Crim 2 Reviewer
Crim 2 Reviewer
Crim 2 Reviewer
Filipino Citizen: Reclusion Perpetua to Death and 100,000 but also policy-determining – treason
Alien: reclusion temporal to death and 100,000
1. Offender is a Filipino citizen or an alien residing in the Membership in the police force during occupation is not treason; but
Philippines active participation with the enemies in the apprehension of
2. War in which the Philippines is involved guerrillas and infliction of ill-treatments make such member liable
3. Offender: for treason
a) Levies war against the government
b) Adheres to the enemies, giving them aid or When the arrest of persons alleged to have been guerrillas was
comfort caused by the accused due to their committing a common crime, like
arson, he is not liable for treason
No person shall be convicted of treason unless:
a) on the testimony of 2 witnesses at least to the “Enemies” applies only to the subjects of a foreign power in a state
same overt act (to prove the giving or aid or of hostility with the traitor’s country. It does not embrace rebels in
comfort only; not adherence) insurrection against their own country
b) on confession of the accused in open court
No treason thru negligence; it must be intentional
Allegiance – obligation of fidelity and obedience which the
individuals owe to the government under which they live or to their When killings and other common crimes are charged as overt acts of
sovereign, in return for the protection they receive treason, they cannot be regarded:
b) As separate crimes
Levying war requires concurrence of: c) Complexed with treason
a) An actual assembling of men But this rule would not preclude the punishment of murder or other
b) For the purpose of executing a treasonable design by common crimes as such, if the prosecution should elect to prosecute
force the culprit specifically of these crimes, instead of relying on them as
an element of treason
“Actual enlistment” is not “actual assembling”
Treason by Filipino citizen may be committed outside the Philippines
It is not necessary that there be a formal declaration of the existence
of a state of war; actual hostilities may determine the date of the Treason by an alien must be committed in the Philippines
commencement of war
Treason is a continuous offense
Levying of war must be with the intent to overthrow the
government; not merely to resist a statute or to repel an officer It is not required that their testimony de identical so long as they
could certainly point to the same over act
Levying of war must be in collaboration with a foreign enemy
It is sufficient that witnesses are uniform in their testimony on the
Adherence to enemy – means intent to betray; when a citizen overt act; it is not necessary that there be corroboration between
intellectually or emotionally favors the enemy and harbours them on the point they testified
sympathies or convictions disloyal to his country’s policy or interest
Adherence may be proved:
Aid or comfort – means an act which strengthens or tends to a) By one witness
strengthen the enemy in the conduct of war and an act which b) From the nature of the act itself
weakens or tends to weaken the power of the traitor’s country to c) From the circumstances surrounding the act
resist or to attack the enemy.
Cruelty and ignominy are the only aggravating circumstances
Adherence alone, without giving the enemy aid or comfort, does not allowed in treason
constitute treason
Defense of suspended allegiance and change of sovereignty, not
Aid or comfort must be given to the enemy by some kind of action accepted
GR: extent of aid or comfort given to enemies must be to render Duress and lawful obedience to a de facto government is a good
assistance to them as enemies and not merely as individuals and be defense in treason
directly in furtherance of the enemies’ hostile designs
Defense of loss of citizenship by joining the army of the enemy is not
It is not the degree of success, but rather, the aim for which the act considered
was perpetrated, that determines the commission of treason
Duty of the detaining officer is deemed complied with upon the filing
of the complaint with the judicial authority.
If the entrance to dwelling is only without the consent and not Papers or other belongings must be in the dwelling of their owner at
against the will of the owner, the crime is not committed. the time the search was made
An officer, in order to make an arrest either by virtue of a warrant or It does not apply to searches of vehicles or other means of
without a warrant as provided in section 5, may break into any transportation, because the searches are not made in the dwelling
building or enclosure where the person to be arrested is or is
reasonably believed to be, if he is refused admittance thereto, after 131 – Prohibition, interruption, and dissolution of peaceful meetings
announcing his authority and purpose prision correccional minimum
1. offender is a public officer or employee
Silence of the owner of the dwelling before and during search, 2. he performs any of the following:
without search warrant, by a public officer, may show implied waiver. a) without legal ground, by prohibiting, interrupting or
dissolving the holding of a peaceful meeting
128 is not applicable when an officer searched a person outside his b) by hindering any person from joining any lawful
dwelling without a search warrant and such person is not legally association or from attending any of its meetings
arrested for an offense, because the papers or other effects c) by prohibiting or hindering any person from
mentioned must be found in the dwelling. This is a case of grave addressing, either alone or together with others, any
coercion or unjust vexation. petition to the authorities for the correction of abuses
or redress of grievances
129 – Search Warrants maliciously obtained
arresto mayor maximum to prision correccional minimum and 1,000 If the offender is a private individual, the crime is disturbance of
1. offender is a public officer or employee public order
2. he procures a search warrant
3. there is no just cause There is no legal ground to prohibit the holding of a meeting when
the danger apprehended is not imminent and the evil to be
A search warrant may be issued for the search and seizure of the ff prevented is not a serious one.
