This document lists the prices of various construction materials and labor in Banda Aceh in 2018. It provides over 110 line items detailing the standard unit price of items like bricks, cement, pipes, tiles, wood, paint, tools and equipment, as well as the daily rates for various types of construction workers and equipment. The prices are organized into sections for labor costs, material costs, and equipment rental rates to aid contractors and builders in estimating project costs.
This document lists the prices of various construction materials and labor in Banda Aceh in 2018. It provides over 110 line items detailing the standard unit price of items like bricks, cement, pipes, tiles, wood, paint, tools and equipment, as well as the daily rates for various types of construction workers and equipment. The prices are organized into sections for labor costs, material costs, and equipment rental rates to aid contractors and builders in estimating project costs.
This document lists the prices of various construction materials and labor in Banda Aceh in 2018. It provides over 110 line items detailing the standard unit price of items like bricks, cement, pipes, tiles, wood, paint, tools and equipment, as well as the daily rates for various types of construction workers and equipment. The prices are organized into sections for labor costs, material costs, and equipment rental rates to aid contractors and builders in estimating project costs.
This document lists the prices of various construction materials and labor in Banda Aceh in 2018. It provides over 110 line items detailing the standard unit price of items like bricks, cement, pipes, tiles, wood, paint, tools and equipment, as well as the daily rates for various types of construction workers and equipment. The prices are organized into sections for labor costs, material costs, and equipment rental rates to aid contractors and builders in estimating project costs.
A. UPAH 1 Pekerja Orang 87,000.00 2 Tukang Orang 98,000.00 3 Kelapa tukang Orang 130,000.00 4 Mandor Orang 112,000.00 5 Supir Orang 112,000.00 6 Operator Orang 167,000.00 7 Pembantu Operator Orang 100,000.00 B. HARGA BAHAN 1 Air Liter 120.00 2 Batu Bata Buah 746.00 3 Batu Kali/Batu Belah (Sungai/Gunung) M3 217,700.00 4 Batu Belah 5 - 7 cm M3 186,600.00 5 Batu Pecah 2-3 cm M3 398,080.00 6 Besi Beton Polos Kg 12,440.00 7 Besi Beton Ulir Kg 14,928.00 8 Bubungan Genteng M1 31,100.00 1 9 Bubungan Seng M 28,612.00 10 Cat Dasar Tembok/Sealer Setara Vinilex Kg 31,000.00 11 Cat Kayu Dasar Kg 58,468.00 12 Cat Kayu Mengkilat Kg 62,200.00 13 Cat Manie Besi Kg 68,420.00 14 Cat Dasar Tembok/Sealer Setara Vinilex Kg 31,100.00 15 Cat Kayu Dasar Kg 62,200.00 16 Cat Kayu Mengkilat Kg 68,420.00 17 Cat Tembok Setara Vinilex Kg 31,100.00 18 Dempul Kayu Kg 24,880.00 20 Dolken Kayu Ø 8 - 10 / 400 Batang 62,000.00 21 Door Holder Pasang 120,000.00 22 Engsel Jendela Pasang 18,660.00 23 Engsel Pintu Pasang 24,880.00 24 Floor Drain Buah 20,000.00 25 Gypsum Board Tebal 9 mm Lembar 90,000.00 26 Jaring Kawat Baja Kg 25,000.00 27 Hak Angin Pasang 14,000.00 28 Kaca Bening Uk. 3 mm M2 75,000.00 29 Kaca Bening Uk. 5 mm M2 100,000.00 30 Kaca Rayband Uk. 5 mm M2 120,000.00 3 31 Kaso - Kaso (5 x 7) cm M 