Rectal Cancer,: Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology

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NCCN Leonard Saltz, MD; Sunil Sharma, MD; David Shibata, MD;
John M. Skibber, MD;

Rectal Cancer, Constantinos T. Sofocleous, MD, PhD, FSIR, FCIRSE;

Elena M. Stoffel, MD, MPH; Eden Stotsky-Himelfarb, BSN, RN;
Christopher G. Willett, MD; Evan Wuthrick, MD;
Version 2.2018 Kristina M. Gregory, RN, MSN, OCN; Lisa Gurski, PhD;
and Deborah A. Freedman-Cass, PhD
Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology
Al B. Benson III, MD; Alan P. Venook, MD;
Mahmoud M. Al-Hawary, MD; Lynette Cederquist, MD;
Yi-Jen Chen, MD, PhD; Kristen K. Ciombor, MD; Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the fourth most frequent-
Stacey Cohen, MD; Harry S. Cooper, MD; Dustin Deming, MD; ly diagnosed cancer and the second leading cause of
Paul F. Engstrom, MD; Jean L. Grem, MD; Axel Grothey, MD; cancer death in the United States. In 2018, an esti-
Howard S. Hochster, MD; Sarah Hoffe, MD; Steven Hunt, MD;
mated 43,030 new cases of rectal cancer will occur in
Ahmed Kamel, MD; Natalie Kirilcuk, MD;
Smitha Krishnamurthi, MD; Wells A. Messersmith, MD;
the United States (25,920 cases in men; 17,110 cases
Jeffrey Meyerhardt, MD, MPH; Mary F. Mulcahy, MD; in women), and an estimated 50,630 people will die
James D. Murphy, MD, MS; Steven Nurkin, MD, MS; from rectal and colon cancer combined.1 Despite

Abstract Please Note

The NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guide- The NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncol-
lines) for Rectal Cancer address diagnosis, staging, surgical man- ogy (NCCN Guidelines®) are a statement of consen-
agement, perioperative treatment, management of recurrent sus of the authors regarding their views of currently ac-
and metastatic disease, disease surveillance, and survivorship in
cepted approaches to treatment. Any clinician seeking
patients with rectal cancer. This portion of the guidelines focuses
to apply or consult the NCCN Guidelines® is expected
on the management of localized disease, which involves care-
ful patient selection for curative-intent treatment options that
to use independent medical judgment in the context
sequence multimodality therapy usually comprised of chemo- of individual clinical circumstances to determine any
therapy, radiation, and surgical resection. patient’s care or treatment. The National Compre-
J Natl Compr Canc Netw 2018;16(7):874–901
hensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®) makes no rep-
doi: 10.6004/jnccn.2018.0061 resentation or warranties of any kind regarding their
content, use, or application and disclaims any responsi-
bility for their applications or use in any way. The full
NCCN Categories of Evidence and Consensus
NCCN Guidelines for Rectal Cancer are not printed
Category 1: Based upon high-level evidence, there is uniform
in this issue of JNCCN but can be accessed online at
NCCN consensus that the intervention is appropriate.
Category 2A: Based upon lower-level evidence, there is uni-
© National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc.
form NCCN consensus that the intervention is appropriate.
2018, All rights reserved. The NCCN Guidelines and the
Category 2B: Based upon lower-level evidence, there is
illustrations herein may not be reproduced in any form
NCCN consensus that the intervention is appropriate.
without the express written permission of NCCN.
Category 3: Based upon any level of evidence, there is ma-
jor NCCN disagreement that the intervention is appropriate. Disclosures for the NCCN Rectal Cancer Panel

All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise noted. At the beginning of each NCCN Guidelines panel meeting, panel
members review all potential conflicts of interest. NCCN, in keep-
Clinical trials: NCCN believes that the best management for ing with its commitment to public transparency, publishes these
any cancer patient is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical disclosures for panel members, staff, and NCCN itself.
trials is especially encouraged.
Individual disclosures for the NCCN Rectal Cancer Panel members
can be found on page 901. (The most recent version of these
guidelines and accompanying disclosures are available on the
NCCN Web site at

These guidelines are also available on the Internet. For the

latest update, visit

Network | 
| Volume
Volume16 Number7 
16 Number |  July
7 | July2018

Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network Rectal Cancer

these statistics, the incidence per 100,000 population lon and rectal cancers will increase by 90.0% and
of CRC decreased from 60.5 in 1976 to 46.4 in 2005.2 124.2%, respectively, for patients aged 20 to 34
In fact, the incidence of CRC decreased at a rate of ap- years by 2030. The cause of this trend is currently
proximately 2.9% per year or greater between 2005 and unknown.
2014.1 The incidence rate of CRC reported by the CDC This discussion summarizes the NCCN Clini-
for 2011 was 40.0 per 100,000 persons.3 In addition, cal Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN
mortality from CRC decreased by almost 35% from Guidelines) for Rectal Cancer. These guidelines
1990 to 2007,4 and is currently down by approximately begin with the clinical presentation of the patient
50% from peak mortality rates.1 These improvements in to the primary care physician or gastroenterologist
incidence of and mortality from CRC are thought to be and address diagnosis, pathologic staging, surgical
a result of better treatment modalities and cancer pre- management, perioperative treatment, manage-
vention and earlier diagnoses through screening. ment of recurrent and metastatic disease, patient
Despite the observed improvements in the over- surveillance, and survivorship. These guidelines
all CRC incidence rate, a retrospective cohort study overlap considerably with the NCCN Guidelines
of the SEER CRC registry found that the incidence of for Colon Cancer, especially in the treatment of
CRC in patients aged <50 years has been increasing.5 metastatic disease. Recommendations in these
The authors estimate that the incidence rates for co- guidelines are classified as category 2A except
Text cont. on page 881.

NCCN Rectal Cancer Panel Members Wells A. Messersmith, MD†

University of Colorado Cancer Center
*Al B. Benson III, MD/Chair† Jeffrey Meyerhardt, MD, MPH†
Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Northwestern University Mary F. Mulcahy, MD‡†
*Alan P. Venook, MD/Vice-Chair†‡
Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of
UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center
Northwestern University
Mahmoud M. Al-Hawary, MDф
James D. Murphy, MD, MS§
University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center
Lynette Cederquist, MDÞ UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center
UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center Steven Nurkin, MD, MS¶
Yi-Jen Chen, MD, PhD§ Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center Leonard Saltz, MD†‡Þ
Kristen K. Ciombor, MD† Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center Sunil Sharma, MD†
Stacey Cohen, MD† Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center/ David Shibata, MD¶
Seattle Cancer Care Alliance St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital/
Harry S. Cooper, MD≠ The University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Fox Chase Cancer Center John M. Skibber, MD¶
Dustin Deming, MD† The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center Constantinos T. Sofocleous, MD, PhD, FSIR, FCIRSEф
Paul F. Engstrom, MD† Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Fox Chase Cancer Center Elena M. Stoffel, MD, MPH¤
Jean L. Grem, MD† University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center
Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center Eden Stotsky-Himelfarb, BSN, RN¥
Axel Grothey, MD† The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at
Mayo Clinic Cancer Center
Johns Hopkins
Howard S. Hochster, MD†
Christopher G. Willett, MD§
Yale Cancer Center/Smilow Cancer Hospital
Duke Cancer Institute
Sarah Hoffe, MD§
Evan Wuthrick, MD§
Moffitt Cancer Center
Steven Hunt, MD¶ The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center –
Siteman Cancer Center at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institute
Washington University School of Medicine
Ahmed Kamel, MDф NCCN Staff: Deborah A. Freedman-Cass, PhD;
University of Alabama at Birmingham Kristina M. Gregory, RN, MSN, OCN; and Lisa Gurski, PhD
Comprehensive Cancer Center
Natalie Kirilcuk, MD¶ *Discussion Section Writing Committee
Stanford Cancer Institute
Smitha Krishnamurthi, MD†Þ Specialties: †Medical Oncology; §Radiotherapy/Radiation Oncology;
Case Comprehensive Cancer Center/ ¶Surgery/Surgical Oncology; ≠Pathology; ‡Hematology/Hematology
University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center and Oncology; ÞInternal Medicine; фDiagnostic/Interventional Radiology;
Cleveland Clinic Taussig Cancer Institute ¤Gastroenterology; ¥Patient Advocate

© JNCCN—Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network  |  Volume 16 Number 7  |  July 2018

Rectal Cancer, Version 2.2018



Transanal local See Adjuvant

T1, N0k
excision, if appropriateh Treatment (REC-3)

• Biopsy
• Pathology review Transabdominal See Adjuvant
T1-2, N0k
• Colonoscopy resectionh Treatment (REC-4)
• Consider rigid proctoscopy
• Chest CT and abdominal CT or MRI
Rectal cancer
• CBC, chemistry profile, CEA
appropriate for
• Pelvic MRI with contrast T3, N any with clear
resectioni,j See Primary
• Endorectal ultrasound (only if MRI is circumferential margin (CRM)
contraindicated [e.g. pacemaker]) Treatment (REC-5)
(by MRI);l T1-2, N1-2
• Enterostomal therapist as indicated for
preoperative marking of site, teaching
• PET/CT scan is not indicated

T3, N any with involved

CRM (by MRI);m T4, N any See Primary
or Locally unresectable or Treatment (REC-6)
Suspected medically inoperable
or proven See management of suspected or proven
metastatic metastatic synchronous adenocarcinoma (REC-7*)

*Available online, in these guidelines, at

†To view the most recent version of these guidelines, visit

aAll patients with rectal cancer should be counseled for family history. Patients with suspected Lynch syndrome, familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), and
attenuated FAP, see the NCCN Guidelines for Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Colorectal†.
bFor melanoma histology, see the NCCN Guidelines for Melanoma†..
cSee Principles of Imaging (REC-A*).
hSee Principles of Surgery (REC-C*).
iFor optimizing care of older adult patients with cancer, see the NCCN Guidelines for Older Adult Oncology†.
jThe rectum lies below a virtual line from the sacral promontory to the upper edge of the symphysis as determined by MRI.
kT1-2, N0 should be based on assessment of pelvic MRI (preferred) or endorectal ultrasound.
lCRM measured at the closest distance of the tumor to the mesorectal fascia. Clear CRM: Greater than 1 mm from mesorectal fascia, levator muscles and
not invading into the intersphincteric plane.
mCRM measured at the closest distance of the tumor to the mesorectal fascia. Involved CRM: within 1 mm of mesorectal fascia; or, for lower third rectal
tumors, within 1 mm from levator muscle; or, for anal canal lesions, invasion into or beyond the intersphincteric plane.


Clinical trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.

