Tiranti Sculpt Catalogue 2018
Tiranti Sculpt Catalogue 2018
Tiranti Sculpt Catalogue 2018
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Catalogue: 2018/2019
© Alec Tiranti Ltd, Thatcham,Berkshire, RG19 4ER
Woodcarving .................................................................................11
Stonecarving ................................................................................ 18
Mouldmaking ................................................................................ 62
Casting .......................................................................................... 66
Index .............................................................................................. 94
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 1
2 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
by Wilburt Feinberg
Edited and illustrated by Jim Byrne.
LEARN TO CARVE IN THE Outlining the basic techniques of lost-wax
ROUND casting, and describing the equipment
by Andrew Thomas. required to carry out the process
Designed to develop an understanding of successfully. The text explains how the
form, artistic creativity and technical equipment can be made quite easily and
knowledge in woodcarving. With 7 with little expense, using local labour and
projects that increase in difficulty that natural resources. 74 pages, 85 drawings,
introduce and build on important 31 photos. 18 x 25.4cm, paper, 1994.
techniques for beginners to learn, practice £12.95 000-185
and adopt. Projects include both abstract
and real-life studies with supplimentary
guidance on tools, wood species,
principles of design and types of finish.
200 pages, full colour illustrations. 21cm
x 28cm, paper, 2012. PEWTER DESIGNS AND TECH-
£16.99 000-520 NIQUES
by Fleur Greniur
An essential guide for novice and
experienced pewtersmiths, this title
explores the heritage and contemporary
nature of pewter. Written will full introduction
to materials, equipment and tools and step-
by-step guides to working with pewter
plus ideas to help develop your own
designs. 22 x 26.5cm, Hardback, 2010
£19.95 000-780
by M Sutter SCULPTURE :
Full size patterns and complete instructions THE ART AND THE PRACTICE
for 21 projects, accompanied with detailed
notes and expert advice. 48 pages, 21 (with the Riace Bronze Supplement)
line drawings and 21 photos. 21 x 28cm, by Nigel Konstam
paper, 1985. With step-by-step illustrations, the book
£7.99 000-510 covers the various techniques of sculpture
- modelling, carving wood, plaster, clay,
casting, etc. There is an additional section
in this revised edition on his most recent
discoveries relating to Ancient Greek
casting techniques. The chimney he
discovered on the Acropolis Rock in
Athens (probably where Phidias melted
bronze for his work) may change our
ideas about Greek methods of casting,
while a new proof shows that the Greeks
started their life-size bronzes from waxes
cast from living models. 228 pages,
CARVING CLASSIC FEMALE profusely illustrated with photos and some
FIGURES IN WOOD drawings. 3rd revised edition, 19 x
by Ian Norbury 25.5cm, paper, 2002.
£16.99 000-250
A How-to reference for carvers and sculp-
tors' with two step-by-step projects which
include reference photos, bandsaw pat- DIRECT METAL SCULPTURE
terns and full colour photos with instruc- CREATIVE TECHNIQUES &
tion on the process from start to finish. It APPRECIATION
also goes into detail on picking the right by Dona Z Meilach
tools, the right wood and applying the A revised and expanded 2nd Edition of
perfect polish. 63 pages, 200+ photo- this highly successful book. Retaining all
graphs and drawings, 22cm x 28cm, the techniques and inspiration of the first
paper, 2004 edition, and new chapters update the
£14.00 000-770 history of direct metal sculpture over the
last 25 years. There are sections on the
impact of the computer exploring the
importance of computer aided design, and
the impact of the internet for marketing
one’s art. By the author of the successful
book Contemporary Stone Sculpture. 248
pages, 115 colour and 475 black and white
photos. 18cm x 26cm, boards, 2001
£38.50 000-313
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 3
by B Lucchesi by E Lanteri
A sculptor’s Guide to Anatomy. Sculpture This classic book by Rodin’s teacher
by Bruno Lucchesi, text and photographs covers modelling the human head and
by Margit Malmstrom. Covering tools figure. 159 pages, 309 illus, 13.5 x 20cm,
and materials, the skeleton, muscles, the paper, originally 2 volumes (1902/1903),
female figure. 144 pages, 250 black and reprint 1985 in 1 volume.
white illustrations, 21 x 28cm, paper, £15.99 000-270
£18.99 000-280
4 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 5
6 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
by P & A MacTaggart
A very thorough basic handbook on CONSTRUCTION,
gilding, covering tools, gold and gold leaf, by George Bain
handling gold leaf, loose and transfer gold Showing the stages of construction of
leaf, oil gilding, gesso, water gilding, many Celtic designs. 163 pages, 40
special techniques, varnish, gold bands plates, and many hundreds of drawings.
on harpsichords. 74 pages, 33 22.5 x 28.5cm, paper, reprint, 1990.
illustrations, 14.5 x 21cm, paper, 1984. £12.99 000-050
£11.95 000-310
VARNISHING By Alexander Nesbitt
by John Stalker & George Parker Divided into three parts this unusual cata-
Reprint of the 1688 standard manual on logue of lettering and initials is invaluable
Japanning, Varnishing and Gilding. Text to stone carver's, woodcutter's, artists
re-set and f changed to s. 80 pages of and illustrators. Comprising: 123 full-
text, 24 plates. 15 x 21cm, paper, 1998. page plates, 91 complete alphabets taken
£8.50 990-506 from a range of sources from the 8th cen-
tury through to the 20th century. 192 pages,
21cm x 28cm, paper, 1987 reprint.
£16.99 000-740
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 7
8 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 9
10 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
NO.39 PARTING TOOL ('V') Medium Angle (75º) 6 mm 552-806 £18.52 £22.22
10 mm 552-810 £18.54 £22.25
2 mm 553-902 £21.65 £25.98 16 mm 552-816 £21.52 £25.82
4 mm 553-904 £19.96 £23.95 20 mm 552-820 £26.81 £32.17
6 mm 553-906 £19.96 £23.95
10 mm 553-910 £19.96 £23.95 NO.32 BENT GOUGE (Sweep 11)
12 mm 553-912 £21.65 £25.98
NO.41 PARTING TOOL ('V') Narrow Angle (60º) 6 mm 553-206 £18.52 £22.22
10 mm 553-210 £18.52 £22.22
2 mm 554-102 £21.65 £25.98 16 mm 553-216 £21.52 £25.82
4 mm 554-104 £19.96 £23.95 20 mm 553-220 £26.81 £32.17
6 mm 554-106 £19.96 £23.95
10 mm 554-110 £19.96 £23.95
12 mm 554-112 £21.65 £25.98 NO.44 BENT PARTING TOOL ('V') Narrow Angle -
16 mm 554-116 £24.80 £29.76 (Sweep 41 - 60º)
12 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
Bent / Slim
Straight Skew
Basic woodcarving tool sets for sculpture.
All tools are polished and sharpened ready for use.
Contents may vary according to availability.
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 13
KNL26 560-232 Mini Palm Set £82.15 £98.58
KN11 Sculptors' Set
Comprising: 50mm No.3, 35mm No.5,
28mm No.10, 35mm 90º V-Tool. Approxi-
mate length of tools 5" (12.5cm), blades are
not interchangeble
Travel Set
A small beginners/entry level kit presented
KN27 in a tool roll, leaving plenty of space to
expand your collection of chisels.
ABS Handle, 9mm No.3, 8mm No.6,
KN32 3mm No.11, 6mm 70º V-Tool,
supplied with a 10 pocket tool roll
305-002 Draw Knife 3" - with protective sheath (KN25) £45.60 £54.72
Choice of three quick connect handles to fit all Flexcut Carving Chisel blades, blades
FLEXCUT TOOL SETS can be changed in seconds with a secure push fit. (Blades supplied seperately)
14 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
Hard Fine Arkansas Veiner Parting Slip. 50mm (2") long. Very fine slip for the
NO.11 STRAIGHT GOUGE (BLADE ONLY) smaller tools.
Round Edge Slips give a variety of round edges to suit most gouges.
Interchangeable chisels are compact, great for travelling and 302-435 Hard Arkansas RE Slip: 75 x 50 x 6 >1.5mm £15.68 £18.82
allow quick and easy profile changes. 302-440 Hard Arkansas RE Slip: 100 x 50 x 10 > 3mm £22.76 £27.31
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 15
302-410 Arkansas Slipstones - set of 4 £24.74 £29.69 302-520 Honing Oil 250ml £6.63 £7.95
The Bevel Slip is ideal for most 'V' tools. Size 100 x 13 x 5mm (4" x ½" x 3/16"). BUFF HIDE LEATHER STROP & DRESSING
The Oval Slip is ideal for small gouges & large broad shallow gouges; size 100 x 13 The Strop is dressed one side; made from specially prepared buff hide with our own
x 5mm (4" x ½" x 3/16") strop dressing, which puts the finest edge on tools. The Dressing is supplied in 100g
The Base Point Slip is a long round cone shape suiting many sizes. 100 x 8 > 6mm pots to refresh the strop by working in more paste.
(4" x 5/16">¼")
Solid beech box to take 200 x 50 x 25mm (8" x 2" x 1") Bench Stones.
302-140 Kidney Gouge Slipstone Red Aloxite £27.89 £33.47 305-010 Carvers’ Bench Screw 20cm x 1.4cm (8"x½") £33.52 £40.22
16 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
314-205 Diamond Whetstones: Set of 3 - 15 x 5cm (6"x2") £19.06 £22.87 Point holder
(fitted with plug for S3)
STEEL CABINET SCRAPERS 306-020 Pyrograph Extra Point Holder £9.05 £10.86
Made from hardened and tempered Sheffield Steel; essential for the final working of
knotty and difficult grained timbers. The hardened steel has good edge retention but is
easily re-sharpened. PYROGRAPH STANDARD POINTS
pyrograph points
21 22 23 24 25 B22 B23 B24 C23 C24 T20 F20 P20 O20 O24 R20 D24 E23 E24
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 17
MALLET HEAD BULLNOSE CHISELS 990-151 Claw Bit Holder 13mm (½") £17.91 £21.49
990-152 Claw Bit Holder 25mm (1") £19.85 £23.82
990-153 Claw Bit Holder 38mm (1½") £22.83 £27.39
18 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
313-440 Fort TCT Heavy Chisel 4mm (175mm / 10mm) £16.36 £19.63
313-445 Fort TCT Heavy Chisel 6mm (175mm / 10mm) £16.97 £20.36
313-450 Fort TCT Heavy Chisel 8mm (175mm / 10mm) £18.12 £21.74
313-880 Stone Punch - Light (250mm / 18mm) £7.56 £9.07 313-455 Fort TCT Heavy Chisel 10mm (175mm / 10mm) £18.93 £22.71
313-882 Stone Punch - Medium (250mm / 20mm) £7.74 £9.28 313-460 Fort TCT Heavy Chisel 12mm (175mm / 10mm) £22.15 £26.58
313-465 Fort TCT Heavy Chisel 15mm (175mm / 12mm) £24.11 £28.93
PITCHERS 313-470 Fort TCT Heavy Chisel 20mm (175mm / 12mm) £29.30 £35.16
EUROP TCT CHISELS 313-490 TCT Pointed Claw 14mm - 3 teeth (190mm/14mm) £34.58 £41.49
313-495 TCT Pointed Claw 18mm - 4 teeth (190mm/18mm) £37.72 £45.26
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 19
990-046 Smith & Masons Flat Steel Sq. (Imperial) £51.44 £61.72
313-100 TCT Lettering Chisel 3mm (175mm / 10mm) £24.72 £29.66 18" x 24"
313-110 TCT Lettering Chisel 5mm (175mm / 10mm) £24.92 £29.90 990-048 Smith & Masons Flat Steel Sq. (Metric) £51.44 £61.72
313-120 TCT Lettering Chisel 6mm (175mm / 10mm) £28.07 £33.68 500mm x 600mm
313-130 TCT Lettering Chisel 8mm (175mm / 10mm) £28.72 £34.46
313-140 TCT Lettering Chisel 10mm (175mm / 10mm) £26.00 £31.20
313-150 TCT Lettering Chisel 11mm (175mm / 12mm) £26.25 £31.50 RUBBING BLOCKS
313-160 TCT Lettering Chisel 12mm (175mm / 12mm) £30.03 £36.03 A range of carborundum stones for rubbing down stone prior to polishing, avaiable in 5
grades from #20 to #120 grit. 150mm x 50mm x 50mm dimension.
*Special Note
Tungsten Carbide Tipped tools are inspected before leaving the factory. If TCT tools are
wrongly used, they may break (e.g. using the corner of the tool only, using the tip to
remove less material than the tip, using any method of cooling after grinding). At no time
of manufacture are faulty materials used, and all tools have to pass through various
stages of manufacture. It is impossible for the manufacturer to replace a broken tool free
of charge or to repair them. If you are not sure how to carve with TCT tools, please seek
expert advice.
Diapad® Diamond Whetstone is ideal for the final sharpening of stonecarving tools.
The two grades of Diamond Impregnated Fabric are mounted on an aluminium base
which has four non-slip soft rubber feet. Always use with water. Instruction sheet on
sharpening is included. Grades Medium / Fine.
20 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
Light - Has a hit rate of 8,000/min when running with an air consumption of 80 litres/min.
Medium - Has a hit rate of 7,500/min when running at 112 litres/min.
Both hammers use standard air hose fixings and operate tools with a 12.5mm pneumatic end. On/off functions are regulated by the
air supply for ease of use, giving full control over the job in hand.
Health and Safety - Operating mechanical / vibrating equipment can be hazardous. Precaution should be taken to protect eyes,
ears and lungs from dust. Vibrating equipment can cause damage to muscles / nerves and should not be used for long periods of
time. Take regular breaks.
313-902 Pneumatic Hammer (Light) 27mm x 138mm £185.75 £222.90
313-903 Pneumatic Hammer (Medium) 30mm x 145mm £192.47 £230.96
313-930 Pneumatic TCT Chisel - 4mm £10.46 £12.55 313-910 4 Tooth Pneumatic Bush - 15mm Square £26.27 £31.52
313-932 Pneumatic TCT Chisel - 6mm £10.44 £12.52 313-912 9 Tooth Pneumatic Bush - 15mm Square £30.88 £37.05
313-934 Pneumatic TCT Chisel - 10mm £12.44 £14.92 313-914 16 Tooth Pneumatic Bush - 15mm Square £37.97 £45.56
313-936 Pneumatic TCT Chisel - 15mm £13.89 £16.66 313-916 9 Tooth Pneumatic Bush - 20mm Square £35.15 £42.18
313-938 Pneumatic TCT Chisel - 18mm £16.98 £20.37 313-918 16 Tooth Pneumatic Bush - 20mm Square £38.38 £46.05
313-940 Pneumatic TCT Chisel - 25mm £27.17 £32.60 313-920 25 Tooth Pneumatic Bush - 20mm Square £49.73 £59.67
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 21
In kiln-dried beech, hot laminated; the handle is normally turned as an integral part of
the body. Available in five sizes, weights approximate. The 20mm inserts are held by a taper, and the insert drops directly onto the taper.
