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Physiology & Behavior 173 (2017) 298–304

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Time-restricted feeding on weekdays restricts weight gain: A study using

rat models of high-fat diet-induced obesity
Magnus Kringstad Olsen a,b, Man Hung Choi a, Bård Kulseng a,b,c, Chun-Mei Zhao a,b,c, Duan Chen a,b,c,⁎
Department of Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
The Central Norway Regional Health Authority, Norway
Center for Obesity Research, Department of Surgery, St. Olav's Hospital, Trondheim University Hospital, Norway


• A time-restricted feeding regimen (TRF) was tested, i.e., no food consumption during inactive phase daily for 5 weekdays, but not for weekend.
• This special TRF restricted weight gain in juvenile rats.
• Total calorie intake per week was not reduced by this special TRF regimen.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A recent study reported that a special weekly scheduled time-restricted feeding regimen (TRF), i.e., no food con-
Received 12 October 2016 sumption for 15 h during the light (inactive) phase per day for 5 weekdays, attenuated the outcome of diverse
Received in revised form 17 February 2017 nutritional challenges in response to high-fat diet in mice. In the present study, we wanted to further test wheth-
Accepted 23 February 2017
er this TRF could restrict body weight gain in both juvenile and adult animals when fed a high-fat diet. Fifty male
Available online 24 February 2017
Sprague-Dawley rats at ages from 5 to 27 weeks were used. First, we found that freely fed rats with 60% fat diet
gained weight significantly, which was associated with more calorie intake (particularly during light phase) than
Body weight those fed standard food (7% fat). Secondly, we found that TRF restricted high-fat diet-induced weight gain in both
Circadian rhythm groups of juvenile rats (5 and 13 weeks of age) compared to freely fed rats with high-fat diet, despite the same
Food intake levels of 24 h-calorie intake during either weekdays or the weekend. Thirdly, we found that TRF did not restrict
Feeding behavior high-fat diet-induce weight gain in adult rats (27 weeks of age). Thus, we suggest that this special TRF regimen
Obesity could be further tested in humans (particularly young adults) for the purpose of obesity prevention.
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

1. Introduction studies have demonstrated that restricting food intake to the active
phase (nighttime in rodents and daytime in humans) limits metabolic
According to World Health Organization's report, N13% of the world disturbances induced by high-energy diets, while eating during the in-
population are obese, which is a doubling over the last 35 years. Of the active/sleep phase (daytime in rodents and nighttime in humans)
world's 7.2 billion people, 25% are overweight or obese, N 50 million leads to a worse metabolic outcome [3–8]. Hence, abolishment of eating
children at the age of 5 are obese, and 266 and 375 million men and during the inactive/sleep phase should be an ideal target for obesity
woman are obese, respectively [1]. In Europe, the EU Action Plan on prevention and treatment.
Childhood Obesity 2014–2020 outlines actions targeted to make it eas- Animal research using different paradigms has often been per-
ier for children to reduce their calorie intake [2]. In order for children to formed to characterize the effects of timing of food intake on metabolic
have proper linear growth and development, one should consider profiles in order to obtain the evidence to support a “best time” not to
how to design new diet regimens for the purpose of obesity prevention eat. Previous studies have shown that a high-fat diet altered daily feed-
without causing malnutrition. ing rhythm by increasing feeding during the inactive phase [9,10]. In-
Circadian rhythms play an important role in the regulation of metab- deed, mice fed a high-fat diet during inactive phase gained more
olism to optimize energy use and storage. Both rodent and human weight than mice fed the same diet during the active phase [11]. Both
animal study using male Zucker rats and pilot clinical study in 8 obese
⁎ Corresponding author at: Erling Skjalgssons Gate 1, Eastside 3rd Floor, Laboratory
patients showed beneficial effects of time-restricted feeding (TRF) as
Centre of St. Olav's Hospital, 7006 Trondheim, Norway. an anti-obesity strategy [5,7]. It should be noticed that most animal
E-mail address: duan.chen@ntnu.no (D. Chen). studies of TRF were conducted in adult, but not juvenile rodents.

