C Programmimg
C Programmimg
C Programmimg
int main()
int i=4;
printf("statement 1");
printf("statement 2");
return 0;
A. statement 1
B. statement 2
C. Compilation Error
D. No Output
Option B
statement 1 will only be printed when i value=0. But i value is initialized as i=4 so it doesn't go with
the first condition hence the second condition is accepted and statement 2 is printe
void main() {
int x = 10,y = 10, z = 5, i;
i = x;
A. 1
B. Error
C. 0
D. 5
Option A
The value of x initialised is 10. Also i=x so i=10. Now when comparing condition (i==x) it will give
boolean result that is if the condition is true it will return 1 else it will return 0. So here the condition
is true coz x=i hence output is 1.
void main()
unsigned int num;
int i;
scanf("%u", &num);
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
printf("%d", (num << i & 1 << 15)? 1:0);
A. It prints all even bits form num
B. It prints binary equivalent of num
C. It prints all odd bits from num
D. None of these
Option B
Here integer (unsigned) is assumed as 2 bytes so that for loop is till 16 i.e (2byte = 16 bits.)
statement in printf (num << i & 1 << 15)? 1:0 is used to convert decimal to binary equivalent.
Ex: if the number is 10 and its binary equivalent 1010 or (00000000000001010 in 16 bit)
for i = 0
for i = 1
int main()
int x,y=2,z,a;
x = (y*=2) + (z=a=y);
printf ("%d", x);
return 0;
A. 7
B. 8
C. 6
D. syntactically wrong
Option B
x = (y*=2) (z=a=y); Meaning of y*=2 means y=y*2 hence y value becomes 2*2=4.
Current value of y =4 so z=a=y=4.
Hence x=4+4=8
6. #include
void main()
int x,y=2,z,a;
printf("%d %d",z,x);
A. 1..0
B. 2..0
C. 2..1
D. Garbage-value 0
Option D
The value of y%2 is 0. This value is assigned to x.
The condition will if (0) so z goes uninitialized
void fun(void)
static int s = 0;
if(s == 10)
printf("%d ", s);
int main(void)
A. 9 times 10
B. 10 times 10
C. Compilation Error
D. None of these
Answer: Option A
void main(){
char c=125;
A. 135
C. -121
D. Compilation Error
Option C
Here char is signed so,the size of char is 1 bytes and its value range are -128 to 127,and it will be
something like below
-128 -127 -126 .......... 0 ....... 126 127 in the cycle.
125 126 127 -128 -127 -126 -125 -124 -123 -122 -121
So, count above 135 will fall at -121, so Answer will be -121
If in the question it would have given unsigned char then answer will be 135
11. What would be the output of the following C program if input to the program is 'e'?
void main ()
char lower, upper;
lower = getchar();
upper= toupper (lower);
putchar (upper);
A. 53
B. e
C. E
D. Nothing
Answer: Option C
void main ()
char line [80];
gets (line);
puts (line);
A. prints horizontal straight lines on screens
B. prints 80 vertical lines on screen
C. reads in a line of 80 characters
D. reads and prints lines composed of characters
Answer: Option D
void main()
int i= 5;
if (i == 5)
return 0;
printf("i is not five");
A. a syntax error
B. an execution error
C. printing of overan error message
D. execution termination, without printing anything
Option D
Clearly we can see that i value is initialised 5 and the condition i==5 is also true. Hence return 0;
will be executed and the execution will be terminated without printing anything coz its return 0 and
not print 0.