310-110 Beech Mallet 75mm (3") (approx. 225-275g) £14.97 £16.96
310-120 Beech Mallet 90mm (3½") (approx. 350-425g) £16.34 £19.60
310-130 Beech Mallet 100mm (4") (approx. 550-625g) £20.79 £24.94
310-140 Beech Mallet 115mm (4½") (approx. 700-775g) £20.76 £24.91
310-150 Beech Mallet 125mm (5") (approx. 975g-1.1kg) £30.41 £36.49
310-400 HDP Carver’s Mallet 90mm (3½") (approx. 520g) £30.49 £36.58
Very hard-wearing, heavy duty, turned nylon mallet, with wooden handle. In one size
only, weight approximate:
310-312 Nylon Mallet 125mm (4") 650g (approx.) £55.29 £66.34 313-650 Bush Hammer Insert Holder 40mm square £63.30 £75.96
310-314 Nylon Mallet 125mm (5") 1 kg (approx.) £60.80 £72.96 313-655 Bush Insert 40mm square 25 teeth £10.76 £12.91
310-316 Nylon Mallet 125mm (6") 1.4kg (approx.) £73.49 £88.18 313-660 Bush Insert 40mm square 36 teeth £10.76 £12.91
310-320 Italian Dummy Mallet - Small (431g) £10.18 £12.21 STUBAI OCTAGONAL BEECH HANDLES
310-325 Italian Dummy Mallet - Medium (652g) £10.85 £13.02 Original replacement octagonal beech handles
310-330 Italian Dummy Mallet - Large (1.010kg) £11.52 £13.82 for the complete range of Stubai chisels and
gouges. Available in three sizes, small for
LUMP HAMMERS 4-12mm widths, medium for 12-30mm widths
The Scopas Lump Hammers are for use with Hammer Head stone carving tools. The and large for 30-50mm widths.
head is made from malleable iron for safety, and will be found to be of excellent balance
and very durable. Used by many generations of sculptors. Supplied fitted with ash
handle to ensure good grip with slight spring.
990-010 Lump Hammer 1 lb (540g) £17.18 £20.61 300-130 Octagonal Beech Handle - small (4-12mm) £2.12 £2.55
990-011 Lump Hammer 1½ lb (780g) £22.00 £26.40 300-132 Octagonal Beech Handle - medium (12-30mm) £2.37 £2.84
990-012 Lump Hammer 2 lb (950g) £24.96 £29.95 300-134 Octagonal Beech Handle - Large (30-50mm) £3.98 £4.77
22 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 23
Machine cut half-round stone rasps. Supplied with fitted safety handle. Available in two
307-085 Italian Bracelet Rasp (medium) £13.28 £15.93
Machine cut stone rasp with a 12.7mm (½") diameter. Supplied and fitted with safety
Machine cut wood rasps, fine grade only. Flat one side, half-round the other. Supplied
with fitted safety handle. Available in three sizes.
Diamond coated files of a fine cut (120 grit). The 12" file is flat on both sides, the 10" file
is half round.
309-140 Rifflers - Set of 8 £5.84 £7.00 307-380 Diamond File Flat 30cm (12") (handled) £24.15 £28.98
307-382 Diamond File Square 30cm (12") (handled) £12.98 £15.57
24 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
Precision needle files. For metals, plastics, ceramics, etc.
308-010 Diapad Hand Sander Coarse (Black) £21.96 £26.35
In Medium cut (cut 2). 10 shapes available singly, or a set of 6 in a plastic wallet. For
308-020 Diapad Hand Sander Medium (Red) £18.47 £22.16
better grip, plastic handles are available.
308-030 Diapad Hand Sander Fine (Yellow) £16.66 £19.99
Diamond coated Hand Files, with durable plastic handles. For abrading those more
Square awkward to reach areas quickly and easily. Used wet. Available in 3 shapes in coarse
(black), medium (red) and fine (yellow).
NEEDLE FILE HANDLES 308-140 Diapad File Slimline Straight Coarse (Black) £5.73 £6.87
Screw clamping plastic handle for better grip. 308-150 Diapad File Slimline Straight Medium (Red) £5.79 £6.94
703-355 Needle File Handle £1.91 £2.29
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 25
The handle has two positions, so that the tool can be used both as a file and a plane. A
range of blades are available, but the Planerfile (5-21-122) comes fitted with the
Standard 10" blade.
702-240 Diamond Rifflers - Set of 10 £16.44 £19.72
Commonly known as wet and dry paper. Normally used for rubbing down marble,
soapstone, granite, resins, metals, etc. Available in eight different grits, either singly or
in packets of 25 sheets.
314-100 Abrasive Waterproof Paper 120 grit, 1 sheet £0.69 £0.82
314-110 Abrasive Waterproof Paper 150 grit, 1 sheet £0.69 £0.82
314-120 Abrasive Waterproof Paper 180 grit, 1 sheet £0.69 £0.82
314-130 Abrasive Waterproof Paper 240 grit, 1 sheet £0.69 £0.82
314-140 Abrasive Waterproof Paper 320 grit, 1 sheet £0.69 £0.82 5-21-508
314-150 Abrasive Waterproof Paper 400 grit, 1 sheet £0.69 £0.82
314-160 Abrasive Waterproof Paper 600 grit, 1 sheet £0.69 £0.82 704-100 Surform Planerfile (5-21-122) £21.00 £25.20
314-170 Abrasive Waterproof Paper 1200 grit, 1 sheet £0.69 £0.82 704-110 Planerfile Blade Standard Flat 10" (5-21-293) £3.90 £4.68
704-120 Planerfile Blade Fine Flat (5-21-393) £3.63 £4.35
25 sheets + of the same grit - less 15% discount £0.59 £0.71 704-130 Planerfile Blade Half Round (5-21-299) £4.57 £5.48
704-140 Planerfile Blade for Metal & Plastics (5-21-508) £4.72 £5.66
Hermes have brought out this new, extremely hard-wearing abrasive cloth called 406 SURFORM ROUND FILE
J-FLEX, which was originally produced for the rubbing down and polishing of Completely round Surform blade with handle and front end handle. Good for working
manufactured stainless steel articles. It has been found that it is also a very versatile on complex curved surfaces.
abrasive for rubbing down and providing a very fine finish on stone, resin, horn, metal,
wood and even paintwork. It is possible to tear the cloth into strips and abrade and
polish with a towelling action. In this respect it has become very popular with woodturners
and stick makers. The backing is made from soft cotton cloth, and the resin-bonded
aluminium oxide coating makes a versatile, flexible, long lasting abrasive; do not use
with water. In 1 metre and 50 metre lengths x 100mm (4") wide. Our best seller is a trial
pack of 5 x 1 metre pieces (1 of each grade).
Useful small Surform tool for cleaning up rough spots, particularly in plaster.
Featuring a slightly curved blade for efficient removal of material and to reduce
clogging. Works on pull stroke.
315-100 Abrasive Cloth - 5 x 1m mixed £23.76 £28.51
315-120 Abrasive Cloth P120 - 100mm x 1m £5.16 £6.19
315-121 Abrasive Cloth P120 - 100mm x 50m £187.77 £225.32
315-180 Abrasive Cloth P180 - 100mm x 1m £5.60 £6.72
315-181 Abrasive Cloth P180 - 100mm x 50m £192.23 £230.67
315-240 Abrasive Cloth P240 - 100mm x 1m £5.61 £6.73
315-241 Abrasive Cloth P240 - 100mm x 50m £207.01 £248.41
315-320 Abrasive Cloth P320 - 100mm x 1m £5.09 £6.10
315-321 Abrasive Cloth P320 - 100mm x 50m £184.09 £220.90
315-400 Abrasive Cloth P400 - 100mm x 1m £5.09 £6.10
704-250 Surform Shaver Tool (5-21-115) £3.62 £4.34
315-401 Abrasive Cloth P400 - 100mm x 50m £184.09 £220.90
704-260 Spare Shaver Tool Blade (5-21-515) £1.99 £2.38
26 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
Keyless drill style chuck for dremel drills, 528-508 Cutting Wheel 32mm £22.91 £27.49
adjustable between 0.4mm - 3.4mm shank
EYES: Take care to protect your own eyes, and the eyes of those around you
when using burs, cutters, wheelbits, etc. in the Dremel drills, flexible drive or
any other machine.
529-040 Diamond Burs - Set of 30 (150 grit) 2.35mm shank £12.97 £15.56
DUST: Take care not to inhale dust created when using any of these products 529-045 Diamond Burs - Set of 30 (150 grit) 3.2mm shank £12.87 £15.56
- either extract air or use a suitable mask.
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 27
28 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
528-280 No.411 Sanding Discs 19.5mm (¾") Coarse (36) £2.39 £2.86
528-290 No.412 Sanding Discs 19.5mm (¾") Medium (36) £2.39 £2.86
528-300 No.413 Sanding Discs 19.5mm (¾") Fine (36) £2.39 £2.86
Ideal for rough shaping wood, and smoothing glass fibre. The No.407 & 430 Drum
Sanders hold the sander bands by a simple screw mechanism and rubber drum;
Coarse (60 grit) and Fine (120 grit) sander bands available for each sanding drum 528-901 Sanding Disc 120/150 + Arbor £3.18 £3.81
528-902 Sanding Disc 120/150 refill £3.39 £4.06
*3.2mm (1/8") shank,
20mm and 30mm diameter flap wheels, 120 grit (coarse). 3mm shank.
Each type of brush is available in the three shapes - Round, Pencil and Cup. Do not
run in excess of 15,000 rpm.
528-242 No.430 Drum Sander 6.4mm (¼")* £5.13 £6.15 Round Cup Pencil
528-244 No.431 Sander Bands 6.4mm (¼) Coarse (6) £1.90 £2.28 WIRE: Small, versatile steel wire brushes for efficient removal of rust and corrosion,
528-246 No.438 Sander Bands 6.4mm (¼") Fine (6) £1.90 £2.28 and polishing metal surfaces. 2.4mm (3/32") shanks.
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 29
414 429
Round Cup Pencil 528-380 No.414 Felt Polishing Wheel 12.7mm (½") £1.71 £2.05
BRISTLE: For general cleaning and polishing. 3.2mm (1/8") shanks. 528-390 No.429 Felt Polishing Wheel 25.4mm (1") £3.07 £3.68
No.401 for polishing accessories, No.402 for cutting and polishing wheels and sanding SHAPING WHEELS
discs. 3.2mm (1/8") shanks. Versatile wheels for cutting and shaping complex curves and profiles. 3.2mm Shank
Mushroom Shaping
Wheel wheel
401 402
528-250 No.401 Mandrel (pack of 3) £1.82 £2.18 528-509 Mushroom Shaping Wheel 31mm (1¼") diameter £25.53 £30.63
528-260 No.402 Mandrel (pack of 4) £4.89 £5.86 528-514 Combination Cutting/Shaping Wheel 31mm (1¼") £25.87 £31.04
30 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
Principally for stonecarving; also used for woodcarving and modelling of heavy objects.
The top is made of 25mm (1") exterior grade plywood.
Size: 78cm high x 57cm square (30½" x 22½").
Principally for heavy stone and marble carving; also useful for woodcarving and
modelling of heavy objects. Made of 25mm (1") exterior grade plywood. The turning
gear is made with metal tracks, centre pin and bush, and heavy rollers fitted on the
floating spider casting. It will carry almost any reasonable weight. The banker can be
banked up (e.g. using railway sleepers) to the height required, or simply used on the
ground. In three standard sizes:
Principally for stone carving; also used for woodcarving and modelling of heavy
objects. The top and turntable are made from 25mm (1") exterior grade plywood. The
turning gear is the same as the Banker Turntables: with metal tracks, hollow centre
pivot and bush, and heavy rollers fitted on the floating spider casting. The hollow pivot
and bush allows a bench screw to go through for fixing into the base of a large block of
wood when woodcarving. The stand will carry almost any reasonable weight. 990-181 Banker Turntable 45cm Square (18") £299.58 £359.49
Size: 84cm high x 57cm square (33" x 22½"). 990-183 Banker Turntable 57cm Square (22½") £347.00 £416.40
990-185 Banker Turntable 91cm Square (36") £553.55 £664.26
990-192 Low Stand / Throne 38cm high x 91cm square £695.40 £834.48
990-171 Carving Stand 84cm high x 57cm square £580.45 £696.54
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 31
A light, yet stable modelling stand, made with strong tubular aluminium legs. The stand
weighs approximately 7kg, folds up when not in use, and so is extremely portable. The
shaft is drilled at regular intervals for the insertion of a locking pin for increased load
security. The 30.5cm (12") square top is made from 25mm (1") exterior grade plywood.
The top will revolve at all heights and locks firmly at will.
The 30cm (12") round, cast aluminium top is marked off in rings and will spin freely for
banding or modelling. It features a non-slip rubber base
990-199 Whirler / Table Modelling Stand 20cm (8") dia. £27.65 £33.18
990-200 Whirler / Table Modelling Stand 30cm (12") dia. £35.78 £42.93
990-205 Sketch Stand £314.22 £377.06
32 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 33
A heat resistant wire used as an armature sup-
port for clay and for hanging small decorative
items (beads, buttons etc) when fired in a kiln,
resistant up to 1300ºC. 1.8mm diamter and sup-
Sliding Armature and examples of uses
plied in 1 metre and 5 metre coils
34 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
Exterior grade ply Modelling Boards; all battened
and with a centre hole for mounting the bust pegs.