© JNCCN—Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network  |  Volume 16 Number 7  |  July 2018
NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology

Rectal Cancer, Version 2.2018



pT1, NX
pT1-2, N0, M0 Observe

Infusional 5-FU/RT (preferred) or capecitabine/RT (preferred) or

bolus 5-FU/leucovorin/RTo followed by 5-FU/leucovorin (infusional
pT3, N0, M0 preferred) or capecitabine
Transabdominal Observationr
resectionh FOLFOX (preferred) or CAPEOX (preferred) or 5-FU/leucovorin
(preferred for or capecitabine, then capecitabine/RT (preferred) or infusional
pT2 lesions) 5-FU/RT (preferred) or bolus 5-FU/leucovorin/RT,o then FOLFOX Surveillance
pT4, N0, M0 (preferred) or CAPEOX (preferred) or 5-FU/leucovorin or (See REC-11*)
or capecitabine
pT1-4, N1-2 or
pT1, NX with
or Infusional 5-FU/RT (preferred) or capecitabine/RT (preferred) or
featuresn bolus 5-FU/leucovorin/RTo followed by FOLFOX (preferred) or
or pT2, NX CAPEOX (preferred) or 5-FU/leucovorin or capecitabine
Consider observation
(if no evidence of disease)
or Consider FOLFOX (preferred) or
RT (preferred) or
Transabdominal resectionh CAPEOX (preferred)
infusional 5-FU/RT
or or 5-FU/leucovorin or capecitabine
(preferred) or bolus
Consider FOLFOX (preferred) or CAPEOX
(preferred) or 5-FU/leucovorin or capecitabine

*Available online, in these guidelines, at

rObservation following transabdominal resection can be considered in

cSee Principles of Imaging (REC-A*). patients with pT3N0 rectal cancer if the tumor was well-differentiated or
hSee Principles of Surgery (REC-C*). moderately well-differentiated carcinoma invading less than 2 mm into
nHigh-risk features include positive margins, lymphovascular invasion, the mesorectum, without lymphatic or venous vessel involvement and
poorly differentiated tumors, or sm3 invasion (submucosal invasion to the was located in upper rectum. Willett CG, Badizadegan K, Ancukiewicz M,
lower third of the submucosal level). Shellito PC. Prognostic factors in stage T3N0 rectal cancer: do all patients
oBolus 5-FU/leucovorin/RT is an option for patients not able to tolerate require postoperative pelvic irradiation and chemotherapy? Dis Colon
capecitabine or infusional 5-FU. Rectum 1999;42:167-173.
pSee Principles of Adjuvant Therapy (REC-D*). sA benefit for the addition of oxaliplatin to 5-FU/leucovorin in patients age 70
qSee Principles of Radiation Therapy (REC-E*). and older has not been proven.


Version 2.2018, 06-27-18 ©2018 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. All rights reserved. The NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be
reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN®.

© JNCCN—Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network  |  Volume 16 Number 7  |  July 2018

Rectal Cancer, Version 2.2018



pT1-2, N0, M0 Observe

Infusional 5-FU/RT (preferred) or capecitabine/RT (preferred)

or bolus 5-FU/leucovorin/RTo followed by 5-FU/leucovorin
pT3, N0, M0 (infusional preferred) or capecitabine

(See REC-11*)

FOLFOX (preferred) or CAPEOX (preferred) or 5-FU/leucovorin

or capecitabine, then capecitabine/RT (preferred) or infusional
5-FU/RT (preferred) or bolus 5-FU/leucovorin/RT,o then FOLFOX
(preferred) or CAPEOX (preferred) or 5-FU/leucovorin or
pT4, N0, M0
pT1-4, N1-2
Infusional 5-FU/RT (preferred) or capecitabine/RT (preferred) or
bolus 5-FU/leucovorin/RTo followed by FOLFOX (preferred) or
CAPEOX (preferred) or 5-FU/leucovorin or capecitabine

*Available online, in these guidelines, at

cSee Principles of Imaging (REC-A*).

oBolus 5-FU/leucovorin/RT is an option for patients not able to tolerate capecitabine or infusional 5-FU.
pSee Principles of Adjuvant Therapy (REC-D*).
qSee Principles of Radiation Therapy (REC-E*).
rObservation following transabdominal resection can be considered in patients with pT3N0 rectal cancer if the tumor was well-differentiated or moderately
well-differentiated carcinoma invading less than 2 mm into the mesorectum, without lymphatic or venous vessel involvement and was located in upper
rectum. Willett CG, Badizadegan K, Ancukiewicz M, Shellito PC. Prognostic factors in stage T3N0 rectal cancer: do all patients require postoperative pelvic
irradiation and chemotherapy? Dis Colon Rectum 1999;42:167-173.
sA benefit for the addition of oxaliplatin to 5-FU/leucovorin in patients age 70 and older has not been proven.


Clinical trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.

© JNCCN—Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network  |  Volume 16 Number 7  |  July 2018
NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology 879

Rectal Cancer, Version 2.2018



Chemo/RT cT3, N0
or capecitabine or Surveillance
• Capecitabine/long-course before
FOLFOX (preferred) or (See REC-11*)
RTq or infusional 5-FU/ chemo/RT
CAPEOX (preferred)
long-course RTq Consider Transabdominal
(category 1 and preferred restagingc resectionh,u,v
for both) or
cT1-3, N1-2
• Bolus 5-FU/leucovorin/ Surveillance
T3, N any before FOLFOX or CAPEOX
long-course RTo,q (See REC-11*)
with clear chemo/RT
circumferential RTq
margin (CRM) • Short-course RTt or Resection Systemic therapyw
(by MRI);l contraindicated (See REC-F)
T1-2, N1-2
Capecitabine/ Transabdominal Surveillance
Chemotherapy RT (preferred) or resectionh,u (See REC-11*)
• FOLFOX (preferred) or infusional 5-FU/RT
CAPEOX (preferred) or (preferred) or bolus Restagingc
• 5-FU/leucovorin or 5-FU/leucovorin/RTo
capecitabine or Resection Systemic therapyw
Short-course RTt contraindicated (See REC-F*)

*Available online, in these guidelines, at

cSee Principles of Imaging (REC-A*). uIf patient treated with short course RT, surgery should be within 1 week or
hSee Principles of Surgery (REC-C*). delayed 6-8 weeks.
lCRM measured at the closest distance of the tumor to the mesorectal vIn those patients who achieve a complete clinical response with no
fascia. Clear CRM: Greater than 1 mm from mesorectal fascia, levator evidence of residual disease on digital rectal examination, rectal MRI,
muscles and not invading into the intersphincteric plane. and direct endoscopic evaluation, a “watch and wait,” nonoperative
oBolus 5-FU/leucovorin/RT is an option for patients not able to tolerate management approach may be considered in centers with experienced
capecitabine or infusional 5-FU. multidisciplinary teams. The degree to which risk of local and/or distant
pSee Principles of Adjuvant Therapy (REC-D*). failure may be increased relative to standard surgical resection has not yet
qSee Principles of Radiation Therapy (REC-E*). been adequately characterized. Decisions for non-operative management
tEvaluation for short-course RT should be in a multidisciplinary setting, with should involve a careful discussion with the patient of his/her risk
a discussion of the need for down-staging and the possibility of long-term tolerance.
toxicity. wFOLFOXIRI is not recommended in this setting.


Version 2.2018, 06-27-18 ©2018 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. All rights reserved. The NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be
reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN®.

© JNCCN—Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network  |  Volume 16 Number 7  |  July 2018

Rectal Cancer, Version 2.2018



CAPEOX) (preferred)
Transabdominal or
resectionh 5-FU/leucovorin
Involved (12-16 weeks)
Chemo/RT CRM or • (FOLFOX or
• Capecitabine/ bulky CAPEOX) Restagingc
long-course RTq residual (preferred) or
or infusional 5-FU/ disease 5-FU/leucovorin
Restagingc Resection Systemic therapyw
long-course RTq or capecitabine
at 6 weeks contraindicated (See REC-F*)
(category 1 and
T3, N any preferred for both)
with involved or Bolus 5-FU/
of RT (FOLFOX or CAPEOX) (preferred)
CRM (by leucovorin/ long- Transabdominal
MRI);m course RTo,q resectionh,v
Clear 5-FU/leucovorin or Capecitabine
T4, N any
or Locally or CRM
Resection Systemic therapyw
unresectable contraindicated (See REC-F*)
or medically Chemotherapy
inoperable (12-16 weeks)
• FOLFOX Transabdominal
(preferred) Capecitabine/ Observe
RTo (preferred) or resectionh
(preferred) or infusional 5-FU/RTo Restagingc
5-FU/leucovorin (preferred) or bolus Resection Systemic therapyw
or capecitabine 5-FU/leucovorin/RTo,q contraindicated (See REC-F*)

*Available online, in these guidelines, at

cSee Principles of Imaging (REC-A*). vIn those patients who achieve a complete clinical response with no
hSee Principles of Surgery (REC-C*). evidence of residual disease on digital rectal examination, rectal MRI,
mCRM measured at the closest distance of the tumor to the mesorectal and direct endoscopic evaluation, a “watch and wait”, nonoperative
fascia. Involved CRM: within 1mm of mesorectal fascia; or, for lower third management approach may be considered in centers with experienced
rectal tumors, within 1 mm from levator muscle; or, for anal canal lesions, multidisciplinary teams. The degree to which risk of local and/or distant
invasion into or beyond the intersphincteric plane failure may be increased relative to standard surgical resection has not yet
oBolus 5-FU/leucovorin/RT is an option for patients not able to tolerate been adequately characterized. Decisions for non-operative management
capecitabine or infusional 5-FU. should involve a careful discussion with the patient of his/her risk
pSee Principles of Adjuvant Therapy (REC-D*). tolerance.
qSee Principles of Radiation Therapy (REC-E*). wFOLFOXIRI is not recommended in this setting.


Clinical trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.

