Week 12

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33 Bellman-Ford Algorithm

33.1 Introduction
• recall Dijkstra’s algorithm
finds minimal weight path from a single source
to all other vertices in a graph or digraph
• Dijkstra will not work for graphs with negative edges
explain that negative edges may be possible and reasonable
• Bellman-Ford will work for graphs with negative edges

• it will also detect negative circuits which should never appear

explain with an example:
three vertices: s, a, b
three edges: w(s, a) = 1, w(a, b) = −2, w(b, a) = −1
show that we can keep cycling around:
s, a, b, a, b, . . . to get ever lower values of d(a)

33.2 An example
• develop algorithm using the following working example
• same example as shown on slides but there are errors there

uy zu
a 5 b

@ -2 6
6 @
@ -3

s uP
8 @
i @ 7
@ PPP @
@ PP
PP @ -4
@ PP 2 @
7 @ PP
PP @
@ ? PP@
c 9
• use a table to show changes in estimates of distances and predecessors
• initialize table — no predecessors

ds da db dc dd
0 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

33.4 Revise estimates of distances

• repeat the following v − 1 times

• for each edge (u, v) in the graph,

set d(v) = min[d(v), d(u) + w(u, v)]
• if a distance is revised, note new predecessor vertex
• edges can be taken in any order
we will use alphabetical order
(a, b), (a, c), (a, d), (b, a), (c, b), . . . , (s, b)

ds da db dc dd
Initially 0 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

After Pass 1 0 6, s 7, s

After Pass 2 0 4, c 2, a

After Pass 3 0 2, b

After Pass 4 0 −2, a

• show how we can use predecessor information to trace paths from source

33.5 Check for negative loops

• at end, for each edge (u, v)
check to see if d(v) − d(u) > w(u, v)
• if so, we have a problem
try to convince them with an example:
show diagram when d(u) = 3, d(v) = 6, w(u, v) = 2
• in such a case, algorithm returns the value false

33.6 Complexity considerations

• initialization: O(v)
• main loop: O(ve)
• checking for negative loops: O(e)
• total: O(ve)

33.7 Study of attitudes to course

• leave class to Michelle Craig
• she will be running an informal session examining
what is good about the course
what is bad about the course
• not a replacement for departmental surveys

34 Topological Sorting and Difference Constraints
34.1 Partial ordering
• examine the idea of a partial order briefly
• for a partial order ≺, we must have
∀a, a 6≺ a (irreflexive)
if a ≺ b and b ≺ c, then a ≺ c (transitive)
• an example
proper subsets

• note that not all elements need be related

show with proper subsets

34.2 Topological sorting

• not like regular sorting
• here we want to impose a linear order on a partial order
• as an example, course prerequisites
some courses may have to be taken before others
• can illustrate with a DAG (explain)
• use example of CS courses
Intro (I), Data Structures (DS), Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Programming Languages (PL), Compilers (C), Operating Systems (OS)
I ≺ DS
I ≺ AI
I ≺ PL
DS ≺ C
PL ≺ C
C ≺ OS

• how can we take courses if we only do one at a time?

• solve this problem with a topological sort

34.3 Using DFS on a DAG

• start at a node with indegree zero
obviously, there must be at least one
• from here we can find a node that could be visited last
it must have outdegree zero
• if we use a DFS starting at source
we will eventually come to such a node
• then back up, if necessary and continue DFS

• slides suggest we can keep track of things using following algorithm

DFS (vi )
visit vi , mark as visited
arrival = ++time
for all unvisited vertices vk adjacent from vi
DFS (vk )
departure = ++time

• vertex that has lowest departure time can be last in topological sort
why? — explain

• other vertices precede this — in reverse order of departure times

34.4 Linear programming

• chat briefly
• mention simplex method

34.5 Difference constaints

• a specialized form of constraint
always has the form xi − xj ≤ bk

• use example on slides:

x1 − x2 ≤ 0
x1 − x5 ≤ −1
x2 − x5 ≤ 1
x3 − x1 ≤ 5
x4 − x1 ≤ 4
x4 − x3 ≤ −1
x5 − x3 ≤ −3
x5 − x4 ≤ −3
• we can write this in matrix form:
   
1 −1 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 −1   −1
  x1  
0 1 0 0 −1  
   x2   1 
−1 0 1 0 0   
   5
 x3  ≤  
−1 0 0 1 0     4
  
 x 
0 0 −1 1 0 4 −1
  x5  
0 0 −1 0 1 −3
0 0 0 −1 1 −3

34.6 Using a constraint graph

• instead of trying to solve the system algebraically,
we can use a constraint graph

