Vs. Court of Appeals, Jacinto Velez, JR.,: Pendens Over The Property in Question With The Office of The
Vs. Court of Appeals, Jacinto Velez, JR.,: Pendens Over The Property in Question With The Office of The
Vs. Court of Appeals, Jacinto Velez, JR.,: Pendens Over The Property in Question With The Office of The
The lynchpin of the assailed Decision is the public The foregoing holding would have been simple and
respondents conclusion that the sale of the real property in straightforward. But Respondent Velezes complicated the
controversy, by the Velezes to petitioners for P1,050,000.00, matter by selling the same property to the other private
was extinguished by novation after the said parties negotiated respondents who were referred to in the assailed Decision as
to increase the price to P1,400,000.00. Since there was no the Avenue Group.
Before us therefore is a classic case of a double sale -- The two aforesaid admissions by the Tings, considered together
first, to the petitioner; second, to the Avenue Group. Thus, the with Uracas positive assertion that Felix Ting met with her on
Court is now called upon to determine which of the two groups July 11th and who was told by her that the plaintiffs had
of buyers has a better right to said property. transmitted already to the Velezes their decision to buy the
properties at P1,050,000.00, clinches the proof that the Avenue
Article 1544 of the Civil Code provides the statutory Group had prior knowledge of plaintiffs interest. Hence, the
solution: Avenue Group defendants, earlier forewarned of the plaintiffs
xxx xxx xxx prior contract with the Velezes, were guilty of bad faith when
they proceeded to buy the properties to the prejudice of the
Should it be immovable property, the ownership shall belong to
the person acquiring it who in good faith first recorded it in the
Registry of Property. The testimony of Petitioner Emilia Uraca supports this
finding of the trial court. The salient portions of her testimony
Should there be no inscription, the ownership shall pertain to the
person who in good faith was first in the possession; and, in the BY ATTY. BORROMEO: (To witness)
absence thereof, to the person who presents the oldest title,
provided there is good faith. Q According to Manuel Ting in his testimony, even if
they know, referring to the Avenue Group, that
you were tenants of the property in question
Under the foregoing, the prior registration of the disputed and they were neighbors to you, he did not
property by the second buyer does not by itself confer ownership inquire from you whether you were interested in
or a better right over the property. Article 1544 requires that such buying the property, what can you say about
registration must be coupled with good faith. Jurisprudence that?
teaches us that (t)he governing principle is primus tempore,
potior jure (first in time, stronger in right). Knowledge gained by A It was Felix Ting who approached me and asked
the first buyer of the second sale cannot defeat the first buyers whether I will buy the property, both the house
rights except where the second buyer registers in good faith the and the land and that was on July 10, 1985.
second sale aheadof the first, as provided by the Civil
Code. Such knowledge of the first buyer does not bar her from ATTY BORROMEO: (To witness)
availing of her rights under the law, among them, to Q What was your reply, if any?
register first her purchase as against the second buyer. But in
converso knowledge gained by the second buyer of the first sale A Yes, sir, I said we are going to buy this property
defeats his rights even if he is first to register the second sale, because we have stayed for a long time there
since such knowledge taints his prior registration with bad already and we have a letter from Carmen Ting
faith This is the price exacted by Article 1544 of the Civil Code asking us whether we are going to buy the
for the second buyer being able to displace the first buyer; that property and we have already given our answer
before the second buyer can obtain priority over the first, he that we are willing to buy.
must show that he acted in good faith throughout (i.e. in
ignorance of the first sale and of the first buyers rights) ---- from COURT: (To witness)
the time of acquisition until the title is transferred to him by
Q What do you mean by that, you mean you told Felix
registration or failing registration, by delivery of
Ting and you showed him that letter of Carmen
possession.[20] (Emphasis supplied)
After a thorough scrutiny of the records of the instant case,
the Court finds that bad faith tainted the Avenue Groups
purchase on July 13, 1985 of the Velezes real property subject A We have a letter of Carmen Ting where she offered
of this case, and the subsequent registration thereof on August to us for sale the house and lot and I told him
1, 1995. The Avenue Group had actual knowledge of the that I have already agreed with Concordia
Velezes prior sale of the same property to the petitioners, a fact Ching, Ong Seng and my self that we buy the
antithetical to good faith. For a second buyer like the Avenue land. We want to buy the land and the
Group to successfully invoke the second paragraph, Article building.[22]
1544 of the Civil Code, it must possess good faith from the time
of the sale in its favor until the registration of the same. This We see no reason to disturb the factual finding of the trial
requirement of good faith the Avenue Group sorely failed to court that the Avenue Group, prior to the registration of the
meet. That it had knowledge of the prior sale, a fact undisputed property in the Registry of Property, already knew of the first sale
by the Court of Appeals, is explained by the trial court thus: to petitioners. It is hornbook doctrine that findings of facts of the
trial court, particularly when affirmed by the Court of Appeals,
are binding upon this Court[23] save for exceptional
The Avenue Group, whose store is close to the properties in
circumstances[24] which we do not find in the factual milieu of the
question, had known the plaintiffs to be the lessee-occupants
present case. True, this doctrine does not apply where there is
thereof for quite a time. Felix Ting admitted to have a talk with
a variance in the factual findings of the trial court and the Court
Ong Seng in 1983 or 1984 about the properties. In the cross-
of Appeals. In the present case, the Court of Appeals did not
examination, Manuel Ting also admitted that about a month after
explicitly sustain this particular holding of the trial court, but
Ester Borromeo allegedly offered the sale of the properties Felix
neither did it controvert the same. Therefore, because the
Ting went to see Ong Seng again. If these were so, it can be
registration by the Avenue Group was in bad faith, it amounted
safely assumed that Ong Seng had consequently told Felix
to no inscription at all. Hence, the third and not the second
about plaintiffs offer on January 11, 1985 to buy the properties
paragraph of Article 1544 should be applied to this case. Under
for P1,000,000.00 and of their timely acceptance on July 10,
this provision, petitioners are entitled to the ownership of the
1985 to buy the same at P1,050,000.00.
property because they were first in actual possession, having
been the propertys lessees and possessors for decades prior to
the sale.
Having already ruled that petitioners actual knowledge of
the first sale tainted their registration, we find no more reason to
pass upon the issue of whether the annotation of lis
pendens automatically negated good faith in such registration.
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The assailed
Decision of the Court of Appeals is hereby SET ASIDE and the
dispositive portion of the trial courts decision dated October 19,
1990 is REVIVED with the following MODIFICATION -- the
consideration to be paid under par. 2 of the disposition
is P1,050,000.00 and not P1,400,000.00. No Costs.