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Disorders of Peripheral and Central Auditory Processing

Handbook of Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol. 10

G.G. Celesia (Vol. Ed.)
# 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved 3


Anatomy and physiology of the external, middle and inner ear

Sarah H. Hayesa, Dalian Dinga, Richard J. Salvia and Brian L. Allmanb,*
Department of Communicative Disorders and Sciences, Center for Hearing and Deafness, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo,
NY 14214, USA
Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Western Ontario, Medical Sciences
Building, London, ON, Canada

1.1. Introduction a role in both sound localization and enhancement of

sound stimulus strength particularly for high frequency
The human auditory system represents an extraordi- stimuli. Together, the flange and concha increase the
nary signal processing device, one that owes much acoustic pressure of sounds in air over a range of
of its precision to a highly sensitive, biological micro- frequencies from 1.5 to 7 kHz (Fig. 1) (Gulick et al.,
phone found at its periphery. In order to appreciate 1989). The flange causes a peak pressure gain of 2 dB
how environmental sound is processed in both at 4 kHz, whereas the concha causes a peak pressure gain
normal-hearing and hearing-impaired individuals, it of 9 dB at 5.3 kHz (Fig. 1, solid lines). Additionally, the
is necessary to understand some of the anatomical, external auditory meatus, which is closed at one end by
biomechanical, and physiological features of the the tympanic membrane, acts as an acoustic resonator
peripheral auditory system. In this chapter, we pro- with a peak resonance at 3.3 kHz and also contributes
vide an overview of how acoustic energy collected a maximum of 10 dB gain in pressure (Fig. 1, dashed
by the external ear, an oddly shaped, yet effective line). Collectively, the external ear provides approxi-
funnel, is then transformed to vibratory/mechanical mately a 10–15 dB gain in pressure between 2 and
energy by the three smallest bones in the body which 4 kHz (as illustrated with the unconnected dots in
are encased in the middle ear. These vibrations are Fig. 1), thereby providing effective amplification to
finally converted to an electrical (neural) response environmental sounds at these frequencies.
by an exquisite sensory epithelium consisting of pre- The external ear not only helps funnel sound stimuli
cisely arranged hair cells and supporting cells housed towards the middle ear and increases the level of sound
in the snail-like shell of the inner ear. stimuli, but to some extent also plays a role in protecting
the tympanic membrane from the external environment.
1.2. The external ear For example, glands along the meatus produce cerumen,
or earwax, which aids in protection against foreign debris
The cartilaginous external ear or pinna, consisting of and bacteria. An infection of the external ear (i.e., otitis
the flange (outer region) and concha (deep central por- external, commonly referred to as swimmer’s ear), cau-
tion), leads to the external auditory meatus or ear canal ses ear pain and in some cases temporary hearing loss.
(Fig. 1, inset). In humans, the external auditory meatus
has a length of 2–3 cm, is composed of cartilage closest
to the opening near the concha and is bony along 1.3. The middle ear
the remaining length until it terminates at the tympanic The middle ear cavity, separated from the external ear
membrane, or eardrum. by the tympanic membrane, is an air-filled space
Although the human external ear lacks useful roughly 2 cm3 in volume consisting of a larger lower
musculature in comparison to other animals, it does play portion (tympanum) and a smaller upper portion (epi-
Correspondence to: Brian L. Allman, Ph.D., Department of tympanum; Fig. 2) (Gulick et al., 1989). Although the
Anatomy and Cell Biology, Schulich School of Medicine middle ear is sealed at one end by the tympanic mem-
and Dentistry, University of Western Ontario, Medical brane, it is open to the nasopharynx via the Eustachian
Sciences Building, London, ON, Canada. tube. This connection to the Eustachian tube allows for
E-mail: brian.allman@schulich.uwo.ca equalization of pressure between the middle ear cavity

2 4 6 8 1 2 4 6 8 1


Pressure gain (dB)



200 500 1000 2000 5000 10,000
Frequency (Hz)
Fig. 1. Acoustic pressure gain as a function of stimulus frequency resulting from the various structures of the external ear. Solid lines depict the
pressure gain resulting from the flange and concha, and the dashed line depicts the pressure gain resulting from the meatus. The unconnected
dots represent the approximated gain in pressure resulting from the external ear (flange, concha, and meatus) and demonstrate its amplification
of mid- to high-frequency sounds. Inset depicts external ear anatomy. (From Gulick et al., 1989, with permission.)

Fig. 2. Anatomy of the middle ear cavity and ossicular chain. (From Gulick et al., 1989, with permission.)

and the external meatus. Without such an outlet, common in young children and results in ear pain as
the pressure on each side of the tympanic membrane well as temporary hearing loss (Paradise et al., 1997;
would be unequal causing the tympanic membrane Ravicz et al., 2004).
to vibrate abnormally. Swelling of the Eustachian The tympanic membrane has a cone shape which
tube and middle ear cavity due to common infections, points inward towards the middle ear. It has an area
collectively termed otitis media, can lead to the buildup of roughly 55–90 mm2, with the most concaved region
of fluid in the middle ear and an inability to equate pres- termed the umbo. Sound waves funneled into the mea-
sure (Winther et al., 2002). Otitis media is particularly tus by the external ear cause the tympanic membrane

