Electrochem 1
Electrochem 1
Electrochem 1
Electrochemistry - I
(Electrochemical Cells)
BASICS Section - 1
Electrochemisrty deals with the inter-conversion of electrical energy and chemical energy. This part of
Electrochemistry will deal with the conversion of chemical energy into electrical energy (Electrochemical
Electrochemical Cells :
Consider the following redox reaction :
Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq)
Cu(s) + Zn2+(aq)
In the above reaction , Zn displaces copper ions (Cu2+) from aqueous solution. This reaction can be achieved
very easily in practice. Put a Zn rod into a solution of CuSO4 (containing Cu2+ ions). It is observed that blue
colour of CuSO4 solution disappears after sometime. What happens actually ? Zn loses 2e–s per atom and
Cu2+ ions in the solution accepts them. Cu2+ ions from solution in this manner are deposited out in form of
solid Cu and Zn goes into the solution as Zn2+ (colourless). The reaction can well be understood in terms of
two half reactions :
Oxidation : Zn2+(aq) + 2e–
Note : (i) In this reaction, Zn atoms are directly giving electrons to the copper ions.
(ii) Another aspect of this reaction is that it is an exothermic reaction. This means decrease in energy of
the reacting system takes place which appears as heat.
Now, we can make the same reaction take place even if the copper ions and zinc rod are not in direct
contact. If we put the Cu2+ ions and Zn rod in two separate containers and connect the two by a conducting
metallic wire and introduce an inverted U shape instrument (called as salt-bridge), then electrons will still be
transferred through the connecting wires. The electrons from Zn rod travel to Cu2+ ions through the con-
necting wires and the same reaction takes place.
In such an arrangement, the solution does not get heated up. The loss in energy now appears as the potential
difference which is used to do the work in transferring the electrons from Zn to Cu2+ ions. Such an arrangement
is called as electrochemical cell or Galvanic cell or Voltaic cell. The potential difference which drives the
electrons from Zn to Cu2+ ions, is called as electromotive force (E.M.F.) of a cell.
An electrochemical cell (shown in diagram) mainly consists of two compartments : left hand electrode
(LHE) and right hand electrode (RHE). In LHE, oxidation takes place and is called as anode. In RHE,
reduction takes place and is called as cathode.
Anode is generally of that metal (or substance) which readily loses electrons (i.e., oxidised easily). A rod of
that metal is prepared and put into one of its solution in LHE to get anode. In RHE, a rod of metal that loses
electrons less easily as compared to the metal of LHE (in the diagram, Zn is taken in LHE and Cu is taken
in RHE) is prepared and put into one of its solution to get cathode. LHE and RHE are also known as two
half-cells. Now the electrons move from anode (LHE) to cathode (RHE) and hence a current flow is
maintained in the external circuit.
The two half cells are connected by a inverted ‘U’ shaped tube called as salt-bridge. The salt-bridge
contains solution of strong ionic salts like NaCl, NaNO3, KNO3 and KCl, etc., (salts of most reactive alkali
metals) soaked in a colloidal solution of agar-gel which allows only the movement of ions of salts, not water.
The role of a salt-bridge is very important as it allows the continuous discharge of the cell (i.e., the supply of
voltage from cell). The salt-bridge keeps the two solutions (i.e., in LHE and RHE) electrically neutral to
each other. In the Zn-CuSO4 cell, in left hand cell as Zn loses electrons, excess of positive charge (in form
of Zn2+ ions) is collected near LHE and as Cu2+ ions gets discharged (accepting electrons from Zn) in right
hand cell, excess of negative charge (in form of SO 24 ions) is accumulated near RHE. Now the salt-bridge
provides positive charge to RHE (in form of K+, Na+ ions) and negative charge to LHE (in form of Cl–,
NO3– etc) and thus bringing about the neutrality of two solutions. If this does not take place, a reverse
potential difference is created in the two compartments and thus breaking the continuous supply of voltage
(current), which is the purpose of the cell.
The efficiency of a cell is determined by the tendency of LHE to loose electrons and the tendency of RHE
to accept electrons. A measure of cell efficiency is called as electromotive force (EMF) or the voltage or the
difference in potentials of two electrodes. EMF is defined as the difference in the potential across LHE and
RHE due to which electrons from anode travel to cathode.
EMF value of a cell made up of such two half-cells is a constant provided that the concentration of electro-
lyte, temperature and the pressure (if gases are involved) remains constant. It means that EMF values do
change with concentration, temperature and pressure. EMF values are hence standardised at a temperature
of 25°C (298 K), a pressure of 1 atm (if gases are involved) and at concentrations of 1.0 M for all solutes
prevent as electrolytes. EMF value under these conditions is called as standard EMF and is denoted as E0.
EMF of a cell is measured as the difference of potentials of anode and cathode. The potential of a half-cell
or EMF of a half-cell (i.e., a cathode or anode) is called as electrode potential. It is defined as the tendency
of an electrode either to get oxidised or to get reduced i.e., to loose or gain electrons. electrode potentials
are of two types :
Oxidation Potential :
It is the tendency of an electrode to get oxidised, i.e., to loose electrons.
Reduction Potential :
It is the tendency of an electrode to get reduced, i.e., to accept electrons.
Electrode potentials at standard conditions (1 atm, 298 K and 1.0 M) are called as standard electrode
Note : Anode is the negatively charged electrode in electrochemical cell and positively charged in electrolytic
cell (to be discussed later) but it will always be the oxidation electrode (electrode on which oxidation
take place).
Cathode is the positively charged electrode in electrochemical cell and negatively charged in electrolytic
cell (to be discussed later) but it will always be the reduction electrode (electrode on which reduction
takes place).
We can also define cathode and anode electrodes as :
Anode : Electrode at which current enters.
Cathode : Electrode at which current leaves.
An important property for an ionic salt to act as a salt bridge is that ionic mobility (ease with which
ions move in solution) of both cations anion should be similar. Also, it should not react with the
contents of either anode or cathode.
Types of Electrodes :
1. Metal in contact with its ions :
Metal (M) in contact with its ion (Mn+) is represented as M/Mn+ when it acts as oxidation electrode
(anode) and Mn+/M when it acts as reduction electrode (cathode). Whether a given electrode acts as
anode or cathode depends upon the other electrode with which it forms an electrochemical cell. So,
it is necessary to define both oxidation and reduction potentials for an electrode.
M / Mn+ is written as :
M(s) (1.0 M) ne (oxidation electrode)
and its potential is called as oxidation potential and at standard state is represented as E0(M/Mn+).
Mn+ / M is written as :
M n (1.0 M ) ne
M (s) (reduction electrode)
and its potential is called as reduction potential and at standard state is represented as E0(Mn+/M).
Note : Symbol “/” denotes the phase seperation between the two substances.
2. Gaseous electrode :
Gases like H2(g) can loose electrons to form H+ ions and hence can
act as anode and also H+ ion can add up electrons to form H2 (g)
and hence can act as cathode. Similarly gases like Cl2 (g) can add
electrons to form Cl ions and Cl ions can loose electrons to form
Cl2(g). The concentration of electrolytes is the value for [H+] ions
and we take pressure of gas in atm. A hydrogen electrode is made
by passing H2 (g) at 1 atm near an electric conductor made up of
platinum (for conduction of e–s) dipped in an aqueous solution
containing H+ ions (generally HCl) as shown in figure.
E (H 2 / H ) : H (aq.) e
H 2 (g) (oxidaion potential)
E(H / H 2 ) : H (aq.) e
H 2 (g) (reduction potential)
E0 (H 2 / H ) : H (1M) e
H 2 (1 atm) (standard oxidation potential)
E0 (H / H 2 ) : H (1M) e
H 2 (1atm) (standard reduction potential)
Similarly, Cl2/Cl– electrode is prepared by passing Cl2 gas and taking HCl (aq) or KCl (aq) as electrolyte.
3. Redox Electrodes :
In this type of electrode, an inert wire (e.g. Platinum) is placed in a solution (electrolyte) containing ions of an
element in more than one oxidation states. e.g. Pt wire dipped in an electrolyte of Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions. The
electrode (inert material wire) acts as a source / sink for electrons.
Electrode representation : Pt/Fe3+ , Fe2+
Electrode reaction : As cathode : Fe3+ (aq.) + e–
Fe2+ (aq.)
Redox electrodes can also be made using substances that exist in two different oxidation states. Quinhydrone
is an equimolar mixture of benzoquinone (Q) and hydroquione (H2Q)
Electrode representation : Pt/H2Q, Q, H+
Electrode reaction : As anode :
Note : If two substances are in same solution then in the cell or electrode representation, they are separated by
comma (‘,’).
4. Calomel Electrode :
It consists of mercury covered with mercurous chloride (calomel) in contact with a solution of KCl :
Electrode representation : Hg / Hg2Cl2 / Cl–
Most common calomel electrode is the saturated catomel electrode (SCE) in which the concentration of
KCl is at its saturation (about 3.5 M). ESCE 0.24 V (w.r.t. SHE)
Note : [1] Calomel electrodes, Silver - Silver Chloride electrodes and Mercury - Mercurons Sulphate electrodes
are secondary reference electrodes. Silver - Silver electrodes and calomel electrodes are the most
commonly used (practically) as a reference electrode rather than SHE / NHE due to practical difficulties
associated with its (SHE) used and maintenance.
[2] The potential of metal - metal ion electrode and metal-metal insoluble salt-slat anion electrode is same
while their standard potentials are not same. Statndard potential are related by the following equation.
