Typhoid:: NICD Recommendations For Diagnosis, Management and Public Health Response
Typhoid:: NICD Recommendations For Diagnosis, Management and Public Health Response
Typhoid:: NICD Recommendations For Diagnosis, Management and Public Health Response
NICD recommendations
for diagnosis, management
and public health response
Version 1 (June 2011)
Previously called ‘Health Care Workers’ Handbook on Typhoid’
Developed by:
The National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD)
a division of the National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS),
in collaboration with:
The South African National Department of Health
U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention – South Africa
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Quick Reference Guide - Typhoid
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Table of Contents
Quick Reference Guide - Typhoid.....................................................................................................................................3
1 Background on typhoid fever ....................................................................................................................................5
1.1 Aetiologic agent ..................................................................................................................................................5
1.2 Clinical features ..................................................................................................................................................5
1.3 Transmission ......................................................................................................................................................6
1.4 Burden of disease ...............................................................................................................................................6
1.5 Epidemiology and high risk individuals ...............................................................................................................6
2 Case definitions ..........................................................................................................................................................6
2.1 A typhoid ‘case under investigation’: ..................................................................................................................6
2.2 A confirmed case of typhoid: ..............................................................................................................................7
2.3 A typhoid carrier:.................................................................................................................................................7
3 Diagnosis .....................................................................................................................................................................7
3.1 Differential diagnosis ..........................................................................................................................................7
3.2 Specimen collection for laboratory diagnosis......................................................................................................7
3.2.1 Blood culture – *Diagnostic test of choice* .....................................................................................................8
3.2.2 Stool culture ...................................................................................................................................................8
3.2.3 Bone marrow aspirate culture ........................................................................................................................9
3.2.4 Extra-intestinal complications and focal infections .........................................................................................9
3.2.5 Urine cultures .................................................................................................................................................9
3.2.6 Serology and other tests ................................................................................................................................9
4 Treatment and case management ...........................................................................................................................10
4.1 Supportive management...................................................................................................................................10
4.2 Treatment of acute uncomplicated typhoid fever ..............................................................................................10
4.3 Treatment of severe and complicated typhoid fever .........................................................................................11
4.4 Treatment of persistent infections and chronic carriers ....................................................................................12
4.5 Infection prevention and control........................................................................................................................12
4.6 School and work restrictions .............................................................................................................................12
5 Public health response to a single case .................................................................................................................12
6 Public health response to a cluster or outbreak ....................................................................................................14
7 Prevention and control .............................................................................................................................................15
7.1 Safe water ........................................................................................................................................................15
7.2 Food safety .......................................................................................................................................................16
7.3 Sanitation..........................................................................................................................................................16
7.4 Vaccination .......................................................................................................................................................16
7.5 Travellers ..........................................................................................................................................................17
7.6 Post exposure prophylaxis................................................................................................................................17
8 Resources and additional information....................................................................................................................17
9 Appendix 1: Suspected/confirmed typhoid fever case investigation form..........................................................18
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1 Background on typhoid fever
1.1 Aetiologic agent
Typhoid fever, also called enteric fever, is caused by a bacterial infection with Salmonella enterica
subspecies enterica serotype Typhi or serotypes Paratyphi A, B or C. For the purposes of these guidelines,
hereafter we refer to these only as Salmonella Typhi causing typhoid fever disease.
The case fatality rate due to typhoid fever varies depending on presence of complications and timely
antimicrobial intervention. If left untreated, 12-30% of all infections may result in death; however, with
appropriate treatment mortality rates may be reduced to <1% within developing nations. Up to 32% of
severely ill or complicated typhoid cases may be fatal, depending on the country studied.