• constraint graph has a vertex vi for each xi

plus another vertex v0
• for i, j > 0, an edge (vi , vj ) exists iff xj − xi ≤ bk is a constraint
in such a case, the edge has weight wij = bk
• in addition, there are edges from v0 to all other vertices
all of these have weight zero

t t
v1 0 v2
P P 1

6 @ PP  
-1 @ PPP
0  PP 5
0 @ PP
t  0 q tv
 @ 1 PP

v0 P P
@ 0 PPP
P @

@ P 
0 -1
R t
@ )
 PR t
v5 -3 v4

• to solve the system of inequalities, we apply Bellman-Ford to the graph
using v0 as the initial vertex

• show the result for this graph:

d(v0 , v1 ) = −5
d(v0 , v2 ) = −3
d(v0 , v3 ) = 0
d(v0 , v4 ) = −1
d(v0 , v5 ) = −4
• this gives a solution to the problem:
(x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 , x5 ) = (−5, −3, 0, −1, −4)
• why does it work?
no formal proof but . . .

• consider two nodes vi and vj

connected by an edge (i, j) with weight wij
let di = d(v0 , vi )
wij - dj

• now we know that dj − di ≤ wij

because otherwise we could make a shorter path from v0 to vj
by going from v0 to vi and then along (i, j)
(as we noted previously in developing the Bellman-Ford algorithm)
• but this gives us values for the relationship we want:
xj − xi ≤ (i, j)

• for a formal proof, see

Corman, Leiserson, Rivest, Stein:
Introduction to Algorithms

34.7 Complexity considerations

• recall that Bellman-Ford runs in O(ve) time
• here, with n unknowns and m constraints,
we need a graph with n + 1 vertices and n + m edges
• time is O((n + 1)(n + m)) or O(n2 + nm)

35 Hashing
35.1 Introduction
• a way of implementing the ADT dictionary
with operations
• excluding operations like
• hashing can provide a method that is O(1), (if we are careful)

• basic idea:
a place for everything and everything in its place
• analogy with students in class
insertion — people always choose the same seats
search — to see if somebody is in class, I only look in one place

35.2 Hash functions

• to achieve our goals, we could use
a numerical key for each item to be stored
store each item in an array whose size is equal to the range of keys
• probably not practical for most situations
key range is usually too big
e.g. student numbers, SIN’s
• hashing applies a function to a key that produces a smaller range
for an item with key k, store it at h(k) where 0 ≤ h(k) < m
• give an example of insertion using hashing
class with student number, k, as key
classroom with 117 seats, numbered from 0 to 116
hash function might be h(k) = k mod 117
assign student k to seat number h(k)
this is known as the division method
• for retrieval, to see if a student is in the room
use student number, n
look in seat number h(n)
• possible problem
we could have k1 6= k2 but h(k1 ) = h(k2 )
this is known as a collision
• a good hashing function will minimize collisions
a perfect hash function would eliminate them entirely
(but this is usually impossible)
• assuming something less than perfection
we must have a way of resolving collisions

35.3 Choosing a good hash function
• ideally, we would like to have each key equally likely to hash into any location
• not always possible but we can avoid some pitfalls
• sometimes plain keys show patterns
e.g. student numbers: 99. . .
e.g. Ontario driver’s licences: last six digits are birthdate
we sometimes use only some digits for key
• sometimes no numerical key
can convert characters to digits

• if we are using the division method, we must be careful of the array size
use a prime to avoid patterns
• to show why, consider using an array of size 100
now h(k) would depend only on last two digits of k
for driver’s licence, hash code would depend only on day of birth 01 to 31

35.4 Resolving collisions by separate chaining

• here we use an array size, m, that may be smaller than the number of keys n
• each entry in the array is a pointer to a linked list
keys and data form elements of the linked lists — called chains

• do an example
use an array of size 7
use h(k) = k (mod 7)
insert a sequence of values including some collisions
• usually we organize the linked lists as LIFO lists
this makes insertions easy
• if the lengths of the chains are kept fairly short
searching and deleting can be done quickly using a sequential search

35.5 Resolving collisions by open addressing

• another approach to collision resolution uses a large array
array size m is quite a bit larger than the number of keys, n
• can still get collisions
a variety of techniques to resolve them

35.6 Course evaluations

• get volunteers to handle this


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