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Infrared thermal

imagers: A primer for

HVAC technicians
Application Note

Have you ever taken heat for an Thermal Imagers operate in the maintenance, petro-chemical
expensive failure after having infrared spectrum and follow the plants and process applications,
performed routine maintenance? same laws as infrared (IR) ther- to name a few. What industry is
Have you ever wished for a crys- mometers, but the similarity ends more suited for thermal imag-
tal ball to see into the future or there. IR thermometers report an ing than the thermal dynamic
just to see things your traditional average “spot” temperature. IR industry of HVACR? Dynamic heat
test equipment and eyes couldn’t Thermal imagers are similar to analysis of moving parts (Motors,
reveal? Compared to traditional digital cameras and, in practi- bearings, sheaves, belts), electri-
test equipment, thermal imag- cal terms, may be thought of as cal circuit quality (starters and
ers just may seem to have the infrared cameras. An LCD display contactors, disconnects, fuses
predictive qualities of a crystal shows a “movie” of the IR image and busses, electrical connec-
ball. By taking our visual sight as the user selects the image, tions), duct heat loss or gain,
capabilities beyond the visible focuses, then pulls the trigger to conditioned envelope heat loss
spectrum to the radiated heat record the image. In addition to or gain, tracing membrane roof
spectrum, we begin to see pre- highlighting temperature varia- leaks, compressor operating con-
dictive qualities that do indeed tions and hotspots in real time dition (relative head, sump, suc-
foretell future likelihoods. through the LCD display, Fluke tion, discharge temperatures and
thermal imagers now include unloader or hot gas bypass oper-
IR-Fusion®*, a technology that ation), analysis of steam traps,
fuses a visual, or visible light, radiators and convectors, radiant
image with an infrared image loops, or any process that can
for better identification, analysis reveal the integrity of the process
and image management. Even by comparative temperatures.
with that, the power of thermal The full range of HVACR applica-
technology is not fully realized tions for thermal imagers will
until the recorded image is only be realized once they are
downloaded to a computer, in the creative hands of HVACR
analyzed with the provided technicians.
software, and saved in a com-
parative database along with Using a thermal imager
descriptions, notes and an actual An HVAC technician interpret-
photograph to compare the IR ing a thermal image is similar to
with the visual image. Within the a doctor interpreting X-Rays or
computer program, the image can MRI’s. This may sound ominous,
reveal specific spot temperatures, but you already have the HVAC
a grid of temperature readings, knowledge and experience to
minimum-maximum-average know what you are looking for.
temperatures of a selected area of Just add a few facts about the
the image, emissivity and reflec- nature of thermal imaging, and
tivity can be adjusted, level and you’re home free.
gain can be adjusted, the palette IR radiation is just beyond the
can be changed (color, grayscale, visible radiation spectrum. Radi-
or ironbow which is a smoother ated light is reflected off surfaces
edged color palette), and more. or emitted from sources that
Thermal imaging is gaining an our eyes receive and our brain
invaluable predictive and diag- interprets. IR radiation is heat
nostic reputation in industries radiated by or reflected from a
Figure 1. Thermal imagers offer a quick way to inspect equipment such as power distribution, plant material; radiation that our eyes
for abnormally hot-spots, and piping for abnormally cool spots.
*The Fluke Ti20 comes with InSideIR™ analysis and reporting software with free updates
for the life of the product.