to vibrate in a complex manner; the pattern of vibra- the oval window by the stapes footplate is 17 times
tion of the membrane is dependent upon both the greater than the pressure at the tympanic membrane
frequency and intensity of the sound stimulus (Yost, 2000). By measuring the gain in pressure pro-
(Tonndorf and Khanna, 1972). duced by the middle ear of excised human temporal
Attached to the tympanic membrane are the three bone samples, the peak gain in pressure has been mea-
bones of the middle ear, the malleus, incus, and stapes, sured in the range of 14–26.6 dB from approximately
together termed the ossicular chain (Fig. 2). The ossic- 100 to 2000 Hz and then declines at higher frequencies
ular chain is suspended within the middle ear cavity (Von Bekesy, 1960; Onchi, 1961; Kurokawa and
reaching from the tympanic membrane to the inner Goode, 1995). The important function of the middle
ear and is set in motion due to vibration of the tympanic ear in effectively transmitting sound pressure to the
membrane. A number of ligaments are responsible for inner ear is evident in patients with otosclerosis, in
suspension of the ossicular chain within the middle ear which the stapes footplate is often fixed in the oval
cavity. In addition, two muscles, the tensor tympani window with little mobility, resulting in a conductive
which attaches to the malleus and the stapedius muscle hearing loss (Ealy and Smith, 2010).
which attaches to the stapes, influence ossicular chain The actions of the two middle ear muscles (i.e., ten-
movement. The manubrium of the malleus is connected sor tympani and stapedius) are thought to play a role in
to the central region of the tympanic membrane and is regulating the transfer of acoustic pressure from the
responsible for the tympanic membrane’s conical middle ear to the inner ear. The reflexive contraction
shape, as it pulls the tympanic membrane inward of the muscles in response to intense sound exerts an
towards the middle ear cavity. Attached to the medial increased pull on the ossicles, attenuating their move-
portion of the malleus, termed the head of the malleus, ment and reducing the transmission of sound to the inner
is the incus. The long inferior process of the incus bends ear. This middle ear reflex occurs for sounds above
to form its lenticular process, which is attached to the 80 dB and can reduce sound transmission to the inner
stapes, the smallest of the three inner ear ossicles. ear by up to 30 dB (Yost, 2000). The reflex is most
The medial portion of the stapes, termed the footplate, effective for low-frequency sounds below 2 kHz
inserts into the oval window of the inner ear. The flex- and occurs with a latency of 30–150 ms following
ible annular ligament surrounding the stapes footplate sound exposure. Consequently, the middle ear reflex
suspends it in the oval window allowing it to move offers protection of the inner ear against prolonged,
in and out like a piston. loud, low-frequency noise exposure (Zakrisson and
The middle ear plays a crucial role in transmitting Borg, 1974; Borg et al., 1983); however, due to its
acoustic stimuli collected by the outer ear from the latency, the reflex offers little protection against sudden,
external environment to the sensory receptors of the high-intensity sounds. The role of the stapedius muscle
inner ear. Because fluids are less compressible than in the middle ear reflex, and ultimately in attenuating
air, an impedance mismatch exists between the air- noise-induced hearing loss, is evidenced by the greater
filled middle ear and fluid-filled inner ear. Because hearing threshold shift that occurs following noise
of this impedance mismatch, 99.9% of sound waves exposure in patients suffering from Bell’s palsy, a con-
from the air would be reflected if they acted directly dition in which their stapedius muscle is paralyzed
on the inner ear fluids, resulting in inefficient transfer (Zakrisson et al., 1975).
of sound stimuli from the external environment to In addition to protection against noise over-
the inner ear. The middle ear makes up for this imped- exposure, the middle ear muscles have also been pro-
ance mismatch by increasing the pressure applied to posed to help increase the sensitivity of the inner ear
the inner ear fluids compared to the acoustic pressure by attenuating self-generated sounds. For example,
applied to the tympanic membrane by sound stimuli. the middle ear reflex not only occurs in response to
This is accomplished in a number of ways. First, external sounds, but also in anticipation of self-
due to the larger size of the malleus exerting force vocalization, which could otherwise over-stimulate
on the shorter arm of the incus, the ossicles act as a one’s inner ear (Howell et al., 1986). Furthermore,
lever system, increasing the force applied by the stapes because the middle ear reflex is most effective at atten-
at the oval window by a factor of 1.3 (Yost, 2000). uating low-frequency sounds, it is also thought to help
Additionally, due to the larger area of the tympanic improve discrimination of high-frequency stimuli in the
membrane relative to the smaller area of the stapes presence of high-level, low-frequency noise that might
footplate at the oval window, the pressure applied at mask the high frequencies (Borg and Zakrisson, 1973).

The functions of the middle ear allow for the Located within the bony cochlear tube is a membra-
complex vibratory patterns of the tympanic membrane nous labyrinth (Fig. 3B). The bony cochlear tube is
to effectively be transmitted to the inner ear. However, divided into three fluid-filled canals: the scala
due to the actions of the outer and middle ears, the sig- vestibuli which is continuous with the vestibule, the
nal reaching the inner ear is quite different from the scala tympani, and the scala media which lies between
sound signal originally collected from the external the scala tympani and scala vestibuli (Fig. 4) (Raphael
environment by the outer ear. The outer ear and exter- and Altschuler, 2003). These canals, which spiral
nal auditory meatus amplify high-frequency sounds, along the length of the cochlea, are separated from
whereas the confined air of the middle ear space atten- one another by two membranes. Reissner’s mem-
uates low-frequency sounds. Together, this results in a brane, which separates scala vestibuli from scala
greater sensitivity of the human ear for mid- to higher- media, reaches from the spiral limbus atop the osseous
frequency sounds. spiral lamina, a thin bony shelf extending from the
modiolus, to the lateral cochlear wall (Fig. 5A)
(Salvi et al., 2007). The basilar membrane, which sep-
1.4. The inner ear
arates scala media from scala tympani, extends from
1.4.1. Gross cochlear anatomy the spiral lamina to the spiral ligament at the lateral
cochlear wall. The resulting structure is a membranous
Having first traversed the external and middle ear, tube within the bony cochlear tube and is referred to as
sound stimuli then reach the inner ear where mechan- the cochlear duct; enclosed on the bottom by the bas-
ical pressure from the sound waves are converted to ilar membrane, on top by Reissner’s membrane, and
electrical signals. Within the temporal bone lies the on the side by the lateral cochlear wall.
bony labyrinth of the cochlea, commonly compared Due to the presence of a small opening, the
to the structure of a snail shell (Fig. 3A). The bony helicotrema, at the apex of the cochlea, the scala
cochlea is a fluid-filled tube approximately 35 mm vestibuli and scala tympani are able to communicate
long in humans, which coils upon itself around a cen- and share the same fluid, called perilymph. The ionic
tral bony core, the modiolus, producing roughly three composition of perilymph is similar to that of cerebro-
turns from its base to apex. The oval window, the spinal fluid with a high concentration of sodium (Na),
region of attachment of the stapes footplate, is located and a low concentration of potassium (K). In contrast,
in the wall of the vestibule, a larger cavity located at the scala media of the cochlear duct contains a fluid
the base of the cochlea. It is here where the inward called endolymph which contains a high concentration
movement of the stapes, set in motion by the ossicular of K and a low concentration of Na, similar to that
chain attachment to the tympanic membrane, causes of intracellular fluid. Running along the lateral wall
inward and outward movements of the fluids in the of the cochlea is a highly vascularized structure, the
cochlea. stria vascularis, which plays an important role in

Fig. 3. (A) Bony inner ear of the guinea pig showing the bony cochlea as well as the vestibular semicircular canals (S). Note the location of the
oval and round windows towards the base of the bony cochlea (courtesy of D. Ding). (B) Higher magnification of the membranous labyrinth of
the guinea pig cochlea following removal of the bony cochlear walls (courtesy of D. Ding).