© JNCCN—Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network  |  Volume 16 Number 7  |  July 2018
NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology 881

Cont. from page 875. Rectal Cancer, Version 2.2018

where noted. The panel unanimously endorses pa- ation, which includes total colonoscopy to evaluate
tient participation in a clinical trial over standard for synchronous lesions or other pathologic condi-
or accepted therapy, especially for cases of advanced tions of the colon and rectum; rigid proctoscopy can
disease and for patients with locally aggressive CRC also be considered. Additionally, a complete physical
receiving combined modality treatment. examination, including carcinoembryonic antigen
determination and assessment of performance status
to determine operative risk, is required.
Management of Localized Rectal Cancer Clinical staging is also based on histopathologic
Rectal cancer is a cancerous lesion in the rectum, examination of the specimen obtained via biopsy or
which lies below a virtual line from the sacral local excision (eg, excised polyps). Endoscopic bi-
promontory to the upper edge of the symphysis as opsy specimens of the lesion should undergo careful
determined by MRI (see Figure 1, online, in these pathology review for evidence of invasion into the
guidelines, at The rectum ends at the muscularis mucosa. If removal of the rectum is con-
superior border of the functional anal canal, defined templated, early consultation with an enterostomal
as the palpable upper border of the anal sphincter therapist is recommended for preoperative marking
and puborectalis muscles of the anorectal ring. of the site and patient teaching purposes.
Determination of an optimal treatment plan for Imaging also plays a critical role in preoperative
patients with rectal cancer is a complex process. In evaluation, both for evaluation of the primary tumor
addition to decisions relating to the intent of rec- and to assess for the presence of distant metasta-
tal cancer surgery (ie, curative or palliative), consid- ses. Preoperative imaging for rectal cancer includes
eration must also be given to the likely functional chest/abdominal CT and pelvic MRI, or chest CT
results of treatment, including the probability of and abdominal/pelvic MRI, as described in the fol-
maintaining or restoring normal bowel function/anal lowing sections.
continence and preserving genitourinary functions. Preoperative Pelvic Imaging in Rectal Cancer: The
For patients with distal rectal cancer, in particular, accessibility of rectal cancer to evaluation by pelvic
the simultaneous achievement of the goals of cure MRI with contrast makes possible preoperative as-
and minimal impact on quality of life can be chal- sessments of depth of tumor penetration and the
lenging.6 Furthermore, risk of pelvic recurrence is presence of local lymph nodal metastases.11,12 Pelvic
higher in patients with rectal cancer compared with MRI has the ability to provide accurate images of soft
colon cancer, and locally recurrent rectal cancer is tissue structures in the mesorectum, including the
associated with a poor prognosis.7–9 Careful patient mesorectal fascia so as to provide information useful
selection with respect to particular treatment op- in the prediction of the clear circumferential mar-
tions and the use of sequenced multimodality ther- gin (CRM) before radical surgery.13–18 The CRM by
apy that combines chemoradiotherapy (chemoRT), MRI is measured at the closest distance of the tumor
chemotherapy, and operative treatment for most pa- to the mesorectal fascia. The panel defines a clear
tients is recommended.10 CRM as >1 mm from mesorectal fascia and levator
muscles and not invading into the intersphincteric
Clinical Evaluation/Staging plane; whereas an involved CRM is within 1 mm of
The initial clinical workup of patients with rectal mesorectal fascia or, for lower third rectal tumors,
cancer provides important preoperative information within 1 mm from levator muscle. Results of 5-year
on the clinical stage of disease. Because the clini- follow-up from the MERCURY Study show that
cal stage is used to direct decisions regarding choice high-resolution MRI can accurately assess the CRM
of primary treatment, including surgical intent (eg, preoperatively, differentiating patients with low- and
curative or palliative) and whether to recommend high-risk disease.19 Patients with MRI-clear CRM
preoperative chemoRT, implications of either clini- had a 5-year overall survival (OS) of 62.2% com-
cally understaging or overstaging rectal cancer can pared with 42.2% for MRI-involved CRM (hazard
be substantial. ratio [HR], 1.97; 95% CI, 1.27–3.04; P<.01). Preop-
Patients who present with rectal cancer appro- erative MRI imaging also predicted disease-free sur-
priate for resection require a complete staging evalu- vival (DFS; HR, 1.65; 95% CI, 1.01–2.69; P<.05)

© JNCCN—Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network  |  Volume 16 Number 7  |  July 2018
882 NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology

Rectal Cancer, Version 2.2018

and local recurrence (HR, 3.50; 95% CI, 1.53–8.00; the treatment strategy, plan the surgical approach,
P<.05). MRI has also been shown to be accurate for and, increasingly, determine if additional therapy
the prediction of T and N stage.20 A group of experts or resection can be avoided for select patients (see
developed consensus guidelines for standardized im- “Watch-and-Wait Approach for Clinical Complete
aging of rectal cancer by MRI.21 Responders” and “Preoperative Chemotherapy
Only a limited number of studies using CT for Without ChemoRT,” pages 891 and 889, respective-
the purpose of T staging have been performed, and it ly). MRI, CT, and EUS have been used for restag-
is not currently considered to be an optimal method ing after neoadjuvant treatment but the accuracy of
for staging the extent of tumor penetration.13,16,22 In these techniques for determining T stage and lymph
addition, CT has poor sensitivity for the prediction node involvement is limited.30–38 As with initial
of CRM status.23 Furthermore, CT has lower sensitiv- staging, the panel recommends pelvic MRI for re-
ity and specificity for the prediction of lymph node staging with chest and abdominal imaging to assess
involvement than MRI (CT, 55% and 74%; MRI, for distant disease. Abdominal/pelvic CT has been
66% and 76%, respectively).22 Therefore, pelvic CT shown to identify resectable liver metastases in 2.2%
is not recommended for rectal staging. of patients (95% CI, 0.8%–5.1%) during restaging,
A 2004 meta-analysis showed that endoscopic with false-positives that could cause unnecessary
ultrasound (EUS) and MRI have similar sensitivities treatment in 1.3% (95% CI, 0.3%–3.9%).39 In this
and specificities for the evaluation of lymph nodes study, the use of restaging abdominal/pelvic CT was
(EUS, 67% and 78%; MRI, 66% and 76%, respec- at physician discretion, and no difference was seen
tively).22 However, newer data suggest that EUS is in recurrence-free survival (RFS) for those who had
not very accurate for rectal cancer staging.24 Further- an abdominal/pelvic CT before resection compared
more, EUS cannot fully image high or bulky rec- with those who did not.
tal tumors nor regions beyond the immediate area Advanced functional MRI techniques (eg, dy-
of the primary tumor (eg, tumor deposits, vascular namic contrast-enhanced MRI, diffusion-weighted
invasion).13 Another disadvantage of EUS is a high MRI) allow for the measurement of microcircula-
degree of operator dependence.22 At this time, the tion, vascular permeability, and tissue cellularity, and
panel believes that EUS should only be used to eval- thus may be useful for determining response to neo-
uate the pelvis if MRI is contraindicated (eg, due to adjuvant treatment and restaging patients with rec-
a pacemaker). tal cancer.37,40–42 FDG-PET/CT is also being investi-
gated for its ability to accurately determine response
Preoperative Imaging for Distant Metastases: Ad- to neoadjuvant treatment.41,43
ditional information for the occurrence of distant At this time, the panel recommends chest CT,
metastases should be determined preoperatively abdominal CT or MRI, and pelvic MRI for restaging.
through chest and abdominal imaging with CT scan
and CT or MRI, respectively. Lung metastases oc- Surgical Approaches
cur in approximately 4% to 9% of patients with A variety of surgical approaches, depending on the
CRC,25–27 and studies have shown that 20% to 34% location and extent of disease, are used to treat pri-
of patients with CRC present with synchronous liver mary rectal cancer lesions.44,45 These methods include
metastases.28,29 local procedures, such as polypectomy, transanal lo-
The panel consensus is that a PET scan is not cal excision, and transanal endoscopic microsurgery
indicated for preoperative staging of rectal cancer. (TEM), and more invasive procedures involving a
If done, PET/CT does not supplant a contrast-en- transabdominal resection (eg, low anterior resection
hanced diagnostic CT scan. PET/CT should only be [LAR], proctectomy with total mesorectal excision
used to evaluate an equivocal finding on a contrast- [TME] and coloanal anastomosis, abdominoperineal
enhanced CT scan or in patients with a strong con- resection [APR]).44,45
traindication to intravenous contrast.
Transanal Local Excision: Transanal local excision
Restaging/Assessing Treatment Response: Re- is only appropriate for selected T1,N0 early-stage
staging after neoadjuvant treatment is performed cancers. Small (<3 cm), well- to moderately dif-
to detect distant metastases that would change ferentiated tumors that are within 8 cm of the anal

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verge and limited to <30% of the rectal circumfer- Limitations of a local excision include the absence
ence, and for which there is no evidence of nodal of pathologic staging of nodal involvement. Further,
involvement can be approached with transanal local evidence indicates that lymph node micrometastases
excision with negative margins.46 In addition, full are common in early rectal lesions and unlikely to be
thickness excision must be feasible. identified by endorectal ultrasound.54 These observa-
TEM can facilitate excision of small tumors tions may underlie the findings that patients under-
through the anus when lesions can be adequately going local excision have a higher local recurrence
identified in the rectum. TEM may be technically rate than those undergoing radical resection.51,55,56 A
feasible for more proximal lesions. Although data are retrospective study of 282 patients undergoing either
limited, a 2015 meta-analysis found that TEM may transanal local excision or radical resection for T1
achieve superior oncologic outcomes compared with rectal cancer from 1985 to 2004 showed local recur-
transanal local excision.47 A small prospective, sin- rence rates of 13.2% and 2.7% (P=.001), respective-
gle-blinded, randomized trial compared laparoscopic ly.56 A similar retrospective study of 2,124 patients
surgery with laparoscopy combined with TEM in 60 showed local recurrence rates of 12.5% and 6.9% for
patients with rectal cancer.48 The TEM group had those undergoing local excision versus standard re-
shorter operation times and hospital stays, and no lo- section, respectively (P=.003).51 More recently, an
cal nor distant recurrences were seen in either group analysis of >164,000 individuals from the National
after a median follow-up of 28 months. Cancer Database (NCDB) with resected, invasive,
Both transanal local excision and TEM involve nonmetastatic rectal cancer diagnosed from 1998 to
a full-thickness excision performed perpendicularly 2010 found that positive margins were more likely
through the bowel wall into the perirectal fat. Neg- after local excision compared with transabdominal
ative (>3 mm) deep and mucosal margins are re- excision in both the T1 and T2 populations (95% vs
quired, and tumor fragmentation should be avoided. 76% in T1/T2 combined; P<.001).57 In the T1,N0
The locally excised specimen should be oriented population, a small but significant decrease in OS
and pinned before fixation and brought to the pa- was also noted in the local excision group. Interest-
thologist by the surgeon to facilitate an oriented his- ingly, limited data suggest that TEM might have su-
topathologic evaluation of the specimen. If patho- perior oncologic outcomes in patients with stage I
logic examination reveals adverse features such as rectal cancer compared with radical resection,55,58 al-
positive margins, lymphovascular invasion, poor dif- though not all studies have seen such results.59
ferentiation, or invasion into the lower third of the Thus, careful patient selection for local excision
submucosa (sm3 level),49,50 a more radical resection of T1,N0 rectal cancer is important, as well as the
is recommended. careful examination of the resection specimen with
Data are limited on long-term patient outcomes, subsequent transabdominal resection in patients
including risk of local recurrence, for patients un- found to have T2 disease or high-risk features, as de-
dergoing local excision for T2 tumors.51 Results of a scribed previously.
multi-institutional, single-arm, open-label, nonran-
domized, phase II trial suggest that chemoRT with Transabdominal Resection: Patients with rectal
CAPEOX followed by local excision may be a safe cancer who do not meet requirements for local sur-
alternative to transabdominal resection in patients gery should be treated with a transabdominal resec-
with T2,N0 distal rectal cancer.52 A meta-analy- tion. Organ-preserving procedures that maintain
sis also suggests that this approach of neoadjuvant sphincter function are preferable, but not possible
chemoRT followed by local excision may be a safe in all cases. Preoperative chemoRT may result in tu-
and effective alternative for patients with any T and mor downsizing and a decrease in tumor bulk (see
any N stage of rectal cancer who refuse or are un- “Neoadjuvant and Adjuvant Therapy for Resectable
fit for transabdominal resection.53 Further studies in Nonmetastatic Disease,” page 885); sphincter pres-
this area are needed. ervation may become possible in cases where initial
Advantages of a local procedure include mini- tumor bulk prevented consideration of such surgery
mal morbidity (eg, a sphincter-sparing procedure) and exposure to the tumor is improved by neoadju-
and mortality and rapid postoperative recovery.6,51 vant treatment.

