Theory of Computation
Theory of Computation
Theory of Computation
Dr Ebin Deni Raj
O IMA 111 Mathematics I
Course Outline
O 4 credits
O 4 hours a week
Class schedule
O Tuesday – 9:00-10:25
O Wednesday-9:00-10:25
O Thursday- 8:00-8:55
Rules and Regulations
O Mobile phones/ other electronic gadgets
should be switched off.
O Assignments should be submitted before the
O There will not be re-quiz.
O Attendance is compulsory.
Course Grading Policy
Evaluation type Grade points/Marks
Mid Term 1 20
Mid Term 2 20
Quiz/Assignment 10
Turing machine: Turing machine, definition, model, design of TM, Computable Functions,
recursive enumerable language, Church’s Hypothesis, Counter machine, types of TM's, RAM