Digest Part 2 Inc
Digest Part 2 Inc
Digest Part 2 Inc
But the RTC DISMISSED the complaint failed to XP- An exception to this rule, however, is found in the
state a cause of action against Gaudioso. It observed that aforequoted Section 1 of Rule 4 wherein the heirs of a
while the plaintiffs therein had established their relationship decedent, who left no will and no debts due from is estate,
may divide the estate either extrajudicially or in an ordinary
with Magdaleno in a previous special proceeding for the action or partition without submitting the same for judicial
issuance of letters of administration, this did not mean that administration nor applying for the appointment of an
they could already be considered as the decedent’s administrator by the court.
compulsory heirs.
FACTS: This is a petition for review on certiorari under Rule
45 of the Rules of Court to reverse and set aside the decision
Whether or not the RTC’s dismissal of the case on the ground and resolution of CA affirming the judgment of RTC.
that the subject complaint failed to state a cause of action was
proper. In 1989, Pedro L. Rifioza died intestate, leaving several heirs,
including his children with his first wife, respondents Ma.
Ruling Gracia R. Plazo and Ma. Fe Alaras, as well as several
properties including a resort and a family home, both located
YES, the petition has no merit. in Nasugbu, Batangas.
Cause of action is defined as the act or omission by which a In 1993, in their Amended Complaint for Judicial Partition with
Annulment of Title and Recovery of Possession, respondents
party violates a right of another. It is well-settled that the
alleged that they discovered that their co-heirs, Pedro’s
existence of a cause of action is determined by the allegations second wife, Benita Tenorio and other children, had sold the
in the complaint. subject properties to petitioners, spouses Francisco Villafria
and Maria Butiong who are now deceased and substituted by
As stated in the subject complaint, petitioners, who were their son Dr. Ruel Villafria, without their knowledge and
among the plaintiffs therein, alleged that they are the lawful consent.
heirs of Magdaleno and based on the same, prayed that the
Affidavit of Self-Adjudication executed by Gaudioso be When confronted about the sale, Benita acknowledged the
same, showing respondents a document she believed
declared null and void and that the transfer certificates of title evidenced receipt of her share in the sale, which, however,
issued in the latter’s favor be cancelled. did not refer to any sort of sale but to a previous loan obtained
by Pedro and Benita from a bank. Such document is
While the foregoing allegations, if admitted to be true, would evidenced receipt from Banco Silangan releasing their
consequently warrant the reliefs sought for in the said indebtedness.
complaint, the rule that the determination of a decedent’s
lawful heirs should be made in the corresponding special Upon inquiry, the Register of Deeds of Nasugbu informed
respondents that he has no record of any transaction involving
proceeding precludes the RTC, in an ordinary action for
the subject properties, giving them certified true copies of the
cancellation of title and reconveyance, from granting the titles to the same. Respondents discovered taht 4 out of 8
same. The Court has consistently ruled that the trial court cottages in the resort wasd demolished and were not able to
cannot make a declaration of heirship in the civil action for the enter the premises as it was padlocked.
reason that such a declaration can only be made in a special
proceeding. Under Section 3, Rule 1 of the 1997 Revised Subsequently, on July 1991. respondents learned that a
Rules of Court, a civil action is defined as one by which a notice of an extra-judicial settlement of estate of their late
father was published in a tabloid called Balita. Then, they
party sues another for the enforcement or protection of a right,
caused the annotation of their adverse claims over the subject
or the prevention or redress of a wrong while a special properties before the Register of Deeds of Nasugbu and filed
proceeding is a remedy by which a party seeks to establish a their complaint praying, among others, for the annulment of all
status, a right, or a particular fact. It is then decisively clear
documents conveying the subject properties to the petitioners ISSUE: WON THE COURT OF APPEALS COMMITTED
and certificates of title issued pursuant thereto. REVERSIBLE ERROR IN NOT RULING THAT THE
In their Answer, petitioners denied the allegations of the PEDRO RIFIOZA AND THE CIVIL ACTION FOR
complaint on the ground of lack of personal knowledge and ANNULMENT OF TITLE OF THE HEIRS AND THIRD
good faith in acquiring the subject properties. The petitioner PERSONS IN ONE PROCEEDING
contended that what they purchased was only the resort. An
Extra-Judicial Settlement with Renunciation, Repudiations and
Waiver of Rights and Sale which provides, among others, that
respondents' co-heirs sold the family home to the spouses RULING: No. Petitioner is mistaken. It is true that some of
Rolando and Ma. Cecilia Bondoc for Pl million as well as a respondents' causes of action pertaining to the properties left
Deed of Sale whereby Benita sold the resort to petitioners for behind by the decedent Pedro, his known heirs, and the
₱650, 000.00. nature and extent of their interests thereon may fall under an
action for settlement of estate. However, a complete reading
of the complaint would readily show that, based on the nature
of the suit, the allegations therein, and the relief’s prayed for,
Trial court nullified the transfer of the subject Properties to the action, is clearly one for judicial partition with annulment of
petitioners and spouses Bondoc due to irregularities in the title and recovery of possession.
Documents of conveyance offered by petitioner’s as well as
the circumstances surrounding the execution of the same. Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court provides:
Specifically, the Extra-Judicial Settlement was notarized by a
notary public that was not duly commissioned as such on the RULE 74
date it was executed. The Deed of Sale was Undated, the
date of the acknowledgment therein was left blank, and the Summary Settlement of Estate
Typewritten name "Pedro Rifioza, Husband" on the left side of
the document Was not signed. Both the documents were Section 1. Extrajudicial settlement by
never presented to RD for registration and that the title was agreement between heirs. - If the decedent left
named after the names of Perdo and second wife Benita. no will and no debts and the heirs are all of
age5 or the minors are represented by their
RTC: Declaring nullity of the Extra-judicial Settlement with judicial or legal representatives duly authorized
Renunciation, Repudiation and Waiver of rights and Sale; for the purpose, the parties may without
executed by Benita in favor of spouses Francisco and Maria securing letters of administration, divide the
Butiong; ordering forfeiture of any and all improvemnets by estate among themselves as they see fit by
defendants; ordering defendants to vacate the premises and means of a public instrument filed in the office
deliver the possession of the 4 parcels of land and all its of the register of deeds, and should they
improvements to palintiffs; declaring plaintiff and the disagree, they may do so in an ordinary action
defendants- heirs to be legitimate and order RD to issue of partition. If there is only one heir, he may
corresponding titles in proportion established by law. adjudicate to himself the entire estate by
means of an affidavit filed in the office of the
On appeal, the CA affirmed the trial court’s Judgment. register of deeds. The parties to an
Extrajudicial settlement, whether by public
CA: Alfredo de Guzman was not commissioned as notary instrument or by stipulation in a pending action
public therefore the document is not a public document; date for partition, or the sole heir who adjudicates
of execution was not indicated; amount of consideration id the entire estate to himself by means of an
superimposed; not presented to RD for annotation.Thus, affidavit shall file, simultaneously with and as a
settlement/ family home deed is not a public document (void). condition precedent to the filing of the public
instrument, or stipulation in the action for
Aggrieved, petitioners, substituted by their son Ruel Villafria, partition, or of the affidavit in the office of the
filed a Motion for Reconsideration raising the trial court’s lack register of deeds, a bond with the said register
of jurisdiction alleging that when the complaint for Judicial of deeds, in an amount equivalent to the value
Partition was filed, there was no yet settlement of Pedro's of the personal property involved as certified to
estate not determination of the number of legitimate under oath by the parties concerned and
heirs.That, RTC ruled of the intestate estate in ordinary conditioned upon the payment of any just claim
jurisdiction when the action filed was judicial that may be filed under section 4 of this rule. It
partition.Considering that the instant action is really one for shall be presumed that the decedent left no
settlement of intestate estate, the trial court, sitting merely in debts if no creditor files a petition for letters of
its probate jurisdiction, exceeded its jurisdiction when it ruled administration within two (2) years after the
upon the issues of forgery and ownership. death of the decedent.
On appeal, this Court denied on petitioner's Petition for The fact of the Extrajudicial settlement or administration shall
Review on Certiorari for submitting a verification of the be Published in a newspaper of general circulation in the
petition, a certificate of non-forum shopping and an affidavit of manner provided in the next succeeding section; but no
service that failed to comply with the 2004 Rules on Notarial Extrajudicial settlement shall be binding upon any person who
Practice regarding competent evidence of affiant's identities. has not participated therein or had no notice thereof.
Then the resolution became final and executory.
