Water 09 00098 v2
Water 09 00098 v2
Water 09 00098 v2
energy efficiency. This guide can be used as a complete, comprehensive
in-house training program for new designers, and experienced engineers
and designers can navigate directly to chapters of interest. New design
paradigms are introduced throughout.
This guide includes detailed discussion on the criteria the design engineer
needs to properly schedule and specify ATUs; with proper selection, the
engineer can design a better system, resulting in acceptable sound levels,
improved flow volume control, proper ATU sizing, and optimized energy
consumption. The guide covers the history and types of ATUs as well as
ATU construction types, insulation options, installation methods and
suggestions, and accessories. Also included are in-depth treatises on HVAC
acoustics, the control options and recommended sequences of operations
for various ATUs and systems, comparing manufacturers’ ratings, building
energy modeling, and life-cycle cost analysis. ASHRAE, AHRI, and AABC
standards applicable to ATUs; testing, balancing, and commissioning
Selection, Application, Control,
for ATUs; and ATU applications are also covered in this comprehensive
resource. This design guide is accompanied by supplemental materials and Commissioning
online for ongoing guidance.
ISBN 9781939200785
David A. John
Eugene “Gus” Faris
Jerry M. Sipes
David Pich
Ronald G. Holdaway
Gaylon Richardson
Megan M. Tosh
ISBN 978-1-939200-78-5 (paperback)
ISBN 978-1-939200-79-2 (PDF)
© 2018 ASHRAE
1791 Tullie Circle, NE
Atlanta, GA 30329
All rights reserved.
ASHRAE is a registered trademark in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, owned by the American
Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.
ASHRAE has compiled this publication with care, but ASHRAE has not investigated, and ASHRAE
expressly disclaims any duty to investigate, any product, service, process, procedure, design, or the like
that may be described herein. The appearance of any technical data or editorial material in this publica-
tion does not constitute endorsement, warranty, or guaranty by ASHRAE of any product, service, pro-
cess, procedure, design, or the like. ASHRAE does not warrant that the information in the publication is
free of errors, and ASHRAE does not necessarily agree with any statement or opinion in this publica-
tion. The entire risk of the use of any information in this publication is assumed by the user.
No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission in writing from ASHRAE, except by
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nor may any part of this publication be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any
way or by any means—electronic, photocopying, recording, or other—without permission in writing
from ASHRAE. Requests for permission should be submitted at www.ashrae.org/permissions.
David A. John
David A. John, PE, is employed by Stan Weaver & Co. in Tampa, Flor-
ida. He has previously worked as a design/project engineer for a mechanical
contractor; for Titus, with his final position as director of marketing; for
Metal Industries Inc., with his final position as chief engineer; as general
manager for Holyoake Industry to start up an operation in Sydney, Austra-
lia; and as vice president for an established air distribution manufacturer’s
representative to start up an operation in central Florida.
An ASHRAE member since 1983, John served as an ASHRAE Distin-
guished Lecturer from 2010 to 2014 and received the Distinguished Service
Award in 2012. He currently serves as chair of Research Activities Subcom-
mittee and as a member of Research Administration Committee, Technical
Committee (TC) 5.3, TC 5.6, and Standard Project Committee (SPC) 113.
He previously served as president of the Sarasota/Bradenton Section of the
Florida West Coast Chapter; chair of TC 5.3, the TC 5.3 Handbook Sub-
committee, and SPC 129; and member of the Handbook Committee and
SPCs 195, 200, 70, and 130. He also chaired ASHRAE Research Projects
(RPs) RP-1335, RP-1065, and RP-1546 and was a participant of RP-1292.
John has also written numerous articles for ASHRAE Journal.
John served Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute
(AHRI) as chair of the Certification of Air Diffusers Subcommittee (1996),
the Air Control and Distribution Devices Compliance Committee (2009–
2011), and the Air Control and Distribution Devices Committee (2011–
2012). He also served on the AHRI Board of Directors (2011–2012). John is
also an affiliate member of the Chartered Institution of Building Services
Engineers (CIBSE).
Eugene “Gus” Faris
Gus Faris has more than 50 years of experience in air conditioning and
air distribution, 22 with Nailor Industries, Inc., in Houston, Texas, whom he
now serves as vice president of engineering, with direct responsibility for
product design and development, field service, and in-plant quality assur-
ance. As the past owner of Magna-Flow Industries, he built some of the first
fan-powered variable-air-volume (VAV) terminal units in 1974.
A Life Member of ASHRAE, Faris has served as chair of TC 5.3 and
the TC 5.3 Research Subcommittee, secretary of SPC 130, a member of TC
7.7, and a corresponding member of TC 2.9 and TC 5.2. He also chaired
As a member of AHRI, Faris served as chair of the Air Control and Dis-
tribution Devices Section and on the subcommittees for Standards 880 and
885. He also served as chair of the Heat Transfer Products Section and
Room Fan Coils Subcommittee and chaired AHRI Research Project 8012.