From the Fluke Digital Library @ www.fluke.com/library

cannot see. Our skin is the best close maybe, but not perfect. percentage. Painted surfaces
sensor of IR radiation. We feel Transmission through solids have high emissivity and a very
the radiation from a fire. We feel can usually be ignored in field small margin of quantitative
the radiation loss when standing work, with the exception being error. So our thermal image of
close to a cold wall. A thermal glass and plastic films which are a compressor, motor, bearings,
imager interprets IR radiated or referred to as “Non-Gray Bodies”. steam traps, transformers, etc.
reflected heat by assigning a This simplifies our working for- will tend to be fairly accurate
visible graduated color or gray mula to: without taking the steps to fine
scale to a radiated portrait of the Emissivity = 1 - Reflectivity tune imager emissivity.
scene. The color palette displays Reflectivity is inversely propor-
hot spots as white with dimin- tional to emissivity. The more an Adjusting emissivity
ishing temperatures through object reflects IR radiation, the Thermal imagers have adjust-
red-orange-yellow-green-blue- less it emits. Reflectivity can be ments for both emissivity and
indigo-violet to black being relatively judged according to our reflectivity. Both are easy to mea-
cold. The gray scale palette also sight determinations of reflectiv- sure and compensate for when
shows hot spots as white with ity. Polished chrome has a very the need for quantitative readings
diminishing temperatures through high reflectivity and low emis- outweighs qualitative readings.
progressively darkening shades sivity. Brushed stainless steel For emissivity adjustments, a
of gray to black being cold. This has less reflectivity and more strip of black electrical tape can
allows us to see a visible rep- emissivity. Tarnished brass and be fastened to a surface and the
resentation of the unseen IR copper have even less reflectivity taped and untaped surfaces can
spectrum. What visibly looks like with proportionately more emis- be measured with the imager.
a disconnect in good operating sivity. Most painted surfaces have The emissivity is adjusted until
condition may be revealed as the very high emissivity and negli- the untaped surface temperature
L2 pole is operating 35 °F hotter gible reflectivity. equals the taped surface tem-
(red) than L1 pole (blue). Equal perature. For high temperature
surfaces, a contact temperature
probe can be used to measure
surface temperature, then the
emissivity can be adjusted until
the IR temperature equals the
contact temperature. Charts are
also available which list the
emissivity of various materials.

Reflectivity adjustments
Figure 2. Fused power disconnect and corresponding infrared image.
For reflectivity adjustments,
a piece of aluminum foil is
loads, but different temperatures. crumpled, then straightened and
This disconnect has a problem
“Qualitative vs. attached shiny side out to a piece
that couldn’t be seen. Yet the quantitative” of cardboard. Crumpling the foil
thermal imager takes a “picture” Most thermal imaging tasks are creates a multi-faceted surface
of the entire device and its elec- qualitative as opposed to quanti- to reflect radiation from all direc-
trical connections with compara- tative. Quantitative is accuracy of tions. The foil covered cardboard
tive temperatures. All real world temperature, while qualitative is is held in front of the target to
materials absorb, reflect and relativity of temperature. When reflect ambient IR radiation. The
transmit IR radiation depending viewing a contactor for instance, reflectivity is adjusted until the
on their physical properties. the interest is in the tempera- temperature equals ambient air
ture difference of the 12 contact temperature. Reflectivity is usu-
IR radiation = Absorption +
points. Are the electrical connec- ally insignificant unless very high
Reflection + Transmission
tions all the same temperature temperatures are being radiated
Whatever IR radiation is absorbed
(T1-L1, T2-L2, T3-L3)? Are the in the vicinity of the target.
will be equally emitted. We do
not encounter materials in the temperatures consistent between
field that perfectly absorb and the fixed and movable contacts Level and gain
emit all IR radiation. A material (T1C-L1C, T2C-L2C, T3C-L3C)? Level and gain represent the
that absorbs all IR radiation is Seeing one point of elevated expected target temperature
called a “Black Body” and has an temperature directs us to a poor (level) and the differential from
emissivity of unity (1). Most mate- electrical connection or failing target temperature (gain). If level
rials of interest that we encounter contactor points without being were set to 100 °F and gain were
are called “Gray Bodies” since concerned that the reported set to 25 °F, then the tempera-
they are not perfect emitters, temperature is off by some ture range would be limited to