personal property:
a) subject of the offense Offender must be stranger, not a participant, in the peaceful meeting
b) stolen or embezzled and other proceeds or fruits (unjust vexation if offender is a participant)
of the offense
c) used or intended to be used as the means of Interrupting and dissolving the meeting of municipal council by a
committing an offense public officer is a crime against a legislative body, not punished
under art. 131
Search warrant may be said to be procured without just cause when
it appears on the face of the affidavits filed in support of the The person talking on prohibited subject at public meeting contrary
application therefor, or through other evidence, that the applicant to agreement that no speaker should touch on politics may be
had every reason to believe that the search sough for was unjustified stopped.
But stopping the speaker who was attacking certain churches in
Whether the affidavit filed in support of the application has been public meeting is a violation of art. 131
drawn in such a manner that perjury could be charged and affiant be
held liable for damages caused.
132 – Interruption of religious worship
prision correccional minimum Those merely acting as couriers or spies for the rebels are also guilty
prision correccional medium and maximum if done with threat or of rebellion
1. offender is a public officer or employee Purpose of the uprising must be shown
2. religious ceremonies or manifestations of any religion are
about to take place or are going on It is not necessary that the purpose of the rebellion be accomplished
3. offender prevents or disturbs the same
Rebellion Treason
Reading of Bible and then attacking certain churches in a public plaza levying war against the Levying was against government
is not a ceremony or manifestation of religion, but only a meeting of government would constitute during peace time for any
a religious sect treason when performed to aid purposes mentioned in art. 134
the enemy is rebellion
But the reading of some verses out of the Bible in a private house by always involves taking up arms may be committed by mere
a group of 10-20 persons, is a religious service against the government adherence to the enemy giving
him aid or comfort
133 – Offending the religious feelings
arresto mayor maximum to prision correccional minimum Giving aid or comfort is not criminal in rebellion
1. acts complained of were performed:
a) in a place devoted to religious worship Rebellion Subversion
b) during the celebration of any religious ceremony crime against national security crime against public order
2. acts must be notoriously offensive to the feelings of the
faithful 134A – Coup d’état
1. offender is a person or persons belonging to the military or
It is not necessary that there is a religious ceremony going on police or holding any public office or employment
2. it is committed by means of a swift attack accompanied by
Religious ceremony need not be celebrated in a place of worship violence, intimidation, threat, strategy or stealth
3. attack be directed against duly constituted authorities of
Religious ceremonies are those religious acts performed outside of a the Philippines, or an military camp or installation,
church, such as processions and special prayers for burying dead communication networks, public utilities or other facilities
persons needed for the exercise and continued possession of
“Act notoriously offensive to the feelings of the faithful” – acts must 4. purpose of the attack is to seize or diminish state power
be directed against religious practice or dogma or ritual for the
purpose of ridicule, as mocking or scoffing at or attempting to 135 – Penalty for rebellion, insurrection or coup d’état
damage an object of religious worship any person who promotes, maintains, or heads a rebellion or
insurrection shall suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua
There must be deliberate intent to offend the feelings of the faithful
any person merely participating or executing the commands of
Offense to feelings is judged from complainant’s point of view others in rebellion or insurrection shall suffer the penalty of
reclusion temporal
134 – Rebellion or insurrection
1. that there be a public uprising and taking arms against the any person who leads or in any manner directs or commands others
government to undertake a coup d’état shall suffer the penalty of reclusion
2. that the purpose of the uprising or movement is either: perpetua
a) to remove from the allegiance to said government or
its laws: any person in the government service who participates, or executes
i. the territory of the Philippines or any part directions or commands of others in undertaking a coup d’état shall
thereof suffer the penalty of reclusion temporal maximum
ii. any body of land, naval or other armed forces
b) to deprive the Chief Executive or Congress, wholly or any person not in the government service who participates, or in any
partially, any of their powers or prerogatives manner supports, finances, abets or aids in undertaking a coup d’état
shall suffer the penalty of prision mayor maximum
rebellion insurrection
more frequently used where the more commonly employed in when the rebellion, insurrection, or coup d’état shall be under the
object of the movement is reference to a movement which command of unknown leaders, any person who in fact directed the
completely to overthrow and seeks merely to effect some others, spoke for them, signed receipts and other documents issued
supersede the existing change of minor importance, or in their name, or performed similar acts, on behalf of the rebels,
government to prevent the exercise of shall be deemed a leader of such rebellion, insurrection or coup
governmental authority with d’état.