In this relation, Section 1, Rule 69 of the Rules of Court
This Court also denied petitioner's Motion for Reconsideration provides:
in the absence of any compelling reason to warrant a
modification of the previous denial. Section 1. Complaint in action for partition of
real estate. - A person having the right to
The foregoing notwithstanding, petitioner filed a Petition for compel the partition of real estate may do so
Annulment of Judgment and Order before the CA assailing as provided in this Rule, setting forth in his
the decision and order of the RTC on the grounds of extrinsic complaint the nature and extent of his title and
fraud and lack of jurisdiction, which the CA dismissed. an adequate description of the real estate of
which partition is demanded and joining as
Unsatisified, they wrote a letter on March 2008 addressed to defendants all other persons interested in the
CJ Reynato Puno praying that the decision be rendered property.
based on merits and not on formal requirements (as to
absence of verification agianst non-forum shopping). However As can be gleaned from the foregoing provisions, the
no action was given. allegations of respondents in their complaint are but
customary, in fact, mandatory, to a complaint for partition of
real estate. Particularly, the complaint alleged: (1) that Pedro of an action for partition, as held in Municipality of Bifzan v.
died intestate; (2) that respondents, together with their co- Garcia.
heirs, are all of legal age, with the exception of one who is
represented by a judicial representative duly authorized for
the purpose; (3) that the heirs enumerated are the only known
heirs of Pedro; (4) that there is an account and description of 1st phase: of a partition and/or accounting suit is taken up
all real properties left by Pedro; (5) that Pedro's estate has no with the determination of whether or not a co-ownership in fact
known indebtedness; and (6) that respondents, as rightful exists, and a partition is proper (i.e., not otherwise legally
heirs to the decedent’s estate, pray for the partition of the proscribed) and may be made by voluntary agreement of all
same in accordance with the laws of intestacy. It is clear, the parties interested in the property. END- with a declaration
therefore, that based on the allegations of the complaint, the that plaintiff is not entitled to have a partition either because a
case is one for judicial partition. That the complaint alleged co-ownership does not exist, or partition is legally prohibited
causes of action identifying the heirs of the decedent, or vice versa (where accounting for rents and profits realized
properties of the estate, and their rights thereto, does not in the real estate).
perforce make it an action for settlement of estate.
Thus, respondents committed no error in filing an action for Following the death of her uncle, the testator Moises
judicial partition instead of a special proceeding for the F. Banayad, petitioner, who was named as devisee in the will,
settlement of estate as law expressly permits the same. When
filed before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Pasay City, on
the complaint contained allegations inherent in an action for
settlement of estate does not mean that there was a June 3, 1991, Sp. Proc. No. 3664-P for the allowance of the
prohibited joined of causes of action for questions as to the November 18, 1985 holographic will of the decedent.
estate's properties as well as a determination of the heirs,
their status as such, and the nature and extent of their titles to Petitioner alleged that Moises died without issue and
the estate, may also be properly ventilated in partition left to her the following properties, namely:
proceedings alone.A complete inventory of estate may
likewise be done during partition proceedings, especially (1) a parcel of land situated in Pasay City and described in
when estate has no debts. Transfer Certificate of Title No. 9741;
Moreover, the fact that respondents' complaint also prayed for
(2) images of Oracion del Huerto and Pieta including the
the annulment of title and recovery of possession does not
strip the trial court off of its jurisdiction to hear and decide the crown; and
case. Asking for the annulment of certain transfers of property
could very well be achieved in an action for partition, as can (3) all personal belongings.
be seen in cases where courts determine the parties' rights
arising from complaints asking not only for the partition of Respondent, a cousin of the petitioner filed his
estates but also for the annulment of titles and recovery of opposition and counter-petitioned for the allowance of two
ownership and possession of property. other holographic wills of the decedent, one dated September
27, 1989 and another dated September 28, 1989.
or petition.
In this case, at the time the petition for the allowance
of Moisess holographic will was instituted, the then Sections
19 and 33 of Batas Pambansa (B.P.) Blg. 129 were in force, The applicable law, therefore, confers jurisdiction on
the RTC or the MTCs over probate proceedings depending on
thus the gross value of the estate, which value must be alleged in
the complaint or petition to be filed.
SECTION 19. Jurisdiction in civil cases. Regional
Nowhere in the petition is there a statement of the
Trial Courts shall exercise exclusive original jurisdiction: gross value of Moisess estate. Thus, from a reading of the
original petition filed, it cannot be determined which court has
original and exclusive jurisdiction over the proceedings.
The RTC therefore committed gross error when it
had perfunctorily assumed jurisdiction despite the fact that the
initiatory pleading filed before it did not call for the exercise of
(4) In all matters its jurisdiction. The RTC should have, at the outset, dismissed
of probate, both testate the case for lack of jurisdiction. Be it noted that the dismissal
and intestate, where the on the said ground may be ordered motu proprio by the
gross value of the estate courts.
exceeds twenty thousand
Further, the CA, on appeal, should have dismissed
pesos (P20,000.00);
the case on the same ground. Settled is the doctrine that the
issue of jurisdiction may be raised by any of the parties or
may be reckoned by the court, at any stage of the
xxxx proceedings, even on appeal, and is not lost by waiver or by
The probate was denied on the ground that under Article 811
Second and most important, because in Tijam, the of the Civil Code, the proponent must present three witnesses
delayed invocation of lack of jurisdiction has been made who could declare that the will and the signature are in the
during the execution stage of a final and executory ruling of a writing of the testatrix, the probate being contested; and
court. In Figueroa, the Court has emphasized that estoppel by because the lone witness presented by the proponent "did not
laches only supervenes in exceptional cases similar to the prove sufficiently that the body of the will was written in the
factual milieu in Tijam. handwriting of the testatrix."
unauthorized jurisdiction over the probate proceedings has WON the proponent must present three witnesses who could
declare that the holographic will and the signature are in the
been discovered by the Court during the appeal stage of the writing of the testatrix.
main case, not during the execution stage of a final and
executory decision. Thus, the exceptional rule laid down
No. The rule of the first paragraph of Article 811 of the Civil
in Tijam cannot apply.
Code is merely directory and is not mandatory.
FEDERICO AZAOLA, petitioner-appellant, vs. CESARIO In the absence of any competent witness referred to
SINGSON, oppositor-appellee in the preceding paragraph, and if the court deems it
necessary, expert testimony may be resorted to.
[G.R. No. L-14003. August 5, 1960.] (691a)"
This appeal, taken on points of law from a decision rendered The Court agreed with the appellant that since the authenticity
on 15 January 1958 by the Court of First Instance of Quezon of the will was not contested, he was not required to produce
City in its Special Proceedings No. Q-2640, involves the more than one witness; but even if the genuineness of the
determination of the quantity of evidence required for the holographic will were contested, Article 811 of our present
probate of a holographic will. Civil Code cannot be interpreted as to require the compulsory
presentation of three witnesses to identify the handwriting of
Facts: the testator, under penalty of having the probate denied.
Since no witness may have been present at the execution of a
That on September 9, 1957, Fortunata S. Vda. de Yance died holographic will, none being required by law (Art. 810, new
at 13 Luskot, Quezon City, known to be the last residence of Civil Code), it becomes obvious that the existence of
said testatrix; that Francisco Azaola, petitioner herein for witnesses possessing the requisite qualifications is a matter
probate of the holographic will, submitted the said holographic beyond the control of the proponent. For it is not merely a
will whereby Maria Milagros Azaola was made the sole heir as question of finding and producing any three witnesses; they
against the nephew of the deceased Cesario Singson; that must be witnesses "who know the handwriting and signature
witness Francisco Azaola testified that he saw the holographic of the testator" and who can declare (truthfully, of course,
will one month, more or less, before the death of the testatrix, even if the law does not so express) "that the will and the
as the same was handed to him and his wife; that the witness signature are in the handwriting of the testator". There may be
testified also that he recognized all the signatures appearing no available witness acquainted with the testator's hand; or
in the holographic will as the handwriting of the testatrix and to even if so familiarized, the witnesses may be unwilling to give
reinforce said statement, witness presented the mortgage, the a positive opinion. Compliance with the rule of paragraph 1 of
special power of attorney, and the general power of attorney, Article 811 may thus become an impossibility.
besides the deeds of sale including an affidavit, and that there
were further exhibited in court two residence certificates to
show the signatures of the testatrix, for comparison purposes;
The decision appealed from is set aside, and the records Codoy and Ramonal’s demurrer to evidence was granted by
ordered remanded to the Court of origin, with instructions to the lower court. It was reversed on appeal with the Court
hold a new trial in conformity with this opinion. But evidence of Appeals which granted the probate.
already on record shall not be retaken.
312 SCRA 333
1. Whether or not Article 811 of the Civil Code, providing that
FACTS: at least three witnesses explicitly declare the signature in
a contested will as the genuine signature of the testator is
On 6 April 1990, Evangeline Calugay, Josephine Salcedo and mandatory or directory.
Eufemia Patigas, devisees and legatees of the holographic
will of the deceased Matilde Seño Vda. de Ramonal, filed a 2. Whether or not the witnesses sufficiently established the
petition for probate of the said will. They attested to the authenticity and due execution of the deceased’s holographic
genuineness and due execution of the will on 30 August 1978. will.
A visual examination of the holographic will convince us that “From the probate court’s order allowing the will of Ferdinand
the strokes are different when compared with other Marcos and issuing letters testamentary to Imelda and
documents written by the testator. The signature of the Bongbong Marcos, the Republic should have appealed to the
testator in some of the disposition is not readable. There were
CA under S1(a) R109 instead of filing a petition for review on
uneven strokes, retracing and erasures on the will. Comparing
the signature in the holographic will dated August 30, certiorari with the Supreme Court.”