E E log K sp (MX) [Refer example - 4]
X / MX / M M /M F
7. Amalgam electrodes :
This is the modified version of Metal / Metal - ion electrode in which metal strip is replaced by metal
e.g. Na (in Hg at c1 M) / Na+ (c2 M)
Electrode Potentials :
It is impossible to measure the absolute EMF’s (electrode potentials) for half electrodes. This is done by
arbitrarily selecting one half cell and setting its electrode potential as ‘0’ volts. The electrode potentials of
other half cells can then be measured by combining them with the standard reference electrodes in a cell
The reference electrode against which all other half cells are generally measured is the hydrogen electrode
half-cell at a concentration of H+ ions equal to 1.0 M and H2(g) at 1 atm pressure kept at 25°C (298 K). It
is also known as SHE (standard hydrogen electrode) or NHE (normal hydrogen electrode). Its potential is
taken as ‘0’ volts.
E0(H2 / H+) = 0 = E0(H+ / H2)
Now other half cells can be divided into two categories : One which will act as anode and other which will
act as cathode in a cell arrangement with SHE. Each type of cell arrangement will give an EMF value which
will be actually the EMF value of known electrode as EMF value of SHE is ‘zero’ volts (whether SHE acts
as anode or cathode).
For example : Cu electrode (half cell) acts as cathode with SHE, i.e., as :
Cu 2 / Cu : Cu 2 (aq) (1.0M ) 2e
Cu (s) .
The experimental measurement of EMF value for this cell arrangement give 0.34 volts. Since Cu electrode
shows reduction with SHE, the given value of EMF represents the reduction potential of Cu half-cell.
Note : Reduction potential is taken as a standard potential i.e. if electrode potential is given (and nothing is mentioned
whether it is oxidation or reduction), it is taken as the reduction potential, by default.
Note : Electrode potential measured in this manner are called as standard hydrogen scale potentials.
0 ):
Standard EMF of a Cell ( Ecell
(i) E 0cell standard reduction potential standard reduction potential
of cathode of anode
E0cell E0reduction
(ii) E0cell = standard oxidation potential standard oxidation potential
of anode of cathode
E0cell E0oxidation
Note : (i) Constructing the cell in this manner will always give a positive EMF otherwise sometimes if an elec-
trode is chosen wrongly, the EMF comes out to be negative. In that case, you should reverse the
electrodes i.e., make anode the cathode and vice-versa.
(ii) It is now standardised to use the definition of EMF in terms of standard reduction potential.
E 0cell E 0reductioncathode
E 0reduction
Cell Representation :
The cell representation of a cell is written as :
LHE | | RHE | | : represents salt-bridge
In general, if two electrodes at standard conditions are :
M/Mx+ and N/Ny+
and let E0(Mx+ / M) < E0 (Ny+ / N).
So M / Mx+ is the anode and N / Ny+ is the cathode. [ Electrode having higher reduction potential has to
be cathode.]
LHE M(s) / M x (1.0 M) and RHE N y (1.0 M) / N
M(s) / M x (1.0M) || N y (1.0M) / N(s) is the cell representation for a cell at standard state.
If the cell is not at standard state, then let c1 be the concentration of anode and c2 be the concentration of
cathode. In that case, cell representation will be :
Electrochemical Series :
In this series, the standard reduction potential measured on hydrogen scale are arranged in increasing order.
K+ / K K+ (aq.) + e
K(s) – 2.93
H+ / H2 , Pt 2 H+ (aq.) + 2e
H2(g) 0.00
I2/I, Pt 1/2I2(s) + e
I (aq.) 0.54
O3 / O 2 O3 (g) + 2 H + (aq.) 2 e
O 2 (g) + H 2O() 2.07
Lower the reduction potential, higher will be the tendency of forming positive ions. This is related to
reactivity of metals. The order of reactivity of metals is : Li > K > Ca > Na > Mg > Al
In this series oxidising character decreases and reducing character increases, e.g., the reducing char-
acter follow the order : Na > Mg > Zn > Fe > Ni > Cu > Ag
Illustration - 1
(a) If E0 (Ag+/Ag) = 0.8 V and E0 (H+/H2) = 0 V, in a cell arrangement using these two
electrodes, which will act as anode and cathode ? Also find the E0cell.
(b) Construct a cell using given electrodes at 25C. Find its standard EMF.
E0 (Zn2+/Zn) = –0.76 V and E0 (Cu2+/Cu) = 0.34 V
(a) Note that reduction potentials are given. Com-
E0cell E0reduction
paring the two values, clearly
E0(H+/H2) < E0(Ag+ / Ag)
E0cell = 0.8 0 = 0.8 V
Hydrogen electrode will acts as anode and
silver electrode will act as cathode. The cell (b) Note that E0(Zn2+/Zn) < E0(Cu2+ / Cu)
representation of the cell will be :
Zinc electrode will act as anode and Cop-
Pt, H2 (1 atm.) / H+ (1.0M) || Ag+ (1.0 M)/Ag(s) per electrode will act as cathode.
E 0cell E 0reduction
E 0reduction
Illustration - 2 The dry cell (flash light battery) used to power flashlights, clocks, radios etc . follows
E 0cell E 0reduction
E 0reduction
anode = 0.49 (0.76) = 1.25 V
Ecell = 0.74 (–0.76) = 1.50 V
Ecell cell varies between 1.25 V to 1.50 V..
Note : A given electrode potential is to be taken as Reduction Potential. [as reduction potential is to be consid-
ered, “by default”.]
Hg2Cl2(s) + 2e
2 Hg () + 2Cl(1.0 M)
Illustration - 4 For the reduction of NO3 ion in an aqueous solution, E° is +0.96 V. Values of E° for
some metal ions are given below :
Au3+(aq) + 3e–
Au(s) E° = 1.40 V Hg ()
. . .(iii) Hg2+(aq) + 2e– E° = + 0.86 V . . .(iv)
E 0Re duction of (i), (ii) and (iv) is lesser than
NO3 e
? E 0Reduction 0.96 V E 0Re duction for NO .
Check the reduction potential of the given metals So, NO3 will be able to oxidise V, Fe and Hg.
and compare it with that of NO3 reduction. So, pairs are V and Fe, V and Hg, Fe and Hg.
For the electrochemical cell :
The net cell potential is :
Pt (1) Fe3+, Fe2+ (a = 1) | | Ce4+, Ce3+
(a = 1) | Pt (2) E 0cell (E 0reduction ) cathode (E 0reduction )anode
Note : Current in an electrochemical cell flows from cathode to anode where as the electron flow from anode to
2.303 RT
E (M / M n ) E(M / M n ) l og10 Qoxidation
E (M / M n ) E(M / Mn ) l og10 Qoxidation at 25C . . . . (i)
(n : number of e(s) transferred & F = charge on 1 mole electrons = 96500 C)
where Qoxidation : reaction coefficient of oxidation half reaction and is given as :
aM n
M n
Qoxidation where [ ] denotes concentration ; ‘a’ denotes activity
aM M
aM M
a M n
M n
We can see that E(Mn+/M) =E(M/Mn+)
(b) For EMF of the cell : M(s)/Mx+ (c1 M) | | Ny+ (c2 M) / N(s)
Ecell E0cell log10 Qcell . . . . (iii)
n cell
where Qcell : reaction coefficient of overall reaction ; E0cell : standard E.M.F. of the cell ;
ncell : Number of e– transfer in the cell reaction.
y y
a M x a N
x M x
(aN = aM = 1 for solids)
x x
a M a N y
y N y
M x
E cell E 0cell log10
n cell x
N y
Note : In the expression of Q, we put the value of partial pressure (for gases) in atmospheric units (atm.).
(b) Writing the half-cell reaction : H (0.02M) e
H 2 (2atm)
0.059 [H ]
E (H2/H+) = E 0(H2 / H+ ) log10
1 PH 2
0.059 0.02
E (H2/H+) = 0 log10 [ E0(H2 / H+ ) = 0 V]
1 2
E (H2/H+) = 0.109 Volts E 0(H+/H2) = – 0.109 V
Cathode : Ag+(y M) + e–
Ag (s)
The cell reaction is :
Zn(s) + 2Ag+(yM)
Zn2+(xM) + 2Ag(s)
E 0cell E 0reduction
E 0reduction
anode = 0.80 (0.76) = 1.56 V
Now writing Nernst Equation :
0.059 [Zn 2 ]
E cell E 0cell log10 (Activity of Ag(s) and Zn(s) = 1)
n cell [Ag ]2
0.059 0.118
E 0cell E cell log10 [Zn 2 ] log10 [Ag ]
n cell n cell
0.059 0.01
Ecell 1.56 log = 1.54 V
2 0.052
0 0.059 0.059
Ecell E cell n log10 Qcell 0.97 1.56 log10 Qcell
cell 2
2 0.59
log10 Q cell 20 Qcell = 1020
0.059 0.059
E cell E cell log10 Qcell 0.0 E 0cell log10 Qcell
n cell 2
2 1.56 1 1
log10 Qcell = 52.88 53 0.15 log 10 10 53 log log 10 10 53
0.059 2 2
Qcell = 7.07 1052 [approximately]
Illustration - 8 The solution of CuSO4 in which copper rod is immersed is diluted to 10 times, the reduction
electrode potential will :
(A) Increase by 0.030 V (B) Decrease by 0.030 V
(C) Increase by 0.059 V (D) Decrease by 0.059 V
Cu2+(aq.) + 2e
0 0.059 1
Initially : E E
Cu 2 /Cu 1 Cu 2 /Cu
[Cu 2 ]
(Using Nernst equation.)
