Crystal Field Aspects of Vibrational Spectra
Crystal Field Aspects of Vibrational Spectra
Crystal Field Aspects of Vibrational Spectra
Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam. Printed in the Netherlands
O--l -
f, M :
&c_ _>d
[ A’ 1
(II) (1111
&igands used
N-N o-o
pQ l.lO-phenanthmlinc lphcnl
G 0-
trifl~crtylacctcmtc 1TFAj
0 0-
0 0-
dibcnzoylmcthanatc UIBMI
over silica gel at 20-25 “C and 0.1 mm Hg pressure. A 4:l bipy : CuSO, - SH,O
molar ratio is necessary to obtain [Cu(bipy),](ClO,),;
The newly reported complexes [M(biquin)(AA),] were-prepared by methods
analogous to those described7 for [M(bipy)(AA),] and [M(phen)(AA),].’ The
complexes K[M(TFA),], K[M(BA),] and K[M(DBM),], also newly described;
were prepared by procedures similar to those reported7 for K[M(AA),]. Composi-
tion and purity of all compounds were determined by microanalysis: Infrared
spectra were determined on Nujol mulls between caesium bromide plates (or,
below 300 cm- ‘, between polyethylene plates) on a Beckman IR-12 spectiophoto-
meter calibrated against carbon dioxide and water vapour. For maximum preci-
sion, frequencies were read from the wavenumber drum, not from the chart paper.
Reproducibility is within 1 cm-’ for niost bands.
.d” < d’ < dZ < d3 > d4 > d= < d6 < d7 < dg > dg > d”.
do < d1 < d2 < d3 < d4 < d= < d6 < d7 < da > dg > dl’.
Only two series (with only four or five members in each) have been cited’ where
the v(M-L) values follow this order. These are the first transition series metal(III)
cyanide complexes, K, [M(CN),], and the- second transition series metal(II1)
acetylacetonates, [M(AA)3]. In the former, the strongly n-bonding cyanide lig&d
and in the latter, the increased spread of the 4d orbitals relative to the 3d, increase
1ODq sufficiently to enforce spin-paired configuration.
Because the gain in orbital energy in a strong field is identical for 3d5-and 3d6
ions while the gain in the exchange energy is greater for the 3d6 ion, spin pairing is
readily induced in the 3d’ ions F&(11) and Co(III). Thus, in the series [M(AA),]
pcr~ WM.) -. 6,2’ 5,13m
-CFSE (kK) (/= 1.28)” 0 7,l 13.7 0
239 (0) 265 (31) 265 (34) 225 (0)
v(M-N) and (wo) (cm- *) 407 (2) 411 (6)
405 (0) 405 (0)
415 (0) 422 (7) 424 (9) 415 (0)
v(M-0) and (wo) (cm- I) 553 (11) 567 (24)
538 (0) 541 (0)
F n Kef, 8. b ‘Excludingthe pairing energy. ’ Ref. 4. d Ref. 9, @Ref. 10. f Mean of doublet: 273, 288 cm”“, g Mean of doublet: 348, 361 CM-~,
_’ c Mean of doublet: 425, 442 cm-“. I Ni(II) complex = hemihydrate, J Ref. 11, k Ref. 12. 1 Ref. 7, n Ref. 13. n See text, eqn. (4). OI%(U)
complex. = monohy~rate, P Mean of doublet: 394,413 cm-l, 9 Assurnin~~(biq~i~~~=f(bipy), , r rUvl-0) from reb 14.
so0 LM 300 ZoQLni’ 500 Lrn 300 zmd
1 I , I II I I 1 1 I
500 LOO 300 tcmati ml Loo 300 2ami’
The spectra of [M(phen),](CIO,)z have been reported5 but only above 600 cm-’
where no significant metal ion effects are observed.
Below 600 cm-‘, the perchlorate spectra (Fig. 1) reveal four bands with
significant metal ion sensitivity. Only the bands near 400 cm-’ correspond with
a region of Iigand absorption. Assignment of the two bands below 400 cm-’ to
v(M-N) is therefore indicated while the two metal-sensitive bands above 400 cm-’
undoubtedly have M-N character. Each of these bands exhibits a similar frequency
variation with d-orbital population of the metal ion and the shifts parallel those of
the CFSE'S.Particularly noteworthy are the appreciable shifts of v(M-N) to higher
frequency in the spectra of the Fe@) and Cr(II) complexes which are associated
with their spin-paired configuration and consistent with the discussion given above.
Fig. 2 illustrates the relationship between v(M-N) and d-orbital population
for the band of lowest frequency. The interpolation line joining the points for the
two ions of zero CFSE, Mn(I1) and Zn(II), represents the frequencies (v,) which
would be realized in the absence of CF stabilization. In general v(Zn-N) 3 v(M-N)
so that the effect on the frequencies of the ionic contraction through the series just
‘i 300 l
.______________________~ I\
d-Orbital Population -
Fig. 2. Relationship between v(M-N), -AH, log p3 and d-orbital population forScomplexes
[M(N-N).](ClO&. The dashed line is the interpolation line yielding Y,, values. The vertical
lines in the upper diagrams represent (V--Y,&
compensates or overrides the effect of the slight increase in ionic mass. The differ-
ence (v-vo) between the observed frequencies and vO is considered to represent the
contribution to v(M-N) arising from the CFSE.
Both the stability constants (log p3) and calorimetrically determined forma-
tion enthalpies (AH) are available9 for a comparison with v(M-N). The qualitative
similarity in the trends exhibited by the three parameters (Fig. 2) is very reasonable.
