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Design Standards No.


Embankment Dams

Chapter 9: Static Deformation Analysis

Phase 4 (Final)

U.S. Department of the Interior

Bureau of Reclamation November 2011
Mission Statements
The U.S. Department of the Interior protects America’s natural
resources and heritage, honors our cultures and tribal communities,
and supplies the energy to power our future.

The mission of the Bureau of Reclamation is to manage, develop,

and protect water and related resources in an environmentally and
economically sound manner in the interest of the American public.
Chapter Signature Sheet
Bureau of Reclamation
Technical Service Center

Design Standards No. 13

Embankment Dams
Chapter 9: Static Deformation Analysis

DS-13(9)-17:1 3hase  ()LQDO)

November 2011

Chapter 9 - Static Deformation Analysis is an existing chapter within Design

Standards No. 13 and was revised to include:

• Examples of actual settlement analyses related to embankment dams

• Minor corrections and editorial changes

DS-13(9)-17 refers to Design Standards No. 13, chapter 9, revision 17.

DS-13(9)-17 November 2011 9-i

Prepared by:

a 51,w 0 /‘ � 7(4
Ashok Chugh, P.E. Date
Civil Engineer, Geotechnical Engineering Group 1

Peer Review:

William ngemoen, P.E. Date
Geotec nical Engineer, Geotechnical Services Division

Securit eview:

any K.s s, P.E.

Structu j. Engineer, Structural Analysis Group

Recommended for Technical Approval:

Thomas McDaniel, P.E.

Geotechnical Engineer, Geotechnical Engineering Group 2


Kren Knight, P.E.
Chief, Geotechnical Services Division


Lowell Pimley, P.E.

Director, Technical Service Center

Design Standards No. 13, Chapter 9


Chapter 9: Static Deformation Analysis
9.1 Introduction.......................................................................................... 9-1

9.1.1 Purpose................................................................................. 9-1

9.1.2 Scope.................................................................................... 9-1

9.1.3 Deviations from Standard .................................................... 9-1

9.1.4 Revisions of Standard .......................................................... 9-2

9.1.5 Applicability ........................................................................ 9-2

9.2 Embankment Deformations ................................................................. 9-2

9.2.1 Causes of Deformations ....................................................... 9-2

9.2.2 Factors Controlling Deformations ....................................... 9-2

9.2.3 Effects of Deformations ....................................................... 9-4

9.2.4 Patterns of Deformations ..................................................... 9-4

9.3 Estimating Embankment Deformations ............................................... 9-7

9.3.1 Need ..................................................................................... 9-7

9.3.2 Procedures............................................................................ 9-8

9.4 Defensive Design Measures............................................................... 9-10

9.4.1 Limiting Deformations....................................................... 9-10

9.4.2 Accepting Deformations .................................................... 9-11

9.5 Performance Monitoring .................................................................... 9-12

9.5.1 Purpose............................................................................... 9-12

9.5.2 Instruments ......................................................................... 9-12

9.6 Existing Dams.................................................................................... 9-15

9.7 Additional Information ...................................................................... 9-15

9.8 References.......................................................................................... 9-15

9.8.1 Supplemental References ................................................... 9-16

Figure Page

9.2.4-1 Generalized pattern of horizontal surface deformations of an

embankment dam. ............................................................................. 9-5

9.2.4-2 Generalized pattern of movements along maximum section of an

embankment dam. ............................................................................. 9-6

9.2.4-3 Generalized pattern of movements along centerline of an

embankment dam. ............................................................................. 9-7

DS-13(9)-17 November 2011 9-i

Photo Page

9.5.2-1. Typical instrumentation to monitor embankment and foundation

deformations. .................................................................................. 9-13


A Example Problem

B Examples of Settlement Analyses Related to Real Dams

9-ii DS-13(9)-17 November 2011

Chapter 9

Static Deformation Analysis

9.1 Introduction
9.1.1 Purpose
This chapter is intended to provide a guideline for designers to use when
estimating vertical deformations of an embankment dam during normal
operations (static conditions). Earthquake-induced deformations are discussed
in Chapter 13 – Seismic Design and Analysis—of this design standard. Static
deformation estimates are used in designing crest camber, evaluating the
possibility of the impervious core cracking, and estimating settlements of
structures partially founded on, totally founded on, or buried within the

9.1.2 Scope
The scope of this chapter is limited to (1) providing the reader with a basic
understanding of the factors that control embankment deformations under
static loading, (2) presenting typical patterns of embankment deformations,
(3) illustrating simplified methods for estimating crest settlements of compacted
embankments on competent foundations, (4) providing guidelines for determining
when a more complex analytical or physical modeling procedure should be
performed, and (5) providing examples of actual settlement analyses related to
embankment dams.

For the purposes of this discussion, a competent foundation is any foundation in

which the foundation deformations are of negligible magnitude when compared
to the embankment deformations. The magnitude of foundation deformation is
related to type of rock, rock jointing, joint filling, density of overburden soil,
height of the dam, and other factors. Special cases of foundation materials
specifically not covered by this standard include karstic rock, permafrost,
and highly compressible, liquefiable, collapsible, sensitive, and swelling soils.
If these materials are encountered, the designer will need to research the problem
and methodology for handling them.

9.1.3 Deviations from Standard

Deformation analyses performed within the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation)
should conform to this standard. Deviations from this standard should be

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Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

documented and approved. The rationale for not using the standard should be
described in the documentation. The technical documentation must be approved
by appropriate line supervisors and managers.

9.1.4 Revisions of Standard

This chapter will be revised as its use indicates. Comments or suggested revisions
should be forwarded to the Chief, Geotechnical Services Division (86-68300),
Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colorado 80225; they will be comprehensively
reviewed and incorporated as needed.

9.1.5 Applicability
The procedures and recommendations in this chapter are applicable to the analysis
and design of earth and rockfill dams founded on either dense soil or rock.

9.2 Embankment Deformations

9.2.1 Causes of Deformations
Embankment deformations under static loading occur as a result of volumetric
changes, lateral spreading, or shear displacements within the embankment and
foundation materials. Volumetric changes are due to either an increase in the
normal stresses on a soil element causing a decrease in void volume or dilation of
soil elements undergoing shear. Lateral spreading and shear displacements are
due to squeezing, distorting, and localized shear failures of material elements
as the materials adjust to the stress conditions imposed by constructing the
embankment and operating the reservoir. The rate at which these deformations
occur depends on the dissipation rate of excess pore pressures and the rate at
which steady-state seepage conditions develop.

9.2.2 Factors Controlling Deformations

Magnitudes and directions of embankment deformations are controlled by
foundation and embankment material properties, abutment and embankment
geometry, type of construction equipment used and embankment placement rates,
reservoir loading conditions, and stress distribution within the various zones or
layers within the embankment and its foundation. Other than removal, which is
not always feasible, the designer has little control over the factors related to the
foundation materials. On the other hand, the designer has a great deal of control
over the factors related to the embankment. Therefore, these factors must be

9-2 DS-13(9)-17 November 2011

Chapter 9: Static Deformation Analysis

recognized during site investigations, and features of the embankment must be

designed to accommodate the given foundation conditions.

Material properties that control deformations are gradation, mineralogy, particle

shape, particle arrangement, moisture content, and density. Within the
foundation, these factors are the result of the geologic origin of the materials and
history of the site. Within the embankment, these factors are controlled by the
designer to the extent that suitable construction materials are located within a
reasonable distance of the dam site and proper construction control is exercised in
the borrow operation, embankment construction, and equipment used.

Geometric factors that influence embankment deformations include valley shape,

abutment discontinuities, embankment zoning, and location of appurtenant
structures. Control of these factors is greatly influenced by site selection and
design features. Shaping of abutments; providing for filters, drains, and transition
zones; flattening of embankment slopes; widening of embankment zones; and
relocation of structures off of the embankment entirely are defensive design
measures to accommodate geometric factors.

Construction factors related to deformations include moisture and density control,

equipment types, and construction sequence and rates. By specifying the material
gradation, placement moisture content, required density, equipment weights, and
compaction procedures, the designer may control many material properties within
the embankment. The rate of construction becomes critical when materials have
become compressed to full saturation. Once saturation has been achieved within
materials of low permeability, the rate of construction has a great deal of
influence over the degree of excess pore pressures developed and, therefore, on
the stability of the embankment and the construction and post-construction
consolidation and lateral spread that occurs. Construction sequence in closure
sections and on abutments are often useful tools to minimize the effects of

Three reservoir loading conditions that influence deformations are first filling,
normal operational cycling, and rapid drawdown. During first filling, it is
common for the crest of a dam to deform slightly in the upstream direction and
for significant settlements to occur in upstream rockfill shells. As the phreatic
surface develops within the embankment, consolidation of the embankment may
slow or stop depending on the relative magnitudes of construction- induced pore
pressures and pore pressures induced by high-level steady-state seepage
conditions. During the development of the phreatic surface, most embankment
crests will tend to move in a downstream direction. While these movements are
noticed on most embankment dams, they are generally of negligible magnitude
and consequence and are not calculated for design purposes.

Stress level and distribution within the foundation and embankment has a large
impact on the deformations of the embankment. However, in situ stresses within

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Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

the foundation are rarely known with any degree of accuracy, and methods for
predicting the degree of stress transfer between various zones of an embankment
or an embankment and its foundation are subject to debate. For these reasons,
when vertical settlement calculations are performed, a conservative stress
distribution is necessary. A one-dimensional vertical stress distribution (which
ignores load transfer between hard and soft zones, fill and rockfill, and structures)
is generally assumed to be conservative. However, the designer should be aware
of potential problems with this assumption and consider that unusual cases may
warrant more advanced analysis.

9.2.3 Effects of Deformations

The major effects of deformations are loss of freeboard, damage to appurtenant
structures located within or upon the dam, loss of confidence in the dam due to
swayback appearance, cracking of the embankment (most detrimental to the
impervious core), development of localized zones susceptible to hydraulic
fracturing, and failure of instrumentation. The effects of deformation can usually
be mitigated by designing features based on experience gained from studying
historical performance of existing dams without the need for performing any
elaborate analyses. For most situations, simple “rules of thumb” and/or basic
settlement calculations to determine the amount of over-build or camber to place
on top of a dam and settlement estimates for appurtenant structures yields
satisfactory results. Detailed attention to embankment zoning and foundation
shaping can minimize differential settlements, thereby reducing the potential for
cracking of the core or development of zones susceptible to hydraulic fracturing.
For any large or hazardous dam, the designer should assume some cracking of the
core is inevitable, and filters and drains must be incorporated into the design to
control seepage and prevent movement of material. The determining factors for
performing additional analyses lie in the potential for cost savings when the “rule
of thumb” and/or simple settlement calculation approach suggests excessive
design requirements.

9.2.4 Patterns of Deformations

The general pattern of deformations of embankment dams is shown on
figures 9.2.4-1 through -3. From these figures, it can be seen that, for the maximum
section of the dam, the general pattern of deformations for the upstream surface is
down and upstream, while the downstream surface moves down and downstream.
On the other hand, the crest of the dam moves down and upstream during first
filling and down and downstream as reservoir water begins to penetrate the dam.
Surface movements at the abutments contain an additional horizontal component of
movement into the valley. Furthermore, along any vertical line drawn through the
dam at any point, the distribution of deformations at the end of construction is
roughly parabolic, and post-construction settlements result in a shift in this
distribution at the dam crest. The shift remains almost constant to an approximate

9-4 DS-13(9)-17 November 2011

Chapter 9: Static Deformation Analysis

elevation where the weight of fill above this elevation is sufficient to drive the
material to saturation. Below this elevation, the amount of shift gradually reduces
to a value of zero at the foundation contact. The post-construction shift in
settlement is primarily due to the dissipation of excess pore pressures developed
within the dam during construction. The post-construction shift in horizontal
movements is mostly due to embankment material elements adjusting to the
newly imposed stress distribution.

Figure 9.2.4-1. Generalized pattern of horizontal surface deformations of an

embankment dam.

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Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

Figure 9.2.4-2. Generalized pattern of movements along maximum section of an

embankment dam.

The magnitudes of horizontal deformations (into and down valley) are relatively
small compared to the vertical settlement. The exact ratio between the
magnitudes varies with geometry, dam zoning, and material properties. In
practice it is common to analyze the vertical settlement and assume that if the
settlements are in an acceptable range then the horizontal displacements will also
be acceptable. This assumption is only valid so long as careful attention is given
to foundation shaping, strength of foundation and embankment materials, and
embankment zoning.

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Chapter 9: Static Deformation Analysis

Figure 9.2.4-3. Generalized pattern of movements along centerline of an

embankment dam.

9.3 Estimating Embankment Deformations

9.3.1 Need
The degree of analysis performed on an embankment is highly dependent on the
design detail under consideration. For camber design, it is only necessary to
estimate the amount of vertical settlement of the embankment crest. Often this
estimate can be performed by applying simple guidelines that have been
developed from observations of existing embankments. When cracking of the
impervious core is of major concern or particularly compressible embankment or
foundation materials are present, it is normal practice to perform some basic
settlement calculations in order to decide whether a more complex analytical
study needs to be performed or whether to simply incorporate more defensive
design features. It is desirable to locate appurtenant structures or, for that matter,
any structure off of the embankment. When possible, spillways and outlet works
should be located through or over abutments or reservoir rim. If structures must
be located on the embankment, settlement calculations are necessary. For the

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Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

design of appurtenant structures, such as outlet works bridges, which may have
some piers or footings founded on the embankment and some founded on rock,
the guidelines used to estimate settlements of shallow footings located near the
crest of the dam are the same as for determining dam camber design. For
structures buried within the embankment, basic one-dimensional settlement
calculations are generally sufficient. For structures located near the toe of the
dam, lateral deformations can be estimated from relevant experience, but often
requires advanced analytical or numerical analysis.

9.3.2 Procedures
Instrumentation data presented in the literature [1, 2, and 3] and on file at the
Bureau of Reclamation for compacted embankments constructed on stiff
foundations using modern equipment and designed according to Reclamation
standards indicate post-construction crest settlements generally range between
0.2 and 0.4 percent and seldom exceed 0.5 percent of the embankment height.
Based on this performance history, a “rule of thumb” for conservative camber
design using 1.0 percent of the embankment height has become common practice
[4]. For many low-risk dams or dams of less than 200 feet (60 m) in height, this
“1 percent rule” is the only deformation estimate necessary to arrive at a
satisfactory design for crest camber.

For moderate- to high-risk dams or dams exceeding 200 feet (60 m) or dams on
compressible foundations, the “1 percent rule” alone is often considered
insufficient analytical treatment of the deformation problem beyond preliminary
camber design. Given the recent advances in mathematical computing power, the
first impulse of many analysts is to perform a numerical model study; however,
these studies are both time consuming and expensive to perform. For these
reasons and others associated with material modeling and selection of boundary
conditions, it is advisable to first perform a conservative and rather inexpensive
one-dimensional (1-D) settlement analysis. The 1-D analyses presented in this
chapter will yield no information on tensile stresses that can cause cracking, but
the results are useful in determining whether or not excessive differential
settlements within the embankment are a potential problem and provide a
convenient cross check to determine the applicability for the “1 percent rule” in
camber design. If the 1-D analysis indicates excessive differential settlements are
a potential problem, then a choice may be between defensive design measures or
advanced analyses. The main concern of differential settlement is that it may
result in cracking or hydraulic fracturing, either of which could lead to internal
erosion. Because properly designed and located filters and drains should be
included in all important dams to protect against cracking and material movement,
there may be no real need for advanced analyses.

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Chapter 9: Static Deformation Analysis

There are cases that may warrant advanced analyses. These special cases include:

a. Soft and deep soil foundations, particularly when overlying varying

elevation bedrock surfaces.

b. Essentially homogeneous clay embankments where high moisture contents

in the fill cannot be avoided.

c. Very precipitous or uniquely shaped abutments.

d. Hard structures that penetrate or underlay the embankment and

particularly if they are founded on a soft foundation, are unusually large,
or unusually configured in relation to embankment height and

e. Foundations that have significantly variable materials in either

longitudinal or transverse directions.

There is also considerable merit in performing advanced analyses, comparing the

results with actual behavior and publishing the information to advance the state of
the art.

The 1-D analyses may be performed using one of three methods. First, a log-
linear relationship (semi-log plot) between vertical stress and axial strain,
respectively, may be developed for the various embankment materials from
laboratory tests and for foundation materials using a variety of laboratory or in
situ test methods. Second, the stress-strain plots of odometer tests performed on
specimens of the various foundation and embankment materials may be used
directly to determine the settlements. And third, for embankment materials, a
parabolic equation of settlement distribution may be used. All three of these
methods are presented in detail in appendix A. The method chosen for any
particular analysis depends on whether post-construction settlements or
differential settlements are of most concern. For example, if camber design is
being studied, then methods one or two should be used. Whereas, if differential
settlements within the embankment are the major concern, then method three is
appropriate for the embankment material, and either method one or two is
appropriate for the foundation materials. The advantage of method three over
methods one and two is that settlements at various elevations within the
embankment may be more rapidly estimated. The disadvantage of using method
three is that post-construction crest settlements cannot be determined with this

In situations involving highly compressible foundation and/or embankment

materials or unique design and/or construction features where the “1 percent rule”
and 1-D analyses procedures appear to be inadequate, a thorough review of
related literature and detailed discussions with experienced designers should be

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Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

pursued. A number of advanced analyses have been made of generalized

problems and the results published, which can provide designers considerable
insight to a problem. Once the designer is fully knowledgeable in the uniqueness
of the problem and has determined that the need exists for a finite element
analysis, the designer should have gathered enough background information to
ensure that the proper procedure is used. For rare instances in which newly
developed finite element codes are proposed for use, the designer should request
to see the results of comparative physical tests and analytical predictions in order
to develop confidence in the results from that analytical procedure. These
physical tests may involve some form of back analysis of a similar embankment,
constructing a test embankment at the proposed site, or centrifuge modeling of the
most important features of the proposed embankment and foundation. For
additional information on various finite element programs for predicting the
behavior of an embankment dam, see references [5] and [6] and the supplemental

9.4 Defensive Design Measures

9.4.1 Limiting Deformations
There are essentially five means for limiting embankment deformations:

1. Foundation materials that are undesirable may be removed and replaced

with more suitable materials.