0031-9384/© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
M.K. Olsen et al. / Physiology & Behavior 173 (2017) 298–304 299

Recently, Chaix et al. introduced a special weekly schedule of TRF regi- 2.3. Experimental design
men that allows only 9–12 h/day access to food for 5 days (i.e., during
the weekdays), but free access to food during the weekend. Based on Fifty rats were used in three experiments (Fig. 1). Experiment no. 1
their results using mouse models, they suggested that this TRF regimen was performed to obtain basic information. Two groups of age-
can be a preventative as well as therapeutic intervention against obesity matched rats (5–35 weeks of age) were given either high-fat diet
[4]. This TRF regimen sounds more adaptable to people's lifestyles than (HFD) to induce obesity (DIO) (n = 12) or were fed normal diet (ND)
current regimens including the so-called 5:2 diet and daily calorie re- (n = 8). In experiment no. 2, we wanted to test whether TRF could pre-
striction [12]. Thus, it has been particularly highlighted in Science as vent DIO. TRF was applied in juvenile rats fed HFD either starting at
“You are not just what, but when you eat” [13]. 5 weeks of age for 12 weeks (n = 6) or starting at 13 weeks of age for
In the study by Chaix et al., there was, however, no data showing 4 weeks (n = 6) vs. time-matched controls fed HFD ad libitum (n =
why calorie intake during inactive phase was the target, and whether 6). Male Sprague-Dawley rats at 4–5 weeks of age correspond to pre-
this specific TRF could prevent young animals from developing obesity adolescent in humans, as they would reach sexual maturation at
under high-fat diet. Further, the method of determining food intake by 6 weeks [16]. In experiment no. 3, we wanted to test whether TRF
Chaix et al. was performed by manually monitoring the food intake on could induce body weight loss in adult DIO rats. TRF was started at
a weekly basis. 18 weeks of age and lasted for 9 weeks (n = 12). The effect of TRF
In the present study, we wanted to expand these previous studies by was assessed in animals acting as their own control. The studies report-
analyzing the feeding rhythm and metabolic measurements in more de- ed here were conducted over a 3-year period in the same state-of-the-
tail (e.g., number of meals, meal size, intermeal interval, calorie intake, art facility, under controlled conditions and using animals sourced
and energy expenditure) using Comprehensive Laboratory Animal from a single supplier.
Monitoring System (CLAMS) animals [14]. We used rats and not mice,
because CLAMS is performed much more precisely in rats than in 2.4. Measurements of energy balance
mice. The aims of the present study were; 1) to demonstrate that calorie
intake during light (inactive) phase was an ideal target, particularly dur- The animals were acclimatized to the Comprehensive Laboratory
ing the course of high-fat diet; 2) to examine whether this special TRF Animal Monitoring System (CLAMS; Columbus Instruments Interna-
regimen might restrict the weight gain in young animals when fed a tional, Columbus, OH USA) for 24 h before data collection. CLAMS anal-
high-fat diet; and 3) to examine whether this TRF regimen might ysis was performed in the following experimental groups: ND and DIO
be used as a therapeutic intervention in older obese rats when fed rats at 35 weeks of age (experiment no. 1), HFD juvenile rats with and
high-fat diet. without TRF at 7 weeks of age (experiment no. 2) and, adult DIO rats be-
fore and during TRF (17 weeks and 24 weeks of age, respectively) (ex-
2. Methods periment no. 3). We did not perform CLAMS analysis of the second
TRF group (13 weeks, experiment no. 2), because we assumed it
2.1. Animals and high-fat diet would be the same as the first TRF group (5 weeks, experiment no. 2).
At data collection, the animals were kept in CLAMS for 72 h and data
Rats (Sprague-Dawley, four weeks old, male) were purchased from from the last 48 h were used for analysis. Animals were placed in
Taconic (Ejby, Denmark). The diet-induced obese (DIO) rats were put CLAMS with access to expanded high-fat diet or normal diet, and tap
on a 50:50 high-fat diet and normal diet for two weeks (from 5 weeks water. This system is composed of a four-chamber open circuit indirect
of age) before placed on 100% high-fat diet until the end of study [15]. calorimeter designed for continuous monitoring of individual animals.
The normal diet (ND) rats were kept on normal diet during the entire
study. All animals were housed three-four together in individually ven-
tilated cages on wood chip bedding with a 12 h light/dark cycle, room
temperature of 22 °C and 40–60% relative humidity. The standard hous-
ing conditions were specific pathogen free and in agreement with
FELASA (Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associa-
tion) recommendations. Throughout the experiment, all animals had
free access to tap water and food regardless of being in metabolic or
Makrolon cages. The high-fat diet (5.24 kcal/g metabolizable energy)
(D12492) was purchased from Research Diets Inc. (New Brunswick,
NJ, USA), and normal diet (7% fat, 2.57 kcal/g metabolizable energy)
(RM1 811004) was purchased from Scanbur BK AS (Sweden). Body
weight was measured every week from arrival until euthanization.
Body composition analysis to ensure obesity was performed using
dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), while CLAMS was used to an-
alyze eating behavior in obese and non-obese age-matched controls.
Animal experiments were performed according to the guidelines for
the design and statistical analysis of experiments using laboratory ani-
mals after being approved by the Norwegian National Animal Research
Authority (Forsøksdyrutvalget, FDU).

