Model CB 15-100 HP Boilers: Sound Level

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Model CB 15-100 HP Boilers

Sound Level
Table A6-17 summarizes predicted sound pressure levels for Model CB Boilers.
Table A6-18 and A6-19 give detailed octave band sound pressure levels for each boiler.
These values are based on standard motors. Optional motor types and altitude conditions
can increase sound levels.
The units for the sound level tables are dBA (decibels, measured on the A-weighted
scale) in reference to 0.0002 microbars (20 micro-Newtons per square meter). They are
standardly referenced in specifying and reporting sound pressure levels on industrial

Table A6-13. Steam Volume and Disengaging Area

15 2.9 5.9 1356 1637
20 2.9 5.9 1356 1637
25 & 30 3.9 7.9 1817 2195
40 5.3 10.8 2485 2999
50 9.7 16.0 2959 3372
60 9.7 16.0 2959 3372
70 14.3 23.7 4367 4975
80 14.3 23.7 4367 4975
100 16.6 27.4 5053 5757
NOTE: Based on normal water level.
A. Based on 150 psig design pressure.
B. Based on 15 psig design pressure.

Table A6-14. Water Circulation Rate and Temperature Drop for Hot Water Boiler
BOILER OUTPUT 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
HP (1000)
15 500 100 50 33 25 20 17 14 12 11 10
20 670 134 67 45 33 27 22 19 17 15 13
30 1005 200 100 67 50 40 33 29 25 22 20
40 1340 268 134 89 67 54 45 38 33 30 27
50 1675 335 168 112 84 67 56 48 42 37 33
60 2010 402 201 134 101 80 67 58 50 45 40
70 2345 470 235 157 118 94 78 67 59 52 47
80 2680 536 268 179 134 107 90 77 67 60 54
100 3350 670 335 223 168 134 112 96 84 75 67
1. Minimum recommended return water temperature is 150 °F. Minimum recommended outlet temperature for Model CB Hot
Water Boilers is 170 °F. Contact your local Cleaver-Brooks authorized representative for special hot water application
2. See Section H2 for over-pressure requirements.

Section A6-18 Rev. 07-10

Model CB 15-100 HP Boilers

Table A6-15. Recommended Steam Nozzle Size (To Maintain 4000 to 5000 fpm Nozzle Velocity)
15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 100
15 4 4 4 46 6 6 6 6 8
30 2 2 2.5 2.5 3 4 4 4 4 6
40 2 2 2.5 2.5 3 3 4 4 4 6
50 1.5 2 2 2.5 2.5 3 3 4 4 4
75 1.5 2 2 2 2.5 3 3 3 4 4
100 1.5 1.5 2 22 3 3 3 3 4
125 1.5 1.5 2 22 3 3 3 3 4
150 1.5 1.5 2 22 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
200 1.5 1.5 2 22 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
250 1.5 1.5 2 22 2 2 2 2 2
1. Steam nozzle sizes given in inches.
2. Recommended steam nozzle sizes based on 4000 to 5000 fpm steam velocity. Spool
pieces (300 lb flanges) are available in the following sizes (in inches): 3x2-1/2x30,
4x3x30, 6x4x36, 8x6x48, 10x8x48, and 12x8x48.
3. All standard steam nozzle sizes for 150 psig design pressure or greater are the same
as 125 psig operating pressure on the above table. To increase or decrease the
standard size, request the change with your local Cleaver-Brooks authorized

Table A6-16. Model CB Blowdown Tank Sizing Information

15-20 26
25-30 34
40 47
50-60 55
70-80 80
100 93
NOTE: Quantity of water removed from boiler by lowering
normal water line 4".