Return statement brings the control of the program out of the loop
void main()
int i = 107, x = 5;
printf ((x > 7)? "%d" : "%c:, i)
A. an execution error
B. a syntex error
C. printing of k
D. none of these
Option C
printf ((x > 7)? "%d" : "%c:, i) x value assigned is 5 hence 5 is not greater than 7 so second
condition i.e (%c:i) will be executed means ascii value of small k is 107 so the character k will be
void main()
int a=4, b = 6;
printf ("%d", a==b);
void main()
int a,b,c;
a= 2*(b++);
c = 2*(++b);
A. a=4,c=6
B. a=3,c=8
C. b=3, c=6
D. a=4, c=8
E. None of these
Option D
a= 2*(b );..........a=2*2=4 Here post increment of b will take place and b value after this line has
executed will become 2 1= 3.
c = 2*( b); Here pre increment will take place and before the excecution of this line b value will
become 3 1=4 hence c= 2*4=8
so o/p= a=4 and c=8.
int main ()
int ( *Commprintf) (const char*, ... ) = printf;
Commprintf ( "Hello World");
return 0;
A. No output
B. Undefined symbol Commprintf
C. Compile Error: Prototype mismatch
D. Hello World
Option D
19. What is the output of the following code?
void main()
int a=0, b=0;
a = (b =75)+9;
printf("\n%d, %d ",a,b);
A. 75, 9
B. 75, 84
C. 84, 75
D. None of these Option
Option C
a = (b =75) 9;......b value is assigned to 75 so a value will become 75+9= 84.
final value will become a=84 and b=75
void main()
A. Compilation Error
B. 100
C. 1
D. None of these
Option B
100; ...........there was no use of this 100. Its only to confuse the students.
printf("%d",100); ...... its as simple as to print hello world. hence 100 is printed.
void main()
int i=10;
printf("%d", i);
A. 0
B. 10
C. 1
D. Compilation Error
Option A
void main ( )
int i;
for( i=0; i<10; i++,printf("%d", i));
A. 2345678910
B. 123456789
C. Compilation Error
D. 12345678910
Option D
void main ( )
int a=500, b=100,c;
if( !(a>=400))
printf( "%d %d", b,c);
A. 200 100
B. 100 200
C. 200 200
D. Compilation Error
Option B
void main ( )
int i, m=2, n=3;
for( i=0;m+n=5; m++)
printf("%d %d", m,n);
A. Compilation Error
B. 2 3
C. 3 3
D. 2 3 3 3
Option A
error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment
void main ()
int x =400, y;
y = x*x+x;
printf ("% d", y);
A. 400
B. 320000
C. Compilation Error
D. 160400
Option D
void main()
int x,y, z;
x=2; y=1; z = 1;
if(x > y + z)
else if (x < y+ z)
printf ("Hi!\n");
A. Hi!
B. Hey!
C. Hello!
D. None of these
Option B
answer is option B
2>1+1 = 2>2 false
x<y+z 2<2 false
condition goes to else and prints Hey!
void main ( )
int i, m=2, n=3;
for( i=0;m+n=5; m++)
printf("%d %d", m,n);
A. Compilation Error
B. 2 3
C. 3 3
D. 2 3 3 3
Option A
void main() {
int = 12345;
float x = 145.678;
printf ("%3d, %5d, %8d", i,i,i,);
A. 123 123 123
B. 123,451,234,512,346
C. 12345
D. 123
Option C
i not declared and in printf (,) is the extra is shows error
assume if int i=12345;
and all syntax is right then the answer will be
12345, 12345, 12345
(check in GDB if you have any doubts)
int main()
int x=2,y=6,z=6;
A. 3
B. 0
C. None of these
D. 1
Option D
void main
int x,j,k;
printf("%d", x);
A. 2
B. 36
C. 6
D. None of the above
Answer: Option
31. #include
void main()
unsigned short a=-1;
unsigned char b=a;
printf("%d %d ",a,b);
What is output of the program?
A. 65535 -1
B. 65535 65535
C. 65535 255
D. -1 -1
E. None of above
Answer: Option C
int main()
static int i;
int j;
i= i+2;
i = i-j;
return 0;
A. 25
B. -25
C. 20
D. -20
E. None of these
Option B
can anyone help with this????
