AC W2 Power
AC W2 Power
AC W2 Power
frequency inverter
Instruction and
user’s manual
1.1 A.C. motor drives
1.2 Technical features
2.1 Power connections
2.2 Control connections
2.2.1 Standard board for connector P3
2.2.2 Standard board for connector P4
2.2.3 Board version D: connector P2
2.3.Serial drive encoding
3.1 General remarks
3.2 Main speed set point 4÷20mA
3.3 Speed set points “jog 1 - jog2”
3.4 Auxiliary set point “R2”
3.4.1 Algebraical summation
3.4.2 Absolute summation
3.4.3 PID summation
3.5 Drive’s torque control
3.5.1 Working principle
3.5.2 Setting on “torque control” system
3.6 “Catching in flight” handling
3.6.1 Working principle
3.6.2 System setting
3.7 Product version
5.1 Optional I/O board
5.1.1 Static mSR output
5.1.2 Static Ok output
5.2 Ac wave 2,version 8KHz
6.1 General remarks
6.2 Alarm description
6.3 Luminous signals
7.1 Sizes of ac wave 2 power
7.2 Sizes of ac wave 2 power D
7.3 Sizes of ac wave 2 power FP
7.4 Place occupied
7.5 Power module map
7.6 Block diagram of power module
7.7 Application diagram
7.8 Electric power connections
A.C. motors are doubtless widely used in many industrial applications, are extremely
versatile ad easily adaptable to all different needs of a market in constant technical
Their use is made easy by their simple plan characteristics. In fact their movement
mechanics allows easy balancing and exceeding rated speed without any particular device;
the lack of brushes guarantees long lasting reliability and takes away the high costs of
programmed maintenance interventions.
Last but not leas, an advantage is given by the structure compactness, allowing high
degree insulation, permitting construction for immersion as well.
The disadvantage of the machine is however depending on the torque curve, which,
through “direct” mains connections, is very low in proximity of “zero revolution” finding
then its peak not far from synchronism speed.
To allow a total management of the asynchronous motor couple according to speed, REEL
offers the frequency inverter called ac wave 2.
This converter presents most modern project technology. Developed in two versions,
“MODULAR” and “SA” (stand alone), it has a totally digital regulation that, together with
the VVC (Voltage Vector Control) control system, allows to obtain the motors nominal
torque at 1Hz, respecting rated current without speed feedback. The voltage control to the
motor is a vectorial one, which means that the rotating vector is directly controlled. In this
way, the voltage components are the ones needed by the motor to carry out its work
An innovative modulation system called “Pwm Random”, delays in time the modulation
frequency in a casual way, scanning more frequencies and mixing them together so that
the annoying “swhiistleo”, due to circling current switching, is taken away. It achieves a
“white” sound well mixing up with the typical noises of industrial environments.
Such system allows to modulate at low frequencies, so to reduce heat dissipation (also
proportional to the number of switching per sec of power components) and ease
interference emissions (also strongly affected in intensity by modulation frequency).
Output frequency resolution • 1/128Hz with digital speed set from serial
port RS485
• 0,1%with analog speed set point
Overload 150% for 1’ every 10’
200% for 10’’ every 10’’
Speed variation from no load to rated 1% without feedback
torque condition value refers to max. programmed speed
Speed control accuracy 0,01% with feedback
• The drives are constructed in several types, differing in size and overall dimensions. See
enclosures for dimensions and sizes.
• The fixing of power cables changes according to the different sizes:
− sizes 01÷06 and 91÷96: three-pole terminal board with max. allowed section
for connections of 4mm2
− sizes 06÷08: three-pole terminal board with max. allowed section for
connections of 10mm2
− sizes 09÷12: connecting on bolt terminal M6
− sizes 13÷16: connecting on double terminal with M6 bolt
• Please refer to chapter “Electrical power connecting” to find map, overall dimensions
and connecting diagram.
− The standard version supports a board h=120mm, able to receive all controls either
from hardware, that means from the connection terminals or through serial port RS485.
This version has two signal 10 pin connectors. The first one called “P3” is defined as
basic connector, having the essential controls for standard run/stop; the second one
called “P4” is defined as optional connector, having application controls such as
auxiliary set point, speed feedback, etc.
− The “D” version supports a board h=80mm, having only the software controls through
serial port RS485. It has one single 6 pin connector for the possible connecting of speed
feedback and auxiliary set point E2.