Vestibuli Tectorial Lateral Wall
Scala Membrane (Apical)
Tympani Scala Media



(Rosenthal’s (Lateral)
Cochlear Organ
Nerve of Corti

Fig. 4. Cross-section through the guinea pig cochlea depicting the organization of the membranous labyrinth structures within the bony
cochlear walls. (From Raphael and Altschuler, 2003, with permission.)

Scala Media (Medial) (Lateral)
Perilymph Stereocilia
ne Stria
m bra Vascularis Tectorial Membrane
me +80 mV Outer Hair
Scala Vestibuli e r’s
sn Cells Hensens
is Endolymph

Hair Cells
Tectorial membrane

Limbus Inner Spiral
Sulcus Tunnel Prominence Inner Hair 3
Supporting Cells Cell 1 2
Osseous Spiral
Spiral Lamina Basilar membrane Ligament

Inner Pillar Cells Scala Tympani

Spiral Ganglion Hair Cells
Cells Habenula
Perforata Perilymph

Fig. 5. (A) Diagram of the cochlear duct depicting the location and cellular composition of the organ of Corti. (From Salvi et al., 2007, with
permission.) (B) Cross-section through the mole rat cochlea showing a higher magnification view of the organ of Corti. Note the attachment of
the outer hair cell stereocilia, but not the inner hair cell stereocilia, to the overlying tectoral membrane. (From Raphael and Altschuler, 2003,
with permission.)

generating the ionic composition of the endolymph of the round window membrane into the middle ear
found in the scala media (Wangemann, 2006). cavity relieves pressure in the cochlear fluid generated
An additional membrane-covered opening, the round by the inward movement of the oval window. The pres-
window, is located at the base of the cochlea where sure fluctuations generated in perilymph by the action
the scala tympani terminates. The outward movement of the stapes footplate at the oval window travel through

the scala vestibuli towards the apex and helicotrema extends from the spiral limbus and rests on top of
and continue through to scala tympani, ultimately caus- the organ of Corti in the scala media. The remaining
ing outward movement of the round window. supporting cells in the organ of Corti, such as cells
of Dieters, Hensen, Claudius, and Boettcher, provide
additional structural support and assist in holding
1.4.2. Organ of Corti
the hair cells in place.
Resting on top of the basilar membrane, and running
the length of the cochlear duct within the scala media, 1.4.3. Cochlear hair cells
is the sensory organ of the cochlea, the organ of Corti
(Fig. 5). The organ of Corti contains two types of sen- As the sensory receptors for the inner ear, hair cells
sory hair cells, the inner and outer hair cells, as well as have a specialized structure which allows them to
a number of supporting cell types. The inner and outer detect the movement of cochlear fluids generated by
pillar cells form a tunnel structure through the center the middle ear ossicles. Along the apical surface of
of the organ of Corti termed the arch of Corti, in which the hair cells is a fibrous network of actin, myosin
inner hair cells lie medial to the inner pillar cells clos- and fimbrin, together forming the cuticular plate, from
est to the modiolus, and outer hair cells lie lateral to the which specialized stereocilia emerge (Fig. 6). Stereo-
outer pillar cells closest to the lateral cochlear wall. cilia are composed of polymerized actin filaments
The human cochlea contains about 3000 inner hair (Flock and Cheung, 1977) and are arranged in a
cells that are organized in a single row running along stair-step pattern, with the shortest row facing the
the length of the basilar membrane, and about 12,000 modiolus and the tallest row closest to the lateral
outer hair cells that run in three parallel rows. cochlear wall. The stereocilia have a uniform thick-
A gelatinous structure called the tectoral membrane ness for much of their length, but taper at the point




B (Lateral)

Outer Hair

Pillar Cells (Roof of

Tunnel) Stereocilia

Inner Hair Cell

(Medial) 2.5 µm

Fig. 6. (A) Scanning electron micrograph showing the organization of the stereocilia bundles on the three rows of outer hair cells (OHC) and
single row of inner hair cells (IHC) in the chinchilla cochlea (courtesy of D. Ding). (B) Higher magnification scanning electron micrograph
showing the organization of the stereocilia bundles on inner and outer hair cells. Note the stair-step organization of stereocilia, with two major
rows of stereocilia seen on inner hair cells and three organized rows of stereocilia on outer hair cells. (From Raphael and Altschuler, 2003, with
permission.) (C) Transition electron microscopy (TEM) image of guinea pig cochlear hair cell stereocilia. Tip links (at arrows) as well as side
links (R) can be seen connecting adjacent stereocilia. (From Furness et al., 2008, with permission.)