33. What will be output of following c program?
long unsigned static const ddlg(){
static const long unsigned a=0101;
return a;
int main(){
long number;
return 0;
A. 41
B. 43
C. Compilation error
D. None of the above
Option A
If initially n = -24;
A. -24
B. 24
C. -2424
D. None of the above
Answer: Option C
35. What is the output of the following 'C' program ?
int main()
int i = 10 ;
printf("%d\n", i/2 );
A. 10
B. 5
C. error
D. warning
Answer: Option B
int main()
char c = 255;
printf ("%d",c);
return 0;
A. Error
B. 100
C. Garbage value
D. 100100
Answer: Option B
void main()
float a=1.1;
double b=1.1;
printf("not equal");
A. ? equal
B. not equal
C. Error
D. equal not equal
Option B
void main()
int sum;
char ch1='a';
char ch2='b';sum=ch1+ch2;
A. Error
B. 195
C. 201
D. "ab"
Option B
ascii sum;
sum = 97+98 = 195
40. Predict the output of following code:
void main()
int a=b=c=d=10;
A. Error
B. 10,10,10,10
C. GV,GV,GV,10
Option A
error: 'b' , 'c', 'd undeclared
int i=-1;
A. -1, 1
B. -1, -1
C. 1, 1
D. 0, 1
Option A
No change in value of i
42. What could be the output for following "C" code?
int a= - - 2;
A. 2
B. -2
C. 1
D. Error
Option A
int main()
short int i;
scanf("%hd", &i);
printf("%hd", i); return 0;
A. Compilation error
B. Undefined behavior
C. Whatever user types
D. None of these
Option C
int main()
int i,j,k,l,lc=0;
A. I = 16 and LOOPS=169
B. I = 0 and LOOPS=16
C. Compilation Error
D. No output
Option A
45. What is the output of the following problem ?
int main()
int i;
for (i=9;i<13; i++)
printf("%d %0x ",i,i);
return 0;
A. 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12
B. 9 10 11 12
C. 9 9 10 b 11 b 12 c
D. Compilation Error
E. 9 9 10 a 11 b 12 c
Option E
46. #include
int main(){
return 0;
A. 10Aditya2
B. 10Aditya
C. 10Aditya210Aditya2
D. 10
E. Compilation error
Option D
int main()
int i=0;
for(;i++;printf("%d",i)) ;
return 0;
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. None of these
Option B
before entering into the for loop the checking condition is "evaluated". Here it evaluates to 0 (false)
and comes out of the loop, and i is incremented (note the semicolon after the for loop).
int main()
unsigned int i;
printf("c aptitude");
A. c aptitude
B. c aptitude three time
C. no output No Error
D. Compilation Error
E. None of these
Option C
Here "I" is an unsigned integer. It is compared with a signed value. Since the both types doesn't
match, signed is promoted to unsigned value.
The unsigned equivalent of -2 is a huge value so condition becomes false and control comes out of
the loop.
void main()
A. Garbage values
B. Compilation Error
C. no output No Error
D. stack Overflow
Option A
The inner printf executes first to print some garbage value. The printf returns no of characters
printed and this value also cannot be predicted. Still the outer printf prints something and so returns
a non-zero value. So it encounters the break statement and comes out of the while statement.
51. What is the output of the following C Program?
void main()
signed char i=0;
for(;i>=0;i++) ;
A. 256
B. 128
C. -256
D. -128
Option D
Notice the semicolon at the end of the for loop. Tee initial value of the i is set to 0.
The inner loop executes to increment the value from
0 to 127 and then it rotates to the negative value of -128.
The condition in the for loop fails and so comes out of the for loop. It prints the current value of i
that is -128
52.What will be output of the following "c" code?
int main() {
int i;
int i=10;
printf(" %d",i);
return 0;
A. 10 11 12 13 14
B. 10 10 10 10 10
C. 0 1 2 3 4
D. Infinite loop
Option B
53. Find out the error in the 'while' loop, if any ?
void main()
int i= 1;
while ()
printf("%d", i++);
if (i > 10)
A. The condition in the while loop is a must
B. There should be at least a semicolon in the while ()
C. The while loop should be replaced by for loop
D. No error
Option A
void main()
for (putchar('c');putchar('a');putchar('r'))
A. syntax error
B. catrat
C. catTatratratrat...
D. cartrt
Option C
55. #include
int i;
void main(){
int t;
for ( t=4;scanf("%d",&i)-t;printf("%d\n",i))
// If the inputs are 1,2,3 find the o/p
A. Compilation Error
B. 4--1 3--0 2--2
C. Run time Error
D. 4--0 3--1 2--2
E. None of these
Option D
56. #include
void main()
int i=0;
A. 2
B. Compilation Error
C. 0
D. 1
E. -1
Option E
Unary + is the only dummy operator in C.