1978,[33] and the signatures in several documents such as the
application letter for pasture permit dated December 30,
1980,[34] and a letter dated June 16, 1978,[35] the strokes are DALISAY E. OCAMPO, VINCE E. OCAMPO, MELINDA
different. In the letters, there are continuous flows of the CARLA E. OCAMPO, AND LEONARDO E. OCAMPO, JR.,
strokes, evidencing that there is no hesitation in writing unlike VS. RENATO M. OCAMPO AND ERLINDA M. OCAMPO,
that of the holographic will. We, therefore, cannot be certain
that the holographic will was in the handwriting by the G.R. No. 187879 : July 05, 2010
“Unlike that of a special administrator, the appointment of a
IN VIEW WHEREOF, the decision appealed from is SET regular administrator cannot be procured by a mere motion. A
ASIDE. petition must be filed pursuant to S2 R79.”
discretion.” petition for certiorari filed by petitioner with the CA should now
be considered as having been filed within the reglementary
period provided under said circular. Petitioner would have had
sixty days from March 4, 1999 or until May 3, 1999 within
which to file his petition in the CA. The petition
Petitioner filed Special Proceedings No. 1618 for the for certiorari was filed on April 21, 1999.
Administration and Settlement of the Estate of his deceased
However, far from rendering the petition in CA-G.R. SP
mother Consuelo Jamero with the Regional Trial Court (RTC),
No. 53020 moot and academic, as claimed by petitioner, the
Branch 4, Tagbilaran City. Private respondent Ernesto R.
third issue will have to be passed upon by the CA in the
Jamero, a brother of petitioner, opposed the latters petition for
petition for certiorari filed with it.
appointment as regular administrator of the estate.
As to the second issue, suffice it to be stated that
Upon motion of private respondent Ernesto and over the
indeed, the appointment of a special administrator is
objections of petitioner, the respondent court, in its Order
interlocutory, discretionary on the part of the RTC and non-
dated December 4, 1998,[2] appointed Atty. Alberto Bautista
appealable. However, it may be subject of certiorari if it can be
as special administrator pending the appointment of a regular
shown that the RTC committed grave abuse of discretion or
administrator. Petitioner received said Order on December 11,
lack of or in excess of jurisdiction. As the Court held
1998 and filed a motion for reconsideration on December 28,
in Pefianco vs. Moral,[13] even as the trial courts order may
1998, the last day of the 15-day reglementary period, that is,
merely be interlocutory and non-appealable, certiorari is the
December 26, 1998, falling on a Saturday during which,
proper remedy to annul the same when it is rendered with
according to petitioner, the Bureau of Post Office held no
grave abuse of discretion.[14]
office. The court a quodenied petitioners motion for
reconsideration in its Order dated February 26, 1999 which It is for this reason that the third issue, as already stated,
petitioner received on March 4, 1999.[3] will have to be considered and passed upon by the CA.
124715, January 24, 2000 Facts:
The well-known sugar magnate Roberto S. Benedicto died
intestate on 15 May 2000. He was survived by his wife,
private respondent Julita Campos Benedicto (administratrix
Petitioner Rufina Luy Lim is the surviving spouse of late Benedicto), and his only daughter, Francisca Benedicto-
Pastor Y. Lim, who died intestate and whose estate is the Paulino. At the time of his death, there were two pending civil
subject of probate proceedings. Private respondents Auto cases against Benedicto involving the petitioners. The first,
Truck Corporation, Alliance Marketing Corporation, Speed was then pending with the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of
Distributing, Inc., Active Distributing, Inc. and Action Company Bacolod City, Branch 44, with petitioner Alfredo Hilado as one
are corporations formed, organized and existing under
of the plaintiffs therein. The second was then pending with the
Philippine laws and which owned real properties covered
under the Torrens system. RTC of Bacolod City, Branch 44, with petitioners Lopez Sugar
Corporation and First Farmers Holding Corporation as one of
the plaintiffs therein.
Herein petitioner, as surviving spouse and duly represented
by her nephew George Luy filed a joint petition5 for the Thereafter, private respondent Julita Campos Benedicto filed
administration of the estate of Pastor Y. Lim before the RTC with the RTC of Manila a petition for the issuance of letters of
of Quezon City. Rufina alleged that the assets of these administration in her favor, pursuant to Section 6, Rule 78 of
corporations were owned wholly by Pastor; that these
corporations themselves are owned by Pastor and they are the Revised Rules of Court. the Manila RTC issued an order
mere dummies of Pastor. appointing private respondent as administrator of the estate of
her deceased husband, and issuing letters of administration in
her favor. In January 2001, private respondent submitted an
Private respondent corporations, whose properties were Inventory of the Estate, Lists of Personal and Real Properties,
included in the inventory of the estate of Pastor Y. Lim, then and Liabilities of the Estate of her deceased husband. In the
filed a motion6 for the lifting of lis pendens and motion7 for List of Liabilities attached to the inventory, private respondent
exclusion of certain properties from the estate of the
included as among the liabilities, the above-mentioned two
decedent. They presented proof (Torrens Titles) showing that
the assets of the corporations are in their respective names pending claims then being litigated before the Bacolod City
and titles. The RTC granted the twin motions of the private courts.
respondents but were later on reinstated upon petitioner’s
motion. However, the CA favoured the private respondents. Subsequently, petitioners filed with the Manila RTC a
Thus, this petition. Manifestation/Motion Ex Abundanti Cautela, praying that they
be furnished with copies of all processes and orders
ISSUE: pertaining to the intestate proceedings. petitioners filed an
omnibus motion praying that the Manila RTC set a deadline
Whether or not the corporations and/or their assets should be for the submission by private respondent of the required
included in the inventory of the estate. inventory of the decedent's estate. Petitioners also filed other
pleadings or motions with the Manila RTC, alleging lapses on
the part of private respondent in her administration of the
estate, and assailing the inventory that had been submitted
No. As regards the corporations, to include them in the thus far as unverified, incomplete and inaccurate.
inventory is tantamount to the piercing of the veil of corporate
fiction because the probate court effectively adopted the Manila RTC issued an order denying the
theory of Rufina. This cannot be done. Firstly, the probate manifestation/motion, on the ground that petitioners are not
court is sitting in a limited capacity. Secondly, Rufina was not interested parties within the contemplation of the Rules of
able to present sufficient evidence that indeed the Court to intervene in the intestate proceedings. CA likewise
corporations are mere conduits of Pastor. Mere ownership by
dismissed the petition.
a single stockholder or by another corporation of all or nearly
all of the capital stock of a corporation is not of itself a
sufficient reason for disregarding the fiction of separate Issue/s:
corporate personalities. The veil can’t be pierced without any 1. WON creditors whose credit is based on contingent claim
showing that indeed the corporation is being used merely as a have the right to participate in the settlement proceeding by
dummy. To disregard the separate juridical personality of a way of intervention under Rule 19
corporation, the wrong-doing must be clearly and convincingly 2. Won petitioners, as persons interested in the intestate
established. It cannot be presumed.
estate of the deceased person, are entitled to copies of all
As regards the assets, the corporations were able to present processes and orders pertaining to the intestate proceedings.
their respective Torrens Titles over the disputed assets. It is
true that a probate court may pass upon the question Ruling:
ownership albeit in a provisional manner but still, a Torrens 1. Notwithstanding Section 2 of Rule 72, intervention as set
Title cannot be attacked collaterally in a probate proceeding, it forth under Rule 19 does not extend to creditors of a decedent
must be attacked directly in a separate proceeding. whose credit is based on a contingent claim. The definition of
"intervention" under Rule 19 simply does not accommodate
MAYOR VS TIU contingent claims.
During the pendency of the intestate proceedings, Remedios 2. No, Section 3, Rule 83 of the Rules of Court provides
asked for the payment of widow's allowance. RTC denied but for the allowance granted to the widow and family of
the CA reversed the order of RTC and granted Remedios a the deceased person during the settlement of the
MONTHLY allowance of P3,000. February 29 1988, while the estate. This allowance is rooted on the right and duty
case was pending before the CA, Remedios executed a Deed to support under the Civil Code. The right to support
of Sale of Inheritance (Deed of Sale) wherein she agreed to is a purely personal right essential to the life of the
sell all her rights, interests and participation in the estate of recipient, so that it cannot be subject to attachment
Susano J. Rodriguez to a certain Remigio M. Gerardo or execution. Neither can it be renounced or
(Gerardo) in consideration of P200,000.00. Remedios transmitted to a third person. Being intransmissible,
executed a special power of attorney in favor of Gerardo.. support cannot be the object of contracts.
Gerardo later executed a document titled as “Substitutionof Nonetheless, it has also been held that support in
Attorney in fact where SRMO as a substitute councel, arrears is a different thing altogether. It may be
compensated, renounced and transmitted by
onerous or gratuitous title.
The Estate contends that since Remedios already case at bar) survive the death of the latter. So, the plaintiff is
sold her Estate to Gerardo on February 29, 1988, correct.
she was no longer entitled to any widow's allowance
from that point on. SRMO, on the other hand,
maintains that the right of Remedios to receive Under Rule 87, Sec. 5, it provides that the actions that are
widow's allowance remains from 1988 up to 1991 abated by death are:
because she remained a nominal party in the
case, and that this formed part of the interests 1.Claims for funeral expenses and those for the last
sold to Gerardo. sickness of the decedent;
The order of the trial court allowing the late claim is without
justification, because under Section 2, Rule 87, of the Rules of
Court, said court has no authority to admit a belated claim for It is clear from the foregoing that the period prescribed in the
no cause or for an insufficient cause.
notice to creditors is not exclusive; that money claims against
the estate may be allowed any time before an order of
DE RAMA VS PALILEO distribution is entered, at the discretion of the court, for cause
and upon such terms as are equitable. 1 This extension of the
IN RE: INTESTATE ESTATE OF BEATRIZ C. DE RAMA, period shall not exceed one month, from the issuance of the
deceased. order authorizing such extension.
