Address The Need For Sun Protection in Your Acne Patients
Address The Need For Sun Protection in Your Acne Patients
Address The Need For Sun Protection in Your Acne Patients
By Joshua Zeichner, MD
he Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recently released because many acne medications can make the skin sensitive
two new studies that have struck a chord among the to sunburn. Both topical and oral retinoids lead to stratum
Dermatologic community.1 The reports contain com- corneum thinning, thereby increasing sunburn risk. Oral tetra-
pelling statistics indicating that despite an increase in cycline antibiotics (eg. tetracycline, doxycycline) are known to
sun protective behaviors overall, 50 percent of adults younger make the skin sensitive to ultraviolet radiation, but the cause is
than age 30 reported being sunburned at least once in the last unclear. It has been postulated that the drug itself binds cellular
year. This means that despite sunscreen education, people are components (such as ribosomes), making them sensitive to
still not doing a good enough job at applying sunscreen. The phototoxic reactions from UVA light. Moreover, as the drug is
other report found that young adults continue to tan indoors, degraded in the phototoxic reaction, bi-products are photosen-
with the highest rates of indoor tanning among white women sitive and contribute further to phototoxicity from light in the
aged 18-21 years (nearly 32 percent). visible spectrum.2 Unlike tetracycline and doxycycline, minocy-
These numbers underline the importance of raising aware- cline is less associated with photosensitivity.
ness for UV protection for all patients, particularly young The latest advancements in formulation technology allow us
patients. Practicing dermatologists have a unique opportunity to select from a wide variety of sunscreens for our patients. Just
to do this each day in the clinic by talking to their patients pre- as acne medication regimens can be tailored to suit patients’
senting for other skin complaints, such as acne. By addressing skin types and preferences, the same can be done for sunscreen
the dangers of tanning in young patients, dermatologists have choices. Whether your patient’s skin is dry or oily, sensitive or
the ability to help patients develop sun protective behaviors not, there is a sunscreen available to suit your patients’ unique
that will benefit them for the rest of their lives. needs.
All patients, but specifically acne patients, come to the der-
matologist for prescription medications to improve their skin Examples of Facial Sunscreen Choices
as well as advice on over-the-counter products to use. So it is Based on Skin Type
important to be familiar with what is available to consumers Acne-Prone Skin. For my patients with acne, I typically rec-
to give educated recommendations to your patients. Ahead I ommend moisturizers with sunscreen for use in the morning.
will discuss some specific facial sunscreens available for patients They provide UV protection while moisturizing and helping
with different skin types, including acne-prone skin. minimize irritation potential of topical acne medications.
There are several new products designed for patients with
Sun Protective Care acne. Being “oil-free” (using dimethicone rather than petrola-
Treating acne patients, we have the opportunity to instill the tum), they are also of benefit in patients with with oily skin.
importance of using sunscreen in young people. By educating (Dimethicone helps absorb oil on the skin’s surface and can
teens and 20-something year olds on the association of sun- actually help the skin appear less oily. )These include Cetaphil
burns early in life with skin cancer later, we can help save lives. DermaControl Moisturizer SPF30, with zinc and licorice root
Sun protection is especially important in acne patients extract, as well as Neutrogena Clear Face Sunscreen, with
botanical extracts. Cetpahil Dermacontrol SPF 30 uses oleo- eral sunscreens alternatives, which have a unique feel on
some technology to lower the concentration of chemical the skin. These products contain physical blockers and are
blockers needed in the product to achieve the same sun pro- typically non-greasy. Aveeno Natural Protection Sun Block
tection coverage, allowing for the light formulation. EltaMD Lotion SPF 30 is an oil-free, hypoallergenic product. Solar
UV Clear SPF 46 has also been designed for acne-prone Protection Formula also offers mineral sunscreens in their
patients, containing niacinimide to soothe the skin. TiZo2 and TiZo3 products. The difference in these prod-
Oily Skin. Some patients with oily skin prefer a sunscreen ucts is their color, where TiZo3 has a flesh colored tint, and
that is as light as possible, especially during the humid sum- TiZo2 is untinted.