He currently serves AHRI on the Systems Steering Committee and the Cer-
tification Programs and Policy Committee and is a corresponding member
of the Government Affairs Committee. Faris also chaired the Variable Air
Volume Research Consortium at Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Sta-
tion and is a recipient of the AHRI Richard C. Schultz Award.
Jerry M. Sipes
Before his passing in 2016, Jerry M. Sipes, PhD, PE, was vice president
of engineering for Price Industries and a registered professional engineer in
two states, with more than 20 years of experience in the HVAC field. His
technical areas of interest included heat transfer, fluid flow, human thermal
comfort, HVAC, and acoustics. He received his PhD in mechanical engi-
neering from Kansas State University (KSU) in 1998. In the field of engi-
neering research and education, Sipes served for 10 years as a senior
researcher at KSU’s Institute for Environmental Research and lectured part
time for the Mechanical Engineering Department.
Sipes was a member of ASHRAE TC 5.3 for more than a decade, a
TC 5.3 Handbook reviser from 2001 to 2011, and the chair of TC 5.3 from
2014 to 2016. He was also a longtime member of TC 2.1 and was its chair
from 2003 to 2005. He served as chair of SPC 200 and participated on
numerous other SPCs, including SPC 130 and SPC 55. Sipes was an
ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer in 2012 and 2013 and received several
ASHRAE awards: the Ralph G. Nevins Physiology and Human Environ-
ment Award (2001), the Distinguished Service Award (2014), and the
Standards Achievement Award (2016). He also participated in ASHRAE
RP-864 and RP-822.
General 1
References 3
General 5
Air Terminal Unit Types 6
Variable-Geometry Diffuser 13
Air Terminal Unit by Application 14
Air Terminal Unit Construction 14
References 20
History of Variable Air Volume and How it Relates to
Reducing Energy Consumption 21
Evaluating Energy Use in Each Type of Terminal Unit
Commonly Used Today 31
Energy and Modeling Most Current Research 34
Leakage 35
References 36
Noise versus Sound 39
Frequencies/Tones 40
Sound Power versus Sound Pressure 40
Perception of Sound 44
Indoor Acoustical Design Goals and Sound Rating Systems 45
Modulation of Sound Sources 50
Acoustic Absorption, Reflection, and Transmission 51
Source-Path-Receiver Concept 54
Acoustical Model 56
Impact of Room Characteristics 69
Duct Silencers 74
Recommended Insulation for Air Terminal Units 75
References 76
Additional Resource 77
History of Air Terminal Unit Controls 79
Types of Air Terminal Unit Controls 84
Control Fundamentals 84
Specifying Direct Digital Controls 88
Sample Control Sequences for Control of Air Terminal Units 91
References 98
Construction of an Air Terminal Unit 99
Filters 120
Installation Considerations 121
Heat Selection Introduction 128
Climate 139
Elevation 140
Air Terminal Unit Specifications 142
Using Manufacturer Selection Software 150
References 151
AHRI 155
References 159
Introduction 161
Building Information 162
Contents xi
The authors would like to thank Carl N. Lawson, associate at D.C. Her-
rmann & Associates in Tampa, Florida, for his thorough reviews and
insightful comments on the drafts of this design guide, and they would like
to thank Jack Stegall, general manager of Energistics Laboratory in Hous-
ton, Texas, for his help in acoustics. The authors also extend appreciation to
ASHRAE staff members Cindy Michaels and Mark Owen for their help and
direction in bringing this book to fruition.
The authors would also like to thank Tim Johnson, technical engineer at
Holyoake Industries Ltd. in Aukland, New Zealand, and George F. Ste-
fanovici, PE, vice president of Carastro & Associates Inc. in Tampa, Flor-
ida, for their assistance with the unit conversions throughout this book.
In addition, the authors would like to make special acknowledgment of
Dr. Jerry M. Sipes, who was a colleague, a sounding board, and a great
friend to many of us in this industry. When putting together a team to author
this design guide, Jerry was the first pick. At the AHRI Spring Meeting in
early May 2016, Jerry was presented the Richard C. Schultze award. In June
2016 at the ASHRAE Annual Conference he was awarded the Standards
Achievement Award posthumously.
Gus Faris, the co-chair of the team that wrote this design guide, visited
with Jerry at Jerry’s home shortly before his passing. Jerry had his computer
in front of him and was working on completing the acoustical chapter of this
guide and his other assignments. One would have to have the greatest possi-
ble dedication to our industry considering the suffering he was going
through... but that was Jerry and his pride in his work. All who knew him
are better off for their time with him. We, the other authors of this design
guide, wish to recognize Jerry’s invaluable contribution.