WHEREFORE, finding no reversible error in the order
In connection with the proceeding for the settlement of the
intestate estate of the deceased Beatriz Cosio de Rama, and appealed from, the same is hereby affirmed, with costs
pursuant to the order of the Court of First Instance of Rizal against the appellant. So ordered.
before which the proceeding is pending, a notice to all
persons with money claims against the deceased to file their
said claims within six months, was duly published, the first
notice appearing in the August 13, 1958 issue of the Manila SHEKER VS ESTATE OF SHEKER
Chronicle. On January 27, 1959, the administrator filed an
inventory of the estate, showing assets amounting to
P139.596.77 and liabilities in the sum of P33,012.95.
The period provided in the published notice having expired BOSTON EQUITY RESOURCES, INC
without anybody filing any claim against the deceased, the vs.
administrator, upon order of the court, submitted a final COURT OF APPEALS AND LOLITA G. TOLEDO,
account of the estate and a project of partition, which were
approved on May 12, 1960. G.R. No. 173946 June 19, 2013
xxxx In other words, the collection case can proceed and the
demands of petitioner can be satisfied by respondent only,
even without impleading the estate of Manuel. Consequently,
Respondent’s motion to dismiss the complaint should have the estate of Manuel is not an indispensable party to
been granted by public respondent judge as the same was in petitioner’s complaint for sum of money.
order. Considering that the obligation of Manuel S. Toledo is
solidary with another debtor, x x x, the claim x x x should be
filed against the estate of Manuel S. Toledo, in conformity with However, the Court of Appeals, agreeing with the contention
the provision of Section 6, Rule 86 of the Rules of Court, x x of respondent, held that the claim of petitioner should have
x.20 been filed against the estate of Manuel in accordance with
Sections 5 and 6 of Rule 86 of the Rules of Court. The
aforementioned provisions provide:
The Court of Appeals denied petitioner’s motion for
reconsideration. Hence, this petition.
SEC. 5. Claims which must be filed under the notice. If not
filed, barred; exceptions. All claims for money against the
Issue: Whether or not the estate of Manuel Toledo is an decedent, arising from contract, express or implied, whether
indispensable party the same be due, not due, or contingent, all claims for funeral
expenses and judgment for money against the decedent,
Held: No. must be filed within the time limited in the notice; otherwise,
they are barred forever, except that they may be set forth as
Rule 3, Section 7 of the 1997 Rules of Court states: counterclaims in any action that the executor or administrator
may bring against the claimants. x x x.
SEC. 7. Compulsory joinder of indispensable parties. –
Parties-in-interest without whom no final determination can be SEC. 6. Solidary obligation of decedent. Where the obligation
had of an action shall be joined either as plaintiffs or of the decedent is solidary with another debtor, the claim shall
defendants. be filed against the decedent as if he were the only debtor,
without prejudice to the right of the estate to recover
contribution from the other debtor. x x x.
An indispensable party is one who has such an interest in the
controversy or subject matter of a case that a final
adjudication cannot be made in his or her absence, without The Court of Appeals erred in its interpretation of the above-
injuring or affecting that interest. He or she is a party who has quoted provisions.
not only an interest in the subject matter of the controversy,
In construing Section 6, Rule 87 of the old Rules of Court, the Based on the foregoing, the estate of Manuel is not an
precursor of Section 6, Rule 86 of the Revised Rules of Court, indispensable party and the case can proceed as against
which latter provision has been retained in the present Rules respondent only. That petitioner opted to collect from
of Court without any revisions, the Supreme Court, in the case respondent and not from the estate of Manuel is evidenced by
of Manila Surety & Fidelity Co., Inc. v. Villarama, et. its opposition to respondent’s motion to dismiss asserting that
al.,49 held:50 the case, as against her, should be dismissed so that
petitioner can proceed against the estate of Manuel.
Construing Section 698 of the Code of Civil Procedure from
whence [Section 6, Rule 87] was taken, this Court held that
where two persons are bound in solidum for the same debt
and one of them dies, the whole indebtedness can be proved Republic of the Philippines
against the estate of the latter, the decedent’s liability being
absolute and primary; x x x. It is evident from the foregoing Vs
that Section 6 of Rule 87 provides the procedure should the
creditor desire to go against the deceased debtor, but there is MA. IMELDA IMEE R. MARCOS-MANOTOC, FERDINAND
certainly nothing in the said provision making compliance with BONGBONG R. MARCOS, JR., GREGORIO MA. ARANETA
such procedure a condition precedent before an ordinary III, IRENE R. MARCOS-ARANETA, YEUNG CHUN FAN,
action against the surviving solidary debtors, should the YEUNG CHUN HO, YEUNG CHUN KAM, and PANTRANCO
creditor choose to demand payment from the latter, could be EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION (PEA)-PTGWO
entertained to the extent that failure to observe the same
would deprive the court jurisdiction to take cognizance of the G. R. No. 171701 February 8,2012
action against the surviving debtors. Upon the other hand, the
Civil Code expressly allows the creditor to proceed against “Rule 3, Sec. 7 of the Rules of Court defines indispensable
any one of the solidary debtors or some or all of them parties as those parties-in-interest without whom there can be
simultaneously. There is, therefore, nothing improper in the no final determination of an action. They are those parties
creditor’s filing of an action against the surviving solidary who possess such an interest in the controversy that a final
debtors alone, instead of instituting a proceeding for the decree would necessarily affect their rights, so that the courts
settlement of the estate of the deceased debtor wherein his cannot proceed without their presence. Parties are
claim could be filed. indispensable if their interest in the subject matter of the suit
and in the relief sought is inextricably intertwined with that of
The foregoing ruling was reiterated and expounded in the later the other parties.”
case of Philippine National Bank v. Asuncion 51where the
Supreme Court pronounced: FACTS:
On 2005, the Sandiganbayan issued a resolution, granting all In order that secondary evidence may be admissible, there
the demurrers to evidence except the one filed by Imelda R. must be proof by satisfactory evidence of (1) due execution of
Marcos. The sequestration orders on the properties in the the original; (2) loss, destruction or unavailability of all such
name of Gregorio Maria AranetaIII are accordingly lifted. originals and (3) reasonable diligence and good faith in the
search for or attempt to produce the original. None of the
abovementioned requirements were complied by the plaintiff.
Exhibits ‘P’, ‘Q’, ‘R’, ‘S’, and ‘T’ were all photocopies. ‘P’, ‘R’,
With regard to Imee Marcos-Manotoc and Bongbong Marcos, and ‘T’ were affidavits of persons who did not testify before
Jr., Irene Marcos and Gregorio Araneta III, the court noted the Court. Exhibit ‘S’ is a letter, which is clearly a private
that their involvement in the alleged illegal activities was never document. It is emphasized, even if originals of these
established; neither did the documentary evidence pinpoint affidavits were presented, they would still be considered
their involvement therein. The court held that all presented hearsay evidence if the affiants do not testify and identify
evidence are hearsay, for being merely photocopies and that them.
the originals were not presented in court, nor were they
authenticated by the persons who executed them. Petitioner having failed to observe the best evidence rule
Furthermore, the court pointed out that petitioner failed to rendered the offered documentary evidence futile and
provide any valid reason why it did not present the originals in worthless in alleged accumulation of ill-gotten wealth insofar
court. These exhibits were supposed to show the interests of as the specific allegations herein were concerned.Hence,
Imee Marcos-Manotoc in the media networks IBC-13, BBC-2 Sandiganbayan is correct in granting the respondents
and RPN-9, all three of which she had allegedly acquired respective Demurers to evidence.
illegally, her alleged participation in dollar salting through De
Soleil Apparel and to prove how the Marcoses used the It must be stressed that we are faced with exceptional
Potencianos as dummies in acquiring and operating the bus circumstances, given the nature and the extent of the
company PANTRANCO. properties involved in the case pending with the
Sandiganbayan. It bears emphasis that the Complaint is one
for the reversion, the reconveyance, the restitution and the
accounting of alleged ill-gotten wealth and the payment of
Meanwhile, as far as the YEUNGS were concerned, the court damages. Based on the allegations of the Complaint, the
found the allegations against them baseless. Petitioner failed court is charged with the task of (1) determining the properties
to demonstrate howGlorious Sunwas used as a vehicle for in the Marcos estate that constitute the alleged ill-gotten
dollar salting; or to show that they were dummies of the wealth; (2) tracing where these properties are; (3) issuing the
Marcoses. Again, the court held that the documentary appropriate orders for the accounting, the recovery, and the
evidence relevant to this allegation was INADMISSIBLE for payment of these properties; and, finally, (4) determining if the
being mere photocopies, and that the affiants had not been award of damages is proper.
presented as witnesses.
