Theory of Computation

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ICS 221 Theory of

Dr Ebin Deni Raj
O IMA 111 Mathematics I
Course Outline
O 4 credits
O 4 hours a week
Class schedule
O Tuesday – 9:00-10:25
O Wednesday-9:00-10:25
O Thursday- 8:00-8:55
Rules and Regulations
O Mobile phones/ other electronic gadgets
should be switched off.
O Assignments should be submitted before the
O There will not be re-quiz.
O Attendance is compulsory.
Course Grading Policy
Evaluation type Grade points/Marks

Mid Term 1 20

Mid Term 2 20

Quiz/Assignment 10

End Semester Examination 50

Total Marks 100

Objectives of the Course
O Course will provide a formal connection
between algorithmic problem solving and the
theory of languages and automata and develop
them into a mathematical (and less magical)
view towards algorithmic design and in
general computation itself.
Outcome of the Course
O Model, compare and analyse different
computational models using combinatorial
O Apply rigorously formal mathematical
methods to prove properties of languages,
grammars and automata
O An overview of how the theoretical study in
this course is applicable to and engineering
application like designing the compilers.
Introduction : Notion of formal language- Strings, Alphabet, Language, Operations, Finite
State Machine, definitions, finite automation model, acceptance of strings and languages,
deterministic finite automation, equivalence between NFA and DFA, Conversion of NFA
into DFA, minimization of FSM ,equivalence between two FSM's, Moore and Mealy

Regular expressions: Regular sets, regular expressions, identity rules, manipulation of

regular expressions, equivalence between RE and FA, inter conversion, Pumping lemma,
Closure properties of regular sets regular grammars, right linear and left linear grammars
equivalence between regular linear grammar and FA, inter conversion between RE and RG.

Context free grammars: Derivation, parse trees. Language generated by a CFG.

Eliminating useless symbols, -productions, unit productions. Chomsky normal form.
Pushdown automata: Definition, instantaneous description as a snapshot of PDA
computation, notion of acceptance for PDAs.

Turing machine: Turing machine, definition, model, design of TM, Computable Functions,
recursive enumerable language, Church’s Hypothesis, Counter machine, types of TM's, RAM

Un-decidability and classes of problems: Chomsky hierarchy of languages, linear

bounded automata and context sensitive language, Grammar, decidability of problems,
Universal Turing Machine, un-decidability of post’s correspondence problem. Turing
reducibility logical theories Complexity classes: P, NP, co-NP, EXP, PSPACE, L, NL,
1. M Sipser, Introduction to the Theory of Computation, 2nd Ed., Thomson, 2005
2. Lewis H.P. & Papadimition C.H. Elements of Theory of Computation, Prentice Hall of
India, 4th edition. 2007
Reference Books
1. S. Arora, B. Barak, Computational Complexity: A Modern Approach, Cambridge
University Press,2009.
2. C. H. Papadimitriou, Computational Complexity, Addison-Wesley Publishing
Company, 1994.
3. D. C. Kozen, Theory of Computation, Springer, 2006.
4. D. S. Garey, G. Johnson, Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NP-
Completeness, Freeman, New York, 1979.
5. J Hopcroft, JD Ullman, R Motwani, Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and
Computation, 3rd Ed., Pearson, 2008.

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