I. Introduction To Project Report:: Banking Marketing
I. Introduction To Project Report:: Banking Marketing
I. Introduction To Project Report:: Banking Marketing
Insurance service, tourism service professional service and service Marketing are
emerging as potential in the 21st century. The rapid growth of vice sector in India opened up
vistas, which was undreamed a decade ago. The globalization of the Indian economy, with the
shrinkage of time and space, including rapid communication of networks has brought about a
boom in the service industry leading to further decentralization and de-regulation making the I a
one market place for service for the potential customers.
With the passage of time, we find significant development, which has further widened the
definition and scope of bank marketing. It is said that marketing should gear itself more to the
well being of the society and therefore the term social marketing has been coined. Hartley prefers
to call it responsive marketing which suggests an attuning or responding to the changing needs
customers, society and environment. In the responsive marketing, an organization naturally looks
to long-term profit goals. However, looks to the social dimensions with a different angle. He says
because marketing activities play an important persuasive role in the formation of public opinion,
marketing is unavoidably a social concern.
The state bank of India, “the pioneers then, innovators now”, came into existence on the
nationalization of the imperial bank of India. The lending of funds constitutes the main business
of state bank of India. The major portion funds of state bank of India is employed by way of
advances as advances from the chief source of profits for banks. The lending funds to the public
by way of loans, overdrafts, cash credit and discounting of bills. And also it makes investment of
funds on securities is one of the important function of SBI. They invest a considerable amount of
their funds in government and industrial securities. State bank of. India would not have become
so prominent as they are today, if they merely borrow and lend money, they do something more
than this that is the manuf4cture or create money. Bank can create money by way of advancing
loans and other loan facilities.
It is significant to note that SBI cannot create only deposit but can also have multiple
expansion of deposits. Apart from performing the main function of accepting deposits and
granting advances, a banker perform a number of subsidiary or secondary services. By
performing the subsidiary services, a banker will be able to earn the goodwill of his customers
and attract fresh customers. The services rendered by the SBI not only to its customer, but to the
general public and industrialists toward the development of our economy.
It is very clear that it has done commendable work in the field of biking development,
rural credit industrial finance and foreign exchange business. It is one of the few public sector
enterprises, which have achieved the proposed targets and fulfill the expectation of the people.
In the words of P.C. Bhattacharyya the then chairman of SBI, The state bank of India has no
parallel in the history of Indian banking and perhaps, it has no parallel in the banking history of
any other country in the world.
1. Agency service
2. Miscellaneous service
To day in the competitive world, service industry becoming very progress as the
competition increases in the field of business, service industries are banking, insurances,
transportation ware housing etc.
As far as the banking is concerned, the banking system provides various facilities to
general public; his customers, businessman and other people etc. from those most of all are not
taking all these facilities of banking facilities. The facilities mayo subsidiary services or
miscellaneous services due to following reasons, They are:
From this we can say that the banking resources are not fully utilized or inefficient utilization of
resources of banking.
7. To conduct a special research on professional, businessman and house wife regarding the
loans requirement with special reference to SBI
Primary Data
Data collected from 50 random selected respondents, this includes belonging to lower
income, middle income and upper income gains. These people represent different educational
background in Chikmaglur. The 50 respondents were surveyed with the help of questionnaire
given and primary data has been collected. The persons belo9nging to different age were
interviewed in an informal way
Secondary data:
The secondary data from the following:
Books of banking and law practices
News papers
SBI books
Date collected from SBI branch in Chikmagalur
In the age of electronic banking, the perception of bank marketing required a new vision.
This is due to the facts that use of sophisticated technologies by the banking organization has
made possible a major change in the quality of banking service. The word of mouth
communication makes possible smoothers transmission and the customer using the service of
manually adopted public sector commercial bank came to know about the quality of service their
counterparts already avail
The users/customers constitute a place of out standing significance. The line of service,
the planning and development of survive the offering of service, the pricing strategies or the
interest changed for the service made available and the promotions strategies depend
substantially upon the nature and type of users using the services of an organization. it is against
this background.
1. Scope of the study is limited to Chikmagalur city due to the constraint of time.
2. Some of the respondents were unaware of banking knowledge, so they had given answers in
3. The maximum number of members are restricted to 50 only because of time constraint.
4. Utilizing the various scheme as loans, providing the SBI, to the general public is very less, due
to lack of banking knowledge and illiteracy in Chikmagalur city.