World Physical
World Physical
World Physical
systems of Africa
German example:
“die erschrockene Maus platschte durch den benachbarten
Teich” (Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland):
Number of genders
white: no grammaNcal gender
colors: 2, 3, 4 grammaNcal genders
black: 5 or more grammaNcal genders CorbeQ (2013) WALS map
The diachrony of gender systems
Gender systems are a long-lived grammaNcal
phenomenon: once they develop, they tend to last.
v Indo-European languages: Armenian is the only branch of
the family in which grammaNcal gender has been
completely lost (Dahl 2004: 199)
v “The best-known grammaNcal feature of the Niger-Congo
languages is undoubtedly their system of noun
classificaNon which, in a well-preserved, reduced or
purely vesNgial form, can be traced in every branch of
the family, and hence must be reconstructed for proto-
Niger-Congo.” (Williamson 1989)
Gender systems are mature phenomena (Dahl 2004).
v they have long and non-trivial paQerns of
v they presuppose inflecNonal morphology.
source: Wikipedia,
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source: Wikipedia,
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source: Wikipedia,
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source: Wikipedia,
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source: Wikipedia,
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source: Wikipedia,
several users
06.A BANTOID 16.A Tula-Waja 15.A (Central) Gur
06.B CROSS-RIVER 16.B Logunda 15.B Kulangoic
06.C KAINJI-PLATOID 16.C Bena-Mboi 15.C Miyobe
06.D Igboid 16.D Bikwin-Jen 15.D Tiefo
06.E Idomoid 16.E Samba-Duru 15.E Viemo
06.F Nupoid 16.F Mumuyoc 15.F Tusian
06.G Edoid 16.G Maya 15.G Samuic
06.H Akpes 16.H Kebi-Benue 15.H Senufo
06.I Ukaan 16.I Kimic 18.A Heibanic
06.J Oko 16.J Buaic 18.B Talodic
06.K Owon-Arigidi 16.K Day 18.C Lafofa
06.L Ayere-Ahan 16.L Baa~Kwa 18.D Rashadic
06.M Yoruboid 16.M Nyingwom~Kam 19 Katlaic
06.N Gbe 16.N Fali 09.A (Narrow) Kru
06.O GHANA-TOGO MOUNTAIN 17.A Gbayaic 10 Pere
06.P Potou-Akanic 17.B Zandic 13 Dogon
06.Q Ga-Dangme 17.C Mbaic 14 Bangime
06.R LAGOON 17.D Mundu-Baka 8 Ijoid
06.S Ega 17.E Ngbandic 09.B Siamou
07 DAKOID 17.F Bandaic 12 Mande
06.I Ukaan 16.I Kimic 18.A Heibanic
06.J Oko 16.J Buaic 18.B Talodic
06.K Owon-Arigidi 16.K Day 18.C Lafofa
06.L Ayere-Ahan 16.L Baa~Kwa 18.D Rashadic
06.M Yoruboid 16.M Nyingwom~Kam 19 Katlaic
06.N Gbe 16.N Fali 09.A (Narrow) Kru
06.O GHANA-TOGO MOUNTAIN 17.A Gbayaic 10 Pere
06.P Potou-Akanic 17.B Zandic 13 Dogon
06.Q Ga-Dangme 17.C Mbaic 14 Bangime
06.R LAGOON 17.D Mundu-Baka 8 Ijoid
06.S Ega 17.E Ngbandic 09.B Siamou
07 DAKOID 17.F Bandaic 12 Mande
source: Wikipedia,
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Lika (D201, lik), AugusAn (2010: 18; 26-27)
gender marking on nouns:
mu-tu mu-dingi
CL1-person CL1-great
‘a great person’
ø-nganga ya yi-saa x
CL9-Nme CONN.9 CL9-three
‘the third Nme’
subject agreement on verbs is animacy-based:
animate nouns: a- (SG); bá- (PL)
inanimate nouns: a- (SG); a- (PL)
source: Wikipedia,
several users
Kako (A93, kkj), Ernst (1992: 36)
animacy-based marking on nouns and demonstraNves:
ma-ŋgo ɓa-ka c ɗɔkɔ na.