2 Fluke Corporation Infrared thermal imagers: A primer

• Air leaks from ductwork beneath
duct wrap insulation
o Initiate a heating or cooling
o Set emissivity to 0.2 for
foil faced insulation, or
0.95 for vinyl or PVC faced
o Scan ductwork with
Figure 3. Figure 3: Qualitative measurements are fast for ducting, but accurate, thermal imager
quantitative measurements require compensating for reflectivity.
o Dynamic, real-time
temperature variations of
insulation surface will be
75 °F to 125 °F. Thermal imagers even protection against litigation displayed and continually
will automatically select the best and insurance claims. updated as they occur
level and gain of the target. Set Keep in mind that thermal o Indications of an air leak will
at automatic, the imager displays imagers measure surface tem- be displayed as an extreme
the highest and lowest tem- peratures only. The interpreter temperature at the point of
perature values in the scene. The of the images must understand the leak, with temperature
minimum and maximum values what is happening beneath those gradation away from the leak
of the scene define the extremes surfaces in order to make accu- location to areas of ambient
of the color palette. A white spot rate judgments. Temperatures of temperatures
would not necessarily indicate materials with differing emissivi- o The imager can record
a very high temperature, only ties within a scene will not report selected images of interest for
the highest temperature in the temperature relationships equi- download, if desired
scene. The highest temperature tably. Digital photographs of the
in one scene may be 90 °F, while same scene as the thermal image • Air leaks from ductwork behind
another scene may have a white are useful not only for scene o Make an initial imager scan
spot indicating 250 °F, if that is identification purposes, but also of walls concealing ductwork
the highest temperature in that to identify materials of differing with the system blower off
scene. The palette is proportional emissivities within the scene. o Start the blower and repeat
to the temperature range of the A few applications for thermal the initial scans
scene, not a fixed value. A slight imagers follow. o Compare results of the
relocation of the spot on the tar- Duct leaks beneath insulation blower-off to the blower-on
get can change the gradient dis- or in walls scans
play depending on the range of When ductwork is located exter- o Significant temperature
temperatures now in the scene. nally to the conditioned envelope, deviations may indicate return
A semi-automatic setting will air leaks can present conditions leaks that are causing pres-
allow an upper temperature limit for pressure differentials across sure differentials within the
to be selected while the imager the conditioned envelope, create walls that encourage air and
automatically and continuously opportunities for moisture condi- moisture migration from out-
recalculates the minimum scene tions that support mold growth in doors
temperature. High and low tem- or on the ductwork or even hid- o Start heating or cooling oper-
perature alarms can be set so den within walls. The effects are ations
that when temperatures approach similar to unbalanced ventilation o Repeat the wall scans
the limits of reliability, the user and exhaust air. o Even temperature gradients of
can be notified graphically. the wall that follows the duct-
work should be expected
Some thermal imager
Thermal Imagers can be used for Figure 4. Inspecting to locate air
leakage requires a 4 °F or higher
purposes where heat relation- temperature difference between
ships are meaningful and provide inside and outside air, in order to
very fast, multiple point tempera- get accurate readings. Air leak-
ture measurements of a scene. age can be into the building, as
in the cold air shown leaking
They are ideal for moving targets through the floor, or out of it,
and machinery, hazardous and as in the warm air leaking out
inaccessible or distant targets, alongside the chimney. Images
courtesy of Snell Infrared ©2005.
electrical components, “big pic-
ture” evaluations of machinery or
surfaces, trending records, and