2.2. Time-restricted feeding

The rats placed on time-restricted feeding (TRF) regimen had freely

access to food for 9 h per day (21:00 to 06:00) during the dark phase
(19:00–07:00), for 5 weekdays. During these weekdays, food was man-
Fig. 1. Study design. ND: normal diet; HFD: high-fat diet; TRF: time-restricted feeding, i,e.,
ually removed at 06:00 to ensure no food consumption for subsequent no food consumption for 15 h during the light (inactive) phase per day for 5 weekdays;
15 h. However, during the weekend (2 days), rats were allowed to Univ-ANOVA: univariate analysis of variance; RM-ANOV: repeated measures analysis of
have freely access to food for 24 h per day. variance.
300 M.K. Olsen et al. / Physiology & Behavior 173 (2017) 298–304

Eating behavior and metabolic parameters were recorded automatical- Regression and correlation analyses revealed a significant relationship
ly. High-resolution feeding data was generated by monitoring all feeder between body weight and calorie intake (kcal) (p b 0.001), RER
balances every 0.5 s. The end of an eating event (meal) was determined (p b 0.001), and energy expenditure (kcal/h) (p b 0.001) (Fig. 2F–H,
when the balances were stable for N 10 s and a minimum of 0.05 g of Table S3). However, there was no relationship between body weight
food were eaten. An air sample was withdrawn every 5 min. The energy and calorie intake per 100 g body weight or energy expenditure per
expenditure (EE) (kcal/h) was calculated according to this equation: 100 g body weight (Fig. S1C & D, Table S3). RER, but not energy expen-
(3.815 + 1.232 RER) × VO2, where RER (respiratory exchange ratio) diture, were lower in DIO rats compared to control rats (p b 0.001 and
was the volume of CO2 produced per volume of O2 consumed. VO2 p N 0.05, respectively) (Table S4). In addition, the DIO rats had increased
was the volume of O2 consumed per h per kilogram of mass of the ani- meal size (kcal/meal) and rate of eating (g/min) compared to controls
mal. Parameters that were obtained during daytime (07:00–19:00) and (p b 0.001). Meal duration (min/meal) was unchanged, while number
nighttime (19:00–07:00) for each individual animal included number of of meals was significantly reduced in DIO rats compared to controls
meals, meal size, meal duration, accumulated food intake, intermeal in- (p b 0.001) (Table S4). Further analysis showed that rats either fed
terval, rate of eating, satiety ratio, drinking activity, energy expenditure with ND or HFD displayed a normal 24-h eating pattern (Fig. 2I & J,
and ambulatory activity. The intermeal interval was defined as the in- and Table S5). There was significant difference in eating pattern be-
terval in minutes between two meals. Rate of eating was calculated by tween ND and DIO rats, where the DIO rats had increased calorie in-
dividing the average meal size by the average duration of a meal, and sa- take/100 g body weight during the light phase compared to ND rats
tiety ratio, an index of the non-eating time produced by each gram of (p b 0.05) (Fig. 2I–K, Table S4–6). CLAMS data collected during the
food consumed, was calculated by dividing the average intermeal inter- weekend did not differ from that collected during weekday (p N 0.05)
val by the average meal size. (Fig. S1A & B, Table S7).