0 0.059 1
After Dilution : E
Cu 2 / Cu 2
Cu 2 /Cu
[Cu 2 ]
(Using Nernst equation.)
0.059 [Cu 2 ]
Cu 2 /Cu 2
Cu 2 /Cu 1
[Cu 2 ]
2 = 0.059 log 1 = – 0.03 V
Illustration - 9 For the cell : T | T + (0.001M) || Cu2+ (0.1M) | Cu, Ecell can be increased by :
(A) increasing [Cu2+] (B) increasing [T +] (C) decreasing [Cu2+] (D) decreasing [T+]
First write the cell reaction :
2T(s) + Cu2+(0.1 M)
2T+ (0.001 M) + Cu(s)
Using : E cell E 0cell log10 Qcell
n cell
0.059 [T ]2
E cell E 0cell log10
2 [Cu 2 ]
= E cell 0.059 log10[T ] log10[Cu 2 ]
Ecell can be increased by decreasing [T+] or increasing [Cu2+]
Illustration - 10 If excess of Zn is added to 1.0 M solution of CuSO , find the concentration of Cu2+ ions at
equilibrium. The standard reduction potentials of Zn and Cu at 25C are –0.76 V and +0.34 V.
We know that at equilibrium, Ecell = 0.0 V and Let x be the concentration of Cu2+ at equilibrium.
the reaction coefficient Q = Keq. So first let us
Zn Cu2+ Zn2+ Cu
calculate the value of Keq. as follows :
Initial conc. 1.0 0 0
E = E 0reduction
– E reduction
Final conc. 1x x x
(Zn is in excess, so [Zn]= )
E0 = 0.34 ( 0.76) = 1.10 V
0.059 [Zn 2 ] x 1
Now using E0cell log10 K eq K eq. [ x 1]
n cell [Cu 2 ] 1 x 1 x
E 0cell n cell 1 1
1.10 2 1 x 5 1038 M
log10 K eq K eq 2.0 1037
0.059 0.059
= 37.288 37.30 = log10 1037 + log102 [Cu2+]eq = 1–x = 5 × 10–38 M
Keq 2.0 1037
Note that aZn(s) = aCu(s) = 1
Now writing the reaction at equilibrium :
n E
log10 Keq. = cell cell (at 298 K) [ncell = 2]
By difference in concentration of a given electrode, we can construct a cell from only one type of electrode
as follows :
Let us take an electrode M/Mn+ and take two different concentrations of it.
M(s) / M n (c1 ) and M(s) / M n (c 2 )
A cell made by using these two electrodes is called as concentration cell. Its cell representation is given as :
M(s) / M n (c1 ) || M n (c 2 ) / M(s)
The two half-cell reactions are written as :
Anode : M n (c1 ) ne
Cathode : M n+ ( c2 ) ne
Overall reaction : Mn (c 2 )
M n (c1 )
Using : Ecell E 0cell log10 Qcell
n cell
[M n (c1 )]
Now, clearly E0cell = 0 volts and Qcell [For a concentration cell : E0cell = 0 (always )]
[M n (c 2 )]
0.059 [M n (c1 )]
E cell log10
n cell [M n (c 2 )]
Note : For a concentration cell made by using hydrogen electrodes, derive the EMF of cell in terms of pH of two
electrodes. (Try yourself)
1 (p H 2 )anode
Ecell = 0.059 pH anode pH cathode log10
2 (p H 2 )cathode
Illustration - 12 Find the EMF of the concentration cell formed by coupling the following electrodes :
(a) Pt, H2(1 atm) / HCl(0.1 M) (b) Pt, H2 (2 atm)/H2SO4 (0.01 M)
1 (pH 2 )anode
Using Ecell 0.059 pH anode pH cathode log10
2 (p H ) cathode
Assume electrode (a) to be anode :
1 1
E cell 0.059 1 log10 0.02 log10 Volts = – 0.05 Volts
2 2
Note : Ecell is negative which means that electrode (a) is cathode and electrode (b) is anode.
Illustration - 13 A cell contains two hydrogen electrodes. The negative electrode is in contact with a solu-
tion of 10–6 M H+ ions. The EMF of the cell is 0.118 V at 25C. Calculate the concentration of hydrogen ions
at the positive electrode.
The negative eletrode is taken as anode and the positive electrode is as taken as cathode. Let the concen-
tration of H+ ions at positive electrode (i.e., at cathode) is x M. Also, assume pH2 1atm at anode and
Anode : H+ (1 × 106 M) + 1e
H 2 (1atm)
Cathode : H+ (x M) + 1e
H 2 (1atm)
H+ (1 × 106 M)
Overall reaction : H+ (x M)
1 (pH 2 )anode
Using : Ecell 0.059 pH anode pH cathode log10
2 (pH 2 )cathode
Free Energy
Let n faraday charge be taken out of a cell of emf E, then work done by the cell will be calculated as :
Work = Charge × Potential
Work done by the cell is equal to the decrease in the free energy.
G = nFE
Similarly, maximum obtainable work from the cell at standard condition will be :
G = nF E0cell
d ( G)
G H+ T . . . .(i)
dT Const. Pressure
dE cell H E cell
dT nFT T . . . .(ii)
Enthalpy change : From eq. (i) : H G T G
dT P
H nF E cell T cell . . . .(iii)
dT P
d dE
S ( G) nF cell
dT P dT P
Illustration - 14 For the standard electromotive force of the cell : Fe | Fe2+(aq) || Cd2+ (aq) | Cd
If the temperature co-efficient of emf is –0.125 VK–1, the value of S at 25°C would be :
(A) –20.125 kJ K–1 (B) –24.125 kJ K–1 (C) –26.125 kJ K–1 (D) –22.125 kJ K–1
dEcell S
Using :
dT nF
S cell nF = – 0.125 × 2 × 96500 = – 24.125 KJ K
Illustration - 15 The Edison storage cell is represented as : Fe (s) / FeO (s) || KOH (aq) || Ni O (s) / NiO(s)
2 3
The half cell reactions are :
Ni2O3 (s) + H2O (l) + 2e
2NiO (s) + 2OH (aq.) ; E = + 0.40 V
FeO(s) / Fe(s) will be anode
E 0cell E 0reduction E 0reduction
and Ni2O3(s)/NiO(s) will be cathode. cathode anode
Illustration - 16 Find the standard electrode potential of MnO /MnO . The standard electrode potentials
4 2
of MnO4/ Mn2+ = 1.51 V and MnO2/Mn2+ = 1.23 V
Use : –G = nFE0
G 0req. 3FE0req.
Given :
E0req. 1.7 V
Illustration - 17 E.M.F. of following cell is 0.265 V at 25C and 0.26 V at 35C. Calculate heat of the
reaction taking place at 25°C. Pt , H 2 ( g ) / HCl ( aq.)|| Cl ( aq.) / AgCl ( s ) / Ag ( s )
H2 g 2AgCl s
2Ag s 2Cl(aq.)
Use : H nF E cell T cell
dT P
Put n = 2, F = 96500 C
d E cell 0.260 0.265
5.0 104 , E cell = 0.265 V (at 298 K)
dT 308 298
to get : H = –79.9 kJ.
BATTERIES Section - 5
Anode : Zn + 2OH
Zn(OH)2 + 2e
Cathode : 2MnO2 + 2H2O + 2e
2MnO(OH) + 2OH
In a typical lead storage battery, the anode plates are made of lead, while the cathode plates are grids of
lead packed with lead dioxide. A solution of sulphuric acid (H2SO4) surrounds the plates and acts as
electrolyte. The half-cell reactions when the battery is being used up are :
The battery is chargeable (reversible) since lead sulphate (product of both anode and cathode reactions)
sticks to the plates. From cathode reaction, we see that as the battery is used up, the sulphuric acid is used
up. Now we can determine the charge on the battery by measuring the concentration of H2SO4 in the cell.
When the density of solution is between 1.25 g/m and 1.30 g/m, the cell is considered as fully charged.
When its value goes down below 1.20 g/m, the battery is in need of charge. By applying external current we
can charge the battery again. The charging follows following reactions :
After many repeated charging and discharging cycles, some of the Lead sulphate falls to the bottom of the
container, the sulphuric acid concentration remains low and the battery cannot be recharged fully.
Another important secondary cell is the nickel-cadmimum cell which has longer life than the lead storage cell
but more expensive to manufacture. The discharging follows following reactions :
At Cd electrode : Cd + 2OH–
Cd(OH)2 + 2e–
At Ni electrode : Ni(OH)3 + e–
Ni(OH)2 + OH
The overall reaction during discharge is:
Note : Ni – cd cell has a cell potential of 1.2 V which changes a little as it discharges.
Specific gravity of alkaline electrolyte remain same. So, it is not a guide to its change of state.