AN.PL-cochon AN.PL-DEM NEG grandir NEG
‘Ces cochons ne sont pas grands.’
mɛ-kandɛ ma-ka x ma lòlò.
INAN.PL-habits INAN.PL-DEM déjà brûlé
‘Ces habits sont brûlé.’
animacy-based agreement on:
modifiers (adjecNves, demonstraNves, numerals,
quanNfiers, geniNves, quesNon words, relaNvizers, and
possessive pronouns) – not on predicates
source: Wikipedia,
several users
Correlates of restructuring in Bantu gender stems
non-Bantu NC
10 15 20 25 30
06.A BANTOID 16.A Tula-Waja 15.A (Central) Gur
06.B CROSS-RIVER 16.B Logunda 15.B Kulangoic
06.C KAINJI-PLATOID 16.C Bena-Mboi 15.C Miyobe
06.D Igboid 16.D Bikwin-Jen 15.D Tiefo
06.E Idomoid 16.E Samba-Duru 15.E Viemo
06.F Nupoid 16.F Mumuyoc 15.F Tusian
06.G Edoid 16.G Maya 15.G Samuic
06.H Akpes 16.H Kebi-Benue 15.H Senufo
06.I Ukaan 16.I Kimic 18.A Heibanic
06.J Oko 16.J Buaic 18.B Talodic
06.K Owon-Arigidi 16.K Day 18.C Lafofa
06.L Ayere-Ahan 16.L Baa~Kwa 18.D Rashadic
06.M Yoruboid 16.M Nyingwom~Kam 19 Katlaic
06.N Gbe 16.N Fali 09.A (Narrow) Kru
06.O GHANA-TOGO MOUNTAIN 17.A Gbayaic 10 Pere
06.P Potou-Akanic 17.B Zandic 13 Dogon
06.Q Ga-Dangme 17.C Mbaic 14 Bangime
06.R LAGOON 17.D Mundu-Baka 8 Ijoid
06.S Ega 17.E Ngbandic 09.B Siamou
07 DAKOID 17.F Bandaic 12 Mande
Creissels (2014: 4)
source: Wikipedia,
several users
06.A BANTOID 16.A Tula-Waja 15.A (Central) Gur
06.B CROSS-RIVER 16.B Logunda 15.B Kulangoic
06.C KAINJI-PLATOID 16.C Bena-Mboi 15.C Miyobe
06.D Igboid 16.D Bikwin-Jen 15.D Tiefo
06.E Idomoid 16.E Samba-Duru 15.E Viemo
06.F Nupoid 16.F Mumuyoc 15.F Tusian
06.G Edoid 16.G Maya 15.G Samuic
06.H Akpes 16.H Kebi-Benue 15.H Senufo
06.I Ukaan 16.I Kimic 18.A Heibanic
06.J Oko 16.J Buaic 18.B Talodic
06.K Owon-Arigidi 16.K Day 18.C Lafofa
06.L Ayere-Ahan 16.L Baa~Kwa 18.D Rashadic
06.M Yoruboid 16.M Nyingwom~Kam 19 Katlaic
06.N Gbe 16.N Fali 09.A (Narrow) Kru
06.O GHANA-TOGO MOUNTAIN 17.A Gbayaic 10 Pere
06.P Potou-Akanic 17.B Zandic 13 Dogon
06.Q Ga-Dangme 17.C Mbaic 14 Bangime
06.R LAGOON 17.D Mundu-Baka 8 Ijoid
06.S Ega 17.E Ngbandic 09.B Siamou
07 DAKOID 17.F Bandaic 12 Mande
06.I Ukaan 16.I Kimic 18.A Heibanic
06.J Oko 16.J Buaic 18.B Talodic
06.K Owon-Arigidi 16.K Day 18.C Lafofa
06.L Ayere-Ahan 16.L Baa~Kwa 18.D Rashadic
06.M Yoruboid 16.M Nyingwom~Kam 19 Katlaic
06.N Gbe 16.N Fali 09.A (Narrow) Kru
06.O GHANA-TOGO MOUNTAIN 17.A Gbayaic 10 Pere
06.P Potou-Akanic 17.B Zandic 13 Dogon
06.Q Ga-Dangme 17.C Mbaic 14 Bangime
06.R LAGOON 17.D Mundu-Baka 8 Ijoid
06.S Ega 17.E Ngbandic 09.B Siamou
07 DAKOID 17.F Bandaic 12 Mande
source: Wikipedia,
Heine (1982: 209)
several users
06.A BANTOID 16.A Tula-Waja 15.A (Central) Gur