2. Avoid using weak (compressible) materials within the embankment.

3. Undesirable materials, which cannot be removed from the foundation or

which must be incorporated into the embankment, may be treated to
enhance their performance.

4. The weak materials may be buttressed.

5. The weak materials may be reinforced.

Material removal and replacement is generally the preferable option for weak
foundation materials as this ensures controlled treatment of the suspect material.
This approach may include removing the weak materials and importing stronger
materials or simply removing and compacting the removed material to a higher
density. This approach is generally feasible so long as the foundation materials
are of a shallow extent.

In order to avoid using weak materials within an embankment, the undesirable

materials must be identified during borrow area investigations, and alternate
sources of more desirable material must be located.

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Chapter 9: Static Deformation Analysis

Foundation and embankment materials may be treated to enhance their

performance in a variety of ways. Granular materials within the foundation may
be compacted in place using dynamic compaction or they may be stiffened
through cement grout injection techniques. Finer grained materials may be
removed from the foundation or embankment borrow areas and mixed with
coarser grained materials to form a more suitable fill. On rare occasions,
materials may be chemically treated to alter their natural properties.

When weak foundation materials are of such depth or extent that removal or
treatment techniques are not feasible, the most common practice is to buttress the
weak materials. Buttressing of foundation materials is generally accomplished
with low berms placed over the weak material to confine them in place. When
weak embankment materials must be used in the construction of the dam, the
materials may be buttressed by using wider/flatter stability shells.

Artificial reinforcement of weak embankment materials may be performed

through the use of synthetic fabrics or placement of reinforcing strips within the
weak material. Weak foundation material may be reinforced with the insertion of
piles and/or the placement of synthetic fabrics on the foundation surface.
Artificial reinforcement of weak materials is not currently in widespread use on
large dams within Reclamation; however, this could change as more experience is
gained in the long-term performance of these techniques.

One of the most important aspects of various measures to limit or control

deformation is the economic comparison of alternatives. Configuration of the
site, types of materials in the foundation, and types and location of borrow
materials must be considered. It may be cheaper to flatten the slopes than to haul
better material a longer distance. Deformations of weak foundations can be
limited or mitigated by preloading, staged construction, and induced enhancement
of drainage rates. Advanced analyses are often desirable to guide the staging and
placement rates and to assist in monitoring behavior during construction.

9.4.2 Accepting Deformations

In cases where deformations that may cause cracking of the impervious core are
unavoidable, the prudent course of action is to incorporate design features within
the dam to mitigate the effects of cracking. Design features such as wider cores,
use of higher plasticity clays that have better resistance to erosion and/or
increased moisture contents in critical areas, wider downstream filter and drainage
zones, and upstream “crack stopper” sand zones have all been employed on
various dams. Other means of mitigating the effects of deformations are to
(1) establish a construction sequence that allows the deformations to occur in
stages and (2) preload the foundation in conjunction with enhanced foundation
drainage features in order to force foundation deformations to occur before the

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Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

embankment is constructed. All of these defensive measures are acceptable

practice provided good judgment is used.

9.5 Performance Monitoring

9.5.1 Purpose
The purpose for performance monitoring is twofold. First, the designer should
follow through on the performance of the structure to ensure the actual behavior is
within the established tolerable limits and that it is safely performing its intended
function. Second, performance monitoring of existing structures helps provide
the basis for developing improved design and construction procedures and
enhancing engineering judgment.

The significant problem in performance monitoring is to determine the tolerable

limits. Vertical movements can be estimated with some success using simple
analyses as presented in this chapter. Estimating lateral deformation generally
requires more advanced analyses. Generally tolerable limits are based on
engineering judgment and past experience with similar materials and
embankments where performance was considered acceptable. Thus, references
to published behavior such as in references [1], [2], and [3] are essential.
Several additional references are included in the supplemental references.

9.5.2 Instruments
Typical instrumentation to monitor embankment and foundation deformations
include surface measurement points, base plates, inclinometers, shear strips,
tiltmeters, bore-hole extensometers, liquid level gauges, and internal settlement
devices. Photo 9.5.2-1 shows these instruments. Detailed information
on instruments used on Reclamation dams is included in Chapter 11 –
Instrumentation—of this design standard. Because of the wide variety of
instruments currently available and the development of new devices, the selection
of a particular device to measure displacements is best accomplished by a
cooperative effort between the design engineer and an instrumentation specialist.
The designer’s role in instrumentation is to identify the locations and types of
deformations that are of concern and work with the instrumentation specialist to
select the proper instruments to monitor those deformations.

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Chapter 9: Static Deformation Analysis

Figure 9.5.2-1. Typical instrumentation to monitor embankment foundation


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Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

Photo 9.5.2-1 (continued). Typical instrumentation to monitor embankment and

foundation deformations.

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Chapter 9: Static Deformation Analysis

9.6 Existing Dams

For a properly designed and well-constructed dam in service, deformations
under normal operations are generally within the design limits. However, if
deformations observed via instrumentation or visual observations are found to be
excessive, detailed investigations of site conditions and construction records, as
well as instrumentation and monitoring procedures, need to be undertaken to
understand the cause of unexpected deformation behavior. Excessive
deformations could be due to, or lead to, seepage-related internal erosion, which
could have serious consequences if left unattended. Each dam with unusual
deformations under normal operating conditions needs to be investigated and
appropriately remediated under the guidance of experienced dam designers.

Basic requirements for satisfactory performance and design that apply to a

new dam also apply to the design of modifications for existing dams. Static
deformations of modifications should be assessed as a part of required analyses
for the design of modifications to existing dams.

9.7 Additional Information

Supplemental references included in the references contain useful information of
interest on deformations of embankment dams. Examples of detailed settlement
analyses related to embankment dams are included in appendix B.

9.8 References
[1] Sherard, James L., Richard J. Woodward, Stanley F. Gizienski, and
William A. Clevenger, Earth and Earth Rock Dams, John Wiley and
Sons, New York, NY, 1963.

[2] Wilson, Stanley D., “Deformation of Earth and Rockfill Dams,”

Embankment-Dam Engineering, Casagrande Volume, John Wiley and
Sons, New York, NY, pp. 365-417, 1973.

[3] Gould, James P., Technical Memorandum 648, “Compression

Characteristics of Rolled Fill Materials in Earth Dams,”
U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, CO,

[4] Design of Small Dams, 3rd edition, U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau
of Reclamation, Denver, CO, 1987.

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Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

[5] Naylor, D.J., “Static Analysis of Embankment Dams: A Finite Element

Perspective,” Dam Engineering, Volume I, Issue 2, Reed Business
Publishing Group, Surrey SM2 5AS UK, 1990.

[6] Woodward-Clyde Consultants, Report for Contract No. 8-CA-30-06170,

Subject: “Property Characterization of Zone 1 Core Material and
Deformation Analyses, New Waddell Dam, Phoenix, Arizona,”
U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, CO,

[7] Perloff, William H., “Pressure Distribution and Settlement,” Foundation

Engineering Handbook, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York,
NY, pg 148-196, 1975.

9.8.1 Supplemental References

Use of FEM Analysis in Construction Monitoring

Walker, Willis L., and J. Michael Duncan, Lateral Bulging of Earth Dams, ASCE,
J. Geotech. Engr., July 1984.

Soriano, A., J.M. Duncan, K. Wong, and J.M. Simon, Finite Element Analyses of
Stresses and Movements in Birch Dam, Contract Report No. TE-75-2,
University of California, Berkeley, 1975.

Deformation of Rockfill Dams

Clements, Ronald P., Post-Construction Deformation of Rockfill Dams, ASCE,

J. Geotech. Engr., July 1984.

Dascal, Oscar, Post-Construction Deformations of Rockfill Dams, ASCE,

J. Geotech. Engr., January 1987.

General Deformation References

Sherard, James L., Hydraulic Fracturing in Embankment Dams, ASCE,

J. Geotech. Engr., October 1986.

Jansen, Robert B., Advanced Dam Engineering, Van Nostrand Reinhold,

New York, 1988.

Corps of Engineers, Earth and Rockfill Dams General Design and Construction
Considerations, EM 1110-2-2300, March 1971.

9-16 DS-13(9)-17 November 2011

Chapter 9: Static Deformation Analysis

Sherard, J.L., Trends and Debatable Aspects in Embankment Dam Engineering,

Water Power and Dam Construction, December 1984.

Holtz, Robert D. and William D. Kovacs, An Introduction to Geotechnical

Engineering, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1981.

Chugh, Ashok K. and Luther W. Davidson, Analysis of foundation settlements at

Ridgway Dam, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 25, pp. 716-725,

Generalized FEM References

Casagrande, A., and S.W. Covarrubias, Cracking of Earth and Rockfill Dam,
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (WES), Contract Report No. 5-70-7,
Vicksburg, Mississippi, July 1970.

Lefebvre, G. and J.M. Duncan, Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analyses of

Dams, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (WES), Contract Report
No. 5-71-6, Vicksburg, Mississippi, May 1971.

Lefebvre, G. and J.M. Duncan, Finite Element Analyses of Transverse Cracking

in Low-Embankment Dams, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (WES),
Contract Report No. 5-74-3, Vicksburg, Mississippi, October 1974.

Kulhawy, F.H., J.M. Duncan, and H. B. Seed, Finite Element Analyses of Stresses
and Movements in Embankments During Construction, U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers (WES), Contract Report No. 5-69-8, Vicksburg,
Mississippi, November 1969.

Nobari, E.S., and J.M. Duncan, Effect of Reservoir Filling on Stresses and
Movements in Earth and Rockfill Dams, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
(WES), Contract Report No. 5-72-2, Vicksburg, Mississippi,
January 1972.

Nobari, E.S., K.L. Lee, and J.M. Duncan, Hydraulic Fracturing in Zoned Earth
and Rockfill Dams, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (WES), Contract
Report No. 5-73-2, Vicksburg, Mississippi, January 1973.

Chirapuntu, S., and J.M. Duncan, The Role of Fill Strength in the Stability of
Embankments on Soft Clay Foundations, U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers (WES), Contract Report No. 5-76-6, Vicksburg, Mississippi,
June 1976.

DS-13(9)-17 November 2011 9-17

Appendix A

Example Problem
The primary purposes of a deformation analysis are to (1) estimate settlements of
the embankment in order to perform a camber design, (2) determine if there are
areas where potential cracking of the impervious core may occur, and (3) estimate
displacements of appurtenant structural components located on the embankment.
Therefore, the example in this appendix was developed to illustrate the procedures
used to arrive at a conservative settlement estimate and evaluate the need for more
elaborate analytical analyses. The dam presented in this example was developed
to illustrate the calculation methods. Simplification of the basic design of the dam
and its foundation were deemed appropriate in order to stress the calculation
process rather than examine the minute design details of an actual dam. Examples
of settlement analyses related to three real dams are included in appendix B;
additional examples of settlement analyses can be found in Bureau of
Reclamation files.

The dam used in this example is shown on figure A-1. For the calculation
methods presented in this appendix, the slopes of the upstream and downstream
shells, as well as the core, are immaterial to the calculation process. The height
of the dam is 225 feet from the bottom of the cutoff trench to the crest at the
maximum section. A 25-foot thick layer of compressible impervious material was
left in place in the foundation between the bottom of the cutoff trench and the top
surface of the bedrock in order to illustrate the procedure for calculating
foundation settlement. The compressible foundation material was divided into
two layers (1F and 2F) with different compression characteristics. For this
example, the bedrock has been assumed to be incompressible. The abutments and
the foundation were shaped to form a uniformly varying surface with no
irregularities, overhangs, or sudden discontinuities.

Deformation Modulus and Stress Distribution

This example illustrates a simple logical approach to settlement analysis. The
assumptions used to develop the analysis reflect this intent. Experience with the
performance of existing dams has shown that conservative estimates of both
deformation modulus and stress distribution would lead to an uneconomical and
overly conservative design; therefore, a constrained deformation modulus, a one-
dimensional (1-D) stress distribution, and settlement calculations to time infinity
are used in the analysis. A dam is by no means a 1-D structure nor is it expected
to have an infinite life expectancy. These assumptions are simply made in order
to counterbalance the effect of using a constrained modulus of deformation.

DS-13(9)-17 November 2011 A-1

Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

Additional conservative assumptions in the analysis include using the wet unit
weight of the material above the groundwater table to calculate effective stresses
and assuming the effects of reservoir water penetrating the embankment and
foundation soils will not decrease effective stress levels. The combined effect of
these assumptions yields an analysis procedure that is considered appropriately
conservative in most cases. Note that there can be considerable error in the
analysis of a soft, thin, clay core supported by relatively rigid filters or shells. If
more accuracy is needed, an advanced finite element analysis may be desirable.

Figure A-2 presents the relationship between an assumed 1-D stress distribution
and the theoretical stress distribution at the base of an elastic embankment [7].
From this figure it can be seen that the 1-D stress distribution assumption is
conservative along the centerline. For points near the toe of the embankment, this
assumption is no longer conservative, but the difference is negligible due to the
low embankment height in this area.

Foundation Settlement Calculations

Foundation settlement calculations are needed primarily for the settlement design
of river outlet structures and investigation of differential settlements of the
embankment. For this example, a 25-foot thick layer of compressible material
was left in the foundation at the maximum section. In order to calculate the
embankment settlements induced by compression of this material, the slope of the
recompression (Cr�) and virgin compression (Cc�) lines for each material layer
must be estimated. The terms Cr�, Cc�, �p�, �vo�, and �vf� used in this calculation
are defined on figure A-3.

The general form of the equation for calculating layer settlements is [8]:

Si = Cr� � Ho � log(��p/�vo�) + Cc� � Ho � log(�vf�/�p�) (A.1)


Si = The settlement of the layer

Ho = The initial layer thickness

This general equation applies to an in situ soil element that is overconsolidated

and will be loaded to a normally consolidated state once the embankment has
been constructed. Three other possibilities exist for the stress path of a soil
element. First, a soil may be overly consolidated in situ and remain so after
construction is complete. Second, occasionally a soil element may be normally
consolidated in situ and would remain so after construction. And third, very
rarely a soil element is normally consolidated in situ, and due to excavation of
loose undesirable material and placement of higher density acceptable material,
the soil element ends up being overconsolidated. Since it is seldom that the

A-2 DS-13(9)-17 November 2011

Appendix A: Example Problem

second and third alternative cases of stress path are encountered in the analysis of
an embankment dam, only the reduction of the general form of the settlement
equation for the first alternative case is presented. The reduced equation for an
overconsolidated soil element that remains overconsolidated after the
embankment has been constructed is:

Si = Cr� � Ho � log(�vf�/�vo�) (A.2)

Calculations for the settlement of the foundation are presented in table A-1. Note
that the post-construction settlements of the foundation were estimated at
25 percent of the total foundation settlements. This estimate was based on a
review of embankment dams founded on relatively easily drained materials. The
post-construction settlement of clay or silt portions of a foundation depend on the
location of the water table, degree of saturation, location and distances to drainage
faces, and time rates of construction loading. Consequently, if there are
significant thicknesses of clay or silt in a foundation, the estimate of amount of
post-construction settlement should be based on time rate of consolidation studies.

Camber Design
The easiest and oftentimes the most practical method of camber design is to apply
the “1 percent rule.” This method is illustrated in table A-2. In this method, 1
percent of the embankment height is calculated for various stations along the
embankment. Then, the numbers are added to the post-construction foundation
settlements to arrive at a required camber height. The actual camber design is
arrived at by (1) rounding the calculations to the nearest 0.5 foot at the maximum
section of the dam, (2) maintaining this elevation across the embankment section
within the valley floor, (3) drawing straight lines from this section to the contacts
between the ends of the dam and the abutments, (4) comparing this straight line
approximation to the calculated required camber at selected stations, and
(5) adjusting the lines as required to provide adequate camber across the dam.
It is interesting to note that in this example, as it is often in real situations where
competent foundation materials exist, that the computed post-construction
settlements of the foundation are minimal compared to 1 percent of the
embankment height.