Fuel Cell :
Fuel cells are another means by which chemical energy may be converted into electrical energy. The main
disadvantage of a primary cell is that it can deliver current for a short period only. This is due to the fact that
the quantity of oxidising agent and reducing agent is limited. But the energy can be obtained indefinitely from
a fuel cell as long as the outside supply of fuel is maintained. One of the examples is the hydrogen-oxygen
fuel cell. The cell consists of three compartments separated by a porous electrode. Hydrogen gas is intro-
duced into one compartment and oxygen gas is fed into another compartment. These gases then diffuse
slowly through the electrodes and react with an electrolyte that is in the central compartment. The electrodes
are made of porous carbon and the electrolyte is a resin containing concentrated aqueous sodium hydroxide
solution. Hydrogen is oxidized at anode and oxygen is reduced at cathode. The overall cell reaction pro-
duces water. The reactions which occur are :
Example - 1 Calculate the reduction potential of an electrode which was originally 0.1 M MnO4 and
0.5 M H+ and has been treated with 50% of the Fe2+ required to reduce all the MnO4 to Mn2+.
(E 2 1.51V )
MnO4 / Mn
MnO 4 + 8H+ + 5e–
Mn2+ + 4H2O
t t final
After 50% Fe2 0.1 0.5 × 0.1 0.5 0.05 × 8 0.05 M
= 0.05 M = 0.1M
Using : E log10 QRe duction
MnO 4 / Mn 2 MnO 4 / Mn 2 n
[Mn 2 ]
E log10
MnO 4 /Mn 2 MnO 4 / Mn 2 5 [MnO 4 ][H ]8
.059 0.05
1.51 log10 = 1.42 volts
5 0.05 (0.1)8
= 14 + log10(0.075) = 12.87
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Electrochemistry - I Vidyamandir Classes
Example - 3 Calculate the reduction electrode potential at 25C of Cr2O72–/Cr3+ electrode at pOH =
11 in a solution of 0.01 M both in Cr3+ and Cr2O72 . E 0 1.33V . If this electrode is coupled with
Cr2O72 / Cr 3
a hydrogen gaseous electrode at pH = 3, find the emf of the spontaneous cell.
Writing balanced equation for Cr2O72 / Cr 3 electrode :
ECr O 2 /Cr3 ECr O2 /Cr 3 log10 Q reduction
2 7 2 7 n
0.059 [Cr 3 ]2
E E log10
Cr2 O72 /Cr 3 Cr2 O 27 / Cr 3 n [Cr2 O7 2 ] [H ]14
0.059 [0.01]2
E Cr O 2 /Cr3 1.33 log10 0.94V
2 7 6 [0.01] [103 ]14
Also, find the electrode potential of hydrogen electrode using Nernst Equation :
2H+(10–3M) + 2e–
H2 (1 atm)
0.059 1
E H / H E 0 log10
2 H / H2 2 [H ]2
0.059 1
E H / H 0 log10 0.177V
2 2
[10 3 ]2
The hydrogen electrode will serve as anode and Cr2O72/Cr3+ will serve as cathode
30 Subjective Solved Examples Self Study Course for IITJEE with Online Support
Vidyamandir Classes Electrochemistry - I
Example - 4 Find the Ksp of AgCl The standard electrode potential of Ag/AgCl/Cl is 0.22 V and Ag+/
Ag is 0.8 V.
The given electrode Ag/AgCl/Cl is visualized as : At equilibrium, Ecell = 0 V and Q = Ksp
Ag(s) + Cl(aq.)
AgCl(s) + e– 0.059
E0cell log10 K sp
It is now coupled with silver electrode as anode n cell
Cathode : AgCl(s) + e–
Ag(s) + Cl (aq.) E 0 Ag / AgCl / Cl E 0 Ag / Ag
Anode : Ag+(aq.) + e–
Ag(s) 0.059
log10 Ksp
Overall cell reaction is : 1
0.22 0.8
Ag+(aq.) + Cl (aq.)
AgCl(s) log10 Ksp 9.85
At saturation (i. e. at equilibrium), the above reac- Ksp = 1.4 10–10
tion gives the solubility of AgCl.
Example - 5 The standard reduction potential of Ag+/Ag electrode at 298 K is 0.80 volts. Ksp of AgI =
1.0 10–16. Find the electrode potential of Ag+/Ag in a saturated solution of AgI. Also, calculate standard
reduction potential of I –/AgI/Ag electrode.
First calculate the concentration of Ag+ in a satu- Ag+ + e
rated solution of AgI.
E(Ag / Ag) E (Ag / Ag)
Ag (aq.) I (aq.)
0.059 1
log 10
Let [Ag+] =x 1 [Ag ]
Ksp of AgI = [Ag+] [I] = x2
E(Ag+/Ag) = 0.80 – 0.059 log10
AgI + 1e
Ag + I
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Example - 6 Find the solubility product of a saturated solution of Ag2CrO4 in water at 298 K if the emf
of the cell : Ag | Ag+ (saturated Ag2CrO4 solution) | | Ag+(0.1M) | Ag is 0.177 V at 298 K.
The given cell is :
Ag | Ag+ (sat. Ag2CrO4 solution) | | Ag+ (0.1M) | Ag If x is the solubility of Ag2CrO4 in solution, then :
[Ag+] = 2x and [CrO42–] = x
Anode : Left half-cell Ag(s) (Ag+)
L + e–
Ksp = [Ag+]2[CrO42–] = (2x)2(x) = 4x3
Cathode : Right half-cell (Ag+)R +e–
Ag(s) or x = (Ksp/4)1/3
32 Subjective Solved Examples Self Study Course for IITJEE with Online Support
Vidyamandir Classes Electrochemistry - I
Example - 7 The standard potential of the following cell is 0.23 V at 15C and 0.21 V at 35C:
Pt, H2 (g) | HCl (aq) || KCl (aq) | AgCl (s) | Ag (s)
(i) Write the cell reaction.
(ii) Calculate H and S for the cell reaction by assuming that these quantities remain unchanged in the
range 15C to 35C.
(iii) Calculate the solubility of AgCl at 25C.
Given: The standard reduction potential of the Ag+(aq)|Ag(s) couple is 0.80 V at 25C ;
2.303 at 25°C = 0.06 V
The given cell is : Pt , H2(g) | HCl(aq) || KCl(aq) | AgCl(s) | Ag(s)
(i) The cell reactions are as follows.
= 44390 J mol–1
= 40530 J mol–1
0 –1
Now, G15 º C = H – (288 K) S = –44390 J mol
[Using G = H– TS and assuming H and S at 298 K and temperature inde-
pendent i.e. H15°C = H° and H35°C = H°]
G = H (298 K) S = – 99974 J mol–1 – (298 K) (293 J K–1 mol–1)
= – 42460 J mol–1
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The value of E 0
at 25C will be :
Cl | AgCl | Ag
G 0cell
42460 Jmol1 = 0.22 V
nF 2 96500Cmol
E0 E0 0.22 V
Cl / AgCl/ Ag H /H 2
E0 0.22 V E 0 0V
Cl / AgCl/ Ag H / H2
For determination of Ksp, constructing the cell :
Ag/Ag+ || Cl– /AgCl/ Ag
Anode : Ag Ag+ + 1e–
Cathode : AgCl + le
Ag Cl
0.22 0.80 V
log10 Ksp = 10.0
0.06 V
Ksp = 1.0 10–10
Example - 8 Two Daniel cells contain the same solution of ZnSO4 but differ in the CuSO4 solution. The
emf of the cell containing 0.5 M CuSO4 is higher than the other cell by 0.06 V. Calculate the concentration of
CuSO4 in the other cell.
2.303 RT
Use : 0.06
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Vidyamandir Classes Electrochemistry - I
RT [Zn 2 ]1
Ecell 1 E 0cell ln
2F [Cu 2 ]1 RT [Cu 2 ]2
Ecell 2 Ecell 1 ln 2
RT [Zn 2 ]2 2F [Cu ]1
Ecell 2 E cell ln
2F [Cu 2 ]2
= 0.06 [Taking [Cu2+]2 = 0.5 M]
log10 2 [Cu2+]1 = 0.5 × 10–2 = 5 × 10–3 M
[Cu 2 ]
Example - 9 During the discharge of a lead storage battery, the density of sulphuric acid fell from 1.294
g/ml to 1.139 g/ml. Sulphuric acid of density 1.294 g/ml was 39% H2SO4 by wt. while acid of density 1.139 g/
ml contains 20% acid by wt. The battery holds 3.5 L of acid and the value remained practically same through
the discharging. Calculate the number of amp/hr for which the battery must have been used. The charging
and discharging reactions are :
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Electrochemistry - I Vidyamandir Classes
mi =
3500 1.294 1766.3 gm
mf = 3500 1.139 797.3 gm
m (the decrease in mass) = 1766.3 797.3 = 969 gm
m 970
moles of H2SO4 consumed 9.89
98 98
Now 1 mole of H2SO4 1 F of charge
9.89 moles 1 9.89 F of charge 9.89 96500 = 954385 C of charge
Q 954385
Now Q = I t I I 265 amp
t I 60 60
Example - 10 Determine the degree of hydrolysis and hydrolysis constant of aniline hydrochloride in M/
32 solution of salt at 298 K from the following cell data at 298 K. :
Pt | H2(1 atm) | H+ (1M) || C6H5 N H 3 Cl–(M/32) | H2 (1 atm), Pt. Ecell = – 0.177V
Note : Given cell is a Hydrogen Concentration cell. h = 32 × 10–3 = 0.032
Ecell = 0.059 (pHAnode – pHCathode)
= 0.059 (0 – pHCathode) = 0.059 log10
C6 H5 N H3 H2O
C6 H5 NH2 H3O
t=0 c
= – 0.177 t = teq c – ch ch ch
[H+] Cathode =
ch.ch 103.103
Kh 3.31105
c ch 1
Note : Aniline Hydrochloride : C6 H5 N H 3 Cl 103
[salt of SA – WB]
[H+]Cathode = 10–3 = ch
(c = M ; h = degree of hydrolysis)
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Example - 11 Calculate the quantity of electricity delivered by a Daniel cell initially containing 1L, 1M
Cu 2+ ion and Zn 2+ ion which is operated until its potential drops to 1.041 V.