Size 30cm (12") is suitable for use with the Table 808-208 Wooden Calipers 25cm (10") £8.67 £10.40
or Sketch Modelling Stands. 808-210 Wooden Calipers 30cm (12") £9.44 £11.32
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 35
36 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
This range of pugmills is built to a very high standard, with aluminium bodies, which
detach for easy cleaning, and non-corrosive blades. Safety is a key factor in designing G64 WALL MOUNTED EXTRUDER
this equipment. All these pugmills are fitted with thermal overload starters and safety An indispensable tool for the studio or classroom. The primary use is for extruding small
limit switches. Key operated lockout switches can be supplied as an option if required. solid sections e.g. cup handles or coils, but can be used to extrude hollow sections with
Under no circumstances should they be used with dry clay still in the body additional dies. The handle can be removed for safe storage when not in use .The
barrel is 75mm diameter alloy with quick release clips for facilitating the changing of the
G49E PUGMILL dies. Supplied with a set of standard dies as shown
Specifically designed for the studio and classroom environment. This machine is
compact and lightweight making it easy to transport. Fitted with an interlocked hopper
safety switch, this negates the need for a safety grid making it extremely easy to load.
100mm aluminium vertically separating body, dispensing 50mm extrusion, supplied
with Nylatron blades. Output: 190-200kg per hour.
Height: 470mm, width: 280mm, length: 800mm, weight: 36.5kg
These clay rollers are designed to provide an extremely efficient and reliable method of
producing slabs of clay for hand building or tiles etc. With a rack and pinion drive and
a threaded height adjuster ensuring a fine and accurate slab. The legs are able to be
folded for ease of storage, and it is supplied with a set of high quality rolling cloths.
807-105 G50E Pugmill £2,019.60 £2.423.52
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 37
These spraybooths are designed to meet Height: 1655mm, width: 720mm, depth: 1290mm. Extraction: 250CuFt/min. Water
ever increasing environmental tank: polypropylene. Internal parts: stainless steel. Internal dimensions of hood: 638mm
standards. A continuous curtain of re- x 625mm x 420mm deep. Working depth: 350mm. Weight dry: 118kg
circulating water is sprayed down the
rear face of the booth. The glaze spray 807-230 G165 Spraybooth £3,901.50 £4,681.80
is aimed at the curtain of water and is
encouraged by a powerful extraction G166 SPRAYBOOTH
fan. The excess glaze is trapped by
the water curtain and washed into the Height: 1680mm, width: 1200mm, depth: 1585mm. Extraction 250CuFt/min. Water
sump tank, from where it can be tank: polypropylene. Internal parts: stainless steel. Internal dimensions of hood: 1000mm
removed. Glaze may be reclaimed, x 1000mm x 585mm deep. Working depth: 500mm. Weight dry: 180kg
depending on the type. These booths
are primarily designed to be used by 807-232 G166 Spraybooth £7,344.00 £8,812.80
the studio potter or educational faculties
for low volume production. They do not OPTIONAL LIGHT FOR SPRAYBOOTHS
require ducting to atmosphere, are Please order at time of ordering Spraybooth. (Not available separately.)
mounted on castors and have
removable washable filters, making 807-234 Spraybooth Light Option £204.00 £244.80
them convenient apparatus for spraying
glazes. The noise output levels for these booths is 85 to 90 dba. Hearing protection should
be used.
We now supply a comprehensive range of Nabertherm Kilns & Accessories including TOP LOADING KILNS
top loaders and front loaders up to 600 ltr capacity, assembled by hand and supplied Perfect kiln for studio and workshop with features including; housing made from textured
direct from the Nabertherm Factory in germany. stainless steel, multiple layers of insulation for low exterior temperatures, adjustable lid
mechanism with gas damper support, lockable castors for easy movement around
B400 CONTROLLER studio/workshop. Available in both 1 phase 230v and 3 phase 400v versions.
Fitted as standard with all Nabertherm arts & crafts kilns they offer intuitive operation
and contemporary design. Operated via a central control dial (jog wheel) and with CHAMBER KILNS (HEATED FROM 3 SIDES)
temperatures and program information presented in a clear, hi contrast display. In With Elements located in the sides and floor. Positioned at an ergonomic height these
developing the B400 to replace the previous B130 controller ease of use was the focus chamber kilns are an economical solution for larger studios/workshops, schools,
, for convenience the controller may be taken off the holder on the kiln for handheld colleges and other institutions. Featuring dual shell housing to keep exterior temperatures
operation and all programs entered in plain text. to a minimum, dual shell door with safety cut-out switch and door mounted controller
Nabertherm controllers now feature a USB interface to document for later review. which is removeable for comfortable operation.
808-214 Nabertherm TOP60/eco 60ltr 3.6kw 15.6amps 1 phase 230v Internal dimensions: ø410mm x 460mm(h) £POA £POA
808-216 Nabertherm TOP100 100ltr 7.0kw 30.4 amps 1 phase 230v Internal dimensions: ø480mm x 570mm(h) £POA £POA
808-218 Nabertherm TOP140 140ltr 9.0kw 39.1amps 1 phase 230v Internal dimensions: ø550mm x 570mm(h) £POA £POA
808-230 Nabertherm TOP190 190ltr 11.0kw 47.8amps 1 phase 230v Internal dimensions: ø590mm x 690mm(h) £POA £POA
808-232 Nabertherm Chamber N140E 140ltr 9.0kw 13amps 3 phase 400v Internal dimensions: 450mm(w) x 580mm(d) x 570mm(h) £POA £POA
808-234 Nabertherm Chamber N210E 210ltr 11.0kw 47.8amps 1 phase 230v Internal dimensions: 500mm(w) x 580mm(d) x 700mm(h £POA £POA
808-236 Nabertherm Chamber N280E 280ltr 15.0kw 21.7amps 3 phase 400v Internal dimensions: 520mm(w) x 580mm(d) x 890mm(h) £POA £POA
808-238 Nabertherm Chamber N500E 500ltr 30.0kw 3 phase 400v Internal dimensions: 600mm(w) x 820mm(d) x 1000mm(h) £POA £POA
808-240 Nabertherm Chamber (5) N100 100ltr 9.0kw 39.1amps 1 phase 230v Internal dimensions: 400mm(w) x 530mm(d) x 460mm(h) £POA £POA
808-242 Nabertherm Chamber (5) N150 150ltr 11.0kw 27.6amps 1 phase 400v Internal dimensions: 450mm(w) x 530mm(d) x 590mm(h) £POA £POA
808-244 Nabertherm Chamber (5) N200 200ltr 15.0kw 21.7amps 3 phase 400v Internal dimensions: 470mm(w) x 530mm(d) x 780mm(h) £POA £POA
808-246 Nabertherm Chamber (5) N300 300ltr 20.0kw 28.9amps 3 phase 400v Internal dimensions: 550mm(w) x 700mm(d) x 780mm(h) £POA £POA
808-248 Nabertherm Chamber (5) N440 440ltr 30.0kw 43.4amps 3 phase 400v Internal dimensions: 600mm(w) x 750mm(d) x 1000mm(h) £POA £POA
808-250 Nabertherm Chamber (5) N660 660ltr 40.0kw 57.8amps 3 phase 400v Internal dimensions: 600mm(w) x 1100mm(d) x 1000mm(h) £POA £POA
38 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
806-330 Fuego Top Loading Kiln 40ltr 1 phase £1,385.67 £1,662.80 806-332 Robin Top Loading Kiln 70ltr 1 phase £1,736.04 £2,083.24
Easy Fire Kiln 70ltr Easy Fire Kiln 125ltr Easy Fire Kiln 190ltr Easy Fire Kiln 190ltr Easy Fire Kiln 290ltr
806-334 Easy-Fire Kiln: 70ltr, 5.86 Kw, 26.6 Amps, 1 phase, internal dimensions: 42cm dia. 45.7cm high £1,758.33 £2,109.99
806-336 Easy-Fire Kiln: 105ltr, 8.79 Kw, 39.9 Amps, 1 phase, internal dimensions: 42cm dia. 68.6cm high £2,340.14 £2,808.16
806-338 Easy-Fire Kiln: 105ltr, 8.79 Kw, 26.6 Amps, 3 phase, internal dimensions: 42cm dia. 68.6cm high £2,340.14 £2,808.16
806-340 Easy-Fire Kiln: 125ltr, 8.66 Kw, 39.4 Amps, 1 phase, internal dimensions: 57cm dia. 45.7cm high £2,392.92 £2,871.50
806-342 Easy-Fire Kiln: 190ltr, 10.56 Kw, 48 Amps, 1 phase, internal dimensions: 57cm dia. 68.6cm high £2,930.15 £3,516.18
806-344 Easy-Fire Kiln: 190ltr, 10.56 Kw, 27.1 Amps, 3 phase, internal dimensions: 57cm dia. 68.6cm high £2,930.15 £3,516.18
806-346 Easy-Fire Kiln: 190ltr, 10.50 Kw, 47.7 Amps, 1 phase, internal dimensions: 71cm dia. 45.7cm high £2,825.76 £3,390.91
806-348 Easy-Fire Kiln: 290ltr, 10.56 Kw, 48 Amps, 1 phase, internal dimensions: 71cm dia. 68.6cm high £3,362.99 £4,035.58
806-350 Easy-Fire Kiln: 290ltr, 15.06 Kw, 39.5 Amps, 3 phase, internal dimensions: 71cm dia. 68.6cm high £3,362.99 £4,035.58
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 39
40 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 41
Ready to use and of gluey, dark brown liquid aspect they should be applied in a layer
that is uniform and fine. Too thick a layer can cause burning or clouding. Some golds
and copper do not need to be diluted, other lustres can be diluted using lustre thinners
at a ratio of 10%. IRIS (mother of pearl) needs to be diluted at 15% or more as it can
burn easily when applied too thickly and results in a white powder that does not adhere.
A New range of Low firing Metallic glazes, unlike lustres or overglazes, these regular
low-fire glazes will fire in your kiln with any other low fire glaze. These new glazes are
Lead free but not dinnnerware safe. Not suitable for functional ware. Use 2-3 heavy
coats to achieve best results Copper Lustre Green Lustre
805-320 LF Metallic Glaze: Golden Halo 450ml £16.61 £19.93
805-322 LF Metallic Glaze: Moonlight 450ml £16.61 £19.93
805-324 LF Metallic Glaze: Green Mirror 450ml £16.61 £19.93
805-326 LF Metallic Glaze: Wrought Iron 450ml £16.61 £19.93
805-328 LF Metallic Glaze: Brushed Bronze 450ml £16.61 £19.93
805-330 LF Metallic Glaze: Green Patina 450ml £16.61 £19.93
Iris Lustre
Orange Lustre
LOW FIRE GLAZE CRYSTALS (mother of pearl)
Low Fire Glaze Crystals are very versatile and can be fired from cone 06 to 6, they
can be used with any glaze in this firing range and mixed together in any combination
to create a variety of appearances. The crystals can be dropped or placed onto a final Lustre Thinners
coat of glaze or mixed into a liquid glaze to be brushed on. These crystals will run a lot
at cones 5-6. 805-340 Colorobbia Copper Lustre 5gm £43.18 £51.81
805-342 Colorobbia IRIS (mop) Lustre 5gm £5.30 £6.36
805-300 LF Glaze Crystals 1oz Cobalt Blue £9.29 £11.14 805-344 Colorobbia Blue Lustre 5gm £12.41 £14.89
805-302 LF Glaze Crystals 1oz White £9.29 £11.14 805-346 Colorobbia Green Lustre 5gm £10.42 £12.50
805-304 LF Glaze Crystals 1oz Yellow £9.29 £11.14 805-348 Colorobbia Orange Lustre 5gm £5.21 £6.25
805-306 LF Glaze Crystals 1oz Green £9.29 £11.14 805-350 Colorobbia Bright Gold (8%) Lustre 5gm £55.04 £66.04
805-308 LF Glaze Crystals 1oz Maroon £9.29 £11.14 805-352 Colorobbia Lustre Thinners 25gm £10.84 £13.00
805-310 LF Glaze Crystals 1oz Reactive Blue £9.29 £11.14
805-312 LF Glaze Crystals 1oz Reactive Green £9.29 £11.14
42 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 43
807-333 Ball Clay (Hvar) 2.5kg £3.63 £4.35 807-388 Flint 25kg Harmful £32.29 £38.74
807-335 Bentonite 500g £2.53 £3.03 807-369 Iron Chromate 500g £4.70 £5.64
807-336 Bentonite 2.5kg £6.97 £8.36 807-370 Black Iron Oxide 500g Harmful £5.57 £6.68
807-396 Borax Frit 500g Harmful £6.86 £8.23 807-371 Iron Oxide Red 500g Harmful £4.81 £5.77
807-361 Chromium Oxide 100g £4.96 £5.95 807-374 Manganese Carbonate 500g Toxic £5.26 £6.31
807-337 China Clay 500g £3.61 £4.33 807-376 Nickel Oxide 100g Harmful £6.53 £7.83
807-380 China Clay 25kg £22.70 £27.24 807-343 Potash Feldspar 500g £5.71 £6.85
807-363 Cobalt Carbonate 100g Harmful £19.85 £23.82 807-344 Potash Feldspar 2.5kg £5.61 £6.73
807-398 Colmanite 500g £3.39 £4.06 807-390 Potash Feldspar 25kg £27.75 £33.30
807-365 Copper Carbonate 100g Harmful £5.48 £6.57 807-349 Quartz 500g Harmful £7.66 £9.19
807-366 Copper Carbonate 500g Harmful £18.69 £22.42 807-350 Quartz 2.5kg Harmful £4.83 £5.79
807-364 Cobalt Oxide 100g Harmful £26.00 £31.20 807-387 Quartz 25kg Harmful £18.29 £21.94
807-367 Copper Oxide 100g Harmful £4.48 £5.37 807-351 Rutile 500g £9.45 £11.34
807-339 Cornish Stone 500g £5.52 £6.62 807-352 Rutile 25kg £31.25 £37.50
807-382 Cornish Stone 25kg £30.40 £36.48 807-378 Tin Oxide 100g Harmful £8.32 £9.98
807-341 Dolomite 500g £5.32 £6.38 807-353 Titanium Dioxide 500g £5.91 £7.09
807-342 Dolomite 2.5kg £4.50 £5.40 807-354 Titanium Dioxide 2.5kg £30.29 £36.34
807-345 FFF Feldspar 500g £4.96 £5.95 807-377 Vanadium Pentoxide 100g £17.07 £20.48
807-346 FFF Feldspar 2.5kg £5.40 £6.48 807-355 Whiting 500g £2.61 £3.13
807-347 Flint 500g Harmful £4.91 £5.89 807-356 Whiting 2.5kg £7.33 £8.79
807-348 Flint 2.5kg Harmful £5.24 £6.28 807-400 Whiting 25kg £13.60 £16.32
44 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
These lead free underglaze pencils can be operated up to 1200ºC, with the exception
of the light red which is 1100ºC.