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In transabdominal resections, TME is recom- of both its external appearance/completeness and

mended. A TME involves an en bloc removal of the the CRM.67,68 The panel defines a positive CRM as
mesorectum, including associated vascular and lym- tumor within 1 mm from the transected margin (see
phatic structures, fatty tissue, and mesorectal fascia “Pathology,” available online, in the complete guide-
as a “tumor package” through sharp dissection, and lines, at–71 Detailed descriptions of
is designed to spare the autonomic nerves.6,45,60 The how the quality of the mesorectal specimens should
lymphatic drainage regions of rectal tumors are in- be scored were provided in the Dutch Rectal Cancer
fluenced by their position in the rectum. More distal TME Trial, and these guidelines are endorsed by the
tumors are more likely to be characterized by both NCCN panel.70
upward and lateral lymphatic drainage, whereas the Recent retrospective comparisons of outcomes
likelihood of only upward mesorectal drainage is in patients undergoing an APR versus an LAR for
much higher for more proximal tumors.61 The TME the treatment of rectal cancer have shown that those
approach is designed to radically remove lymphatic treated with an APR have worse local control and
drainage regions of tumors located above the level OS.72,73 Whether these differences can be attribut-
of the levator muscles.62 The NCCN panel does not ed to the APR alone, to patient- and tumor-related
recommend extension of nodal dissection beyond characteristics, or some combination of these factors
the field of resection (eg, into the distribution of iliac is presently unclear. However, results from a recent
lymph nodes) unless these nodes are clinically suspi- retrospective study of 3,633 patients with T3–4 rec-
cious. In cases where anal function is intact and dis- tal cancer tumors included in 5 large European trials
tal clearance is adequate, the TME may be followed suggest that there is an association between the APR
by creation of a coloanal anastomosis. procedure itself and the increased risks of recurrence
For lesions in the mid to upper rectum, an LAR and death.72 Importantly, quality of life between pa-
extended to 4 to 5 cm below the distal edge of the tients with or without a permanent colostomy ap-
tumor using TME, followed by creation of a colorec- pears to be fairly comparable.74,75
tal anastomosis, is the treatment of choice. Where Laparoscopic Resection: Data from randomized
creation of an anastomosis is not possible, colostomy studies evaluating use of laparoscopic surgery in the
is required. Wide TME is recommended to facilitate treatment of patients with rectal cancer have been
adequate lymphadenectomy and improve the proba- maturing in recent years.76–79 One large, prospective,
bility of achieving negative circumferential margins. multicentre study, which included 4,405 patients
An APR with TME should be performed when with rectal cancer but was not randomized, found no
the tumor directly involves the anal sphincter or differences in recurrence or survival, although com-
levator muscles. An APR is also necessary in cas- plications and other measures of quality indicated a
es where a margin-negative resection of the tumor benefit to the laparoscopic approach.80 The phase III
would result in loss of anal sphincter function and COLOR II trial, powered for noninferiority, random-
incontinence. An APR involves en bloc resec- ized patients with localized rectal cancer to laparo-
tion of the rectosigmoid, rectum, and anus, as well scopic or open surgery. Short-term secondary end
as the surrounding mesentery, mesorectum (TME), points were met, with patients in the laparoscopic
and perianal soft tissue, and it necessitates creation arm losing less blood, having shorter hospital stays,
of a colostomy.63 In the NSABP R-04 trial, patients and having a quicker return of bowel function, but
who had an APR reported worse body image, worse with longer operation times.81 No differences were
micturition symptoms, and less sexual enjoyment at seen in completeness of resection, percentage of pa-
1-year after surgery than those who had sphincter- tients with a positive CRM, morbidity, or mortality
sparing surgery.64 An extralevator APR may have between the arms. The primary end point of locore-
benefits over a conventional APR approach, includ- gional recurrence at 3 years was identical in the 2
ing lower rates of intraoperative perforation, CRM groups (5.0%), and no statistically significant differ-
involvement, and local recurrence, although incon- ences were seen in DFS or OS.76
sistencies are seen between studies.65,66 In the CLASICC trial, which compared lapa-
Pathologists play a key role in evaluating the sur- roscopically assisted resection to open resection,
gical specimen, including a macroscopic assessment nearly half of the 794 patients were diagnosed with

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rectal cancer.82 No significant differences in lo- short-term oncologic outcomes to be similar between
cal recurrence, DFS, or OS were observed between the open and laparoscopic approaches.86 In addi-
the 2 groups of patients with colon or rectal cancer tion, older reviews and meta-analyses consistently
based on surgical approach. A 5-year follow-up of found the laparoscopic approach to be safe and fea-
the CLASICC trial showed that this lack of differ- sible,77,87–100 even though a 2017 meta-analysis found
ence in local recurrence, DFS, or OS was maintained that the risk for a non–complete mesorectal excision
for patients with rectal cancer, despite a trend to- is significantly higher in patients receiving a laparo-
wards improved 5-year OS after laparoscopic surgery scopic resection compared with those receiving an
(52.9% and 60.3% for open and laparoscopic surgery, open resection.101
respectively; P=.132).83 Several studies have also compared outcomes of
The COREAN trial randomized patients with robotic-assisted resection to conventional laparo-
stage II–III low- to mid-rectal cancer to an open or scopic resection.102–106 Comparable results are gener-
laparoscopic resection, and short-term benefits were ally seen between the approaches in conversion to
seen with the laparoscopic approach.84 The primary open resection, TME quality, postoperative compli-
end point, 3-year DFS, did not differ between the 2 cations, and quality of life.
groups at 72.5% (95% CI, 65.0%–78.6%) for open In conclusion, some studies have shown that
surgery and 79.2% (95% CI, 72.3%–84.6%) for the laparoscopy is associated with similar short- and
laparoscopic group.77 Factors that may confound long-term outcomes when compared with open
conclusions drawn from randomized studies compar- surgery,76,77 whereas other studies have shown the
ing open surgery with laparoscopically assisted sur- laparoscopic approach to be associated with higher
gery for CRC have been described,85 and longer-term rates of CRM positivity and incomplete TME.78,79
outcomes from laparoscopic rectal surgery have not The NCCN Guidelines Panel defined principles by
been reported. which minimally invasive resection of rectal cancer
Two other trials, ACOSOG Z6051 and ALaC- can be considered: the procedure can be considered
aRT, have reported pathologic outcomes.78,79 In by an experienced surgeon, should include thorough
Z6051, the primary end point was a composite of abdominal exploration, and should be limited to
CRM >1 mm, negative distal margin, and TME lower-risk tumors, as outlined in the guidelines. An
completeness.78 No significant differences were ob- international group of experts has defined standards
served between the arms in these 3 measures or in for the technical details of laparoscopic TME.107
the composite of successful resection. For example,
complete or nearly complete TME was achieved in Neoadjuvant and Adjuvant Therapy for
92.1% (95% CI, 88.7%–95.5%) in the laparoscopic Resectable Nonmetastatic Disease
resection arm and 95.1% (95% CI, 92.2%–97.9%) Neoadjuvant/adjuvant therapy of stage II (T3–4,
in the open resection arm, for a difference of −3.0 node-negative disease with tumor penetration
(95% CI, −7.4 to 1.5; P=.20). However, criteria for through the muscle wall) or stage III (node-positive
noninferiority of the laparoscopic approach were not disease without distant metastasis) rectal cancer usu-
met. In ALaCaRT, the primary end point was also a ally includes locoregional treatment due to the rela-
composite of resection quality measures.79 Successful tively high risk of locoregional recurrence. This risk
resections were achieved in 82% of the laparoscopic is associated with the close proximity of the rectum
resection arm and 89% of the open resection arm, for to pelvic structures and organs, the absence of a sero-
a difference of –7.0% (95% CI, –12.4% to infinity). sa surrounding the rectum, and technical difficulties
A negative CRM was achieved in 93% and 97%, re- associated with obtaining wide surgical margins at
spectively (risk difference, –3.7%; 95% CI, –7.6% resection. In contrast, adjuvant treatment of colon
to 0.1%; P=.06). Similar to Z6051, the criteria for cancer is more focused on preventing distant metas-
noninferiority of the laparoscopic approach were not tases because this disease is characterized by lower
met in ALaCaRT. Longer follow up with oncologic rates of local recurrence.
outcomes from these trials is needed. Although radiation therapy (RT) has been asso-
An analysis of results from >18,000 patients in ciated with decreased rates of local recurrence of rec-
the NCDB undergoing LAR for rectal cancer found tal cancer, it is also associated with increased toxicity