So it has no effect on the expression and now the while loop is,while(i--!=0)which is false and so
breaks out of while loop. The value "-1" is printed due to the post-decrement operator.
57. #include
void main()
char i=0;
for(;i>=0;i++) ;
A. -128
B. infinite loop
C. 1 2 3 4
D. None of these
E. Compilation Error
Option A
58. #include
void main()
int i = 3;
for (;i++=0;)
A. 3 4 5
B. 3 4 5 � continue
C. Compiler Error: Lvalue required.
D. None of these
Option C
As we know that increment operators return rvalues and hence it cannot appear on the left hand
side of an assignment operation.
void main()
static int i;
printf("%d", i);
A. Garbage Value
B. Compilation Error
C. 0
D. 2147483647
E. None of these
Option D
Since i is static it is initialized to 0. Inside the while loop the conditional operator evaluates to false,
executing i--.
This continues till the integer value rotates to positive value (2147483647).
The while condition becomes false and hence, comes out of the while loop, printing the i value.
A. Infinte loop
B. 0-127 char
C. Compilation Error
D. None of these
Option A
The char type may be signed or unsigned by default. If it is signed then ch++ is executed after ch
reaches 127 and rotates back to -128. Thus ch is always smaller than 127.
int main()
int c = 0;
int c = 0;
++c ;
printf("\n c = %d ", c );
while( ++c <= 3 );
printf("\n c = %d\n", c );
return 0;
A. c = 1 c = 1 c = 1 c = 1 c = 4
B. c = 1 c = 1 c = 1 c = 4 c = 4
C. Compilation Error
D. None of these
Option A
A. 1 0 1 1 1 2
B. 1 1 1 2 1 3
C. 1 0 1 0 1 0
D. Compilation Error
Option B
void main() {
for(i = 1; i < 5; i++)
if (i == 3)
printf ("%d", i);
A. 1 2 4 5
B. 1 2 4
C. 2 4 5
D. none of these
Option B
void main()
for (i = 3; i < 15; i += 3);
printf ("%d", i);
A. a syntax error
B. an execution error
C. 12
D. 15
Option D
void main()
int i= 5;
do {
putchar (i + 100);
printf("%d", i--);
A. i5h4g3flel
B. 14h3g2fle0
C. an error message
D. none of these
Option A
void main()
for (i =1,j = 10; i < 6; ++i, - -j)
printf("%d%d", i,j);
A. 1 10 2 9 3 8 4 7 5 6
B. 1 2 3 4 5 10 9 8 7 6
C. 1 1 1 1 1 9 9 9 9 9
D. none of these
Option A
void main()
for (i = 3; i < 15; i += 3);
printf ("%d", i);
A. a syntax error
B. an execution error
C. 12
D. 15
Option D
int main()
int i,j;
i = j =2;
while ( --i && j++)
printf("%d %d",i,j);
return 0;
A. 2 3
B. 0 3
C. 1 3
D. Infinite Loop
Option C
70. What will be output of the following "c" code?
void main() {
int i= 0;
for(; i++; printf("%d", i));
printf("%d", i);
A. 1 1
B. 0
C. infinite loop
D. 1
E. None of these
Option D
Which of the following is the correct order if calling functions in the below code?
a = f1(23, 14) * f2(12/4) + f3();
A. f1, f2, f3
B. f3, f2, f1
D. None of above
Option C
Here, Multiplication will happen before the addition, but in which order the functions would be called
is undefined. In an arithmetic expression the parenthesis tell the compiler which operands go with
which operators but do not force the compiler to evaluate everything within the parenthesis first.