For high risk dams, dams over 200 feet in height, or when an unusually
compressible core material must be used in constructing the dam, it is advisable to
perform a 1-D analysis to determine if the “1 percent rule” is still applicable. The
additional assumptions that must be made for estimating post-construction
settlements with a 1-D analysis are (1) compression of the embankment to achieve
saturation of the material occurs during construction and (2) consolidation of the
embankment due to the dissipation of excess pore pressures developed during

DS-13(9)-17 November 2011 A-3

Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

construction occurs after construction has been completed. From basic soil
mechanics it can be shown that the equation to determine the percent of axial
strain required to achieve saturation in the odometer test is:

�a = Va = �d · (�c/�) · (1/Ds - 1) · 100 (A.3)


�a = The axial strain required to achieve saturation in percent

Va = The volume of air in the specimen in percent at the beginning of the test
�d = The initial dry unit weight of the specimen
�c = The initial moisture content of the specimen
� = The unit weight of water
Ds = The initial degree of saturation of the specimen

The 1-D analysis can be performed by the same method as the foundation
settlements were calculated above or by the method of directly applying the
odometer test results stress-strain plot. In order to compute the post-construction
settlements with a log-linear compression analysis, the total compression and
compression to saturation of the embankment must be calculated. The difference
between the total compression and the compression to saturation is assumed to be
the post-construction settlement.

The alternative method of directly applying the odometer test results stress-strain
plot is presented in its entirety in table A-3, columns (1) through (13). The
complete procedure was presented in order to compare the results of this analysis
with the results of the parabolic equation procedure presented later. For a check
on the “1 percent rule,” only columns (1) through (5) and column (7) need be
completed. The post-construction settlement of the crest is the difference between
the totals for columns (5) and (7). The results of an odometer test used to perform
this analysis are shown on figure A-4. The basic steps for this procedure are
(1) break the dam into layers and calculate the average stress in each layer
(columns (1) through (3)), (2) pick the strain level corresponding to this stress
level off of the stress-strain plot and calculate the total compression of the
embankment (columns (4) and (5)), and (3) compute the strain level required to
drive the embankment to saturation (equation (3)) and determine the amount of
embankment compression that occurs during construction (column(7)). The
purpose of columns (6) and (8) through (13) is to determine the vertical settlement
profile at a specific dam section. The basics of this additional procedure are
(1) determine the amount of compression that occurs in the dam prior to reaching
the top elevation of each layer and (2) subtract this amount of compression from
the total compression of the embankment occurring below this elevation. This
compression subtraction procedure accounts for the fact that the compression
occurring prior to reaching the top elevation of each layer is made up in an equal
amount of embankment material required to achieve the top of layer elevation.
The results of the settlement calculations are presented on figure A-5.

A-4 DS-13(9)-17 November 2011

Appendix A: Example Problem

The procedure presented provides a vertical profile of settlement at a particular

section. The process must be repeated at appropriate embankment sections to
obtain a “settlement profile for the dam.”

Cracking Potential Evaluation

As none of the 1-D methods for estimating post-construction settlements can
predict locations of tensile stresses within an embankment, a much faster method
of calculating settlement profiles is recommended for evaluating cracking
potential. The method for evaluating cracking potential and the necessity to
perform more elaborate analytical modeling is to assume a parabolic settlement
distribution occurs within the embankment. The settlement distribution must be
determined for a number of sections representing significant changes in
foundation slope, embankment height, location of hard structure contacts, etc.
The equation for this parabolic settlement calculation is:

S = (�w/E) � (h - y) � (y) / 144 (4)


S = The settlement at a point within the dam

h = The height of the dam
y = The amount of fill beneath the point of interest
E = The 1-D secant modulus to a stress level equivalent to the midheight of the

The results of the parabolic equation calculations for the example dam are
presented in table A-4 and on figure A-5.

For this example problem, the post-construction settlements were calculated by
the 1-D method to be slightly in excess of 1.0 percent. For camber design
purposes, 1.0 percent of the embankment height would probably suffice. For
cracking potential evaluation, it would be advisable, for this material, to assume
cracking will probably occur near the ends of the dam and in areas where severe
foundation discontinuities or steep abutment slopes exist and defensive design
steps should be considered.

DS-13(9)-17 November 2011 A-5

Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams
Table A-1. Foundation settlement calculations
A-6 DS-13(9)-17 November 2011
Appendix A: Example Problem

Table A-1. Foundation compression calculations - continued

No. Stress condition Equation

1 Overconsolidated to
normally consolidated � p' � vf '
S i � C r� H 0 log � C c� H 0 log
� v0 ' � p'

2 Overconsolidated to
overconsolidated � vf '
S i � C r� H 0 log
� v0 '


1) �w excavation = 135 lbf/ft3.

2) �1f = 110 lbf/ft3.

3) �2f = 125 lbf/ft3.

4) Postconstruction foundation settlement = 0.25 St.

5) Cr�, Cc�, and �p for foundation materials are as shown in table A-1.

DS-13(9)-17 November 2011 A-7

Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

Table A-2. Camber design by “1 percent rule”

Embankment 1 percent of foundation
Dam height height settlement Camber
station (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft)
0+00 0 0 0 0
1+00 45 0.45 0.02 0.6
2+00 115 1.15 0.01 1.2
3+00 200 2.00 0.03 1.8
4+00 215 2.15 0.04 2.5
5+00 225 2.25 0.04 2.5
6+00 195 1.95 0.03 2.0
7+00 150 1.50 0.02 1.5
8+00 90 0.9 0.01 1.0
9+00 30 0.3 0.01 0.5
10+00 0 0 0 0

1) Camber design is a series of straight lines between dam stations 0+00 and 4+00,
stations 4+00 and 5+00, and stations 5+00 and 10+00.

2) The amount of postconstruction foundation settlement in this example is negligible

compared to 1 percent of embankment height.

A-8 DS-13(9)-17 November 2011

Appendix A: Example Problem
Table A-3. One-dimensional compression calculations
DS-13(9)-17 November 2011 A-9
Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

Table A-3. One-dimensional compression calculations - continued

Col(3): Col(8):
Col(3)1 = 1/2 �w Col(2)1
Col(8)nj = � col (7)
i� j

for j = 1
� 1 �
Col(3)i = �� w col(2) i � col(3) i�1
� 144 ��

Col(9)i = Col(5)i - Col(7)i
Taken from consolidation plot (fig. A-4)
n� ( j�1)
Col(10) j = � col(7)

for j=1

Col(5)i = Col(2)i . Col(4)i / 100

Col(11)i = Col(6)i - Col(10)i
Col(6)nj = � col(5)
i� j
i 1 Col(5)i

for j = 1


Col(12)i = Col(8)i - Col(10)i

for Col(5)i < 1.25; Col(7)i = Col(5)i
for Col(5)i > 1.25; Col(7)i = 1.25 Col(13)i = Col(11)i - Col(12)i

where 1.25 ft = compression required for the

25-ft layer to reach 100 percent saturation

Note: For camber design check, only columns (1) through (5) and column (7) need be completed.

A-10 DS-13(9)-17 November 2011

Appendix A: Example Problem

Table A-4. Embankment settlements by parabolic equation

Fill height
beneath point Settlement
y S
(ft) (ft)

225 0

200 2.17

175 3.80

150 4.89

125 5.43

100 5.43

75 4.89

50 3.80

25 2.17

0 0

�w 1 ft 2
Equation: S� (h � y)( y)( )
E50 144in 2

�w = 125.2

h = 225 ft

E = = 2,000

Note: �w, h, and E are taken from consolidation plot, figure A-4.

DS-13(9)-17 November 2011 A-11

Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

Figure A-1. Example dam.

A-12 DS-13(9)-17 November 2011

Appendix A: Example Problem

Figure A-2. Stress distribution on the base of an elastic embankment [7].

DS-13(9)-17 November 2011 A-13

Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

Figure A-3. Theoretical one-dimensional compression curve for a soil element.

A-14 DS-13(9)-17 November 2011

Appendix A: Example Problem

Figure A-4. One-dimensional consolidation

DS-13(9)-17 November 2011 A-15

Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams

Figure A-5. Comparison of results of one-dimensional equation and parabolic

settlement calculations

A-16 DS-13(9)-17 November 2011

Appendix B

Examples of Settlement Analyses

Related to Real Dams
Part 1 Analysis of Foundation Settlements at Ridgway Dam

Part 2 Settlement Evaluation, Horsetooth Reservoir Dams Modification

Part 3 Ridges Basin Dam – Embankment Settlement and Construction

Pore Pressures

Each of these documents is self explanatory, and no additional comments

are considered necessary.
Appendix B
Part 1 Analysis of Foundation Settlements at Ridgway Dam by
Ashok K. Chugh and Luther W. Davidson

This article was published in the Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Volume 25,
pp. 716-725, 1988, Natural Resource Council
Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams
Ridgway Dam (near Montrose, Colorado).

Analysis of foundation settlements at Ridgway Dam

United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Engineering and Research Center. Denver,

CO 80225. U.S.A.

Received April 7, 1988

Accepted April 19, 1988

The foundation material at the Ridgway Dam site is broadly classified as mudstone. The obselVed foundation settlements
along the invert of the river outlet-works conduit at Ridgway Dam are on the order of 0.3 m. Numerical analyses were
perfonned to estimate the deformation properties for a foundation material that under the existing embankment loads would
deflect in a manner similar to the settlements sUiveyed along the invert of the outlet-works conduit. The foundation
deformation properties detemrined from these analyses are compared with those obtained through the laboratory testing of the
sire-specific foundation materials and the published data. The results of the analyses, the field instrumentation data, the site
geology, and the laboratory data provided an input to the decision-making process for the rehabilitation of the river outlet­
works conduit.
Key words: foundations, settlements, embankment dams, mudstones, analysis.

Le materiau de fondation sur Ie site du barrage Ridgway est generalement classifie comme un mudstone. Les tassements
observes de la fondation du radier de la conduite de fuite dans la riviere sont de l'ordre de 0,3 m. Les analyses numenques ont
ete realisees dans Ie but d'estimer les proprietes de deformation pour Ie materiau de fondalion qui, sous les charges du remblai
existant, va subir une deflexion similaire aux lassements qui ont ete releves Ie long du radier de la conduite de fuite. Les
proprietes de deformation de la fondation determinees au moyen de ces analyses ont ete comparees acelles qui ont ete obtenues
par des essais de laboratoire sur Ie materiau de fondation sp6cifique a ce site, et Ies donnees sont pubhees. Les resultats des
analyses, les donnees de l'instrumentation sur Ie chantier, Ja geologie du sile, el les donnees de laboratoire ont foumi un
ensemble d'eJements utilises dans Ie processus de decision quand a la methode de rehabilitation de la conduite de d6charge
dans la riviere.
Mots eles : fondations, tassements, barrages en terre, mudstones, analyse.
[Traduit par Ja revue]

Can. Geotech. J. 25. 716-72.5 (1988)

Introduction additional surveys later in December 1986 indicated no addi­

Ridgway Dam is a zoned earthftll embankment across the tional settlement. Figure 2 shows the surveyed settlements
Uncompahgre River in Ouray County near Montrose, Color­ along the invert of the conduit. From March to September
ado, U.S.A. The embankment dam has a maximum height of 1987 there had not occurred additional settlements along the
102m 1 above the stream bed and a crest length of approxi­ conduit length due to reservoir loads.
mately 750 m. Figure 1 shows the location map and general There are several methods and practices available for use in
layout of the Ridgway Dam and its appurtenant structures. The predicting settlements of structures (Hamdy 1986). Their use
dam was completed in 1987. in engineering practice is a matter of individual or organiza­
The river outlet-works conduit is located on a relatively flat tional preference and past experience.
foundation and has about 65.5 m of embankment ftIl above it The objectives of this paper are:
under the crest of the dam (see Fig. 1). Figure 2 shows the pro­ (1) to present the rationale for selecting the particular analysis
ftle and some cross-sectional details along the outlet-works procedures for estimating the defonnation properties of a foun­
conduit. dation material that under the existing embankment loads
In January 1986, cracking of the river outlet-works conduit would deflect in a manner similar to the settlements surveyed
was observed and a survey of the conduit invert was made. along the invert of the riveT outlet-works conduit;
This survey indicated that settlement had occurred. The maxi­ (2) to present the results of numerical analyses;
mum settlement was 0.23 m, near station 11 + 11. At the time (3) to present a comparison of numerical analysis results with
of this survey, embankment construction near the river outlet­ the laboratory data on site-specific foundation materials and
works conduit had been completed to elevation 2078.7 m. the published data from the literature.
Embankment construction was completed in September 1986 It should be kept in mind that the cumulative settlement
when the crest elevation of 2098.9 m was reached. A second data and the embankment loading causing the settlements were
survey was completed in October 1986. It indicated that the the only reliable site-specific data available for analysis pur­
maximum settlement was 0.28 m, near station I J + 24. poses at the time of this study. The results of laboratory inves­
Another survey in early December 1986 showed that the total tigative studies, perfonned in conjunction with the foundation
settlement near station 11 + 24 had increased to 0.29 m. Two settlements, became available toward the end of the analytical
studies. The preconstruction laboratory data could not be
'Imperial units were used on this project. The data and analyses completely relied upon because the observed settlements were
reported in this paper were convened, wherever practicable, to metric considerably greater than anticipated. The preconstruction
units and conveniently rounded. The numeric information contained geologic investigations and foundation exploration data were
in this paper should, therefore, be interpreted keeping in mind this available and used only for the benefit of the problem defini­
change of units. tion. The problem as posed for analysis is incomplete. The
Pnnted In Canada I [mprimC au Canada

TABLE 1. Preconslfilction rock mechanics laboratory unconfined compression strength test results on mudstone samples (Babcock \983)

Sialic secant modulus of

Unconfined compressive elasticity, E" at 40-60% Calculated undrained
Sample depth Sample strength, qll of ullimale strength shear slrenglh, Su = ~ qu
(m) length/diameter (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) - £/Su (approx.)

17.5 1.60 05 34 0.25 14l

22.3 2.06 3.7 207 18 1\3
22.8* 2.02 4.3 414 2.2 192
22.9 2.01 2.1 207 1.1 193
25.5 1.81 185 1380 9.2 149
140.3 1.97 32.8 6895 16.4 421
142.6 2.15 44.6 96525 223 4328
*Specimen dried during preparation.

back-calculated values of the operating deformation properties These test results are shown in Table 1 (Babcock 1983.)
for the foundation material shall depend on the assumptions To study the problems associated with the conduit settle­
made in defining the problem. Therefore, the reasonableness ment, additional soil mechanics laboratory testing was per­
of back-calculated values of deformation properties of the formed on the very soft to medium mudstone samples taken
foundation material must be evaluated in view of the site­ from under the river outlet-works conduit. Eleven NX size and
specific laboratory data, and other data available in the litera­ 15.25 cm diameter waxed core samples and three 15.25 cm
ture. Even though this comparison is after-the-event, it may diameter samples protected in split polyvinyl chloride pipe
serve as a useful learning exercise for future use in geotechni­ were obtained for laboratory investigations. All tests were per­
cal engineering practice. formed in accordance with procedures described in the Earth
Though it may appear to be an unusual set of conditions for Manual (1980). Some of these representative test results are
an engineering problem, it did happen in practice and requires shown in Tables 2 and 3 (Redlinger and Casias 1987).
a solution. Thus, the approach to the problem at hand and the
methods of analysis adopted may be of equal significance. Rationale for analyses
A brief description of the site geology and representative
site-specific laboratory d2.ta is presented first, then the main The compressibility of a foundation material may be charac­
objectives of the paper. Additional information on these items terized in tenus of
can be obtained from the authors on request. (1) coefficient of subgrade reaction, K;
(2) Young's modulus of elasticity, E, and Poisson's ratio, I);
Site geology (3) recompression index, C" and (or) compression index, Ce ,
and initial void ratio, eo.
The d2.m and the river outlet-works conduit are founded on Associated with each of the above characterizations of mate­
the Morrison Formation of Jurassic age. The Morrison Forma­ rial is a method of settlement calculation. Obviously, one
tion is about 213 m thick near the damsite and is divided into needs to make additional assumptions with regard to material
the upper Brushy Basin member and the lower Salt Wash behaviour, i.e., linear or nonlinear for characterizations (1) and
member. The Brushy Basin member is exposed in the damsite (2), normally consolidated or overconsohdated for (3); thick­
area and is the foundation for the river outlet-works conduit. ness of foundation undergoing compression for (2) and (3);
This formation consists mainly of shale and mudstone units boundary conditions for (1), (2), and (3), etc. For purposes of
with random, generally thin- to medium-bedded sandstone and this paper, only linear, homogeneous, and isotropic properties
siltstone layers. The Salt Wash member was not encountered for K, E, II, and a uniform value for the slope of the e - log p
during the darn construction and is thought to occur at more curve for Ce are considered.
than 30 m below the conduit. The Salt Wash member contains The motivation for the choice of analysis methods came, in
massive sandstone beds interstratified with layers of mudstone. general, from the following considerations:
Five shallow drill holes with depths 2.4-15 m below the (1) The embankment load and the foundation settlement data
conduit were completed in conjunction with this investigation. have provided a pseudo-plate bearing test of the prototype
The geologic logs and visual inspection of the drilled core foundation and one should be able to calculate the coefficient
show high variability in the thickness and integrity of the mud­ of subgrade reaction, K, which is an average representation of
stone layers. Based on these logs, it is estimated that approxi­ the load -deformation behaviour of the entire foundation
mately 26 - 33 % of the foundation material is very soft to under the d2.m. The magnitude of K shall indicate whether the
medium mudstone (qu = 0.2-0.7 MPa). foundation behaviour is one of a soil-like material or a rock­
Applying the estimate of 30 % of the foundation material to like material.
be of soft to medium mudstone to a depth of 30 m below the (2) If the foundation deformations occurred over a short time,
conduit, one would infer a thickness of compressible founda­ the foundation response to embankment load should be essenti­
tion material of - 9 m. ally elastic, and one needs to know E and II.
(3) If the foundation deformations occurred over some time,
Laboratory data the found2.tion settlement under embankment load should be
The preconstruction rock mechanics laboratory tests on due to consolid2.tion of the foundation materials, and one needs
mudstones from the Ridgway Dam site were performed on to know Cn Ce , eo, etc.
core samples from the dam's drainage and grouting tunnel. The number and significance of assumptions required for
718 CAN. GEOTECH. J. VOL. 25. 1988

o £ L T A

M E: S ...