respect to particular matters
Actual class of arms with the government forces, not necessary to Public officer must take active part to be liable; mere silence or
convict the accused who is in conspiracy with others actually taking omission not punishable in rebellion
arms against the government
It is not a defense in rebellion that the accused never took the oath it is not required that the person who proposes has
of allegiance to, or that they never recognized the government offender has decided to commit decided to commit rebellion
Those who killed persons in pursuance of the movement to done publicly person who proposes the
overthrow the government are liable for rebellion only execution of the crime uses
secret means
There is no complex crime of rebellion with murder and other
common crimes In both proposal and inciting to commit rebellion, the crime of
rebellion should not be actually committed by persons to whom it is
Membership in a rebel organization does not automatically qualify proposed or who are incited. If they commit the rebellion because of
criminal acts as absorbed in rebellion the proposal or the inciting, the proponent or the one inciting
becomes a principal by inducement to the crime of rebellion
Killing, robbing, etc., for private purposes or profit, without any
political motivation, would be separately punished and would not be 139 - Sedition
absorbed in the rebellion. leader – prision mayor minimum and 10,000
participants – prision correccional maximum and 5,000
136 – Conspiracy and proposal to commit coup d’état, rebellion or 1. offenders rise publicly and tumultuously
insurrection 2. they employ force, intimidation, or other means outside of
conspiracy and proposal to commit coup d’état – prision mayor legal methods
minimum and 8,000 3. offenders employ any of those means to attain any of the
conspiracy to commit rebellion or insurrection – prision correccional following objects:
maximum and 5,000 a) to prevent the promulgation or execution of any law
proposal to commit rebellion or insurrection – prision correccional or the holding of any popular election
medium and 2,000 b) to prevent the national government or any provincial
conspiracy to commit rebellion or municipal government, or any public officer thereof
1. there be 2 or more persons from freely exercising its or his functions, or prevent
2. they come to an agreement to rise publicly and take up the execution of any administrative order
arms against the government for any of the purposes of c) to inflict any act of hate or revenge upon the person
rebellion or property of any public officer or employee
3. they decide to commit it d) to commit, for any political or social end, any act of
proposal to commit rebellion hate or revenge against private persons or any social
1. offender has decided to rise publicly and take arms against class
the government for any of the purposes of rebellion e) to despoil, for any political or social end, any person,
2. he proposes its execution to some other person or persons municipality or province, or the national government
of all its property or any part thereof
Organizing a group of soldiers, soliciting membership in, and
soliciting funds from the people for, the organization, show Tumultuous – if caused by more than 3 persons who are armed or
conspiracy to overthrow the government provided with means of violence
137 – disloyalty of public officers or employees The ultimate end of sedition is a violation of the public peace or at
prision correccional minimum least such a course of measures as evidently endangers it
1. offender is a public officer or employee
2. existence of rebellion by other persons What distinguishes sedition from rebellion is the object or purpose
3. he must not be in conspiracy with the rebels of the uprising
4. offender does any of the following:
a) failing to resist a rebellion by all means in their power Common crimes are not absorbed in sedition; they are separately
b) by continuing to discharge the duties of their offices punished
under the control of the rebels
c) accepting an appointment to office under them rebellion sedition
there must be taking of arms it is sufficient that the public
138 – Inciting to rebellion or insurrection against the government uprising be tumultuous
prision mayor minimum purpose is always political purpose may be political or
1. offender does not take arms or is not in open hostility social
against the government
2. he incites others to the execution of any of the acts or sedition treason
rebellion raising of commotions or violation by a subject of his
3. the inciting is done by means of speeches, proclamations, disturbances in the state allegiance to his sovereign
writings, emblems, banners or other representations
tending to the same end
Uttering seditious words or speeches and writing, publishing or Parliamentary immunity does not protect members of the national
circulating scurrilous libels are punishable when: assembly from responsibility before the legislative body itself
a) They tend to disturb or obstruct any lawful officer in
executing the functions of his office
b) They tend to instigate others to cabal and meet together
for some unlawful purpose
c) They suggest or incite rebellious conspiracies or riots
d) They lead to stir up the people against the lawful