806-477 Kiln Prop 2.5cm £1.43 £1.71
806-478 Kiln Prop 5cm £2.00 £2.40
806-479 Kiln Prop 7cm £1.65 £1.98
806-480 Kiln Prop 10cm £2.19 £2.62
806-481 Kiln Prop 15cm £3.39 £4.06
806-482 Kiln Prop 20cm £4.29 £5.14
806-483 Kiln Prop 25cm £3.02 £3.62
806-484 Kiln Prop 30cm £3.14 £3.76
806-485 Kiln Prop 40cm £3.37 £4.04
806-486 Connection Piece 1cm high £1.75 £2.10
For supporting glazed pottery off the kiln shelf.
806-508 (M/S) Orton Cone 018: 712ºC 722ºC 732ºC £2.04 £2.44
806-510 (M/S) Orton Cone 017: 736ºC 748ºC 761ºC £2.04 £2.44
806-512 (M/S) Orton Cone 016: 769ºC 782ºC 794ºC £2.04 £2.44
806-514 (M/S) Orton Cone 015: 788ºC 802ºC 816ºC £2.04 £2.44
806-516 (M/S) Orton Cone 014: 807ºC 822ºC 836ºC £2.04 £2.44
806-518 (M/S) Orton Cone 013: 837ºC 848ºC 859ºC £2.04 £2.44
806-520 (M/S) Orton Cone 012: 858ºC 869ºC 880ºC £2.04 £2.44
806-522 (M/S) Orton Cone 011: 873ºC 883ºC 892ºC £2.04 £2.44
806-523 (M/S) Orton Cone 010: 903ºC 910ºC 915ºC £2.04 £2.44
806-524 (M/S) Orton Cone 09: 917ºC 922ºC 928ºC £2.04 £2.44
806-526 (M/S) Orton Cone 08: 942ºC 948ºC 954ºC £2.04 £2.44
806-528 (M/S) Orton Cone 07: 973ºC 979ºC 985ºC £2.04 £2.44
806-530 (M/S) Orton Cone 06: 995ºC 1002ºC 1011ºC £2.04 £2.44
806-532 (M/S) Orton Cone 05: 1030ºC 1038ºC 1046ºC £2.04 £2.44
806-534 (M/S) Orton Cone 04: 1060ºC 1065ºC 1070ºC £2.04 £2.44
806-536 (M/S) Orton Cone 03: 1086ºC 1093ºC 1101ºC £2.04 £2.44
806-538 (M/S) Orton Cone 02: 1101ºC 1110ºC 1120ºC £2.04 £2.44
BATT WASH 806-540 (M/S) Orton Cone 01: 1117ºC 1127ºC 1137ºC £2.04 £2.44
806-581 Batt Wash 1/2kg £6.24 £7.48 806-542 (M/S) Orton Cone 1: 1136ºC 1147ºC 1154ºC £2.04 £2.44
Alumina often used in substitute 806-544 (M/S) Orton Cone 2: 1142ºC 1152ºC 1162ºC £2.04 £2.44
806-546 (M/S) Orton Cone 3: 1152ºC 1160ºC 1168ºC £2.04 £2.44
BATTS 806-548 (M/S) Orton Cone 4: 1160ºC 1181ºC 1170ºC £2.04 £2.44
Kiln batts round and half round, maximum operating temperature 1300ºC. 806-550 (M/S) Orton Cone 5: 1184ºC 1194ºC 1205ºC £2.04 £2.44
806-552 (M/S) Orton Cone 6: 1220ºC 1230ºC 1241ºC £2.04 £2.44
806-464 Round Batt 330mm/16mm thick (13" x 5/8") £17.75 £21.30 806-554 (M/S) Orton Cone 7: 1237ºC 1246ºC 1255ºC £2.04 £2.44
806-468 Half Round Batt 388mm/16mm thick (15¼" x 5/8") £22.26 £26.71 806-556 (M/S) Orton Cone 8: 1247ºC 1259ºC 1270ºC £2.04 £2.44
806-470 Round Batt 533mm/19mm thick (21" x 3/4") £51.93 £62.31 806-558 (M/S) Orton Cone 9: 1260ºC 1270ºC 1280ºC £2.04 £2.44
806-472 Half Round Batt 533mm/19mm thick (21" x 3/4") £28.62 £34.34 806-560 (M/S) Orton Cone 10: 1282ºC 1293ºC 1303ºC £2.04 £2.44
806-562 (M/S) Orton Cone 11: 1293ºC 1303ºC 1312ºC £2.04 £2.44
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 45
100-055 Terracotta Clay 5 kg £6.48 £7.77 100-340 Royal Porcelain 12.5kg £23.92 £28.70
100-056 Terracotta Clay 25 kg £11.38 £13.65 4 + less 10% discount £21.53 £25.83
4 + less 10% discount £10.24 £12.29
20 + less 15% discount £9.67 £11.61 ARCHITECTURAL EARTHSTONE
40 + less 20% discount £9.10 £10.92 This clay will be of interest to anyone producing architectural
ceramics - handmade tiles, relief panels, ceramic murals or
MILLENNIUM WHITE STONEWARE restoration work. Offering extremely low shrinkage: 6% from
A very high quality white stoneware with a high degree plastic at 1260ºC. This effectively means that you make your
of plasticity. Suitable for throwing, modelling and casting. tile section to cover the actual area required, the 6% shrinkage allows just sufficient
Firing range: 1160ºC - 1260ºC (colour: off-white). space for grouting. Completely frost proof with excellent thermal resistance. Also
resistant to warping and cracking. Firing range: 1240ºC - 1300ºC (colour: off white).
100-300 Millennium White Stoneware 12.5kg £12.78 £15.34 100-350 Architectural Earthstone 12.5kg £24.40 £29.28
4 + less 10% discount £11.50 £13.80 4 + less 10% discount £21.96 £26.35
100-352 Red Terracotta Grogged 12.5kg £10.06 £12.07 100-360 Paper Clay: Smooth Body 5kg £13.79 £16.54
4 + less 10% discount £9.05 £10.86 100-370 Paper Clay: Grogged Body 5kg £12.80 £15.36
100-380 Paper Clay: White Earthenware 5kg £12.96 £15.55
EARTHSTONE EXTRA SMOOTH 100-390 Paper Clay: Porcelain Body 5kg £16.05 £19.26
A versatile white body with a broad range of applications. 100-400 Paper Clay: Terracotta Body 5kg £11.12 £13.34
The unusually wide firing range means that it can be biscuit 100-410 Paper Clay: Chunky Crank 5kg £11.93 £14.31
fired to 1000ºC for low temperature earthenware glazes or 4 + of the same type - less 10% discount
fired at 1160ºC for mid-temperature earthenware/stoneware
glazes. This body fires very white, throws well. CASTING SLIPS
Firing range: 1160ºC - 1280ºC. As the name suggests, slips for pouring into plaster moulds. For making a quantity of
identical works.
100-320 Earthstone Extra Smooth 12.5kg £15.49 £18.58
4 + less 10% discount £13.94 £16.73
46 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
100-093 Newclay Hardener H1 125g £2.89 £3.46 101-495 Chavant Le Beau Touché (907g) £8.67 £10.40
100-094 Newclay Hardener H2 226g £4.20 £5.04 5 + less 10% discount £7.80 £9.36
20 + less 20% discount £6.94 £8.33
GLOSS AND SATIN 100 + less 25% discount £6.50 £7.80
Newclay gloss & Satin will give an excellent finish to Newclay, and are quick drying,
becoming quite hard, giving further protection to your work. CLAYETTE
100-095 Newclay Gloss 112g £3.37 £4.04 A new suphur free sculpting clay developed to
100-096 Newclay Satin 112g £3.37 £4.04 be non-hardening, odour -free and flexible without
being sticky. Clayette is a softer and less tacky
CLAYDIUM alternative to the standard range of Chavant NSP
Nylon-reinforced, non-toxic, self-hardening modelling clay and will not oxidise, can be left uncovered,
clay, which air dries very hard. Hard Claydium can be heated and cooled repeatedly and performs
softened in water, and it fires well at 1080ºC. excellently when using silicone rubber to take
a mould. Packed in 907g (2 lb) sealed blocks.
100-090 Claydium: Light Grey / Off-White 500g (approx) £1.82 £2.18
10 + less 10% discount £1.64 £1.97 Medium grade Clayette is similar in hardness to Chavant NSP Soft.
Off white in colour.
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 47
100-115 Mod-Roc 6.35 kg Bag £32.14 £38.56 100-275 Super Sculpey™ 454g (1 lb) £10.59 £12.70
10 + less 10% discount £28.93 £34.71 10 + less 10% discount £9.53 £11.44
50 + less 15% discount £27.32 £32.78 100-275D Super Sculpey Firm™ 454g (1lb) £11.56 £13.87
10 + less 10% discount £10.40 £12.48
An excellent basic modelling material that is suitable for both children and adults alike. TRANSLUCENT LIQUID SCULPEY
Soft and pliable, so easily modelled. Non-drying so can be used time after time. Non- A hugely versatile bakeable liquid polymer medium.
toxic. Available in 11 colours. (Colours shown are only an indication.) Sharing many of the same properties as solid polymer
clay but with a number of characteristics that offer unique
possibilities, when oil paints are mixed it can be an
enamel, a glaze or backfilling compound. When pigments
or mica powders are mixed it can be a stipple, metalic
glaze or grout for polymer clay pieces. It can be used as
an image transfer medium and works as a terrific adhesive
(activated after baking) , it increases the bond between
raw layers of clay, and when adding raw layers to
previously baked clay.
48 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
Glass wax is specially formulated to give a unique
101-050 Modelling Wax Type B: Brown 500g £7.51 £8.07 glass effect. For use as theatrical glass or for special
101-060 Modelling Wax Type B: Brown 5 kg £41.73 £50.07 effects. Glass Wax can be heated and hand poured
10 + less 10% discount £37.56 £45.07 when molten; for best results use silicone rubber or
101-100 Modelling Wax Type B: Yellow 500g £7.22 £8.66 silicone coated moulds. Melting Point: 115ºC, Pouring
101-110 Modelling Wax Type B: Yellow 5 kg £41.38 £49.65 Temperature: 120ºC -140ºC, Specific Gravity: 1.1.
10 + less 10% discount £37.24 £44.69
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 49
104-010 B5" Hardwood Modelling Tool £3.18 £3.81
104-020 B6" Hardwood Modelling Tool £2.99 £3.58
104-030 B7" Hardwood Modelling Tool £3.06 £3.67 V8
104-040 B8" Hardwood Modelling Tool £2.86 £3.43
104-060 B10" Hardwood Modelling Tool £4.14 £4.96
C X8
104-200 H7" Hardwood Modelling Tool £3.95 £4.74 104-510 P8 Student Hardwood Modelling Tool £1.80 £2.16
104-550 R8 Student Hardwood Modelling Tool £2.30 £2.76
104-590 T8 Student Hardwood Modelling Tool £2.90 £3.48
104-610 V8 Student Hardwood Modelling Tool £1.80 £2.16
104-630 W8 Student Hardwood Modelling Tool £2.90 £3.48
104-650 X8 Student Hardwood Modelling Tool £2.90 £3.48
104-670 Y8 Student Hardwood Modelling Tool £2.75 £3.30
K 104-690 Z8 Student Hardwood Modelling Tool £1.53 £1.83
104-695 Student Hardwood Tools - Set of 8 in Box £14.39 £17.26
104-220 K6" Hardwood Modelling Tool £2.71 £3.25 HARDWOOD MODELLING TOOLS SET
104-240 K10" Hardwood Modelling Tool £3.26 £3.91 A set of 10 basic hardwood modelling tools, offering excellent value; ideal for children,
beginners and students. Approx 15cm (6") long.
104-698 Hardwood Modelling Tools - Set of 10 £7.61 £9.13
M12 Designed By Philippe Faraut and featuring two pointed cups this tool is ideal for
shaping eyes and ears. Length 7" (15cm), now made in glass infused plastic.
104-310 M2 Hardwood Modelling Tool £3.22 £3.86
104-330 M4 Hardwood Modelling Tool £3.57 £4.28
104-350 M6 Hardwood Modelling Tool £3.22 £3.86
104-370 M8 Hardwood Modelling Tool £3.84 £4.60
104-410 M12 Hardwood Modelling Tool £3.22 £3.86 104-009 S7 Modelling tool 7" (15cm) £9.46 £11.35
50 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
Flat Chisel 104-701 Plastic Modelling / Loop Tools - Set of 8 £6.89 £8.26
Angle Chisel
Offset Loop
104-705 No.2 Clay Shaper - Taper Point £4.67 £5.60 808-200 Round End Wire Loop 20cmcm (8") £1.53 £1.83
104-710 No.2 Clay Shaper - Cup Round £4.67 £5.60 808-204 Offset Loop "B" type 16.5cm (6½") £3.18 £3.81
104-715 No.2 Clay Shaper - Cup Chisel £4.67 £5.60
104-720 No.2 Clay Shaper - Flat Chisel £4.67 £5.60 RUBBER KIDNEYS
104-725 No.2 Clay Shaper - Angle Chisel £4.67 £5.60 Soft red rubber kidney palettes in two sizes.
104-730 No.6 Clay Shaper - Taper Point £6.12 £7.34
104-735 No.6 Clay Shaper - Cup Round £6.12 £7.34
104-740 No.6 Clay Shaper - Cup Chisel £6.12 £7.34
104-745 No.6 Clay Shaper - Flat Chisel £6.12 £7.34
104-750 No.6 Clay Shaper - Angle Chisel £6.12 £7.34
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 51
105-808 808 Stainless Steel Wire Tool 20cm (8") £4.00 £4.80
105-809 809 Stainless Steel Wire Tool 20cm (8") £4.00 £4.80
105-810 810 Stainless Steel Wire Tool 20cm (8") £4.00 £4.80
52 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
806-570 Set of 3 Strip Tools 16cm £6.69 £8.03
Internal cut 10" (250mm) across. Varying thicknesses of clay can be cut by adjusting
the wire on the 10mm spaced notches on the frame.
for difficult to access or heavily undercut areas.
A compact clay harp for refining and shaping clay surfaces, made from spring steel and
using stainless steel wire
Wooden potters rib, modelling tool, ribbon tool, sponge, needle tool, loop tool, metal
scraper and wire clay cutter.