M 0 N T R 0 S E:

G R ... N 0

FIG. 1. Location map and general layout of the Ridgway Dam and appurtenant structures.

making the analyses depended on the analysis procedure characteristic of the foundation material based only on the
adopted. These are described in the following section (Chugh surveyed settlement data and the weight of the dam.
2. One-dimensional elastic analysis
Analyses and results This simple calculation procedure was used to estimate mag­
nitude (high or Low) of modulus of elasticity of the foundation
1. Coefficient of subgrade reaction
material using the observed settlement data. The analytical
The analytical model for this calculation is shown in Fig. 3.
model for this calculation is shown in Fig. 4. In the use of this
In this approach the surveyed settlement data are used to calcu­ approach, the thickness of compressible foundation zone at
late the total vertical reaction assuming a uniform coefficient
any point was assumed to be a constant fraction of the embank.­
of subgrade reaction, K. and seeking static equilibrium of
ment height above it. A unifonn modulus of elasticity value for
forces in the vertical direction (see Fig. 3). The main assump­
the foundation material 1S calculated by seeking an equilibrium
tions of this procedure are
of forces in the vertical direction (see Fig. 4). The main
-no interelement shear;
assumptions of this procedure are the same as those for analy­
-a uniform and linear load - displacement response of the
sis 1 above.
foundation material;
The results of this analysis show that the modulus of elastic­
-only vertical displacements;
ity, E, of the compressible foundation zone should be quite
-an incompressible foundation underlies the compres­
low for a reasonable depth of influence in the dam foundation.
sible zone.
The calculated value of K is about 6.11 MPa/m of settle­ 3. Two-dimensional elastic G1UJlysis
ment. This is indicative of a soil-like behaviour of the founda­ The analytical model for this calculation is shown in Fig. 5.
tion material. Obviously, this calculation procedure does not This analysis is similar to analysis 2 described above except
require a prior knowledge of the thickness of the foundation that a unifonn depth of compressible foundation is assumed
material within which the settlement occurs. The results of trus and interelement shear is allowed. The table in Fig. 5 shows
calculation provided a convenient measure of the deformation the assumed elastic properties for the embankment materials.

£ 5enm:.e ruod 10
OiJ'/~t works, and dam ar!st

I~ I

1" .. I ! ! , , '
\'" \
\~ \
, i Approod ,h()'m~1

SCAlE OF F"l:.t l
\';\ \ SC.6LE OF ""n~(s
I rT ~ 03M
\" (.

Umlts of Sfoq< II
L /mits of Stage II grouf/flfj 9routllJ9
Limd~ of complefld 5tugf J groutJn9
' - . ----j
Ccmcrtft $urfoce droln
C"$f of dom. fl. 6886.0

_ "'l'? 5.0 ~9' Approtlmo e 09< I

1£6800r-:-l_u_tO_(_(_+----,r=~+_--"-'="--''''?''flrt=_._,r_---==_I_-rJ~~r dJver·$J()n ,hollnel
I~ f. Atass fume' ../ f '/:'::Sm~:' of S faf.r t -...",-"'----=:--+"""
I ~ 6100 I
\~ OrOlfJ,g~and groiJfu'lg
w -400 tunnel...c ------7
3.0 Loyerof2one le ..... _ Complettd 2000

FIG. 1 (concluaed)

By making three finite element analyses, using zero density interpreted for a reasonable thickness of the compressible
and assumed elastic properties for the compressible foundation layer, as the defonnations are allowed to occur only in this
layer, a unifonn modulus of elasticity of about -4.86 MPa/m layer.
thickness of compressible layer was estimated to yield the
deflection curve that matches well the measured settlement 4. One-dimensional consolidation settlement analysis
data (see Fig. 5). However, the thickness of compressible The analytical model for this calculation is shown in Fig. 6.
foundation layer is needed to fix a value for E. This analysis is for the possibility that all defomations
The results of analyses shown in Figs. 4 and 5 should be observed are a result of consolidation in soft materials. The
720 CAN. GEOTECH. J. VOL. 25. 1988

Crest £1. 2099 m _ _

Crest of dam
£ I. 2081.8 m 1985 to
1986, Winter shutdown le,,:>:-=-::: 2100
~6600 .~ CD 2075 :i
:: 6750
if. 274 cm Concrete conduit ...
UJ 20~ ...l
0:: 6700(.[~~::;::=a~~c::~~;;:,;::;;:ce;:!;;=~~";:;~~~~~!!!I!~~~~~~;e~~9ii~~~iiIii';~~iu~l==~~

4+00 5+00 6+00 T~OO 8·00 9+00 10+00 /1+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15.00 16+00


0.0 0
January 11, 1986 5
0.2 .......,

No survey
0.3 10
:: 0.4

Q 0.5 15 ~
... ~:IE
""::E 06
~FouJt t r 0 ; j 20 :s"­
0 0.7
Sto. 13.25 ....
CI 0.8 CI
Regional location JorllJory 15.1987===1
of fault rane 30
Bose plate -I ([)om St~~~~Base plate-2 (Dam
Sto. 10.30) 5 to. 9+ 50)



I in. : 25.4 mm


FIG. 2. General layout of the river outlet-works conduit and observed settlements along the conduit invert. Embankment explanation for circled
numbers: 1. Selected clay, silt, sand, gravel, and cobbles to 5 in. maximum size compacted by tamping roller to 6 in. layers. lAo Processed
coarse-grained materials compacted by vibmtory rollers to 12 in. layers (stage I only). lB. Selecled clay, silt, sand, gmvel, and cobbles to 12 in.
maximum size compacted by pneumatic tired rollers to 12 in. layers. Ie. Selected clay, silt, sand, and gmveJ of higher plasticity to 3 in.
maximum size compacted by tamping rollers to 6 in. layers. 2. Processed sand fllter, compacted by vibratory rollers to 12 in. layers. 2A. Pro­
cessed gmvel drain, compacted by vibratory rollers to 12 in. layers. 3. Selected silt, sand, gravel, and cobbles 10 12 in. maximum size compacted
by vibratory rollers to 12 in. layers. 3A. Processed gravel and cobbles to 12 in. maximum size compacted by vibratory rollers to 12 in. layers.

main assumptions made in this calculation were -an incompressible foundation underlies the compressible
-initial void ratio eo = 1.0 for the compressible foundation layer.
material, which allowed a convenient scaling of calculation The settlement calculations were made at three different
results for other values of eo; locations along the conduit using the standard fonnula shown
-compression index. Cc , is the same for all compressible in Fig. 6. The thickness of compressible layer was varied in
foundation material; increments of 3 m. Results of these calculations are shown in
-change in vertical stress due to embankment load is given by Fig. 6 for the three locations. The observed settlements at the
the relation l1a = 'Yemb x hemb ; corresponding locations are drawn in Fig. 6.

:s! ~~
'0 ~
",0.. '" N '<tN
00 ­
C3' 0'
\0 V)
00 ~ ~~ '0" 00

00 00
C3' i3 o.~
r K8jt) ~ W d J:

K.:i: 6 I ,vPa/m (Jf $ertlem~(lt
1 g

Displacement S
c: ...>< <:> N
0 <; $
FIG. 3. Coefficient of subgrnde reaction model and results. "0

L­ .=c: ~ 0 0 0
ell 0
c: .~

".~[_,' }hi
... '"~
-e ~ ­c:
::l N
;;;._ c: ~
..."" 0
u zoo 0 0 0
c. 0
et: E U

~ E
on <'"l V) 0
....... . . . i

c: 0 <:> 0 0
w "0 ~
I _,_'
° .::
~ 0 0 0 0 0
:> c:
,-I a h, E .<;;
400 c Vl
° ~ e~ .a'" ...§

ro .- c
0\ ""
~~ ~ 3
:; E ZOO 00 0 0 0

..J c: t1~
5 .~ ·0 --
­ ~v:
<'"l V) C3' V"l 00 C3' 00

"0 .,
E i: 0\ - ~ 0'"
'" N
z 0V]
] E 0
~ 200 c:


> ~
00 0\ I"- \f)
V"l N<'"l

""00"" v<'"l
V"l ""
'0 ]
e 00 0 00 00

Q .q~
N -
:! 00<l' 0

J:J 0.. .S
FIG. 4. One-dimensional elastic model and results. </>
U .-..
'2 "O~
..c "3 -- I"-\f) \D <'"l
" N ;J.
Comparing the cumulative settlement data of November 1, ...

3] N<'"l N v

1986, with the calculated values, one can infer that

-Cc should be between 0.05 and 0.15;
-compressible foundation thickness should be between 4.6
6 l:l. E

and 9.1 m for Cc :; 0.05; 1.2 and 2.4 m for Cc 0.15. 0
... ~
N ""-.i -
I"- \f)

Interrelation between elastic properties and compression 3 E E E


index '"0
"0 "0 "0'"
N -5 '"
-5 '...."
The elastic material properties, E and P, and the compression '­ .....0
:oil E E 0 0
index, Co are related through constrained modulus, D, by the ..J

'" "0'" '"

-0 E E E
following equations: ~ '"
'0 c: '..."
-S ~ '~"
E(l - p) ..c .51 ., ...

c: c:
[1) D= '2~ "0 "0
c a
(1 + p)(l - 2p) C1.2
::J ::J
0 0 0

(l + eo)
[2] c=

l~"iIl"~II,l.uC. $TAT:(hll,,{j HO/l'li \}U1LfT *O!l:O:'S C.ONO"'\'!'

).~ "00 l'OO ~·Oo '·00 ~·oo .;-on :·0') "!·?o "oc 0·1)0 1·('0 :~'QO ~.r:Q ".');) "01 ;"00 lu)l) ,~')O )·00
i i ' i'

: "..,.
"' ., - .-, ~--------_._-----=
~--- ~ ,... . .' . .., .. -----­.--­ ------ ~.':...:-­
..2:---...-­. ----­ '"

t tfll,PG~ )PSrR'A~ I aOr;t'lsr"[AII
CU~v~ If" rCl'.lndd;'Qr'I ':"£'lll,lt F~u~a'O'loOoll ASSUMED MATERIAL PROPERTIES
.00'· ~ calc:vIUtl1,'" d~rrl",' rnQI" .. ~1 (vntlClrlfll
of f~~~~~r'/11

,,. IhOl'" 'I>OdtlBcl.""

I u~~~ YOL.IN~\~LVS I P'~~~~OO~ I

.., ..,
Mit," NO
@ --- ,.
19 <J) r\:'a.lloOlnc.H 0
0' ··o' ..... .. ! ~ rJ
"'" Q) ~-- ' (\) ruuIIIOltoro()", I 0
'"'" >­
@ --- , -l
1011Nr'Ar!O" i
I a

,,, , I.:.~:.f.:.7:::~:, ]
o ,
Il " ~
rOllNQArJiJH 0
1"·'-'" . o
VIS !I"'i:LL UO$ 0'
0 C"m"I .. II~t ,.1,lllfIl~'
~ J,OO :r-fl. ~ to,.( rll) 110 0'
dOla at of~.. 1,1966 ZO"oTI
I I I "O' I I

~, Q>/S!li'<If.:ll r~1 0'
C./.ll.CULATCtl E"'w.W<1I«l :. ".t!Ifi /Iol~Q/~l:1'I
'O\,Iroh"llll I QIO,Ii;'IOCl.il\; I

~ ~
o ~"
lV rOU"'D4 1'1~'" I)f/"T". . <:




T(fJICO! tNlIl~OIJI")' f:O!'4tlt/fl1H

10. "0 ... CJj~UHC:!:, I'll

'00 .'" .'"
FIG. 5. Two-dimensional elastic model and results~


TABLE 3. Postconstruction soil mechanics laboratory unconfined compressive strength test results on very soft to medium mudstone samples

(Redlinger and Casias 1987)

Tangent modulus of
Unconfined compressive elasticity, E" at 40-60% Calculated undrained
Sample depth Sample strength, qu of ultimate strength shear strength, So = ~ qu
(m) length/diameter (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) E/Su (approx.)

2.1 -2.4 1.9S 0.65 21 0.33 64

4.3-4.7 1.89 0.20 4 0.10 3S
9.4-9.6 2.22 0.33 2S 0.16 IS3

'W'. '<XX "0'()(


AH~ Hec c
log II +ao
t + eo

He " the thickn.ss of compressible loyer
CC IS the compres51lon irldex

eo is the Initial void ratiO

00 IS the Inotlol vetticol stress

,6(1 IS 'the Increase in 'alertical stress



(c) 38 rn Downsireom of dam aIlS


.....'='r-_:;:--_.;:'°'----e;.O'---.:;5;:-O_~6;-Q __,:;-o__!;:o,___=.'O. o0",-,==-,1;-0_--'2T,0'-----;:J<l'-----.:,.0'-----.:,~;:.......---=60;_-7:;~--.:;::0'--_=.9.0

_suryty.:______________ .. Cc = 0 15
settlement ~ I x~ ,;/-Cc .... OI5

- 20 em ~

r -Surveytd $efflemtnt
- IJcm




( b I flea r dam rtest

(d} 104 m Oownstreom ~ dam ailS

FIG. 6. One-dimensional consolidation settlement model and results.

724 CAN GEOTECH. J. VOL. 25. 1988

analysis. The results shown in Fig. 6 agree quite well with the
interrelationship results shown in Fig. 7. Supplementing this
information with the geologic logs, visual inspection of the
0.09 drilled cores. and the local geology, one can infer that there is
about 9 m of compressible material in the foundation under the
river outlet-works conduit. For calculation purposes, however,
Doe this 9 m of compressible material was lumped together and
placed at the embankment - foundation contact.
Using He = 9 m. one obtains E = 44 MPa, /I = 0.3 from the
two-dimensional elastic analysis; and eo = 0.5, Ce = 0.044 or
eo = 1.0, Ce = 0.058 from the one-dimensional consolidation
analysis as estimates for the deformation properties for a foun­
dation material that, under the Ridgway embankment loading,
~ 006
would deform in a manner similar to that observed. The coef­
'"w ficient of subgrade reaction, K, is about 6.11 MPa/m of
:z: DOS