2.5. Body composition analysis 3.2. HFD with vs. without TRF in juvenile rats

Body composition was determined using dual energy X-ray absorp- The rationale of TRF was to prevent food intake during the inactive
tiometry (DXA) with small animal software (Hologic QDR 4500A, phase (light phase in rats). HFD-fed juvenile rats placed on TRF at
Hologic Inc., Bedford, MA, USA). Fat percentage (%) was calculated 5 weeks of age gained significantly less weight over the course of
based on total fat mass (g) and total fat-free mass (g). DXA was per- 12 weeks compared to HFD-fed rats without TRF (p b 0.001) (Fig. 3A,
formed under anesthesia (isoflurane), 4% was used for induction and Table S8). Another group of HFD-fed rats were placed on TRF at
3% for maintenance. Due to practical reason, we performed DXA analysis 13 weeks of age, and also gained significantly less weight than age-
only in experiment no. 1, i.e., ND and DIO rats at 30 weeks of age. matched HFD-fed controls (p b 0.001) (Fig. 3B, Table S9). At 17 weeks
of age, HFD-fed control rats were significantly heavier than normal
2.6. Statistical analysis diet (ND) rats (p b 0.05) and there were no differences between ND
rats and HFD-rats on TRF either starting 5 weeks or 13 weeks of age
The data are expressed as means ± SEM. Statistical comparisons (Fig. 3C, Table S10) (p N 0.05). HFD rats in juvenile control group
were performed using independent t-test between the groups, and showed a similar 24-h eating pattern, i.e. eating most during the dark
paired t-test for comparisons within groups. One-way ANOVA with phase, but also eating during the light phase (Fig. 3D). TRF was applied
Tukey post-hoc test was used for comparison of more than two indepen- to block the access to food for 15 h during the light phase on weekdays
dent groups. Univariate analysis of variance was used to detect differ- (5 days), but not during the weekend (Fig. 3E and F, respectively). Uni-
ences in body weight development and in eating patterns between variate analysis of variance revealed that the eating pattern during the
groups. Repeated measures ANOVA was used for comparison of body weekend in the HFD-rats (Fig. 3D) was similar to rats on TRF
weight after TRF in adult rats. A p-value of b0.05 (two tailed) was con- (p N 0.05) (Fig. 3F) (Table S11–12).
sidered statistically significant. G*Power 3.1 was used for power analy- Eating behavior analysis by CLAMS was performed only at 7 weeks
sis, and 0.80 was considered as adequate. Randomization table was used of age. In juvenile rats, 24-h calorie intake was unchanged during week-
for allocation of rats to experimental groups. Test for normality was per- days, which was because the elimination of food intake during light
formed by Shapiro-Wiik test. If normality assumption was not met, phase was compensated by an increased food intake during dark
Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test was used for paired comparisons (denoted phase (Fig. 3G & H, Table S13). No change was seen in either RER or en-
W), and Mann Whitney-U (denoted U) was used for independent com- ergy expenditure (Fig. 3I & J, Table S13). There was no difference in eat-
parisons. The data analysis was performed in SPSS version 22.0 and 23.0, ing behavior parameters such as number of meals, meal size (kcal/
and GraphPad Prism was used to plot data. meal), meal duration (min/meal) or rate of eating (g/min) during the
weekdays compared to HFD-fed control rats (Table S14). During the
3. Results weekend, 24-h calorie intake was increased in TRF-treated rats com-
pared to the control rats (Fig. 3K & L, Table S15). TRF rats had higher
3.1. High-fat diet (HFD) vs. normal diet (ND) RER compared to HFD-fed control rats (p b 0.05) (Fig. 3M, Table S15),
and unchanged energy expenditure (Fig. 3N, Table S15). Calculations
At the age of 5 weeks, animals that were allocated to high-fat diet of calorie intake per week revealed no statistically significant difference
(HFD) group started to have ad libitum a 50:50 mixture of HFD and nor- between TRF and control group (p N 0.05) (Table S14). There was no dif-
mal diet (ND), and from the age of 7 weeks they had ad libitum access to ference in eating behavior parameters such as number of meals, meal
HFD only. All these individual animals gained body weight continuously size (kcal/meal), meal duration (min/meal) or rate of eating (g/min)
and although not all were heavier than ND controls, the mean body during the weekend compared to HFD control rats (Table S16).
weight was significantly higher compared to controls, and they all had
higher fat percentage, evidence of developing diet-induced obesity 3.3. TRF in adult DIO rats
(DIO) (Fig. 2A–C, Supplementary Table S1 & 2). DIO rats had increased
calorie intake per 100 g body weight, which was statistically significant Adult DIO rats continued to gain weight after they were placed on
in the light phase (p b 0.05), but not during dark phase (p N 0.05) in TRF at 18 weeks of age (DIO + TRF) (Fig. 4A, Table S17). Comparison
comparison with ND rats (Fig. 2E & K, Table S3 & 4). When expressed of absolute body weight at 18 weeks of age, and 1 week, 1 month and
as calorie intake per rat, DIO rats had an increased caloric intake 2 months after TRF revealed that DIO + TRF rats had a significantly in-
(p b 0.001) during both light and dark phase (Fig. 2D, Table S3 & 4). crease in body weight during the period from 18 to 27 weeks of age
M.K. Olsen et al. / Physiology & Behavior 173 (2017) 298–304 301

