Alpha Omega Elite/Luxe Deluxe 3-In-1 Owner's Manual: Replacement Parts List
Alpha Omega Elite/Luxe Deluxe 3-In-1 Owner's Manual: Replacement Parts List
Alpha Omega Elite/Luxe Deluxe 3-In-1 Owner's Manual: Replacement Parts List
Eng. 4358-3340E
Replacement Parts List
NOTE: If requested color is not available, similar color will be Alpha Omega ® Elite/Luxe
Part Cost Quantity Total Cost Deluxe 3-In-1
Crotch Strap/Buckle $4.99 X______= $ ______________
Harness Strap . . . . .$2.00 X______= $ ______________ Owner’s Manual
Pad Set . . . . . . . . .$42.00 X______= $ ______________
Harness Retainer . . .$1.50 X______= $ ______________
Locking Clip . . . . . . .$2.50 X______= $ ______________
Tether Kit . . . . . . . .$9.99 X______= $ ______________
Latch Kit . . . . . . . .$24.99 X______= $ ______________ This child
Instructions . . . . . . .$0.00 X______= $ ______________ restraint is
designed for
Merchandise Total $______________ use by children
Failure to follow these warnings can result in
the serious injury or death of your child. To The vehicle or LATCH belt must stay
help you recognize those instructions which tight at the belt path.When you switch from
are most critical for your child’s safety, we one mode to the next, review the sections of
use this symbol : this instruction manual that apply to that
mode. If you don’t, your child could be
injured or killed.
According to accident statistics, children Do not use a child restraint with damaged
are safer when properly restrained in the or missing parts.
rear seating positions than in the front
seating positions. Do not use cut, frayed or damaged
Never place a child rear-facing in a
seating position with an active frontal Do not lubricate buckles and fasteners.
Do not substitute parts or try to modify
This child restraint must always face the the child restraint in any way.
rear of the vehicle and be in the fully reclined
position when the child weighs between 5-35 Do not use a child restraint that has been
lbs. (2.3-16 kg) and is less than one year old. in a crash.You must get a new child
Never place a child less than one-year old
forward facing. Use the child restraint only on vehicle
seats that face forward. Do not use on seats
Check vehicle instructions for more that face the sides or rear of the vehicle.
information about air bag/child restraint use.
Check the vehicle or LATCH belt before
Make sure the harness height is correct for each use. Use only if the belt can be
your child’s size. tightened properly and securely.
The harness strap must be snug. This child restraint should be securely
belted in the vehicle even when not in use. In
Never take your child out of the child a crash or sudden stop, an unsecured child
restraint or try to tend to your child’s needs restraint could injure other occupants.
while the vehicle is moving. Never leave child
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Front Back
Rear-Facing using
5-point harness
Child and child restraint Loosen harness by pushing
face the back of the vehicle 2 down on the harness
and are placed in the back release lever while pulling
seat. out on harness.
Depending on your model,
22-40 lbs (10.1-18 kg) the harness release lever
34-43 in. (85.1-110 cm) may be under a flap on the
and Over 1 Year Old pad in the front of
Forward-Facing using
5-point harness
Child and child restraint
face the front of the vehicle
and are placed in the back
Press on harness retainer
3 release button and pull
40-100 lbs (18.1-45.4 kg) apart.
43-52 in. (110.1-132.1 cm)
and Over 1 Year Old
Belt-positioning booster
using vehicle
lap/shoulder belt Press red button on
4 buckle to release the
Child and child restraint buckle plates. Place
face the front of the vehicle harness over sides of child
and are placed in the back restraint.
seat. 5-point Harness and
Base are removed.
10 11 continued on next page.
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Failure to fasten and tighten the harness
system correctly and snugly can result in
serious injury or death.
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Rotating Armrests
To rotate armrests up or
3 down, pull out on arm and
rotate. Make sure
Press red button on buckle
3 to release the buckle
armrests lock into place.
plates. Remove child.
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Manual Belts
1 Locking Clip
Manual lap belts are
common in the center rear NOTE: The locking clip is located on the back of the seat.
seat and can allow the child You do not need a locking clip when using this seat as a
restraint to loosen when it belt-positioning booster.
is tilted or jarred. After Remove the locking clip when the seat belt is not being
tightening the lap belt used with a child restraint. A locking clip will not fix all
securely, tilt and push the types of seat belt problems.
child restraint forward and Before you put your child restraint in the vehicle, buckle the
to both sides. If no lap/shoulder belt. Pull on the lap belt portion. If it loosens or
loosening occurs, your child slips, you must either use a locking clip to hold the seat belt
tight or move the child restraint to another seating location.
restraint should be secure.