:::l Comparison of results
The Ce , eo and E, /I values estimated by the back analyses of
'"3 0.04
the observed settlements at the Ridgway Dam are consistent
with the values obtained by mathematically interrelating the
two characteristic propenies of soils, that is, the constrained
modulus, D, and the compression index, Ce .
The preconstruction rock mechanics laboratory data on mud­
stone samples and postconstruction soil mechanics laboratory
0.02 data on soft to medium mudstone samples from the Morrison
Formation at the damsite are shown in Tables 1-3. There
were variations in the rock samples, even though they were
0.01 generally classified as mudstones. The secant modulus values
for mudstones, Table [, at 40-60% of the ultimate strength,
range between 34 and 96500 MPa.
oOC-------'5'----------'10 - - - - - - ' 15 - - ­ The tangent modulus, at 40-60% of the ultimate strength,
from the soil mechanics laboratory data for soft to medium
mudstones, Table 3, range between 4 and 25 MPa. Since the
FJG. 7. Calculated interrelation between one-dimensional consoli­ softer units in the foundation must be responsible for the
dation parameters. eq. [3J. observed settlements, the back-analysed value for E = 44 MPa
is in fair agreement with the laboratory data.
where (J'a denotes the average of the initial and final vertical The computed value of compression index is in fair agree­
nonnaJ stress. ment with the laboratory one-dimensional consolidation test
Using the results of two-dimensional elastic analysis, that results shown in Table 2.
is, E = 4.86He MPa and /I = 0.3, in [I], one gets D = There is no published data on engineering properties of
6.54He MPa. He denotes the thickness of the compressible Morrison shales (Underwood 1967). Figure 8 is a plot of the
layer in metres. Expressing (f'a = 0.5('Yemb x hemb + 'Yfouod X uniaxial compression strength versus Young's modulus for
He) and substiruting the expression for D in [2], one gets typical rocks and clays (Legget and Karrow 1983). If one con­
siders mudstones as a subcategory of shale, the laboratory data
[3J C
= (l + eo)(0.673 + O.OO98Hc) of E, qu fit the published data quite weIJ, as shown in Fig. 8.
2.845Hc However, the laboratory data on soft to medium mudstones do
for the near dam crest location. not fit the statistical relations for clays, such as Cc = 0.009
Figure 7 is a plot of [3] for Ce versus He for eo = 0.5 and (LL-IO), Su = (0.11 + 0.OO37/p )uv, and E = 600Su (Peck
1.0. This provides a calculated relationship, using the results 1974).
of two-dimensional elastic analysis, for the one-dimensional
consolidation parameters Ce' eo, and He. Actual conduit performance during reservoir filling
The river outlet-works conduit is instrumented with remote­
Discussion and summary of results reading strain gauges along its upstream length, and with
The two-dimensional elastic analysis results indicate that settlement points and telltale gauges along the downstream
E = 4.86 MPa/m thickness of compressible layer gives a rea­ length. The upstream and downstream lengths are referenced
sonable match between the computed deflection curve and the from the gate chamber (see Fig. 2). The reservoir filling com­
surveyed settlement along the conduit invert. menced in March 1987 and rose from elevation 2060 m to
The interrelation between the elastic properties and compres­ about elevation 2083 m by July 1987. The reservoir was drawn
sion index, using the results of the two-dimensional elastic down to elevation 2073 m in August and September 1987 to
model, gives possible combinations of Co eo, and He for facilitate construction of upstream recreation facilities. From
equally reasonable results from the consolidation settlement March to September 1987, there did not occur any discernible

by themselves provided a reasonable indication of possible

values for the deformation properties of the compressible foun­
dation material, a knowledge of the site geology and visual
inspection of the drilled core were required to assign the
RIDGWAY DAM numerical values to the various parameters. The values thus
FOUNDATION DATA determined yield deflections that match well the measured
+ ROCk mechoniCS lob settlement pattern.
C dolo on mudslone
;;: samples
:e ...L
..,; II
:::> 61 Soli mechanics lob.
...J lIT dOlO on sot t to A sincere appreciation is expressed to Harold Blair, Terry
.5 IV medium mudslone
samples Casias, Robert Hart, Chuck Redlinger, and John Roberts fOT
if> their discussions and comments during the study reported in
the paper. Thanks are also due Dr. A. D. M. Penman and Pro­
0 fessors W. Lee Schroeder and B. Amadei faT their reviewing
the initial draft of this paper and making useful suggestions.
The reviewers for the journal made suggestions to improve the
paper and the authors sincerely appreciate their helpfulness.
001 BABCOCK, J. T. 1983. Rock mechanics laboratory test results-Ridg­
UNIAXIAL COMPRESSIVE way Dam drainage and grouting tunnel and access tunnel. Internal
report, United States Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, CO.
FIG. 8. Relation between the compressive strengths and Young's CHUGH, A. K. 1987. Estimations for observed settlements under out­
moduli for typical rocks and clays (Legget and Karrow 1983). let-works conduit. Internal Report No. RD-230-3, United States
(I Ib/in 2 ='= 6.89 kPa.) Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, CO,
EARTH MANUAL. 1980. United States Department of the Interior,
deformation along the conduit length due to reselVoir loads. Bureau of Reclamation, Washington, DC.
During the 1988 ftlling season, the reseIVoir rose to elevation HAMDY, K. 1986. Survey of settlement prediction methods and prac­
2086 m and again there has been no further settlement of the tices. Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.
conduit. LEGGET, R. F., and KARROW, P. F. 1983. Handbook of geology in
civil engineering. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, p. 7-3.
PEcK, R. B. 1974. The selection of soil parameters for the design of
Conclusions Foundations. Second Nabor Carrillo Lecture, Mexican Society for
The deformation properties for the compressible foundation Soil Mechanics.
material under the river outlet-works conduit at Ridgway Darn REDLINGER, C. G., and CASIAS, T. J. 1987. Results ofphysicaJ prop­
as calculated by the back analyses fit the site-specific labora­ erties and one-dimensional consolidation tests for the river outlet­
tory test data and the published data quite well. Even though works conduit at Ridgway Dam. International Report, United
States Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, CO.
these comparisons are after-the-event, they provide a useful
UNDERWOOD, L. B. 1967. Classification and identification of shales.
learning exercise for possible future use in geotechnical engi­ ASCE Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division,
neering practice. The analysis procedures selected for the 93(SM6): 97 -116
problem were intended to be simple. While the analysis results
Appendix B
Part 2 Settlement Evaluation, Horsetooth Reservoir Dams Modification

(Technical Memorandum No. HT 230-3)

Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams
Horsetooth Reservoir Dams (near Fort Collins, Colorado).
Technical Memorandum No. HT-230-3

Settlement Evaluation

Horsetooth Reservoir Dam Modification

Colorado-Big Thompson Project, Colorado

Bureau of Reclamation

Engineering and Research Center

Embankment Dams Branch

Scope: This Technical Memorandum contains an evaluation of the probable

cause of the settlement of the Horsetooth Reservoir Dams. The camber
required to allow for future settlement of the dams is estimated.

Section Page
1. Int roduct ion • 1

II. Embankment design and construction. 2

I I I • Performance 8

IV. Laboratory testing. 12

V. Discussions 13

VI. Camber requirements 17

VII. Conclusions 18
I. Introduction
Settlement point measurement surveys on the Horsetooth Reservoir Dams
indicate a maximum settlement of approximately 4 feet at a point
42.5 feet upstream of station 8+99.8 on Dixon Canyon Dam. Settlements
of lesser magnitude have been measured at each of the other dams. The
most settlement occurred near the maximum section of the dams with
smaller amounts near the abutments. The settlement measured to date
represent approximately 2 percent of the height of the dam, which is not
unreasonable for the zone 1 materials used to construct these structures
and the placement conditions. This magnitude of settlement would not be
unreasonable for the total settlement from the beginning of
construction. It is unusual to have this amount of settlement since
completion of construction. The rate of settlement, although decreasing
with time, has not decreased as would be expected. The settlement is
still occurring along the normal consolidation portion of the settlement
versus log time curve and had not achieved secondary compression after
almost 35 years of operation, as can be seen on figure 1 for Spring
Canyon Dam. These plots are representative of plots for other
settlement measurement points.
The apparent reason for the continued settlement is immediate settlement
of zone 1 materials as reservoir water permeates through the embankment.
This immediate settlement appears to be the result of wetting up of
zone 1 materials placed too dry of optimum water content. Zone 1
material at Spring Canyon Dam was placed with an average moisture
content of 2.9 percent dry of optimum moisture. Construction records
indicate that some zone 1 materials were placed as much as 6 percent dry
of optimum moisture.
In clays, the water content has an important influence, as it controls
the ease with which particle groups can be rearranged under the compac­
tion effort used (14). For compaction dry of optimum water content, the
tamper does not penetrate the soil. There is a general alignment of
particles or particle groups in horizontal planes. A flocculated struc­
ture of particles with edge to edge or edge to face association and ran­
dom arrangement results. This structure is stiff and brittle, and when
saturated, immediate settlement results. At the same compactive effort,
with increasing water content, the soil structure becomes increasingly
orientated or dispersed. For soils compacted wet of optimum water con­
tent, if the compactive effort is high enough, the tamper penetrates the
soil surface as a result of a bearing capacity failure. This leads to
an alignment of particles along the failure surface. Near optimum water
content, for the same compactive effort, a denser arrangement of par­
ticles is achieved due to the ease of penetration of the tamper and
immediate settlements due to saturation are reduced in magnitude.
In summary, clays compacted too dry of optimum moisture content are more
sensitive to changes in water content than those compacted near optimum
water content. Had all the material been placed at a moisture content
less than 2 percent dry of optimum moisture, a major portion of the
settlement would have occurred during construction and in the first few

years of operation. Saturation is not required for this phenomenon to

occur. The soil need only approach optimum moisture.
This Technical Memorandum assesses the reason for the settlements. The
anticipated camber required to accommodate future settlement without
loss of freeboard will be estimated from one-dimensional consolidation
tests performed on samples from Spring Canyon Dam.
II. Embankment Design and Constuction
A. Embankment Description
The Horsetooth Reservoir Dams can be described as essentially
homogeneous dams. Each of the embankments has a wide zone 1 core
and zones of sand and gravel, and rockfill on the upstream and
downstream slopes, which provide slope protection and stability for
the zone 1 core. A plan view and maximum section for each of the
dams are shown on figures 2 through 5. The height of the dams above
bedrock, crest length, and crest width for each of the dams are shown
in table 1.
Table 1

Dam Height Crest length Crest width

(ft) (ft) (ft)

Horsetooth 155 1,840 35

Soldier Canyon 226 1,438 40
Dixon Canyon 240 1,265 40
Spring Canyon 220 1,120 40

The specifications describe zone 1 material as a mixture of clay,

sand, and gravel obtained from required excavation and designated
borrow pits. The material was compacted to 6-inch lifts by 12 passes
of a tamping roller. The moisture content was specified to be the
optimum practicable moisture content required for compaction purposes
as determined by the contracting officer.
All the dams have rockfill zones (zone 4) located on the upstream
slope. Dixon Canyun and Spring Canyon Dams also have a rockfill zone
(zone 4) on the downstream slope. The specifications required that
the rockfill be dumped and roughly leveled to produce and maintain a
reasonably uniform gradation of materials as determined by the
contracting officer. The material was placed in three feet lifts

with the larger fragments placed toward the outer slope and smaller
fragments placed near the zone 1 core. There were no moisture
content or compaction requirements for the zone 4 materials.
Horsetooth and Soldier Canyon Dams have downstream zones composed of
sand, gravel, and cobbles placed in 12-inch layers. The zone 3
materials were compacted by sluicing methods. The material was
saturated; then controlled passage of traffic was utilized for
additional compaction.
B. Camber Design
Camber details were not included in the original specifications,
completed in February 1946. Camber drawings were completed in
February 1948, at which time nearly 50 percent of the earthfill had
been placed in the embankments. Although the height above bedrock of
Horsetooth Dam is 75 to 100 feet less than that of the other dams,
each of the dams has the same design camber. The camber design
provides for an additional 0.8 foot of material at the maximum
section of the dam. The design camber is shown on figure 6. The
design drawing provides an equation for computing camber and a table
showing the elevations of the centerline of the dams with camber.
c. Consolidation Test Prior to Construction
A one-dimensional consolidation test was conducted in June 1945 on a
representative sample of reservoir deposits prior to beginning
construction in 1947. Reservoir deposits were used as the primary
source for zone 1 materials. The testing showed consolidation of
about 7.5 percent under maximum load, with very little additional
consolidation upon saturation. The sample was loaded to the maximum
anticipated load of 196 lb/in 2 and then saturated. Prior to testing,
the sample was compacted to optimum dry density and optimum moisture.
The material has an optimum moisture content of 16 percent and a
maximum dry density of 110.5 lb/ft 3 •
D. Placement Information
A review of the construction records indicates that the zone 1
materials were placed an average of from 2 to 3 percent dry of
optimum moisture content. The zone 1 materials in all the dams are
classified as clay of low plasticity (CL) or silty clay (ML-CL) with
20 to 50 percent passing the No. 200 sieve. Table 2 shows the
average material properties and standard deviations for the water
content and dry density. Also included in table 2 are average and
optimum penetration needle resistance test results. Penetration
needle test results were used to control the placement moisture
during the first construction season. Information in this table is
from construction records obtained during construction from 1947
through 1949.
The penetration needle test is very sensitive to the moisture
content, as the moisture content approaches optimum moisture the

Table 2. II

Soldier Dixon Spring
Horsetooth Canyon Canyon Canyon

Average PI 11.6 12.8 12.8 14

Average LL, percent 26 27 27 28.8
Average optimum water
content, percent 13.9 14.2 14.9 14.9
Average water content
in fi 11, percent 11. 7 11.6 12.1 12.0
Average percent dry of
optimum water content 2.2 2.6 2.8 2.9
Standard deviation in
water content, percent +1.7 +1.8 +1.7 +1.5
Average dry density in
fill (lb/ft 3 ) 112.6 112.1 111.2 111.3
Average dry density
proctor maximum (pcf) 114.9 114.1 112.9 112.6
Percent proctor density 98.0 98.2 98.5 98.8
Standard deviation in dry
density, percent +4.0 +4.1 +3.7 +3.7
Penetration needle,
average for the 1550 1470 1410 1330
zone 1 (1 b/ft 2 )
Penetration needle, at
optimum water content 680 570 540 570
(lb/ft 2 )

II Information in this table is based on data presented in the final

construction report on the Horsetooth Reservoir Dams.

resistance measured by the penetration needle decreases rapidly.

Plots of penetration resistance versus water content have a steep
curve. Small changes in water content have large effects on the
penetration needle resistance. Therefore, the penetration needle is
not a good way to control construction.
The data in table 2 indicate that 50 percent of the zone 1 material
in the Horsetooth Reservoir Dams was placed from 2.2 to 6.2 percent
dry of optimum water content. The average water content was
2.2 percent dry of optimum moisture. Statistically, using two
standard deviations, the lower bound water content was 6.2 percent
dry of optimum moisture. A normal distribution of the data was
E. Testing to Determine Limiting Moisture
In November 1947, testing to determine the limiting moisture for zone
1 materials placed at Horsetooth Reservoir was completed. The
results of these tests are documented in Earth Materials Laboratory
Report No. EM-152 entitled "Laboratory Test for Determination of the
Placement Moisture Control Limits of Embankment Materials for the
Horsetooth Reservoir Dams." The limiting moisture was to be used to
control the placement moisture for zone 1 materials such that
immediate settlement due to saturation, and instability due to high
construction pore water pressures would be avoided.
Results of the tests from laboratory report No. EM-152 on an average
zone 1 material are shown on figure 7. The average material had
17 percent clay, which is comparable with zone 1 material used in the
construction of the embankments. The lower limit, defined by the
heavy solid line, represents the lowest placement moisture content
for the fill pressures shown if immediate settlement due to
saturation was to be avoided. The primary concern at the time of
this construction was high construction pore water pressures. It was
though that placement at the peak point of the moisture-density
(compaction) curve was unsatisfactory for high earth dams. It was
felt that the stability of high dams was greatly reduced by the
development of pore pressures in soils placed at relatively high
moisture conditions when the embankment consolidates as it is loaded
during construction. Therefore, embankments constructed during this
timeframe had zone 1 materials placed dry of optimum moisture.
Results of the tests from laboratory report No. EM-152 on an average
zone 1 material are shown on figure 7. The average material had
17 percent clay, which is comparable with zone 1 material used in the
construction of the embankments. The lower placement moisture limit
was determined by using the one-dimensional consolidation test. The
zone 1 materials were first tested to obtain a 33 blow compaction
curve for the density moisture relationship. Test specimens were
then prepared by compacting in the consolidometer of placement
conditions given by the moisture-density curves for standard 33 blow
compaction testing. Moisture contents of approximately 2, 4, and

6 percent less than optimum moisture and corresponding dry densities

from the compaction curve for each material were selected for
placement in the one-dimensional consolidation test. At each of
these moisture contents, four specimens were consolidated under
single increment loadings of 25, lOa, 175, and 200 lb/in 2 • The
consolidated density was obtained before and after saturation for
each specimen. The full black lines were drawn through the densities
attained, before saturation for the various placement conditions.
The consolidated density versus placement moisture curves were then
obtained for each load condition. The dotted line was drawn through
the densities attained by these specimens after saturation without
change in load. The point where these two curves intersect indicates
the placement moisture content at which there will be no further
consolidation of the material on saturation. By drawing a curve
through the points of intersection for the different pressures, the
lower limit for the material is established. The lower limit is
represented by the heavy black line.
The one-dimensional consolidation test, which allows complete
drainage, provides consolidation data for effective loads of 25, 100,
175, and 260 lb/in 2 . This information is used to estimate the total
applied pressure necessary to produce the same consolidation, if the
soil were sealed from drainage. From the total pressure and
consolidation relation, the consolidations for total pressures of 25,
100, 175, and 250 are obtained under sealed conditions. These
consolidation data are shown for the various pressures by the thin
dashed lines on figure 7. Crossing these lines are heavier dashed
lines which indicate the placement moisture at which can be expected
various degrees of pore pressures for the fill pressures under
consideration. The heavy dashed lines represent a percentage of the
total applied load. The average material used in this test had an
optimum moisture content of 13.4 percent. If the 20 percent pore
pressure line is used as the upper limit, the range of moisture
content satisfying the limiting criterion is approximately 12 to
14.5 percent. A criterion of 2 percent dry to 1 percent wet of
optimum moisture would yield a range of moisture contents between
11.4 to 14.4 percent, which is approximately equal to the limits set
for the material. However, the average placement moisture content
was approximately 12 percent, which is approximately the lower limit
moisture content to avoid immediate settlement due to saturation.
Based on the field data shown in table 3 and the limiting moisture
tests, as much as 50 percent of the zone 1 material had a moisture
content drier than 12 percent and may be subject to immediate
settlement due to saturation.
Placement of zone 1 materials started in the summer of 1947. When
the limiting moisture tests were completed in November 1947,
approximately 25 percent of earthfill had been placed. While waiting
on the results of the limiting moisture tests, the construction
office used the penetration needle test to control the placement
moisture of the zone 1 materials. In a memorandum to the Project
Construction Engineer dated March 7, 1947, the Chief Design Engineer

stated that the impervious embankment materials should be placed to

attain penetration resistance needle readings between 1,500 to
2,000 lb/in 2 • Placing the material at these needle penetration
resistance readings results in placement moisture contents of
approximately 12 to 10 percent, respectively. As shown in table 2,
the average needle penetration resistance for the fill was
approximately 1,500 lb/in 2• This average needle penetration
resistance corresponds to a moisture content of 12 percent, which is
approximately the average placement moisture for the embankments.
F. Foundation Conditions
Horsetooth Reservoir is situated within an area of sedimentary rocks.