2 set point
(differential through +R1)
Input impedance 40KΩ
can be enabled at 4÷20mA 4÷20mA input impedance 241Ω
2 +R1 Positive input of analog speed 0÷10Vdc
set point Input impedance 40KΩ
(differential through -R1) or
can be enabled at 4÷20mA 4÷20mA input impedance 241Ω
Notes: - all signal and feedback cables must be screened through connection to signal
ground (described in general section, chapter on grounding)
- do not ground supply zero (0A; IG; DG)
The DIP switches can be found in the maps and have following functions:
1-2 Connecting the termination resistors of the serial line. They must be selected on the
farthest drives from the supply module. There can be max. two modules on one and
the same serial line.
0 0 0 0 0 not 0 0 0 1 0 8
2 1
1 1 0 0 0 3 1 1 0 1 0 11
0 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 1 1 0 12
1 0 1 0 0 5 1 0 1 1 0 13
0 1 1 0 0 6 0 1 1 1 0 14
1 1 1 0 0 7 1 1 1 1 0 15
The general section describes conditions and precautions about the first putting under
This section describes the drive’s application context as electromechanical equipment being
an automation product. A careful reading of general section is recommended before the
drive is started for run.
Attention!: The drive is supplied only with laboratory’s settings. The installer shall see to
specific configuration according to the motor used and the specific kind of automation.
3.2 Main speed set point 4÷20mA
Some information requires current speed setting in order to interface with PC or PLC.
Reel offers for the standard version some DIP SWITCHES for configuration of the
converter’s main set point 4÷20mA.
They are shown on the following map.
A further automation support is given by the possibility of having two internal, presettable
The inverter module, depending on enablement of one or two jogs, supplies the motor with
the frequency pre-set in jog1 and jog2. The motor decelerates when jog is disconnected.
Drive carries out the sum or subtraction of speed set point R1 and auxiliary set point R2.
The result is directly proportional to the analog voltage value of differential input +/- R2, to
percentage set in variable “E2P”, and to the R1 value itself.
• Max. adjustment = 99,9% of main set point (with E2P = 99,9% and +/-R2 = +/-
Drive carries out sum or subtraction of main set point R1, depending only on percentage
set in E2A and voltage value of input +/-R2.
• Max. adjustment = 99,9% of MAXF set (with E2A = 99,9% and +/-R2 = +/10V).
Drive carries out adjustment of main set point aiming to voltage value of auxiliary set point
R2 equal to zero volt, meaning that an auxiliary PID is carried out, using set point 2 as
This system is essential for speed synchronism of two movements or particular handling
such as “dancer“ rolls and “loading stores”.
Variables E2P, E2I, E2D shall be set according to the dynamic performances to be
3.5 Torque control
Some automations require the setting of a torque set point in order to limit the torque
available for the shaft.
The adjustment software for the ac wave is set for torque control and can be enabled by
selecting the «T.V/Hz» variable, which shall have function “torque”.
• The torque handling needs speed feedback from bi-directional encoder. We suggest
choosing an encoder ensuring a good rev. resolution without exceeding max. frequency
NOTE: If torque setting is higher than load requires, the motor will increase revolutions up
to the number set on R1 for speed adjustment.
The system does not need particular measures, variables FNOM, VELNOM, IMAX and
INOM have just to be set according to the motor’s setting parameters.
It is recommendable to set variable T.V/Hz in PID first and, after optimising the dynamic
performances of speed control through variables KP, KI, KD, select «Torque» function.
Speed set point “R1” will determine torque as braking or forwarding as well as speed limit
in case of load missing; set point “R2” determines max. slip and so shaft torque.
Sometimes, after a supply interruption, the possibility of “catching” the motor again is
demanded (motor may have been left previously, missing the mains or being disabled),
while it is still rotating due to a driving force. The motor takes then speed again or is
stopped by control.
Reel can supply this function on demand. It needs particular controls and setting for
“catching in flight” enablement , as described below.
When such function is enabled, the inverter starts searching the physical motor speed by
scanning the possible supply frequencies. The searching starts with the frequency value
set in variable “FMAX”, and goes through the whole range “FMAX”÷“FMIN”. 3
At this step, motor is run down in order to reduce the absorbed current.
As soon as supply frequency corresponds exactly to the physical motor speed, the
absorbed current is reduced considerably and changes then sign (from absorbed to
delivered) when frequency gets below.