authorities or to disturb the peace of the community, the
safety and order of the government
A theatrical play or drama where words uttered or speeches
delivered are seditious may be punished under art. 142
illegal association illegal assembly Intimidation or resistance must be serious whether the offended
not necessary that there be an necessary that there is an actual party is an agent only or he is a person in authority
actual meeting meeting or assembly
it is the act of forming or it is the meeting and attendance Resistance must be active; when one who is placed under arrest
organizing and membership in at such meeting that are throws himself on the ground and the resistance makes it necessary
the association that are punished to raise him up or drag him along jail, is passive resistance.
persons liable are: persons liable are: Serious resistance:
1. Founders, directors 1. organizers When the policeman was about to arrest the accused, the latter said:
and president 2. persons present at the “don’t come near, because I will take your life.” As the policeman
2. members meeting was approaching him, accused struck him with a knife but was not
Serious intimidation:
Pointing a gun at a military police captain
The scope of the respective powers of public officers and their Art. 150 may not apply when the papers or documents may be used
agents is fixed. If they go beyond it and they violate any recognized in evidence against the owner thereof, because it would be
rights of the citizens, then the latter may resist the invasion, equivalent to compelling him to be witness against himself
especially when it is clear and manifest. The resistance must not be
coextensive with the excess, and should not be greater than what is The testimony of the person summoned must be upon matters
necessary to repel the aggression. which the national assembly has jurisdiction to inquire. It should be
“in aid of legislation” not investigation
When an agent of a person in authority agrees to fight, he does not
lose is status Any of the acts punished by art.150 may also constitute contempt of
the national assembly
When a person in authority or his agent is the one who provokes and
attacks another person, the latter is entitled to defend himself Any action not amounting to a release of a prisoner committed by
the senate to prision, taken by the executive or judicial department
A person in authority or his agent who exceeds his power or acts with respect to such prisoner in the legitimate discharge of its
without authority, is not in the exercise of the functions of his office functions, is not impairment of the doctrine of the distribution of
governmental powers.
An assault upon a person in authority may be committed by another
person in authority as art. 148 makes it an aggravating circumstance
when the offender is a public officer or employee 151 – resistance and disobedience to a person in authority or the
agents of such person
arresto mayor and 500
arresto menor or 10-100 if disobedience is not of a serious nature 153 – Tumults and other disturbance of public order
Resistance and Disobedience arresto mayor medium to prision correccional minimum and 1,000
1. That a person in authority or his agent is engaged in the penalty next higher in degree - if disturbance is of a tumultuous
performance of official duty or gives a lawful order to the character
offender arresto mayor – make an outcry tending to incite rebellion or
2. Offender resists or seriously disobeys such person in sedition
authority or his agent arresto menor and 200 – bury with pomp the body of a dead person
3. Act of offender is not included in the provisions of arts. who was been legally executed
148, 149, and 150 acts punishable:
Simple Disobedience a) Causing any serious disturbance in a public place, office or
1. An agent of a person in authority is engaged in the establishment
performance of official duty or gives a lawful order to the b) Interrupting or disturbing performances, functions or
offender gatherings, or peaceful meetings, if the act is not included
2. Offender disobeys such agent of a person in authority in arts. 131 and 132
3. Such disobedience is not of a serious nature c) Making an outcry tending to incite rebellion or sedition in
any meeting, association or public place
Act must be a failure to comply with orders directly issued by the d) Burying with pomp the body of a person who has been
authorities in the exercise of their functions. legally executed
Failure to comply with legal provisions of a general character or with Serious disturbance must be planned or intended
judicial decisions merely declaratory of rights or obligations, or
violations of prohibitory decisions do not constitute the crime of If the act of disturbing or interrupting a meeting or religious
disobedience to the authorities ceremony is not committed by public officers, or if committed by
public officers they are participants therein, art. 153 should be
The accused must have knowledge that a person arresting him is a applied
peace officer
Outcry means to shout subversive or provocative words tending to
When the accused struck the policeman on the breast with a fist stir up the people to obtain by means of force or violence any of the
when the latter was arresting him, is an example of resistance and objects of rebellion or sedition.