Table A6-17. Sound Pressure Level Summary (50-100 hp)

BOILER HP 50 60 70 80 100
HFO, dBA 79 79 79 79 81
LFO, dBA 78 78 78 78 79
HFG, dBA 77 77 78 78 78
LFG, dBA 72 73 74 75 75
1. Boiler No. followed by an “a” designates hot water boilers furnished in a
smaller vessel size with additional tubes in the upper portion of the vessel.
2. Sound Pressure levels measured on boilers operating in various locations
and expressed in dBA are as follows:

NOTE: ABBREVIATIONS: HF = High Fire LF = Low Fire O = Oil G = Gas

Section A6-19 Rev. 07-10

Model CB 15-100 HP Boilers

Table A6-18. Model CB Boiler Sound Pressure Level Details (40 hp)
FUEL dBA 31Hz 63Hz 125Hz 250Hz 500Hz 1kHz 2kHz 4kHz 8kHz 16kHz
LFG 76 73 75 72 74 76 70 67 68 64 57
LFO 77 73 75 75 76 75 72 67 66 66 58
HFG 79 81 78 74 80 78 71 69 68 64 58
HFO 79 72 77 77 81 78 73 69 66 66 58
A. The data shown above was taken on the 40 hp. Since the highest Sound Level is below 80 dBA, no additional 36"
diameter Firetubes were tested. If Sound Level predictions are required for the 15 thru 30 hp, use the values shown for the
40 hp.
NOTE: ABBREVIATIONS: HF = High Fire LF = Low Fire O = Oil G = Gas

Table A6-19. Model CB Boiler Sound Pressure Level Details (50 - 100 hp)
RATE FUEL 31Hz 63Hz 125Hz 250Hz 500Hz 1kHz 2kHz 4kHz 8kHz 16kHz
50 HP
LFG 72 71 65 71 71 70 68 63 60 53 46
LFO 78 71 76 78 73 72 72 76 61 56 54
HFG 77 72 68 75 76 74 74 66 61 54 47
HFO 79 72 70 75 75 77 77 70 63 56 54
60 HP
LFG 73 70 75 72 72 73 68 61 56 50 45
LFO 78 68 77 74 74 75 74 71 58 53 48
HFG 77 73 75 72 72 75 76 63 55 50 44
HFO 79 75 75 75 75 77 77 72 59 52 45
70 HP
LFG 74 70 70 75 74 73 71 62 56 51 46
LFO 78 70 73 77 74 75 74 70 59 53 57
HFG 78 72 72 77 78 75 76 68 58 52 57
HFO 79 73 73 80 77 77 76 70 60 54 48
80 HP
LFG 75 70 75 75 73 75 76 66 62 62 53
LFO 78 69 77 76 74 76 74 73 63 62 57
HFG 78 72 74 78 75 75 76 57 61 59 52
HFO 79 75 75 75 74 76 75 69 62 59 54
100 HP
LFG 75 69 69 75 76 73 71 65 63 59 50
LFO 79 68 73 78 78 75 79 76 63 59 54
HFG 78 69 70 77 77 74 74 69 63 59 50
HFO 81 68 70 77 78 78 77 71 64 59 57
NOTES: ABBREVIATIONS: HF = High Fire LF = Low Fire O = Oil G = Gas
Boiler HP followed by an “A” designates hot water boilers furnished in a smaller vessel size with additional tubes in the
upper portion of the vessel.