(E 0 0.76 V ; E 0 0.34 V )
Zn 2 / Zn Cu 2 / Cu
t 0
1 1
(concentration )
t = teq 1 –x 1+x
0.059 [Zn 2 ]
Using Nernst equation : E cell E
cell log10
n cell [Cu 2 ]
0.059 [Zn 2 ]
0.059 = log10
2 [Cu 2 ]
1x 1 x 99
log10 2 100 x
1 x 1 x 101
Moles of Cu2+ (initially) = 1 × 1L = 1
99 2
Moles of Cu2+ (left) = 1 – x = 1
101 101
For each ion of Cu2+ to Cu, 2e–s are transferred.
Thus, no. of electrons transferred = x × 96500 = × 2 × 96500 C = 189178.2 C
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Ag+ + e–
Ag 0
Ered 0.8V
[Ag(NH3)2]+ + e–
Ag + 2NH3 0
Ered 0.37 V
Given : 2.303 RT/F = 0.0592 V, F/RT = 38.90 V–1 at 298 K
Cathode : Ag+ + e–
Ag E 0reduction 0.8V
E 0reduction 0.05V
Anode : C6H12O7 + 2H+ + 2e–
C6H12O6 + H2O
2Ag + + C6 H12O6 + H 2O
2Ag + C6 H12O7 + 2H +
0 F
Using : n K eq E cell .n cell . = 0.75 × 2 × 38.90 = 58.35 (E 0cell 0.8 0.05 0.75 V)
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Vidyamandir Classes Electrochemistry - I
Example - 13 On the addition of conc. NH , the pH of the solution rises to 11. Ignoring any changes in
the concentration of glucose and gluconic acid, identify which of the half-cell electrodes will be sensitive to
pH and the corresponding change in half-cell potential (E) relative to the standard half-cell potential (E0)
Note : Only glucose electrode will be sensitive to pH changes as other electrodes do not depend on [H+].
Example - 14 The reaction does not proceed efficiently without addition of NH . Moreover, addition of
any other base is not recommended. Which of the following statements about the role of NH3 must be incor-
rect ?
(A) Ag(NH3)2+ is weaker oxidizing agent than Ag+
(B) NH3 complex Ag+ efficiently
(C) In absence of NH3, silver salts of gluconic acid would precipitate.
(D) NH3 alters the standard electrode potential of the glucose / gluconic acid electrode.
(A) E0 0.37 V and E 0.8 V
[Ag(NH3 )2 ] / Ag Ag / Ag
Ag+ has a stronger tendancy to get reduced than [Ag(NH3)2]+. So, Ag+ is a stronger oxidising agent
than [Ag(NH3)2]+.
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Given : fG0(AgCl) = –109 kJ/mol ; fG0 (Cl–) = –129 kJ/mol ; fG0(Ag+) = 77 kJ/mol
0 and find K
Represent the above reaction in the form of a cell. Also, calculate Ecell .
(b) 6.539 × 10–2 g of metallic Zn was added to 100 mL of saturated solution AgCl. Calculate
[ Zn 2 ]
[ Ag ]2
Given that Ag e
Ag E0 = 0.80 V
Zn 2 2e
Zn E0 = – 0.763 V
Also find how many moles of Ag will be formed. [Given : KSP[AgCl] 10–10]
r G 0 f G (AgCl)
f G 0 f G 0 = – 109 – (–129) – 77 = – 57 kJ/mol
(Cl ) (Ag )
Cathode : Ag (aq) e
Anode : Ag(s) Cl
AgCl(s) e
Ag (aq) Cl(aq)
0 0 0 3
Using : r G n F E cell 1 96500 E cell 57 10 E 0cell = + 0.59 volts
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Vidyamandir Classes Electrochemistry - I
(b) Cathode : Ag e
Ag E 0red 0.8 V
Anode : Zn 2 2e
Zn E0red 0.763V
2Ag Zn
2Ag Zn 2
E 0cell E0
reduction cathode
reduction anode
[Zn 2 ]
K eq 1053 (i.e. whole of Ag+ is almost consumed.)
[Ag ]
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Electrochemistry - II Vidyamandir Classes
Electrochemistry - ll
The process in which an electric current causes a chemical change (conversion of electric energy to chemical
energy) is called as electrolysis. There are mainly two ways in which analysis is done in electrolysis :
(i) Qualitative Analysis : Study of possible products formed at cathode and anode during electrolys is.
(ii) Quantitative Analysis : Study of amount /moles /volume of the products formed at cathode and
anode during electrolysis.
Molten NaCl (an electrolyte) means free sodium ions (Na+) and chloride
ions (Cl), so it conducts current with the help of ions. As electric current is
passed in the cell, Cl ions are attracted to anode (+ve electrode) and Na+
ions to cathode (ve electrode). Both ions are discharged at respective
electrode as follows :
Anode : 2 Cl
Cl2 g 2e [Oxidation]
Cathode : Na e
Na s [Reduction]
This type of cell is also called as electrolytic cell. The basic difference between an electrolytic cell and a
galvanic (or voltaic) cell is that a voltaic cell produces electricity; an electrolytic cell consumes electricity.
The importance of electrolytic cell is that they are widely used in isolation and purification of various elements
and gases.
Products of electrolysis depends mainly on the following factors :
(i) Electrode potential of various possible reactions (deposition or liberation) at cathode or anode.
(ii) Over potential of gases w.r.t. the electrode (material) at which they are liberating.
(iii) Concentration of the ions (to be oxidised or reduced) in the solution.
(iv) Type of electrodes [reacting or non-reacting (e.g. Pt, C (graphite))]
Now, we will discuss the products formed at cathode and anode for the most of the solutions as follows :
2H 2O() 2e
H 2 (g) 2OH (aq.) E H 2O/ H 2 0.83 V
O 2 (g) 4H (aq.) 4e
2H 2O() EH 2 O/O2 1.23V
In this electrolysis, H2 at cathode and Cl2 at anode are given off. Now, question is, why Na+ ions and
OH ions are not discharged ? The reason lies in the reduction potential values. Clearly,
E EH 2O/ H 2
Na / Na
Although Cl– has a lesser tendency to discharge (oxidize) [Cl– will be at Anode where oxidation takes
place] as compared to OH– (Cl– lies below OH– in the Electrochemical series) at anode still OH– will
not be discharged (oxidize) due to the concept of Overpotential (Extra potential required to initiate
a reaction at a required rate). Formation of O2 from H2O is kinetically very slow (i.e. low rate). Thus,
OH– ions will remain in the solution.
The aqueous solution of NaCl will become alkaline (due to the presence of OH– ions) after the
In case of electrolysis of NaX (aq.) (where X– is Br–, I–), X2 will be liberated at anode. Using NaF,
O2 gas will be liberated at anode instead. Also, E Br / Br 1.09 V and E I / I 0.54 V
2 2
but E F /F 2.87 V
Cathode : Cu 2 (aq.) 2e
Cu s E 0.34 V
Cu 2 / Cu
2H 2O() 2e
H 2 (g) 2OH (aq.) EH 2O/ H 2 0.83 V
Anode : O 2 (g) 4H (aq.) 4e
2H 2O() EH 2 O/O2 1.23V
2SO24 (aq.)
S2O82 (aq.) 2e E 2.01V
SO24 /S2 O82
In this electrolysis, Cu at cathode and O2 at anode are produced. Also, the aqueous solution of CuSO4 will
become acidic (due to the presence of H+ ions) after the electrolysis.
3. Aqueous Na2SO4 solution :
Possible reactions at :
Cathode : Na (aq.) e
Na(s) E 2.71V
Na / Na
2H 2O() 2e
H 2 (g) 2OH (aq.) EH 2O/ H 2 0.83 V
O 2 (g) 4H (aq.) 4e
2H 2O() EH 2 O/O2 1.23V
Clearly, at cathode, Na+(aq.) ions will not be deposited due to their lower reduction potential than H2O.
Similarly, SO2–
4 will not be oxidised due to their lower oxidation potential than H2O.
Cathode : Na (aq.) e
Na(s) E 2.71V
Na / Na
2H 2O() 2e
H 2 (g) 2OH (aq.) EH 2 O/ H 2 0.83 V
O2 (g) 4H (aq.) 4e
2H 2O() EH 2 O/O2 1.23 V
When NaCl is highly dilute, there is a very less chance of Cl– (due to their less availability) getting oxidised.
So, instead H2O will get oxidised.
Thus, E decreases as [Cl–] decreases making the oxidation of H2O more favorable.
Cl /Cl 2
Cathode : Na (aq.) e
Na(s) E 2.71V
Na / Na
2H 2O() 2e
H 2 (g) 2OH (aq.) EH 2O/ H 2 0.83 V
O2 (g) 4H (aq.) 4e
2H 2O() EH 2 O/O2 1.23V
When Hg electrodes are used instead of Pt, Na+(aq.) gets deposited which furthur reacts with Hg to form
Na(s) Hg(s)
Thus, when NaCl(aq.) is electrolyzed using Hg as electrode sodium amalgam is formed at cathode and
2H 2O() 2e
H 2 (g) 2OH (aq.) EH 2 O/ H 2 0.83 V
O 2 (g) 4H (aq.) 4e
2H 2O() EH 2 O/O2 1.23V
Cu 2 (aq.) 2e
Cu(s) E 0.34 V
Cu /Cu 2
Thus, when Cu is electrolysed using Cu electrodes, Cu is dissolved (at Cu anode) and Cu is deposited (at
Cu cathode).