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(eg, radiation-induced injury, hematologic toxici- Interestingly, a recent SEER database analysis of
ties) relative to surgery alone.108–110 It has been sug- 4,724 patients with T3,N0 rectal cancer found that
gested that some patients with disease at lower risk RT given after resection was associated with a signifi-
of local recurrence (eg, proximal rectal cancer staged cant decrease in risk for cancer death compared with
as T3,N0,M0, characterized by clear margins and fa- surgery without any RT (HR, 0.69; 95% CI, 0.58–
vorable prognostic features) may be adequately treat- 0.82; P<.001) and RT given before resection was not
ed with surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy.108,111,112 (HR, 0.86; 95% CI, 0.72–1.04; P=.13).117
According to the results of a retrospective multi- Putative advantages to preoperative RT, versus
center study,113 22% of 188 patients clinically staged postoperatively, are related to both tumor response
with T3,N0 rectal cancer by either EUS or MRI and and preservation of normal tissue.114,115,118 First, re-
who subsequently received preoperative chemoRT ducing tumor volume may facilitate resection and in-
had positive lymph nodes following pathologic re- crease the likelihood of a sphincter-sparing procedure.
view of the surgical specimens, thus suggesting that Although some studies have indicated that preopera-
many patients are understaged and would benefit tive RT or chemoRT is associated with increased rates
from chemoRT. Therefore, the NCCN Guidelines of sphincter preservation in patients with rectal can-
recommend preoperative chemoRT for patients with cer,114,115 this conclusion is not supported by 2 meta-
T3,N0 disease. analyses of randomized trials involving preoperative
Combined-modality therapy consisting of sur- chemoRT in this patient population.119,120 Second,
gery, concurrent fluoropyrimidine-based chemother- irradiating tissue that is surgery-naïve and thus bet-
apy with ionizing radiation to the pelvis (chemoRT), ter oxygenated may result in increased sensitivity to
and chemotherapy is recommended for most patients RT. Third, preoperative RT can avoid the occurrence
with stage II or III rectal cancer. Use of perioperative of radiation-induced injury to small bowel trapped in
pelvic RT for patients with stage II/III rectal cancer the pelvis by postsurgical adhesions. Finally, preopera-
continues to evolve. The current NCCN Guidelines tive RT that includes structures that will be resect-
recommend several possible sequences of therapy, ed increases the likelihood that an anastomosis with
depending on predicted CRM status and response healthy colon can be performed (ie, the anastomosis
to initial therapy. The total duration of periopera- remains unaffected by the effects of RT because irradi-
tive therapy, including chemoRT and chemotherapy, ated tissue is resected).
should not exceed 6 months. One disadvantage of using preoperative RT is
the possibility of overtreating early-stage tumors that
Preoperative Versus Postoperative RT: Several stud-
do not require adjuvant RT.114,121 Improvements in
ies have compared the administration of RT preop-
preoperative staging with pelvic MRI have allowed
eratively versus postoperatively for stage II/III rectal
for more accurate staging, but the risk of overstaging
cancer.114,115 A large prospective, randomized trial
disease has not been eliminated.113 Weighing these
from the German Rectal Cancer Study Group (the
advantages and disadvantages, the NCCN panel rec-
CAO/ARO/AIO-94 trial) compared preoperative
ommends preoperative chemoRT for patients with
versus postoperative chemoRT in the treatment of
stage II/III rectal cancer. Postoperative chemoRT is
clinical stage II/III rectal cancer.114 Study results indi-
recommended when stage I rectal cancer is upstaged
cated that preoperative therapy was associated with a
to stage II/III after pathologic review of the surgical
significant reduction in local recurrence (6% vs 13%;
P=.006) and treatment-associated toxicity (27%
vs 40%; P=.001), although OS was similar in the 2 Concurrent Chemotherapy With RT: A number
groups. Long-term follow-up of this trial was later of randomized trials have evaluated the effective-
published.116 The improvement in local control per- ness of the addition of concurrent chemotherapy to
sisted, with the 10-year cumulative incidence of local RT administered either preoperatively after clinical
recurrence at 7.1% and 10.1% in the preoperative and evaluation/staging (eg, T3–4 by EUS) or postopera-
postoperative treatment arms, respectively (P=.048). tively after pathologic staging of rectal cancer as pT3
OS at 10 years was also similar between the groups and/or N1–2.122 Putative benefits of the addition of
(59.6% and 59.9%, respectively; P=.85), in addition chemotherapy concurrent with either preoperative
to DFS and occurrence of distant metastases. or postoperative RT include local RT sensitization

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and systemic control of disease (ie, eradication of mi- Regarding the type of chemotherapy adminis-
crometastases). Preoperative chemoRT also has the tered concurrently with RT,112 the equivalence of
potential to increase rates of pathologic complete re- bolus 5-FU/LV and infusional 5-FU in concurrent
sponse (pCR) and sphincter preservation. chemoRT for rectal cancer is supported by the results
In a study of patients with T3–4 rectal cancer of a phase III trial (median follow-up, 5.7 years).
without evidence of distant metastases who were This study reported similar outcomes, with respect
randomly assigned to receive either preoperative to OS and relapse-free survival, when an infusion
RT alone or preoperative concurrent chemoRT with of 5-FU or bolus 5-FU/LV was administered concur-
5-FU/LV, no difference in OS or sphincter preserva- rently with postoperative RT, although hematolog-
tion was observed in the 2 groups, although patients ic toxicity was greater in those who received bolus
receiving chemoRT were significantly more likely 5-FU.128 On the other hand, results from an earli-
to exhibit a pCR (11.4% vs 3.6%; P<.05) and grade er trial from the North Central Cancer Treatment
3/4 toxicity (14.6% vs 2.7%; P<.05) and were less Group (NCCTG) showed that postoperative admin-
likely to exhibit local recurrence of disease (8.1% vs istration of infusional 5-FU during pelvic irradiation
16.5%; P<.05).122 was associated with longer OS when compared with
Preliminary results of a phase III trial that in- bolus 5-FU.129 Most of the patients in this study had
cluded an evaluation of the addition of chemothera- node-positive disease. The NCCN panel considers
py to preoperative RT in patients with T3–4 resect- bolus 5-FU/LV/RT as an option for patients not able
able rectal cancer demonstrated that use of 5-FU/ to tolerate capecitabine or infusional 5-FU (both
LV chemotherapy enhanced the tumoricidal effect preferred in the chemoRT setting).
of RT when the 2 approaches were used concurrent- Recent studies have shown that capecitabine is
ly.123 Significant reductions in tumor size, pTN stage, equivalent to 5-FU in perioperative chemoRT ther-
and lymphatic invasion, vascular invasion, and peri- apy.130,131 The randomized NSABP R-04 trial exam-
neural invasion rates were observed with use of com- ined the preoperative use of infusional 5-FU ± ox-
bined-modality therapy compared with use of RT aliplatin versus capecitabine ± oxaliplatin in 1,608
and surgery without chemotherapy.123 More mature patients with stage II or III rectal cancer.131,132 No dif-
results from this trial, which included 4 treatment ferences in locoregional events, DFS, OS, complete
groups (preoperative RT; preoperative chemoRT; pathologic response, sphincter-saving surgery, or sur-
preoperative RT + postoperative chemotherapy; and gical downstaging were seen between the regimens,
preoperative chemoRT + postoperative chemother- although toxicity was increased with the inclusion of
apy), indicated that no significant differences in OS oxaliplatin.
were associated with adding 5-FU–based chemother- Similarly, a phase III randomized trial in which
apy preoperatively or postoperatively.124 401 patients with stage II or III rectal cancer re-
The conclusions from these trials were sup- ceived capecitabine-based or 5-FU–based chemoRT
ported in a 2009 systematic review that included either preoperatively or postoperatively showed that
4 randomized controlled trials.125 In addition, a re- capecitabine was noninferior to 5-FU with regard to
cent Cochrane review of 6 randomized controlled 5-year OS (75.7% vs 66.6%, respectively; P=.0004),
trials found that chemotherapy added to preopera- with capecitabine showing borderline significance
tive RT in patients with locally advanced stage III for superiority (P=.053).130 Furthermore, in this trial
rectal cancer reduced the risk of local recurrence, capecitabine demonstrated a significant improve-
but had no effect on OS, 30-day mortality, sphincter ment in 3-year DFS (75.2% vs 66.6%; P=.034).130
preservation, and late toxicity.126 Similarly, a sepa- Because of these studies, capecitabine given concur-
rate Cochrane review of stage II and III resectable rently with RT is listed in the NCCN Guidelines as
disease found that the addition of chemotherapy to an acceptable alternative to infusional 5-FU for pa-
preoperative RT enhanced pathologic response and tients who are able to manage the responsibilities in-
improved local control, but had no effect on DFS or
herent in self-administered, oral chemotherapy.
OS.127 Another recent meta-analysis of 5 randomized
controlled trials compared neoadjuvant chemoRT Addition of Oxaliplatin: In attempts to improve on
with neoadjuvant RT and had similar conclusions.110 the outcomes achieved with neoadjuvant 5-FU/RT

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or capecitabine/RT, several large randomized phase In line with CAO/ARO/AIO-04, the Chinese
III trials (ACCORD 12, STAR-01, NSABP R-04, FOWARC phase III open-label multicenter trial,
CAO/ARO/AIO-04, and FOWARC) addressed which randomized patients with locally advanced
the addition of oxaliplatin to these regimens. In a rectal cancer to neoadjuvant treatment consisting of
planned interim report of primary tumor response infusional 5-FU/LV/RT, FOLFOX/RT, or FOLFOX,
in the STAR-01 trial, grade 3 and 4 adverse events found that FOLFOX/RT resulted in higher rates of
occurred more frequently in patients receiving infu- pCR and downstaging than the other regimens.139
sional 5-FU/oxaliplatin/RT than in those receiving Another randomized multicenter phase III trial
infusional 5-FU/RT (24% vs 8%; P<.001), although examined the addition of oxaliplatin during concur-
there was no difference in pathologic response be- rent capecitabine chemoRT in the adjuvant setting
tween the study arms (16% pCR in both arms).133 for pathologic stage II/III disease.140 Interim analysis
Recently reported results of the NSABP R-04 trial showed no significant difference in 3-year DFS, OS,
also showed that the addition of oxaliplatin did not local recurrences, or distant metastases, with an in-
improve clinical outcomes including the end points crease in grade 3/4 acute toxicity in the CAPEOX/
RT group.
of locoregional events, DFS, OS, pCR, sphincter-
Based on the results available to date, the addi-
saving surgery, and surgical downstaging, although
tion of oxaliplatin to neoadjuvant chemoRT is not
it increased toxicity.131,132 Further follow-up of these
recommended at this time.
trials is necessary to determine if there is a difference
in local recurrence rates and progression-free surviv- Addition of Targeted Agents: The randomized
al over time. The primary end points of OS for the phase II EXPERT-C trial assessed the CR rate with
STAR-01 trial will be reported in the future. the addition of cetuximab to RT in 165 patients.141
Similar results were seen in the AC- Patients in the control arm received CAPEOX fol-
CORD 12/0405-Prodige 2 trial, which compared lowed by capecitabine/RT, then surgery followed by
capecitabine/RT (45 Gy) with CAPEOX/RT (50 CAPEOX; those randomized to the cetuximab arm
Gy), with the primary end point of pCR.134 pCR received the same therapy with weekly cetuximab
rates were similar at 19.2% and 13.9% (P=.09) for throughout all phases. A significant improvement in
the oxaliplatin-containing arm and the control arm, OS was seen in patients with KRAS exon 2/3 wild-
respectively. Although patients treated with oxalipl- type tumors treated with cetuximab (HR, 0.27; 95%
atin and the higher radiation dose in the ACCORD CI, 0.07–0.99; P=.034). However, the primary end
point of CR rate was not met, and other phase II tri-
12 trial had an increased rate of minimal residual dis-
als have not shown a clear benefit to the addition of
ease at time of surgery (39.4% vs 28.9%; P=.008),
cetuximab in this setting.142,143 Further evaluation of
this did not translate to improved local recurrence
this regimen is warranted.
rates, DFS, or OS at 3 years. The results did not
The randomized, multicenter, phase II SAKK
change after longer follow-up.135
41/07 trial evaluated the addition of panitumumab
Results of the German CAO/ARO/AIO-04 trial to preoperative capecitabine-based chemoRT in pa-
have been published.136,137 This trial also assessed the tients with locally advanced KRAS wild-type rec-
addition of oxaliplatin to a fluorouracil RT regimen. tal cancer.144 The primary end point was pathologic
In contrast to STAR-01, NSABP R-04, and AC- near-complete plus complete tumor response, which
CORD 12, higher rates of pCR were seen in the ox- occurred in 53% of patients (95% CI, 36%–69%) in
aliplatin arm (17% vs 13%; P=.038),137 but this could the panitumumab arm versus 32% (95% CI, 16%–
be due to differences in the fluorouracil schedule be- 52%) in the control arm. Patients receiving pani-
tween the arms.138 The primary end point of this tri- tumumab experienced increased rates of grade ≥3
al, the 3-year DFS rate, was 75.9% (95% CI, 72.4%– toxicity.
79.5%) in the oxaliplatin arm versus 71.2% (95% Another phase II study, RaP/STAR-03, also as-
CI, 67.6%–74.9%) in the control group (P=.03).136 sessed the potential role of panitumumab in neoad-
Importantly, oxaliplatin was also added to the adju- juvant chemoRT in patients with KRAS wild-type,
vant therapy in the AIO-04 trial but not in the other cT3,N0 or cT2–3,N1–2, mid to low rectal cancer
trials, so cross-trial comparisons are limited. with a predicted negative CRM.145 All patients were