Thread both vehicle lap
If loosening does occur, do 1 and shoulder belts through
the following: If the latch the slot (as shown) and
plate slides on the belt, turn out other side. Buckle.
the latch plate over. If the Pull up on shoulder belt
2 buckle slides, turn the until all slack is out and lap
Latch plate buckle. Refasten the vehicle belt is tight.
lap belt.The release button
Buckle should face out after
twisting so that it is easy to
reach in an emergency. Grasp both vehicle belts
2 together just behind the
If the lap belt continues to
loosen, the child restraint latch plate and unbuckle.
must be moved to another NOTE: If the latch plate
ends up behind the child
Twist vehicle seat belt and location in the vehicle. A restraint, grasp the belts to
latch plate (or buckle) locking clip will not correct
this problem; see your the outside of the child
restraint, as close to the
vehicle owner’s manual. latch plate as possible.
Rear Facing Use: 5-35 lbs. (2.3-16 kg), 19-36” (48-91 cm).
Position locking clip about
4 1 in. (2.5 cm) from vehicle Rear-Facing Use
belt’s buckle plate.
This child restraint must always face the
rear of the vehicle and be in the fully
reclined position when the child weighs
between 5-35 lbs. (2.3-16 kg) and is less
than one year old.
Never place a child rear-facing in
a seating position with an active
frontal airbag.This can result in
serious injury or death.
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Rear Facing Use: 5-35 lbs. (2.3-16 kg), 19-36” (48-91 cm).
Rear-Facing Installation Rear-Facing Installation with
After deciding whether to use your Vehicle Belts or Vehicle Belt:
LATCH, be sure to read the warnings below as they Place child restraint rear-
pertain to both systems. 1 facing in the back seat.
You may need to remove
Rear Facing Use: 5-35 lbs. (2.3-16 kg), 19-36” (48-91 cm).
Push down firmly on the
4 child restraint and pull up Rear-Facing Installation with
on belt to tighten. For a LATCH: Install LATCH Belt
manual belt, refer to
“Knowing your Vehicle Do not use the LATCH
Belt” section. Pull up on 1 system along with the
shoulder strap to remove adult lap or lap/shoulder
any slack. belt.
Rear Facing Use: 5-35 lbs. (2.3-16 kg), 19-36” (48-91 cm).
With weakest hand at belt
Rear-Facing Installation with 4 path, tilt and push the child
LATCH: Install in Vehicle restraint forward and
back, and from side to
Connect and tighten harness side. If the LATCH belts
Forward-Facing Use: 22-40 lbs. (10.1-18 kg), 34-43” (85.1-110 cm), Over 1 year of age.
Forward-Facing Use Forward-Facing Installation
After deciding whether to use your Vehicle Belts or
LATCH, be sure to read the warnings below as they
pertain to both systems.
You may need to remove
the base for narrow
vehicle seats or airline
use. See “Removing
Base” in Belt-Positioning
Booster section.
NOTE: To install the
child restraint without
Lap Belt the base, use either the
Lap/Shoulder Belt recline mode or upright
mode. For upright mode,
Refer to the “Choosing rotate recline stand down
Restraint and Position” and out, then push up to
section to make sure your lock.
child is at the proper
weight and height to face
forward. When LATCH is not
being used, fasten belt
hooks together behind
the child restraint as
Using this child restraint in any vehicle seat
where the lap or LATCH belts cannot be
tightened securely and properly or where it
can be loosened by pulling on it can result
in serious injury or death. ! WARNING:
Check vehicle instructions for more Loose LATCH hooks can result in serious
information about airbag/child restraint injury or death.
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Forward-Facing Use: 22-40 lbs. (10.1-18 kg), 34-43” (85.1-110 cm), Over 1 year of age.
Forward-Facing Installation with does not have an anchor
Vehicle Belts: bracket, attach the top
anchorage hook (tether)
Connect and tighten to the recline stand as
1 harness straps prior to shown. Tighten to
installing in vehicle. remove slack.
Place child restraint flush
against the back of the With weakest hand at
vehicle seat forward- 4 the belt path, tilt and
facing in the back seat. push the child restraint
The recline position is to be from side to side. If the
used only to install the child LATCH belts do not
restraint flush against the loosen, your child
back of the vehicle seat back, if needed. restraint should be
Thread the vehicle lap belt or lap/shoulder belt secure.
combination through the belt path and out other side. NOTE: Some “play”
Buckle. from front to back or
about an inch from side
Place one knee in the child to side is acceptable. If it
2 restraint and push down NOTE: Locking clip is moves more, review
firmly while pulling up on shown installed. “Knowing Your Vehicle
belt to tighten. For a Belts” and “The Locking
manual belt, refer to Clip” sections.
“Knowing your Vehicle Belt”
section. ! WARNING
Using this child restraint in any vehicle
seat where the lap belt cannot be
tightened securely and properly or where
it can be loosened by pulling on it can
With knee still in child result in serious injury or death.