2H 2O() 2e
H 2 (g) 2OH (aq.) EH 2O/ H 2 0.83 V
NO3 (aq.)
(No reaction)
Ag (aq.) e E 0.8 V
Ag(s) Ag / Ag
Thus, when aq. AgNO3 is electrolysed using Ag electrodes, Ag is dissolved (at anode) and Ag is deposited
(at cathode).
[Ag+] in the solution remains constant during electrolysis.
In actual practice, SO42– ions can be oxidised to S2O82– if either of the following conditions are satisfied :
(A) High current density (B) High [SO42–] (i.e. highly conc. H2SO4 solution]
9. A q u e o u s N iSO 4 solution:
Possible reactions at :
Cathode : Ni 2 (aq.) 2e
Ni(s) E 0.25 V
Ni 2 / Ni
2H 2O() 2e
H 2 (g) 2OH (aq.) EH 2O/ H 2 0.83 V
O 2 (g) 4H (aq.) 4e
2H 2O() EH 2 O/O2 1.23V
In practice, it has been observed that H2 gas also gets liberated at cathode along with Ni.
Cathode : Na aq. e
Na(s) E 2.71V
Na / Na
2H 2O() 2e
2OH (aq.) H 2 (g) EH 2O/ H 2 0.83 V
O 2 (g) 4H (aq.) 4e
2H 2O() EH 2 O/O2 1.23V
w A EA
w B EB
QE 1 1 w Q
F F 96500 E F
No. of gram equivalents = No. of Faradays of electricity
1 gm eq = any substance = 1 F of electricity
Now there are three approaches to solve a problem.
Q It
First calculate the number of faradays of electricity by using : No. of faradays
F 96500
(i) Now by using the definition : 1 gm. eq. of any substance 1 F of electricity passed
Calculate the number of gm. eq. and by using the definition of gm.eq. gm.eq , determine the
amount of substance deposited.
Cl2 + 2e 2F 1 mole of Cl2 2 mole of 2Cl ions
(iii) Using the combined relation obtained from Ist and IInd Laws :
Illustration - 18 In the electrolysis of aq. CuSO , a current of 2.50 Amp is allowed to flow for exactly 3.0
hr. How many grams of Cu and lts of O2 are produced at 25oC and 1 atm. pressure?
In the electrolysis of aqueous solution, following 2F 1 mole of Cu
reactions will take place :
0.28 F 1/2 0.28 moles of Cu
Cathode : Cu2+ + 2e–
Cu (s) 1/2 0.28 63.5 gm
8.9 gm of Cu have been deposited
Anode : O2 + 4H+ + 4e
Now from anode :
(Sulphate ions and H+ ions remain in the solution
to given an acidic solution) O2 + 4H+ + 4e–
Now from cathode : Cu2+ + 2e–
Cu (s) 4F 1 mole of O2
2F 1 mole of Cu 0.28 F 1/4 × 0.28 = 0.07 moles of O2
It 2.5 3 3600 Now using gas equation : PV = nRT
No. of faradays =
96500 96500
nRT 0.07 0.0821 298
= 0.28 F V 1.71 L Of O 2
P 1
Illustration - 19 Calculate the quantity of electricity required to reduce 12.3 gm of nitrobenzene to aniline
if the current efficiency for the process is 50%. If the potential drop across the cell is 3.0 V, how much energy
is consumed ?
Writing the half cell reaction for the reduction of nitro-benzene as follows :
Illustration - 20 A potassium salt of ternary acid of Molybdenum (at. mass = 96) has the formula K MoO .
2 n
When an acidified solution of K2MoOn is electrolysed, O2 gas is liberated corresponding to a volume of 0.112
L at STP & 0.32 gm of Mo is deposited. Find the formula of salt.
The given situation in the question is possible 0.32
0.02 x=6
only if MoO 2n ion gets dissociated to M 0x 96 / x
which moves towards cathode. Mox+ + 6e– Mo0
No. of faradays passed gmeq of O2 gmeq oxidation state of Mo = 6
of Mo
In K2MoOn, we have 2 (+1) +6 + n (2) = 0
4F 1 mole of O2 n=4
0.112 molecular formula is K2MoO4
gmeq of O2 = 4 0.02
gmeq of Mo = 0.02
= gmeq of Mo
Example - 16 During an electrolysis of conc. H2SO4, perdisulphuric acid (H2S2O8) and O2 form in
equimolar amount. The moles of H2 that will form simultaneously wil be :
(A) thrice that O2 (B) twice that O2 (C) equal to that O2 (D) half of that O2
This is a special case of electrolysis where two So, if x moles of O2 are being produced,
products are being obtained at anode : electricity being passed at anode is :
At anode : 4x (For O2) + 2x (3For S2O82–) = 6x F
At cathode :
O2 + 2H2O + 4e– . . . . (i)
2H+ + 2e–
H2 . . . . (iii)
2– 2– –
2SO4 S2O8 + 2e
. . . . (ii)
2 F electricity 1 mole H2 is produced
1 mole O2 requires 4 F electricity and 1 mole S2O82–
6x F electricity 3x mole H2 is produced
( H2S2O8) requires 2 F electricity.
Moles of H2 produced at cathode = 3
moles of O2 produced at anode.
Example - 17 Assume that impure copper contains iron, gold and silver as impurities. In the purification
of copper, after passing a current of 142 amperes for 482.5 seconds, the mass of anode decreased by 22.6 gm
and that of cathode increased by 22.0 gm. Estimate % of iron and copper originally present.
Note : Silver and gold form the anode mud. Also, Now, No. of faradays passed at cathode
Impure Cu forms anode while pure Cu is made as = Gm eq of Cu deposited
cathode in the refining of impure Cu.
At Impure Cu electrode ( anode in the Cu 0.69 = No. of fardays passed at anode.
63.5 / 2
purification), both iron and Cu will go into the solution.
So, mass of iron and Cu dissolved in solution is 22.6 It 142 482.5
Total faradays passed =
gm. 96500 96500
At cathode (pure Cu electrode), mass of Cu = 0.71 (at anode and cathode )
deposited is 22.0 gm. So, amount of Cu in 22.6 gm
Thus, faradays taken upby Fe at at anode
dissolved at anode is 22.0 gm.
= 0.71 – 0.69 = 0.02
Thus, 22.6 – 22.0 = 0.6 gm contains Fe, Au and
Fe2+ + 2e–
2F electricity 1 mole Fe
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0.02 22
0.02 electricity Mole Fe % Cu in the original sample ×100%
2 22.6
0.01 × 56 gm Fe = 97.3%
0.56 gm Fe 0.56
and % Fe in the original sample × 100%
= 2.4%
Example - 18 If 6.43 × 105 Coulombs of electricity are passed through an electrolytic cell containing
NaClO3 . 245 gm of NaClO4 are produced at the anode at the end of electrolysis. Determine the anode
Anode efficiency
ClO3 + H2O
ClO4 + 2H+ + 2e moles of NaClO4
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Vidyamandir Classes Electrochemistry - II
Note :Electro-synthesis
It is a method of producing chemical compounds through non-spontaneous reactions carried out by electrolysis.
The above example is an illustration of electro-synthesis. Similarly, by electrolysing a solution of MnSO4 in
H2SO4, MnO2 may be produced at anode.
Example - 19 During the electrolysis of water, a total volume of 33.6 mL of hydrogen and oxygen gas
was collected at STP. Find the amount of electricity that passed during electrolysis.
From two electrode reactions, it clear that hydrogen
Cathode : 2H+ + 2e–
and oxygen are evolved in the mole ratio of 2 : 1,
2F 1 mole of H2 22400 mL hence their volumes will also be in the same ratio.
or 1F 0.5 mole of H2 11200 mL volume of H2 = 2/3 (33.6) = 22.4 mL
As 2F 22400 mL H2
Anode : 4OH
O2 + 4e– + 2H2O
0.002 F of charge is passed through the
4F 1 mole of O2 22400 mL electrolytic cell.
or 1F 0.25 mole of O2 5600 mL amount of electricity = 0.002 96500 C
= 193.0 Coulombs.
Example - 20 A current of 1.0 A is passed for 96.5 sec through a 200 mL solution of 0.05 M LiCl solution.
Find :
(a) the volume of gases produced at STP. (b) the pH of solution at the end of electrolysis :
No. of faradays passed 0.5 × 10–3 × 22400 ml H2 at STP
It 1.0 96.5 11.2 ml H2 STP
103 F
96500 96500
Anode : 2Cl Cl2 + 2e–
Cathode : 2H+ + 2e–
H2 [O2 will be not be liberated due to over potential]
Self Study Course for IITJEE with Online Support Subjective Solved Examples 53
Electrochemistry - II Vidyamandir Classes
In solution, Li+ and OH are left. Since H2O produces equal no. of H+ and OH– ions,
mmoles of OH– ions left in excess = 10–3
To calculate the pH of solution, first calculate the
mmoles of H+ ions electrolysed. 103
[OH ] 5 103 M
mmoles of H+ ions electrolysed = Meq. 200 /1000
of H+ ions electrolysed = No. of faradays [Neglect OH– from dissociation of H2O]
pOH = – log10 (5 × 10–3)
= 10 F
= 3 – log10 5 = 2.3
pH = 14 – pOH = 14 – 2.3 = 11.7
Example - 21 An acidic solution of Cu2+ salt containing 0.4 gm of Cu2+ is electrolysed until all the copper
is deposited. The electrolysis is contained for seven more minutes with the volume of solution kept at 100 ml
and the current at 0.965 amp. Calculate the volume of gases evolved at STP during the entire electrolysis.
