Total Pool Count: 5
Step 2 Verify that your IPv6 address pools configured properly by entering the following command in Exec Mode:
show ipv6 pools
The output from this command should look similar to the sample shown above except IPv6 addresses.
Important This feature is a license-enabled support and you may need to install a feature specific session license on
your system to use some commands related to this configuration.
These instructions assume that you have already configured the system level configuration as described in
System Administration Guide, GGSN service as described in GGSN Service Configuration section in this
Step 1 Create and configure the GTP-U service by applying the example configuration in the GTP-U Service Configuration
Step 2 Modify GGSN service to facilitate the handoff between SGSN/GGSN and P-GW by applying the example configuration
in the Modifying GGSN Configuration for Gn-Gp Handoff section.
Step 3 Modify APN configuration to the "subscribed" selection mode by applying the example configuration in APN Configuration
for Gn-Gp Handoff section.
Step 4 Verify your handoff configuration by following the steps in the Gn-Gp Configuration Verification section.
Step 5 Save your configuration as described in the Verifying and Saving Your Configuration chapter.
Verify that all the configurations made in a specific context under Context Configuration mode are in place and the
P-GW service and GTP-U services have been associated to the GGSN service by entering the following command in
Exec mode:
show ggsn-service name ggsn
The output from this command should look similar to the sample shown below. In this example context name A was
created in Exec mode, GGSN service ggsn was created in GGSN Service Configuration mode, PGW service named pgw
was an already configured service and GTP-U service named gtpu was configured in the GTPU Service Configuration
Service name: ggsn
context: A
Associated PGW svc: pgw
Associated GTPU svc: gtpu
Bind: Done
Local IP Address: Local IP Port: 2123
Echo Interval: 60 (secs)
FA Services Configuration
FA services are configured within contexts and allow the system to function as an FA in the 3G wireless data
Important This section provides the minimum instruction set for configuring an FA service that allows the system
to process data sessions. Commands that configure additional FA service properties are provided in the
Command Line Interface Reference. Additionally, when configuring Mobile IP take into account the MIP
timing considerations discussed in Mobile-IP and Proxy-MIP Timer Considerations.
These instructions assume that you have already configured the system level configuration as described in
System Administration Guide and GGSN service as described in GGSN Service Configuration section of this
To configure the FA service:
Step 1 Create the FA service in the system context created to facilitate FA service by applying the example configuration in the
FA Service Creation section.
Step 2 Bind the configured FA service to a local IP address interface with UDP port and specify the maximum number of
subscribers that can access this service for the Pi interfaces' IP socket by applying the example configuration in the IP
Interface and UDP Port Binding for Pi Interface section.
Step 3 Configure the security parameter index (SPI) between FA service and HA by applying the example configuration in the
Security Parameter Index (SPI) Configuration section.
Step 4 Specify the FA agent advertisement related parameters like lifetime, number of advertisements, and registration lifetime
by applying the example configuration in the FA Agent Advertisement Parameter Configuration section.
Step 5 Configure the number of registration per subscriber, authentication procedure, and registration timeout parameters for
this FA service by applying the example configuration in the Subscriber Registration, Authentication and Timeout
Parameter Configuration section.
Step 6 Optional. Configure the FA service for controlling the negotiation and sending of the I-bit in revocation messages by
applying the example configuration in the Revocation Message Configuration section.
Step 7 Verify your FA service configuration by following the steps in the FA Service Configuration Verification section.
Step 8 Save your configuration as described in the Verifying and Saving Your Configuration chapter.
FA Service Creation
Use the following example to create the FA service:
Important A maximum of 256 services (regardless of type) can be configured per system.
context <fa_ctxt_name> -noconfirm
Important The maximum number of subscribers supported is dependant on the session capacity
license installed and the number of active PACs/PSCs installed in the system. For more
information on session capacity license, refer to the Software Management Operations
chapter of the System Administration Guide.
• <udp_port_num> is the UDP port number from 1 through 65535 to be used for Pi interface. Default port
number is 434.
• For more information on commands/keywords that configure additional parameters and options, refer
FA Service Configuration Mode Commands chapter of Command Line Interface Reference.
Important A maximum of 2048 FA-HA SPIs can be configured for a single FA service.
context <fa_ctxt_name>
fa-service <fa_svc_name>
fa-ha-spi remote-address <ha_ip_address> spi-number <spi_num> {encrypted secret
<enc_secret_key> | secret <secret_key>} [description <desc_string>]
• <fa_svc_name> is name of the FA service which is created to configure FA functionality.
• <ha_ip_address> is the IP address in IPv4/IPv6 notation of HA to which this FA service will interact.
• <spi_num> specifies the SPI number which indicates a security context between the FA and the HA in
accordance with RFC 2002 and can be configured to any integer value from 256 through 4294967295.