3 restraint, attach hook to
anchor in vehicle. Push After checking for hot
down firmly and tighten 5 seat and buckles, place
top anchorage strap. your child in the child
restraint as described in
To Adjust and other top the “Securing Your Child
anchorage strap in the Child Restraint”
information: See “Adjusting section.
Top Anchorage Strap”
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Forward-Facing Use: 22-40 lbs. (10.1-18 kg), 34-43” (85.1-110 cm), Over 1 year of age.
Forward-Facing Installation with 4 hook to the anchor in
LATCH Belt: Install LATCH Belts the vehicle seat located
in the vehicle seat bight.
NOTE: Do not use Repeat for other side of
1 LATCH system along with child restraint. See your
the adult lap or vehicle owner’s manual
lap/shoulder belt. for locations and more
Route LATCH belt through
upper slot in side of shell.
Forward-Facing Use: 22-40 lbs. (10.1-18 kg), 34-43” (85.1-110 cm), Over 1 year of age.
7 path, tilt and push the child Adjusting the Top Anchorage
restraint forward and back Strap
and side to side. If the seat
belts do not loosen, your The top anchorage strap (tether) is used for the
child restraint should be forward-facing position only.
secure. Most vehicles made after 9/1/99 already have the
NOTE: Some “play” from anchor hardware for a top anchorage strap. Refer to
front to back or an inch or your owner’s manual or call your dealer.
two from side to side is Storage of Top Anchorage Strap:
acceptable. Rear-facing position: Place top anchorage
If the child restraint does not remain tight, do not use strap over the back of the child restraint with
the child restraint in this seating location with this the anchor hook secured under the base or
LATCH system. child restraint.
Belt-Positioning Booster position: Place
top anchorage strap behind the seat with the
! WARNING anchor hook under the seat.
Using this child restraint in any vehicle To Attach Top
seat where the LATCH belt cannot be Anchorage Strap:
tightened securely and properly or where Attach hook to anchor
it can be loosened by pulling on it, can in vehicle.
result in serious injury or death.
After checking for hot seat
8 and buckles, place child in
child restraint. See To Adjust Top
“Securing Your Child in the Pull loose Anchorage Strap:
Child Restraint” section. end to To tighten; Put knee in
tighten child restraint and push
down. Pull on free end
To remove LATCH: of top anchorage strap.
9 Remove child from child
restraint. Press down
firmly on adjuster side of Lift up to
child restraint and press loosen To loosen; Lift up on
release button to release top anchorage lock and
tension. Unhook LATCH push lock toward top
from bar by squeezing anchorage hook.
spring lever and twist hook.
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Belt-Positioning Booster Use: 40-100 lbs. (18.1-45.4 kg), 43-52” (110.1-132.1 cm), Over 1 year of age.
Belt-Positioning Booster Use Removal of Seat Base
Base must be removed for use as
Refer to the “Choosing Belt-Positioning Booster.
Restraint and Position”
section to make sure your Move seat to fully
1 reclined position. Push
child is at the proper weight
and height to use the belt- down on tab on right
positioning booster. A side of base (A).
From the other side,
push on bar (B) and
pull the bar completely
Lap/Shoulder Belt
Do not use LATCH when
using the Belt-Positioning
You MUST fasten the
LATCH belt hooks
together behind seat.
When your child is over 40
lbs. (18.1 kg) or 43” (110.1
cm) and over 1 year old, Pull on recline lever
you must remove the 2 and lift shell off base.
harness and the base and Store bar in base for
use this seat as a belt- future use.
positioning booster.
Loose LATCH hooks can result in injury
or death.
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Belt-Positioning Booster Use: 40-100 lbs. (18.1-45.4 kg), 43-52” (110.1-132.1 cm), Over 1 year of age.
From bottom of seat,
Removal of Harness 4 locate buckle’s metal clip.
Harness must be removed for use as a
Belt-Positioning Booster.
From the back of the seat,
1 unfasten harness straps
from splitter plate.
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Belt-Positioning Booster Use: 40-100 lbs. (18.1-45.4 kg), 43-52” (110.1-132.1 cm), Over 1 year of age.
Place lap/shoulder belt
Belt-Positioning Booster 4 across child’s thighs. Lock
Installation buckle.
Child restraint must be in
1 the full upright position.
Rotate recline stand out
and push upward to lock
in position.
Failure to place buckle’s metal plate
completely through pad and shell can
result in serious injury or death to the
44 45 continued on next page.
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Reinstall Base:
Pull harness through the 6 Remove bar from base.
4 back. Make sure the Line up shell with base.
harness goes OVER the A Begin with the rounded
metal bar, BETWEEN metal end, push bar completely
bar and plastic handle of through hole, starting on
the harness/headrest the right side (A), until it
adjuster. locks in place. Refer to
“Removal of Seat Base”.
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Name: ____________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________
City: ____________________________________________
Telephone: ________________________________________
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