Ces 2
Ces 2
Ces 2
Learning outcomes
1) Understand the effect of carbon content on strength and Young’s modulus of steels
2) Understand the effect of quench hardening on strength and Young’s modulus of steels
Using CES …
(1) login the computer in the Lab using your username and password
(2) Find the CES EduPack package in the All Programs folder
(3) Click CES EduPack to open CES Selector. Then select
Level 3
Table: MaterialUniverse
Subject: All materials
Click Metals and Alloys
Click Ferrous
Click Low carbon steel, or Medium carbon steel, or High carbon steel
Click Wrought
Click the steel name and then
select heat treatment condition to open the information file.
(4) To find material’s information
Each material’s information file contains a brief description, some technical notes, and a list of material’s
Composition: the compositions of a material are given in weight percent over a range, for example
C: 0.7 – 1.7 %: means that the carbon (C) content ranges from 0.7% to 1.7%. The average carbon content
is found by (0.7 + 1.7) / 2 = 1.2%
Property of the material is also given over a range with a unit. For example,
Compressive strength: 335 – 1.16e3 MPa: means the compressive strength of this material ranges from
335 MPa to 1160 MPa. The average value is found by (335 + 1160) / 2 = 747.5 MPa
e3 = 103
Find carbon content, tensile strength and Young’s modulus of the following carbon steels, calculate
the averages, and complete the following table.
Now, plot Tensile Strength against Carbon Content for both annealed and quenched + tempered steels in
the same graph below. Do the same for Young’s modulus in the second graph
Tensile Strength (MPA)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Carbon Content (%C)
Tensile Strength (MPa)- Annealed Tensile Strength (MPa)- Quenched + 205°C Tempered
Young'sModulus (GPa)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Carbon Content (%C)
Young's Modulus (GPa)- Annealed Young's Modulus (GPa)- Quenched + 205°C Tempered
Carefully examine the above completed table and graphs, and attempt the following questions:
Some of the carbon atoms dissolve in the steel lattice and therefore causing solid solution
hardening. Some carbon combines with the steel to form hard Fe3C cementite phased,
causing dispersion hardening.
As can be seen in Fig 1, as the carbon content of steel increases, the tensile strength of those
steel also increases
5. How does hardening by quenching affect the strength and Young’s modulus of steels?
Hardening by quenching prevents low temperature processes from occurring. It does this by
reducing the time during which these undesired reactions are both thermodynamically
favourable and kinetically accessible. For instance, quenching can reduce the crystal grain size
of both metallic and plastic materials, increasing their hardness
6. The Young’s modulus of steels can be increased by adding more carbon, or by a hardening
heat treatment.
(a) True, or
(b) False
7. The two techniques used to increase the strength of steel are
(a) making it bigger
(b) increasing the carbon content
(c) by quenching from high temperature
(d) by casting it
8. What is the average carbon content of AISI 1070 steel? (show your working)
The Table above shows carbon composition is between 0.65 and 0.75
(0.65 + 0.75)
= 0.7
9. What is the average carbon content of AISI 4245 steel? (show your working)
Calculations (Using the Appendix): the last 2 digits in the AISI number represent the average
carbon content percentage (x10-2)
From the table we can see that Young’s Modulus of steel averages around 210 GPa. The
Young’s modulus does not change after quenching. When carbon content is adjusted (from
0.15-0.95) of the steel the Young’s Modulus at its peak is 212 GPa, the lowest being 205 GPa.
The difference in Young’s Modulus is 7 GPa, which is relatively small and negligible.
However, it may be possible to increase Young’s Modulus using different methods, that have
not been tested in this report.
Although it may be possible to increase Young’s Modulus of steel; from my readings I conclude
that Young’s Modulus cannot increase significantly to have an impact.
Four digits: X X X X
divided by 100 = carbon
content (in wt%)
Alloying condition:
10: no other alloy elements (carbon steel)
Others: alloy steels (details cannot be
revealed by the digits)
Annealing steels – heat the steel to a high temperature (800-1000oC), soak for a period of time,
then cool the steel very slowly inside the furnace, producing a structure with low strength.
Hardening of steels: heat the steel to a high temperature (800-1000oC), soak for a period of time,
then cool the steel rapidly by quenching in water or other cooling media, producing a hard structure
(called martensite) with significantly increased strength, but reduced toughness.