serious disobedience
For an outcry or the displaying of emblems or placards to constitute
In simple disobedience, the offended must simply be an agent of a inciting to commit rebellion or sedition, it is necessary that the
person in authority offenders should have done the act with the aforethought of
inducing his hearers or readers to commit the crime of rebellion or
The act of lying on the rod and refusing, despite the order of the PC sedition.
major, to get out therefrom is an example of simple disobedience
But if the outcry is more or less unconscious outburst which,
If the disobedience to an agent of a person in authority is of a although rebellious or seditious in nature, it is not intentionally
serious nature, the offender should be punished under the first calculated to induce others to commit rebellion or sedition, it is only
paragraph of art. 151 public disorder.
DIRECT ASSAULT RESISTANCE OR SERIOUS The disturbance shall be deemed to be tumultuous if caused by
DISOBEDIENCE more than 3 persons who are armed of provided with means of
person in authority or his agent person in authority or his agent violence
must be engaged in the must be in the actual
performance of official duties or performance of their duties
that he is assaulted by reason
direct assault 2nd form is committed only by resisting or
committed in 4 ways: seriously disobeying
a) Attacking
b) Employing force
c) Seriously intimidating
d) Seriously resisting
there is force employed and it there is force employed but it is
must be serious and deliberate not serious, as there is no
manifest intention to defy the
law and the officers enforcing it
but when one resisted is a if no force is employed by the
person in authority, the use of offender in resisting or
any kind of degree of force will disobeying a person in authority
give rise to direct assault
When the attack or employment of force is not deliberate, the crime 154 – unlawful use of means of publication and unlawful utterances
is only resistance or disobedience arresto mayor and 200-1,000
acts punishable:
a) By publishing or causing to be published, by means of The guard of the jail, who is off-duty, may be held liable for
printing, lithography or any other means of publication, as delivering prisoner from jail
news any false news which may endanger the public order,
or cause damage to the interest or credit of the state But if the crime committed by the prisoner for which he is confined
b) Be encouraging disobedience to the law or to the or serving sentence is treason, murder, or parricide, that act of
constituted authorities or by praising, justifying or extolling taking the place of the prisoner in the prison is that of an accessory
any act punished by law, by the same means or by words, and he may be held liable as such, because he assists in the escape
utterances or speeches of the principal (Art. 19, par. 3)
c) By maliciously publishing or causing to be published nay
official resolution or document without proper authority, 157 – Evasion of service of sentence
or before they have been published officially prision correccional medium and maximum
d) By printing, publishing or distributing (or causing the same) prision correccional maximum if escape is done by means of scaling,
books, pamphlets, periodicals, or leaflets which do not breaking doors, windows, gates, roofs, or floors, or by using
bear the real printer’s name, or which are classified as picklocks, false keys, disguise, deceit, violence or intimidation, or
anonymous connivance
1. Offender is a convict by final judgment
It is not necessary that the publication of the false news actually 2. He is serving his sentence which consist in deprivation of
caused public disorder or caused damage to the interest or credit of liberty
the state. The mere possibility of causing such danger or damage is 3. He evades the service of his sentence by escaping during
sufficient the term of his sentence
Offender must know that the news is false Not applicable to sentence executed by deportation
156 – Delivering prisoners from jail If the offender gives himself up, he is entitled to a deduction of 1/5
arresto mayor maximum to prision correccional minimum – by of his sentence
means of violence, intimidation or bribery
arresto mayor – other means are used Mutiny in this article implies an organized unlawful resistance to a
1. There is a person confined in a jail or penal establishment superior officer; a sedition; a revolt
2. Offender removes therefrom such person, or helps the
escape of such person There is no mutiny if the prisoners disarmed the guards and escaped,
because the guards are not their superior officers.