Fig. 2. Basic information of high-fat diet-induced obese (DIO) rats. A. Body weight development of individual normal diet (ND) rats (n = 8) and DIO rats (n = 12) compared to baseline. B.
Body weight of ND and DIO rats at 35 weeks of age. C. Fat percentage (%) of individual ND rats (n = 8) and DIO rats (n = 11). D. Calorie intake (kcal) per 24 h (ND; n = 7, DIO; n = 11). E.
Calorie intake (kcal/100 g BW) (ND; n = 7, DIO; n = 11). F. Regression and correlation between body weight (g) and calorie intake (kcal) per 24 h (ND; n = 7, DIO; n = 11). †: a rat
excluded from analysis due to technical error with the feeder. G. Regression and correlation between body weight (g) and RER per 24 h (ND; n = 7, DIO; n = 11). H. Regression and
correlation between body weight (g) and energy expenditure (kcal/h) per 24 h (ND; n = 7, DIO; n = 11). I. Eating pattern of ND rats (n = 7). J. Eating pattern of DIO rats (n = 11). K.
Calorie intake (kcal/100 g BW) during daytime and nighttime (ND; n = 7, DIO; n = 11). Body composition analysis was performed at 30 weeks of age, and CLAMS at 35 weeks of age.
Data are expressed as means ± SEM in B, D, E, I, J & K. *, **, ***: p b 0.05, 0.01, 0.001. NS: not significant. Independent t-test was used for comparison analysis in B–E and K, and univariate
analysis of variance in I & J. For values see Supplementary Table S1–6.

(Fig. 4A, Table S17). The rats showed a typical 24-h eating pattern, i.e. (min/meal) was reduced compared to before TRF (p b 0.05) during
eating most during the dark phase, but also eating during the light both weekday and the weekend (Table S21 and 23).
phase (Fig. 4B, Table S18). TRF was applied to block the access to food
for 15 h during the light phase during weekdays (5 days), but not during 4. Discussion
the weekend (Fig. 4C & D, Table S18). The eating pattern during the
weekend in DIO + TRF rats (Fig. 4D) was similar as before they were The present study showed the circadian rhythm of eating behavior
placed on TRF (Fig. 4B, Table S18 and 19) (p N 0.05). in a high-fat diet-induced obese rat model and importantly that TRF
In adult DIO rats, 24-h, and dark phase calorie intake were un- for 9 h/day during weekdays reduced obesity during adolescence and
changed during weekdays, and 24-h, light and dark phase calorie intake early adulthood in rats. This corresponds well with our knowledge of
were unchanged during the weekend (Fig. 4E & F, I & J, Table S20–23). the eating behavior of obese patients who often eat late in the evening
TRF rats had lower RER and energy expenditure compared to control and/or during the night [17]. The metabolic parameters showed that
during both the weekend and weekdays (Fig. 4G & H, K & L, Table S20 diet-induced obese (DIO) rats had a reduced RER, probably suggesting
& 22). TRF did not reduce calorie intake per week (p N 0.05, a lower oxidative capacity in muscle, i.e. more fat is being used for ener-
Table S21). TRF did not alter eating behavior parameters such as rate gy expenditure compared to normal diet (ND) rats [18]. This is true for
of eating (g/min) or meal size (kcal/meal), however meal duration all DIO rats as displayed by correlation analysis between body weight
302 M.K. Olsen et al. / Physiology & Behavior 173 (2017) 298–304