Our industry lost a leader, and we all lost a friend.
Jerry M. Sipes
October 12, 1964–May 31, 2016
ASHRAE. 2013. ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2013, Energy stan-
dard for building except low-rise residential buildings. Atlanta:
ASHRAE. 2016a. ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2016, Energy stan-
dard for building except low-rise residential buildings. Atlanta:
ATUs are factory-made assemblies for air distribution that manually or
automatically do one or more of the following (ASHRAE 2016):
• Control air velocity, airflow, pressure, or temperature
• Mix primary air from the duct system with air from the treated
space or from a secondary duct system
• Heat or cool the air
ATUs may be supplied by the manufacturer with all the controls neces-
sary for their operation, including actuators, regulators, motors, and thermo-
stats or space temperature sensors, or the controls may be furnished by
someone other than the manufacturer (ASHRAE 2016).
An ATU air valve can be adjusted manually or automatically. If it is
adjusted automatically, it is actuated by a control signal from a thermostat,
flow regulator, or building management system (BMS), depending on the
desired function of the terminal unit (ASHRAE 2016).
Venturi Valves
A venturi valve is a type of single-duct ATU and can be used for either
supply or exhaust. It consists of a round venturi-shaped valve body and an
internal shaft that supports a cone assembly (see Figure 2.3). A VAV venturi
valve also has an actuator and controller connected to the positioning arm
and shaft.
The cone assembly is spring loaded on the shaft. As the pressure in the
primary duct increases, the cone compresses the internal spring and moves
closer to the venturi throat, increasing resistance to the airstream. As the
pressure in the primary duct decreases, the spring retracts and the cone
assembly moves farther from the venturi throat, decreasing resistance to the
airstream. This is called mechanical pressure independence.
If the venturi valve is provided with an actuator to allow for variable
airflow, the actuator and positioning arm reposition the shaft, which in turn
moves the cone assembly relative to the throat, changing the airflow.
Dual-Duct Air Terminal Units
Dual-duct ATUs (Figure 2.4) are typically controlled by a room thermo-
stat or sensor. They receive warm, cold, return, or ventilation air from sepa-
rate air supply ducts to provide the desired room control. Volume-regulated
units have individual airflow control devices to regulate the amount of
warm and cool air (ASHRAE 2016).
When dual-duct ATUs provide heat and cooling air to the space simul-
taneously, they use reheat. When a single temperature control device regu-
lates the amounts of warm and cold air to control temperature, a separate
airflow control device may be used to control and limit airflow. To mix
varying amounts of warm and cold air and/or to provide uniform tempera-
ture distribution downstream, specially designed baffles may be required
inside the unit or at its discharge (ASHRAE 2016).
Dual-duct ATUs can have constant-flow or variable-flow control. These
are typically pressure independent to provide precise volume and tempera-
ture control. Dual-duct ATUs may also be used with dedicated outdoor air
supplied to the terminals, where the outdoor air inlet controls and maintains
the required volumetric flow of ventilation air into the space. A local heat-
ing coil may be needed in dual-duct units with cooling and outdoor air
(ASHRAE 2016).
A variable-geometry diffuser (Figure 2.9) is a ceiling diffuser with an
integral VAV device that can be cooling only, cooling/heating if the primary
air unit provides both, or reheat if a heater is present. Electric resistance
heaters are placed in the neck of the diffuser. The diffuser can only provide
heat when the central air handler is energized. This type of equipment can
only provide minimal local individual reheat without a central equipment
station or zone change.
Electric Controls
Electric controls (see Figure 2.10) normally operate at low voltage, usu-
ally 24 V ac but sometimes 120 V ac. The room thermostat has single-pole,
double-throw contacts so that in cooling mode a temperature rise drives the
damper actuator in the opening direction and a temperature fall reverses the
actuator. Because the electric system has no velocity sensor and no control-
ler, there is no compensation for duct pressure fluctuations. Operation of the
terminal is pressure dependent; the thermostat directly controls the position
of the air valve with no reference to the airflow.
Pneumatic Controls
Pneumatic controls (see Figure 2.11) operate from a central system by
compressed air, usually at 15–25 psi (103–172 kPa). The thermostat
receives air at full pressure directly from the main air supply. In response to
room temperature, the air pressure is modulated to the controller, which reg-
ulates the air valve between a preset minimum and maximum. The sensor
and controller compensate for changes in duct pressure so that operation is
pressure independent. Pneumatic controls are proportional only. See Chap-
ter 5 for additional information on pneumatic controls.