• <enc_secret_key> specifies the encrypted shared key between the FA and the HA services. It must be
from 1 to 127 alpha and/or numeric characters and is case sensitive.
Important The encrypted keyword is intended only for use by the system while saving configuration
scripts. The system displays the encrypted keyword in the configuration file as a flag
that the variable following the secret keyword is the encrypted version of the plain text
secret. Only the encrypted secret is saved as part of the configuration file.
• <secret_key> specifies the secret shared key between the FA and the HA services. It must be from 1 to
127 alpha and/or numeric characters and is case sensitive.
• <desc_string> is the description for this SPI and must be from 1 to 31 alpha and/or numeric characters.
• For more information on commands/keywords that configure additional parameters and options, refer
FA Service Configuration Mode Commands chapter of Command Line Interface Reference.
Important The system supports multiple Mobile IP sessions per subscriber only if the subscriber's
mobile node has a static IP address. The system only allows a single Mobile IP session
for mobile nodes that receive a dynamically assigned home IP address.
• <timeout_dur> is the maximum amount of time that the FA service waits for a Registration Rely message
from the HA. It is measured in seconds and can be configured to any integer value from 1 to 65535. The
default value is 45.
• For more information on authentication mn-aaa commands/keywords that configure additional parameters
and options, refer FA Service Configuration Mode Commands chapter of Command Line Interface
Step 1 Verify that your FA service is configured properly by entering the following command in Exec Mode:
show fa-service all
The output from this command should look similar to the sample shown below. In this example an FA service named
fa1 was configured in the isp1 context.
Service name: fa1
Context: isp1
Bind: Done Max Subscribers:
Local IP Address: Local IP Port 434
Lifetime: 00h10m00s Registration Timeout: 45 (secs)
Advt Lifetime 02h30m00s Advt Interval: 5000 (msecs)
Num Advt: 5
Advt Prefix Length Extn: NO
Reverse Tunnel: Enabled GRE Encapsulation: Enabled
FAHA: Remote Addr:
Hash Algorithm: HMAC_MD5 SPI Num: 1000
Replay Protection: Timestamp Timestamp Tolerance: 60
IPSEC Crypto Map(s):
Peer HA Addr:
Crypto Map: test
Registration Revocation: Enabled Reg-Revocation I bit: Enabled
Reg-Revocation Max Retries: 3 Reg-Revocation Timeout: 3 (secs)
Reg-Rev on InternalFailure: Enabled
Step 2 Verify configuration for errors in FA service by entering the following command in Exec Mode:
show configuration errors section fa-service verbose
Important This feature is a license-enabled support and you may need to install a feature specific session license on
your system to use some commands related to this configuration.
These instructions assume that you have already configured the system level configuration as described in
System Administration Guide and GGSN service as described in GGSN Service Configuration section in this
Step 1 Configure Diameter endpoint by applying the example configuration in the Diameter Endpoint Configuration section.
Step 2 Create or modify AAA group by applying the example configuration in the AAA Group Configuration section.
Step 3 Modify GGSN service to allow authorization with HSS by applying the example configuration in the Authorization over
S6b Configuration section.
Step 4 Optional. Create and associate DNS client parameters by applying the example configuration in the DNS Client
Configuration section.
Step 5 Optional. Modify GGSN service to accept duplicate calls when received with same IP address by applying the example
configuration in the Duplicate Call Accept Configuration section.
Step 6 Verify your S6b configuration by following the steps in the Common Gateway Access Support Configuration Verification
Step 7 Save your configuration as described in the Verifying and Saving Your Configuration chapter.
Verify that your common gateway access support is configured properly by entering the following command in Exec
show ggsn-service all
The output from this command should look similar to the sample shown below. In this example GGSN service named
GGSN1 was configured in the vpn1 context.
Service name: ggsn1
Context: cn1
Associated PGW svc: None
Associated GTPU svc: None
Accounting Context Name:cn1
dns-client Context Name:cn1
Authorize: hss
Fqdn-name: xyz.abcstarent.networks.com
Bind: Not Done
Local IP Address: Local IP Port: 2123
Self PLMN: Not defined
Retransmission Timeout: 5 (secs)
Step 1 Create and configure the accounting policy by applying the example configuration in the Accounting Policy Configuration
Step 2 Configure a AAA group to associate the diameter accounting dictionary with the by applying the example configuration
in the AAA Group Configuration section.
Step 3 Configuring an APN to associate the accounting policy by applying the example configuration in APN Configuration
for Rf Interface section.
Step 4 Verify your Rf interface configuration by following the steps in the Rf Interface Configuration Verification
Step 5 Save your configuration as described in the Verifying and Saving Your Configuration chapter.
The following command configures Delete PDP message type at the GGSN node to bypass throttling.
egress bypass-rlf ggsn msg-type dpc