Rheology of Muffin Batters by Line Spread Test and Viscosity Measurements
Rheology of Muffin Batters by Line Spread Test and Viscosity Measurements
Rheology of Muffin Batters by Line Spread Test and Viscosity Measurements
Department of Nutrition, School of Urban Public Health, Hunter College, NY, USA.
Department of Food Technology, Haldia Institute of Technology, Haldia, WB, India.
This work was aimed to quantify the flow properties of muffin batters by Line Spread Test (LST) and to establish a valid
correlation between their line spread distance and viscosity. LST is a quick and inexpensive method for comparing relative
viscosities of food slurries or a solid-liquid suspension type of food materials, like muffin batters. The rheological proper-
ties of muffin batters formulated using gluten free flours were studied. Five different combinations of rice flour and quinoa
flour were studied as gluten free flour combinations. Control muffin batters were formulated using 100% wheat flour,
which is a gluten positive flour. Density, pH, line spread distance and viscosity were measured for all six batter formulations
including control. All tests were performed in triplicate and all data were analyzed statistically. In general, gluten free flour
reduced the density and increased the acidity of muffin batters. Whereas, line spread distance was increased and viscosity
was decreased with replacement of quinoa flour to rice flour in the muffin batters. A valid correlation between line spread
distance and viscosity was observed. The inverse of LST in cm/sec was observed to be close to the viscosity in poise for
muffin batters in this study.
Keywords: Line Spread Test (LST); Viscosity; Flow Properties; Muffin Batters; Solid-Liquid Suspension; Food Slurry.
Introduction specific analytical methods have yet been applied either for stand-
ardizing thickened liquid preparations or for understanding the
Rheology is the study of the flow properties of liquid materials, effect of material property variations on the swallowing system.
which concerns the flow and deformation of matter [1]. Viscosity Different professionals for example speech pathologists, dieti-
is a rheological property of fluids, which quantitates the fluid’s tians, food service managers, and dysphagic food manufacturers
resistance to flow. Fluid has a natural tendency to be deformed determine and standardize their own individual dietary consisten-
by internal friction, known as shear stress of its layers. Viscosity cies, which depend on their own understanding and specific needs
is that force which resists this deformation. A liquid's viscosity and practice [3, 4].
depends on the size and shape of its particles and the attractions
between the particles. A fluid that has no resistance to shear stress It is, however, important to note that, the basic knowledge on
is known as an ideal fluid or inviscid fluid. A liquid whose viscos- mechanics is necessary to interpret data from rheological testing.
ity is less than that of water is known as a mobile liquid, while a Higher equipment costs makes such instrumental techniques im-
substance with a viscosity substantially greater than water is called practical for dietitians and other professionals. Food slurries are
a viscous liquid. Many foods are complex materials possessing thickened liquids and possess viscoelastic properties [5]. The main
characteristics of both liquids and of elastic solids. Such materials factors for determining the slurry viscosity are particle concentra-
are termed as viscoelastic [2]. Viscoelastic materials are described tion, particle size, particle size distribution and shape in the thick-
by the properties such as viscosity and elastic moduli. Although ened liquid. These, on the other hand, depend on the solid and
viscoelastic properties have been used to describe foodstuffs, no the liquid compositions of the thickened liquid. Batters are widely
*Corresponding Author:
Sikha Bhaduri, Ph.D,
School of Urban Public Health, Hunter College, NY10035, USA.
Tel: 1-212-396-7789
E-mail: sbhaduri@hunter.cuny.edu
Citation: Sikha Bhaduri, Amit Kumar Mukherjee (2016) Rheology of Muffin Batters by Line Spread Test and Viscosity Measurements. Int J Food Sci Nutr Diet. 5(9), 325-329.
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.19070/2326-3350-1600058
Copyright: Sikha Bhaduri© 2016. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution
and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Sikha Bhaduri, Amit Kumar Mukherjee (2016) Rheology of Muffin Batters by Line Spread Test and Viscosity Measurements. Int J Food Sci Nutr Diet. 5(9), 325-329.
OPEN ACCESS http://scidoc.org/IJFS.php
diffused liquid-like viscoelastic materials used for the production Materials and Methods
of numerous baked cereal foods. Muffin is a popular breakfast
snack food and the quality of a good muffin depends on its bat- Muffin Formulations
ter composition. A perfect batter composition gives a good taste
and soft texture to a quality muffin which is highly appreciated Modified muffin recipe [11, 12] contained white sugar, baking
by consumers. In other words dough rheology plays a key role in powder, pure canola oil, 2% reduced fat milk and egg, besides
making baked snack foods. Therefore this is very important to flour, as described in Table 1. Whole wheat flour, white rice flour
study the viscosity of the muffin batters. Muffin batters are food and quinoa flour were used as different flour replacement to pre-
slurry whose viscoelastic properties are dependent mainly on its pare muffin batters. Total 6 formulations were tried in terms of
flour composition, since flour is the major constituent of a muf- flour compositions and they were 100% Wheat flour, 100% Rice
fin batter. flour, 75% Rice flour + 25% Quinoa flour, 50% Rice flour +
50% Quinoa flour, 25% Rice flour + 75% Quinoa flour and 100%
Standard laboratory measurements of viscosity normally use a Quinoa flour. Flour, sucrose, baking powder, and salt were mixed
viscometer operating at a controlled temperature and shear rate. together in a separate bowl, and then were sifted into with the wet
Although, the viscometer accurately measures viscosity of a liq- ingredients at speed 4 for 10 seconds to prepare the muffin batter.
