Republic of The Marshall Islands Office of The Maritime Administrator
Republic of The Marshall Islands Office of The Maritime Administrator
Republic of The Marshall Islands Office of The Maritime Administrator
This Notice clarifies the requirements with regard to the limits on the minimum hours of
rest and related provisions, and prescribes the standard formats for the table of shipboard working
arrangements and record of hours of rest.
This Notice establishes Administration policy that applies to all seafarers serving aboard
Marshall Islands flag vessels to which the STCW Convention and/or the Maritime Labour
Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006), applies.
1.1 Reference (a) above mandates that each Member State shall (within specified limits) fix
either a maximum number of hours of work, or minimum number of hours of rest, for a
given period of time. In keeping with this mandate, this Administration has elected to
establish a minimum hours of rest standard with which shipowner/operators must comply.
1.2 The minimum limits on hours of rest provided under Reference (c) above are summarized
as follows:
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Inquiries concerning the subject of this Notice should be directed to the Office of the Maritime Administrator, Republic of the Marshall
Islands, c/o Marshall Islands Maritime and Corporate Administrators, Inc., 11495 Commerce Park Drive, Reston, VA 20191-1506 USA.
MI-01, 8/06
.1 10 hours in any 24-hour period, which may be divided into no more than two (2)
periods – one of which shall be at least six (6) hours in length, and no more than
14 hours between any consecutive periods; and
1.3 Additional provisions under reference (c) above address the timing of musters and drills,
and call-outs to work while on call.
1.4 Notwithstanding paragraph 1.2, the Master shall have the right to suspend the minimum
limits on hours of rest and require a seafarer to perform any hours of work necessary for
the immediate safety of the ship, persons on board or cargo, or for the purpose of giving
assistance to other ships or persons in distress at sea. In such cases, and as soon as
practicable after normal conditions have been restored, the Master shall ensure the
seafarers are provided with an adequate period of rest.
2.1 As required under reference (c) above, as applicable, a table of shipboard working
arrangements shall be provided to each ship, tabulating the anticipated daily working or
rest periods scheduled for all seafarers. This is to ensure that expected routine working
arrangements are made available for the awareness of the crew. It should be borne in
mind, however, that due to the nature of service at sea some deviation from the schedule is
to be expected, and such deviations do not necessarily indicate non-compliance with the
minimum rest periods required under reference (c).
2.2 The table shall be specific to each vessel, and shall be prepared by the shipowner/operator.
To facilitate preparation of this table, a standard format has been established by the
Administration based on IMO/ILO Guidelines, reference (d) above, and is provided under
Annex I, Table of Shipboard Working Arrangements, of this Notice.
2.3 Shipowners/operators should utilize the standard format provided for consistency and to
ensure compliance, but are free to develop or adapt forms unique to the Company
provided that at least the following criteria are conveyed:
.3 statement of the minimum hours of rest as required under reference (c) above.
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The Republic of the Marshall Islands
2.4 In order to facilitate awareness of the shipboard working arrangements, the table shall be
written in English and the working language(s) of the ship, if not English, and shall be
posted in a place or places easily accessible to the seafarers working onboard.
3.1 Each seafarer is required to maintain a record of his/her daily hours of rest, the principal
purpose for the record being to allow monitoring and provide documentary evidence of
compliance with the minimum hours of rest provisions stipulated under reference (c)
3.2 The Administration has developed a standard format for the record of daily hours of rest,
based on IMO/ILO Guidelines, reference (d) above, and is provided under Annex II,
Records of Hours of Rest, of this Notice. As with the table of shipboard working
arrangements, nothing precludes the shipowner/operator from developing or adapting such
records unique to the Company, provided that such records maintain the standard format.
3.3 Where a Company finds that the recordkeeping arrangements for hours of rest in section
3.2, above, are wholly incompatible with that Company’s electronic recordkeeping system,
hours of work may be recorded, provided that the minimum hours of rest are adhered to
as required and that such compliance is readily verifiable.
3.4 The records of daily hours of rest shall be maintained in English and the working
language(s) of the ship, if not English. Each seafarer shall receive a copy of the records
pertaining to him or her, which shall be endorsed by the Master, or a person authorized by
the Master, and by the seafarer.
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The Republic of the Marshall Islands
Table of Shipboard Working Arrangements
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The Republic of the Marshall Islands
Records of Hours of Rest
(MLC, 2006)
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The Republic of the Marshall Islands