Fig. 3. Effects of TRF in high-fat diet (HFD)-fed juvenile rats. A. Mean body weight development of juvenile rats (HFD without TRF and HFD + TRF from 5 weeks) compared to baseline
(control; n = 6, TRF; n = 6). Arrow indicates starting time point of TRF. B. Mean body weight development of juvenile rats (HFD without TRF and HFD + TRF rats from 13 weeks)
compared to baseline (control; n = 5, TRF; n = 6). Arrow indicates starting time point of TRF. C. Mean body weight (g) at end of TRF regimen (17 weeks of age) in normal diet (ND)
(n = 8), HFD-fed controls (n = 5), HFD + TRF at 5 weeks (n = 6), and 13 weeks (n = 6). D. Eating pattern of HFD control rats (n = 12). E. Eating pattern of HFD + TRF rats during
weekdays (n = 6). F. Eating pattern of HFD + TRF rats during the weekend (n = 6). G. Calorie intake in 24 h (kcal/100 g BW) during the weekdays (HFD without TRF; n = 12,
HFD + TRF; n = 6). H. Calorie intake (kcal/100 g BW) during daytime and nighttime during the weekdays (HFD without TRF; n = 12, HFD + TRF; n = 6). I. RER during the weekdays
(HFD without TRF; n = 12, HFD + TRF; n = 6). J. Energy expenditure (kcal/h/100 g BW) during the weekdays (HFD without TRF; n = 12, HFD + TRF; n = 6). K. Calorie intake in
24 h (kcal/100 g BW) during the weekend (HFD without TRF; n = 12, HFD + TRF; n = 6). L. Calorie intake (kcal/100 g BW) during daytime and nighttime during the weekend (HFD-
fed control; n = 12, HFD + TRF; n = 6). M. RER during the weekend (HFD without TRF; n = 12, HFD + TRF; n = 6). N. Energy expenditure (kcal/h/100 g BW) during the weekend
(HFD without TRF; n = 12, HFD + TRF; n = 6). CLAMS analysis was performed at 7 weeks of age. Data are expressed as means ± SEM. *,***: p b 0.05, 0.001. NS: not significant.
Univariate analysis of variance was used in A and B. ANOVA with Tukey post-hoc was used in C. Independent t-test was used for comparison analysis in G–N. Mann-Whitney U test
was used in J and N. For values see Supplementary Table S8–16.

and RER. The detailed analysis of the eating behavior further showed expenditure between ND and DIO rats, and this may be explained by
that DIO rats ate significantly higher amount of calories per 100 g the correlation analysis between energy expenditure and body weight.
body weight than the ND group, however, only during light phase, indi- Energy expenditure was related to body weight rather than fat percent-
cating an excessive energy intake during light phase, which is likely to age. Thus, obesity in DIO rats does not occur due to reduction in energy
be driving the development of obesity. This is in line with evidence expenditure. In addition, DIO rats have increased meal size and rate of
that whether food is ingested during the day or the night will lead to dif- eating, and reduced number of meals per day compared to ND rats,
ferent metabolic consequences [3]. Correlation analysis between calorie which is consistent with previous findings [15]. This also confirms the
intake (kcal) and body weight (g) showed that the more the animal ate, reports showing that rapid eating and large meals were associated
the more they weighed. Thus it is more feasible to use calories per 100 g with increased body weight and BMI [19,20]. Furthermore, total energy
body weight when comparing amount eaten during day and nighttime intake in our DIO model was increased by 74% in terms of kcal/24 h or
between ND and DIO rats. There was no difference in energy 41% in terms of kcal/100 g BW/24 h compared to ND control. This is
M.K. Olsen et al. / Physiology & Behavior 173 (2017) 298–304 303