uid, they are expensive and also are not always available. The other
difficulty relating to the knowledge in mechanics has already been Studies On Muffin Batters
stated earlier. To overcome such shortcomings, a Line Spread Test
(LST) has been suggested as an alternative [6]. The LST is desig- Batter density: Specific gravity of muffin batters (at 21.8 ± 2°C)
nated as and suggested to be a simpler and practical alternative to was measured by using a pycnometer (Fisher Scientific, Pittsburg,
the more complex instruments used for characterizing thickened PA) and was determined by dividing the weight of a standard
liquids like muffin batters [7]. measure of the batter by the weight of an equal volume of water.
Batter density was calculated by dividing the sp gravity of batter
The LST was developed in the 1940s [8, 9] for quantifying the with specific gravity of water at the corresponding temperature
consistency of liquid-like foods (the original device was termed as (21.8 ± 2°C). Three replicates for each variation were measured.
the ‘‘consistometer’’ and was developed for creamed corn). This
instrument quantifies the consistency of a liquid using the dis- Batter pH: The pH of muffins were measured with a bench top
tance upto which a standard amount is spread on a horizontal sur- conductivity/pH meter (Model 1671, Jenco Electronics Ltd., Tai-
face after being released from a confined chamber. The LST does wan) at a 1 : 10 (w/w) dilution in de-ionized water.
not represent the viscosity in general. It is rather is a quick and in-
expensive method to determine the flow behaviors of solid-liquid Batter viscosity: The viscosity of muffin batter was determined
suspension type of food materials. The muffin batters are com- [13] using Brookfield DV-II + Pro Viscometer (Middleboro, MA).
plex systems of solid-liquid suspensions whose rheological prop- 500 mL Muffin batter was transferred into a 600-mL Beaker. The
erties depend on the solid-liquid composition. However, there angular speed, torque and apparent viscosity were read directly
have been only a limited number of studies on the fundamental from the equipment display. The spindle speed was set to 5 rpm,
rheological properties of batters [11]. Viscosity is an important and spindle no. 4 (S64) was used for all the experiments, as per
rheological property of muffin batters, which determine muffins Company’s instruction. The experiment was run at room tem-
taste, texture and consumer acceptability at the end. Conceptually, perature (21.8 ± 2°C). Viscosity was measured immediately after
the more viscous materials should have lesser Line spread capa- preparation of muffin batters. All tests were performed in tripli-
bilities. Hence, it is assumed that the approximate viscosities of cate.
muffin batters can be calculated by Line spread test. Therefore the
objective of the present study was to determine the rheological Line-Spread Test: Line spread test for muffin batters were per-
behavior of muffin batter using total six different flour formula- formed using a line spread chart. A typical Line spread chart and
tions by both viscosity and Line spread test measurement and step by step description of line spread test is shown in Figure
to investigate and establish a valid correlation between these two 1. This is a simple variation of the measurement of viscosity by
experimental data. consistometers. Line spread chart is a sheet of paper (8.5 x 11
inches or 215.9 X 279.4 millimeters), which contains concentric
Ingredients (% w/w)
Flour 35.25
White sugar 15.42
salt 0.13
Baking powder (double-acting) 1.29
Vegetable oil 13.88
2% reduced fat milk 25.31
Fresh large eggs 8.72
Total 100
Sikha Bhaduri, Amit Kumar Mukherjee (2016) Rheology of Muffin Batters by Line Spread Test and Viscosity Measurements. Int J Food Sci Nutr Diet. 5(9), 325-329.
OPEN ACCESS http://scidoc.org/IJFS.php
Figure 1. Step by Step Line Spread Test using a Line Spread Chart.
(a) (b)
Line spread chart
(c) (d)
Line spread chart Line spread chart
Line spread chart
circles with quartered regions evenly measured off. A small metal positive flour while rice flour and quinoa flours are both gluten
cylinder of 1.5 to 2 inches (38.1 to 50.8 millimeters) in height free flours. Incorporation of gluten free flours decreases both the
corresponds in circumference with the smallest of the concen- density (from 1.34 ± 0.03 gm/cm3 to 1.09 ± 0.01 gm/cm3) and
tric circles on the paper. Other pieces of equipment in this test pH of muffin batters (from 7 ± 0.25 to 6.5 ± 0.1) as indicated in
include a glass plate which is at least as wide and long as the larg- Table 2.