806-436 Handle Maker Small 16mm wide, 9mm deep £1.88 £2.25
806-438 Handle Maker Large 25mm wide, 15mm deep £2.19 £2.62
806-594 Small Rolling Pin 355 x 48mm (14" x 1¾") £6.30 £7.56
806-592 Large Rolling Pin 510 x 48mm (20" x 1¾") £7.53 £9.03 806-446 Pro Needle £1.36 £1.63
HAND HELD CLAY EXTRUDER Available individually or as a set containing 4 interchangeable nibs with different sized
Medium sized hand held clay extruder apertures.
supplied with 5 dies and 1 blank that can be
cut to your own design. Dies include square,
round, triangle and a group of small round
profiles. Clay can be loaded at either end of
the barrel. The extruder is easily
dissassembled for cleaning and features
metal and reinforced composite parts.
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 53
807-314 "C" Triangular Turning tool 20cm £4.22 £5.06
807-316 "D" Triangular Turning tool 15cm £4.22 £5.06
807-318 "E" Pear Turning Tool 20cm £4.22 £5.06
807-323 Triangular Stainless Steel Turning Tool (Long) £5.61 £6.73
806-440 Pallet Knife Flat 8cm blade £1.69 £2.02
806-442 Pallet Knife Trowel 6.5cm blade £2.73 £3.27
806-444 Pallet Knife Skew 12cm blade £3.39 £4.06 DOTTLE
A small tapered sponge used for the removal of seams and excess material from
difficult to reach areas of clay, inside handles, vessel opening and spouts etc. Derived
SPONGE from a term used to describe a small plug of tobacco left in a pipe the word 'dottle' now
refers to style of item used to remove it.
54 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
103-190 SB5 Stainless Steel Clay Modelling Tool £5.05 £6.06 155
103-191 SB6 Stainless Steel Clay Modelling Tool £4.98 £5.97
103-192 SB7 Stainless Steel Clay Modelling Tool £4.85 £5.82
103-193 SB8 Stainless Steel Clay Modelling Tool £5.33 £6.39
103-195 SC6 Stainless Steel Clay Modelling Tool £5.03 £6.03
103-196 SK6 Stainless Steel Clay Modelling Tool £4.64 £5.56
103-197 SKO5 Stainless Steel Clay Modelling Tool £4.85 £5.82
103-198 SKO7 Stainless Steel Clay Modelling Tool £6.12 £7.34 average length of tools 15cm
103-199 Stainless Steel Clay Tools - Set of 8 in Box £34.37 £41.24
BM11 (13.5cm)
BM12 (13.5cm)
BM13 (13.5cm)
BM14 (13.5cm)
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 55
SD 204-050 Blue Steel Thin Flex. Rect. Scraper 5cm x 10cm £0.37 £0.44
x 0.25mm (2" x 4" x 0.010")
204-060 Blue Steel Thick Flex. Rect. Scraper 5cm x 10cm £0.43 £0.51
x 0.38mm (2" x 4" x 0.015")
SF 205-050 S/Steel Thin Flex. Rect. Scraper 5cm x 10cm £0.67 £0.80
x 0.25mm (2" x 4" x 0.010")
205-060 S/Steel Thick Flex. Rect. Scraper 5cm x 10cm £0.67 £0.80
x 0.38mm (2" x 4" x 0.015")
average length of tools 14.5cm
56 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
No.46 (13.5cm)
No.47 (14.5cm)
No.48 (17cm)
No.49 (18.5cm)
No.52 (20cm)
No.54 (23.5cm)
No.85 (27cm)
No.77 (18cm)
No.90 (25cm)
No.92 (20cm)
203-046 No.46 Stainless Steel Leaf Spatula £5.38 £6.45 203-054 No.54 Stainless Steel Leaf Spatula £8.25 £9.90
203-047 No.47 Stainless Steel Leaf Spatula £5.55 £6.66 203-085 No.85 Stainless Steel Leaf Spatula £8.99 £10.78
203-048 No.48 Stainless Steel Leaf Spatula £5.69 £6.82 203-077 No.77 Stainless Steel Double Spatula £7.16 £8.59
203-049 No.49 Stainless Steel Leaf Spatula £6.07 £7.28 203-090 No.90 Stainless Steel Double Spatula £8.36 £10.03
203-052 No.52 Stainless Steel Leaf Spatula £7.43 £8.91 203-092 No.92 Stainless Steel Trowel Spatula £6.91 £8.29
No.68 (16cm)
No.70 (20.5cm)
No.86 (23.5cm)
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 57
No.50 (19cm)
No.56 (19cm)
No.62 (17cm)
No.64 (18cm)
No.66 (18cm)
No.72 (17cm)
No.75 (17.5cm)
No.80 (20.5cm)
203-050 No.50 Stainless Steel Plaster Tool £7.10 £8.52 203-066 No.66 Stainless Steel Plaster Tool £7.72 £9.26
203-056 No.56 Stainless Steel Plaster Tool £7.12 £8.54 203-072 No.72 Stainless Steel Plaster Tool £6.66 £7.99
203-062 No.62 Stainless Steel Plaster Tool £7.26 £8.71 203-075 No.75 Stainless Steel Plaster Tool £6.82 £8.18
203-064 No.64 Stainless Steel Plaster Tool £7.17 £8.60 203-080 No.80 Stainless Steel Plaster Tool £6.15 £7.38
No.88 (25cm)
No.91 (25cm)
200-091 No.91 Plaster Tool (large saw edge spatula) £21.05 £25.26
58 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
No.46 (13.5cm)
No.47 (15cm)
No.48 (17.5cm)
No.49 (18cm)
No.52 (20cm)
No.53 (20.5cm)
No.54 (23cm)
No.84 (24.5cm)
No.85 (25cm)
No.77 (18cm)
No.90 (25cm)
No.92 (20cm)
200-046 No.46 Plaster Tool (leaf spatula) £10.51 £12.61 200-054 No.54 Plaster Tool (leaf spatula) £12.99 £15.58
200-047 No.47 Plaster Tool (leaf spatula) £10.51 £12.61 200-077 No.77 Plaster Tool (double spatula) £11.09 £13.30
200-048 No.48 Plaster Tool (leaf spatula) £12.63 £15.15 200-084 No.84 Plaster Tool (leaf spatula) £14.24 £17.08
200-049 No.49 Plaster Tool (leaf spatula) £10.74 £12.88 200-085 No.85 Plaster Tool (leaf spatula) £13.90 £16.68
200-052 No.52 Plaster Tool (leaf spatula) £11.20 £13.44 200-090 No.90 Plaster Tool (double spatula) £15.48 £18.57
200-053 No.53 Plaster Tool (leaf spatula) £11.30 £13.56 200-092 No.92 Plaster Tool (trowel Spatula) £13.58 £16.29
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 59
'A' (20.5cm)
'B' (21cm)
'C' (21cm)
'D' (17cm)
'E' (17cm)
'F' (17cm)
203-001 'A' New Series Steel Tool £7.43 £8.91 203-004 'D' New Series Steel Tool £7.21 £8.65
203-002 'B' New Series Steel Tool £7.57 £9.08 203-005 'E' New Series Steel Tool £7.43 £8.91
203-003 'C' New Series Steel Tool £8.72 £10.46 203-006 'F' New Series Steel Tool £8.11 £9.73
'G' (20cm)
'H' (17cm)
'I' (19cm)
'J' (17cm)
'K' (17cm)
'L' (18cm)
203-007 'G' New Series Steel Tool £7.19 £8.62 203-010 'J' New Series Steel Tool £6.92 £8.30
203-008 'H' New Series Steel Tool £6.10 £7.32 203-011 'K' New Series Steel Tool £5.97 £7.16
203-009 'I' New Series Steel Tool £7.58 £9.09 203-012 'L' New Series Steel Tool £5.88 £7.05
60 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
'M' (17cm)
'N' (14cm)
'O' (17cm)
'P' (17cm)
'Q' (17cm)
'R' (17cm)
203-013 'M' New Series Steel Tool £6.61 £7.93 203-016 'P' New Series Steel Tool £5.74 £6.88
203-014 'N' New Series Steel Tool £6.07 £7.28 203-017 'Q' New Series Steel Tool £6.08 £7.29
203-015 'O' New Series Steel Tool £5.89 £7.06 203-018 'R' New Series Steel Tool £5.74 £6.88
Now Brown, 14 Pocket / Medium size has small pockets suitable for modelling tools, The Brown, 12 Pocket / Large size has wider pockets, suitable for woodcarving tools,
small stonecarving tools etc. larger stonecarving tools etc.
300-106 Tool Roll: Brown Suede 14 Pocket / Medium £17.47 £20.96 300-108 Tool Roll: Brown Suede 12 Pocket / Large £36.99 £43.38
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 61
Vinamold is a vinyl based flexible, durable moulding compound, made from polymer-
ised PVC resin. It is considered safe to handle provided sensible precautions are
taken. We have found Vinamold to be the most durable hot melt compound.
DPS 40S to DPS 150S
Vinamold is used by melting down and pouring over the original model, and has the (Made to order)
ability to be re-melted many times, making it a very economical moulding material. It
is used for the casting of a wide variety of materials such as plasters, cements, waxes 402-340 DPS 40S Electric Melting Pot £3,121.20 £3,745.44
and resins. Moulds made from Vinamold need no preparation or release agents since 402-350 DPS 50S Electric Melting Pot £3,397.49 £4,076.98
they are self releasing, though with wood etc. we recommend that you seal it with G4 402-360 DPS 75S Electric Melting Pot £3,716.54 £4,459.84
varnish to stop air bubbles within the mould. Technical Booklet available: Flexible 402-370 DPS 100S Electric Melting Pot £4,047.16 £4,856.59
Moulds with re-usable Hot Melt Vinyl - Gelflex and Vinamold (see booklet 990-502). 402-375 DPS 150S Electric Melting Pot £4,666.78 £5,600.13
Available in three grades: Details of the Range of Melters
Natural Vinamold: Soft Red Vinamold: Soft Yellow Vinamold: Hard Type Capacity dia x depth wattage
DPS Litres mm
Soft and hard grades may be mixed together to produce intermediate hardnesses.
All grades melt at 150ºC - 160ºC and should be poured at 140ºC - 150ºC. 2.5 2.5 150x140 275
1 kg Vinamold = 1 litre 6 6 200x190 600
402-090 Vinamold Soft (Natural) 1 kg £10.57 £12.68 12 12 250x240 1050
402-095 Vinamold Soft (Natural) 5 kg £42.00 £50.40
402-100 Vinamold Soft (Natural) 25 kg £186.30 £223.56 20 20 300x290 1975
4 + less 10% discount £167.67 £201.20
20 + less 15% discount £158.36 £190.02 40s 40 355x280 3000
402-105 Vinamold Soft (Red) 1 kg £10.57 £12.68
402-110 Vinamold Soft (Red) 5 kg £42.00 £50.40 50s 50 406x455 3625
402-115 Vinamold Soft (Red) 25 kg £186.30 £223.56
4 + less 10% discount £167.67 £201.20 75s 75 455x410 5400
20 + less 15% discount £158.36 £190.02
402-120 Vinamold Hard (Yellow) 1 kg £10.57 £12.68 100s 100 510-610 7100
402-125 Vinamold Hard (Yellow) 5 kg £42.00 £50.40
402-130 Vinamold Hard (Yellow) 25 kg £186.30 £223.56 150s 150 560-685 10625
4 + less 10% discount £167.67 £201.20
20 + less 15% discount £158.36 £190.02
ELECTRIC MELTING POTS Thermometer produced for use with Gelflex or wax. Graduated from -10ºC to 250ºC
These pots are used extensively for melting larger quantities of Gelflex, Vinamold, supplied in a plastic case. About 30cm long.
waxes, glues, etc. and work in the temperature range of 50ºC to 200ºC.
Pots up to DPS 20 have 2 thermostats, are single phase, 220 - 240 Volts, but can be
converted to 110 Volts to order. Constructed from anodised aluminium with ceramic
fibre insulation. Supplied with 2 metres of cable, fused plug, lifting handle, on/off switch, 402-200 Thermometer (Wax / Gelflex) £5.77 £6.92
safety thermal cutout and pouring spout, and double wall lid. Stock items.
Pots from DPS 40S are on a stand, have a heated (on a simmerstat) bottom A one component plastic varnish. Use 2-3 coats of G4 Sealer
discharge outlet tap, choice of 380 - 415 Volt 3-phase or 220 - 240 Volt single phase. to seal a porous master such as dry clay or dry plaster of
Constructed from mild steel, heaters positioned so that the melter may be used to 1/3, Paris prior to pouring hot Gelflex to make a mould. Also use
2/3 and full capacity without overheating contents. Made to order. G4 to seal damp walls, ponds, pools or dusty concrete
floors, etc. Harmful
402-300 DPS 2.5 Electric Melting Pot £425.48 £510.57
402-310 DPS 6 Electric Melting Pot £560.08 £672.09
402-320 DPS 12 Electric Melting Pot £716.22 £859.46
402-330 DPS 20 Electric Melting Pot £1,030.35 £1,236.42
62 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 63
ADDITION CURE 33 Thixotropic additive for T20 and T28 silicone rubbers. For making skin moulds or
A medium firm translucent white reduced moulding immovable vertical objects. Thixo additive is used as a third component, and
viscosity, two part addition cured silicone ideal it changes the catalysed rubber from flowable to non-slump (not a paste). Use 0.5% to
for small scale or detailed castings where high 2% of Thixo Additive to weight of rubber. We have found a 2% addition gives an
levels of surface accuracy are required. High excellent brushing rubber which does not trap air but remains non-slump. A second
resistance to aggresive components of some layer, if required, should be added whilst the first is tacky. Thixo Additive will shorten the
resin types, and good resistance to temperature available pot life. Test before use.
makes this silicone particularly suitable for
casting polyester/polyurethane resins, with
improved surface reproduction when casting in
clear resins. Shore A hardness 33, pot life
20mins, cure time 3 hours.Supplied as a 1kg
kit (A+B), mixing ratio 1:1 by weight.
ADDITION CURE THIXO AGENT 403-888 Thixo Additive 50g £5.92 £7.10
Thixotropic additive for Addition Cure 13 & 33 silicone rubbers, Used in a ratio of 1% 403-892 Thixo Additive 500g £36.48 £43.77
(by weight) into each silicone component separately before mixing the components 4 + less 10% discount £32.83 £39.40
together. Turns Addition Cure 13 & 33 from a pourable to non-slump silicone that can be 10 + less 15% discount £31.01 £37.21
brushed onto vertical or immovable objects, allowing a thickness up to 5mm to be
applied in one application. Addiitonal layers should be added whilst the first is still tacky.