mer months. If the skin is well hydrated, they may not require
a moisturizer at all, but rather a straight facial sunscreen. La Conclusion
Roche Posay Anthelios 60 Ultra Light Sunscreen Fluid is an While some products are mentioned here by name, many oth-
extremely light product that may be an appropriate choice. ers are available. Your own selections will depend on several fac-
This product contains “Cell-Ox Shield” technology that part- tors, including brand loyalty, technological innovation of a spe-
ners antioxidants and sun spheres to boost sunscreen ingredi- cific product, peer recommendations, costs, and other personal
ents for maximal protection. Alternatively, Neutrogena Pure preferences. The wide variety of facial sunscreens represents
and Free Liquid SPF 50 has a similar light feel on the skin, as the vast, new technologies developed to address different skin
does Shiseido Extra Smooth Sun Protection Lotion SPF 38. needs. As dermatologists, we must be aware not only of how to
Red or Rosacea-Prone Skin. Anti-inflammatory botanical prescribe prescription drugs, but also how to recommend over-
extracts in many over the counter products may help soothe the-counter products to pair with these medications. We play
irritated skin, such as in patients with rosacea. Moreover, a crucial role in guiding patients on their skin care regimens,
recent evidence suggests a role of skin barrier dysfunction in and we must take skin type into consideration when making
the pathogenesis of rosacea.3 So products that improve and our recommendations.
hydrate the skin may be of therapeutic benefit for the dis- Given the recent delay in the FDA-mandated sunscreen label
ease. Aveeno Ultra Calming Daily Moisturizer SPF 15 contains changes, we must continue to educate patients on the need for
feverfew, a botanical similar to chamomile, which helps reduce broad spectrum UV coverage. No matter what brand patients
irritated skin. Eucerin Redness Relief Daily Perfecting Lotion SPF ultimately choose, they should be educated to look for specific
15 has been formulated with a licorice root extract that also sunscreen ingredients including titanium dioxide, zinc oxide,
soothes red skin. avobenzone, oxybenzone, or ecamsule. Moreover, we should
Dry Skin. While each of these products can be used on reinforce the proper amount of sunscreen needed for appro-
all skin types, the creamier vehicle of CeraVe AM lends itself priate protection (about a half-teaspoon for the face) and the
for use in patients with dry skin or those who prefer a thicker need to reapply every few hours.
base. CeraVe AM provides an SPF 30 protection and contains As dermatologists, we are facilitators of skin health, be it in
a ceramide-rich formulation which may help repair skin barrier treating acne or encouraging UV protection. Sun exposure goes
function. hand-in-hand with the dermatoses we see every day, as UV
Sensitive Skin. For patients who cannot tolerate chemi- light is associated both with skin cancer and affects the course
cal sunscreen ingredients, a strictly physical blocker agent is of many common skin conditions. Thus, we must stress to our
appropriate. SkinCeuticals Physicial Fusion UV Defense SPF patients that sun protective behaviors can influence the skin
30 contains zinc and titanium but no chemical sunscreen health today and in the future. n
ingredients. Moreover, both tinted and sheer options are
available depending on patients’ preferences and skin tone. Dr. Zeichner has served as a consultant or investigator for
Neutrogena Pure and Free Baby Faces SPF 50+ contains only Allergan, Beiersdorf, Galderma, Medicis, Onset, Pharmaderm,
physical blockers and is fragrance free and tear-free. While this Promius, and Valeant.
product is marketed as part of a baby sunscreen line, it is an
appropriate choice for any age group. Joshua Zeichner, MD, FAAD is an Assistant
Extra Sun-Sensitive Skin. Patients with extremely fair skin Professor and Director of Cosmetic and Clinical
may be more sensitive to the sun than are other patients. Research in the Department of Dermatology at
For those who cannot tolerate the sun or who burn easily, La Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York.
Roche Posay Anthelios 40 Sunscreen Cream is a thick product
1. (Accessed 6/5/12)
containing a mix of chemical and physical blockers that is of 2. Hasan T, Kochevar IE, McAuliffe DJ, et al. Mechanism of tetracycline phototoxicity. J Invest Dermatol. 1984
particular benefit to patients with extra sun-sensitive skin. Sep;83(3):179-83.
3. Borkowski AW and Gallo RL. The coordinated response of the physical and antimicrobial peptide barriers of the skin. J
Mineral Susncreens. Several companies now offer min- Invest Dermatol. 2011 Feb;131(2):285-7.