of attachment to the cuticular plate, thereby providing they synapse, ultimately allowing an electrical signal
the stereocilia with the ability to pivot and bend near to be propagated to the central auditory structures of
the base. Each of the pear-shaped inner hair cells has the brain. Outer hair cells, on the other hand, respond
about 40 cilia organized in two rows forming a slight to depolarization and hyperpolarization by altering
“U” shape, whereas each of the cylindrically shaped their cellular shape (Brownell et al., 1985; Ashmore,
outer hair cells has about 150 cilia organized in three 1987). They shorten and lengthen along their longitu-
rows forming a “V” or “W” shape (Fig. 6A and B). dinal axis with an overall length change of 2 mm
The tallest of the stereocilia on each outer hair cell (Ashmore, 1987). The “electromotile” properties of
is firmly imbedded in the overlying tectoral mem- outer hair cells allow them to function as mechanical
brane. Fine fibrils, called cross-links, couple adjacent amplifiers; by altering their shape in response to stim-
stereocilia together so that the stereocilia on each hair ulation, they further enhance the vibration of the bas-
cell move together as a unit (Osborne et al., 1984; ilar membrane leading to greater activation of adjacent
Pickles et al., 1984; Furness et al., 2008) (Fig. 6C). inner hair cells. The vibration of the basilar membrane
Another form of fibril, the tip-link, connects the shaft induced by outer hair cells has been observed in
of one stereocilia to the tip of an adjacent shorter excised cochleae (Mammano and Ashmore, 1993).
stereocilia (Pickles et al., 1984). These tip-links are By stimulating the organ of Corti with an electrical
associated with mechanically gated ion channels in current, place-specific vibrations of the basilar mem-
the stereocilia membrane and play an important role brane could be measured in the region in which the
in hair cell transduction. Electrophysiological evi- organ of Corti was stimulated.
dence suggests that the mechanically gated ion chan- Prestin has been identified as the outer hair cell
nels associated with tip links are located near the tips motor protein responsible for outer hair cell motility
of the hair cell stereocilia. For example, by measuring (Zheng et al., 2000) (Fig. 8). The plasma membrane
the extracellular voltage at different points along the of outer hair cells, which contains a dense network of
length of the hair cells, it was found that the largest intramembranous proteins, as well as wrinkles which
voltage steps in response to stereocilia deflection allow for cellular elongation and contraction, contains
occurred near the tip of the hair cell bundle (Russell numerous prestin molecules (Forge, 1991; Oghalai
and Sellick, 1978; Hudspeth, 1982). et al., 1998; Chen et al., 2009). Prestin undergoes a con-
formational change in shape that reduces the length of
1.4.4. Hair cell transduction outer hair cells when they become depolarized and
increases outer hair cell length in response to hyperpo-
The function of the cochlear hair cell is to convert larization (Ashmore, 1987, 2008; Santos-Sacchi and
mechanical vibration induced by sound waves into Dilger, 1988). The prestin molecule itself contains a
electrical signals that are transmitted to the brain via voltage sensor which is sensitive to the intracellular
the auditory portion of the VIII cranial nerve. The concentration of chloride and bicarbonate anions
movement in the inner ear fluids produced by the (Oliver et al., 2001). In response to changes in trans-
action of the stapes footplate results in vibration of membrane voltage, prestin undergoes a structural
the basilar membrane, which in turn causes the stereo- rearrangement, resulting in the alteration of outer hair
cilia of the inner and outer hair cells to be deflected. cell shape. Deletion of the gene encoding for prestin
When the stereocilia are deflected towards the tallest in mice results in a loss of outer hair cell electromotility
of the stereocilia, tension in the tip links pull the asso- and a hearing loss of 40–60 dB (Liberman et al., 2002).
ciated mechanically gated ion channels open allowing The electromotility of outer hair cells is believed to
positively charged ions (mainly K from the endolymph) underlie the otoacoustic emissions recorded from the
to flow into the hair cell, thereby causing the hair cell to ear, which are low-intensity sounds produced by the
become depolarized (Fig. 7). However, when stereo- inner ear either spontaneously or in response to sound
cilia are deflected in the opposite direction, the mechan- stimulation (Kemp, 1978; Brownell, 1990). The vibra-
ically gated ion channels close causing the hair cell to tion of the basilar membrane generated by the outer
hyperpolarize. The resulting change in intracellular hair cells produces movements in the cochlear fluids
potential is called the hair cell receptor potential. which are transmitted back to the stapes footplate
When inner hair cells are depolarized they respond and then to the tympanic membrane. Otoacoustic
by releasing neurotransmitters at their basal surface emissions provide a method of assessing outer hair cell
thereby activating the auditory nerve fibers onto which function as they reflect the electromotility of outer hair

Radial shear creates tension on tip link

High K+ High K+
+80 mV +80 mV
gated channel

−45 to [K+]
−70 mV

Depolarization Hyperpolarization


Fig. 7. Schematic diagram depicting the hair cell transduction process. When hair cell stereocilia are deflected in the direction of the tallest
stereocilium, mechanically gated ion channels associated with the tip links open allowing potassium ions from the endolymph to flow into the
hair cell resulting in the depolarization of the hair cell. In contrast, deflection of stereocilia in the opposite direction closes the mechanically
gated ion channels resulting in hyperpolarization of the hair cell. (From Salvi et al., 2007, with permission.)

cells. Recording the otoacoustic emissions by placing cochlear hair cells and their central process projects
a sensitive microphone probe in the ear canal is a to the cochlear nucleus of the brainstem. The periph-
common method for assessing auditory function eral process of the auditory nerve fibers pass through
particularly in infants. The crucial role of prestin in small openings in the osseous spiral lamina called the
generating outer hair cell electromotility and therefore habenula perforata to innervate hair cells of the organ
otoacoustic emissions is evident in prestin knockout of Corti. There are two types of auditory nerve fibers
mice, which in addition to lacking outer hair cell type I and type II. Type I fibers make up 90–95% of all
electromotility also lack otoacoustic emissions auditory nerve fibers and each synapses on a single
(Liberman et al., 2002). inner hair cell, with each inner hair cell being con-
tacted by many type I fibers. In response to inner hair
1.4.5. Hair cell innervation: afferent system cell activation by sound stimuli, type I fibers fire
action potentials which are transmitted to the central
The different response of inner and outer hair cells to auditory system. Type II fibers make up the remaining
activation is reflected in their pattern of innervation by 5–10% of auditory nerve fibers; each of these fibers
auditory nerve fibers of the eighth cranial nerve, which branches to contact multiple outer hair cells. However,
transmits neural activity from the cochlea to the cen- these nerve fibers do not appear to fire action poten-
tral auditory system (Fig. 9) (Spoendlin, 1978). The tials in response to sound stimuli (Robertson, 1984).
spiral ganglion neurons of the auditory nerve are bipo- Although there are nearly three times as many outer
lar neurons; their peripheral process synapses on hair cells as inner hair cells, the outer hair cells receive


longitudinal plasma
force ~ 0.1nN/µm membrane

Vm OHC 3 2 1 IHC


30 nm

cytoskeleton motor

Fig. 8. (A) Diagram of the mechanism proposed to underlie the electromotile properties of outer hair cells (OHCs). Motor proteins within the
OHC membrane alter the longitudinal length of OHCs in response to changes in membrane potential. Hyperpolarization (Vm #) results in an
increase in OHC length, whereas depolarization (Vm ") leads to a reduction in OHC length. (From Ashmore, 2008, with permission.)
(B) Fluorescent image of a rat cochlea in which nuclei (red) and prestin (green) have been labeled. Prestin, the motor protein responsible
for OHC electromotility, is specifically expressed in the OHC membrane and is absent from inner hair cells (IHCs). (From Chen et al.,
2009, with permission).

OHC Base


Type II

Type I



to CN
Fig. 9. Afferent innervation pattern of the cochlea by auditory nerve (AN) fibers. Spiral ganglion (sg) neurons of the AN send their peripheral
process through the habenula perforata (ha) of the osseus spiral lamina to innervate the organ of Corti. Type I fibers innervate inner hair cells
(IHC) while a lesser number of Type II fibers innervate outer hair cells (OHC). (Adapted from Spoendlin, 1978.)

little afferent innervation by auditory nerve fibers. The fibers, whereas outer hair cells mainly function by
inner hair cells, which are mainly responsible for increasing the sensitivity of inner hair cells via
transmitting mechanical stimulation into electrical mechanical amplification of incoming sound
signals, synapse with many more auditory nerve vibrations.