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Chronic carriage:
Approximately 1-5% of infected persons experience a chronic carrier state following recovery from an acute
phase illness. These individuals may excrete the organism for years if left untreated, with the potential to
infect others, as well as develop recrudescent illness themselves. Chronic typhoid carriage has frequently
been associated with gallstones in the biliary tract of infected persons. Salmonella Typhi bacilli form
biofilms on the surface of gallstones, thereby protecting the bacteria from the host’s immune response, as
well as antimicrobial therapy. Prolonged Salmonella Typhi carriage, with intermittent febrile periods has
been also associated with intestinal/urinary schistosomiasis (a.k.a. bilharzia). The bacteria are able to
colonise adult Schistosoma spp. which shelter the bacteria from the host’s immune system and
1.3 Transmission
Humans are the only known hosts of Salmonella Typhi. Bacteria are shed in the faeces of an infected person
and transmitted from person to person via ingestion of food or water contaminated by these faeces (faecal-
oral route). Large outbreaks of typhoid fever are often associated with contamination of a drinking water.
The organism can survive for several days in fresh water (e.g. ground water, pond-water) and seawater.
Furthermore, the organism can survive for prolonged periods (up to several months) in contaminated
foods. Outbreaks have been associated with contaminated eggs, oysters (fresh and frozen), ice-cream and
iced-drinks, raw fruits and vegetables, fish and various meats. Contamination of food can occur through
food handlers (e.g. vendors who may be asymptomatic carriers), irrigation of gardens/crops with sewage-
contaminated water or fertilizers, as well as the sharing of food items among cases.
Persons with occupations as food handlers, or those who provide care for patients, children or the elderly,
represent specific high-risk groups due to their potential to widely transmit infection. They, therefore,
require specific considerations during the public health response to identified cases, and should be
restricted form these activities until these investigations have been complete.
2 Case definitions
2.1 A typhoid ‘case under investigation’:
A person presenting with a documented fever >/= 38.5oC, and any of:
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Clinical symptoms of typhoid, including gastrointestinal symptoms (abdominal pain, nausea and
vomiting or constipation), relative bradycardia, ‘rose spots’ (erythematous macula-papular lesions),
splenomegaly and/or hepatomegaly, leucopaenia
A travel history within the last month to an area with a confirmed outbreak of typhoid;
3 Diagnosis
3.1 Differential diagnosis
Typhoid fever may be clinically indistinguishable from other causes of an enteric-fever like syndrome,
including Yersinia enterocolitica, Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, Campylobacter fetus or other non-typhoidal
Salmonella infections. Therefore, laboratory testing is advisable in all patients presenting with clinically
compatible characteristics of typhoid fever (see Section 1.2 above).
Supportive laboratory tests and epidemiological clues may also be considered in differentiating typhoid
fever from enteric-fever like syndromes. Leukopenia (low white cell count) is reported in 16-46% of cases.
The absence of eosinophils is also common among patients. Hepatic transaminases (ALT and AST) may be
raised in up to two-thirds of cases. Epidemiological clues may include the patient’s age, place of residence
and history (e.g. travel, water source, consumption of food outside of the home). Within endemic settings,
typhoid fever is more frequently observed in infants and pre-school children than in the older population.
Infection is historically associated with households with poor hygiene or poor sanitation and water
infrastructures. In areas without wide-spread endemic transmission, including parts of South Africa, typhoid
fever frequently affects travellers to highly-endemic settings (e.g. Asia). Food-handlers also play an
important role in transmission, and eating outside of the home (e.g. from street vendors) can be important
predictors of infection.
Other causes of febrile illness, and possibly concurrent infections, in returning travellers should also be
considered. These alternative diagnoses could include malaria, dengue, hepatitis, etc.
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3.2.1 Blood culture – *Diagnostic test of choice*
Blood culture is the diagnostic test of choice given the limitations of testing other specimen types.
Furthermore, blood culture provides the means for conducting antimicrobial resistance testing, which is
important in treatment choice (see Section 3.1). The sensitivity of blood culture is 50-80%. It is limited by
the small numbers of Salmonella Typhi bacilli present in blood and the use of antibiotics before specimen
collection, and varies by volume of blood collected and the system used for culturing.
Procedures for blood culture with vary depending on the testing system used by the laboratory. Prior to
specimen collection, contact your local laboratory (or referral laboratory if blood cultures not performed at
local level) and identify the system they use. The majority of NHLS laboratories utilise a BacT/ALERT® system
for blood cultures. The following steps apply to this system. If an alternative system is used by your local
laboratory, follow the manufacturer’s guidelines.