Writing electrode reactions : Cathode : 2H2O + 2 e
H2 + 2OH
54 Subjective Solved Examples Self Study Course for IITJEE with Online Support
Vidyamandir Classes Electrochemistry - II
Example - 22 pH at anode is :
(A) 7.2 (B) 6.83 (C) 7.57 (D) 7.0
After 200 min, [OH–] = 0.12M
H 2 PO4 OH
HPO42 H 2O
No. of faradays passed during electrolysis
0.3 M 0.12 M 0.3 M
It 0.965 200 60
= 0.12 0.18 M - 0.42 M
96500 96500
At cathode : 2H+ + 2e–
H2 pHsolution pK a log10
1 F electricity 1 mole H+ consumed
7.2 log10 7.57
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Electrochemistry - II Vidyamandir Classes
Example - 23 pH at cathode is :
(A) 7.2 (B) 6.83 (C) 7.57 (D) 7.0
At anode : 4OH–
O2 + 2H2O + 4e–
1 F electricity 1 mole OH– consumed
0.12 F electricity 0.12 mole OH– consumed 0.12 mole H+ left in excess
After 200 min, [H+–] = 0.12M
H 2 PO4
[Salt] 0.18
pHsolution pK a log10 7.2 log10 6.83
[Acid] 0.42
Note : In a buffer solution of H 2 PO4 / HPO 42 , H 2 PO4 will act as an acid and H P O 24 will act as a salt and this
will behave as an acidic buffer.
56 Subjective Solved Examples Self Study Course for IITJEE with Online Support
Vidyamandir Classes Electrochemistry - II
At anode : 2Cl–
Cl2 + 2e–
Moles of Cl– in the solution to be electrolysed = moles NaCl = 2
Moles of Cl2 produced = 2 = 1 2 F electricity 2 × 96500 C 193000 C
At cathode : Na+ + e–
Na (when Hg electrode)
Na + Hg
NaHg (Sodium Amalgam)
1 F electricity 1 mole Na
2 F electricity 2 mole Na 2 moles NaHg 2 × (23 + 200) = 446 gm
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Electrochemistry - III Vidyamandir Classes
Electrochemistry - III
(Electrolytic Conductance)
In this chapter, we will deal with the Conductance of electricity (charge) through Electrolytic solutions
(Electrolytic Conductance).
BASICS Section - 8
(i) Metallic or Electronic Conductors : Conductors which transfer electric current by transfer of electrons,
without transfer of any matter, are known as metallic or electronic conductors. These materials contain
electrons which are relatively free to move. The passage of current through these materials has no observable
effect other than a rise in their temperature.
(ii) Electrolytic Conductors : Conductors like aqueous solutions of acids, bases and salts in which the flow
of electric current is accompanied by chemical decomposition are known as electrolytic conductors. With
the increase in temperature, the resistance decreases unlike in metallic conduction.
(a) The substances whose aqueous solutions allow the passage of electric current and are chemically
decomposed are termed electrolytes. Solutions of NaCl, KCl, CH3COOH etc. are examples of
(b) The substances whose aqueous solutions do not conduct electric current are called non-electrolytes.
Solutions of cane sugar, glycerine, alcohol, etc., are examples of non-electrolytes.
The conductance (G) is the property of the conductor (metallic as well as electrolytic) which facilitates the
flow of electricity through it. It is equal to the reciprocal of resistance (R), i.e.
1 1
Conductance (G) = . . . . (i)
Resistance R
It is expressed in the unit called reciprocal ohm (ohm1 or mho) or siemens (S) (S.I. unit).
The term Conductance can be further classified in the following ways :
where is called the resistivity or specific resistance (This name is now outdated as per IUPAC
If = 1 cm and A = 1 cm2, then R =
The resistivity () is, thus, defined as the resistance of one centimeter cube of a conductor.
The reciprocal of resistivity () is termed the conductivity or it is the conductance of one centimeter
cube of a conductor. It is denoted by the symbol (abbreviation for “Kappa”). Thus,
Conductivity () is also called as specific conductance (Outdated as per IUPAC convention).
From equation (ii), we have :
A 1 1
ρ= . R or = .
ρ A R
κ= ×G = cell constant and is denoted by G*
or Conductivity () = Conductance (G) cell constant (G*)
m = κ × where c is the concentration of the solution in M
m A x By x m (A y ) y m (B x )
1000 conductivity ohm 1cm 1 1000
c or Normality N
If ‘V’ is the volume in ml containing 1 gm equivalent of the electrolyte, the above equation can be
written as :
eq = V
Its units are ohm1 cm2 equiv1 or S cm2 equiv1.
Also, Equivalent conductance
eq eq eq
(A x B y ) (A y ) (B x )
Illustration - 21 Resistance of a decimolar solution between two platinum electrodes 0.02 m apart and
4cm2 in area was found to be 40 ohms. Calculate : (a) cell constant (b) conductance (c) conductivity
(a) Cell constant (G*)
(c) Conductivity () = G.G* = 50 × 0.025 S/m
= m 1 50m 1
A 4 104 =1.25 S/m
1 1
(b) Conductance (G) = S 0.025S
R 40
Illustration - 22 The resistance of 0.1 M solution of a salt (type : AB) is found to be 2.5 × 103 ohm. The
equivalent conductance of the solution is (Cell constant = 1.15 cm–1) :
(A) 4.6 (B) 5.6 (C) 6.6 (D) 7.6
Use :
1000 4.6 104 1000
= G.G* eq
N 0.1
1 1 = 4.6 S cm–1 eq–1.
= 1.15 = 4.6 × 10–4
2.5 103
Illustration - 23 The conductivity of 0.02 M KCl solution at 25C is 2.78 103 ohm1 cm1. The resistance
of this solution at 25C when measured with a particular cell was 250 ohms. The resistance of 0.01 M CuSO4
solution at 25C measured with the same cell was 8330 ohms. Calculate the molar conductivity of the copper
sulphate solution
Conductivity( ) of KCl 1
Cell constant (G*) = and Conductance of KCl (G) =
Conduc tan ce(G) of KCl R
2.78 103
Cell constant(G*) = = 2.78 × 10–3 × 250 cm–1
1/ 250
For 0.01 M CuSO4 solution :
Conductivity () = Cell constant (G*) conductance (G)
2.78 103 250 8330
ohm 1cm 1
Effect on conductance
(i) Conductance of a solution increases with increase in the number of solute molecules/ions and decreases
with decreases in the number of solute molecules/ions.
(ii) Conductance of a solution increases with dilution as the interactions between the molecules/ions
decreases due to increase in the average distance between the molecules/ions.
Effect on Conductivity
On dilution, number of molecules/ions per ml of the solution decreases. Since, coductivity is defined as the
conductance of one ml of the solution, conductivity decreases with dilution (due to decrease in the
Infinite Dilution
When addition of water doesn’t bring about any further change in the conductance of a solution, this situation
is referred to as Infinte Dilution.
(a) Strong Electrolytes : When infinite dilution is approached,
the conductance of a solution of strong electrolyte approaches
a limiting value and can be obtained by extrapolating the curve
between m and c as shown: (Note: the behavior/variation
is linear)
This equation is known as Debye HuckelOnsages equation and is found to hold good at low
Note : (i) lim m m and lim eq eq
c 0 c 0
(ii) Conductance of a weak electrolyte at infinite dilution can be calculated by using Kohlrausch’s’s law of
Independent Migration of Ions.
Ionic Conductance
Conductance of an ion in the solution in inversely proportional to its size in the solution.
e.g. Li+ ion has a very high charge to size ratio due to which it gets hydrated to a large extent, when dissolved
in water. Thus, Size of Li+ (aq.) >> Size of Li+(g).
Note : r r r but r r r
K + (g) Na (g) Li (g) K + (aq) Na (aq) Li (aq)
^ ^ ^
m K + (aq) m Na (aq) m Li (aq)
A heavily hydrated ion has to drag water molecules along with it when it moves in a solution which
makes it less mobile (or less conducting).
Size of H+ (g) and OH– (g) ions are extremely small yet they have a very high conductance value in the
solution (as opposed to what you might have expected). Infact, H+ ion has the highest ^m at any
temperature followed by OH– ions. This is due to the mechanism by which they travel in the aqueous
| | | |
H+ moves in the solutions as shown : H O H O H
Illustration - 24 Arrange the following compounds in the orders of increasing conductionce. HCl, LiCl,
NaCl, KCl.
Note that anion (Cl–) is same in all the given Since, m H + m K + m Na m Li
compounds. So, look for the conductance values
of cations only. So, m HCl m KCl m NaCl m LiCl
As per Kohlrausch’s Law of Independent Migration of Ions “At infinite dilution, when dissociation is complete,
each ion makes a definite contribution towards molar conductance of the electrolyte irrespective of the
nature of the ion with which it is associated and the value of molar conductance at infinite dilution for any
electrolyte is the sum of contribution of its constituent ions, i.e., anions and cations”.