1.4.6. Hair cell innervation: efferent system outer hair cells. When the fibers of the crossed (contra-
lateral) OCB predominately containing MOC fibers
In addition to the afferent innervation of cochlear hair are stimulated, both basilar membrane motion and inner
cells by auditory nerve fibers, hair cells also receive hair cell receptor potentials are reduced, suggesting that
efferent inputs originating from the superior olivary the MOC fibers are able to influence cochlear sensitivity
complex of the auditory brainstem (Liberman, 1990; by modulating outer hair cell electromotility (Brown and
for review see Guinan, 2006) (Fig. 10). Both the medial Nuttall, 1984; Murugasu and Russell, 1996). To date,
superior olive (MSO) and the lateral superior olive much less is known about the role of LOC efferents,
(LSO) provide fibers which combine to form the although they are also suggested to protect the inner
olivocochlear efferent fibers. Fibers originating from ear from acoustic overexposure. It is thought, due to their
the MSO are termed medial olivocochlear (MOC) effer- direct connections with auditory nerve dendrites, that
ents, and those originating from the LSO are termed lat- LOC efferents may protect type I auditory nerve fibers
eral olivocochlear (LOC) efferents. MOC and LOC from excitotoxicity resulting from acoustic overexpo-
efferents project to both the ipsilateral (uncrossed) and sure. By stereotaxically destroying LOC cell bodies in
contralateral (crossed) cochlea; however, more MOC the mouse brainstem, it was found that the ear ipsilateral
fibers project contralaterally, while LOC fibers predom- to the lesion had greater threshold shifts following
inantly project ipsilaterally to the cochlea. Together, the acoustic overexposure compared to contralateral ears,
ipsilateral and contralateral MOC and LOC efferent pro- suggesting that the ipsilateral LOC efferents indeed play
jections combine to form the olivocochlear bundle a role in protecting the cochlea from acoustic trauma
(OCB) which enters the cochlea as the intraganglionic (Darrow et al., 2007).
spiral bundle. LOC efferents primarily terminate on
the dendrites of type I auditory nerve fibers which con- 1.4.7. Cochlear mechanics
tact the inner hair cells, while MOC efferents primarily
terminate directly on outer hair cells. MOC efferents, due As noted above, sound-induced movement of the bas-
to their connection with outer hair cells, are believed to ilar membrane leads to the activation of hair cells.
play a role in protecting the ear from damage caused by Much of what we know about the vibration of the bas-
acoustic overstimulation by modulating the motility of ilar membrane originates from the pioneering studies

4th Ventricle


Uncrossed LOC AN
Efferents Efferents

Anastomosis (Oort)


Fig. 10. Efferent innervation pattern of the cochlea by the auditory brainstem. Crossed and uncrossed fibers from the lateral and medial supe-
rior olives give rise to the olivocochlear bundle (OCB) whose efferents enter the cochlea with the AN after crossing over from the inferior
vestibular nerve at Oort’s vestibulocochlear anastomosis, the junction between the vestibular and auditory nerves. CN ¼ cochlear nucleus;
LOC ¼ lateral olivocochlear; LSO ¼ lateral superior olive; MOC ¼ medial olivocochlear; MSO ¼ medial superior olive. (Adapted from
Liberman, 1990, with permission.)

conducted by George von Bekesy who first described sounds producing maximal activation of hair cells at
the characteristic movements of the basilar membrane the base of the cochlea and low-frequency sounds
by observing excised temporal bone specimens from maximally activating hair cells at the apex of the
cadavers (von Bekesy, 1947). Because the fluids of cochlea. In fact, the frequency-specific displacement
the inner ear are nearly incompressible, the inward of the basilar membrane is very sharply tuned.
movement of the stapes footplate causes the fluctua- By monitoring the displacement of a region of the bas-
tion of cochlear fluids to occur nearly instantaneously ilar membrane near the base of the cochlea in response
along the entire length of the cochlea. However, the to different frequencies and intensities of sound, we can
basilar membrane does not move in unison along its obtain a frequency tuning curve for that specific region
entire length. From base to apex, the stiffness of the (Fig. 12A). The frequency with the lowest threshold, or
basilar membrane gradually decreases, while its width lowest intensity required to cause a measurable dis-
(and mass) increases. This difference in physical prop- placement of the basilar membrane, is termed the char-
erties along the length of the basilar membrane results acteristic frequency (CF) for that region. In the region
in the stiffer and lighter base vibrating earlier than the near the base of the cochlea depicted in Fig. 12A, the
apex when fluid fluctuations are generated by the sta- CF is close to 10 kHz and can be seen as the sharply
pes footplate. In effect, when fluid fluctuations are tuned tip of the tuning curve. Frequencies greater and
generated by the stapes, vibration of the basilar mem- less than the CF have higher thresholds; frequencies
brane begins at the base and propagates towards the below CF have high thresholds resulting in a broadly
apex generating what appears as a “traveling wave” tuned “tail” below CF. The basilar membrane response
(Fig. 11). The gradient of stiffness and mass along to increases in sound intensity near CF is also character-
the length of the basilar membrane also accounts for ized by compressive non-linearity. That is, when stim-
its frequency-specific movement. High-frequency ulated with a sound at or near the CF for a given region
sounds produce maximal displacement of the basilar of the basilar membrane, the displacement of the basilar
membrane at the base of the cochlea, whereas low- membrane increases with increasing stimulus intensi-
frequency sounds produce maximal displacement at ties, but saturates at higher intensities. Stimulation with
the apex. Although low-frequency sounds produce frequencies above or below the CF, however, results in
maximal displacement at the apex of the basilar mem- close to a linear relationship between basilar membrane
brane, they also produce displacement at the base due movement and stimulus level.
to the traveling wave’s progression from the base to
the apex. However, high-frequency sounds only pro- 1.4.8. Hair cell tuning
duce displacement at the base. This variation in region
specific displacement leads to a frequency-to-place How is the mechanical tuning of the basilar membrane
representation in the cochlea, with high-frequency related to the activation of hair cells at different

Base Uncoiled cochlea Apex




Basilar Membrane
Fig. 11. Schematic diagram depicting the traveling wave displacement pattern of the basilar membrane. Low-frequency stimuli produce max-
imal displacement at the apex of the basilar membrane, mid-frequency stimuli produce maximal displacement in the middle regions of the
basilar membrane, and high-frequency stimuli cause maximal displacement at the base of the cochlea. Dashed lines represent the envelope of
the basilar membrane response. Unlike low-frequency stimuli which produce displacement of the base and apex of the basilar membrane, high-
frequency stimuli only produce displacement at the base.