est of the concentric circles, to place the Line spread chart on it
and a stop watch to record time intervals. The line spread chart Viscosity values have been affected by sample composition and
was laminated with a washable plastic cover which eliminates the viscosity would also be strongly dependent on water content,
use of glass plates. A measured amount of sample (1/4 Cup = because water acts as a plasticizing agent [14]. Batter viscosity is
60 milliliters) is placed in the metal cylinder centered on the line an important physical property as it is closely related to the final
spread chart of measured, concentric rings and is allowed to flow quality of a baked product. A good quality muffin should be a
for a measured length of time (upto 10 minutes), after which the uniformly aerated baked product. Air incorporation, retention,
spread is read quickly at four equally spaced axes. The mean of bubble stability and the generation of convection currents during
the four values obtained is the average line spread (unit: millim- baking are closely related to initial batter viscosity. Batter viscosity
eters) that the material spreads in 10 minutes. Three replications is dependent on shear thinning and shear thickening behavior of
for each variation were tried. different flour formulations. Higher water binding capacity for
wheat flour produces highly viscous batters. Therefore, 134000
Statistical calculation: Triplicate measurements for each for- ± 7.07 centipoise was observed as the highest viscosity for wheat
mulation were conducted. Statistical analysis was performed for flour batters compared to all other gluten free flour formulated
all experimental data using Microsoft excel. All the results were batters and lowest value was observed as 31116 ± 6.52 centipoise
expressed as mean ± SD (Standard Deviation) and P-values of for 100% rice flour formulated batters. Higher viscosity means
<0.05 were considered significant. lower line spread capability. Therefore, Batter made up with 100%
wheat flour had the highest viscosity (134000 ± 7.07 centipoise),
Results and Discussions lowest LST value (4.47 ± 0.21 mm/10minutes) and highest den-
sity (1.34 ± 0.03) compared to others. The higher the Viscosity,
The experimental data on the physical characteristics of different the lower will be the LST value, as shown in Table 2. Batter vis-
muffin batters are represented in the Table 2. Density (gm/cm3), cosity depends on the water binding capacity of the flours, which
viscosity (cp), LST value (mm/10min) and pH of muffin batter is related to its specific gravity also. Dough Rheology plays a key
were tabulated in this Table. Wheat flour is known to be gluten role in baking and some of the factors affect dough rheology is
Sikha Bhaduri, Amit Kumar Mukherjee (2016) Rheology of Muffin Batters by Line Spread Test and Viscosity Measurements. Int J Food Sci Nutr Diet. 5(9), 325-329.
OPEN ACCESS http://scidoc.org/IJFS.php
Flour combinations Batter density (gm/cc) Batter viscosity (cp) Batter LST (mm/10min) Batter pH
100% wheat 1.34 ± 0.03ᵈ 134000 ± 7.07ᵃ 4.47 ± 0.21ᵇ 7 ± 0.25ᵈ
100% Rice 1.09 ± 0.01ᵈ 31116 ± 6.52ᵃ 19.35 ± 0.13ᵇ 6.5 ± 0.5ᵈ
75% Rice + 25% Quinoa 1.11 ± 0.01ᵈ 34313 ± 6.74ᵃ 17.44 ± 0.06ᵇ 6.5 ± 0.1ᵈ
50% Rice + 50% Quinoa 1.14 ± 0.01ᵈ 36181 ± 5.48ᵃ 16.58 ± 0.06ᵇ 6.5 ± 0.2ᵈ
25% Rice + 75% Quinoa 1.17 ± 0.02ᵈ 38991 ± 12.45ᵃ 15.81 ± 0.17ᵇ 6.25 ± 0.23ᶜ
100% Quinoa 1.25 ± 0.02ᶜ 48470 ± 9.05ᵃ 12.37 ± 0.33ᶜ 6.25 ± 0.25ᵈ
Results are expressed as Mean ± Standard deviation (SD). Values with different superscripts (a, b, c, d) in a column differ significantly
(p < 0.05) with d> c>b>a.
Table 3. Viscosity in Poise (p) vs Inverse of Line Spread Test (LST) in Centimeter per Seconds.
Flour 100% wheat 100% Rice 75% Rice 50% Rice + 25% Rice + 100% Quinoa
combinations +25% Quinoa 50% Quinoa 75% Quinoa
Viscosity (p) 1340 ± 0.07a 311.16 ± 0.06a 343.13 ± 0.07a 361.81 ± 0.05a 389.91 ± 0.12a 484.7 ± 0.09a
LST (cm/sec)(-¹) 1342.33 ± 1.54a 310.077 ± 1.01b 344.148 ± 0.99c 361.75 ± 0.51b 379.61 ± 0.35a 485.06 ± 1.04a
All data are presented by Mean ± Standard deviation (SD). Means and standard deviation (SD) followed by the same letter in the same
column are not significantly different (P< 0.05) with c>b>a.
Sikha Bhaduri, Amit Kumar Mukherjee (2016) Rheology of Muffin Batters by Line Spread Test and Viscosity Measurements. Int J Food Sci Nutr Diet. 5(9), 325-329.
OPEN ACCESS http://scidoc.org/IJFS.php
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Sikha Bhaduri, Amit Kumar Mukherjee (2016) Rheology of Muffin Batters by Line Spread Test and Viscosity Measurements. Int J Food Sci Nutr Diet. 5(9), 325-329.