The drive will so pick out the real speed, run the motor down (according to set V/Hz set)
and control it.
Searching voltage as well as searching time can be set.
Previous selection:
The speed searching starts as soon as inputs “jog2” (pin 4 of P4) and “ON” (pin 8 of P3)
are enabled; once the synchronism speed is reached, the motor is driven to the speed
corresponding to set value on differential input “RIF1” (pin 1-2 of P3).
Should this input be disabled (EN1 = OFF), the motor is driven to zero revolutions.
Searching speed, the inverter sets on motor a decreasing frequency starting from FMAX.
Once the synchronism frequency is found, the inverter catches up he motor and carries out
the required setting.
The searching current is “indirectly” determined by variable “X1”; searching time is
determined by variable “X2”.
X2 is the searching ramp; low values take a longer searching time, high values make
searching short.
The different product versions are to be taken into accouont in case of order or spare part
The general section describes all programming and supervising systems supplied by Reel
for interfacing with the own products. A thorough reading of that section is therefore
necessary before starting with drive programming.
− «OFF LINE» parameters: they cannot be modified while motor is running, as they
belong to primary configuration and change the drive’s behaviour essentially.
− «ON LINE» parameters: can be modified while motor is running so that their
efficacy can be checked immediately. Such parameters are speed PID, auxiliary
PID, dynamic compensations (V0, KCUR, KSLIP), etc.
A wrong setting may affect the electronic thermal protection and make the compensatory
constants ineffective.
01 1.1 Kw 09 22 Kw
02 2.2 Kw 10 30 Kw
03 3 Kw 11 37 Kw
04 5.5 Kw 12 45 Kw
05 7.5 Kw 13 55 Kw
06 11 Kw 14 75 Kw
07 15 Kw 15 90 Kw
08 18.5 Kw 16 132 Kw
Setting of modulation frequency. The value sets frequency reconstructing the current
The available range is 1,0KHz - 5,0KHZ. When exceeding 2KHz, a de-rating of the max.
available current is carried out, that is 10% for every KHz. High FPWM values reduce the
“whistling” i caused by modulation and the current sinusoid ripple as well. There a
modulation types called “RANDOM” are available; this system (selected when exceeding
5,0KHz) reduces the annoying “whistle” considerably by moving the modulation frequency
within a set range so to change the whistle into a rustling.
• If some filters are installed on the drive’s output, do not use “RANDOM” frequency, as
filters are calculated for a precise frequency; different frequencies may lead to the
drive’s protection stop or to filter’s breaking.
• Choosing the frequency, the module’s thermal dissipation and its IMAX have to be
considered. Another important parameter is the max. motor frequency (“FMAX”). The
higher frequency, the higher modulation frequency must be set, in order to obtain for
current a good form factor.
When function “DISS. RID = Reduced dissipation” is set, a particular modulation sequence
for power IGBT is activated that reduces the drive’s thermal dissipation. This selection
must be avoided in case of motors with high dynamic performances.
Setting field: DISS.RID / STANDARD PWM
Max., transitory deliverable current by the module. For correct setting please refer to chart
in chapter “Sizes and overall dimensions”.
Setting range: from INOM to IMAX, available according to size
Rated motor current (value for electronic thermal protection of motor to be started).
Setting range: 0÷I rated current of inverter module (refer to size chart)
Motor rated frequency.
Setting range: 50Hz÷500Hz
For software versions following 15318138 the setting range is: 10Hz÷
÷500 Hz
Motor revolutions at rated frequency (considered at rated motor slip).
Setting range: 0÷30000 revolutions/min
Minimum frequency in Hz at which inverter starts working.
If parameter is set at 0,0 the drive, when enabled, will deliver a DC to motor proportional
to value set in “V0” (see the following).
Setting range: 0,0Hz÷400,0 Hz
Max. frequency at which inverter reaches max. speed set point.
Setting range: 0,1 (or FMIN)÷500Hz
Impulse speed value to be enabled with input having the same name.
Setting range: 0,0Hz÷500Hz (limited by FMAX from an operating point of view)
Impulse speed value to be enabled with input having the same name.
Setting range: 0,0Hz÷500Hz ( limited by FMAX from an operating point of view)
Speed threshold in Hz; beyond this value inverter switches the output having the same
In the modular system the single “mSR” s add up to one summation in a single general
supply module output.