100 1000 10000 100000
Frequency (Hz)

Sound Intensity (dB SPL)

30 OHC
1 3 5 10 30
Frequency (kHz)
Fig. 12. (A) Representative frequency–threshold tuning curve for a region of the basilar membrane near the base of the cochlea, demonstrating
the sharply tuned displacement pattern of the basilar membrane. (B) Receptor potential tuning curves for an inner (IHC) and outer hair cell
(OHC). (From Cody and Russell, 1987, with permission.) Note the similarity between basilar membrane and hair cell tuning curves.

regions along the basilar membrane? By using sharp membrane suggests that the mechanical response of
microelectrodes, the activity of individual hair cells the basilar membrane is faithfully transmitted to the
can be recorded under resting conditions and in hair cells.
response to sound stimulation (Russell and Sellick,
1977). The resting membrane potential of inner hair 1.4.9. Inner and outer hair cell loss
cells ranges from 40 to 50 mV, while that of the
outer hair cells is around 70 mV (Cody and Russell, Animal studies in which either inner or outer hair cells
1987). The tuning curves of inner and outer hair cells have been selectively destroyed have demonstrated
at a location near the base of the cochlea are shown in the distinct roles of the two types of cochlear hair cell.
Fig. 12B. The sound intensity required to produce a These studies also elucidate some of the underly-
measurable response from the cells is plotted over a ing mechanisms of sensorineural hearing loss (i.e.,
range of frequencies. Similar to the tuning curve for hearing loss resulting from conditions affecting the
the basilar membrane, the tuning curves of inner and auditory nerve or inner ear). Common causes of sen-
outer hair cells have a low threshold, sharply tuned sorineural hearing loss (SNHL) include noise-induced
tip representing the cell’s characteristic frequency, inner ear damage, ototoxicity due to chemotherapy
and a high threshold, broadly tuned tail. The similarity agents or antibiotics, auditory neuropathy, and pres-
between the tuning curves of hair cells and the basilar bycusis (age-related hearing loss).

Disruption of inner hair cells and their associated A

auditory nerve fibers has dramatic effects on auditory
functioning and is believed to underlie the hearing dis-
order known as auditory neuropathy. Auditory neu-
ropathy, which accounts for 2.4–15% of SNHL
cases, is believed to be the result of either damage
to inner hair cells, the synapse between inner hair cells OHC
and auditory nerve fibers, or to auditory nerve fibers
themselves (Starr et al., 1996). Patients suffering from IHC
this disorder have normal outer hair cell function, as
measured by otoacoustic emissions, but abnormal
auditory brainstem responses and hearing deficits such
as poor speech discrimination particularly in noisy
environments. In an attempt to better understand the
distinct roles of inner and outer hair cells, as well as
disorders such as auditory neuropathy, animal models B
of selective inner hair cell and spiral ganglion neuron
loss have been developed. Administration of the
chemotherapy agent carboplatin to chinchillas pro-
duces selective damage to inner hair cells and
spiral ganglion neurons leaving the majority of outer
hair cells intact and functioning (Wang et al., 1997,
2003) (Fig. 13A). In the auditory nerve fibers that
are left intact, sharpness of tuning and low thresholds
at near CF are retained, thus demonstrating the role of
functional outer hair cells in the sensitivity and tuning
of the cochlea. However, both spontaneous and driven
discharge rates are reduced indicating that selective
inner hair cell damage dramatically affects the trans-
mission of information to the central auditory brain Fig. 13. (A) Photomicrograph of a cochlear preparation from a chin-
by the auditory nerve. chilla exposed to the ototoxic agent carboplatin which selectively
Various agents such as the antibiotic kanamycin destroys inner hair cells (IHC) while leaving outer hair cells
and acoustic overexposure have been utilized to selec- (OHC) intact. Arrows indicate regions of missing inner hair cells.
(B) Photomicrograph of a cochlear preparation from a chinchilla
tively destroy outer hair cells. Loss of outer hair cells
exposed to intense noise. Notice the selective loss of OHCs while
results in an elevation of auditory thresholds as high as most IHCs are left intact. (courtesy of D. Ding)
60 dB, as well as poor frequency selectivity evidenced
by the widening of frequency tuning curves (Ryan and
Dallos, 1975; Dallos and Harris, 1978; Liberman and cell stereocilia can also lose their attachments to the
Kiang, 1978). These results further demonstrate the overlying tectorial membrane (Fig. 14).
role of outer hair cells in cochlear tuning and sensitiv-
ity. In addition to ototoxic agents, intense noise also
1.5. Cochlear potentials
causes hair cell damage. Although intense noise expo-
sure has devastating effects on many cochlear cell 1.5.1. The endocochlear potential
types, it is the outer hair cells that appear to be the most
vulnerable (Henderson et al., 2006). In fact, it is the Early studies conducted by von Bekesy were some of
damage of outer hair cells following noise exposure the earliest to investigate the electrochemical properties
that significantly contributes to noise-induced hearing of the fluid-filled spaces of the cochlea (von Bekesy,
loss. Loss of outer hair cells via apoptosis and necrosis 1951). By advancing an electrode through the cochlea,
can produce cochlear lesions following noise exposure he was able to record the changes in electrical potentials
(Fig. 13B). Additionally, intense noise exposure can of the different fluid-filled cochlear regions. Record-
damage hair cell stereocilia and tip-links; outer hair ings from the scala tympani demonstrate that the