06.B CROSS-RIVER 16.B Logunda 15.B Kulangoic
06.C KAINJI-PLATOID 16.C Bena-Mboi 15.C Miyobe
06.D Igboid 16.D Bikwin-Jen 15.D Tiefo
06.E Idomoid 16.E Samba-Duru 15.E Viemo
06.F Nupoid 16.F Mumuyoc 15.F Tusian
06.G Edoid 16.G Maya 15.G Samuic
06.H Akpes 16.H Kebi-Benue 15.H Senufo
06.I Ukaan 16.I Kimic 18.A Heibanic
06.J Oko 16.J Buaic 18.B Talodic
06.K Owon-Arigidi 16.K Day 18.C Lafofa
06.L Ayere-Ahan 16.L Baa~Kwa 18.D Rashadic
06.M Yoruboid 16.M Nyingwom~Kam 19 Katlaic
06.N Gbe 16.N Fali 09.A (Narrow) Kru
06.O GHANA-TOGO MOUNTAIN 17.A Gbayaic 10 Pere
06.P Potou-Akanic 17.B Zandic 13 Dogon
06.Q Ga-Dangme 17.C Mbaic 14 Bangime
06.R LAGOON 17.D Mundu-Baka 8 Ijoid
06.S Ega 17.E Ngbandic 09.B Siamou
07 DAKOID 17.F Bandaic 12 Mande
06.I Ukaan 16.I Kimic 18.A Heibanic
06.J Oko 16.J Buaic 18.B Talodic
06.K Owon-Arigidi 16.K Day 18.C Lafofa
06.L Ayere-Ahan 16.L Baa~Kwa 18.D Rashadic
06.M Yoruboid 16.M Nyingwom~Kam 19 Katlaic
06.N Gbe 16.N Fali 09.A (Narrow) Kru
06.O GHANA-TOGO MOUNTAIN 17.A Gbayaic 10 Pere
06.P Potou-Akanic 17.B Zandic 13 Dogon
06.Q Ga-Dangme 17.C Mbaic 14 Bangime
06.R LAGOON 17.D Mundu-Baka 8 Ijoid
06.S Ega 17.E Ngbandic 09.B Siamou
07 DAKOID 17.F Bandaic 12 Mande
On Chakali, Gur:
“It is generally assumed in the literature that “noun class, or gender, is a
property of nouns” and that “it can be reliably detected only by looking at
those words with which the nouns enter into an agreement
relaNon” (Aronoff & Fudeman, 2005: 173). On one hand the reader will
observe in the following secAons that Chakali does organise the nouns
into classes but that none of the suffixes are reflected on other parts of
speech, the type of (degree of) alliteraAon widely found in other Niger-
Congo languages. Moreover, humanness is shared across several
agreement domains. Yet humanness is not a criterion for the nouns’
classificaNon into sg-pl pairs. The reflecAon of noun classes onto other
parts of speech is not observable in Chakali, nevertheless the language
does have gender agreement.” Brindle (2009: 84-85)
source: Wikipedia,
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FuncNons (?) of grammaNcal gender
Following Kilarski (2013):
- expansion of the nominal lexicon (for example Bantu acNon
- reference construal (manipulable gender assignment, for
example Bantu diminuNves/augmentaNves);
- reference tracking and reference management
- error checking device (Dahl 2004)
- linguisNc ‘male nipple’, historical baggage/junk (McWorther
2007; Trudgill 1999)
FuncNons (?) of grammaNcal gender
…what about: marking of group affiliaNon that can only be
learned by young enough humans...?