The beds dip a little north of east at angles of 18° to 40°.

The rock units in the vicinity comprise an alternating sequence of

hard layers of sandstone and softer layers of shale and sandy shale.

The valley in which Horsetooth Reservoir lies is the result of

erosion of the softer shales of the Lykins and Morrison Formations.

The upturned ridge forming the eastern reservoir rim is the hard

sandstone of the Dakota Group, while the western rim is formed by

sandstone of the Lyons Formation. A more detailed description of the

geology can be found in references 11 and 12. As shown on figures 2

through 5, a cutoff was excavated in overburden material to bedrock.

Horsetooth Dam extends from the Morrison Shale Formation on the right

abutment, across the Sundance Sandstone Formation and the Lykins

Shales, to the Lyons Sandstone Formation on the left abutment.

Overburden on the slopes of the abutment consisted of a thin mantle

of soil ranging in depth from 0 to 5 feet. The cutoff trench had a

depth of 15 to 35 feet in the valley.

The foundation of Soldier Canyon Dam consists of the Dakota Sandstone

Formation on the abutment slopes and the Morrison Shale Formation in

the valley portion of the damsite. The overburden above the

stream-bed of the canyon was a thin mantle of topsoil and

approximately 5 feet of disintegrated and fractured shale. The

overburden in the cutoff zone across the streambed was approximately

30 feet thick, consisting of a flood deposited mixture of boulders,

gravel, and soi 1.

The foundation of Dixon Canyon Dam is composed of Morrison Shale

Formation across the creek bed and Dakota Sandstone Formation on the

abutments. Excavation to bedrock was required only in the cutoff

trench for a width of 180 feet. However, due to unsuitable material,

the width of the cutoff trench was extended approximately 100 feet

upstream and 300 feet downstream of the edge of the cutoff trench.

The foundation of Spring Canyon Dam is composed of Morrison Shale

across the valley bottom and Dakota Sandstone Formation on the

abutments. Excavation to bedrock was required only in the cutoff

trench for a width of 180 feet at the maximum section. The

overburden consisted of approximately 7 feet of sand, gravel, and

boulders overlying t1orrison Shale in the valley section.

III. Performance
A. Surface Cracks on Crest of Dixon Canyon Dam
In August 1952, longitudinal cracks were observed on the crest of
Dixon Canyon Dam. The cracks were approximately 1-1/2 inches wide
and 3 feet deep. The cracks appeared to coincide with the contacts
of zone 1 and zone lA on the upstream side of the crest and zone 1
and zone 2 on the downstream side of the crest. The cracks were
attributed to settlement of the rockfill. Since the rockfill was
placed without vibratory compaction and moisture to aid compaction,
settlement of the rockfill and zone 1 will likely occur due to
saturation of the rockfill slopes from first filling.
B. Settlement
Maximum settlements occur near the maximum sections of each of the
dams. This condition generally reflects the compressibility of the
embankment and/or foundation material. The foundation and/or
embankment compress more at the maximum section due to the greater
height of embankment. The settlement is less toward the abutments
due to lesser fill heights. The foundation at Horsetooth Reservoir
is rock and, therefore, not subject to significant compression on
loading. Settlement is believed to be the result of embankment
compression. Surveys of the crest and settlement measurement points
on each of the dams were accomplished in December 1983 and January
1984. Table 3 shows the maximum settlement measured at the
centerline of the dam and the maximum settlement measured at a
settlement measurement point for each structure. Table 3 also shows
the location of these settlements. The settlement measurement points
are referenced to the axis of the dams, which is located 15 feet
upstream of the centerline of Soldier Canyon, Dixon Canyon, and
Spring Canyon Dams, and 12.5 feet upstream of the centerline of
Horsetooth Dam. The settlement patterns are disk shaped. No
anomalous areas were observed.

Table 3

Dam Maximum Location Maximum Location of the

settlement station settlement settlement
at center- measured at measurement
1i ne a measurement point with
(ft ) poi nt maximum
(ft) settlement

Horsetooth 1.5 10+00 2.2 Sta. 10+00, 30 ft

Soldier 1.1 10+00 1.85 Sta. 11+13, 42.5 ft
Canyon upstream
Dixon 3.5 10+00 4.05 Sta. 8+99.8, 42.5 ft
Canyon upst ream
Spring 2.8 5+00 2.95 Sta. 5+00, 42.5 ft
Canyon upstream

Since Dixon Canyon and Spring Canyon Dams have experienced the most
settlement, the majority of the discussions and analysis will
concentrate on these structures. The settlement contours for Dixon
Canyon and Spring Canyon Dams are shown on figures 8 and 9,
respectively. The settlement patterns are not unusual and show
maximum settlement occurring near the maximum section with lesser
settlement on the abutments as the height of the embankment
Figures 10 through 13 are settlement-log time plots for Dixon Canyon
and Spring Canyon ~ams. Settlement measurement points at 42.5 feet
upstream and 40 or 42.5 feet downstream of the dam axis are plotted.
Based on the slope of the curves, the plots indicate that settlement
is occurring along the primary consolidation portion of the
consolidation curve. Although approximately 35 years have elapsed
since the completion of construction, settlement has not entered the
secondary compression phase. The data plotted for the last increment
of settlement indicate a trend toward entering secondary compression,
especially the settlement measurement point located 42.5 feet
upstream of the dam axis on Spring Canyon Dam. As would be expected,
the plots show that the maximum settlement occurs near the maximum
section of the dam with smaller settlement occurring near the
abutments, confirming the relationship of settlement to height of
zone 1. Settlement measurement points such as station 3+00 and
station 8+93.9 on figure 12 for Spring Canyon Dam appear to be
experiencing secondary compression.

The plots of settlement versus time on a linear time scale also
indicate that the rate of settlement is decreasing with time. As
shown on figures 14 and 15 for Dixon Canyon and Spring Canyon Dams,
respectively, the slope of the line becomes flatter with time. Rates
of settlement throughout the period of operation are shown on
figure 16 for Spring Canyon Dam at station 6+00. The high rates of
settlement shown during the early period of operation are a
reflection of initial filling.
Ouring the first 10 to 15 years of operation, the upstream settlement
measurement points had higher rates of settlement than the downstream
settlement measurement points. Only settlement measurement points
near the crest are analyzed. The trend reversed in approximately
1966; the downstream settlement measurement points had a higher rate
of settlement than the upstream settlement measurement points.
Figure 16 also shows a continuing trend toward decreasing rates of
The location of the rows of settlement measurement points near the
crest of the embankments is shown in table 4. With the exception of
Horsetooth Dam, the axis of the dams is located 15 feet upstream of
the centerline of the dam. The axis of the dam in Horsetooth is
located 12.5 feet upstream of the centerline.
Table 4. - Location of settlement measurement points

Dam Upstream row Downstream row

Distance Distance Distance Distance
from axis from from axis from
( ft) centerline (ft ) centerline
(ft ) (ft)

Horsetooth 50 62.5 3U 18.5

Sol di er Canyon 42.5 57.5 35 20
Dixon Canyon 42.5 57.5 42.5 27.5
Spring Canyon 42.5 57.5 40 25

The difference in settlement between upstream and downstream

settlement measurement points (42.5 ft upstream and 42.5 ft
downstream of dam axis) located near the crest of Dixon Canyon and
Spring Canyon Dams are shown on figures 14 and 15. The plot shows
that more settlement occurred at the upstream settlement measurement
point until approximately 1960. The settlement of the upstream
settlement measurement point occurred during first filling and may
result from saturation of the rockfill and zone 1 materials. From


1960 through approximately 1970, the difference in settlement was

relatively constant. In approximately 1970, the difference in
settlement decreased, which indicates that the downstream settlement
measurement point was experiencing more settlement than the upstream
measurement point. The recent trend toward larger downstream
settlements may be the result of immediate settlement due to
saturation of zone 1 material as reservoir water continues to
permeate further downstream.
The distance between upstream and downstream settlement measurement
point rows near the crest varies from 77.5 to 85 feet. Although the
distance is not great, the comparison of these rows are the most
representative of the behavior of the structures. The upstream row
is located in a normally saturated area and will reflect changes due
to movement of the phreatic line first. The downstream row is
located where the steady-state phreatic line takes longer to develop
and, therefore, the effect of movement of the phreatic surface will
be later. Both rows are in a location where the depth of the zone 1
beneath them is approximately the same and the thickness is also more
than other settlement measurement points further down the slope.
Settlement measure~ent points further down the slope will experience
less settlement because of the difference in vertical stress and the
thickness of the saturated zone 1 is also less.
The ratio of the settlement to the height of the zone 1 at each
settlement measurement point was computed for Dixon Canyon and Spring
Canyon Dams. The height of the zone 1 was computed from as-built
cross sections. The ratio for Dixon Canyon Dam averages
approximately 2.2 percent and for Spring Canyon Dam averages
approximately 1.6 percent. Variations can be expected due to
differing placement moisture contents. Generally, the ratio is
relatively constant for each row, which indicates that the settlement
is occurring as the result of embankment or foundation compression.
C. Piezometric Surface
The piezometric surface typical of Soldier Canyon, Dixon Canyon, and
Spring Canyon Dams is shown on figure 17. This figure shows the
piezometric surface in Dixon Canyon Dam. The contours of equal
pressure are plotted incorrectly at the reservoir-embankment contact.
The purpose of the figure is to indicate that the phreatic surface is
still advancing through the embankment. The measured piezometric
surface does not correspond with a steady-state seepage condition as
would be predicted using Casagrande's procedure.
The piezometric surface within the zone 1 material does not appear to
have reached steady-state conditions. A few piezometers, especially
numbers 7 and 64, show an increasing trend, starting in approximately
1978. The increasing trend may be an indication of the advance of
the phreatic surface in the embankment. Plots of piezometers
numbered 7 and 64 are shown on figure 18. Most of the piezometers
show fluctuations with reservoir water surface. Piezometers such as


No. 65 and 66, which are downstream of the crest and approximately
80 feet above the embankment foundation contact, show no response to
reservoir water surface. These piezometers may indicate that the
phreatic surface has not advanced to that location. The location of
piezometers 7, 64, 65, and 66 are marked on figure 17 with a box
around the piezometer numbers. The settlement versus time is a
function of the advance of the phreatic surface through zone 1.
IV. Laboratory Testing
A. Consolidation Tests
During May 1984, samples of zone 1 materials from a drill hole in
Spring Canyon Dam were obtained for one-dimensional consolidation
tests to determine if additional settlement can occur due to
saturation. The samples were selected for testing based on their
density, moisture content, and depth within the embankment. The
samples were first loaded to approximately the overburden pressure
and then saturated. After saturation, additional increments of load
were applied to complete the consolidation curves for each sample.
All the samples were loaded to a maximum of 200 lb/in 2 • Table 5
summarizes the results of these tests.
Table 5

Sample Depth below Estimated Percent st ra in Percent

No. embankment overburden due to strain at
surface pressure wetti ng 200 lb/in 2
(ft ) (lb/in 2 )

61y-11 59-61 35 0.3 6.8

61y-16 109-111 100 1.3 8.0
61y-21 159-161 150 0.1 4.7

Plots of the test results for samples No. 61y-11 and 61y-16 are shown
on figures 19 and 20, respectively. Sample No. 61y-16 at a depth of
approximately 110 feet had significant additional settlement on
saturation. The other two samples had very little additional
settlement on saturation; however, sample No. 61y-11 from a depth of
approximately 60 feet below the crest of the dam may have experienced
the same settlement on saturation as sample No. 61y-16 if the load at
saturation had been the same. Since figures 19 and 20 are
presentative of the one-dimensional consolidation test data, a plot
of the test results for sample No. 61y-21 is not shown. The small
quantity of vertical strain upon saturation in sample No. 61y-21 as
compared with that of samples No. 61y-11 and 61y-16, may be an

indication that saturation and settlement at a depth of approximately
161 feet has occurred. For samples of similar materials placed at
the same moisture content and dry of optimum moisture. the magnitude
of the settlement or strain that occurs on saturation varies with the
applied pressure. The higher the applied pressure. the greater will
be the settlement on saturation. Since the same amount of total
settlement will occur for samples placed dry or wet of optimum
moisture. the effect of placing materials too dry of optimum moisture
is to delay the settlement until after saturation occurs. The
behavior of zone 1 materials from Horsetooth Reservoir shown on
figures 19 and 20 is similar to that shown on figure 21(10) from
Embankment Dams Engineering. Figure 21 from the literature shows a
material that decreased in void ratio on saturation. The samples of
zone 1 materials shown on figures 19 and 20 also decreased in void
ratio when saturated. The behavior is indicative of that which
occurs upon saturation of materials placed too dry of optimum
moisture content become saturated. That is. a material placed too
dry of optimum moisture will settle upon saturation with no increase
in vertical stress.
B. Dispersive Testing
In May 1984. tests for dispersive clay were performed on two samples
of zone 1 material from Spring Canyon Dam. The pinhole. double
hydrometer. and crumb tests were performed. From these tests. it was
concluded that the clays comprising zone 1 materials at Horsetooth
Reservoir are nondispersive.
C. Petrographic Analyses
Samples of embankment materials were found to be composed primarily
of quartz (40 to 65 percent) and clay minerals (12 to 40 percent)
(smectite and illite/mica) with minor feldspar, calcite, hematite,
and miscellaneous minerals.
Two samples of foundation materials were analyzed. These samples
were obtained from the embankment-foundation contact. A sample of
weathered rock was composed primarily of calcium montmorillonite (70
to 75 percent) with lesser amounts of quartz (20 percent) and traces
of illite/mica, feldspar, calcite. hematite, and miscellaneous
minerals. A sample of unweathered rock from below the weathered rock
previously discussed was primarily composed of calcite (75 to
80 percent), quartz (10 to 15 percent), clay minerals (4 to
6 percent), and miscellaneous minerals.
v. Discussions
A. Settlement of Zone 1 Materials
The zone 1 materials at Horsetooth Reservoir were compacted dry of
optimum moisture content. Laboratory testing was accomplished to
define the range of placement moisture contents such that immediate


settlement due to saturation was reduced and slope instability due to

high construction pore water pressures was avoided. However, it
appears that the results of the tests were not used to control the
placement moisture to avoid immediate settlement due to saturation.
According to Sherard (5), earth compacted without sufficient moisture
has three detrimental properties:
1. The initial permeability is relatively high.
2. Saturation can cause important settlements.
3. The material is stiff and brittle.
Seepage through the zone 1 materials at Horsetooth Reservoir has not
been a problem. The permeability of the zone 1 materials was low
initially, as evidenced by the slow development of the phreatic
surface within the embankment. Apparently, the material was placed
to a high density and the moisture content was not dry enough to have
an effect on the ~ermeability.
The magnitude of the settlement that has occurred at the Horsetooth
Reservoir Dams is not unusual. However, the rate of settlement,
although decreasing with time, has not decreased as would be expected
for a structure with nearly 35 years of operation. Total settlements
would be less if the material had been compacted at optimum moisture
content. The priln~ry effect of the low placement water contents at
these structures has been to delay the settlement to a later time
when saturation occurs. The effect is similar to that shown on
figure 22 (4). Two curves of load versus strain are shown on this
figure. Two curves of load versus strain are shown on this figure.
One curve shows a dry material and the other shows a wet material.
The dry material experiences smaller strains as the material is
loaded. However, when saturation occurs, immediate settlement, due
to wetting, takes place and any further strain occurs along the wet
material deformation curve. If saturation of a dry material occurs,
the total strain will eventually equal that which would occur if the
material had been wet. The dry material and the wet material have
the same initial density and void ratio. In the embankment,
saturation occurs as the wetting front advances, which here is very
slowly, due to the low permeability of the zone 1 materials. This
may account for the continued settlement at the Horsetooth Reservoir
Dams. The following evidence suggests that the settlement is the
result of placing zone 1 materials too dry of optimum moisture
1. Steady-state phreatic surface has not developed within the
2. Some piezometers indicate a steady increase starting in

approximately 1975.

3. Rates of settlement show a shift from higher at upstream

settlement meaSlJrement points to higher at downstream settlement
measurement points. (Consider only the two rows of settlement
measurement points near the crest.)