1. Skin preparation: Clean the venepuncture site thoroughly with an alcohol prep pad. Allow to air
dry. Do not re-palpate the vein after cleaning.
2. Bottle preparation: Inspect blood culture bottles prior to use. Ensure the bottle and sensor on the
bottom of the bottle is intact. The sensor is normally a uniform greyish-green colour. Discard any
bottle found to be damaged or with a yellow sensor (i.e. indicating contamination of the broth).
3. Venepuncture and bottle inoculation: Within the BacT/ALERT® system, the choice of blood culture
bottle is dependent on the age of the patient and if antibiotics were taken prior to specimen
collection. Perform the venepuncture and inoculate the appropriate bottles for your patient as
a. Adult and school-aged children without prior antibiotic treatment – inoculate 2 x standard
AEROBIC blood culture bottles (blue top) with 10ml of blood in each bottle (i.e. 20ml blood
b. Adult and school-aged children with prior antibiotics – inoculate 2 x FAN® AEROBIC blood
culture bottles (green top) with 10ml of blood in each bottle (i.e. 20ml blood total).
c. Infants and pre-school children – inoculate 2 x Paediatric FAN® blood culture bottles
(yellow top) with up to 4ml of blood in each bottle.
4. Labelling and forms: All specimens should be labelled and accompanied by standard NHLS clinical
specimen submission forms, including: patient details, clinical presentation, relevant history and
healthcare practitioner’s details. Indicate “culture for typhoid” on the form.
5. Transport: Once blood culture bottles have been inoculated, they should be incubated
immediately at 37°C until transport arrives. Do not refrigerate inoculated bottles. Send specimens
to your local NHLS laboratory as per standard procedures. Specimens may be referred to a regional
NHLS laboratory depending on capacity at local laboratory.
2. Inoculation of transport medium (where applicable): If stool cannot be processed within 2 hours,
place the stool specimen in Cary-Blair transport medium. Collect a small amount of stool by
inserting a sterile, cotton-tipped, swab into the stool and rotating it. If mucous and shreds of
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intestinal epithelium are present, these should be sampled with the swab. Immediately insert the
swab into the transport medium. The swab should be pushed completely to the bottom of the
medium. Cut off and discard the top portion of the swab-stick that is protruding above the edge of
the container, leaving the cotton tip in the transport medium. Replace the screw cap on both
containers and tighten firmly. Submit both the stool and the inoculated transport medium
containers for laboratory testing.
3. Labelling and forms: All specimens should be labelled and accompanied by standard NHLS clinical
specimen submission forms, including: patient details, clinical presentation, relevant history and
healthcare practitioner’s details. Indicate “culture for typhoid” and the nature of the specimen (i.e.
stool or rectal swab) on the form.
4. Transport: Send specimens to your local NHLS laboratory as per standard procedures. Specimens
may be referred to a regional NHLS laboratory depending on capacity at local laboratory. If there is
a delay in transport (or processing in the laboratory) immediately place both containers in a
refrigerator (at 4°C), or a cold-box, until collected by the courier. Do not freeze.
Rectal swabs may be collected where a stool specimen cannot be obtained, but these are inferior
specimens with reduced sensitivity. Rectal swabs should be collected by moistening a sterile swab in
transport medium (Cary-Blair). Insert swab gently into the rectal sphincter (2 to 3 cm) and rotate to sample
anal crypts. Remove swab and check for visible faeces. Immediately insert the swab into the transport
medium, label the specimen, and transport to laboratory as per steps 2-4 above.
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Results are difficult to interpret. Quantitative measures of antibody titres, knowledge about the
baseline titres present in the local population, and paired sera samples are required to correctly
interpret serology test results. Laboratories often do not give quantitative measures of the
antibody titre. Background agglutinins and antibodies vary significantly between population groups
and are dependent on endemicity and typhoid vaccine use in that population. Paired sera,
collected 7-14 days apart, are required to identify a rise in antibody titre.