Since the pending case before the Sandiganbayan survives
the death of Ferdinand E. Marcos, it is imperative therefore
that the estate be duly represented. The purpose behind this
rule is the protection of the right to due process of every party
to a litigation who may be affected by the intervening death.
The deceased litigant is himself protected, as he continues to
be properly represented in the suit through the duly appointed
legal representative of his estate. On that note, we take
judicial notice of the probate proceedings regarding the will of
Ferdinand E. Marcos. In Republic of the Philippines v. Marcos
II,we upheld the grant by the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of
letters testamentary in solidum to Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr.
It is petitioner’s burden to prove the allegations; the operative and Imelda Romualdez-Marcos as executors of the last will
act on how and in what manner must be clearly shown and testament of the late Ferdinand E. Marcos.
through preponderance of evidence.
Unless the executors of the Marcos estate or the heirs are
ready to waive in favor of the state their right to defend or
protect the estate or those properties found to be ill-gotten in
The petitioner does not deny that what should be proved are their possession, control or ownership, then they may not be
the contents of the documents themselves. It is imperative; dropped as defendants in the civil case pending before the
therefore, to submit the original documents that could prove Sandiganbayan.
petitioner’s allegations. Thus, the photocopied documents are
in violation of best evidence rule, which mandates that the Rule 3, Sec. 7 of the Rules of Court defines indispensable
evidence must be the original document itself. Furthermore, parties as those parties-in-interest without whom there can be
petitioner did not even attempt to provide a plausible reason no final determination of an action. They are those parties
why the originals were not presented, or any compelling who possess such an interest in the controversy that a final
ground why the court such documents as secondary evidence decree would necessarily affect their rights, so that the courts
absent the affiant’s testimony. cannot proceed without their presence. Parties are
indispensable if their interest in the subject matter of the suit
and in the relief sought is inextricably intertwined with that of
the other parties.
The presentation of the originals of the aforesaid exhibits is
not validly excepted under Rule 130 of the Rules of Court. In order to reach a final determination of the matters
Under Section 3 (d), when ‘the original document is a public concerning the estate of Ferdinand E. Marcos that is, the
record in the custody of a public officer or is recorded in a accounting and the recovery of ill-gotten wealth the present
public office,’ the original thereof need not be presented. case must be maintained against Imelda Marcos and herein
However, all except one of the exhibits are not necessarily respondent Ferdinand Bongbong R. Marcos, Jr., as executors
public documents. The transcript of stenographic notes (TSN) of the Marcos estate pursuant to Sec. 1 of Rule 87 of the
of the proceedings purportedly before the PCGG may be a Rules of Court. According to this provision, actions may be
public document but what the plaintiff presented was a mere commenced to recover from the estate, real or personal
photocopy of the purported TSN which was not a certified property, or an interest therein, or to enforce a lien thereon;
copy and was not even signed by the stenographer who and actions to recover damages for an injury to person or
property, real or personal, may be commenced against the case and thereby ordered the RTC to reinstate the
respondents’ complaint, which was to declare the sale of the
In sum, the Marcos siblings are maintained as respondents, said property null and void, and to proceed with the trial of the
because (1) the action pending before the Sandiganbayan is
same. Petitioner, asserting that the Court of Appeals (CA) had
one that survives death, and, therefore, the rights to the estate
must be duly protected; (2) they allegedly control, possess or erred in its decision, filed this petition for review by certiorari.
own ill-gotten wealth, though their direct involvement in
accumulating or acquiring such wealth may not have been
Section 2, Rule 2 of the Rules of Court provides that The complaint was filed on November 23, 1992. Prior
a cause of action is the act or omission by which a party to the 1997 amendment of the Rules of Court, an executor or
violates a right of another. In De Guzman, Jr. vs. Court of administrator may sue or be sued without joining the party for
Appeals,[19] this Court held: whose benefit the action is presented or defended. Section 3,
Rule 3 of the old Rules of Court, provides:
A cause of action is the fact or
combination of facts which affords a party a SEC. 3. Representative Parties.- A
right to judicial interference in his behalf. trustee of an express trust, a guardian,
An action means an ordinary suit in a court executor or administrator, or a party
of justice, by which one party prosecutes authorized by statute, may sue or be sued
without joining the party for whose benefit JUANA PIMENTEL v. ENGRACIO PALANCA, G.R. No. L-
the action is presented or defended; but the 2108 December 18, 1905
SEC. 3. Representatives as No. By Section 641 of the Code of Civil Procedure, when a
parties.- Where the action is allowed to be will is proved it is obligatory upon the court to appoint an
executor or administrator. By virtue of other provisions of the
prosecuted or defended by a representative
code this executor or administrator has, under the direction of
or someone acting in a fiduciary capacity, the court, the full administration and control of the deceased's
the beneficiary shall be included in the title property, real and personal, until a final decree is made in
accordance with section 753.
of the case and shall be deemed to be the
real party in interest. A representative may For the purpose of such administration and distribution there
be a trustee of an express trust, a guardian, is only one proceeding in the Court of First Instance. That
an executor or administrator, or a party proceeding is not an action of law, but fall under Part II of the
Code of Civil Procedure, and is a special proceeding.
authorized by law or these Rules. An agent
acting in his own name and for the benefit It seems clear from these provisions of the law that while the
of an undisclosed principal may sue or be estate is being settled in the Court of First Instance in a
sued without joining the principal except special proceeding, no ordinary action can be maintained in
that court, or in any other court, by a person claiming to be the
when the contract involves things belonging
heir, against the executor or against other persons claiming to
to the principal. be heirs, for the purpose of having the rights of the plaintiff in
the estate determined. The very purpose of the trial or hearing
provided for in section 753 is to settle and determine those
and for orderly administration of justice, the administratrix
questions, and until they are settled and determined in that
should be allowed by the RTC to implead the Estate of the proceeding and under that section no action such as the
deceased Victorio Valle. However, this holds true only if, at present one can be maintained.
this time, the Estate has not been finally settled in that debts
have been paid and the heirs given their respective shares. In
the event that the Estate has been settled, then the Heirs to NGO THE HUA VS CCHUNG KIAT HUA
whom the real properties or portions thereof, subject of the
auction sale, had been adjudged by the probate court would
have the legal personality to be included as plaintiffs in Civil IMPERIAL V. MUNOZ, 58 SCRA 678 [1974]
Facts: -The contention of petitioner that an order which has already
-On 1957, Luis Santos surviving spouse of the deceased become final and therefore executory is not subject to
Fermina Bello Santos, who died intestate filed Special correction, finds support in Chereau vs. Fuentebella, where it
Proceeding No. 1049, entitled "Intestate Estate of Fermina was held that an erroneous decree or judgment although
Bello Santos", in CFI Bulacan granted without legal authority and contrary to the express
-Luis was appointed regular Administrator on 1958, as there provision of the statute, is not void. Here, as no appeal was
was no opposition filed by the only other heir, herein petitioner taken, the decree must be conceded to have full force and
Purificacion Santos Imperial effect. An erroneous decree is not a void decree.
-Later on petitioner Purificacion Santos Imperial entered her -The questioned orders having become final and, therefore,
appearance in the abovementioned intestate proceedings as executory because of the failure of the herein respondent Luis
Oppositor, and filed a motion to require the regular U. Santos to appeal on time by allowing the period for appeal
administrator to render an accounting to lapse before filing his motion for correction on June 18,
-This resulted in the approval by the Court a quo on 1967 of 1968, he has to suffer the misfortune brought about by his
the project of partition with the following awards: own negligence and fatal inadvertence
1. To Dr. Luis U. Santos, citizen of the Philippines, of age,
married to Socorro Manankil and resident of Malolos,
Bulacan, is hereby awarded and adjudicated an undivided IGNACIO VS ELCHICO
FIVE-EIGHTH(5/8) share in each of the above-described
properties; and
2. To Purificacion Santos-Imperial, citizen of the Philippines, Intestate estate of the deceased Baldomero Cosme,
of age, married to Eloy Imperial and resident of Malolos, ROSARIO COSME DE MENDOZA (administratrix-appellee)
Bulacan, is hereby awarded and adjudicated an undivided vs. JANUARIO PACHECO and RAYMUNDO CORDERO
THREE-EIGHTH (3/8) share in each of the properties
G.R. No. 43351
described above;
Santos filed a Motion for Correction of both the Amended February 26, 1937
Project of Partition of 1966, approved by the Court on June 6,
1967, and the Final Partial Project of Partition of March 22,
1968, likewise approved by the same court on April 26, 1968,
claiming that the partition submitted to the Court was DOCTRINE: -It is clear that a Court of First Instance,
exercising probate jurisdiction, is empowered to require the
erroneous, as the same did not conform with the ruling laid
filing of the administrator's bond, to fix the amount thereof,
down in the case of Santillon vs. Miranda and to hold it accountable for any breach of the administrator's
-Luis contended that he should get the properties partitioned duty. With an all-embracing power over the administrator's
while oppositor-petitioner Purificacion Santos Imperial, the bond and over administration proceedings, a Court of First
only child (adopted), should get only the remaining of the Instance in a probate proceeding cannot be devoid of legal
estate. authority to execute and make that bond answerable for the
very purpose for which it was filed.