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treated with panitumumab/chemoRT followed by and 21% in the TNT and adjuvant chemotherapy
resection and adjuvant FOLFOX. The primary end groups, respectively.
point of pCR was observed in 10.9% (95% CI, 4.7– Possible benefits of using chemotherapy first in-
17.1), not meeting the prespecified level of 16%. clude the early prevention or eradication of micro-
A phase II study of 57 patients with resectable metastases, higher rates of pCR, minimizing the time
T3–4 rectal cancer evaluated preoperative treatment patients need an ileostomy, facilitating resection,
with capecitabine, oxaliplatin, bevacizumab, and and improving the tolerance and completion rates of
RT followed by surgery 8 weeks later and adjuvant chemotherapy. This approach was added to the 2015
FOLFOX/bevacizumab.146 The 5-year OS rate was version of these guidelines as an acceptable option.
80%, and the 5-year relapse-free survival rate was
81%. However, the primary end point of pCR was Preoperative Chemotherapy Without ChemoRT: A
not met, significant toxicities were observed, and small, single-center, phase II pilot trial treated pa-
compliance with adjuvant therapy was low. tients with stage II or III rectal cancer with induc-
Additional phase II trials assessing the effects of tion FOLFOX/bevacizumab chemotherapy followed
adding irinotecan or bevacizumab to neoadjuvant by chemoRT only in those with stable or progressive
or adjuvant regimens have begun.147–149 However, disease and resection in all patients.157 All 32 of the
at this time, the panel does not endorse the use of participants had an R0 resection, and the 4-year DFS
bevacizumab, cetuximab, panitumumab, irinotecan, was 84% (95% CI, 67%–94%). Another phase II tri-
or oxaliplatin with concurrent RT for rectal cancer. al, which included 60 patients with stage II/III rectal
cancer (excluding cT4b) from 8 institutions, assessed
Induction Chemotherapy and the Total Neoadjuvant the R0 resection rate after FOLFOX + bevacizumab
Therapy Approach: Several small trials have tested
or cetuximab.158 An R0 resection was achieved in
the utility of a course of neoadjuvant chemotherapy
98.3% of the patients, and the pCR rate was 16.7%.
preceding chemoRT and resection,150–155 which is re-
The phase III FOWARC trial, discussed previ-
ferred to as a total neoadjuvant therapy (TNT) ap-
ously, compared neoadjuvant therapy with and with-
proach. In the Spanish GCR-3 randomized phase II
out RT (without additional therapy for those with
trial, patients were randomized to receive CAPEOX
stable or progressive disease), and found that neoad-
either before chemoRT or after surgery.152,156 Similar
juvant FOLFOX without RT resulted in lower rates
pCR rates were seen between arms, and induction
chemotherapy appeared to be less toxic and better of pCR than regimens that included RT (6.6% vs
tolerated. Another phase II trial randomized patients 14.0% for 5-FU/RT, and 27.5% for FOLFOX/RT).139
to chemoRT and surgery with or without FOLFOX The rate of downstaging in the FOLFOX group was
induction therapy.154 There were no differences be- similar to the 5-FU/RT group but lower than the
tween the clinical outcomes, but those receiving FOLFOX/RT group (35.5% vs 37.1% for 5-FU/RT
induction therapy experienced higher toxicity. The and 56.4% for FOLFOX/RT).
phase II AVACROSS study assessed the safety and A 2015 systematic review identified 1 random-
efficacy of adding bevacizumab to induction therapy ized phase III trial, 6 single-arm phase II trials, and 1
with CAPEOX prior to capecitabine/bevacizumab- retrospective case series study that addressed the ef-
chemoRT and surgery.155 The regimen was well toler- fectiveness of neoadjuvant chemotherapy (without
ated with a pCR rate of 36%. chemoRT) and surgery in patients with locally ad-
A single-institution retrospective cohort analy- vanced rectal cancer.159 The ranges of R0 resection
sis of patients with T3–4 or node-positive rectal can- and pCR rates were 90% to 100% and 4% to 33%,
cer compared outcomes after either a (1) traditional respectively.
approach of neoadjuvant chemoRT then resection The ongoing N1048/C81001/Z6092 PROS-
with planned adjuvant chemotherapy (n=320) PECT trial by the Alliance for Clinical Trials in On-
or (2) TNT approach of induction chemotherapy cology is also asking whether chemotherapy alone is
then chemoRT before resection (n=308). Patients effective in treating stage II or III rectal cancer in
in the TNT group received a greater percentage of patients with at least 20% tumor regression follow-
the planned chemotherapy dose than those in the ing neoadjuvant treatment ( iden-
adjuvant chemotherapy group. CR rates were 36% tifier: NCT01515787). This approach could spare

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patients the morbidities associated with RT, but the tive chemoRT to allow patient recuperation from
panel has considered it investigational at this time. chemoRT-associated toxicities.
Technical Aspects of RT: Multiple RT fields should Short-Course RT: Several European studies have ex-
include the tumor or tumor bed with a 2- to 5-cm amined the efficacy of a shorter course of preoperative
margin, presacral nodes, and the internal iliac nodes. RT (25 Gy over 5 days), not combined with chemo-
The external iliac nodes should also be included for therapy, for the treatment of rectal cancer. Results of
T4 tumors involving anterior structures; inclusion of the Swedish Rectal Cancer Trial evaluating the use
the inguinal nodes for tumors invading into the dis- of short-course RT administered preoperatively for
tal anal canal can also be considered. Recommended resectable rectal cancer showed a survival advantage
doses of RT are typically 45 to 50 Gy in 25 to 28 and a decreased rate of local recurrence with this ap-
fractions to the pelvis using 3 or 4 fields. Position- proach compared with surgery alone.171 However, a
ing and other techniques to minimize radiation to follow-up study published in 2005 showed that the
the small bowel are encouraged. RTOG has estab- patients with short-course preoperative RT had an
lished normal pelvic contouring atlases for women increased relative risk for postoperative hospitaliza-
and men (available at tion due to bowel obstructions and other gastroin-
ContouringAtlases.aspx).160 Intensity-modulated RT testinal complications.172 A number of other studies
should only be used in the setting of a clinical trial also investigating the effectiveness of preoperative
or in unique clinical situations such as re-irradiation short-course RT in patients with rectal cancer staged
of previously treated recurrent disease or unique ana- as T1–3 demonstrated that OS was not significantly
tomical situations. affected despite improvements in local control of
disease.173–175 A more recent multicenter randomized
Coordination of preoperative chemoRT and sur-
study of 1,350 patients with rectal cancer compared
gery is important. Although longer intervals from
short-course preoperative RT and no postoperative
completion of chemoRT to surgery have been shown
treatment with no preoperative RT and a postop-
to be associated with an increase in pCR rates,161–166
erative approach that included chemoRT in selected
it is unclear whether such longer intervals are asso-
patients (ie, those with a positive CRM following
ciated with clinical benefit. Results of one NCDB
resection) and no RT in patients without evidence
analysis suggest that an interval of >8 weeks was as-
of residual disease following surgery.176 Results indi-
sociated with increased odds of pCR,167 whereas oth-
cated that patients in the preoperative RT arm had
er similar analyses concluded that an interval >56 or significantly lower local recurrence rates and a 6%
60 days (8–8.5 weeks) is associated with higher rates absolute improvement in 3-year DFS (P=.03), al-
of positive margins, lower rates of sphincter preserva- though no difference in OS was observed between
tion, and/or shorter survival.168,169 the study arms.176,177
The GRECCAR6 phase III, multicenter, ran- Long-term follow-up (12 years) of one of the
domized, open-label, parallel-group controlled trial short-course RT trials (Dutch TME trial174) was re-
randomized patients with stage II/III rectal cancer ported.178 Analysis showed that 10-year survival
treated with chemoRT to a 7-week or 11-week inter- was significantly improved in patients with stage III
val before surgery.170 The pCR rate was not different disease and a negative CRM in the RT plus surgery
between the groups (15.0% vs 17.4%; P=.60), but group versus surgery alone (50% vs 40%; P=.032).178
morbidity (44.5% vs 32%; P=.04), medical compli- However, this long follow-up showed that second-
cations (32.8% vs 19.2%; P=.01), and rate of com- ary malignancies and other non-rectal cancer causes
plete mesorectal resection (78.7% vs 90%; P=.02) of death were more frequent in the RT group than
were worse in the 11-week group. The rate of anas- in the control group (14% vs 9% for secondary ma-
tomotic leaks and the mean length of hospital stay lignancies), negating any survival advantage in the
were similar between the groups. node-negative subpopulation.
Based on these data, the NCCN panel recom- A few studies have compared short-course RT
mends an interval of 5 to 12 weeks following com- to long-course chemoRT. One randomized study of
pletion of full-dose 5.5-week chemoRT prior to 312 patients in Poland directly compared preopera-
surgical resection for patients treated with preopera- tive short-course RT with more conventional preop-