NOTE - this thixo agent is designed for exclusive use with Addition Cure 13 and FORMULA 5 RELEASE AGENT
Addition Cure 33 silicone rubbers.
Spray wax release agent in aerosol form,
used to stop silicone rubber sticking to
403-738 Addition Cure Thixo Agent 50g £6.17 £7.40
itself when making moulds in more than
403-741 Addition Cure Thixo Agent 250g £16.44 £19.72
one piece. Replaces DP 100.
Some of the known inhibiters of addition cure silicones:
Wood mastic, Epoxy resin, Flexible compact PUR, Cyanoacrylate adhesives, Neo- Extremely Flammable
prene adhesive, Transparent wood glue, Polyester resin, Shellac, Vinyl adhesive,
Silicone sealants, Condensation cure silicones, CAF (all types).
Silicone fluid for thinning down silicone rubber. Normally up to 5% may be added to the
rubbers to reduce viscosity without having any effect on the properties of the rubber;
after that, properties such as tear strength will start to be affected. A maximum of 10% 403-902 Formula 5 Release Agent 400ml can £9.08 £10.89
should not be exceeded. 12 + less 10% discount £8.17 £9.80
403-640 Silicone Fluid 200g £5.47 £6.56
64 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
The instructions and materials in this kit may be adapted to cast other body parts.
Environmental Hazard
Liquid thickener to make liquid latex into a gel for faster mould build up. Use about 10%
of thickener (weight or volume) which makes an excellent brushing mix, which is non-
slump and with careful brushing will avoid air entrapment. Four layers makes a
substantial mould for a mask 30cm x 20cm (12" x 8"). Estimate at 100g per litre of
Latex. 404-060 Alginate Body Moulding & Casting Kit £18.03 £21.63
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 65
Our hardest casting plaster. Produces castings that are very finely detailed and very
hard. Setting time 12-16 minutes. Plaster to water ratio 3.57kg / litre. Compressive
strength (dry) 9000 psi. 401-400 Medium Scrim 183cm x 1 metre £2.19 £2.62
401-410 Medium Scrim 183cm x 10 metres £13.11 £15.73
400-600 Modell Plaster 5 kg £9.54 £11.44 401-420 Medium Scrim 183cm x 46 metres £41.41 £48.72
400-610 Modell Plaster 25 kg £28.20 £33.84 401-450 Coarse Scrim 97cm x 1 metre £1.36 £1.63
10 + less 10% discount £25.38 £30.46 401-460 Coarse Scrim 97cm x 10 metres £5.02 £6.02
30 + less 25% discount £21.25 £25.38 401-470 Coarse Scrim 97cm x 200 metres £62.03 £74.43
401-500 Coarse Scrim 7.6cm x 100 metres £4.43 £5.31
10 + less 10% discount £3.99 £4.78
Extremely hard terracotta coloured casting material which contains iron. This is our
own formulation and is made by us in house. The cast material has unique casting BRASS FENCING
properties; it resembles fired terracotta, and cast pieces that are allowed to get wet will For cutting into shims for metal fencing when
eventually begin to turn rusty. Cast material does not produce any salting which used mouldmaking. Available in 2.5 metre rolls or
to be associated with a similar product we stocked a few years ago. Supplied for indoor sold by weight (minimum of 1 kg), where you
applications only; however pieces kept outdoors have shown great resistance to will be charged for the exact weight supplied.
extremes of climatic conditions. If making hollow casts by swilling, subsequent swills Size 165mm (6½") wide x 0.1mm (0.004")
should be made when the previous one is hard but not dry. Hollow casts made from thick. 1 kg of brass fencing is about 7.6 metres
swills need to be about 13mm (½") thick if no reinforcement is to be used. (25 feet) long.
66 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
401-550 Plaster Rasp 18cm (7") £8.09 £9.70 401-700 Ciment Fondu 2.5 kg £5.19 £6.22
401-560 Plaster Rasp 20cm (8") £8.09 £9.70 401-710 Ciment Fondu 25 kg £24.02 £28.82
401-570 Plaster Rasp 25cm (10") £9.30 £11.16 10 + less 10% discount £21.62 £25.93
401-580 Plaster Rasp 30cm (12") £11.28 £13.53
401-585 Steel Plaster Rasp 20cm (8") £3.75 £4.50
Specially fine high alumina casting cement giving superb detail. It is fast setting,
PLASTER KNIVES achieving its full strength in 24 hours. It is extremely hard and is good for outdoor
Ideal plaster working knives, with a straight cutting edge, a very thick strong back and applications. Colour white. Technical Booklet available Casting in Ciment Fondu by
a polished handle. Not for sale to anyone under the age of 18. Available in two Edward Folkard FRBS.
401-750 Secar 71 White Ciment Fondu 2.5 kg £8.22 £9.86
401-760 Secar 71 White Ciment Fondu 25 kg £49.45 £59.34
10 + less 10% discount £44.50 £53.41
Alabaster / Plaster knife with a 10cm (4") double curved blade.
Not for sale to anyone under the age of 18.
General Purpose, pre-accelerated, low viscosity, thixotropic, orthophthalic resin,
401-010 Plaster Bowl - Small (¼ litre) £4.14 £4.96 formulated to give extremely low styrene emission. Its applications include laminating,
401-020 Plaster Bowl - Medium (¾ litre) £5.62 £6.74 casting and casting with metal and stone fillers.
401-030 Plaster Bowl - Large (2 litre) £8.27 £9.92 Harmful
• Very low styrene emission resulting in lower styrene levels in workshop
PLASTER BRUSHES atmospheres.
Plaster brushes with domed ends for working with plaster and soft soap. • Good interlaminar adhesion ensuring no de-lamination if lay up is delayed.
• Low viscosity allowing rapid, efficient fibre wet-out in spray and hand lay-up.
• Long pot life combined with rapid cure allowing fast mould turn round. The
quick curing characteristic gives a relatively short green trimming stage.
• Lower exotherm enabling thick sections to be fabricated with much reduced
risk of distortion, discolouration, pre-release, or damage to mould surface.
• Approved Lloyds Register of Shipping for use in the construction of boats
moulded under their survey.
• Mechanical properties meet requirements of BS.3532 1962, Type A
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 67
405-615 Multi-Purpose Resin 1 kg £8.94 £10.72 407-100 Polyester Pigment: Ivory 100g £5.46 £6.55
405-630 Multi-Purpose Resin 5 kg £32.48 £38.97 407-110 Polyester Pigment: Ivory 500g £13.60 £16.32
405-640 Multi-Purpose Resin 25 kg £85.68 £102.81 407-190 Polyester Pigment: Super Black 100g £5.00 £6.00
2 + less 5% discount £81.40 £97.68 407-200 Polyester Pigment: Super Black 500g £11.53 £13.83
4 + less 10% discount £77.11 £92.53 407-220 Polyester Pigment: Super White 100g £5.07 £6.08
10 + less 15% discount £72.83 £87.40 407-230 Polyester Pigment: Super White 500g £11.80 £14.23
406-085 Polyester Pigment: Bright Red 100g £11.61 £13.93
GEL COAT RESIN 406-086 Polyester Pigment: Bright Red 500g £42.45 £50.94
A pre-accelerated, isophthalic clear gel coat resin which is 20% thixotropic. The resin 406-095 Polyester Pigment: Chocolate Brown 100g £5.03 £6.03
brushes out nicely and leaves a good thickness of gel coat prior to laminating with glass 406-096 Polyester Pigment: Chocolate Brown 500g £12.09 £14.50
fibre and GP Resin. It also has excellent weather resistance. It is not suitable for mixing 406-100 Polyester Pigment: Sulphur Yellow 100g £6.98 £8.37
with metal fillers. 406-101 Polyester Pigment: Sulphur Yellow 500g £21.66 £25.99
406-105 Polyester Pigments: Yellow 100g £9.84 £11.80
406-106 Polyester Pigments: Yellow 500g £34.53 £41.43
405-545 Gel Coat Resin 1 kg £10.51 £12.61 406-111 Polyester Pigment: Bright Green 100g £8.31 £9.97
405-560 Gel Coat Resin 5 kg £45.72 £54.86 406-112 Polyester Pigment: Bright Green 500g £27.24 £32.68
405-570 Gel Coat Resin 20 kg £136.46 £163.75 406-115 Polyester Pigment: Green 100g £8.29 £9.94
2 + less 5% discount £129.64 £155.56 406-116 Polyester Pigment: Green 500g £27.18 £32.61
4 + less 10% discount £122.81 £147.38 407-285 Polyester Pigment: Dark Green 100g £5.87 £7.04
10 + less 15% discount £115.99 £139.19 407-290 Polyester Pigment: Dark Green 500g £15.43 £18.51
406-121 Polyester Pigment: Pastel Blue 100g £5.39 £6.46
LIQUID HARDENER 406-122 Polyester Pigment: Pastel Blue 500g £13.90 £16.68
Catalyst for use with all our polyester resins. Liquid Hardener is an Organic Peroxide 406-125 Polyester Pigment: Blue 100g £5.27 £6.32
called Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide. It cannot be sent by post, but only by road 406-126 Polyester Pigment: Blue 500g £13.37 £16.04
carrier. The small Hardener bottles have dropper fittings in the neck and calibrations on 407-300 Polyester Pigment: Bright Blue 100g £5.65 £6.78
the sides, so that it is possible to measure small or large amounts. For larger amounts, 407-305 Polyester Pigment: Bright Blue 500g £14.54 £17.44
use the Auto-dispenser. 406-131 Polyester Pigment: Turquoise Blue 100g £5.37 £6.44
Oxidising Corrosive 406-132 Polyester Pigment: Turquoise Blue 500g £13.58 £16.29
406-135 Polyester Pigment: Claret 100g £9.24 £11.08
405-810 Liquid Hardener 50g £2.06 £2.47 406-136 Polyester Pigment: Claret 500g £31.59 £37.90
405-820 Liquid Hardener 500g £6.01 £7.21
Wax Parting Agent GP & PVA Blue & Clear: GLASS FIBRE
Glass fibre is used in conjunction with resin either to provide reinforcement to the
407-610 Scopas Parting Agent 250ml £2.87 £3.44 casting or to produce a more lightweight casting where weight would be a problem if a
407-620 Scopas Parting Agent 1 Litre £8.39 £10.06 solid cast were to be made. Usually a gel coat, made of resin or resin and filler, is
applied into a mould and then glass fibre is laminated in layers behind this using
407-650 Wax Parting Agent GP 300g £6.77 £8.12 GP polyester resin. This produces a very strong durable lightweight resin shell. Glass
407-710 PVA Blue 250g £3.59 £4.30 fibre can also be used in conjunction with plaster polymer mixes to make more
407-720 PVA Blue 4.5 kg £27.54 £33.04 lightweight, very strong structures.
407-730 PVA Clear 250g £3.24 £3.88
407-740 PVA Clear 4.5 kg £21.70 £26.04 406-010 Light Chopped Strand Mat 1 metre £2.50 £3.00
406-020 Light Chopped Strand Mat 10 metres £19.99 £23.98
406-030 Light Chopped Strand Mat 25 metres £32.25 £38.70
These colour pastes contain highly dispersed pigments and can be readily mixed 406-110 Heavy Chopped Strand Mat 1 metre £2.95 £3.54
directly into the resin. They have been specially selected by us and they are all lead 406-120 Heavy Chopped Strand Mat 10 metres £26.16 £31.39
free. They all have good opacity, are heat and light stable and all are compatible with 406-130 Heavy Chopped Strand Mat 25 metres £47.36 £56.83
our polyester resins. The colour paste should first be mixed with a small quantity of
resin and, while continually stirring, gradually add the rest of the resin. Greater opacity 406-210 Glass Fibre Tissue 1 metre £2.74 £3.28
can be obtained by mixing the resin with a filler such as marble. Black Pigment will 406-220 Glass Fibre Tissue 10 metres £18.58 £22.29
absorb the cobalt accelerator present in the resin. Therefore, when mixed with resin, it 406-230 Glass Fibre Tissue 25 metres £42.71 £51.25
should be used within 24 hours to avoid cobalt absorption and so prevent undercure.
The pigments are highly concentrated and additions of only 2 - 5% are required. If these 406-320 Glass Fibre Ribbon 50mm x 5 metres £2.53 £3.03
levels are exceeded it may result in an undercured or sticky casting. 406-330 Glass Fibre Ribbon 50mm x 50 metres £15.25 £18.30
(Colours shown are an indication only.)
406-410 Chopped Strands 500g £3.11 £3.73
68 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
Quantities of fillers:
In general, a rule of thumb is equal parts by volume plus a little more filler (based on GP
or Multi-Purpose resin at room temperature). A guide to weight ratios of metal fillers to
one part of Multi-Purpose resin is:
Aluminium 1¼ Bronze 6 or 7
Copper 4 or 5 Brass 5 or 6 Iron 6 or 7
Aluminium Aluminium hydroxide; a white filler giving excellent translucent qualities similar to onyx
and some marbles. Can be used with pigments.
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 69
409-712 Axson F23 Urethane Resin 1.2kg £18.65 £22.38 OTHER RESINS
5 + less 10% discount £14.92 £17.90
A general purpose clear epoxy resin for casting, embed-
FLEXIBLE POLYURETHANE FOAM ding, cold enamelling and coating. The resin is very
A premium two-component soft and flexible slightly straw coloured, but this is virtually unnoticeable
foam that is versatile and easy to use. It in coating applications. Epoxy resin cures with a non-
can be used for a variety of art / crafts, tacky surface, is self levelling, non-shrinking and will
industrial and special effects applications adhere to most surfaces. Polyester pigments may be
including padding / cushion material and used with this resin (5% maximum), and also a whole
scenic design. Parts A & B are mixed in a range of fillers.
two to one ratio by weight and poured into a Harmful Corrosive
mould or other form (apply a release agent
if necessary). It will expand to 5 to 6 times
its original volume. Foam takes 5 minutes
to full rise and can be handled in 15 to 20
minutes. Cures white. Sold in a 3kg kit
(2kg Part A and 1kg Part B).