Prisoner may be under detention only
Offender must be found guilty of subsequent offense before he The offender should not be the forger. Otherwise, he will be liable
could be prosecuted under art. 159 under art. 161
Under no circumstance may the penalty for the violation of 163 – making and importing and uttering false coins
conditional pardon be destierro prision mayor minimum and medium and 10,000 – silver coin or 10
centavo denomination or above
President has the specific power to authorize the arrest and prision correccional minimum and medium and 2,000 – any minor
reincarceration of any convicted person granted pardon who, in his coinage or below 10 centavo denomination
judgment, shall fail to comply with the condition or conditions of his prision correccional minimum and 1,000 – currency of a foreign
pardon or parole. country
1. That there be false or counterfeited coins
Period when convicted was at liberty, no deducted in case he is 2. Offender either made, imported or uttered such coins
recommitted. 3. In case of uttering such false or counterfeited coins, he
connived with the counterfeiters or importers
Duration of the conditions subsequent is limited to the remaining
period of the sentence There must be an imitation of the peculiar design of a genuine coin
But the first crime for which the offender is serving sentence need Former coins withdrawn from circulation may be counterfeited
not be a felony under art. 163. This includes foreign coins which have gone out of
Quasi-recidivism cannot be offset by ordinary mitigating
circumstances 164 – mutilation of coins
prision correccional minimum and 2,000
A quasi-recidivist may be pardoned at the age of 70 years if he has acts punishable:
already served our his original sentence, or when he shall complete a) Mutilating coins of legal currency, with the further
it after reaching the said age, unless by reason of his conduct or requirement that there be intent to damage or defraud
other circumstances, he shall not be worthy of such clemency another.
b) Importing or uttering such mutilated coins, with the
But only a convict who is not a habitual criminal shall be pardoned further requirement that there be connivance with the
mutilator or importer in case of uttering.
161 – counterfeiting the great seal of the government, forging the
signature or stamp of the Chief Executive Mutilation means to take off part of the metal either by filing it or
reclusion temporal substituting it for another metal of inferior quality
Acts Punishable:
1. Forging the Great Seal of the government of the The coin must be of legal tender in mutilation
2. Forging the signature of the President Coins of foreign country not included
3. Forging the stamp of the President
162 – using forged signature or counterfeit seal or stamp 165 – selling of false or mutilated coin, without connivance
prision mayor penalty lower by one degree than that prescribed in said articles
1. That the great seal of the Philippines was counterfeited or 1. Possession
the signature or stamp the chief executive was forged by 2. With intent to utter
3. Knowledge 1. That there be an instrument payable to order or other
1. Actually uttering document of credit not payable to bearer
2. Knowledge 2. That the offender either forged, imported or uttered such
Possession or uttering false coin does not require that the 3. That in case of uttering, he connived with the forger or
counterfeited coin is legal tender importer
But if the coin being uttered or possessed with intent to utter is a The instrument is payable to order where it is drawn payable to the
mutilated coin, it must be legal tender coin, because of Art. 164 to order of a specified person or to him or his order. It is negotiated by
which Art. 165 is related. indorsement and delivery
Falsification is committed by erasing, substituting, counterfeiting, or A person in possession of falsified document and who makes use of
altering by any means, the figures, letters, words, or signs contained the same is presumed to be material author of falsification
Accused has the burden to give satisfactory explanation of his
Uttering false or forged obligations or notes means offering possession of forged bills
obligations or notes knowing them to be false or forged, whether
such offer us accepted or not, with a representation, by words or It is an impossible crime when the act performed would have been a
actions, that they are genuine and with an intent to defraud. crime of illegal possession of false treasury notes
A bank note, certificate or obligation and security is payable to 169 – How forgery is committed
bearer when it can be negotiated by mere delivery a) By giving to a treasury or bank note or any instrument
payable to bearer or to order mentioned therein, the
Money bills issued by the Central Bank are national bank notes appearance of a true and genuine document
b) By erasing, substituting, counterfeiting, or altering by any
Philippine National Bank checks are commercial documents, not means the figures, letters, words or sign contained therein
covered by Art. 166
Forgery includes falsification and counterfeiting
The narration of facts must be absolutely false. The rule is that if the A private person who cooperates with a public officer in the
statements are not altogether false, there being some colourable falsification of a public document is guilty of this crime and incurs
truth in such statements, the crime of falsification is not deemed to the same liability and penalty as the public officer
have been committed
The idea of gain or the intent to cause damage to a third person is
Legal obligation to disclose the truth, inherent in residence not necessary because it is in the interest of the community which is
certificate intended to be guaranteed by the strictest faithfulness of the officials
charged with the preparation and preservation of the acts in which
Wrongful intent not essential when the document falsified is public they intervene.
