The Movements of The Masterpieces
The Movements of The Masterpieces
The Movements of The Masterpieces
The Movements
of the Masterpiece Collection
Editorial Peseux
„... from the veil of oblivion Scaling time –
to the glow of desire ...“ hour by hour.
Ref. 28.762-1101
A chronograph classic Valjoux 72C movement featured an additional 12-hour counter Months with fewer than 31 days require
At the time, chronographs had no calen- for longer time intervals. Located under- manual correction. The 72C movement
wound by hand. dar features. To remedy the situation, neath the dial, the corresponding is a typical Valjoux product with a hori-
watchmakers had recourse to a proven mechanism offered sufficient room to zontal wheel clutch connecting move-
predecessor, the Valjoux 72 VZH, a varia- accommodate a simple but complete ment and gears, and functions controlled
Even though this number may appear tion of the legendary 23 movement. calendar. In 1946 Valjoux came out by a nine-column ratchet wheel.
high at first, output was infinitely Launched in 1938, the movement with its new 72C caliber – also 6.95 mm The 72 caliber and its derivatives were Original Valjoux 7736 movement.
small when considering it spanned thick – with day and month displayed made until 1974. That year marked
60 years of production. Outstanding through small apertures in the dial. the end of an important chapter in Swiss
quality commanded relatively high prices A central hand points to the date. watchmaking history. But the legend
and therefore low output. In addition, lives on through an inventory of the
almost all renowned watchmakers premier watch movements finished with
(e.g. Audemars Piguet, Patek Philippe, tender-loving care by Maurice Lacroix.
Rolex, Vacheron Constantin) used
Original Valjoux 23 movement. the classic Valjoux 23 movement in their
chronographs. A pivoting ratchet wheel
controls the movement's start, stop ML 46 movement based on Valjoux 7736.
and reset functions. But watch aficiona- The limited quantities of original parts
dos recognize the premier Valjoux for the screwed balance were earmarked
movements not only on the basis of their for 700 watches in gold/steel.
characteristic levers, sliding gears,
springs and wheels but also because
of the ratchet wheel itself with no less
than nine columns, more than any other Valjoux 7736 movement
similar competitor product. But there were also watchmakers who
wanted to supply their customers with
more economical chronographs.
The answer came in 1946 by the name of
ML 83/72 movement based on Valjoux 23/72C. 77 ECO, a 13-ligne ratchet wheel move-
ment in which the customary clutch
is replaced by a so-called oscillating gear.
Introduced in 1967 and produced
until 1973, the 7730 movement with its
intelligent guideway – to replace the
intricate column wheel – and customary
Valjoux 23 movement wheel clutch, became the basis for the
When the military demanded reliable 7733 series introduced in 1969.
wrist chronographs at the onset of World With 30 or 45-minute counters included
War One, even Switzerland's mechanical in the basic models, the 7734 added a
watch wizards were unable to deliver. date display, the 7736 (31.0 mm diameter
Movements that were sufficiently small Ratchet wheel with nine columns. and 7.4 mm thick) a 12-hour counter.
but dependable were virtually unavail- With its automatic 7750 movements
able. Of course, it did not take long for gaining momentum, Valjoux ended
expert movement makers – including the production of these handwind
Valjoux – to meet the demand. By 1916 movements in 1978.
the 13-ligne 23 chronograph movement
(29.33 mm diameter, 5.85 mm thick)
had become a production model and was
chosen by a multitude of wristwatch 199 aficionados of mechanical
manufacturers for many years to come. Made just 220 times and
watches are the proud
no longer available:
Some 125,000 movement blanks of this Valjoux 23 chronograph in owners of a steel chronograph
type were produced until 1974. yellow gold. with 7736 movement.
Only 65 (!) ratchet wheel chronographs were ever
crafted in yellow gold.
–4– –5–
Venus 188 movement –
an eloquent name for a masterpiece.
–6– –7–
A. Schild AS 5008 movement with
automatic wind mechanism.
Each movement marked AS:
the handwind AS 1931. AS did not develop its automatic alarm (30.0 diameter x 7.6 mm thick with push-
overnight. When it was finally intro- piece-activated date and day diplays).
duced to the marketplace in 1973, indus- With 180 parts a piece, some 175,000
In 1896 Anton Schild – brother of Urs try analysts believed it was already movements were made during this
Schild, founder of Eterna and of move- too late. Mercilessly, market forces put a time period.
ment giant ETA – began to make his stronghold on production. What went
own movements known by his initials. wrong? When quartz mania began to hit The movement's breakthrough in
The AS movement was born. western consumers, alarm timepieces mechanical watches came around 1990
were sold for nearly nothing. The oppor- when ML introduced a gold-plated Original AS 5008 movement.
Anton Schild recognized the advantages tunity to make a profit by selling version of an automatic wrist alarm with
of mechanized watch production at an mechanical alarm movements vanished 17 jewels. Destined to become a much
early stage. It would deliver the precision almost overnight, a bitter pill to swallow sought-after collectors' item, it was
needed to be able to readily exchange all for AS. Machines ran for almost four followed by pink gold and platinum
parts. When he joined forces with British years until the Grenchen movement models. The AS movement is the only
watchmaker John Harwood in 1926, maker reluctantly ceased production movement in which a rotor winds
the business of automatic movements in 1977 of its fine Brain-matic 5008 both the watch and alarm. In later years,
was born. Following long negotiations, ball bearings were added to the conven-
powerful A. Schild SA with a workforce tional shaft rotor while the number of
of 2,000 merged in 1926 with the jewels rose from 17 to 31.
Fabrique d'Horlogerie de Fontainemelon
(FHF) and Ad. Michel SA to become
Ebauches AG. With 330,000 units sold
between 1970 and 1974, the AS 1931
handwind movement is a truly rare ML 22 movement with rotor removed.
–8– –9–
Unitas 6376 movement. A matter of seconds.
The origins of the 13-ligne 6376 hand- These features in particular caused the This extraordinary way of keeping
wind movement go back to the '30s. 17-jewel Unitas 6376 to be preferred time derives from precision pendulum
Among its particular features are a by the military. Nicknamed „army move- clocks, the so-called regulators. Until
relatively large balance, a leisurely rate ment“, it became the movement of the middle of the twentieth century,
of 21,600 A/h and a small second choice for military wristwatches. While these most accurate of timekeepers were
at 6 o'clock. While not particularly thin, production of the popular blank contin- located underground in observatories
it is very reliable, rugged and accurate. ued between 1978 and 1985, sales were everywhere to protect them from the
suspended as early as 1984. Since then, effects of vibration. They were also used
the 6376 has become a much sought-after by watchmakers to verify the rate of
Original Unitas 6376 movement. movement especially when refined and their watches.
decorated for ML 50, ML 53 and ML 56
movements from Maurice Lacroix. When it came to timekeeping for scien-
tific or technical purposes, seconds and
minutes proved more important than
hours. Equally indispensable was the
capability to read time promptly and
umistakably. Guided by these prerequi-
sites, watchmakers created a special dial
with large central minute hand and two
auxiliary dials, one in the upper half
for showing the hours, the other in the
lower half for indicating seconds.
– 10 – – 11 –
Size is everything –
when movements measure up.
– 12 – – 13 –
Form follows function:
the FHF 29 tonneau movement. FHF 29 Masterpiece Limited.
Ref. 35.816-1101
Ref. 35.816-1101
– 14 – – 15 –
Maurice Lacroix. Tomorrow’s Classics.