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MINI-LINK Manager 6.1: NERA NEW Adaptation Guide

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MINI-LINK Manager 6.

NERA NEW Adaptation Guide


© Ericsson AB 1996-2003 - All Rights Reserved


The contents of this document are subject to revision without notice due to
continued progress in methodology, design and manufacturing.

Ericsson shall have no liability for any error or damages of any kind resulting
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MINI-LINK Manager 6.1


1 NERA NEW Adaptation Guide 1

1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 NERA Alarm Modes 1
1.3 Configuration 3

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MINI-LINK Manager 6.1

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MINI-LINK Manager 6.1

1 NERA NEW Adaptation Guide

1.1 Introduction
The NERA NEW Adaptation supports alarm and performance management of

In this chapter all adaptation extension specific information is presented.

1.2 NERA Alarm Modes

The NERA NEW adaptation can run in two different supervision modes. They
are called Section and Station mode. The mode is set in the Adaptation
Properties window, see 1.3.1.

1.2.1 Section Mode

A Section consists of several stations. In Section mode each Section is a NE in


1.2.2 Station Mode

In Station mode each station is a NE in the MINI-LINK MANAGER. This mode

is used by default.

1.2.3 Alarm Details

When viewing details on a selected alarm in the alarm list, two of the fields in
the Alarm Details window, Additional Text and Additional Info, gives the total
information about where in the NEW-NMS the certain alarm can be found.

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MINI-LINK Manager 6.1

Figure 1 Alarm details Probable Cause

Describes what kind of alarm it is. Additional Info

Additional Information describes exactly where the alarm occurred in the NERA
network. Additional Text

Additional Text gives information about the type of equipment that this alarm
occurred in and also information about the NEW-NMS that send the information
is applied.

1.2.4 Performance Monitoring

The NERA NEW Adaptation is capable of collecting PM data from NERA NEW
equipment. The PM collection interval is 15 min.

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MINI-LINK Manager 6.1

Table 1 PM data
Standard Parameter name Comment
G.826 ES Error seconds
SES Severely error seconds
UAS Unavailable seconds
BBE Background block errors
DM Background blocks
G.821 ES Error seconds
SES Severely error seconds
UAS Unavailable seconds
BBE Background block errors
DM Background blocks

1.3 Configuration

1.3.1 Adaptation Properties window

For a description of the generic tabs Basic, Base NE and NE Defaults, see

Use the Address tab to set addressing and communication parameters. Here
you also set the supervision mode.

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MINI-LINK Manager 6.1

Figure 2 Address tab

Table 2 Address tab

Name Description Access
EM Here you enter the IP address or host name Read/Modify
Address for the NERA NEW NMS.
NOTE! You can only use the host name if the
Domain Name System (DNS) is available,
or if the host name is defined in the
Commu- Here you enter the SNMP community name Read/Modify
nity for the NERA NEW NMS. The community
name is normally public.
Timeout Timeout in seconds. The default value for Read/Modify
this property is 360.
Re-con- This field contains an integer that defines Read/Modify
nect Re- the number of re-connect attempts done by
tries the adaptation if communication with the
NERA NEW NMS is lost.
Possible values are -1 to 100.
The value -1, which is default and normally
used, means "try to re-connect forever".
Re-con- This field contains an integer that defines the Read/Modify
nect Delay time in seconds between each re-connect
Possible values are 10 to 3600.
The default value for this property is 90.

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MINI-LINK Manager 6.1

Table 2 Address tab

Mode Here you enter the desired supervision Read/Modify
mode. See 1.2 for a discussion of
supervision modes.
Possible values are:
1 - Section Mode
2 - Station Mode
The default value for this property is 2.
NOTE! If you change the supervision mode,
you also have to reconfigure NE’s since the
meaning of NE’s and their names completely
change. The easiest way to do this is to
use Auto Configure. See CONFIGURATION
GUIDE for more information.
EM Version Here you enter the Nera NEW version. Read/Modify
The correct version must be specified,
the adaptation will not work properly if
wrong version is specified. Note that Auto
Configure automatically configures the
correct value.
Possible values are:
4 - Nera NEW R4 or older
5 - Nera NEW R5
6 - Nera NEW R6
7 - Nera NEW R7
The default value for this property is 5.
NOTE! This property will not be visible
after upgrade from IMA 2.1 or older
using database restore. The Nera NEW
version is assumed to be R4 or older. To
make it visible, use Auto Configure (see
OK Exit the window with saved settings. Activate
Cancel Exit the window without saving. Activate
Apply Saves the settings without closing the Activate
window. PM tab

Use the PM tab to set the parameters necessary for the connection to the
NERA SQL server. If PM is not going to be used please leave the default
values unedited.

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MINI-LINK Manager 6.1

Figure 3 PM tab

Table 3 PM tab
Name Description Access
Nera Here you enter the name of the NERA NEW Read/Modify
Database database.
Nera Here you enter the username for the NERA Read/Modify
Username NEW database.
Nera Here you enter the password for the NERA Read/Modify
Password NEW database.
OK Exit the window with saved settings. Activate
Cancel Exit the window without saving. Activate
Apply Saves the settings without closing the Activate

1.3.2 NE Properties window

For a description of the generic tab Basic, see CONFIGURATION GUIDE. Address tab

Use the Address tab to set the name of the Section or Station to supervise.

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MINI-LINK Manager 6.1

Figure 4 Address tab

Table 4 Address tab

Name Description Access
NE Name Here you enter the name of a Section Read/Modify
or Station, depending on the configured
supervision mode.
OK Exit the window with saved settings. Activate
Cancel Exit the window without saving. Activate
Apply Saves the settings without closing the Activate
window. LM tab

Use the LM tab to select appropriate Local Manager (LM) for the NE. Previous
before configuring the LM Alias, the LM alias has to be defined in the IMA LM
Configuration window. To open the LM Configuration window start the IMA
Explorer and select the System tab, right click on the MINI-LINK MANAGER
Server and select LM Configuration. Please note that the LM configuration
needs to be defined on the IMA Application Server.

The following LM aliases shall be configured in the IMA LM Configuration

Window if using NERA R7B or less:

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MINI-LINK Manager 6.1

• NERAC, Path entry: the PC directory where NetOp has been installed,
normally C:\Program Files\NetOpRemote Control\Guest (to start the
NERA element manager).

The following LM aliases shall be configured in the IMA LM Configuration

Window if using NERA R7C or greater:

• NERA5, Path entry: the PC directory where new.exe has been installed,
normally C:\Program Files\Nera ASA\New (to start the NERA element

Figure 5 LM tab

Table 5 Address tab

Name Description Access
LM Alias Select NERAC (NERA R4 or less) or Read/Modify
NERA5 (NERA R5 or greater) to start the
OK Exit the window with saved settings. Activate
Cancel Exit the window without saving. Activate
Apply Saves the settings without closing the Activate

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