Fig. 4. Effects of TRF in DIO adult rats. A. Comparison of body weight between values obtained before, and 1 week, 1 month and 2 months after starting TRF (DIO + TRF; n = 12). B. Eating
pattern of DIO rats before TRF (n = 5). C. Eating pattern of DIO + TRF rats during the weekdays (n = 5). D. Eating pattern of DIO + TRF rats during the weekend (n = 5). E. Calorie intake in
24 h (kcal/100 g BW) during the weekdays (before TRF; n = 5, during TRF; n = 5). F. Calorie intake (kcal/100 g BW) during daytime and nighttime during the weekdays (before TRF; n = 5,
during TRF; n = 5). G. RER during the weekdays (before TRF; n = 5, during TRF; n = 5). H. Energy expenditure (kcal/h/100 g BW) during the weekdays (before TRF; n = 5, during TRF;
n = 5). I. Calorie intake in 24 h (kcal/100 g BW) during the weekend (before TRF; n = 5, during TRF; n = 5). J. Calorie intake (kcal/100 g BW) during daytime and nighttime during the
weekend (before TRF; n = 5, during TRF; n = 5). K. RER during the weekend (before TRF; n = 5, during TRF; n = 5). L. Energy expenditure (kcal/h/100 g BW) during the weekend (before
TRF; n = 5, during TRF; n = 5). CLAMS analysis was performed at 17 and 24 weeks of age. Data are expressed as means ± SEM. *, **, ***: p b 0.05, 0.01, 0.001. NS: not significant. Repeated
measures ANOVA was used for comparison of body weight before, during and after TRF in adult rats (A). Paired t-test was used for in-group comparison analysis (E–L). Wilcoxon Ranked
test was used for E and F. For values see Supplementary Table S17–23.

comparable with other studies. For instance, a DIO model in a report by the body weight gain in rats that were still on HFD. In order to make this
Bake et al. had about 50% increase in total energy intake compared to regimen relevant to human lifestyles, we have also chosen the weekly
controls [21]. It should be noticed that normal control diets used in schedule of TRF, i.e. TRF for 5 days (i.e. weekdays) with 2 days of free-
these two studies were different, i.e. 2.57 kcal/g in our study vs. feeding (i.e. the weekend) in juvenile rats from 5 and 13 weeks of age
2.67 kcal/g in the other study [21]. It should also be noticed that by ap- and adult rats from 18 weeks of age for 12, 4 and 9 weeks, respectively.
plying the modified feeding method as reported previously by our Despite the same levels of 24 h–calorie intake during either weekdays
group [15], DIO rats in the present study displayed much less variability or the weekend, juvenile TRF rats gained less weight than those fed ad
in individual responses to high-fat diet than those earlier reports libitum. This is consistent with previous studies showing that day-fed
[22–25]. rats gained more body weight than rats fed during the night or ad
Based on these findings and the report by Panda's group [4], we fur- libitum [26]. However, this only occurred in juvenile rats, but not in
ther tested whether this TRF that blocks food accessibility during the adult rats. This is in contrast with the previous study that showed a re-
daytime in rats (corresponding to nighttime in humans) would prevent striction in body weight gain in DIO mice when ad libitum feeding was
304 M.K. Olsen et al. / Physiology & Behavior 173 (2017) 298–304

switched to the 5 days per week TRF regimen [4]. It was shown in the figures. All authors were involved in writing the paper and approved
previous study that HFD mice on TRF gained significantly less body the final submitted version.
weight, which was in parallel with reduced fat mass compared to
mice fed HFD ad libitum [4]. In the present study, we were unable to Appendix A. Supplementary data
compare body composition between HFD rats with and without TRF
due to practical reasons. TRF was without effect on RER and energy ex- Supplementary data to this article can be found online at http://dx.
penditure (EE) in juvenile rats, but reduced both RER and EE in adult doi.org/10.1016/j.physbeh.2017.02.032.
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carried out the experiments and gathered data; MKO and MHC analyzed and motor development, Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 86 (2) (2007) 412–420.
the data; MKO, CM-Z and DC interpreted the data. MKO generated

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