2006, 2008). The stria vascularis has a layered epithelial

structure, diagrammed in Fig. 15B. On their medial
surface, strial basal cells are connected to intermedi-
ate cells via gap junctions whereas on their lateral sur-
face, basal cells connect to fibrocytes of the spiral
ligament by another set of gap junctions. The gap
junctions allow fibrocytes, basal cells and intermedi-
ate cells to be electrically coupled and permit ions and
small molecules to flow between these cells. On the
surface of the stria vascularis lining the scala media
are strial marginal cells which are separated from
intermediate cells by intrastrial fluid.
Several ion transport mechanisms within the stria
Fig. 14. Scanning electron micrograph of a guinea pig cochlea vascularis contribute to the generation of the
showing (A) normal outer hair cell stereocilia organization and endocochlear potential by recycling K from the endo-
(B) dramatic damage to outer hair cell stereocilia following intense
noise exposure (courtesy of D. Ding).
lymph. K ions that enter the stereocilia during trans-
duction flow through the hair cells to the perilymph,
through the spiral ligament, and back to the stria
perilymph has a þ7 mV electrical potential (Johnstone vascularis where it is once again released back into
and Sellick, 1972). As stated previously, the resting the endolymph (Fig.15A, solid arrows). K ions leave
potential recorded from inner hair cells is 40 to the hair cells via basolateral K channels out into the
50 mV, whereas that of outer hair cells is 70 mV perilymph where they are then taken up by fibrocytes
(Dallos et al., 1982; Cody and Russell, 1987). When of the spiral ligament. Additionally, K ions in the
an electrode is passed into the scala media, a dramatic endolymph also enter the perilymph of the scala ves-
increase in the electrical potential is recorded. This tibuli directly through Reissner’s membrane where
potential, referred to as the endocochlear potential, is they are then taken up by fibrocytes. Once in the
þ80 mV and exists in the absence of acoustic stimuli fibrocytes, K is able to diffuse through the strial basal
(Peake et al., 1969; Bosher and Warren, 1971) cells to the strial intermediate cells due to the presence
(Fig. 15A). In fact, the endocochlear potential is the of gap junctions, causing the intermediate cells to have
largest transepithelial voltage in the human body a high concentration of K ions. K channels (Kcnj10,
(Wangemann, 2006), and is the driving force for hair Kir 4.1) located in the membrane of intermediate
cell transduction. The striking 125–150 mV potential cells allow for K ions to diffuse down their concentra-
difference between the hair cells and endolymph is tion gradient into the intrastrial space which has a
what drives the influx of K ions into the hair cells fol- relatively low K concentration. The ionic K concentra-
lowing the opening of mechanically gated ion channels tion is kept low within the intrastrial space due to the
in the stereocilia. Thus, the endocochlear potential is action of a number of transport mechanisms in the
vital for the transduction of sound waves into nerve marginal cell membrane. A Na-2Cl-K cotransporter
impulses by the hair cells. (Slc12a2) and the Na,K-ATPase (Atp1a1/Atp1b2)
allow for K ions to be taken up by the marginal cells
1.5.2. The stria vascularis and potassium cycling from the intrastrial fluid. Once in the marginal cells,
K ions are then secreted back into the endolymph of
Originally, the endocochlear potential was thought to the scala media by the K channel Kcnq1/Kcne1.
originate from the ionic concentration gradient Fig. 15B shows a detailed diagram of the transport
between the endolymph and perilymph. However, mechanisms within the stria vascularis giving rise to
altering the concentration of K within the perilymph the endocochlear potential. In essence, the major driv-
has little effect on endocochlear potential amplitude ing force for the generation of the endocochlear poten-
(Tasaki et al., 1954). Further investigation revealed tial is the large potential difference between the
that the stria vascularis, the highly vascularized region intrastrial fluid and the intermediate cell
of the lateral cochlear wall, is responsible for generat- (Wangemann, 2002, 2006). In combination, the
ing the ionic composition of endolymph as well as the uptake of K from the intrastrial space by the marginal
endocochlear potential (for review, see Wangemann, cells and the diffusion of K into the intermediate cells

Perilymph Scala Media

ne Stria
mbra Vascularis
me +80 mV
Scala Vestibuli r’s
ne Endolymph
Hair Cells
Tectorial membrane

Inner Prominence
Sulcus Tunnel
of Spiral
Corti Supporting Cells
Spiral Lamina Basilar membrane

Inner Pillar Cells Scala Tympani

Spiral Ganglion
Hair Cells
Cells Habenula

Na+ K+ Na+
KCNQ1 K+ Na+ K+
K+ Cl− K+ Cl−
K+ Na+
Na+ K+
Intermediate K+
Cells SLC12A2
Marginal Intrastrial space Basal
80 mV Cells 90 mV Cells 0 mV

Endolymph Stria Vascularis Spiral

Fig. 15. The stria vascularis is the source of the endocochlear potential. (A) Schematic diagram showing the flow of potassium ions into the
endolymph and then back to the stria vascularis through the basilar and Reissner’s membrane. (From Salvi et al., 2007, with permission.)
(B) Magnified representation of the stria vascularis depicting the numerous transport mechanisms involved in the generation of the
endocochlear potential. (Adapted from Wangemann, 2008, with permission.)

from fibrocytes of the spiral ligament contribute to the malfunction of the complex transport mechanisms
diffusion of K ions down their concentration gradient within the stria vascularis has dramatic effects on
via Kcnj10 (Kir 4.1) channels, which ultimately cochlear function. Mutations in Kcnq1 and Kcne1,
produces the þ80 mV endocochlear potential. the channels involved in secretion of K from
Because the endocochlear potential is so important marginal cells into the endolymph, underlie
for hair cell transduction, it is not surprising that Jervell and Lange–Nielsen syndromes which are

characterized by profound deafness (Schulze-Bahr 1.5.3. Evoked cochlear potentials

et al., 1997; Wang et al., 2002). Similarly, inhibition
of Slc12a2, the marginal cell Na-2Cl-K cotransporter, In addition to the resting potentials of the inner ear (the
results in a loss of the endocochlear potential and the endocochlear potential and the hair cell resting poten-
collapse of the endolymphatic space (Kusakari et al., tials) three sound-evoked potentials, the cochlear micro-
1978). Deletion of Kcnj10, the K channel most impor- phonic, summating potential, and the compound action
tant for endocochlear potential generation by allowing potential, are also generated in the inner ear (Fig. 16).
for the movement of K from the intermediate cells to In response to sound stimuli these potentials can be
the intrastrial fluid, also results in the loss of the recorded from electrodes placed in the cochlea or at loca-
endocochlear potential (Marcus et al., 2002). Addition- tions outside the cochlea such as at the round window.
ally, mutation in the genes encoding for gap junction
proteins, including Gjb2 and Gjb6, underlie hereditary Cochlear microphonic
cases of childhood deafness and deletion of the Gjb6 When an electrode is placed on or near the cochlea, an
gene in mice results in deafness and the loss of the alternating current (AC) response, called the cochlear
endocochlear potential (Zelante et al., 1997; Del microphonic (CM), can be observed when sound stim-
Castillo et al., 2003; Teubner et al., 2003). Gap junc- uli are presented (Fig. 16B). The frequency of this AC
tions are not only important for electrical coupling of response closely mimics the frequency of the sound
cochlear cells, but also appear to be important for the stimulus, demonstrating the ability of the cochlea
passage of metabolites between cochlear cells (Zhang to act as a “microphone” by transducing sound
et al., 2005; Matsunami et al., 2006). stimuli into comparable oscillations in voltage

400 400
Cochlear Microphonic
300 300

200 200
Amplitude (mV)