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erative long-course chemoRT, and found no differ- before resection in patients with clinical stage T3–4
ences in local recurrence or survival.179 Similarly, an rectal cancer.186
Australian/New Zealand trial (TROG 01.04) that Response to Neoadjuvant Treatment: Following
randomized 326 patients to short-course RT or long- neoadjuvant therapy, 50% to 60% of patients are
course chemoRT found no differences in local recur- downstaged, with approximately 20% of patients
rence and OS rates.180 In addition, rates of late toxic- showing a pCR.187–193 Recent studies have suggested
ity, distant recurrence, and relapse-free survival were that the response to neoadjuvant treatment corre-
not significantly different between the arms. Patients lates with long-term outcomes in patients with rectal
in the long-course arm were more likely to experi- cancer. In the MERCURY prospective cohort trial,
ence serious adverse events (eg, radiation dermati- 111 patients were assessed by MRI and pathologic
tis rates, 0% vs 5.6%; P=.003), whereas those in the staging.194 On multivariate analysis, MRI-assessed
short-course arm were more likely to have a perma- tumor regression grade was significantly associated
nent stoma (38.0% vs 29.8%; P=.13).181 However, with OS and DFS. Patients with a poor tumor re-
no overall difference was seen in health-related qual- gression grade had 5-year survival rates of 27%
ity of life between the groups.182 Finally, a trial com- versus 72% for those with a good tumor regression
pared short-course RT with long-course chemoRT grade (P=.001), and DFS rates were 31% versus 64%
with delayed surgery in both groups.183 Although the (P=.007). Similarly, in the CAO/ARO/AIO-94 tri-
long-course arm experienced greater tumor down- al, patients with pathologic complete regression had
sizing and downstaging compared with short-course 10-year cumulative incidence of distant metastasis
treatment, no differences were seen in the R0 resec- and DFS of 10.5% and 89.5%, respectively, while
tion rates or postoperative morbidity. The 3-year those with poor regression had corresponding inci-
DFS was better in the long-course arm than in the dences of 39.6% and 63%.195 A recent retrospective
short-course arm (75% vs 59%; P=.022), with no dif- review of 725 patients with rectal cancer found simi-
ference in OS.184 lar results.191 In this study, pathologically determined
A 2014 systematic review identified 16 studies response to neoadjuvant treatment correlated with
(randomized controlled trials, phase II trials, and long-term outcomes, with 5-year RFS rates of 90.5%,
retrospective studies) that addressed the interval be- 78.7%, and 58.5% for patients with complete, inter-
tween short-course RT and resection of rectal can- mediate, and poor responses, respectively (P<.001).
cer.185 Lower rates of severe acute post-RT toxicity Distant metastases and local recurrences also corre-
but higher rates of minor postoperative complica-
lated with level of response. Other studies have also
tions were seen in the immediate surgery group (1- to
shown a prognostic effect of response to neoadjuvant
2-week interval) compared with the delayed surgery
group (5- to 13-week interval). pCR rates were sig-
In addition to its prognostic value, there is
nificantly higher in the delayed surgery group, with
some initial evidence of predictive value to neoad-
no differences in sphincter preservation and R0 re-
juvant treatment response. Subgroup analysis of the
section rates.
EORTC 22921 trial showed that patients down-
Overall, it appears that short-course RT gives ef-
staged to ypT0–2 were more likely to benefit from
fective local control and the same OS as more con-
adjuvant chemotherapy than those with ypT3–4
ventional RT schedules, and therefore is considered
staging.187 Similar results were seen from another ret-
as an appropriate option for patients with T3,N0 or
rospective review.198 Although no prospective data
T1–3,N1–2 rectal cancer. A multidisciplinary evalu-
to predict the benefit of adjuvant therapy in patients
ation, including a discussion of the need for down-
with tumor downstaging or a pCR exist, the NCCN
staging and the possibility of long-term toxicity, is
panel believes that such patients should be strongly
recommended when considering short-course RT.
considered for adjuvant chemotherapy.
Short-course RT is not recommended for T4 disease
at this time. The ongoing randomized RAPIDO trial Watch-and-Wait Approach for Clinical Complete
( identifier: NCT01558921) is as- Responders: As preoperative treatment and imag-
sessing DFS at 3 years with the use of preoperative ing modalities have improved, some have suggested
short-course RT followed by 6 cycles of CAPEOX that patients with a clinical CR to chemoRT may

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be able to be spared the morbidities of surgery. In CR are routinely managed by a watch-and-wait ap-
2004, Habr-Gama et al199 retrospectively compared proach.209 Furthermore, recent studies have found
the outcomes of 71 patients who were observed with- that neither FDG-PET nor MRI nor CT can ac-
out surgery after complete clinical response (27% curately determine a pCR, complicating the selec-
of patients) with the outcome of 22 patients (8%) tion of appropriate patients for a nonoperative ap-
who had incomplete clinical responses but complete proach.30–38,210 In addition, lymph node metastases
pathologic responses post-TME. OS and DFS rates are still seen in a subset of patients with pCR.211
at 5 years were 100% and 92%, respectively, in the Keeping these caveats in mind, the NCCN panel
nonoperative group compared with 88% and 83%, believes that a nonoperative management approach
respectively, in the resected group. However, other may be considered in centers with experienced mul-
studies did not achieve as impressive results, and tidisciplinary teams after a careful discussion with
many clinicians were skeptical of the approach.200 the patient of their risk tolerance.
A more recent prospective study included a more The use of nonoperative management in rec-
thorough assessment of treatment response and used tal cancer has been increasing in the United States,
very strict criteria to select 21 of 192 patients (11%) likely representing both some early adoption of the
with clinical CRs who were then observed with care- approach described herein as well as disparities in
ful follow-up and compared with 20 patients with a the receipt of appropriate rectal cancer resection.212
complete pathologic response after resection.201 Only An analysis of the NCDB from 2004 through 2008
1 patient in the nonoperative group developed a lo- looked at all patients with clinical stage II/III rec-
cal recurrence after a mean follow-up of 25 months; tal cancer who received neoadjuvant chemoRT only
that patient underwent successful surgery. No statis- (for whom surgery was “not part of the planned first
tical differences in long-term outcomes were seen course of treatment”) or neoadjuvant chemoRT plus
between groups. Cumulative probabilities for 2-year resection.213 No data were available regarding the
DFS and OS were 89% (95% CI, 43%–98%) and clinical response to neoadjuvant therapy. Although
100%, respectively, in the watch-and-wait group and the patients in this study represent a very different
93% (95% CI, 59%–99%) and 91% (95% CI, 59%– population than the trials discussed previously, it is
99%), respectively, in the resected group. Short-term important to note that those with the nonoperative
functional outcomes, however, were better in the approach had a worse OS (HR, 1.90; 95% CI, 1.75–
watch-and-wait group, with better bowel function 2.04). These results underscore the importance of
scores, less incontinence, and 10 patients avoiding careful patient selection, vigilant surveillance, and
permanent colostomy. resection of recurrences for those choosing a watch-
Other nonrandomized, prospective studies have and-wait approach.
added to the growing evidence that the nonopera- Adjuvant Chemotherapy: Adjuvant chemotherapy
tive approach may warrant further study.202–205 For is recommended for all patients with stage II/III rec-
example, one study showed that 49% of patients ex- tal cancer after neoadjuvant chemoRT and surgery
perienced a complete clinical response after 5-FU– if they did not receive neoadjuvant chemotherapy
based chemoRT, and found that strict surveillance regardless of the surgical pathology results, although
in these patients, with resection of recurrences when few studies have evaluated the effect of adjuvant
possible, resulted in a 5-year RFS of 69%, which rose chemotherapy in patients with rectal cancer, and its
to 94% after resections were performed.203 role is not well-defined.214,215 The addition of 5-FU
Several systematic reviews have been published adjuvant chemotherapy to preoperative chemoRT
on the nonoperative approach.206–208 All the reviews provided no benefit to the rate of local recurrence
show that the approach is likely safe with the use of in the EORTC Radiotherapy Group trial 22921.124
resection in patients with tumor regrowth, but that However, this study did show an improvement in
the data are very limited. DFS (HR, 0.87; 95% CI, 0.72–1.04; P=.13) of pa-
Despite the impressive results of prospective tri- tients receiving adjuvant chemotherapy (±RT) fol-
als, many still believe that longer follow-up, larger lowing preoperative RT (±5-FU–based chemothera-
sample sizes, and additional careful observational py).124 Long-term results of the EORTC 22921 trial
studies are needed before patients with a clinical confirmed that adjuvant 5-FU chemotherapy did not