(1) WON an order of a probate court in testate or intestate - It is the duty of courts of probate jurisdiction to guard
proceedings approving a project of partition which clearly fixed jealously the estates of the deceased person by intervening in
the distributive share to which each heir is entitled is merely the administration thereof in order to remedy or repair any
interlocutory in nature so that the probate court can correct injury that may be done thereto
and set aside the same anytime; or is final and, therefore,
appealable within the 30 day period for appeal; and
(2) WON a court can order the correction of an erroneous final FACTS: Manuel Soriano (former administrator of the estate of
decision after it had become final and executory. Baldomero Cosme). He filed a bond amounting to P5,000 with
with Juanario Pacheco and Raymundo Cordero as sureties for
Ruling: faithful complaince/ performance of his duties as
-The contention of petitioner to the effect that the orders of the
court a quo dated 1967 as well as that of 1968, are final as
the same have determined the distributive shares of the Soriano's account,upon approval, indebted to P 23, 603.21.
known forced heirs, finds support in the very same case cited Being unable to return the amount to the estate upon
by the respondents as their authority. denmand by Rosario Cosme (new administratrix) the court
ordered execution of bond on November 4, 1932, after notice
-This Court citing the case of Santillon held that in deciding
duly served to the parties.
the issue as to whether the order of the lower court is final and
appealable, went on to say:
It is clear that the order of the lower court is final and, Later, the court approved settlement betwee the old and new
therefore, appealable to this Court. administartor, whereby SOriano ceded certain real properties
to the estate reducing account of his indebtedness to estate to
P5,000. Subsequently, the adminitratrix had the public sale to
Under Rule 109, section 1, a person may appeal in special
collect the amoutn of P5,000.
proceedings from an order of the Court of First Instance
where such order "determines ... the distributive share of the
estate to which such person is entitled."
Separate motions to be discharged from bond were filed by
The two (2) questioned orders, being final in character, should Pacheco and Cordero. However, both were denied.
have been appealed by the party adversely affected within the
30-day reglementary period provided for appeal. This was not
done. Cordero then filed a motion for reconsideration but was then
(2) denied. Appeal was then brought to this court.
CA: On Nov. 4, 1932, MR was filed but denied and no appeal It is the duty of courts of probate jurisdiction to guard jealously
was made. Thus, the decision is final. The decision was the estates of the deceased person by intervening in the
affirmed with costs against appellants. administration thereof in order to remedy or repair any injury
that may be done thereto.
Before an administrator, or an executor, enters upon the We refer to the dispatch and economy with which
execution of his trust, and letters testamentary or of administration of the estates of deceased persons should be
administration are issued, the person to whom they are issued terminated and settled. It will be recalled that the appellants
is required to give a bond in such reasonable sum as the court could have raised the question of jurisdiction now pressed
directs, with one or more sufficient sureties, conditioned upon upon us in civil case and on appeal. They failed to appeal
the faithful performance of his trust and is accountable on his from the order complained thereof.
bond with the sureties for such performance.
Thus, a person who may be held liable as surety in respect to
an administrator's account the right, upon application, to be
admitted as a party to their accounting, from which we may On July 17, 2008, the Court of Appeals (CA) issued a decision
not unreasonably infer that a surety, like the appellants in the in the consolidated petitions for the Issuance of the Writ of
case before us, may be charged with liability upon the bond Habeas Corpus, for Contempt and for the Issuance of a Writ
during the process of accounting, that is, within the of Amparo filed by petitioner Edita T. Burgos on behalf of her
recognized confines of probate proceedings, and not in an son Jonas Joseph T. Burgos, who was forcibly taken and
action apart and distinct from such proceedings. abducted by a group of four men and by a woman from the
extension portion of Hapag Kainan Restaurant, located at the
ground floor of Ever Gotesco Mall, Commonwealth Avenue,
In the appellant's brief, it mentioned related jurisprudence in Quezon City, on April 28, 2007. This CA decision dismissed
this case where the execution of an administrator's bond, the petitioner's petition for the Issuance of the Writ of Habeas
clearly stands upon a different footing, and is as necessary a Corpus; denied the petitioner's motion to declare the
part and incident of the administration proceeding as the filing respondents in contempt; and partially granted the privilege of
of such bond or the fixing of its amount. Particularly is this true
the Writ of Amparo in favor of the petitioner.
in the present case where Soriano's indebtedness to the sate
in the amount of P23,603.21, subsequently reduced to
P5,000, is conceded on all sides, and all that the trial court
had to do was to see that said amount was turned over to the
estate. WON the Court of Appeals erred in its decision.
No. The Court of Appeal’s decision was upheld. 1. Whether or not there is a continuing violation of
respondents' right to security after they have
Considering the findings of the CA and the Court’s review of escaped.
the records of the present case, it conclude that the PNP and 2. Whether or not there is a violation of respondents'
the AFP have so far failed to conduct an exhaustive and right to security as a guarantee of protection by the
meaningful investigation into the disappearance of Jonas
Burgos, and to exercise the extraordinary diligence (in the
performance of their duties) that the Rule on the Writ of HELD:
Amparo requires. Because of these investigative
shortcomings, the Court cannot rule on the case until a more 1. YES. The possibility of respondents being executed
meaningful investigation, using extraordinary diligence, is stared them in the eye while they were in detention.
undertaken. The Court affirmed the CA’s decision that the With their escape, this continuing threat to their life is
evidence the petitioner presented failed to establish her apparent. Understandably, since their escape,
respondents have been under concealment and
claimed direct connection between the abductors of Jonas
protection by private citizens because of the threat to
and the military. their life, liberty and security. The threat vitiates their
free will as they are forced to limit their movements
The Court directed the Commission on Human Rights to or activities.149 Precisely because respondents are
conduct appropriate investigative proceedings, including field being shielded from the perpetrators of their
investigations — acting as the Court's directly commissioned abduction, they cannot be expected to show
agency for purposes of the Rule on the Writ of Amparo. evidence of overt acts of threat such as face-to-face
intimidation or written threats to their life, liberty and
The Court affirmed CA’s decision that the petitions for habeas security. Nonetheless, the circumstances of
respondents' abduction, detention, torture and
corpus and contempt as against President Gloria Macapagal-
escape reasonably support a conclusion that there is
Arroyo must be dropped since she enjoys the privilege of an apparent threat that they will again be abducted,
immunity from suit. The CA ruled that the President's tortured, and this time, even executed. These
immunity from suit is a settled doctrine citing David v. Arroyo. constitute threats to their liberty, security, and life,
actionable through a petition for a writ of Amparo.
SEC OF NATIONAL DEFENSE VS MANALO 2. YES. Apart from the failure of military elements to
provide protection to respondents by themselves
FACTS: perpetrating the abduction, detention, and torture,
they also miserably failed in conducting an effective
This is an appeal via Petition for Review under Rule 45 of the investigation of respondents' abduction.
Rules of Court in relation to Section 191 of the Rule on the
In his affidavit, petitioner Secretary of National
Writ of Amparo, seeking to reverse and set aside on both
Defense attested that in a Memorandum Directive
questions of fact and law, the Decision promulgated by the dated October 31, 2007, he issued a policy directive
Court of Appeals in C.A. G.R. AMPARO No. 00001, entitled addressed to the AFP Chief of Staff, that the AFP
"Raymond Manalo and Reynaldo Manalo, petitioners, versus should adopt rules of action in the event the writ
The Secretary of National Defense, the Chief of Staff, Armed of Amparo is issued by a competent court against
Forces of the Philippines, respondents." any members of the AFP, which should essentially
include verification of the identity of the aggrieved
Brothers Raymond and Reynaldo Manalo were abducted by party; recovery and preservation of relevant
evidence; identification of witnesses and securing
military men belonging to the CAFGU on the suspicion that
statements from them; determination of the cause,
they were members and supporters of the NPA. After 18 manner, location and time of death or
months of detention and torture, the brothers escaped on disappearance; identification and apprehension of
August 13, 2007. the person or persons involved in the death or
disappearance; and bringing of the suspected
offenders before a competent court.150 Petitioner
Ten days after their escape, they filed a Petition for AFP Chief of Staff also submitted his own affidavit
Prohibition, Injunction, and Temporary Restraining Order to attesting that he received the above directive of
respondent Secretary of National Defense and that
stop the military officers and agents from depriving them of
acting on this directive, he immediately caused to be
their right to liberty and other basic rights. While the said case issued a directive to the units of the AFP for the
was pending, the Rule on the Writ of Amparo took effect on purpose of establishing the circumstances of the
October 24, 2007. The Manalos subsequently filed a alleged disappearance and the recent reappearance
manifestation and omnibus motion to treat their existing of the respondents, and undertook to provide results
petition as amparo petition. of the investigations to respondents.151
Sec. 4. Notice and publication. – Upon the filing of the petition,
the court shall, by an order, fix the time and place for the
hearing of the same, and cause reasonable notice thereof to (1) that the lower court had no jurisdiction to take cognizance
be given to the persons named in the petition. The court shall of the case because the petition was not verified as required
also cause the order to be published once a week for three (3)
consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in by Section 2 of Rule 103 of the Rules of Court, and
the province.
(2) that no sufficient reason had been shown to justify the
change of the surname of the appellee.