70 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
406-700 Laminating Brush 12mm (½") £0.61 £0.73 OTHER RESIN SUNDRIES
10 + less 10% discount £0.55 £0.66
406-705 Laminating Brush 25mm (1") £0.86 £1.03 WAX ADDITIVE
10 + less 10% discount £0.77 £0.93 Wax Additive is 2% wax in styrene solution. When added to the resin at the rate of 2%
406-710 Laminating Brush 38mm (1½") £1.07 £1.28 by weight to the resin content of the mix, will virtually eliminate surface tackiness
10 + less 10% discount £0.96 £1.16 caused by air inhibition.
406-715 Laminating Brush 50mm (2") £1.41 £1.69
10 + less 10% discount £1.27 £1.52
405-895 Wax Additive 30ml £3.05 £3.66
A complete system for buffing and polishing resins that will give a quick, flawless finish AUTO-DISPENSER
to any cast blocks, especially to Clear Casting Resin which has articles embedded or For dispensing Liquid Hardener (Catalyst). Bottles
encapsulated. Rub down the block with 120 grit and 320 grit wet and dry paper (use are plastic and will not spill their contents if acciden-
wet), washing the block in running water after each grade. Then use the red buffing tally knocked over (provided the top cylinder is left
compound on a buffing mop to polish off any remaining scratches or marks on the empty). The 500ml size bottle can be kept filled from
surface of the block. Clean off any remaining red compound and then repeat using the the 500g bottles of Liquid Hardener which do not
white finishing compound on a finishing mop to produce a highly polished surface. The have built-in measuring facilities. The bottle can be
mops can be used in an electric drill clamped on a bench mounting. By using the steel set to meter out selected amounts up to 15ml auto-
arbor, both mops are easily and quickly changed by simply screwing on or off. The matically.
mops have a centre hole for mounting on the steel arbor. Always use goggles and a
dust mask when polishing. The polishing process is described in more detail in the
Polyester Resin Technical Booklet (990-505).
405-900 Auto-dispenser (0 - 15ml) £8.55 £10.26
Acrylic spray coat / sealer. Forms a tough, tena-
cious skin, giving a protective coat to all polished
objects, particularly copper, brass and bronze. It
can be used for sealing wet clay before applying
polyesters. In 400ml aerosol cans.
409-250 Steel Arbor £5.75 £6.90
Extremely Flammable
409-260 Red Buffing Compound approximately 1.25kg £6.71 £8.05
409-270 White Finishing Compound approximately 800g £8.07 £9.68
409-280 Buffing Mop 50-fold 10cm £4.71 £5.65
409-290 Buffing Mop 50-fold 15cm £6.65 £7.98
409-300 Finishing Mop 60- fold 10cm £4.30 £5.16
409-310 Finishing Mop 60-fold 15cm £6.39 £7.66
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 71
Figures in No.4 Alloy, by Ramon Labayen of Spain (cast using the Centricast Machine).
White Metal is a general term which includes all tin / lead alloys; characteristically, they do not change colour when liquid (unless overheated). Various alloys are available, for
hand or machine casting, for making jewellery, model making (architectural, industrial, railway, military, etc.), and prototype work. Virgin Bismuth is also available to alloy with
pure lead to drop the casting temperature when using silicone rubber moulds.
All metals are supplied in long thin ingots called tinman’s sticks, for easy melting in flat bottom ladles and in our electric melting pots. White metals will cast in silicone rubber - RTV-
101 is normally used. Recommended pouring temperatures are given, but pour at the lowest temperature consistent with filling the mould satisfactorily. Always dust the mould with
talc (or graphite powder) before casting, and pour metal in one fluent action without a break. Allow sufficient time for metal to set before removing from the mould. Beware - even
the mould can become very hot. Do not attempt to water cool, and do not pour hot metal into damp or wet moulds. Special note: Any hazard to health is only likely to occur from
lead rich alloys. We are obliged to draw your attention to the Health & Safety Rules supplied with each pack of metal; become familiar with these before using the metal.
White Metal Colouring. Chemical treatment of white metals will change the colour; Cupra (which gives white metals a copper colour) is shown in the Restoration and Finishing
Section. MP = Melting Point SOT = Suggested Operating Temperature
72 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
804-130 Woods Metal Alloy 1 kg £33.52 £40.22 801-710 C178 Centricast Ladle (400g capacity) £18.29 £21.94
801-720 Metal Ladle 10cm (4”) (1.25 kg capacity) £14.40 £17.28
802-300 Flat Bottom Ladle £5.64 £6.76
White Metal melting pots with built in electronic controllers. Provided the pots are kept
at least half full they are very accurate, keeping the metal to within one or two degrees
of the set temperature. Whilst it is possible to melt white metals on a stove, even a small Cast iron, 4 section ingot mould; takes approximately
change in temperature of the cast metal can affect how well it will cast. Having a melting 2 kg of white metal in all. Useful for emptying the
pot removes some of these uncertainties and also speeds up your production espe- melting pot when changing metals or re-cycling waste
cially when casting centrifugally on the Centricast machine. Melting Temperature range metal, sprues, etc.
0ºC to 400ºC. Normally supplied 200 / 240 volts AC, but can be supplied 110 / 120
volts to special order. 801-650 C176 Ingot Mould £22.53 £27.03
An alternative to Talc for dusting moulds prior to casting white metal and Pewter.
802-100 TE5 Metal Melting Pot £495.76 £594.91 510-460 Graphite Powder 250g £3.61 £4.33
802-110 TE20 Metal Melting Pot £621.22 £745.46 510-480 Graphite Powder 2.5 kg £15.25 £18.30
802-120 TE30 Metal Melting Pot £769.08 £922.89 510-490 Graphite Powder 25kg £71.92 £86.30
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 73
The C300 Centricast Machine is a complete low cost system which makes moulds in cold cure silicone rubber (RTV-101) and then casts in white metals and Pewter. It is used
for casting military figures and accessories, vehicle kits, model railway parts, jewellery, badges, jewellery components and dolls house accessories. The advantage over hand
casting is that castings are produced much more quickly and in quantity, detail and finish are improved, and by harnessing centrifugal force, hitherto difficult parts such as rifles or
fine filigree parts will cast more easily.
Using cold cure silicone rubber for mouldmaking means that no heat or pressure is required to make moulds; consequently, masters can be made from any reasonably hard
material, such as plastic, Milliput, white metal, Plastikard, Super Sculpey, or even hard wax.
The Machine is of a compact and robust design, CE marked, and is ideal for Educational, home or workshop use, working off normal domestic supply. Normal voltage is AC
240 Volts (3 amps); 110 Volt version is available to special order. A fully illustrated Manual with hints and tips on mouldmaking and casting comes with each machine. Centricast
Machines are made by us at Thatcham, are guaranteed in proper use for twelve months, and can normally be supplied from stock.
Demonstrations can be arranged at either our London or Thatcham premises, and technical advice can normally be obtained by calling us at Thatcham during normal working hours.
C300 CENTRICAST MACHINE Centricast Plate Pack 7a includes 1 pair of 7" plates, 1 pair of 7" x 3/8" rings, a pack
The C300 Centricast Machine has a variable speed controller and dynamic braking of 3 x C248 'A' Studs and Nuts, a pack of 3 x Nylon Mould Opener Screws.
to stop the turntable when the motor is switched off (or lid opened). The switch is also
a thermal safety cut-out. When properly operated it is impossible to accidentally spill Centricast Plate Pack 10a includes 1 pair of 10" plates, 1 pair of 10" x 3/8" rings, a
metal or casting material out of the machine. Melting pot not included. pack of 4 x C248 'A' Studs and Nuts, a pack of 4 x Nylon Mould Opener Screws.
The Machine is sold without plates or rings, but includes the Universal Former Plugs, All plates and mould rings can also be supplied separately; the largest mould possible
Sprue Cutter, Location Formers, and an illustrated Manual. Plate Packs are supplied for the C300 Centricast Machine is 9¼" x 2½" high by stacking rings (see Manual).
separately in either 7" or 10" version. When ordering, please specify which you
74 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
Mould rings are available to fit the 7" or 10" Plates. 7" rings make moulds 6¼" diameter,
10" rings make moulds 9¼" diameter. By using 2 x 3/8" rings and 2 x 5/8" rings, it is
possible to make a 2" deep mould. Supplied in pairs.
C248 'A' Stud Set C252 'D' Stud Set
To give a rough idea of the amount of rubber required for moulds, the following is a guide,
not allowing for the central hole etc:
801-400 C248 'A' Stud & Nuts - Set of 3 (for 3/4" moulds) £21.31 £25.57
7" plates, 3/8" rings - mould size: 159mm x 19mm (6¼" x ¾") = 500g rubber 801-410 C248 'A' Stud & Nuts - Set of 4 (for 3/4" moulds) £27.74 £33.28
7" plates, 3/8" + 5/8" rings - mould size: 159mm x 51mm (6¼" x 2") = 1.5kg rubber
801-420 C249 'B' Stud & Nuts - Set of 3 (for 1¼" moulds) £13.96 £16.75
10" plates, 3/8" rings - mould size: 235mm x 19mm (9¼" x ¾") = 1.175kg rubber 801-430 C249 'B' Stud & Nuts - Set of 4 (for 1¼" moulds) £17.58 £21.09
10" plates, 3/8" + 5/8" rings - mould size: 235mm x 51mm (9¼" x 2") = 3.125kg rubber
801-440 C250 'C' Stud & Nuts - Set of 3 (for 2" moulds) £15.54 £18.64
801-450 C250 'C' Stud & Nuts - Set of 4 (for 2" moulds) £20.05 £24.06
801-460 C252 'D' Stud & Nuts - Set of 3 (for 2½" moulds) £16.42 £19.70
801-470 C252 'D' Stud & Nuts - Set of 4 (for 2½" moulds) £21.22 £25.46
801-200 C206 Centricast Mould Rings 7" x 3/8" pair £46.22 £55.46
801-210 C207 Centricast Mould Rings 7" x 5/8" pair £40.93 £49.11
801-260 C275 Centricast Mould Rings 10" x 3/8" pair £51.29 £61.54
801-270 C276 Centricast Mould Rings 10" x 5/8" pair £49.02 £58.82
Nylon Former Plugs for forming the base button, reservoir and pouring hole. The
Universal Former Plug Set can be used to make all sizes of mould on the C300. The
set is available on its own with instructions, but from mid-1997 has been supplied as
standard with all machines, and instructions have been incorporated in the Manual.
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 75
517-100 Substitute Gold Leaf Loose (1 book) £3.09 £3.70 517-142 Green Variegated Gold Leaf Loose (1book) £6.15 £7.38
5 + less 5% discount £2.94 £3.53 5 + less 5% discount £5.84 £7.01
20 + less 10% discount £2.78 £3.34 20 + less 10% discount £5.53 £6.64
100 + less 15% discount £2.63 £3.16 100 + less 15% discount £5.19 £6.22
200 + less 20% discount £2.47 £2.96 200 + less 20% discount £4.92 £5.90
76 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
517-144 Blue Variegated Gold Leaf Loose (1book) £6.15 £7.38 Flammable Harmful
5 + less 5% discount £5.84 £7.01
20 + less 10% discount £5.53 £6.64 517-230 Gold Size 3-4 Hour 60ml £6.38 £7.65
100 + less 15% discount £5.19 £6.22 517-240 Gold Size 3-4 Hour 250ml £10.46 £12.55
200 + less 20% discount £4.92 £5.90 517-245 Gold Size 3-4 Hour 1 Litre £27.62 £33.14
515-035 Gesso-Bole: White 100ml £9.10 £10.92 517-500 Rabbit Skin Glue 250g £5.76 £6.91
515-045 Gesso-Bole: Dark Terracotta 100ml £9.10 £10.92 517-520 Rabbit Skin Glue 1 kg £19.26 £23.11
517-530 Rabbit Skin Glue 5 kg £84.66 £101.59
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 77
Not for sale to anyone under the age of 16.
Gilders' knife with 15cm double edge straight blade and rounded tip.
Domed brushes, bound in goose quill with brass wire in plain wooden handles. High
quality soft hair.
518-020 No.4 Soft Hair Mop £15.69 £18.82
518-030 No.6 Soft Hair Mop £19.75 £23.70
518-040 No.8 Soft Hair Mop £26.11 £31.33 518-423 No.23 Agate Burnisher £17.83 £21.39
518-425 No.25 Agate Burnisher £23.61 £28.33
518-435 No.11 Agate Burnisher £14.17 £17.00
518-437 No.37 Agate Burnisher £15.28 £18.33
78 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
BRONZE POWDERS Liquid Leaf is a liquid brush-on gold or metallic colour. A 35ml bottle covers about
The finest quality flake metal powders. Use with Ormoline Metallic Paint Medium or 2 square metres Harmful
Treasure Gold is a non-tarnishing wax gilt for decorating or restoring gold leaf, or
Bronze Colours (Light / Medium / Dark) - please note that these three colours are no giving a gold leaf or other metal effect. It is applied and polished to a permanent lustre.
longer available. However, we have a Base Bronze which is a bright (LG3) bronze A final protective coat of Treasure Sealer is advisable. Available in 25g pots, which
colour, and the colour of this can be darkened by using Renaissance Wax together with cover about 3 square metres.
artists’ quality black oil paint. Leaflet available. Alternatively use Rambouillet Gilt
Cream or Varnish. . Classic
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 79
80 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
Metal cleaner with built-in corrosion inhibitors that protect Traditional Patinas come in a range of
metal surfaces while cleaning. Apply with a brush, sponge shades and colours and are available in
or rag. For stubborn marks, use an abrasive to aid three sizes: 8oz, 32oz or 1 gallon to suit
cleaning. Rinse with water after application and dry the a variety of individual requirements.
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 81
82 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
101-600 Renaissance Wax 65ml £6.89 £8.26 515-600 Black Bison Wax: Clear 500ml £9.86 £11.83
101-610 Renaissance Wax 200ml £10.89 £13.06 515-610 Black Bison Wax: Dark Oak 500ml £9.86 £11.83
515-620 Black Bison Wax: Medium Oak 500ml £9.86 £11.83
515-630 Black Bison Wax: Georgian Mahogany 500ml £9.86 £11.83
515-640 Black Bison Wax: Victorian Mahogany 500ml £9.86 £11.83
515-650 Black Bison Wax: Antique Pine 500ml £9.86 £11.83
Cleans and removes old layers of wax, grease,
dirt, and smoke without altering the patina.
Can also be used to clean Ormolu. A rich paste wax formulated to give a white grained finish to
open grain wood. May be applied to bare timber, but for a
more dramatic result, stain the wood first. Before using, you
can open the grain of the wood with the Bronze Hand Brush.