Amplitude (mV)

100 100

0 0

−100 −100

−200 −200

−300 −300

−400 −400
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Time (ms) Time (ms)

Summating Potential Compound Action Potential
100 100 onset offset
Amplitude (mV)

Amplitude (mV)


0 0

−100 −100

0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Time (ms) Time (ms)
Fig. 16. Evoked potentials recorded from the rat cochlea. (A) Unfiltered recording from the cochlea in response to a noise burst. (B) Cochlear
microphonic (CM) isolated by filtering the cochlear response in A. The CM is seen as an alternating current response. (C) Summating potential
(SP) isolated from the cochlear response in A, showing the SP as a direct current shift. (D) Compound action potential (CAP) isolated from the
cochlear response in A. The two predominant negative peaks of the CAP (N1 and N2) are shown. (courtesy of G.D. Chen)

(Wever and Bray, 1930). For example, the CM will selective destruction of inner hair cells or the auditory
appear as a 1 kHz electrical sinusoidal wave if the nerve has little effect on the CM (Trautwein et al.,
ear is stimulated with a 1 kHz tone. The amplitude 1996; XY Zheng et al., 1997).
of the CM varies with the intensity of the sound stim-
ulus, with the amplitude increasing linearly with Summating potential
increasing stimulus levels from low to mid intensities, In addition to the CM, a step-like direct current (DC)
and eventually saturates and declines with very high- shift can also be recorded from the inner ear in
intensity stimuli (Fig. 17A). The CM also varies with response to sound stimuli (Fig. 16C). This DC
frequency, closely following the frequency-to-place response, called the summating potential (SP), lasts
displacement of the basilar membrane. High- for the duration of the sound stimulus and is positive
frequency stimuli produce a CM at the base of the or negative depending on the parameters of the stim-
cochlea but not at the apex, while low-frequency stim- ulus as well as the recording site (Dallos et al., 1970).
uli produce a CM at both the base and apex, similar to Unlike the CM which has a more broadly tuned
the basilar membrane’s traveling wave. It is now response to sound stimulation with various frequen-
known that the CM is the result of receptor currents cies, the SP is more narrowly tuned. The SP is negative
flowing through the hair cells, which explains the near the characteristic frequency for a given region of
close relationship between the CM and displacement the cochlea, but reverses polarity at frequencies above
of the basilar membrane which is responsible for hair and below the characteristic frequency.
cell activation (Tasaki et al., 1954; Dallos et al., 1972; It is currently believed that the inner hair cells con-
Dallos and Cheatham, 1976). tribute significantly to the SP. Selective destruction of
Studies in which inner or outer hair cells have been type I afferent neurons and inner hair cells by round win-
selectively destroyed have demonstrated that it is the dow application of kainic acid or sectioning of the audi-
outer hair cells which are the dominant contributors to tory nerve in chinchilla results in a dramatic decrease in
the CM. For example, selective destruction of outer the amplitude of the SP recorded at the round window
hair cells with kanamycin results in a dramatic reduc- with little effect on the CM (Fig. 17B) (Zheng et al.,
tion of the CM (Dallos and Wang, 1974). However, 1997). Likewise, destruction of inner hair cells and

1000 Control
IHC Loss
IHC + OHC Loss
CM Amplitude (uV)

SP Amplitude (uV)

100 100

10 10

1 1
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Fig. 17. (A) Cochlear microphonic (CM) amplitude as a function of stimulus intensity. At low to mid frequencies the amplitude increases
linearly with increasing intensities but saturates at high intensities. (B) Representative changes in the input/output function of the summating
potential (SP) following inner (IHC) and outer hair cell (OHC) loss. Selective destruction of IHCs reduces the SP amplitude particularly for
low- to mid-intensity sounds. Additional loss of OHCs results in a further reduction in SP amplitude particularly at high intensities.

type I afferent nerve fibers with carboplatin also greatly the lowest stimulus intensity required to evoke a
reduces the SP (Durrant et al., 1998). Although the inner reliable CAP response, is typically 10–20 dB
hair cells are believed to make a dominant contribution above an individual’s behavioral hearing threshold
to the SP, additional loss of outer hair cells further (Eggermont and Odenthal, 1974). Because of this,
reduces the amplitude of the SP. the CAP is commonly used clinically as a measure
of hearing sensitivity. Compound action potential Similar to what is seen with the CM and SP, selec-
The compound action potential (CAP) is the result of tive inner or outer hair cell loss has predictable effects
the synchronous firing of spiral ganglion neurons on the CAP (Fig. 18C). Selective loss of inner hair
of the auditory nerve in response to sound stimulation. cells results in a reduction in the amplitude of the
Thus, the CAP represents an extracellular potential CAP with only a modest change in the CAP threshold
which can be measured in or near the cochlea. (Wang et al., 1997). In contrast, selective outer hair
The CAP consists of two negative peaks, the first cell loss causes a shift in the CAP threshold with only
(N1) occurring with a latency of approximately a small reduction in amplitude once the threshold is
1 ms, and the second (N2) occurring with a latency exceeded at high intensities (Özdamar and Dallos,
of roughly 2 ms following the presentation of 1976). The CAP provides information about the func-
moderate- to high-intensity sound stimuli (Figs. 16D tional integrity of the auditory nerve. For example, the
and 18A). Both the amplitude and latency of the number of auditory nerve fibers contributing to the
CAP peaks are dependent on the intensity of the sound CAP can be inferred from the amplitude of the peaks,
stimulus. The amplitude of the CAP response while the width of the CAP can be used as a measure of
increases with increasing stimulus intensity, while the synchrony of auditory nerve firing. The CAP is
the latency of the CAP peaks decreases with increas- also used clinically to distinguish between SNHL
ing stimulus intensity (Fig. 18B). The CAP threshold, and conductive hearing loss (CHL). A reduction in

800 Control
N1 700 IHC Loss

B OHC Loss
CAP Amplitude (uV)

Stimulus Level (dB)

40 300

10 100
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 20 40 60 80 100
Time (ms) dB SPL
Fig. 18. (A) The compound action potential (CAP) consists of two major negative peaks (N1 and N2). (B) The CAP amplitude increases while
N1 and N2 latencies decrease with increasing stimulus intensities. (C) Representative changes in the input/output function of the CAP fol-
lowing selective inner (IHC) or outer hair cell (OHC) loss. Selective IHC loss reduces CAP amplitude at mid- to high-intensity levels with little
effect on CAP threshold, while selective OHC loss only slightly reduces the CAP amplitude but causes a large shift in the CAP threshold.

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