Setting range: 0,3Hz÷FMAX
Selecting of Volt/Hertz feature, according to the function of motor used. Following options
can be chosen:
• LINEAR: is used in most cases, not needing any speed feedback. Transmits voltage to
the motor according to working frequency, and is compensated by the V0 parameter
(described later);
• PID: speed feedback through a unidirectional or bi-directional encoder allowing a higher
precision degree;
• SQUARE-LAW and SEMI-CUBIC: for particular applications, when motor controls fans,
pumps, etc.;
• TORQUE: set for future applications
With regard to speed feedback, it must be specified whether the encoder is unidirectional
or bi-directional.
DC braking enablement during stop. When set, motor will be stopped by inserting direct
current and not according to pre-set deceleration ramp.
Setting field: NO / YES
Determines DC inserting time while stopping (when “DC BRAKE” is on).
Setting range: 0,1÷20,0sec.
Speed set point input for 0÷10V or 4÷20mA signal.
Setting has to be completed through selection of the DIP SWITCHES on adjustment board
(see regarding section).
Setting range: 0÷10V / 4÷20mA
During standard working, when speed set point is missing, the inverted will be disabled.
When this parameter is on, the motor does not stop, but keeps running at minimum
frequency (provided it is not 0).
Setting field: YES / NO
Variable available for future applications.
Variable available for future applications.
Intermediate values assign mixed features. A numeric value is assigned to each release.
When set, it leads to passing from hardware to software; the sum of release values to be
enabled as software is the variable value to be set.
Assignment as follows:
For example: when ’EN1, SPEED SET POINT and CW/CCW function has to be carried out
with serial control, the number for SETUP is:
ON: 1+ 1+
EN1: 2+ 2+
SET POINT : 32 + 20 +
CW/CCW: 128 = 80 =
163 A3
Enables a particular sequence for drive’s software stopping, increasing security level
against uncontrolled disabling and releasing the drive from disabled at the same time as
Setting field: ENABLED/ DISABLED
These parameters can be changed while motor is running (on line). They are used for the
inverter’s dynamic compensation.
Compensations are available according to selected V/Hz feature.
Value in sec to reach speed of speed set point. Determines the motor’s accelerating curve.
Setting range: 0,0÷1000,0sec.
For software versions following after 15318138 setting range 0,0÷
Time taken for the motor to stop; set time refers to speed decreasing at the moment when
input EN1 is disabled.
Setting range: 0,0÷1000,0sec.
For software versions following after 15318138 setting range 0,0÷
Time of set point moving.
It is set referring to a ramp of 0÷50Hz.
Setting range: 0,0÷1000,0sec.
For software versions following after 15318138 setting range 0,0÷
% value of voltage boost needed to reach the nominal torque at low rpm.
The action reaches its maximum level about the 0 speed, and is cancelled out at about
60% of the motor’s rated frequency.
For a correct value setting the following is suggested:
While motor is idling reach 3-4% of rated frequency and modify V0 value in order to reach
80-90% of the motor’s rated value.
Such operation compensates the motor’s internal resistance which is influenced by
temperature. It is therefore recommended to set motor while being under its usual thermal
Voltage compensation.
• If implemented, the PID working allows the decrease of V0 action proportionally to the
slip measured by the inverter, so to optimize absorbing at low speed. This function is off
when set=0; when set=100 and nominal slip is given, it adds a multiple constant of 1.
• When LINEAR working, this parameter acts as multiple constant of V0 during
acceleration. It can modify V0 up to max. 200% of set value.
Proportional compensation constant of speed loop. It adjusts speed loop proportionally to
error between set and real speed.
Setting range: 0÷200
Integral compensation constant of speed loop. Adjusting according to error duration.
Setting range: 0÷200 4
Derivative compensation constant of speed loop, adjusting instant error proportionally to its
variation speed.
Setting range: 0÷200
Absolute effect of adjustment signal +/-R2, not depending on speed.
See chapter «auxiliary set point R2» for setting.
Setting range: 0÷99,9%
Parameter used in case of mains failure:
• it determines the voltage applied to motor through DC injection near the“zero
revolutions“ during the “mains failure control”;
• it determines the search current for “SPEED MOTOR” during the “CATCHING IN
FLIGHT” function ( see chapter “Catching in flight”
Setting range: 0÷500 where 500 corresponds to 50% of nominal voltage.
ac wave 2 power frequency inverter
Variable used for function “catching in flight”; see chapter “Commissioning: catching in
flight” for setting.