72. What is the right way to access value of structure variable book{ price, page }?
Answer : A
73. What is right way to Initialization array?
Answer : A
A. short s = 48;
B. float f = 4.3;
C. double d = 4.3;
D. int I = `1`;
Answer : D
75. The correct way to round off a floating number x to an integer value is
A. y = int (x + 0.5)
B. y = (int) (x + 0.5)
C. y = (int) x + 0.5
D. y = (int) ((int)x + 0.5)
Answer : B
A. int n = 32;
B. char ch = 65;
C. float f = (float) 3.2;
D. None of the above
Answer : D
A. 2
B. 3
C. 0
D. 2.5
Answer : D
78. What is %f, %d, %s and %c?
A. Number Specifier
B. Format Specifier
C. Access Specifier
D. None of the above
Answer : B
A. prints 100
B. print garbage
C. prints ASCII equivalent of 100
D. None of the above
Answer : C
A. 4160
B. 844
C. 3284
D. None of the above
Answer :A
81. nt main()
a = b++ + a++;
b = ++b + ++a;
printf("%d %d n", a, b);
A. 36 64
B. 35 62
C. 36 63
D. 30 28
Answer :C
char arr[7]="Network";
printf("%s", arr);
return 0;
A. Network
B. N
C. Garbage value
D. Compilation error
Answer :
x = y++ + x++;
y = ++y + ++x;
printf ("%d %d n", x, y);
A. 55 92
B. 56 93
C. 57 94
D. None of the above
Answer :b
z = x + y;
y = z - y;
x = z - y;
A. 24 39 63
B. 39 24 63
C. 24 39 45
D. 39 24 45
Answer :B
int a = 5;
float b;
return 0;
A. 65
B. 56
C. 45
D. 54
Answer :C
char c = 'f';
switch (c) {
Answer :D
88. int main() {
int x = 1;
while(x = 0)
A. hello
B. No output
C. Infinite time hello display
D. Error in code
Answer :B
B. No Output
C. Run time error
D. None of the above
Answer :A
90. void main()
A. computer science16
B. 16computer science
C. computer science
D. computer science18
Answer :A
Answer : D
A. 10
B. 0
C. 12
D. 1
Answer : D
93. The correct way to round off a floating number x to an integer value is
A. y = int (x + 0.5)
B. y = (int) (x + 0.5)
C. y = (int) x + 0.5
D. y = (int) ((int)x + 0.5)
Answer : B
Which of the following is the correct order of evaluation for the below expression?
z = x + y * z / 4 % 2 - 1
A. */%+-=
B. = * / % + -
C. / * % - + =
D. * % / - + =
Answer: Option A
C uses left associativity for evaluating expressions to break a tie between two operators having
same precedence.
95. For 16-bit compiler allowable range for integer constants is ______ ?
A. -3.4e38 to 3.4e38
B. -32767 to 32768
C. -32768 to 32767
D. -32668 to 32667
Answer : C
int main()
int main = 56;
printf("%d", main);
return 0;
A)Compiler Error
b) Depends on the compiler
c) 56
d) none of above
Answer: c
void main()
int i, j;
printf("i=%d \t j=%d\n", i, j);
a) print i and j till 19
b) print i till 9 and j till 19
c) print i and j till 9
d) Runtime error
Answer: a
int main()
int x=35;
printf("%d %d %d",x==35,x=50,x>40);
return 0;
a) 1 50 1
b) 0 50 0
c) Runtime error
d) Compile time error
Answer: b
int main()
int x=1, y=0,z=5;
int a=x&&y||++z;
a) 1
b) 5
c) 6
d) 7
Explanation: and operator doesnt operate if second argument is zero. & operator has more
precedence than ||
#define max(a) a
int main()
int x = 1;
switch (x)
case max(2):
case max(1):
a) yes
b) no
c) Runtime error
d) Compile time error
Explanation: Preprocessor just replaces whatever is given such that max(1) is replaced by 1 and
switch case 1 is executed.