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improve OS, and the difference in DFS was less pro- not robust enough to warrant routine use of adjuvant
nounced than following the previous analysis (HR, therapy in this population.
0.91; 95% CI, 0.77–1.08; P=.29).216 Limitations of Most database studies have also failed to see
this trial include the fact that only 43% of partici- much of a benefit to adjuvant chemotherapy in this
pants received the full course of adjuvant chemo- setting.226–228 However, 2 similar analyses that used
therapy. Other trials have failed to show an improve- the NCDB from 2006–2013 or from 2006–2012 and
ment in OS or DFS with adjuvant therapy with a that looked only at patients achieving a pCR after
fluoropyrimidine alone in this setting.217,218 neoadjuvant chemoRT (n=2,891; n=2,764) found a
Other trials have investigated the use of more significant improvement in OS with the use of adju-
modern agents in the adjuvant setting. The phase vant chemotherapy.229,230
III ECOG E3201 trial was designed to investigate An analysis of the NCCN Outcomes Database
the effect of adding either oxaliplatin (FOLFOX) or for CRC found that, of 2,073 patients with stage II/
irinotecan (FOLFIRI) to 5-FU/LV–based adjuvant III rectal cancer who received neoadjuvant chemoRT
chemotherapy administered to patients with stage treatment, 203 patients (9.8%) did not receive any
adjuvant chemotherapy as recommended by these
II/III rectal cancer after either preoperative or post-
guidelines.231 Multivariate analysis found that com-
operative chemoRT. This study was replaced with
plete pathologic response, infection, no closure of
an alternative trial with bevacizumab, but results
ileostomy/colostomy, age, poor performance status,
from an initial 165 patients indicated that adjuvant
and being on Medicaid or indigent were associated
FOLFOX can be safely used in this patient popula-
with not receiving adjuvant chemotherapy. Results
tion.219 The open-label phase II ADORE trial ran- from the SEER database indicated that even fewer
domized 321 patients with resected rectal cancer and patients in the general population are receiving ad-
neoadjuvant therapy to adjuvant 5-FU/LV or FOLF- juvant therapy (61.5%) in this setting.232 Pathologic
OX.220 The FOLFOX arm had higher 3-year DFS at stage, age, and postoperative readmissions were as-
71.6% versus 62.9% (HR, 0.66; 95% CI, 0.43–0.99; sociated with a decreased likelihood of receiving ad-
P=.047). The CAO/ARO/AIO-04 trial found an im- juvant treatment. Other database analyses show that
provement in 3-year DFS when oxaliplatin was add- adjuvant chemotherapy is used in 74% to 92% of pa-
ed to 5-FU in both neoadjuvant and adjuvant treat- tients in this setting.226,227
ment (75.9% vs 71.2%; P=.03).136 Although conclusive data on the benefits of
A study in which patients who received neoad- adjuvant therapy in patients with stage II/III rectal
juvant chemoRT and experienced a pCR were ob- cancer are lacking, the panel recommends its use.
served without additional adjuvant chemotherapy Choice of regimen depends on initial clinical staging
found 5-year DFS and OS rates of 96% and 100%, and predicted CRM status, with FOLFOX or CAPE-
respectively.221 In addition, a meta-analysis of 4 ran- OX as preferred or only options for higher risk pa-
domized trials (1,196 patients) concluded that ad- tients and 5-FU/LV or capecitabine as additional op-
juvant fluorouracil-based chemotherapy (5-FU/LV, tions in some cases. For example, these less intensive
capecitabine, or CAPEOX) after preoperative ther- adjuvant chemotherapy options might be especially
apy and surgery did not improve OS, DFS, or the appropriate for patients who responded to neoadju-
rate of distant recurrences in patients with stage II vant treatment with 5-FU or capecitabine.
or III rectal cancer.222 However, more recent trials Timing and Duration of Adjuvant Therapy: A 2011
that found a DFS benefit for the addition of adjuvant systematic review and meta-analysis of 10 studies in-
oxaliplatin-based adjuvant therapy were not includ- volving >15,000 patients with colon or rectal cancer
ed in this study, and other meta-analyses have come looked at the effect of timing of adjuvant therapy
to the opposite conclusion.223,224 A systematic review following primary tumor resection.233 Results of this
published in 2017 identified 8 phase III trials and 1 analysis showed that each 4-week delay in chemo-
randomized phase II trial comparing adjuvant che- therapy resulted in a 14% decrease in OS, indicat-
motherapy with observation in patients with non- ing that adjuvant therapy should be administered as
metastatic rectal cancer treated with neoadjuvant soon as the patient is medically able. These results
chemoRT.225 The authors reported that the data are are consistent with other similar analyses.234 The op-

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timal duration of adjuvant treatment in rectal cancer other risk factors, but they question the value added.
is still unclear.235,236 In the MOSAIC trial, patients Furthermore, there is no evidence of predictive value
with stage II/III colon cancer were treated with 6 in terms of the potential benefit of chemotherapy in
months of adjuvant FOLFOX.237 The use of a shorter patients with colon or rectal cancer with any of the
course of adjuvant FOLFOX in rectal cancer (ie, 4 available multigene assays. The panel believes that
months) is justified when preoperative chemoRT is there are insufficient data to recommend the use of
administered. multigene assays to determine adjuvant therapy for
patients with CRC.
Multigene Assays: Several multigene assays have
been developed in hopes of providing prognostic and Leucovorin Shortage: A leucovorin shortage re-
predictive information to aid in decisions regarding cently existed in the United States. No specific data
adjuvant therapy in patients with stage II or III colon guide management under these circumstances, and
cancer (see NCCN Guidelines for Colon Cancer, all proposed strategies are empiric. The panel recom-
available at mends several possible options to help alleviate the
Among the multigene assays used in colon can- problems associated with leucovorin shortage.  One
cer is the Oncotype DX colon cancer assay, which is the use of levo-leucovorin, which is commonly
quantifies the expression of 7 recurrence-risk genes used in Europe. A dose of 200 mg/m2 of levo-leucov-
and 5 reference genes as a prognostic classifier of low, orin is equivalent to 400 mg/m2 of standard leucovo-
intermediate, or high likelihood of recurrence.239 rin.  Another option is for practices or institutions
Clinical validation in patients with stage II and III to use lower doses of leucovorin for all doses in all
colon cancer from the QUASAR and NSABP C-07 patients because the panel feels that lower doses are
trials showed that recurrence scores are prognostic likely to be as efficacious as higher doses, based on
for recurrence, DFS, and OS in stage II and III colon several studies. The QUASAR study found that 175-
cancer, but are not predictive of benefit to adjuvant mg leucovorin gave similar survival and 3-year re-
therapy.240 For the low, intermediate, and high re- currence rates as 25-mg leucovorin when given with
currence risk groups, recurrence at 3 years was 12%, bolus 5-FU to patients as adjuvant therapy follow-
18%, and 22%, respectively. Similar results were ing R0 resections for CRC.244 Another study showed
found in other prospectively designed studies.241,242 no difference in response rate or survival in patients
A recent prospectively designed validation study with metastatic CRC receiving bolus 5-FU with ei-
assessed this assay for predicting recurrence risk in ther high-dose (500 mg/m2) or low-dose (20 mg/m2)
patients with stage II and III rectal cancer.243 For pa- leucovorin.245 Also, the Mayo Clinic and NCCTG
tients who underwent surgery without neoadjuvant determined that there was no therapeutic difference
therapy in the Dutch TME trial, recurrence score between the use of high- (200 mg/m2) or low-dose
was predictive of recurrence, distant recurrence, and (20 mg/m2) leucovorin with bolus 5-FU in the treat-
rectal cancer–specific survival. In patients with stage ment of advanced CRC, although 5-FU doses were
II rectal cancer, recurrence at 5 years was 11%, 27%, different in the 2 arms.246 Finally, if none of the above
and 43% for the low, intermediate, and high recur- options are available, treatment without leucovorin
rence risk groups, respectively. would be reasonable. For patients who tolerate this
The panel believes the information from this without grade ≥II toxicity, a modest increase in 5-FU
test can further inform the risk of recurrence over dose (in the range of 10%) may be considered.

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© JNCCN—Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network  |  Volume 16 Number 7  |  July 2018
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Individual Disclosures for Rectal Cancer Panel

Clinical Research Support/ Scientific Advisory Boards, Promotional Advisory Boards, Date
Panel Member Data Safety Monitoring Board Consultant, or Expert Witness Consultant, or Speakers Bureau Completed
Mahmoud M. Al-Hawary, MD None None None 4/13/18
Al B. Benson III, MD None Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH; None 2/20/18
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company;
Celgene Corporation; Eli Lilly
and Company; EMD Serono, Inc.;
Exelixis Inc.; Genentech, Inc.;
Genomic Health, Inc.; ImClone
Systems Incorporated; Merck
& Co., Inc.; Oncosil Medical;
sanofi-aventis U.S. LLC; Spectrum
Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; and Taiho
Parmaceuticals Co., Ltd.
Lynette Cederquist, MD None None None 12/4/17
Yi-Jen Chen, MD, PhD None None None 6/6/18
Kristen K. Ciombor, MD AbbVie, Inc.; Amgen Inc.; Array Biopharma None None 5/16/18
Inc.; Bayer HealthCare; Boston Biomedical,
Inc.; Bristol-Myers Squibb Company;
Daiichi Sankyo Co.; Incyte Corporation;
MedImmune Inc.; Merck & Co., Inc.;
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation;
Pfizer Inc.; and sanofi-aventis U.S. LLC
Stacey Cohen, MD None None None 6/11/18
Harry S. Cooper, MD None None None 7/4/17
Dustin Deming, MD Abbott Laboratories; and Bristol-Myers Squibb Company; None 8/1/17
Merck & Co., Inc. and Novocure Ltd
Paul F. Engstrom, MD None None None 6/4/18
Jean L. Grem, MD Elion Oncology; and ICON None None 5/25/18
Axel Grothey, MD None Bayer HealthCare; Boehringer None 9/15/17
Ingelheim GmbH; Bristol-Myers
Squibb Company; Genentech,
Inc.; and Guardant Health Inc.
Howard S. Hochster, MD None Amgen Inc.; Bayer HealthCare; None 8/3/17
Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH;
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company;
Eleison Pharma; Eli Lilly and
Company; Genentech, Inc.;
Merck & Co., Inc.; and Taiho
Parmaceuticals Co., Ltd.
Sarah Hoffe, MD None None None 7/27/17
Steven Hunt, MD None None None 6/1/18
Ahmed Kamel, MD Boston Scientific Corporation Boston Scientific Corporation; Bard Peripheral Vascular; and 3/12/18
and Sirtex Medical Boston Scientific Corporation
Natalie Kirilcuk, MD None None None 3/21/18
Smitha Krishnamurthi, MD CytomX Therapeutics, Inc.; and Regeneron None None 4/30/18
Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Wells A. Messersmith, MD Alexo Therapeutics, Inc.; D3 Pharma Purdue Pharma LP None 8/29/17
Limited; Genentech, Inc.; Gilead
Sciences, Inc.; Immunomedics, Inc.; Incyte
Corporation; Millennium Pharmaceuticals,
Inc.; OncoMed Pharmaceuticals, Inc.;
Pfizer Inc.; Purdue Pharma LP; and Roche
Laboratories, Inc.
Jeffrey Meyerhardt, MD, MPH Ignyta, Inc. Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd None 3/16/18
Mary F. Mulcahy, MD None None None 4/26/18
James D. Murphy, MD, MS None None None 4/23/18
Steven Nurkin, MD, MS None None None 6/3/18
Leonard Saltz, MD Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. None None 4/4/18
Sunil Sharma, MD None Arrien Pharmaceuticals; and ARIAD Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; 10/18/17
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Blend Therapeutics; Clovis
Corporation Oncology; Exelixis Inc.; Guardant
Health Inc.; and LSK Biopharma
David Shibata, MD None None None 10/19/17
John M. Skibber, MD None None None 4/13/18
Constantinos T. Sofocleous, MD, PhD, FSIR, FCIRSEa None Sirtex Medical Inc. Sirtex Medical Inc. 8/1/17
Elena M. Stoffel, MD, MPH Cancer Prevention Pharmaceuticals None None 11/22/17
Eden Stotsky-Himelfarb, BSN, RN None None None 6/11/18
Alan P. Venook, MD Halozyme, Inc. AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP; None 6/4/18
Eisai Inc.; Genentech, Inc.; 
Roche Laboratories, Inc.; and
Taiho Parmaceuticals Co., Ltd.
Christopher G. Willett, MD Extrinsic Health Extrinsic Health None 9/22/17
Evan Wuthrick, MD None None None 6/22/17
The NCCN Guidelines Staff have no conflicts to disclose.
aThe following individuals have disclosed that they have an Employment/Governing Board, Patent, Equity, or Royalty:

Constantinos T. Sofocleous, MD, PhD, FSIR, FCIRSE: Ethicon, Inc.

© JNCCN—Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network  |  Volume 16 Number 7  |  July 2018

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