4. Recent laboratory tests on undisturbed samples of zone 1
material taken from Spring Canyon Dam show immediate settlement
due to saturation after loading to overburden pressure.
5. Nearly 50 percent of the zone 1 material was placed at
moisture contents drier than recommended by laboratory report
No. EM-152. The report provided a range of moisture contents
below which immediate settlement on saturation would occur.
6. Consolidation tests conducted on zone 1 material prior to
construction show no immediate settlement on wetting. These
materials were placed at optimum moisture and dry density prior to
7. The foundations of these dams are composed of sandstones and
shales. These ~aterials are not subject to the settlement of the
magnitude experienced in the Horsetooth Reservoir Dams.
If the materials had all been placed in a range from 2 percent dry to
1 percent wet of optimum moisture content, a major portion of the
consolidation that occurred would have taken place during
construction and the magnitude of total settlement would be less.
Some settlement would still have occurred; however, that now
occurring would probably be in the secondary consolidation portion of
the e-log p curve and the rate of settlement would be lower than
presently observed.
Sherard (5) presents six examples of dams that have experienced
substantial differential settlements which resulted in cracking of
the embankment. Sherard found three factors that were associated
with the cracking of the embankments. These were low construction
moisture content, construction materials consisting of silts and
silty clays, and steep abutments. Three of the dams studied by
Sherard were constructed during the late 1940's at the same time as
the Horsetooth Reservoir Dams. These dams have zone 1 cores
constructed of silty clays. When these soils are compacted dry, they
have the necessary combination of rigidity and settlement on
saturation to be inclined to crack. Sherard found silts and silty
clays with 0.02 <050 <0.15 millimeter and PI <15 are most susceptible
to the danger of cracking. Also, Sherard states that clay soils with
050 <0.02 millimeter and PI >20 experience larger postconstruction
settlement due to saturation when compacted dry than the silty clays
described above. Further, Sherard states that these clay soils
apparently have sufficient deformab1lity when compacted d~ to
sustain shear strains due to differential settlements without
As shown in Sherard's work, substantial cracking can result from the
differential settlement caused by low compaction moisture content.
Cracking was observed on the crest of Dixon Canyon Dam. Perhaps this
cracking was a result of compaction too dry of optimum moisture
instead of along the contact of zone 1 and zone lA as discussed
earlier in this report.

The zone 1 materials used to construct the Dixon Canyon and Spring
Canyon Dams have a 050 size ranging from 0.015 to 0.037 and
plasticity index ranging from 11 to 17. From table 3, the average
plasticity index is 12.8 in Dixon Canyon Dam and 14 in Spring Canyon
Dam. These parameters are within the range for zone 1 materials
which Sherard would expect cracking of the embankment if compacted at
low moisture contents. However, these materials are at the lower end
of the criteria for material susceptible to cracking and may have
sufficient deformability to sustain shear strains without cracking.
This borderline condition may indicate why cracking occurred on Dixon
Canyon Dam and not on Spring Canyon Dam, while both dams experienced
similar total settlements.
Apparently, the zone 1 materials placed in the Horsetooth Reservoir
Dams were well compacted to water contents not extremely dry of the
limiting moisture content for immediate settlement due to saturation.
These conditions have limited the amount of settlement and
contributed to delaying or spreading out of the settlement that has
occu rred.
B. Rockfill
The rockfill materials were placed without compaction by vibratory
rollers and adding moisture to aid compaction. A portion of the
settlement that occurred during first filling of the reservoir is due
to settlement of the rockfill. Also, a portion of the settlement
measured at downstream settlement measurement points may be the
result of saturation of the rockfill by rainfall. The magnitUde of
the settlement in the rockfill is unknown; however, settlement of
this material has likely taken place.
The longitudinal cracking on the crest of Dixon Canyon Dam provides
some evidence that settlement of the rockfill has contributed to the
deformation measured at this structure. Although no cracking was
reported at the other Horsetooth Reservoir Dams, settlement of the
rockfill has likely contributed to the measured deformations since
the rockfill at all the structures was placed dry without vibratory
The measured settlements at Horsetooth and Soldier Canyon Dams are
approximately one-half of that measured at Dixon Canyon and Spring
Canyon Dams. This may be the result of differences in zoning of the
structures (see figs. 2 through 5). For example, Dixon and Spring
Canyon Dams have downstream rockfill lones. Since these structures
have wide zone 1 cores, differences in zoning probably has a minor
effect on the settlement observed. Horsetooth and Soldier Canyon
Dams have downstream zones composed of sand, gravel, and cobbles,
which were compacted by sluicing methods. In addition, zone 1
materials at Dixon Canyon and Spring Canyon Dams were placed drier of
optimum water content than zone 1 materials placed in Horsetooth and
Soldier Canyon Dams.


VI. Camber Requirements

From figure 22(4), the increase in compression resulting from wetting
under load may be seen to be very nearly the same as the difference
between the amounts of compression of initially wet and initially dry
specimens. This concept is used to estimate the additional settlement
that can be expected at the Horsetooth Reservoir Dams. Each of the
recent one-dimensional consolidation tests was plotted on the same graph
of void ratio versus log pressure. These plots are shown on figure 23.
An initially dry consolidation curve was approximated by using the
consolidation curves prior to saturation. An initially wet
consolidation curve was approximated by using the consolidation curves
after saturation. The initially dry and initially wet consolidation
curves were determined by the best fit of the data. The void ratio
difference between the initially dry and initially wet consolidation
curves at the same pressure or loading can be used to estimate the
amount of compression that will occur on saturation for that pressure.
The test data for the sample located at a depth of 160 feet plotted well
below the remainder of the data. This sample had a lower initial void
ratio and has probably experienced all the compression settlement due to
saturation at some time in the past. If the test data for this sample
are replotted with overburden pressure added to the load increments, the
curve plots as nearly an extension of the initially wet consolidation
curve indicating a potential for a higher void ratio in the past.
The difference in void ratio between the initially dry and the initially
wet consolidation curves for a particular pressure was used to compute
the strain at a particular depth within the embankment. The strain (E)
was computed from the following equation:
E = ~e
1 + e

where ~e is the difference in void ratio at the beginning of

saturation and at the end of saturation, eo is the void ratio at the
beginning of saturation.
From in situ moisture contents for samples from Spring Canyon Dam, the
embankment materials appear to be saturated below a depth of 140 feet.
Below a depth of 140 feet, it is assumed that all compression settlement
due to saturation has occurred. The average height of the embankment
measured from the crest that has yet to compress is 70 feet.
The curve shown on figure 24 was developed by computing the strain from
the difference in void ratio of the initially dry and initially wet
consolidation curves shown on figure 23. The depth into the embankment
shown on figure 24 is estimated from the load shown on figure 23. The
load shown on figure 23 is divided by the average unit weight of the
zone 1 material which is 130 lb/ft3 to find the depth in the embankment
where a particUlar strain occurs. The average strain is found from
figure 24. The average strain is multiplied by the full depth of the


embankment that has yet to settle. From figure 24, the strain at
70 feet is equal to 0.0108. The estimated settlement(s) is computed
from the following equation:

S = H ( ~e )
1 + eo

where H is the height of the embankment yet to compress (140 ft).

The settlement due to compression on saturation is estimated to be
1.5 feet at Dixon Canyon and Spring Canyon Dams. Because the rate of
settlement and the measured settlement at Horsetooth and Soldier Canyon
Dams have been approximately one-half of that observed at Dixon Canyon
and Spring Canyon Dams, the settlement at Horsetooth and Soldier Dams is
estimated to be 0.75 foot.
Based on the settlement estimated above, 2 feet of camber will be
designed for Dixon Canyon and Spring Canyon Dams and 1 foot of camber
will be designed for Horsetooth and Soldier Canyon Dams.
VII. Conclusions
A. The total settlement of 2 to 3 percent of the embankment height
is not unusual for the materials and placement moisture.
B. Settlement patterns are not unusual.
C. The settlement is not the result of foundation consolidation.
D. The settlement is the result of immediate settlement upon
saturation due to placing zone 1 materials too dry of optimum water
content and the extended time for settlement is due to the low
permeability of zone 1 materials causing slow advancement of the
phreatic surface through the embankment.
E. The camber that was originally placed on the embankment was not
sufficient to accommodate settlement that has occurred.
F. The rate of settlement is decreasing with time.
G. Settlement is occurring in the primary consolidation portion of
the void ratio-log pressure curve and may be just starting the
secondary compression portion of the void ratio-log pressure curve.
H. Part of the initial settlement is due to first filling and

rainfall saturating the rockfill.

I. Future settlement is estimated to be 1.5 feet for Dixon Canyon

and Spring Canyon Dams and 0.75 foot for Horsetooth and Soldier
Canyon Dams.

J. Design camber requirements of 1 foot for Horsetooth and Soldier

Canyon Dams and 2 feet for Dixon Canyon and Spring Canyon Dams are

sufficient to accommodate future settlements.

K. The crests of the dams need to be raised to restore constant

crest elevation plus camber.

L. Settlement results from placement of the zone 1 materials too dry

of optimum moisture. The process is dependent on the soil type.

Clays of low plasticity and silty clays are most susceptible.

Placed at moisture contents dry of optimum. these materials will

collapse as the moisture content increases toward optimum.

M. The process is time dependent. The slow settlement results from

the low permeability of the zone 1 materials which results in slow

movement of the phreatic surface through the dam.


1. EM-152, Laboratory tests for Determination of the Placement Moisture
control limits of Embankment Materials for the Horsetooth Dams.
Colorado-Big Thompson Project, Colorado, Engineering and Research
Center, November 10, 1947.
2. EM-73, Report of Laboratory tests on Embankment Materials,
Horsetooth Reservoir Dams, Colorado-Big Thompson Project,
Colorado, Engineering and Research Center, June 19, 1945.
3. Final Report on Construction of Horsetooth Reservoir Dams, Colorado­
Big Thompson Project, Colorado, June 1950.
4. Nobari, E. 5., and J. ~1. Duncan (1972), "Effects of Reservoir
Filling on Stresses and t10vement in Earth and Rockfill Dams,"
Geotechnical Engineering Report, University of California,
Berkeley, January 1972.
5. Sherard, J. L. (1953), "Influence of Soil Properties and
Construction Methods on the Performance of Homogeneous Earth
Dams," Technical Memorandum No. 645, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation,
January 1953.
6. Earth Manual, U.S. De~artment of the Interior, Bureau of
Reclamation, second edition, 1974.
7. Holtz, R. D., and W. O. Kovacs (1981), An Introduction to
Geotechnical En~ineeriny, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs,
New Jersey.
8. Sherard, J. L., R. J. Woodward, S. F. Gizienski, and W. A.
Clevenger (1963). Earth and Earth-Rock Dams, John Wiley and Sons,
Inc., New York, New York.
9. Terzaghi, K., and R. W. Peck (1968), Soil Mechanics in Engineering
Practice, second edition, John Wiley and Sons, New York, New
10. Embankment Dam Engineering, Casagrande Volume, John Wiley and Sons,
New York, New York.
11. "Geologic Design Data Report for Horsetooth Reservoir Dams
Modification," Colorado-Big Thompson Project, Colorado, U.S.
Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, 1983.
12. Heaton, R. L. (1943), Geological Report on Horsetooth Reservoir,
Colorado-Big Thompson Project, Colorado, U.S. Department of the
Interior, Bureau of Reclamation.

REFERENCES - Continued
13. Strauss, T. R. (1984), Laboratory Test Results - Drill Hole
DH-614, Spring Canyon Dam, Geotechnical Branch Memorandum
Reference No. 84-131, November 21, 1984.
14. Mitchell, J. K. (1976), Fundamentals of Soil Behavior, John Wiley
and Sons, New York, New York.
15. Horsetooth Reservoir, Schedules, Specifications, and Drawings,
Specifications No. 1245.



1. Settlement - log time plots for sta. 6+00 t 42.5 feet uls and
40 feet dIs on Spring Canyon Dam.
2. Horsetooth Dam t plan - elevation - sections (Owg. 245-0-2645)
3. Soldier Canyon Oam t plan - elevation - sections (Owg. 245-0-2649).
4. Dixon Canyon Dam t plan - elevation - sections (Dwg. 245-0-2652).
5. Spring Canyon Dam t plan - elevation - sections (Dwg. 245-0-2657).
6. Camber Requirement t drawing 245-0-4472.
7. Limiting moisture test, average material, EM-152.
8. Settlement contour plot, Dixon Canyon Dam.
9. . Settl ement contour plot, Spring Canyon Dam.
10. Settlement versus log-time plot, Dixon Canyon Dam, 42.5 feet
11. Settlement versus log-time plot, Dixon Canyon Dam, 42.5 feet
down st ream.
12. Settlement versus log-time plot, Spring Canyon Dam, 42.5 feet
upst ream.
13. Settlement versus log-time plot, Spring Canyon Dam, 40.0 feet
down st ream.
14. Settlement versus time plot, Dixon Canyon Dam, sta. 9+00.
15. Settlement versus time plot, Spring Canyon Dam, sta. 6+00.
16. Rate of settlement versus time plot, Spring Canyon Dam, sta. 6+00.
17. Pressure diagram plot for Dixon Canyon Dam.
18. Plot of piezometers, Dixon Canyon Dam.
19. Spring Canyon Dam, Sample No. 61y-ll, one-dimensional consolidation
test plot.
20. Spring Canyon Dam, Sample No. 61y-16, one-dimensional consolidation
test plot.
21. Example of settlement on saturation for other Dams (10).
22. Plot of strain versus pressure (4).

23. Plot of one-dimensional consolidation test data, Horsetooth
Reservoir Dams.
24. Plot of strain versus depth for Horsetooth Reservoir Dams.


01 I

o 42.5' U/S DAM AXIS

6. 40.0' DIS DAM AXIS

c 1.0



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o 42.5' U/S
L::. 42.5' DIS

o 185' DIS
\l ) :lference
In total settlement
between 42.5' U/8 and 42.50/8.

1960 1962 1964 1966 1968 1970 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994

-0. 2 r------------------------------------------------------ ---,

o 42.5' U/S
\J 40.0 DIS
0.4 o 185' DIS

6 -Difference In
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~ 1.2

W 1.4

> 1.6

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--....&--- 40.0' DIS DAM AXIS

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, :\ 5' 10 JO 60 70 100 200

Void ratio--pr~sLlre curves for materials tested in apparatus 0-114·100.

(From Embankmenkment Dam Engineering) [j Q]


A x(0 I Pr e s sur 9 - k Q per &q em

o 2 4 6 B 10 12 14 16
1 I

Pyramid Malerial

{}-\woter AddQd 90 '>'. Mod. Proetor

0,,- 70 Percent

2 ~
fJner 'han No.4

"Ini t jail y Or y

c 3


o 4


6' I r I , I r I I I I


( From Nobari and Duncan) [4J

- - - ­ SOLDIER CANYON 15-17 ft
\I SPRING CANYON 12.6-14.8 fl
----------.­ 6 SPRING CANYON 109-111 ft
0 SPRING CANYON 159-161 't

0.42 Initially dry

l- Initially wet - con 5'0 II d a II 0 n cur v e
ot consolidation curve
a:: 0.40

r EI

Replot of Spring
C 8 n yon 1 I) 9 - 16 l'
'wIth overburden
0.32 pressure Included


"TI 0.28'1 I I I , , ! I I I I I J I I I • I , I
I , I

10 300
C Ov (psi) 100

(from FIGURE 20)


60 o
Set tie men t '" (8 t raj n )(( h leg h t )
(0.0108)« 140).: 1.511 t

70ft. Bverage
using straIn This should be conservative,
60 since curvss bends at the top,
there will be some reduction
In selllement and the upper
portion may never become
sBturated by permeating water




160 0

0 .004 .008 .012 .016 .020 .024 .028
11' eo

Appendix B
Part 3 Ridges Basin Dam – Embankment Settlement and Construction
Pore Pressures

(Adapted from Technical Memorandum No. RB-8311-39 dated July 2008)

Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams
Ridges Basin Dam (near Durango, Colorado). View showing foundation excavation
during construction.
The proposed Lake Nighthorse, the reservoir impounded by Ridges Basin Dam, will be the
primary storage feature of the Animas-LaPlata Project. The damsite is located approximately
3.5 miles southwest of Durango, Colorado in La Plata County. Ridges Basin Dam will be an
offstream storage facility impounding water pumped from the Animas River.

The dam will be a central core embankment with a crest length of approximately 1,600 feet at
elevation 6893. Prior to embankment placement, foundation excavation will remove all alluvial
materials beneath the embankment footprint to expose rock [1]1. The embankment will be
constructed to a structural height of approximately 275 feet as shown in Figure 1.

Some changes occurred in the final design throughout the nearly four years of construction.
Where the changes were of at least moderate significance, discussion of the change is included
here with specific notations as a “Construction change” or “Construction note”.

Construction note: During construction, the lowest elevation of the embankment’s

foundation occurred at Station 19+65, Offset 412.48 feet downstream from centerline.
The elevation at this point was 6620.3 feet making the structural height of the
embankment 273 feet. The final crest length at the end of construction was 1,633 feet.


A previous design for Ridges Basin Dam had a structural height of approximately 345 feet as
described by Dinneen and Goldsmith (1996) [2]. The previous design (termed here as the
‘1995 design’) allowed for excavation and removal of the unsaturated, collapsible portion of the
alluvium that lies above the water table. Below this, the saturated alluvium was removed
beneath the central core area and downstream shell, but not under the upstream shell. This
removal was to be performed to eliminate foundation settlement that could lead to unacceptable
settlements of the overlying embankment. The previous design’s use of an upstream shell
composed of compacted fine grained material allowed underlying alluvium to be left in place.
However, this required installation of wick drains as the method of foundation treatment for the
alluvium. These wick drains were intended to increase the rate of porewater pressure dissipation
as the overlying earthfill was being placed and would allow for some of the eventual settlement
to occur as the embankment was being raised.

The previous design utilized staged construction to manage construction induced porewater
pressures. Stage I construction included: (i) excavation to the dam foundation and foundation
treatment; (ii) installation of wick drains and upper cap to serve as a sand drainage blanket;
(iii) placement of downstream sand and gravel foundation materials; (iv) installation of a
cement-bentonite cutoff wall; and (v) placement of surcharge shell material above the wick
drains. Stage II construction included placement of the remaining zones within the dam.

Superscript numbers in brackets refer to entries in the list of references at the end of this report.