Section A6-20 Rev. 07-10

Model CB 15-100 HP Boilers

Test Method
The sound pressure levels in the above tables were obtained from tests in accordance
with the "ABMA Test Code for the Measurement of Sound from Packages Boilers." In
accordance with this code, the sound pressure levels reported were measured on the
boiler centerline 4-1/2 feet vertically above the bottom of the base rails and 3 feet
horizontally in front of the end of the blower motor or front surface of the electrical
Sound Level Meter
The sound level meter used complies with ANSI S1.4, Type 1 (Precision). The readings
are taken with the meter set for slow response.
Sound Pressure
On large size boilers, the need for auxiliary equipment, and the necessary
interconnecting piping, make it impractical (and sometimes impossible) to provide a boiler
testing environment that is suitable for obtaining the data needed to develop Sound
Pressure Power levels.
Typical Values
Sound pressure levels (dBA) for identical boilers will vary between boiler rooms. In
addition, variations will occur between different people using different sound meters on
the same boiler. And finally, no two boilers can be expected to give precisely the same
sound levels. For these reasons, we can only predict, but not guarantee, sound levels
Octave Band
When predicting sound pressures in octave bands (e.g., dB at 125 Hz), even greater
variations between boilers, between sound meters, and between operators can be
expected. These larger variations in the low and high frequencies make octave band
levels a less reliable method of reporting than A-scale sound levels. (Since A-scale sound
levels are dominated by mid-frequency sounds, the A-scale sound levels between two
boilers can be in reasonable agreement even though the low and high frequencies of
octave band measurement do not closely correspond).
Gas-Fired Burners
Table A6-20 shows minimum gas pressure requirements for Model CB Boilers.
Table A6-21 shows minimum required gas pressure altitude conversion.
Table A6-22 shows maximum gas consumption for natural gas and propane vapor.
Figure A6-7 shows standard gas train sizes and locations for Model CB Firetube Boilers.
Figure A6-8 shows typical gas train piping layouts for multiple boiler applications.
Figure A6-9 shows gas train components.
Oil-Fired Burners
Fuel oil consumption information is shown on the boiler rating sheets in the Dimensions
and Rating Section.
Figure A6-10 shows the oil connection sizes and locations for Model CB Boilers firing No.
2 oil.
Figure A6-11 shows the oil connection sizes and locations for Model CB Boilers firing No.
5 and No. 6 oil.
Figure A6-12 through Figure A6-14 show typical oil systems and layouts.
Figure A6-15 shows the detail of an oil transfer tank (day tank) typically utilized to provide
a storage reservoir between the oil system supply pump and the boiler oil pump.

Section A6-21 Rev. 07-10

Model CB 15-100 HP Boilers

No. 6 Oil Piping, Storage Tank Heating

If the oil viscosity exceeds 4,000 SSU at the pumping temperature, tank preheating is
Based on the climate conditions for the job location, the minimum pumping temperature
can be predicted, and the viscosity for the particular oil at this pumping temperature can
be determined.
It is recommended to provide for tank and/or line heating on all No. 6 oil installations to
ensure against high viscosities at decreased pumping temperatures. The following are
two common methods:
1. Provide a tank suction heater and bundling the steam or water lines to the heater
with the oil lines.
2. Provide electric heating equipment on the oil lines and/or in the storage tank.

The temperature in the oil suction line should not exceed 130 °F as higher
temperatures could cause vapor binding of the oil pump and decreased oil flow.
See Figure A6-16 for an example of tank heating method.

Table A6-20. Minimum Required Gas Pressure at Entrance to Gas Train

Gas Supply Pressure Less Than 27" W .C. Gas Supply Pressure Up To 10 Psi
Boiler Train
Hp Size Min. Supply Press Min. Supply Press
Regulator Model* Regulator Model*
"W .C. "W.C.
15 1-1/4 Maxitrol 1-1/4", RV-61 4 Maxitrol 1", 210-D 4
20 1-1/4 Maxitrol 1-1/4", RV-61 7 Maxitrol 1", 210-D 7
30 1-1/2 Maxitrol 1-1/2", RV-81 6 Maxitrol 1-1/4", 210-D 7
40 1-1/2 Maxitrol 1-1/2", RV-81 9 Maxitrol 1-1/4", 210-D 10
50 2 Maxitrol 2", RV-91 6 Maxitrol 1-1/4", 210-D 6
60 2 Maxitrol 2", RV-91 7 Maxitrol 1-1/4", 210-D 8
70 2 Maxitrol 2", RV-91 10 Maxitrol 1-1/4", 210-D 11
80 2 Maxitrol 2", RV-91 12 Maxitrol 1-1/2", 210-D 13
100 2 Maxitrol 2", RV-91 12 Maxitrol 1-1/2", 210-D 14
*Maxitrol RV series is standard; 210 series is optional

Table A6-21. Minimum Required Gas Pressure Altitude Conversion

1000 1.04 6000 1.25
2000 1.07 7000 1.30
3000 1.11 8000 1.35
4000 1.16 9000 1.40
5000 1.21 - -
To obtain minimum required gas pressure at altitudes
above 700 feet, multiply the pressure by the listed factors:
Inches WC x 0.577 = oz/sq-in.
Oz/sq-in x 1.732 = Inches WC.
Inches WC x 0.0361= psig.
Oz/sq-in x 0.0625 = psig.
Psig x 27.71 = Inches WC.
Psig x 16.0 = Oz/sq-in.

Section A6-22 Rev. 07-10

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