It is true that if the alteration of a date does not affect the integrity
of the document, it does not constitute the crime of falsification, but
the rule has no application when the act is committed, not by
ignorance or mistake but rather to prevent the discovery of an illegal
appropriation of public funds. 172 – falsification by private individuals and use of falsified
prision correccional medium and maximum and 5,000 documents or instruments used by merchants or businessmen to
penalty next lower in degree – if any person knowingly introduces in promote or facilitate trade.
evidence in any judicial proceeding or to the damage of another or Example: any negotiable instrument, Quedans or warehouse
who, with intent to cause such damage, uses any of the false receipts, cash files, deposit slips and bank statements, surety
documents embraced in the next preceding article or in any of the account, journal books, ledgers, and airway bills.
foregoing subdivisions of this article
falsification of public, official or commercial document by a private Cash disbursement vouchers are not commercial documents, they
individual: are private
1. That the offender is a private individual or a public officer
or employee who did not take advantage of his official The fact that the falsification was committed before the document
position was presented to the notary does not alter the character of the
2. That he committed any of the acts of falsification crime as falsification of public document, if the document was
enumerated in Art. 171 presented to the notary by the party who committed the
3. That the falsification was committed in a public or official falsification, or at his instance
or commercial document
falsification of false document by any person: A private document may acquire the character of a public document
1. Offender committed any of the acts of falsification, except when it becomes part of an official record and is certified by a public
those in paragraph 7, enumerated in art. 171 officer duly authorized by law
2. Falsification was committed in any private document
3. Falsification caused damage to a third party or at least the The possessor of a certificate of title is presumed to be the author of
falsification was committed with intent to cause such the falsification that made possible the transfer of title.
introducing in a judicial proceeding: The possessor of a falsified document is presumed to be the author
1. Offender knew that a document was falsified by another of the falsification
2. False document is embraced in art. 171 or in any In paragraph 1, art. 172, damage or intent to cause damage is not
subdivisions no.1 or 2 of art. 172 necessary because the principal thing punished is the violation of the
3. He introduced said document in evidence in any judicial public faith and destruction of truth as therein solemnly proclaimed.
proceeding This statement applies as well to commercial documents because as
use in any other transaction: to this kind of document, a credit is sought to be protected.
1. Offender knew that a document was falsified by another
person Lack of malice or criminal intent is a defense in falsification of public
2. False document is embraced in art. 171 or in any of document.
subdivision no. 1 and 2 of art. 172
3. He used such document not in judicial proceedings FALSIFICATION OF PRIVATE DOCUMENT
4. The use of the false document caused damage to another
or at least it was used with intent to cause such damage “With the intent to cause such damage” means that the offender
performs some other independent act in order to make use of it – an
Public document - created, executed or issued by a public official in act which, while it does not result in prejudice to a third party, has
response to the exigencies of the public service, or in the execution been done nevertheless with the intention of causing such prejudice.
of which a public official intervened. A public document is any
document authorized by a notary public or a competent public Damage need not be material. Damage to one’s honor is included.
official with the solemnities required by law.
It is not necessary that the offender profited or hoped to profit by
Official document – a document which us issued b a public official in the falsification as all the law requires is the intent to prejudice
the exercise of the functions of his office. An official document is another person
also a public document.