Sec. 5. Opposition. – The civil registrar and any person having
or claiming any interest under the entry whose cancellation or
correction is sought may, within fifteen (15) days from notice Held:
of the petition, or from the last date of publication of such
notice, file his opposition thereto.
This appeal has no merit. It is admitted that the petition is not
verified in the manner as prescribed in Section 6 of Rule 15 of
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition is the old Rules of Court (now Section 6 of Rule 7 of the new
PARTIALLY GRANTED. The February 11, 2013 Decision of Rules of Court), because what appears is a simple jurat by the
the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CEB CV No. 03442, which
affirmed in toto the February 23, 2010 Decision of the Deputy Clerk of Court that the petitioner had subscribed and
Regional Trial Court, Branch 14, Baybay City, Leyte, is sworn to, the petition, before him. While it is true that under
Correction of Entry in the Certificate of Live Birth of Dorothy A. Section 2, Rule 103, it is required that the petition for change
Omapas with respect to her first name is DISMISSED of name be verified, nevertheless, no provision exists in the
WITHOUT PREJUDICE to its filing with the local civil registrar
concerned. rules which declares that such a requirement regarding
verification is jurisdictional. The requirement regarding
verification of a pleading is simply intended to secure an
IN THE MATTER OF THE CHANGE OF NAME OF assurance that what are alleged in the pleading are true and
ANTONINA B. OSHITA. correct and not the product of the imagination or a matter of
ANTONINA B. OSHITA, speculation, and that the pleading is filed in good faith. The
vs. requirement regarding verification of a pleading is simply a
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, condition affecting the form of pleading,1the non-compliance
of which does not necessarily render the pleading fatally
G.R. No. L-21180 March 31, 1967 defective. The court may order the correction of the pleading if
“The above grounds are not exclusive. The matter of whether the verification is lacking, or act on the pleading although it is
to grant a petition for change of name is left to the sound not verified if the attending circumstances are such that the
discretion of the court. The petition should be granted where strict compliance with the rule may be dispensed with in order
there is proper and reasonable cause and where there is no that the ends of justice or the law may thereby be served. This
view finds support in the ruling laid down by this Court in Article 364 of the Civil Code legitimate children shall
several decisions. principally use the surname of the father. This provision,
however, is not absolute because under Article 264 of the
In the case of The Philippine Bank of Commerce vs. same Code, it is provided that legitimate children have the
Macadaeg, et al., L-14174, October 31, 1960, the petition for right to bear the surname of the father and of the mother.
certiorari was attacked as fatally defective because it was not Hence, if there is sufficient reason, the change of a child's
verified as required by the provision of Section 1 of Rule 67 of surname from that of the father, to that of the mother, may be
the Rules of Court (now Section 1, Rule 65 of the new Rules authorized by the court.
of Court). In resolving this question, this Court held:
In the instant case, it has been shown that the petitioner-
First, respondents claim that the petition, not being appellee is the legitimate daughter of Buena Bartolome and
verified, is fatally defective. We do not think so. It is Hishimatsu Oshita; that upon reaching the age of majority she
true that Rule 67, sec. 1, of the Rules of Court, elected Philippine citizenship and took her oath of allegiance;
require that the petition for certiorari be verified, the that being already a Filipino citizen she desires to adopt a
apparent object thereof being to insure good faith in Filipino surname; that her older brother and sister who had
the averments of the petition. Where, however, the also elected Philippine citizenship have been using the
material facts alleged are a matter of record in the surname "Bartolome"; and that she desires to have the
court below, consisting in pleadings filed or surname "Bartolome" instead of "Oshita", because she felt
proceedings taken therein, and the questions raised embarrassed when introduced as one bearing Japanese
are mainly of law, a verification as to the truth of said surname. The lower court further observed that "It cannot be
facts is not an absolute necessity and may be waived denied that there had been ill feeling among the Filipinos
(42 Am. Jur., sec. 42, p. 177), as this Court has done against the Japanese due to the last Pacific war. Although
in this case when we gave due course to the present normal relations between the Philippines and Japan have
petition. In fact, many authorities consider the been established the ill feelings still persist among some
absence of verification a mere formal, not Filipinos especially among the less educated who had
jurisdictional, defect, the absence of which does not unpleasant experience during the war." There is no showing
of itself justify a court in refusing to allow and act in that the appellee was motivated by any fraudulent purpose, or
the case (71 C.J.S., 744-745). (Emphasis supplied). that the change of her surname will prejudice public interest.
We believe that the lower court acted correctly when it
Likewise, in the case of Tavera vs. El Hogar Filipino, Inc., et considered these circumstances as reasons sufficient to
al., 98 Phil. 481, this Court held that "lack of verification of a justify the change of name as prayed for by the petitioner-
petition filed in a probate court for the sale of real property appellee.
belonging to the estate of a minor is not a jurisdictional
defect."2In a land registration case, notwithstanding the Moreover, the matter of whether to grant or deny a petition for
provision of Section 34, Act 496, which requires that a change of name is left to the sound discretion of the court.
opposition to an application for registration of land should be The following, ruling of this Court is relevant:
sworn to by oppositor, this Court held that an "unverified
opposition is sufficient to confer standing in court to In granting or denying petitions for change of name,
oppositors." the question of "proper and reasonable cause" is left
to the sound discretion of the court. The evidence
In the light of the rulings laid down by this Court in the presented need only be satisfactory to the Court and
decisions afore-cited, it is clear that verification is not a not all the best evidence available.
jurisdictional, but a formal, requisite. While the petition now
before Us was not verified, it was, however, subscribed and In the present case the trial court found to its
sworn to by the petitioner, and We believe that the lower court satisfaction that petitioner was in earnest in his
did not commit a reversible error when it denied the motion to desire to do away with all traces of his former
dismiss the petition upon the ground of lack of jurisdiction. Chinese nationality and henceforth to be recognized
The jurisdiction of the court was not affected by the absence as a Filipino. Such desire is in line with the policy of
of the proper verification of the petition. It may be stated here, our naturalization law that applicants for
though, that the lower court should have required appellee to naturalization should fully embrace Filipino customs
have her petition verified before setting the case for hearing, and traditions and socially mingle with Filipinos.
in order to have the petition conform with the rule.1äwphï1.ñët
The appellant also contends that no sufficient reasons had
been shown to justify the grant by the lower court of the known as JULIAN LIN WANG, to be amended/corrected
petition for a change of name. The appellant urges that under
represented by his mother ANNA LISA WANG v. CEBU proper and reasonable cause to drop it from his registered
CITY CIVIL REGISTRAR, G.R. No. 159966. March 30, 2005 complete name.
In addition, petitioner is only a minor. Considering the
Julian was born in Cebu City on February 20, 1998 to parents
nebulous foundation on which his petition for change of name
Anna Lisa Wang and Sing-Foe Wang who were then not yet
married to each other. When his parents subsequently got is based, it is best that the matter of change of his name be
married on September 22, 1998, they executed a deed of left to his judgment and discretion when he reaches the age of
legitimation of their son so that the child’s name was changed majority. As he is of tender age, he may not yet understand
from Julian Lin Carulasan to Julian Lin Carulasan Wang. and appreciate the value of the change of his name and
granting of the same at this point may just prejudice him in his
Since the couple planned to live in Singapore where Julian will rights under our laws.
study together with a sister who was born in Singapore, Anna
Lisa decided to file a petition in the Regional Trial Court
seeking to drop his middle name and have his registered
name in the Civil Registry changed from Julian Lin Carulasan
Wang to Julian Lin Wang. The reason given for the change of
name sought in the petition is that Julian may be discriminated REPUBLIC V. COSETENG- MAGPAYO,
against when he studies in Singapore because of his middle
G.R. NO. 189476, 2 FEBRUARY 2011
name since in Singapore middle names or the maiden
surname of the mother is not carried in a person's name. R.A. NO. 9048 (ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGE OF FIRST
Petitioner points out that the middle name "Carulasan" will NAME OR NICKNAME AND CORRECTION
cause him undue embarrassment and the difficulty in writing CLERICAL/TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS)
or pronouncing it will be an obstacle to his social acceptance
and integration in the Singaporean community.