Setting range: 0÷500
By setting this parameter it is possible to select the inverter performance in case of
temporary power failure.
4 In any case the inverter will try to restore the previous working condition as soon as the
mains voltage is restored.
This variable shows the software version installed on converter.
The PC software offers the advantage of having all parameters on the screen, together
with frequency, currents and possible alarm.
This is a very practical aspect, especially when equipment is being started.
All variables are described in the same way on keyboard and all other programming units
supplied by Reel.
The general section of this manual gives all information for starting and using the
communication software for PC. We suggest therefore reading the whole section.
The following lines describe differences between keyboard and personal computer
Transmission speed of serial communication.
Available options: 9600, 19200, 38000 B.p.s.
Note: The baud changing in the drive means automatically changing all drives connected
on the same serial line.
Warning!: the personal computer has no communication at 76800 B.p.s.; if the drive
(previously connected to a keyboard or other supervisors) is set at mentioned speed, it
must be set at a lower speed before being connected to the PC.
Line speed: this parameter can modify speed of all movements at the same time, when
more drives are connected on a single serial line, by selecting serial address “0”.
All motors will have their speed increased or decreased by keeping their speed ratio
Setting range: 0÷FFFF
Software set point. If variable Set-up has the possibility of handling speed set point
through serial port RS485, speed can be set as follows:
0 = zero revolution and FFFF (hexadecimal)= frequency set in parameter “FMAX”.
Setting range: 0÷FFFF
This board increases I/O number and makes particular functions, such as “mSR” and “OK”
available on connector, which can be useful for automation.
This board enables output (and takes back to terminal 09 voltage of terminal 10) when
drive is ready to start.
Special applications require the installing of a ∆V/∆t limiting filter between inverter and
The filter is necessary in order to satisfy the very restrictive limit features required by some
The filter dimensions and its costs are inversely proportional to modulation frequency, that
means to the frequency of inverter building up the current sinusoid.
Reel has developed the possibility of modulation to 8KHz with ac wave 2 in order to satisfy
also particular demands.
• This possibility is given only for some sizes demanding limited dimensions and filter
costs. The option is available for the following sizes:
T07 15Kw INOM = 25A IMAX = 30A
T11 37Kw INOM = 76A IMAX = 91A
T12 45Kw INOM = 90A IMAX = 108A
T13 55Kw INOM = 112A IMAX = 134A
• ac wave power 8KHz is supplied only in the D (digital) version, only allowing running
control from serial line. Please refer to chapter “D version board” for all information.
• All peculiarities of ac wave 2 characterise also the “8KHz” range, including particular
managing like mains missing control; the max. overload was limited to 120% of the
module’s rated current.
5 Attention!: - while programming take notice that «FPWM» parameter is fixed at RND300
and cannot be changed on 8KHz selection.
- modulation at 8KHz must be required when the product is ordered.
When the inverter, while running, finds one or more anomalies, it stops at once by
disconnecting modulation towards motor. At the same time the display shows the stopping
reason and set alarm by switching on the LED signal “ALR” on the drive adjustment board.
All specific drive alarms are described below; please refer to specific supply sections for
general tunnel alarms as well as for the specific ones.
Motor Relay
thermal relay very steep acceleration check and maybe
intervention to increase set
protect motor
too high voltage boost check and maybe reduce
(V0) set
Thermal sensor
check cooling air and
intervention of
weak heat exchange control board
thermal sensor placed
on power dissipator
too sharp accelerations ACC/DEC/RAMPA
6 Overload
intervention of the
too charged PID modify PID parameters
short circuit
protection of power
wrong "FNOM"
check and modify set
parameter setting
Feedback alarm
speed retroaction
check encoder and
encoder failure or connections (if encoder is
wrong connection bidirectional inverter channel
A and B)
The power modules’ adjustment boards have some signal LEDS showing that hardware
inputs are on (releasing) and the appearing of a generic alarm.
The board of “D” version does not have a hardware release and therefore only shows the
generic alarm LED.
LEDS are very useful during commissioning and diagnostics, in order to find out the
missing of the hardware run releases immediately.
The failure LED (ALR) of version “D” board can be found on the map below:
NOTE: Module type “FP” is made for particular applications (fan control and pump control)
where load is such not to require high torque at start/stop.
Overload current is slightly higher then the module’s rated current.
The overall dimensions change according to module size. See below for ac wave 2 power
L=260 L=260
H=320 H=520
P=230 P=230