When the offender commits on a document any of the acts of
Examples: falsification as a necessary means to commit another crime, like
Receipt issued by the department of assessments and collections of estafa, theft or malversation, the 2 crimes form a complex crime.
the city of Manila for taxed collected, a burial permit, official receipt However, the document falsified must be public, official or
prescribed by the government to be issued upon receipt of money commercial.
for public purposes, official cashbook kept by the disbursing officer
of the Coast Guard and Transportation Department, petition ofr The falsification of a public, official or commercial document may be
habeas corpus, and all pleadings filed with the court. a means of committing estafa, because before the falsified document
is actually utilized to defraud another, the crime of falsification has
Private document – a deed or instrument executed by a private already been consummated, damage or intent to cause damage not
person without the intervention of a notary public or other person being an element of the crime of falsification of public, official or
legally authorized, by which document some disposition or commercial document. On other words, the crime of falsification has
agreement is proved, evidenced, or set forth. already existed. Actually utilizing that falsified public, official or
Example: theatre ticket commercial document to defraud another is estafa. But the damage
to another is caused by the commission of estafa, not by falsification
of the document. Therefore, the falsification of the public, official or
Commercial document – any document defined and regulated by the commercial document is only a necessary means to commit the
Code of Commerce or any other commercial law. They are estafa.
On the other hand, in the falsification of a private document, there is If the one who used the falsified document is the same person who
no crime unless another fact, independent of that falsifying the falsified it, the crime is only falsification and the use of the same is
document, is proved. Therefore, when one makes use of a private not a separate crime.
document, which he falsified, to defraud another, there results only
one crime: that of falsification of a private document. The damage to The user of the falsified document is deemed the author of the
another is caused by the commission of the crime of falsification of falsification if:
private document, the intent to defraud in using the falsified private 1. The use was so closely connected in time with the
document is part and parcel of the crime, and cannot give rise to the falsification
crime of estafe, because the damage, if it resulted, was caused by, 2. And the user had the capacity of falsifying the document.
and became the element of, the crime of falsification of a private
document. 173 – Falsification of wireless, cable, telegraph and telephone
If a private document is falsified to conceal the misappropriation of prision correccional medium and maximum
the money or other personal property which has been in the penalty next lower in degree – any person who shall use such
possession of the offender the crime committed is estafe with abuse falsified dispatch to the prejudice or with intent to cause such
of confidence only. prejudice
1. Offender is an officer or employee of a government or an
If the estafa was already consummated at the time of the officer or employee of a private corporation, engaged in
falsification of the private document, or if the falsification of a the service of sending or receiving wireless, cable or
private document was committed for the purpose of concealing the telephone message
estafa, the falsification is not punishable, because as regards the 2. Offender commits any of the following acts:
falsification of the private document, there was no damage or intent a) Uttering fictitious wireless, cable, telegraph or
to cause damage, the limited damage that resulted was caused by telephone message
the commission of estafa, not by the falsification of the private b) Falsifying wireless, cable, telegraph, or telephone
document. message.
1. Accused knew that wireless, cable, telegraph, or telephone
There is no falsification or private document through reckless message was falsified by any of the persons specified in the
imprudence since in falsification of a private document, there is at first paragraph of art. 173
least intent to cause damage, that is, there must be malice, there is 2. Accused used such falsified dispatch
no such crime as falsification of a private document through 3. The use of the falsified dispatch resulted in the prejudice of
negligence or reckless imprudence. a third party, or that the use thereof was with intent to
cause such prejudice
It seems that if a document is intended by law to be part of the
public or official record, the preparation of which being in Private individual cannot be a principal by direct participation in
accordance with the rules and regulations issued by the government, falsification of telegraphic dispatches under art. 173
the falsification of that document, although it was a private
document at the time of falsification, is regarded as falsification of a But a private individual can be hel criminally liable as principal by
public or official document. inducement in the falsification of telegraph dispatches or telephone
falsification of public document falsification of private document
the principal thing punished is prejudice to a third party is But if he knowingly uses any falsified telegraph, wireless or
the violation of the public faith primarily taken into account so telephone messages to the prejudice of a third person, or with intent
and the perversion of truth and that if such damage is not to cause such prejudice, it is not necessary that he be connected
it is immaterial whether or not apparent, or there is at least no with such corporation
some prejudice has been caused intention to cause it, the
to third persons falsification is not punishable. Act No. 1851, sec. 4, punishes private individuals who forge or alter
Generally, falsification has no attempted or frustrated stage because
it is consummated the moment the genuine document us altered or
the moment the false document is executed. It is immaterial that the
offender did not achieve his objectives.
The phrase “or similar circumstances: in art. 174 does not seem to
cover property, because the circumstance contemplated must be
similar to merit, service or good conduct