Multidrug resistant (MDR) S. Typhi first emerged in the 1980s, and is defined as S. Typhi strains resistant to
the three antibiotics that were commonly used to treat typhoid fever, namely: ampicillin, chloramphenicol
and cotrimoxazole. MDR-typhoid fever is now widespread globally, including South Africa (where it was first
described in 1987).
Strains of S. Typhi that are MDR remain susceptible to ciprofloxacin. Therefore, ciprofloxacin is currently the
treatment of choice for typhoid fever in South Africa. Ciprofloxacin offers several advantages over other
drugs, including: rapid clearance of fever and symptoms, low rates of post treatment carriage (<2%), oral
administration, and availability at most healthcare facilities. Treatment should be commenced immediately
following a clinical diagnosis of suspected typhoid fever. Do not wait for laboratory results; however,
specimens should ideally be collected prior to commencement of antimicrobial therapy.
Of great concern is the widespread emergence of S. Typhi strains with decreased susceptibility to
ciprofloxacin. Presently, approximately 15% of S. Typhi in South Africa have decreased susceptibility to
ciprofloxacin (reported as either intermediately resistant or resistant to ciprofloxacin). Studies have shown
that patients with S. Typhi with decreased susceptibility to ciprofloxacin have delayed response, clinical
treatment failure and increased mortality if treated with ciprofloxacin (even if treated with maximal doses
for prolonged duration). Recommended treatment for typhoid fever with decreased susceptibility to
ciprofloxacin is azithromycin or ceftriaxone/cefotaxime.
Table 1: Recommended antimicrobial treatment for acute uncomplicated typhoid fever according to
ciprofloxacin susceptibility*
Paediatrics Adults**
Susceptibility Antibiotic Dose Days Dose Days
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ciprofloxacin divided doses (i.e. 12 hourly
resistant OR Ceftriaxone 50-75 mg/kg/day IV in
resistant to two divided doses (i.e. 12
ciprofloxacin OR hourly) 10-14 1-2 g IV 12 hourly 10-14
40-80 mg/kg/day IV in 2
divided doses (i.e. 12 10-14
*Ciprofloxacin susceptibility as determined using 2012 CLSI breakpoints for Salmonella spp
**Pregnant women should preferably be treated with azithromycin, ceftriaxone or cefotaxime since ciprofloxacin is an
FDA-category C agent and not advised for use during pregnancy.
Table 2: Recommended antimicrobial treatment for severe or complicated typhoid fever according to
ciprofloxacin susceptibility*
Paediatrics Adults**
Susceptibility Antibiotic Dose Days Dose Days
10 mg/kg/dose (max 400 10-14
mg) IV 8 hourly 400 mg IV 8 hourly 10-14
* Ciprofloxacin susceptibility as determined using 2012 CLSI breakpoints for Salmonella spp
** Pregnant women should preferably be treated with ceftriaxone or cefotaxime since ciprofloxacin is an FDA -
category C agent and
not advised for use during pregnancy
***Oral or intravenous ciprofloxacin may be used for severe disease
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Intestinal bleeding, perforations or ulcerations are life-threatening and may require immediate fluid
resuscitation, surgical interventions (e.g. closure, drainage of peritoneum, and/or small-bowel restriction
for multiple-perforations) and broad-spectrum antimicrobial coverage for polymicrobial peritonitis.
Concurrent treatment with high-dose dexamethasone (initial dose 3mg/kg followed by eight doses of
1mg/kg every 6 hours for 48 hours) should be considered for patients with severe typhoid fever with sign of
typhoid-meningitis (e.g. shock, obtundation, stupor or coma). Administering dexamethasone has been
shown to reduce fatalities among such patients; however if used, patients must be monitored closely
because dexamethasone may mask abdominal complications. Furthermore, steroid treatment beyond 48
hours may increase the relapse rate.