After trial, the RTC denied the petition because the reason
given did not fall within the grounds recognized by law. Facts:
Born in Makati on September 9, 1972, Julian Edward
Emerson Coseteng Magpayo (respondent) is the son of Fulvio
Issue: M. Magpayo Jr. and Anna Dominique Marquez-Lim Coseteng
who, as respondent’s certificate of live birth shows, contracted
whether or not dropping the middle name of a minor child is marriage on March 26, 1972. Claiming, however, that his
contrary to Article 1747 of the Family Code parents were never legally married, respondent filed on July
22, 2008 at the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Quezon City a
RULING: Petition to change his name to Julian Edward Emerson
Marquez Lim Coseteng. The petition, docketed as SPP No. Q-
Yes. The RTC ruled that since the State has an interest in the 0863058, was entitled "IN RE PETITION FOR CHANGE OF
name of a person it cannot just be changed to suit the NAMEOF JULIAN EDWARD EMERSON COSETENG
convenience of the bearer of the name. The RTC said that MAGPAYO TO JULIAN EDWARD EMERSON MARQUEZ-
legitimate children have the right to bear the surnames of the LIM COSETENG."
father and the mother, and there is no reason why this right
should be taken from Julio considering that he was still a In support of his petition, respondent submitted a certification
minor. When he reaches majority age he could then decide from the National Statistics Office stating that his mother Anna
whether to change his name by dropping his middle name, Dominique "does not appear in [its] National Indices of
added the RTC. Marriage.” Respondent also submitted his academic records
from elementary up to college showing that he carried the
surname "Coseteng," and the birth certificate of his child
The State has an interest in the names borne by individuals where "Coseteng" appears as his surname. In the 1998, 2001
and entities for purposes of identification, and that a change of and 2004 Elections, respondent ran and was elected as
name is a privilege and not a right, so that before a person
Councilor of Quezon City’s 3rd District using the name
can be authorized to change his name given him either in his
certificate of birth or civil registry, he must show proper or "JULIAN M.L. COSETENG."
reasonable cause, or any compelling reason which may justify
such change. Otherwise, the request should be denied. On order of Branch 77 of the Quezon City RTC, respondent
amended his petition by alleging therein compliance with the
To justify a request for change of name, petitioner must show 3-year residency requirement under Section 2, Rule 103] of
not only some proper or compelling reason therefore but also the Rules of Court. The notice setting the petition for hearing
that he will be prejudiced by the use of his true and official
name. Among the grounds for change of name which have on November 20, 2008 was published in the newspaper
been held valid are: (a) when the name is ridiculous, Broadside in its issues of October 31-November 6, 2008,
dishonorable or extremely difficult to write or pronounce; (b) November 7-13, 2008, and November 14-20, 2008. And a
when the change results as a legal consequence, as in copy of the notice was furnished the Office of the Solicitor
legitimation; (c) when the change will avoid confusion; (d) General (OSG).
when one has continuously used and been known since
childhood by a Filipino name, and was unaware of alien
No opposition to the petition having been filed, an order of
parentage; (e) a sincere desire to adopt a Filipino name to
erase signs of former alienage, all in good faith and without general default was entered by the trial court which then
prejudicing anybody; and (f) when the surname causes allowed respondent to present evidence ex parte
embarrassment and there is no showing that the
desired change of name was for a fraudulent purpose or that By Decision of January 8, 2009, the trial court granted
the change of name would prejudice public interest. respondent’s petition and directed the Civil Registrar ofMakati
City to:
In the case at bar, the only reason advanced by petitioner for
1. Delete the entry "March 26, 1972" in Item 24 for "DATE
the dropping his middle name is convenience. However, how
such change of name would make his integration into
respondent’s Certificate of live Birth];
Singaporean society easier and convenient is not clearly
2. Correct the entry "MAGPAYO" in the space for the Last
established. That the continued use of his middle name
Name of the [respondent] to "COSETENG";
would cause confusion and difficulty does not constitute
3. Delete the entry "COSETENG" in the space for Middle relating thereto, with the [RTC] of the province where the
Name of the [respondent]; and corresponding civil registry is located.
4. Delete the entry "Fulvio Miranda Magpayo, Jr." in the space
for FATHER of the [respondent]… (emphasis and SEC. 3. Parties.—When cancellation or correction of an entry
underscoring supplied; capitalization in the original) in the civil register is sought, the civil registrar and all persons
who have or claim any interest which would be affected
The Republic of the Philippines (Republic) filed a motion for thereby shall be made parties to the proceeding.
reconsideration but it was denied by the trial court by Order of
July 2, 2009, hence, it, thru the OSG, lodged the present SEC. 4. Notice and publication. –Upon the filing of the
petition for review to the Court on pure question of law. petition, the court shall, by an order, fix the time and place for
the hearing of the same, and cause reasonable notice thereof
Issue/s: to be given to the persons named in the petition. The court
1. Whether or not the petition for change of name involving shall also cause the order to be published once a week for
change of civil status should be made through appropriate three (3) consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general
adversarial proceedings. circulation in the province. (emphasis, italics and underscoring
2. Whether or not the trial court exceeded its jurisdiction supplied)
when it directed the deletion of the name of respondent’s
father from his birth certificate. 2. Rule 108 clearly directs that a petition which concerns
one’s civil status should be filed in the civil registry in which
the entry is sought to be cancelled or corrected – that of
The petition is impressed with merit. (in favor of the Republic) Makati in the present case, and "all persons who have or
claim any interest which would be affected thereby" should be
1. A person can effect a change of name under Rule 103 made parties to the proceeding.
(CHANGE OF NAME) using valid and meritorious grounds
including (a) when the name is ridiculous, dishonorable or As earlier stated, however, the petition of respondent was filed
extremely difficult to write or pronounce; (b) when the change not in Makati where his birth certificate was registered but in
results as a legal consequence such as legitimation; (c) when Quezon City. And as the above-mentioned title of the petition
the change will avoid confusion; (d) when one has filed by respondent before the RTC shows, neither the civil
continuously used and been known since childhood by a registrar of Makati nor his father and mother were made
Filipino name, and was unaware of alien parentage; (e) a parties thereto.
sincere desire to adopt a Filipino name to erase signs of
former alienage, all in good faith and without prejudicing Rule 103 regarding change of name and in Rule 108
anybody; and (f) when the surname causes embarrassment concerning the cancellation or correction of entries in the civil
and there is no showing that the desired change of name was registry are separate and distinct.
for a fraudulent purpose or that the change of name would
prejudice public interest. Aside from improper venue, he failed to implead the civil
registrar of Makati and all affected parties as respondents in
*** Respondent’s reason for changing his name cannot be the case."A petition for a substantial correction or change of
considered as one of, or analogous to, recognized grounds, entries in the civil registry should have as respondents the
however. civil registrar, as well as all other persons who have or claim
to have any interest that would be affected thereby."
The present petition must be differentiated from Alfon v.
Republic of the Philippines. In Alfon, the Court allowed the Rule 108 clearly mandates two sets of notices to different
therein petitioner, Estrella Alfon, to use the name that she had "potential oppositors." The first notice is that given to the
been known since childhood in order to avoid confusion. Alfon "persons named in the petition" and the second (which is
did not deny her legitimacy, however. She merely sought to through publication) is that given to other persons who are not
use the surname of her mother which she had been using named in the petition but nonetheless may be considered
since childhood. Ruling in her favor, the Court held that she interested or affected parties, such as creditors. That two sets
was lawfully entitled to use her mother’s surname, adding that of notices are mandated under the above-quoted Section 4 is
the avoidance of confusion was justification enough to allow validated by the subsequent Section 5, also above-quoted,
her to do so. In the present case, however, respondent denies which provides for two periods (for the two types of "potential
his legitimacy. oppositors") within which to file an opposition (15 days from
notice or from the last date of publication).
The change being sought in respondent’s petition goes so far
as to affect his legal status in relation to his parents. It seeks The purpose precisely of Section 4, Rule 108 is to bind the
to change his legitimacy to that of illegitimacy. Rule 103 then whole world to the subsequent judgment on the petition. The
would not suffice to grant respondent’s supplication. sweep of the decision would cover even parties who should
have been impleaded under Section 3, Rule 108 but were
Labayo-Rowe v. Republic categorically holds that "changes inadvertently left out
which may affect the civil status from legitimate to illegitimate .
. . are substantial and controversial alterations which can only
be allowed after appropriate adversary proceedings . . ."
Braza v. City Civil Registrar of Himamaylan City
******** Since respondent’s desired change affects his civil
status from legitimate to illegitimate, Rule 108 applies. It Principle:
In a special proceeding for correction of entry under Rule 108
SECTION 1. Who may file petition.—Any person interested in (Cancellation or Correction of Entries in the Original Registry),
any act, event, order or decree concerning the civil status of the trial court has no jurisdiction to nullify marriages and rule
persons which has been recorded in the civil register, may file on legitimacy and filiation.
a verified petition for the cancellation or correction of any entry
Facts: well to emphasize that, doctrinally, validity of marriages as
well as legitimacy and filiation can be questioned only in a
Petitioner Ma. Cristina Torres and Pablo Sicad direct action seasonably filed by the proper party, and not
Braza, Jr., also known as Pablito Sicad Braza, were married through collateral attack such as the petition filed before the
on January 4, 1978..Pablo died in a vehicular accident in court a quo.
Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. During the wake following
the repatriation of his remains to the Philippines, respondent
Lucille Titular began introducing her co-respondent minor CORPUZ VS STO TOMAS
Patrick Alvin Titular Braza as her and Pablo's son.
Whether or not the court a quo may pass upon the validity of
marriage and questions on legitimacy even in an action to
correct entries in the civil registrar?
Rule 108 of the Rules of Court vis a vis Article 412 of the Civil
Code charts the procedure by which an entry in the civil
registry may be cancelled or corrected. The proceeding
contemplated therein may generally be used only to correct
clerical, spelling, typographical and other innocuous errors in
the civil registry. A clerical error is one which is visible to the
eyes or obvious to the understanding; an error made by a
clerk or a transcriber; a mistake in copying or writing, or a
harmless change such as a correction of name that is clearly
misspelled or of a misstatement of the occupation of the
parent. Substantial or contentious alterations may be allowed
only in adversarial proceedings, in which all interested parties
are impleaded and due process is properly observed.