3 Fluke Corporation Infrared thermal imagers: A primer

o Uneven or spreading tem- pressure differentials across
perature gradients may the conditioned envelope for
indicate leaking ductwork testing purposes
o Pay attention to temperature o Scan on both conditioned
gradients along baseboards and unconditioned side of
and around fenestration surface
o The imager can record o Pay special attention to areas
selected images of interest of fenestration and along sill
for download, if desired plate areas
Diffuser discharge and Water leaks beneath
surface effect ceiling membrane roofs
temperatures Rooftop HVAC equipment is often
• Start heating or cooling blamed when roof leaks appear,
operation but tedious and time consuming
• Scan diffuser outward along evaluations frequently dispel the
ceiling toward intersecting accusations. Thermal imagers can
walls or zones be used to quickly track water
• Watch temperature change beneath a membrane roof back to
along ceiling to evaluate possible sources of entry.
surface effect • As the sun sets, water beneath
• Watch for temperature change the roof membrane will change
at intersecting wall surfaces to temperature more slowly than
evaluate throw areas of dry insulation under
• This provides a good prelimi- the roof membrane.
nary analysis prior to breaking • Scan the roof surface and fol-
out the ladders and air balanc- low the higher temperatures to
ing equipment possible entry sources
• Throw should be between Electrical devices
75 % to 110 % of distance Thermal imagers can be used
from diffuser to intersecting for a quick analysis of individual
surface devices, or an array of contac-
Insulation effectiveness and tors or relays in a control panel.
air leaks From ground level, inaccessible
• Insulation on all surfaces can transformer connections or line
be scanned for leakage and splices can be scanned for hot
losses spots indicating high resistance
o Boiler, furnace, process of problematic connections. Panel
equipment, service water buss connections can be quickly
heater insulation scanned for circuit integrity.
o Walls that separate condi- • Disconnects, contactors, relays
tioned from unconditioned o Scan disconnects, contactors,
spaces relays for temperature con-
o Pipe and duct insulation sistency
o Higher temperatures are o All conductors connected to
indicated by a shift toward device should have equiva-
white. lent temperatures
o Lower temperatures are indi- o All mechanical connections
cated by a shift toward black to device should have equiv-
• Scan conditioned envelope alent temperatures
walls or ceilings for even o Circuit temperature and ther-
temperatures mal characteristics of each
o Initial scan should be made pole should be consistent
with HVAC equipment off for with the circuit temperature Figure 5. Cool areas on this roof exposure
insulation effectiveness probably indicate moisture buildup. Mark
and thermal characteristics of with tape and investigate with core samples.
o Subsequent scan should be the other poles
made with blower, econo- o Movable contacts are likely
mizer and exhaust fans oper- to show higher temperature
ating to evaluate for air leaks than fixed connections
o Economizers and power
exhaust can be temporar-
ily re-adjusted to increase

4 Fluke Corporation Infrared thermal imagers: A primer

o Specification data should
provide the rated tempera-
ture rise of the device under
full load conditions
o Wire insulation, paper cover-
ing of fuses, and insulated
connections will be displayed
as areas of higher tempera-
ture than uninsulated con-
nections, buss bars, and bare
Figure 6. This thermal image shows a cool motor on the left and a hot gearbox on the
wires due to the differences
right, with an especially white-hot anomaly.
in material emissivity
o Circuits within an enclosed
relay will radiate heat to the Dynamic gas pressure within Steam traps, lines, radiators
casing. Relays under similar above grade LP tanks and convectors
load should show similar LP tanks must be sized for the Thermal imagers are ideally
heat patterns on the casing load in order to evaporate suffi- suited for assessments of steam
o Insulated conductors and cient gas while maintaining mini- heating processes. They can
electrical connections should mum pressures. quickly see the trap and line
be cool leading to and • Above grade LP tanks can be temperatures into and out of
connected at the relays, scanned to estimate liquid level traps. They can be used to follow
contactors and vapor pressure pipe temperatures to the source
• Line splices, powertransmission o The heat of vaporization is of problems.
connections, transformer con- extracted from the Liquid LP • If temperature is low in steam
nections o When demand is high, the pipe, low in trap and low in
o Temperatures should be horizontal line of temperature condensate return, trap may be
consistent along conductors change on the outside of the stuck closed.
lengths tank will approximate the • If temperature is high in steam
o Temperatures of splices or liquid level within the tank. pipe, high in trap, and high in
connections should be con- o The liquid LP absorbs heat condensate return, trap may be
sistent with approaching and from the ambient air through stuck open.
departing conductor tem- the tank walls • If temperature is high in steam
peratures o The tank surface temperature pipe, high in trap, and slightly
o Disturbed by wind or pressure corresponds to the lower in condensate return,
branches, poor connections vapor pressure in the tank. trap is probably operating
or splices can produce line If a P-T chart for LP gas is properly.
transients that can affect the not available, a P-T chart for Tracking hydronic radiant
reliability and operation of R-22 can be used to “ball- heat loops
equipment. Electronic devices park” the pressure. R-22 Thermal imagers can be used to
are particularly susceptible to pressures below freezing track radiant loops under solid
the effects of line transients. are usually about 4 pounds surfaces. The radiant loop should
less than LP gas pressures at appear as similar palette gradient
Motors, bearings, equivalent temperatures.
sheaves, and belts along the loops. Loop tempera-
• Motors can be scanned for “All points” operating tem-
peratures of compressors
tures can be temporarily elevated
for tracking purposes.
operating temperatures within
specifications A thermal image snapshot of an Air-to-air condenser or
• Bearings can be scanned for operating compressor (or other
machinery) can be saved in a
evaporator circuitry
consistency of temperature A thermal snapshot of condenser
o Bearings under equal load trending or maintenance record. or evaporator return bends or
should display equal The image will contain operating distributor tubes can find circuit
temperatures temperatures of all points in the problems much more quickly
o A hotter bearing on sheave image such as sump tempera- than using contact thermometers
side of motor could indicate ture, head temperature, suction for the same task.
and discharge temperatures, etc.
over-tightened belts • Each circuit will condense or
• Sheaves that are hotter around Ambient and operating conditions
should be saved along with the
evaporate refrigerant at a
circumference could indicate constant temperature
slipping belts • Subcooling or superheat should
• Belts that do not cool between be equivalent in the last passes
the motor and blower sheaves of each circuit
could indicate slipping belts • All distributor tubes should be
at evaporating temperature