Investigation and management of anatomic abnormalities and concurrent infections also plays and
important role in treatment of chronic carriers. Antimicrobial agents will likely be ineffective in patients
with gallbladder, biliary or kidney stones. In these patients, surgery (e.g. cholecystectomy) combined with
antimicrobial treatment may be indicated. Concurrent schistosomal infections (a.k.a. bilharzia) also play an
important role in development of urinary carriage of Salmonella Typhi in South Africa. Such cases should be
treated first with an appropriate dose of praziquantel to eradicate Schistosoma spp prior to initiating
antimicrobial treatment. Chronic suppressive antimicrobial therapy may be considered in patients with
persistent carriage, or relapse, after appropriate investigations and treatment to eradicate Salmonella Typhi
infection has been attempted.
It is important to educate the case and care givers with regards to the preventative steps to reduce the risk
of transmission (see Section 6), including good hiegne practices (e.g. handwashing).
1. Notify the Department of Health: Typhoid fever is a category B notifiable medical condition; therefore
all healthcare professionals are required by law to notify any suspected or confirmed case of typhoid
fever to their local Department of Health. Complete a GW17/5 form and fax/mail this to the local health
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authority within 7 days of identifying the case. If a laboratory diagnosis is available, attached the
laboratory report to the notification; however, notifications should not be withheld pending laboratory
results. Should a laboratory diagnosis be obtained after the initial notification is sent, complete a
second GW17/5 form and resend this, and the laboratory report, to the local authority.
2. Confirmed the diagnosis: Review laboratory results with reference to Section 2. Request a blood
culture if a laboratory diagnosis has not yet been obtained or if a non-confirmatory test has been done
(e.g. serology).
3. Review case management and treatment: Ensure the case is receiving appropriate treatment for
typhoid fever and any concomitant infections (see Section 3).
4. Interview the case: Interviews may be conducted utilising the case investigations form provided
(Appendix 1). It is especially important to obtain the following information:
a. Occupation. If the case is a food handler, or if the case provides care for patients, children or
the elderly, they should be excluded from those activities until at least 3 consecutive negative
cultures, meeting the criteria outlined in Step 6 below, are obtained.
b. Source of infection. Investigate the source of infection, perform additional environmental
investigations where indicated and intervene where a source can be identified.
5. Educate the case and care-givers: Conduct health promotion to educate the case/care-givers about
typhoid fever infection and transmission. Emphasise the importance of good hygiene practices, in
particular hand washing before eating and preparing food, and after going to the toilet to prevent
further infections.
6. Case follow-up: All confirmed typhoid fever cases should be followed-up as outlined below:
a. Collect three clearance stool samples for Salmonella Typhi culture (as per Section 2.2.2). Rectal
swabs may be collected if stool cannot be obtained. The first sample should be obtained one
week after completion of antibiotics. Subsequent samples should be collected 48 hours apart. If
case originally had a positive urine culture, a history of urinary tract infection and/or a history
of schistosomiasis (bilharzia), collect urine samples for culture in addition to stool samples.
All three cultures negative: If three Any of the three samples culture-positive::
consecutive cultures are all negative as per 1. Consider retreatment (second course of
above criteria release the case from antibiotics – as per section 3.2, Table 1).
surveillance 2. Collect another three clearance stool samples
(first sample one week after completing
antibiotics; subsequent samples collected 48
hours apart).
All three cultures negative: If three consecutive cultures are all Any of the three samples
negative release the case from surveillance culture-positive
Convalescent carrier:
1. Consider 4-6 weeks of treatment
with appropriate antimicrobial (see
section 3.4).
2. Repeat stool samples monthly.
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A negative monthly sample Positive monthly samples
Collect two further samples 48 hours apart 1. Continue monthly stool sample
2. Consider investigation for possible
causes of prolonged carriage (see
section 3.4)
7. Contact management: Identify contacts at risk of infection, which may include: household members,
care givers of the case, and people who may have eaten the implicated food/water/beverages. The
following response should be completed for all contacts at risk of infection:
a. Collect 2 stool/rectal swab samples, ≥48 hours apart, for Salmonella Typhi culture (as per
Section 2.2.2).
b. Interview all contacts by completing the line-list at the end of the case questionnaire (Appendix
c. Educate all contacts on typhoid fever infection, transmission, prevention, and recognising
symptoms and seeking medical care if these occur.
d. If any cultures are found to be positive, refer that contact for treatment and complete the
response steps 1-7 for that person. If any laboratory-confirmed contacts are employed as food
handlers, or caring for patients/children/elderly, they should be excluded from these activities
and redeployed as far as possible. Identification of Salmonella Typhi from stool is suggestive of
typhoid fever when associated with a clinically compatible illness. Salmonella Typhi in the
absence of clinical illness may be suggestive of Salmonella Typhi carriage.