Analog Electronic Controls
Analog electronic controls (see Figure 2.12) operate at low voltage,
usually 24 V ac, that can be supplied by a transformer, which is installed in
the control box of the ATU. These controls include either a pneumatic
velocity sensor with an electronic transducer or a thermistor type velocity
sensor as well as an electronic velocity controller that is pressure indepen-
dent. In response to room demand, the analog signal is modulated to the
Figure 2.11 Pneumatic Pressure-Independent Control Diagram
(Courtesy of Nailor Industries, Inc.)
controller, which regulates the air valve between a preset minimum and
maximum. The sensor and controller compensate for changes in duct pres-
sure so that operation is pressure independent. Analog electronic controls
are proportional and may have an integral function as well.
Direct Digital Controls
Direct digital controls (DDCs) (see Figure 2.13) operate at low voltage
(24 V ac) that can be supplied by a transformer, which is installed in the
control box of the ATU. These controls include either a pneumatic velocity
sensor with an electronic transducer or a thermistor type velocity sensor as
well as an electronic velocity controller that is pressure independent. In
response to room demand, the analog signal is modulated to the controller,
which regulates the air valve between a preset minimum and maximum. The
sensor and controller compensate for changes in duct pressure so that opera-
tion is pressure independent. DDCs are proportional plus integral and may
be plus derivative.
Unlike pneumatic and analog controls, DDCs can be networked with all
the other building equipment, developing a single system for the building.
As part of the BMS, this allows remote set point adjustment and control.
In pressure-independent ATUs, the minimum and maximum capacities
for airflow are set by the operating range of the transducer in the controller
and the amplification of the terminal unit airflow sensor.
Actuators stroke air valves in response to inputs from the controller to
increase or decrease airflow or to hold it constant. There are pneumatic and
electric actuators.
Pneumatic actuators have an internal spring that is overcome by control
air pressure. When air pressure is less than the spring tension, the actuator
retracts. Depending on how it is connected to a damper, the damper may
open or close with a control signal increase. Normal conditions are consid-
ered to be failure conditions to maintain building operations when control
systems fail. Normally open describes an actuator that fails open on loss of
Mixing Sections
Mixing sections for dual-duct ATUs are constructed of galvanized
metal with internal baffling to promote mixing of cold and hot/neutral air-
streams. Dual-duct units can be ordered with or without mixing sections.
Mixing sections are specified to minimize temperature stratification across
discharge ductwork; without a mixing section the air temperature stratifica-
tion across the discharge duct can be extreme.
Mixing sections for parallel fan-powered ATUs are constructed of gal-
vanized metal with no internal baffle. Mixing sections are under internal
positive pressure and may allow significant primary air leakage into the
ceiling plenum. In the cooling mode with the fan off, the backdraft damper
Heating Coils
Standard heating coils are hot water or electric resistance heat and are
typically installed on the discharge of the terminal unit. Sometimes parallel
fan-powered ATUs have heating coils installed in the inlet of the induction
point, but this is not recommended because the generated heat shortens the
motor life and may be a safety hazard.
Standard hot-water coils are copper tube aluminum fins available in one
to four rows. One- and Two-row hot-water coils have been standard for the
industry. Recently, many designs have required heating with lower water
temperatures. Three- and four-row coils can achieve the required capacity but
require higher system pressure. Oversizing the coils is usually a better option.
Steam coils can be substituted for hot-water coils but are not common.
Electric resistance heaters are generally open-coil heating elements.
The heaters can be provided with stages of heat or silicon-controlled recti-
fier/solid-state relay (SCR/SSR) control for capacity modulation. They offer
minimum pressure drop and no water piping.
Electric heaters require internal safety devices per ANSI/UL 1995 (UL
2015). An airflow proving switch verifies presences of airflow over the
heater. It will sense airflow but does not guarantee that there will be ade-
quate airflow for heater operation. These can be electronic or pneumatic.
Thermal cutouts will de-energize the heaters if they sense temperatures
approaching safety limits.
Under normal operating conditions with adequate airflow, the electric
heating element will operate at temperatures around 600°F (316°C).
Because of the heater element’s low mass, the heat is rapidly dissipated into
the surrounding airflow. With low or restricted airflow, element temperature
can approach 1100°F (593°C). The conductors and connectors (wires, ter-
minal studs, wire connectors, contractor contacts, etc.) conduct heat as well
as electricity. Rapid and frequent resets of the safety cutouts causes damage
inside the control box due to the excessive heating of the conductors. Refer
to the manufacturer installation and operation manual (IOM) for minimum
airflow rates and installation direction to avoid irregular airflow.
Electric heater assemblies should be Underwriters Laboratory (UL) or
ETL listed to meet National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) safety
ASHRAE. 2015. Chapter 57, Room air distribution. In ASHRAE hand-
book—HVAC applications. Atlanta: ASHRAE.
ASHRAE. 2016. Chapter 20, Room air distribution equipment. In ASHRAE
handbook—HVAC systems and equipment. Atlanta: ASHRAE.
UL. 2015. ANSI/UL 1995, Heating and cooling equipment. Northbrook,
IL: Underwriters Laboratories.