3,000,000.00 32 Kawat Beton Kg 20,000.00 33 Kayu Bakau 10 cm Batang 50,000.00 34 Kayu Klas I ( Semantok / Ulim / dll ) M3 5,500,000.00 35 Kayu Klas II ( Kamper / Kruing / dll ) M3 4,500,000.00 3 36 Kayu Klas III ( Borneo / dll ) M 3,800,000.00 37 Kayu Klas IV ( Sengon / dll ) M3 3,000,000.00 38 Keramik Uk. 20 x 20 cm Bh 4,000.00 39 Keramik Uk. 40 x 40 cm Bh 10,500.00 40 Keramik Uk. 20 x 25 cm Bh 3,500.00 41 Keramik Uk. 30 x 30 cm Bh 6,200.00 42 Keramik Uk. 60 x 60 cm Bh 25,000.00 43 Keramik Uk. 30 x 30 cm Bh 6,200.00 44 Kertas Amplas Lembar 7,464.00 45 Kloset Duduk Keramik Setara toto + Tabung Buah 1,350,000.00 46 Kloset Jongkok Keramik Setara toto Buah 248,800.00 47 Kran Air 3/4" Buah 12,000.00 48 Kuas Cat Buah 15,000.00 49 Kunci Pintu ( Standar ) Buah 186,600.00 50 Kunci Pintu Biasa Buah 85,000.00 51 Lampu Hemat Energi 11 Watt setara hannochs Buah 30,000.00 52 Lampu Hemat Energi 18 Watt setara Hannochs Buah 40,000.00 53 Lampu Hemat Energi 20 Watt Setara Hannochs Buah 45,000.00 54 Lem Kayu Kg 18,000.00 55 List Eternit Kayu M1 7,000.00 56 Marmer M2 200,000.00 57 Minyak Cat Liter 23,000.00 58 Minyak Bekisting Liter 10,410.00 59 Multipleks 3 mm Lembar 70,000.00 60 Multipleks 4 mm lembar 75,000.00 61 Multipleks 6 mm Lembar 105,000.00 62 Multipleks 9 mm Lembar 140,000.00 63 Pacok Jendela dan Ventilasi Pasang 7,500.00 64 Paku Asbes Kg 18,000.00 65 Paku Beton 8 inci Kotak 18,000.00 66 Paku Kait Buah 1,080.00 67 Paku Kayu Kg 17,500.00 68 Paku Triplek Kg 17,000.00 69 Paku Seng kg 19,400.00 70 Paku Sumbat Buah 1,200.00 71 Paku Sekrup Kg 24,200.00 72 Pasir Batu ( Sirtu ) - Material Jalan M3 314,800.00 73 Pasir Beton M3 178,000.00 74 Pasir Pasang M3 178,000.00 3 75 Pasir Urug M 98,000.00 76 Pipa Leading Ø 2" Galvanis Tebal 3,2 mm Batang 80,000.00 77 Pipa Leading Ø 3" Galvanis Tebal 3,2 mm Batang 60,000.00 78 Pipa PVC Ø 1" Batang 95,000.00 79 Pipa PVC Ø 1 / 2" Kualitas AWE ( United ) Batang 20,000.00 80 Pipa PVC Ø 1 1 / 2" Batang 90,000.00 81 Pipa PVC Ø 2" Batang 40,000.00 82 Pipa PVC Ø 3" Batang 60,000.00 83 Pipa PVC Ø 3 / 4" Batang 45,000.00 84 Pipa PVC Ø 4" Batang 75,000.00 85 Plamur Tembok Kg 30,000.00 86 Plin Keramik Buah 16,400.00 87 Plywood tebal 9 mm Lembar 140,000.00 88 Residu Kg 15,000.00 89 Reservoir Air 500 ltr Buah 1,100,000.00 90 Reservoir Air 1000 ltr Buah 1,800,000.00 91 Reservoir Air 500 ltr Stainless Steel Buah 1,960,000.00 92 Schakelar Buah 12,500.00 93 Semen @ 40 Kg Zak 55,000.00 94 Semen @ 40 Kg Kg 1,375.00 95 Semen Putih @ 50 Kg Zak 220,000.00 96 Semen Warna Kg 4,400.00 97 Seng Genteng Metal M2 65,000.00 2 98 Seng BJLS 0,20 Cat Pabrik M 47,000.00 99 Seng Gelombang BJLS 30 M2 50,000.00 100 Seng Gelombang BJLS 30 Cat Pabrik M2 54,000.00 2 101 Seng Plat BJLS 20 M 41,000.00 102 Seng Plat BJLS 30 M2 52,000.00 103 Stut Werk ( Ska Folding ) M3 2,500,000.00 104 Sekrup Fixer Buah 500.00 105 Sealant Kg 15,500.00 106 Tanah Timbun M3 65,000.00 2 107 Teralis Besi M 375,000.00 108 Titik Lampu + Instalasi Titik 150,000.00 109 Urinoir Keramik Buah 1,100.00 110 Zakaring ( Kast Lokal 1 Zakaring ) Buah 250,000.00 111 Zakaring ( Kast Lokal 2 Zakaring ) Buah 400,000.00 112 Pemasangan atap baja ringan m2 250,000.00 C ALAT 1 Stamper Jam 125,000.00 2 Dump Truck Jam 225,000.00 3 Molen Jam 50,000.00