Investigation and response efforts will differ depending on the situation; however, the following elements
should always be included:
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o Conduct preliminary interviews to establish if any epidemiological links between cases
exists. Links between cases may include: common place of residents, gatherings, foods
consumed, travel, etc.
Review case management and treatment: Ensure all cases are receiving appropriate treatment for
typhoid fever and any concomitant infections (see Section 3) to reduce morbidity and mortality.
Conduct environmental investigations: Where indicated food, water and/or other environmental
samples may be collected for the Salmonella Typhi culture. Such samples should be collected by
qualified Environmental Health practitioners as per standard protocols.
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o Monitoring of drinking water sources, and treating of these if practical (e.g. in the case of
JoJo tanks, wells).
o Provision of alternative water sources (e.g. supply safe/treated water using water-tankers,
JoJo tanks)
o Distribute resources and conduct health promotion activates for point-of-use disinfection
water within households. Disinfection methods may include boiling and/or chemical
disinfectants (chlorine bleach, tablets, etc.). Safe storage and use of water also plays an
important role in preventing secondary spread in households (for example: use plastic
narrow-mouthed containers with covers to avoid recontamination after treatment).
Acute cases and proven carriers who handle, process and/or serve food (especially in commercial settings)
should be excluded from these activities pending treatment and follow-up testing (as per Section 4).
In outbreak situations, food safety behaviours should be reinforced at a community level. Food safety
inspections at restaurants and street vendors, and ensuring compliance with regulations, will also play an
important role in preventing infections.
7.3 Sanitation
Provision of proper sanitation infrastructures will also reduce the burden of typhoid fever, as well as other
enteric diseases, within a community. Ensure appropriate systems for human-waste disposal and sewage
treatment for all community members, monitor these systems continually, and maintain proper functioning
at all times. In areas without municipal sewage systems, toilets (e.g. pit-latrines) should be built, regularly
serviced and maintained to ensure safe functioning. Restrict access of the general public to sanitation
infrastructure to prevent human-excreta from being used as fertilisers. Rapid provision of safe sanitation
infrastructures (e.g. building pit-latrines) or investigating, and fixing faults in existing sanitation systems,
may also play a role in controlling outbreaks.
7.4 Vaccination
Vaccination is indicated for laboratory staff that work regularly with Salmonella Typhi. It may also be
considered for travellers to highly endemic countries (see Section 6.5).
The Vi purified polysaccharide antigen vaccine (available as Typhim Vi® (Sanofi Pasteur) and Typhix®
(GlaxoSmithKline)) is currently the only typhoid vaccine registered for use in South Africa. This vaccine is
administered as single dose (deep subcutaneous or intramuscular) and becomes effective 2-3 weeks after
injection. It offers protection against Salmonella Typhi for 60-75% of recipients, and remains effective for a
minimum duration of 3 years, but may be as long as 10 years. Children < 18 months old may show a
suboptimal response to polysaccharide antigen vaccines. Furthermore, typhoid is rare in children < 2 years
old; therefore, the decision to immunise should be based on risk of exposure. Limited data are available on
use during pregnancy; therefore, should only be considered when benefits outweigh risks. This vaccine does
not protect against Salmonella Paratyphi infection.
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Typhoid vaccination is not recommended for contacts of identified cases due to the extended duration
required to infer protection. However, vaccinations may be considered in the control of outbreaks in certain
situations, but the limited effectiveness of this strategy must be acknowledged and such campaigns should
not detract from the primary control interventions (i.e. safe water, food safety and proper sanitation).
Routine typhoid vaccinations have shown to be effective in controlling disease in endemic settings;
however, this is currently not recommended in South Africa.
