Ophthalmologists in Thailand†
Chutima Panicharoen MD*,
Parima Hirunwiwatkul MD*
This paper was presented in part at the 21st Asia-Pacific Association of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (APACRS)
Annual Meeting, November 27-30, 2008, Bangkok, Thailand
* Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
Understanding the current treatment pattern attending the Royal College of Ophthalmologists of
of ophthalmologists will assist in the design of Thailand’s annual meeting held on July 25 to 27,
the national treatment guideline for hordeolum in 2008. This was the best strategy to obtain filled-
Thailand. Even though hordeolum is very common, to out questionnaires from as many registered
the authors’ knowledge, there is no recommended ophthalmologists or resident-in-training in a short
standard treatment guideline for this disorder. There is time. Questions consisted of physician’s general data
scarce information on the treatment for hordeolum and and hordeolum treatment. Aside from the annual
the most frustrating part is that the conclusions tend meeting, the authors also sent the questionnaires
to be vague and sometimes ungeneralizable about the to the eye institutes or conducted telephone
use of antibiotics. Therefore, the authors decided to interviews.
assess the current pattern of hordeolum treatment
among ophthalmologists in Thailand. Results
One thousand nineteen questionnaires were
Material and Method given to 863 ophthalmologists and 156 residents-in-
The authors designed a two-page Thai training. Five hundred one answered the questionnaires
questionnaire that was distributed to ophthalmologists (49.17%). There were 247 male physicians and 254 female
physicians. The mean age of the participants was
Correspondence to: 37.27 years (range 25-71). Eighty percent of them were
Hirunwiwatkul P, Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of younger than 40 years old. There were no age data
Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, 1873 Rama IV Rd,
Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330, Thailand.
for 96 questionnaires. Most of them (80%) worked in
Phone: 0-2256-4142 ext. 205, Fax: 0-2252-8290 state-run institutions. Fifty-eight percent of them were
E-mail: parima.H@chula.ac.th general practicing ophthalmologists.