As per Kohlrausch’s law, at infinite dilution, the conductance of any ion is independent of its association with
the other ion in the electrolyte i.e. 0m (K+) will be same in infinitely diluted solution of KCl or KBr or
KNO 3 .
Illustration - 25 The equivalent conductance of sodium chloride, hydrochloric acid and sodium acetate at
infinite dilution are 126.45, 426.16 and 91.0 S cm2 equiv1, respectively, 25C. Calculate the equivalent
conductance of acetic acid at infinite dilution. If the equivalent conductance of N/100 solution of acetic acid
is 3.9 S cm2 eq–1, calculate the degree of dissociation of acetic acid at this dilution.
we get : 0 0 0 0 0 0
eq Na eq Cl
eq CH3COO eq Na eq H eq Cl
= 91.0 + 426.16 – 126.45
0 0
eq CH COO eq H 390.7
eq 3.9
Also, 0 0.01 1%
eq 390.7
Note : eq Cl has been taken as same in equation (ii) and (iii). This is from the direct result of Kohlrausch’s law..
Illustration - 26
The conductivity of a saturated solution of water chloride is 2.30 10–6 mho cm1 at
25C. Calculate the solubility of silver chloride at 25C if 61.9 mho cm mol
2 1
2 1 m Ag
76.3 mho cm mol
mCl .
Let the solubility of AgCl be x gram mole per 0m AgCl 61.9 + 76.3 = 138.2 mho cm2 mol1
litre (i.e., mole/L). [Note : NAgCl = MAgCl]
Using : 1000 2.30 106
1000 specific conductance 1000
0m 2.30 103
c x x 1.66 105 mol / L
Now find the equivalent conductance of AgCl
at infinite dilution. Solubility in gm/L = 1.66 10–5 143.5
= 2.38 10–3
0m AgCl 0 0
m Ag m Cl
At t = 0 c 0 0
At equilibrium c – c c c
[A ][B ]
Thus, Equilibrium Dissociation Constant = K d
cα cα cα 2
Kd = . . . (i)
c – cα 1
For weak electrolytes, << 1 Kd c2 =
As concentration decreases, degree of dissociation increases.
Now, 0m 0
m eq
2 2
c 0 c 0
Putting this value of in (i) we get : Kd m
. . . (ii)
m eq
1 0 1 0
m eq
Equation (ii) is known as Ostwald equation.
Illustration - 27 Resistance of a solution (A) is 50 ohm and that of solution (B) is 100 ohm, both solutions
being taken in the same conductivity cell. If equal volumes of solutions (A) and (B) are mixed, what will be the
resistance of the mixture, using the same cell ? Assume that there is no increase in the degree of dissociation
of (A) and (B) on mixing.
Let us suppose 1 and 2 are the specific Also, conductance =
conductance of solutions ‘A’ and ‘B’ respectively R
and cell constant is ‘y’. 1
For (A) : 1 y
We know that : 50
Specific conductance = Conductance cell 1
constant and For (B) : 2 y
Specific conductance of mixture = 1 1 1 1
2 R = 200/3
100 200 R
1 2 1 = 66.66 ohm
2 R
Illustration - 28 The solubility product of sparingly soluble AgBr(s) is 12 × 10–14 mol2 dm–6. Calculat the
conductivity in units of 10–7 Sm–1 of saturated solution of AgBr upon addition of 1 × 10–7 mol dm–3 aqueous
AgNO3. The limiting ionic molar conductivity of Ag+, Br–, and NO3– at infinite dilution are 6 × 10–3,
8 × 10–3 and 7 × 10–3 S m2 mol–1, respectively. [Conductivity of pure water = 350 × 10–7 S m–1] (Neglect any
effect due to concentration dependence of conductiance)
(A) 39 (B) 55 (C) 15 (D) 405
KSP AgBr = 12 1014 2
12 1014 M 2
When 10–7 AgNO3 is added into the saturated solution of AgBr :
Ag NO3
107 M 107 M
Ag Br
[where x : Solubility of AgBr in the presence of 10–7 M AgNO3]
xM xM
At equilibrium :
x2 + 10–7 x – 12 × 10 –4 = 0
= ^0
. [Ag ] ^ 0 . [Br ] ^ 0
. [NO3 ] H 2O
m (Ag ) m (Br ) m (NO3 )
Measurement of conductance of resulting solution form an acid and base titration may used to calculate the
equivalence point if there is a regular change in the conductance and sharp change at the equivalence point.
Region I : Initially the solution has the conductance due to the presence of H+ and Cl– ions. As NaOH
is added, following reaction takes place :
(H Cl ) (Na OH )
(Na Cl ) H 2O
Initially Finally
Thus, highly conducting H+ ions are replaced by lower conducting Na+ ions, resulting in a
decrease in the conductance of solution. As more and more NaOH is added (till the equivalence
point), conductance goes on decreasing.
Region II : Just after the equivalence point, as more NaOH is added, now there are more ions
As we can see that equivalence point, there is a sharp change in the curve definition and we can easily
calculate the equivalence point.
Region I : As more NaOH is added, it will directly react with CH3 COOH to form highly ionizable salt,
CH3COO– Na+. So, conductance will start increase (slowly as CH3COO– and Na+ have
low conductance)
Region II : Just after equivalence point, there will be an increase in the number of ions.
(Na++CH3OO–) + (Na+ + OH–)
So, conductance will increase sharply (OH– ions have highly conductance) and we can easily
find the equivalence point required through the titration.
[Q] KI 0.1M AgNO 3 0.01M 2. Conductivity decreases and then does not change much
[R] CH3COOH KOH 3. Conductivity increases and then does not changes much
[S] NaOH HI 4. Conductivity does not change much and then increases
1. EtN in CH3COOH solution
When Et 3 N solution is added to CH 3COOH. ' ' of CH3COOH will increase, so through H ions
ions will be consumed by Et 3 N, the overall number of ions in the solution will increase and hence conductivity
increase initially. Once almost all of CH 3COOH is consumed, a lot of and Et 3 N H will be
present in the solution and now further addition Et 3 N doesn’t cause much change in the total number of
ions as Et 3 N will not be able to extract H ion from H 2O (because their will be suppression due to
already present Et 3 N H ions) and hence conductivity will almost remain the same.
2. Kl solution in AgNO3 solution
Initially : Ag
KI aq
(a) NO3 aq AgI s K aq NO3 aq
Number of ions remain the same Conductivity does not change much.
(b) After all Ag ions have been precipitated out, then the conductivity will increase because we are adding a
more concentrated solution and consequently number of ions per unit volume will increase.
(a) Initially : K (aq) OHaq
H 2O K aq CH3COOaq
Number of ions remains the same, but number of OH ions decrease Conductivity
(b) After all of OH ions have been consumed, then further addition of CH 3COOH will not have much effect
as CH 3COOH will not break up much, as its dissociation will be suppressed by the already present
4. NaOH in Hl
(a) Initially : H I H 2O Na aq Iaq
Numner of ions remains the same, but number of H decrease Conductivity decreases.
(b) After all the H ions have been consumed, then further addition of a strong electrolyte NaOH (which will
give O H ions in the solution will increase conductivity..
ANSWER : [P-3] [Q-4] [S-1]
1. Given the following molar conductivities at 25C ; HCl , 426 cm mol ;
NaCl , 126 cm mol ; NaC (sodium crotonate) 83 1 cm 2 mol 1. What is the ionization
constant of crotonic acid ?
The conductivity of a 0.001 M crotonic acid solution is 3.83 105 1cm 1.
1. In an electrochemical cell, cathode is the electrode with higher reduction potential or lower oxidation
Also, Ecell = E reduction cathode E°reduction anode
2. Electrode potential of an electrode or cell varies with concentration, partial pressure of the species involved
and temperature.
2.303RT 0.059
E reduction E °reduction at 25° C log10Qreduction
nF n
° 2.303RT 0.059
and Ecell = Ecell n F n at 25°C log10Qcell
cell cell
3. For a concentration cell, E°cell = 0
1 (p H 2 )anode
For a hydrogen concentration cell, Ecell = 0.059 pH Anode pHcathode + log10
2 (p )
H 2 cathode
4. Gibbs Helmholtz equation :
d ( G ) dE
G H T H ncell F T cell Ecell
dT T dT P
and S ncell F cell
dT P
5. In electrolysis, cations move towards cathode and anions move towards anode and the “chance” of their
deposition/liberation depends on their electrode potential, concentration, overpotential etc.
6. Faraday’s law : W = ZIt . . . . (i)
. . . . (ii)
No. of Faradays supplied = No. of gm eq. of the substance deposited/liberated at the electrode.
7. Molar/ equivalent conductance and degree of dissociation of a electrolyte increases with dilution whereas
conductivity decreases with dilution.
G .G* ; m 1000 ; eq. 1000
72 Things to Remember Self Study Course for IITJEE with Online Support
Vidyamandir Classes Electrochemistry - III
8. Molar/equivalent conductance of a strong electrolyte increases linearly with dilution whereas the change is
very rapid for weak electrolytes at high dilutions.
To calctrolytes the molar/equivalent conductance of a weak electrolyte at infinite dilution, use Kohlrausch’s
law of independent migration of ions.
Also, m
m eq
9. For a smaller ion in gaseous state i.e. larger ion in aqueous, molar conductance is a small value. However,
H + and OH ions are exceptions with high molar conductance values.
C 1. 1.11 10 5
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My Chapter Notes
Illustration - 1