Apply the paste with 0000 Steel Wool and fill the grain
completely. After a few minutes, finish by waxing with Black
Bison Wax - Clear, which will remove any excess Liming
Wax and give a deep shine when buffed.
515-450 Wax & Polish Remover 500ml £9.70 £11.64
515-670 Liming Wax 250ml £9.63 £11.55
Verdigris Wax. Used in the same way as the Gilt Creams
giving an excellent patina on wood, plaster, metals, etc.
Gives an excellent effect when applied over a Gilt Varnish.
515-550 Beeswax Polish (Paste) 150ml £6.39 £7.66 Work the wax liberally on to the surface, using a stiff brush to
force the wax into the detail. Allow to dry thoroughly and
remove excess by rubbing with a cotton rag or extra fine
BEESWAX POLISH (LIQUID) Steel Wool on larger areas. Finish by buffing vigorously with
A clear liquid version of the traditional Beeswax a furniture or shoe brush. We recommend sealing afterwards
/ Turpentine polish. Can be painted on, making with Treasure Sealer or Renaisance Wax, particularly if the
it easy to apply to large areas. object is to be handled.
515-690 Verdigris Wax 250ml £12.15 £14.58
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 83
Ideal for making up wax polishes, etc. Try equal
parts of Turpentine and Beeswax; grate the 517-850 Ormoline Metallic Paint Thinners 60ml £6.63 £7.95
Beeswax into the Turpentine and leave 517-860 Ormoline Metallic Paint Thinners 250ml £13.42 £16.10
overnight. Turpentine is also useful as a 517-870 Ormoline Metallic Paint Thinners 1 litre £32.72 £39.26
smoothing agent for Chavant Clays.
102-200 Pure Turpentine 300ml £5.00 £6.00 A blend of high quality oils, resins and dryers which give a
good resistance against water, alcohol and food acid marks;
SEALERS & VARNISHES matt or satin finish according to the number of coats. For
interior or exterior use.
These flakes will make a dark shellac. Shellac flakes should be mixed into warm
methylated spirits, and allowed to dissolve whilst being stirred. By adding more or less
flakes, shellac can be made up to the desired thickness. We suggest a starting point of
250g of flakes to 1 litre of methylated spirits.
84 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 85
86 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
522-710 General Purpose Mop - Medium £5.64 £6.76 522-770 Hake Goat Hair Brush 25mm x 30mm (1") £5.10 £6.12
522-715 General Purpose Mop - Large £8.64 £10.36 522-772 Hake Goat Hair Brush 40mm x 30mm (1½") £5.27 £6.32
522-774 Hake Goat Hair Brush 50mm x 30mm (2") £6.71 £8.05
522-776 Hake Goat Hair Brush 75mm x 30mm (2½) £9.77 £11.72
Round brushes with medium hair length, for stencilling and scrubbing colour into fabrics
and other sub strata.
522-720 Stencil Brush - Small £1.66 £1.99 Pewter sheet, in 21G (0.80mm). Sheet size 30cm x 61cm (12" x 24")
522-722 Stencil Brush - Medium £1.87 £2.24
522-724 Stencil Brush - Large £2.25 £2.70 802-500 Pewter Sheet 21G (0.80mm) 30cm x 61cm £61.20 £73.44
522-726 Stencil Brush - Extra Large £3.06 £3.67
Round brushes with medium hair length and short round wooden handles. SOFT COPPER FOIL & SOFT ALUMINIUM FOIL
Soft copper foil 0.1mm (.004") thick,
in rolls 165mm (6½") wide x 1 metre.
Soft Aluminium Foil 0.1mm (.004") thick,
in rolls approx 300mm (12") x 1 metre.
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 87
409-685 DN3218 Rigid Dispensing Nozzle £0.59 £0.70 409-650 Araldite 2020 Epoxy Resin Adhesive Kit 500g £58.28 £69.93
409-697 PC68 Cyanoacrylate Debonder 20ml £4.78 £5.73 see also MILLIPUT & GREEN STUFF (page 47)
88 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
516-201 Perfect Plastic Putty 40g £5.68 £6.81 516-203 Smart Plastic 125g £11.75 £14.10
516-205 Brush Magic 125ml £8.03 £9.63 516-204 Strip Magic 125ml £8.51 £10.21
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 89
One of the finest abrasives used in wood finishing. Also used for distressing gilding, and
it has the colour and feel of real dust and so it can be used imaginatively in distressing
and antiquing.
Useful to clean mouldings, castings, etc. Ideal also for initial cleaning of white metals.
Approximately 122mm x 38mm (4¾" x 1½"), bristles about 25mm (1") long.
516-050 Bronze Hand Brush £13.41 £16.09
This has a 292mm (11½") long handle, with brass bristle area 130mm x 16mm (5¼" x
5/8"), bristles approximately 25mm (1") long.
Grades 0000, 00, and 0. Outstanding quality steel wool. The use of long, top-quality
steel wire to create long strands of highly crumble resistant wool, and state-of-the-art
machinery to lay the strands parallel, creates a continuous band of consistent strand-
thickness wool, allowing it to be packed in neat rolls from which the required amount
can be cut off. The steel wool is capable of excellent liquid retention for the use of
spreading strippers, solvents and cleaners evenly; it is also virtually oil free.
Useful hints: Cut to length with shears and use gloves when working. Make sure the
strands of steel wool pads lie along the line of work. When using cleaners and solvents,
try out in an inconspicuous place first. Never use steel wool on ormolu. When polishing
metals, lubricate steel wool with soapy water or another appropriate lubricant.
701-010 No.3 Swann-Morton Handle £2.46 £2.95
Grade 0000: for delicate cleaning of metal and glass; polishing metals; applying wax 701-020 No.3L Swann-Morton Handle £6.12 £7.34
polishes; cutting down intermediate coats of French polish and lacquers; polishing cold 701-030 No.4 Swann-Morton Handle £2.46 £2.95
cast resin metals. 701-040 No.4L Swann-Morton Handle £6.12 £7.34
701-050 No.7 Swann-Morton Handle £5.25 £6.30
Grades 00 and 0: as for 0000, but for heavier work; cleaning suede, marble, tiles. Use
Liberon Wax & Polish Remover to clean surfaces thoroughly between stripping and see blades overleaf
90 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
10 10A 11 12 15 15A
To fit No.3, No.7 and No.3L Handles 701-500 Swann-Morton Trimaway Knife (1) £0.56 £0.67
701-510 Swann-Morton Trimaway Knives (Box of 50) £18.71 £22.45
701-100 No.10 Swann-Morton Surgical Blades (5) £0.67 £0.80
701-110 No.10 Swann-Morton Surgical Blades (100) £10.81 £12.97
701-120 No.10A Swann-Morton Surgical Blades (5) £0.67 £0.80 SWANN-MORTON BLADE REMOVER UNIT (BRU)
701-130 No.10A Swann-Morton Surgical Blades (100) £10.81 £12.97 Removes and stores Swann-Morton blades from
701-140 No.11 Swann-Morton Surgical Blades (5) £0.67 £0.80 both No.3 and No.4 sized handles, with a capacity
701-150 No.11 Swann-Morton Surgical Blades (100) £10.81 £12.97 to hold up to 100 blades. Ideal for less than confi-
701-160 No.12 Swann-Morton Surgical Blades (5) £0.67 £0.80 dent blade users and those requiring a safe way to
701-170 No.12 Swann-Morton Surgical Blades (100) £10.81 £12.97 dispose of used/contaminated blades.
701-180 No.15 Swann-Morton Surgical Blades (5) £0.67 £0.80 Blades are removed by simply placing the blade in
701-190 No.15 Swann-Morton Surgical Blades (100) £10.81 £12.97 the side of the unit, presing down and pulling the
701-192 No.15A Swann-Morton Surgical Blades (5) £0.67 £0.80 handle, the blade is safely removed and placed
701-194 No.15A Swann-Morton Surgical Blades (100) £10.81 £12.97 securely inside the unit.
20 24
21 25
701-405 Swann-Morton Blade Remover Unit (BRU) (1) £0.87 £1.04
701-410 Swann-Morton Blade Remover Unit (Box of 10) £7.41 £8.89
22 25A
23 27
To fit No.4, No.4L Handles General purpose retractable knife with replaceable blades. Supplied with 5 heavy duty
701-200 No.20 Swann-Morton Surgical Blades (5) £0.67 £0.80 blades Type 1992.
701-210 No.20 Swann-Morton Surgical Blades (100) £10.81 £12.97
701-220 No.21 Swann-Morton Surgical Blades (5) £0.67 £0.80 Not for sale to anyone under the age of 18.
701-230 No.21 Swann-Morton Surgical Blades (100) £10.81 £12.97
701-240 No.22 Swann-Morton Surgical Blades (5) £0.67 £0.80
701-250 No.22 Swann-Morton Surgical Blades (100) £10.81 £12.97
701-260 No.22A Swann-Morton Surgical Blades (5) £0.67 £0.80
701-270 No.22A Swann-Morton Surgical Blades (100) £10.81 £12.97
701-280 No.23 Swann-Morton Surgical Blades (5) £0.67 £0.80
701-290 No.23 Swann-Morton Surgical Blades (100) £10.81 £12.97
701-300 No.24 Swann-Morton Surgical Blades (5) £0.67 £0.80
701-310 No.24 Swann-Morton Surgical Blades (100) £10.81 £12.97
701-320 No.25 Swann-Morton Surgical Blades (5) £0.67 £0.80
701-330 No.25 Swann-Morton Surgical Blades (100) £10.81 £12.97
701-340 No.25A Swann-Morton Surgical Blades (5) £0.67 £0.80
701-350 No.25A Swann-Morton Surgical Blades (100) £10.81 £12.97
701-360 No.26 Swann-Morton Surgical Blades (5) £0.67 £0.80
701-370 No.26 Swann-Morton Surgical Blades (100) £10.81 £12.97
701-380 No.27 Swann-Morton Surgical Blades (5) £0.67 £0.80
701-390 No.27 Swann-Morton Surgical Blades (100) £10.81 £12.97
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 91
Gases & Vapours: you will detect odour in the respirator - ‘breakthrough’. Substances
should have good warning properties, e.g. taste or smell, and the respirator should be
disposed of immediately when breakthrough is detected.
Respirators should not be used in hazard concentrations which are immediately dan-
gerous to life or health (IDLH). They should only be used in well ventilated areas
(minimum 19.5% oxygen). 3M 8822 Valved Dust Respirator 3M 9913 Nuisance Odour Respirator
HONEYWELL FILTER CARTRIDGES 601-180 8822 Valved Dust / Mist Respirator (1) £2.93 £3.51
Formerly James North,The information on Occupational Exposure Levels (OEL) and 601-182 8822 Valved Dust / Mist Respirator (10) £23.43 £28.11
Time Weighted Average (TWA) is correct at the time of going to press. These may
change from time to time. 9913 NUISANCE ODOUR RESPIRATOR
Protection against dusts, mists, unpleasant smells and nuisance levels of organic
ORGANIC VAPOUR FILTER CARTRIDGE vapour. Maximum usage level 4 x Occupational Exposure Limit (OEL) - dusts and
N7500-1U Organic Vapour Filter Cartridge mists. Below Occupational Exposure Limit (OEL) - organic vapours. Standard:
Colour - Brown. Conforms to A1 level protection as EN 149 FFP1S. Approval: Conforms to HSE Approved Standard.
double filter. (Proposed CEN standards.) Currently rated
4 x OEL / TWA. 601-290 9913 Nuisance Odour Respirator (1) £5.21 £6.25
601-300 9913 Nuisance Odour Respirator (10) £43.05 £51.66
N7500-8U High Efficiency Particulate Filter Cartridge.
Colour - White. For highly toxic particulates, Dust, Fumes,
Mists and Radio-nucleides. Conforms to BS.4555 as
double filter and to P3 level of protection as double filter. WIDE VISION IMPACT GOGGLES
(Proposed CEN standards). Currently rated 20 x OEL Light, strong and comfortable, with a wide field of vision, these goggles can be worn in
/ TWA. combination with a respirator, or over most types of spectacles. Approved for dust and
chemical atmospheres. Made with polycarbonate lens conforms to EN166, for protec-
ORGANIC VAPOUR / DUST FILTER CARTRIDGE tion against chipping, grinding, handtools and machine operation, as well as molten
N7500-81U High Efficiency Organic Vapour & Dust metals. Two versions available - one being Anti-Mist, the other for molten metals.
Filter Cartridge.
Colour - White / Brown. Conforms to BS.2091 as a
double filter and A1, P3 level of protection as double filter.
(Proposed CEN standards.) For toxic and hazardous
particulates. Currently rated Organic Vapour 4 x OEL /
TWA, Particulates 20 x OEL / TWA.
Contoured sealing flange makes a comfortable mask, giving excellent fit, eliminating EYE WASH BOTTLES
pressure points. Extended side flanges provide best possible seal during talking and It is important to have sterile saline water solution available wherever resins, silicones
other facial motions. Three overlapping sizes provide the most comfortable fit for the and many other materials are used. Bottles should be replaced once opened or out of
largest number of wearers. Direct cartridge to facepiece seal eliminates the risk of date.
improper seal and reduced protection due to lost or worn gaskets.
601-080 Eye Wash Bottle - Sterile Saline Solution £5.73 £6.87
92 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
602-401 PR88 Hand Protection Cream 100ml £2.74 £3.28 MIXING STICKS
602-402 PR88 Hand Protection Cream 1 litre £9.21 £11.05 Flat spatula wooden mixing sticks,
approximately 148mm x 18mm (6" x ¾").
A heavy duty hand cleanser in a yellow gel
form with polyurethane beads to aid the removal 409-170 Mixing Sticks (pack of 10) £0.78 £0.91
of ingrained soil and contamination. Contains 409-180 Mixing Sticks (box of 100) £2.49 £2.98
citrus solvents for powerful but safe removal of 10 + less 10% discount £2.24 £2.69
all heavy duty soiling including printing inks,
epoxy resin and paints. Formulated for really SYRINGE BODIES
tough jobs, it will effortlessly remove the most Side tip syringe bodies, 5ml graduated in
stubborn contaminants leaving hands really 0.5ml divisions, 20ml in 2ml divisions.
clean. Plastic with rubber fittings on the plunger.
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 93
94 Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices.
*Special Note
All products in our Sculptors' Catalogues are shown on our website:
www.tiranti.co.uk. Please see website for latest products and prices.
Prices are shown excluding & including VAT and are correct at time of publication, please see website for latest prices. 95