7.5 Travellers
Returning travellers make up a large proportion of typhoid fever cases detected in South Africa. Travellers
should be advised to:
Drink only water that is bottled or bring it to a rolling boil for at least 1 minute. Bottled carbonated
water is generally safer than uncarbonated water.
Avoid ice and food products (e.g. ice cream) that are potentially made with contaminated water.
Eat foods that have been thoroughly cooked and that are hot and steaming. Avoid raw vegetables
and fruits that cannot be peeled.
Peel the fruit and vegetables yourself after washing your hands with soap. Do not eat the peelings.
Avoid foods and beverages from street vendors and informal sellers.
Travellers to highly endemic areas (including south-central Asia, south-east Asia and parts of Africa), or
areas with ongoing typhoid fever outbreaks, may consider vaccination. These may be obtained from most
travel clinics and should be given at least 2 weeks before departure. Given the limitations of vaccination, it
is important to emphasise scrupulous personal, food and water hygiene at all times during travel.
Further questions from the general public and all other queries can be directed to:
The Department of Health Communicable Disease Control hotline: 0861-DOH-CDC (0861-364-232)
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9 Appendix 1: Suspected/confirmed typhoid fever case investigation
1. Interviewer name: 2. Date of interview: DD / MM / YYYY
3. Interviewer phone no.: 4. Department:
5. First name & Surname:
18. Name of the clinician: 15. Phone no.:
19. Facility name: 17. Date of 1 consultation: DD / MM / YYYY
20. Name of referring facility (if applicable):
27. Test performed for typhoid diagnosis: □ Blood Culture □ Stool Culture
□ Other, specify:
29. Result of above test: □ Pos □ Neg □ Unknown □ Other, Specify:
30. Follow-up testing: (tick all tests performed)
□ Stool culture 1 Date collected: DD / MM / YYYY Result: □ Pos □ Neg
□ Stool culture 2 Date collected: DD / MM / YYYY Result: □ Pos □ Neg
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31. Have you travelled outside of your home town/city within 1 month before your illness started? (include local and international travel)
□Y □N
If yes, list all places/countries visited:
date departed: DD / MM / YYYY date returned: DD / MM / YYYY
32. Have you had any visitors from outside your home town/city within 1 month before illness onset? (include local and international travel)
□Y □N
If yes, where did they come from:
33. Have you been in contact with anyone with similar illness to yours in the 1 month before your illness started? □Y □N
If yes, list names and contact details:
Name Phone no. Address
34. Have you eaten at any of the following places within 1 month before your illness started?
Type Name/Address/Phone no.
Café / Restaurant □Y □N
Street vendor / Market place □Y □N
Fast food □Y □N
Other, specify: □
35. Housing type: □Formal housing □Dwelling outside house □Informal settlement □Traditional house □Hostel/Institution
36. Number of people living in the house:
37. Source of drinking water: □ Municipal tap in house or on property □ Municipal tap off the property (communal tap)
□ Jo-Jo tank □ Borehole water □ Open source water (e.g. from a river, stream, dam, etc.)
□ Other, specify?
38. Do you store water in your home? □Y □N
If yes, in what type of container is water stored? (tick all that apply)
Plastic container □
Metal container □
Open container □ Closed container with lid
How is water removed from the container? (tick all that apply)
□ With hands □ With a spoon/cup/jug □ With a tap □ Other, specify:
39. What type of toilet do you have in your home?
□ Flush toilet □ Chemical toilet □ Pit latrine □ No toilet □ Other, specify:
40. Do you have a kitchen/special area for preparing food only in your home? □Y □N
41. Who prepares most of the meals in your home? (name and relationship to case):
Does he/she wash hands before preparing food? □Y □N
Has he/she ever had a similar illness to yours? □Y □N
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45. List all environmental samples collected: (if applicable)
1. Identify contacts at risk of infection, including: household members, care-givers of the case, and people who may have eaten the implicated food or water/beverages.
2. Investigate all contacts as per guidelines. List all below:
Name Age Sex History of typhoid Occupation Address Stool sample Lab result Referred for
(years) (M/F) fever (Y/N) collected (Y/N) treatment (Y/N)