The reformulated project that results in a lower dam affords certain improvements to be made in
the new design from the 1995 design. Rather than simply adopt the previous design to the
revised dam height, the opportunity was taken to adjust the new design to the site conditions as
was beneficial to performance and economic issues. Much of the previous design concepts,
testing, and analyses that had been performed were again used in the re-design described herein
as was practical. Instances of this are included in the following discussions.

Prior to discussion of specific aspects of the proposed final design, it is necessary to clarify
issues of a general nature relating to the subject dam as well as applicable information relevant to
the state-of-the-art in dam engineering. In addition, several comparisons are made between the
proposed embankment design and a previous design described by Dinneen and Goldsmith
(1996) [2].

The axis of the new dam was chosen to be the same as the 1995 design. Extensive foundation
investigations had already been completed supporting this alignment. Lacking a good reason to
move the alignment, it was kept the same.

A study to determine consolidation and pore pressure characteristics of the alluvial foundation
materials was performed in 1992 [3]. The previous embankment configuration included an
upstream and central clay core with a downstream filter and shell. The design for foundation
excavation included removal of the upper 30 feet of alluvium beneath the embankment, and
leaving the lower 45 to 65 feet of compressible clay in place as shown in Figure 2. The design
was later modified to remove foundation alluvium beneath the downstream shell, but settlement
and consolidation studies were apparently not updated for the newer design.

Excess pore pressures at a location 200 feet upstream of the crest were estimated to be 361 feet
of head in the core at the end of construction. The maximum post-construction embankment
settlement at the crest was estimated to be 2.2 feet, or 0.7 percent of the then-maximum
embankment height of 314 feet. Foundation consolidation measured at the crest was estimated
to be 6.7 feet. The total estimated settlement at the crest due to embankment compression and
foundation consolidation was therefore 8.9 feet.

Since the 1992 design, the project was reformulated to accommodate an embankment to
impound 120,000 acre-feet of water.

The purpose of this Technical Memorandum is to document the analyses and evaluations for
estimated embankment settlement and for construction pore pressures for the new embankment
cross section. A recommendation for camber requirements will also be presented.

The guidelines in Embankment Dams Design Standards No. 13, Static Deformation Analysis [4]
were used for evaluating embankment settlement. Construction pore pressures were estimated
using the Hilf Method [5].

Instrumentation data presented in the literature [6, 7, 8] for compacted embankments constructed
on stiff foundations using modern equipment and in accordance with Reclamation standards
indicates post construction settlements generally range from 0.2 percent and 0.4 percent, and
seldom exceed 0.5 percent of the embankment height. Based on this performance history, a “rule
of thumb” for conservative camber design using 1 percent of the embankment height has become
common practice [9].

Typically, the 1% “rule of thumb” is not sufficiently analytical for calculating deformations of
moderate to high risk dams or dams exceeding 200 feet in height, except for preliminary camber
design. However, the conditions at Ridges Basin Dam are favorable for relatively small static
deformations. These conditions include:

� Complete removal of alluvial materials in the foundation.

� Embankment materials will be strong when compacted.
� Strong, pervious upstream and downstream shells surround the central clay core.

Based on the conditions listed above, a simplified, “rule of thumb” approach to camber design is
therefore judged to be appropriate. Precedence from a study of completed dams will be used
instead to predict the final settlement amount

A review of the post-construction settlement performance of dams similar to Ridges Basin Dam
was performed to help determine camber design. Table 1 summarizes the comparison between
these dams and Ridges Basin Dam. Current maximum observed settlements at Ridgway and
McPhee Dams are approximately 0.3 percent of the structural height, and 0.4 percent of the
structural height at New Waddell Dam. The settlement curves shown in the Appendix indicate
minor settlement is still occurring at McPhee Dam and New Waddell Dam, while settlement at
Ridgway Dam has slowed to a very small rate.


The 1% “rule of thumb” for camber design may be overly conservative because it is largely
based on older dams with less stringent construction control than would be used today.
Additionally, embankments compacted at moisture contents below optimum can significantly
reduce post-construction settlement as demonstrated in a 3-D finite element analysis for New
Waddell Dam [10]. It is anticipated that the specifications for Ridges Basin Dam will require
placement of Zone 1 core materials at a water content similar to the case studies listed above.

Construction of the embankment at Ridges Basin Dam is anticipated to occur over 21 months.
Since the rate of settlement is greatest following placement, a significant portion of embankment
settlement is expected prior to completion of the embankment. Camber design therefore
considers only the post-construction settlement anticipated.

Construction note: Due to funding and contracting issues, the construction of the dam
was broken up into multiple work products (i.e. contracts) that separated out portions of
the work. Placement of the first embankment materials on the foundation occurred mid­
summer 2005 and the embankment was topped on November 16, 2007, a period of about
28 months.

The 1992 design used 0.7% of the maximum embankment height for the estimated embankment
compression. Based on a review of relevant case histories and a consideration of the site-specific
conditions at Ridges Basin, this value is believed to be conservative but reasonable. Therefore
0.7% of the embankment height was kept as the estimated post-construction settlement for the
new dam. For a maximum height below the crest of 273 feet, the maximum camber will be
2 feet (rounded up from 1.9 feet).


The chosen cross section of the embankment is fairly immune to the effects of high, construction
generated pore pressures in the core. The very pervious shell, filter, and drain materials will all
eliminate excess pore pressures in the embankment’s shell. As the shell provides the majority of
the embankment’s stability, the strength of the shell material will not be diminished by pore
pressure buildup and thus the stability will not be significantly affected.

Nonetheless, construction induced pore pressure buildup in the core was estimated to enable a
more realistic stability calculation to be made. To estimate the pore pressure generated by
consolidation of compacted impervious earthfill under self-weight, the Hilf procedure [5] was
used. The method assumes that no dissipation of these pressures occurs during construction.
This procedure is intended to estimate porewater pressures acting along the centerline of a rolled
earth fill. The calculations indicate the porewater pressure heads would vary from approximately
zero at the embankment crest to approximately 45 feet of water head at the contact between the
embankment and bedrock, as shown on Figure 3.

Excess porewater pressures are not anticipated to be developed within the Lewis Shale or
Pictured Cliffs Sandstone foundation materials during construction. The primary and secondary
permeability of the Pictured Cliffs Sandstone is great enough to eliminate any significant pore
pressure buildup. Fractures and bedding planes within the Lewis Shale are closely spaced and
more pervious than the massive rock thus any porewater pressures generated are expected to
dissipate readily throughout construction.

The estimated porewater pressure heads were input to the stability model used for the end-of­
construction case. This was accomplished by specifying a grid of heads within the Zone 1
material as shown on Figure 3. The heads estimated along the dam centerline were
conservatively specified at the upstream and downstream limits of Zone 1. No phreatic surface
was specified. A zero head boundary condition was specified at discrete points within the

upstream transition zone and the downstream filter material as shown on Figure 3 because these
zones are significantly more pervious than the Zone 1 and act as drainage boundaries. Due to the
pervious nature of other embankment zones, no excess porewater pressures are anticipated
within these materials during construction.

Additional details of pore pressure during construction and their affects on stability can be found
in Technical Memorandum RB-8313-35 [11]. The end-of-construction stability was shown to be

The conditions at Ridges Basin Dam are favorable for small static deformations because alluvial
materials will be removed from the foundation, and embankment materials will be well

Foundation consolidation will be negligible with the removal of the alluvium materials to rock
beneath the footprint of the dam. The calculation of settlement will therefore only consider the
anticipated embankment compression.

The maximum camber, corresponding to the maximum section, was selected to be 2 feet.
Proportionally smaller amounts of camber will be designed for areas with lesser embankment
heights. Camber will be zero feet at both abutment contacts.

Construction pore pressures were estimated and incorporated into the stability analyses.

Table 1: Measured settlements for recent Reclamation Embankment Dams

Dam Foundation Structural

Year Height (ft) Settlement (%)
central core; chimney filter; upstream and 282 Crest 0.26 1
1984 downstream coarse shells
Ridgway central core; downstream filter; upstream rock under core;
rock 0.28 2
1987 Zoning
and downstream coarse shells alluvium under shells
New high PI central core; upstream and 90 ft alluvium 340 0.36 3, 4
Waddell 1992 downstream filters; upstream and
downstream coarse shells

Based on the maximum settlement through September 1999.

Based on the maximum settlement through July 2001.

Based on the maximum settlement through December 1999.

Includes both embankment settlement and foundation consolidation


[1] “Embankment Zoning Design,” Technical Memorandum No. RB-8313-36, Ridges Basin
Dam, Animas-La Plata Project, Colorado - New Mexico, Bureau of Reclamation,
Denver, CO, July 2008.

[2] “Embankment Zoning Design,” Technical Memorandum No. RB-3620-8, Ridges Basin
Dam, Animas-La Plata Project, Colorado - New Mexico, Bureau of Reclamation,
Denver, CO, 1996.

[3] “Design Summary for Ridges Basin Dam, Volume I,” Technical Memorandum
No. RB-3620-2, Foundation and Embankment Settlement, Rates of Consolidation, and
Construction Pore Pressures, Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, CO, September 1, 1992.

[4] “Embankment Dams Design Standards No. 13, Chapter 9,” Static Deformation Analysis,
Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, CO, August 5, 1992.

[5] Hilf, J. W. A Method for Predicting Pore Pressures, Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, CO,
May 1961.

[6] Earth and Earth Rock Dams, By Sherard, James L., Woodward, Richard J., Gizienski,
Stanely F., and Clevenger, William A., John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY, 1963.

[7] Embankment Dam Engineering, Deformation of Earth and Rockfill Dams, By Wilson,
Stanely D., John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY, 1973.

[8] “Technical Memorandum 648,”Compression Characteristics of Rolled Fill Materials in

Earth Dams, Prepared by Gould, James P., Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, CO, 1954.

[9] Design of Small Dams, 3rd Edition, Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, CO, 1987.

[10] “Technical Memorandum for New Waddell Dam,” Deformation Analysis, Woodward-
Clyde Consultants, 1989.

[11] “Static Stability Analyses for Ridges Basin Dam,” Technical Memorandum
No. RB-8313-35, Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, CO, July 2008.

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ConstructIon Settl_,.". at erost
IS S.alon CCnstnJotlon S~~) • 2.5'
(of Season CoM1nJttlon Se<pe~J - 1;(;"

S.ttl--.t dUe to Fourdatfon Consolfdatlon

'000 Tooo
At:t1Jol den desfgn
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••, '.1 '.J J , .7 '550


IV ~z -
.7 i.. '.I"JO I..' - .Wl.I I."'''

o 200 '00 '00 100 looa noo "00 1100 2000

I STA. 20+00
I All ••ffl-m-s are based on tM Original Oaa eoncept.
All depffls not«! for speclaem lJ8ed In _"dotlon t ....t.. are
F' CENTERLINE SECTION refererced to the or Ig ''''' I ground level.
EXPLANATION OF PROPERTIES IInl..,,, ot""""". noted. all ".tt/-,"" r"f"r to foundation consolidation
CONSOUOATIOH SETTLBiENTS <tnt! or" based on the Orlo 1M I Oaa r:onc.pt.
• Increose In .fftIGtfv. pr-uur. frOffl dUD rr. dlla_ter tun W1I"e _ _ed odJ«:etrt to the drltl hoI." .hotrn.
• ' - . u l a n Index /Included for '"on, not wed to c«vlote ".Itl_,.".1 rr. d T / _ t v tNt data .ay be be$t lItf lind os an fndlcot/on <If the
• CoMo-lidatlon tx>efflcl.,.".. based on tNer_ den pr~. over the drill hole, vertical "rterrt of to. C)()(IIJr'N",bl. 010" layer .Inc. ffII ".ttl_rtt
tJt'tJ or. tok.,., fro« Eor Iy I-D CoMO Idot Ion TNt" calaJ/oted frOG the _lIdoHon tUt $/JeCI""'" ~ " contffIJOOUS
• C<lI",,'.t.d tolof foundatfon •• 11'1-.1, In f . .t • ...,1"11 ~ fn vofd ratio
• In .IN fOlJt7datlon •• , t l _ , Ollor-ter T."t, f.on based on ~f"ol.nl deptfU
gathered ...,.,-y O. Z_two.."""ttl
I.otropfc oloY loy", o...r
whf I. " . Dl/T 4$ '" _ed on dot<l
Eorly consolidation ~t~ne tNt per d,.,,, IY>I., ~ 1~/-.n located
N.A. - Olloto-fer did not "aopl. IttI" drill ho Ie rhe
/IPPf'Oxlaot.,y 5 to 10 fHt t>el(1lf the water fobl. (C.If,T.).
oppt"DxlMte depth I" noted 4t the drIll holu .. Ith " dO$h _II. TN+s
...r. _fn.rJ fn Ino.
L_ _ lfdafofon~t_odd·IN_1tNtl.' In .ad> drIll hole ~
Figure 2
located f,... __oxl-+ely IS to 35 fNt bel".. ,.".T.. loch
lat.,- "pec/.., locatIon has 4 d.Dth ""ted ad/QCMt to It.
Thes_ tN,. __" -.pl"t.., III 19".
(i 4ll1M\'I 111111( SAFETY
fMlnO .T~TU
.arao-.....1IlIOtr .,. " . IItI1'OfIOlt


Summary of Settlements, Hates of Consolidation, and Consolidation Properties IIOII>Gl_~Jf!-"!!f!!l rrtHflCAI. _Jl. _
ICf'll Ana.}ys i..s ____ __. . .,TrD .__. _

r/Mf.U. ml
I02-GEO- I
5 2

o o

c c


6. Node of specified head (feet)

«:1Wt1'JIf)t1 O"'ltC W1I1fIDIf
. . . . , tY e:tAIM77Ql1'
AltlftlAS - LA PLATA

0'iII r.JI..H1"

Figure 3 ~--,~~...,.....""", . - ,'=:1


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o o o o o ci o o o "
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. - . -: - - - - ~
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. . , .
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: .J.
: I: : I .
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'iL IL!
.: I! .: .: :!:
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. i':.. V
I: ,): : I
:........) .. :.
i.:.. .
I 1992
1/)'1/" "','/1:;.

1991 Z
/ I . I: : I . I: : : :
"j y····.. ·· . ····.. h..·.. · · -/··.. · . ··/·....···;.. ·....·.. :·· ....·· . ·1··..·...... ]··..·..··..· 1990 ~
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: / :?' : .J
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: ·/·j" /T;;-/.. >;/-.. ·T..· ·,· ~ ···i · ~ :..··· 1986
. < . ~./'::

·.... ~ .. ·.... ·~ ..·....·':"
.. 1985 U,

I l I I c::
0lCY10l0"l 1984 f­
r-----;------jr----,----;.---i---,---+---+---~--f-1 983
I I ·
: I I
o oo
'''-.. co
� I

OldRcsl"!rv P1J5 U/5 Cresl Sto. 35 P236 DIS Crest Sto. 36
-------- ARe!> -------- PU7 U!S Crest Sto. 37 P'.18 DIS Crc:JI Sio. ,>8
. - . - - - Toilwoter . - . - . - P139 U/S Crest 510. 39 P239+1S DiS Crest Sio. 39+75
. - . - . _.. PI41 U/s Crest 510. 41 P242 DiS Crest Sto. 42

1710 ... - _ . . , . 0.0 0.0

,~,.-\ :_"':t_
:f \ . ,._' : ,. \ ;,- , ;_"

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" 1
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/: \ : , :/ \ :,1 :J I' \,. \:1 1 -0.2 -0.2

,---- .. , I r! \ ,I I ,J I :J \ (: \ J: \ " " j
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\ I:
-0.4 -0.4

I J :
\ I ;
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'/ .
-0.5 -0.5
C J.. : .... ... ;
1590 . !. :. ....... -0.6 I/l -0.6 I/l
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1560 .~ ····f· . . -;- <1> <1>
3 3
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<1> <1>
. . ................................
-1.0 ~
-1.0 ~

:J -1.1 - I. 1

1170 . ,. ,.. {: .. "-'-:..~~~~ ... ,~ l. -1.2 -1.:l

-1.3 - 1.3
.('",·:J~~·~4'"'~~~+·~·-·-d:JrT-·-f~:.:.:.::~:.+;r·--'..J"·r;:li'; ;.·f;:tr'.;;,:~..io'+,_·, ·)..;,t .
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... '"
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'" '"
'" '"
en '"
'" m .. '" 0
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r<idqway Dom-- Embankment Measurement FJoints

Danl Crest - Settlement (Sto. 1::-)-+-00 - 20+(0)
17LJ.. 15+ 170_16+
17LJ_17+ - - - - - - - - 170.. 18+
17lJ_19+ . - - - - - 17D 201
17LJ_./. 1 . - . - . - 170:=22

-0.30 --0 ..30

I -0.20 ., ,.. . ..... . /
--0.15 -015 T
. CD
cD -0.10 ....... _- ...
-0.10 ()
-0.05 <
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0.10 - ,.
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\~\; ..
..- 0.15

~J ,-r
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UJ .-.
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040 .l\;h~~.~... . 040

~/'-,~,-,; ~.
.-;- '--"
' .._ / .
0.45 "
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0.55 .......... ;.
0.55 ~

()fiO .; ..
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("'\- (D
.-1" 0.70 0.70 r+
::; 0.75
~ '.:~,: .. -;

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