5 Fluke Corporation Infrared thermal imagers: A primer

Field of View: Spot size relative
to target area. Spot size should
be contained within the perim-
eter of the target, centered on the
area of interest.
Focus: Similar to a photographic
camera. A photographic camera
is focused to obtain crisp visual
resolution. AN IR Thermal Imager
Figure 7. When operating correctly, as in this example, steam trap thermal images should
is focused to obtain crisp IR radi-
show an abrupt change in temeperature. ation temperatures.
Minimum Focal Distance: Clos-
Conclusion IR terminology basics est distance to target that an
imager can be focused and used.
This brief introduction to ther- Infrared Radiation (IR Radia- Environmental Conditions:
mal imagers is offered to present tion): Heat radiation beyond Thermal Imagers are calibrated
the potential user some insight the visible spectrum. IR thermal to operate within a temperature
to typical applications and may imaging devices designed for range (14 °F to 122 °F). Accuracy
spark ideas for additional uses. field use generally detect IR is compromised outside of these
For instance, a routine walk- wavelengths from 7 to 14 micro- conditions. An adjustment period
through of a facility with a ther- meters, wavelengths slightly is required for sudden changes
mal imager showing real-time longer than the color red. IR of 18 °F or more degrees for the
movies of critical machinery or radiation equals the sum of emit- imager to be accurate under
processes is not only easy and ted, reflected, and transmitted the new conditions. Particulates
time saving, but can alert the radiation. in the air (steam, dust, smoke)
user to processes that warrant Emissivity: IR radiation emitted between the imager and the tar-
further attention. from a body indicating the heat get will distort the readings.
For information on building of that body. Emitted IR radiation Quantitative Temperatures:
envelope leak testing, ASTM equals absorbed IR radiation.
standard E1186-03 Standard Accuracy of temperature takes
Practices for Air Leakage Site Reflectivity: Ambient IR radiation precedence.
Detection in Building Envelopes reflected from a body unrelated Qualitative Temperatures: Accu-
and Air Barrier Systems to that body’s own heat. racy of temperature is secondary
ASTM standard E779-03 Stan- Transmissivity: IR radiation to relative temperatures. This is
dard Test Method for Determining transmitted through a body such the most common use of thermal
Air Leakage Rate by Fan pres- as a gas or liquid and some solids imagers.
surization. such as glass or plastic films. For
most solid bodies, transmissivity
is zero.
Distance to spot ratio (D:S): The
size of the measurement spot on
the target relative to the distance
the imager is from the target. A
D:S of 90:1 would result in a one
inch spot at a target distance of
90 inches or a one foot spot at a Fluke. Keeping your world
target distance of 90 feet. up and running.®

Fluke Corporation
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©2006, 2008 Fluke Corporation.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
Printed in U.S.A. 1/2008 2572074 A-EN-N Rev B
6 Fluke Corporation Infrared thermal imagers: A primer

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