installation capacity of data) of computer are an example of electronic media. This type of hard disc is becoming
increasingly smaller in size.
The latest inclusion in the field is magnetic media (magnetic stripe) whose application is common in the fastest
growing information technology field. Modern day IT media is commonly used in the banking sector and by the
Income Tax Department for the purpose of providing the easiest and fastest possible services to consumers. In this
magnetic strip, account information linking to all the data relating to a particular consumer is stored. The main
features of these types of media are prepared unrecorded (blank form), and data is normally stored at a later stage
as per the requirement of its user or consumer.
Social impact
Media technology has made viewing increasingly easier as time has passed throughout history. Children today are
encouraged to use media tools in school and are expected to have a general understanding of the various
technologies available. The internet is arguably one of the most effective tools in media for communication tools
such as e-mail, Skype, and Facebook have brought people closer together and created new online communities.
However, some may argue that certain types of media can hinder face-to-face. Therefore, it is an important source
of communication.
In a large consumer-driven society, electronic media (such as television) and print media (such as newspapers) are
important for distributing advertisement media. More technologically advanced societies have access to goods and
services through newer media than less technologically advanced societies. In addition to this "advertising" role,
media is nowadays a tool to share knowledge all around the world. Analysing the evolution of medium within the
society, Popkin[8] assesses the important role of media, by building connection between politics, culture and
economic life and the society: for instance periodical newspaper has been an opportunity to first advertise and
second to be up-to-date with current foreign affairs or the nation economic situation. In the mean time,
Willinsky[9] was promoting the role of modern technology as a way to come across cultural, gender, national
barriers. He saw in internet an opportunity to establish a fair and equal system of knowledge: as internet may be
accessible to anyone, any published information may be read and consulted by anyone. Therefore, internet is a
sustainable solution to overcome the "gap" between developed and developing countries as both will get a chance
to learn from each other. Canagarajah[10] is addressing the issue of unbalanced relations between the North and
South countries, asserting that Western countries tend to impose their own ideas on developing
countries.Therefore, internet is way to re-establish balance, by for instance enhance publication of newspaper,
academic journal from developing countries. Christen[11] is the one who created a system that provide access to
knowledge and protect people's customs and culture. Indeed, in some traditional societies, some genders cannot
have access to a certain type of knowledge therefore respecting these customs limit the scope of dissemination but
still allow the diffusion of knowledge. Within this process of dissemination, media would play a role of
"intermediaries", that is say translation an academic research into a journalistic format, accessible by lay audience
( Levin[12]). Consequently, media is a modern form of communication aiming at spreading knowledge within the
whole world, regardless any form of discrimination.
Media, through media and communications psychology, has helped to connect diverse people from far and near
geographical location. It has also helped in the aspect of on-line or Internet businesses and other activities that
have an on-line version. All media intended to affect human behavior is initiated through communication and the
intended behavior is couched in psychology. Therefore, understanding media and communications psychology is
fundamental in understanding the social and individual effects of media. The expanding field of media and
communications psychology combines these established disciplines in a new way.
Timing change based on innovation and efficiency may not have a direct correlation with technology. The
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