Spectra-structure correlations among the Cu(II) complexes of bipy and phen
have been reported elsewhere l6 _ It suffices to mention here that the spectra yield
evidence in support of a previous suggestion3, that the relative rigidity of phen
(with a fused ring system) prevents tetragonal distortion of the Cu(E) chelate since
there is no observable splitting of the v(Cu-N) bands. Some distortion of the corre-
sponding complex of the less rigid Iigand bipy is evident from the doublet character
of v(Cu-N) but the associated Jahn-Teller stabilization is insufhcient to reverse the
frequency order..Ni > Cu predicted by crystal field theory.
The Compounds. [M(N-N)(AA)2] represent a series intermediate- between
[M(N-N)d2+ and [M(AA),]-. Since neither bipy, phen .nor AA can span tram
positions, the mixed ligand complexes also have cis configuration’_ In %ommon
with the experience of others’, we were unabie to synthesize the Fe@) and Cu(II)
complexes. Furthermore, although biquinolyl (biquin) formed the. species
[M(biquin)(AA),], it failed to yield [M(biquin)3]2f. The spectra of
[M(N-N)(AA),] (Fig. 1) exhibit one or two metal-sensitive bands below 300 cm-‘.
Since there is no absorption in the spectra of K[M(AA),] in this region, these
bands are assigned to v(M-N) although the possibility of coupling between
v(M-N) and v(M-0) cannot be excluded. Bands near 400 cm-’ in the spectra of
MN-N)(fi),l are also present in the spectra of [M(N-N),12+ (v(M-N)) and
IM(AA), I- MM-O)), hence their assignment is uncertain. Bands near 550 cm-’
are more reliably assigned to v(M-0) by analogy with their occurrence14 in
[M(AA),]-. All four bands exhibit metal ion sensitivity which conforms with
expectations based on the CFSE’S. The fact that v(M-N) and v(M-0) follow the
same trends indicates that stabilization of the M-N bond on replacement of one
I , ,
metal ion by another of higher CFSE is not accomplished at the expense of the M-O
bond stability.
For each pair of complexes [M(N-N),]‘+, [M(N-N)(AA),] (M and N-N
constant) v(M-N) is higher in the former and for each pair of complexes [M(N-N)
(AAM, IWW.l- CMconstant) v(M-0) is higher in the latter. This suggests
that the mixed ligand complexes represent an intermediate series in which the M-N
bonds are weaker than in [M(N-N)3]2t and the M-O bonds are weaker than in
Two or three bands are found to be significantly metal-sensitive in the spectra
(Fig. 3) of the four series of complexes K[M(O-O),] where O-O represents the
bidentate oxygen donors: AA, TFA, BA and DBM. The v(M-0) order:
Ca < Mn < Fe < Co c Ni > Zn reflects the CFSE order calculated on the
assumption of spin-free Mn(II), Fe(H) and Co(H). Magnetic moments7 confirm
spin-free configuration for these ions in the series K[M(AA),]. Generally, the band
in the range 500-600 cm-’ displays the largest shifts suggesting its assignment as
the least-coupled v(M-0). This conclusion supports 180-labelling studiesl’ on the
metal(III) acetylacetonates which have shown the band between 500 and 600 cm-’
to be far more sensitive to the heavier isotope than that near 450 cm-‘.
1 R. D. HANCOCK AND D. A. THORNTON, J. Mol. Srractare, 4 (1969) 361, 377; 6 (1970) 441,
2 J. M. HAIGH, R. D. HANCOCK, L. G. HULE-I-I’AND D. A. THORNTON, J. Mol. Stractare, 4 (1969)
3 C. M. HARRIS AND S. E. LIVINGSTONE,in F. P. DWYER AND D. P. MELLOR (Editors), Chehztiag
Agents and Metal Chelates, Academic Press, New York, 1964, p_ 112.
4 F. H. BUR~TALL AND R. S. NYHOLM, J. Chem. Sac_, (1952) 3570.
5 A. A. SCHILT AND R. C. TAYLOR, J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem., 9 (1959) 211.
6 W. W. BRANDT, F. P. DWYER AND E. C. GYARFAS, Cilem. Rea., 54 (1954) 959.
7 F. P. DWYER AND A. M. SARGESON,Proc. Roy. Sot. N. S. Wales, 90 (1956) 29.
8 B. N. FIGGIS, Iatrodaction to Ligand Fields, Interscience, New York, 1966, p. 244.
9 G. ANDEREGG, Helv. Cfiim. Acta, 46 (1963) 2397, 2813.
10 R. L. DAVIES AND K. W. DUNNING, J. Chem. Sac., (1965) 4168.
11 L. CAMBI AND A. CAGNASSO, Atti Reale Accad. Lincei, Rend., 19 (1934) 458.
I2 B. N. FIGGIS AND J. LEWIS, Progr. Inorg. Chem., 6 (1964) 37.
I3 A. SYAMAL, J. Indian Chem. Sot., 45 (1968) 719.
14 R. D. HANC&K AND D. A. THORNTON, J. S. Afr. Chem. Inst., 23 (1970) 71.
15 R. G. INSKEEP, J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem., 24 (1962) 763.
16 G. C. PERCY AND D. A. THORNTON, Spectrasc. Lett., 3 (1970) 323.
17 S. PINCHAS, B. L. SILVER AND I. LAULICHT, J. Chem. Phys., 46 (1967) 1506.