W W Ii: The Guns at Last Light: War in Western Europe, 1944-1945: Volume Three of The Liberation Trilogy
W W Ii: The Guns at Last Light: War in Western Europe, 1944-1945: Volume Three of The Liberation Trilogy
W W Ii: The Guns at Last Light: War in Western Europe, 1944-1945: Volume Three of The Liberation Trilogy
World War II
The Guns at Last Light: War in Western Europe, 1944-1945:
Volume Three of the Liberation Trilogy
By Rick Atkinson
Reviewed by David T. Zabecki, Ph.D., Major General (USA Retired)
Atkinson is one of those rare writers who can focus on those two
widely-separated levels and integrate them into a unified and cohesive
story. As he did in his first two volumes, he deftly zooms his lens down to
the level of the individual American GIs, British Tommys, and German
Landsers fighting it out on the line of contact; and then he slowly pans
back out, up the chain of command to the senior commanders at the
operational and strategic levels and their political masters in Washington,
London, and Berlin. The result is a rich tapestry that is a clear and intel-
ligible picture of the western half of the end game of World War II.
Interweaving his own skillful narrative with the voices of those who
fought from the shores of Normandy to the banks of the Elbe, Atkinson
helps the modern reader understand the agonies and the hardships
endured by the soldiers on both sides who faced each other across the
line of contact, while at the same time appreciating the gut-wrenching
and all too often lose-lose decisions forced upon their generals by the
grinding friction of battle and impenetrable fog of war. Nowhere do
these conundrums appear more starkly than in Operation Market-
Garden and later in the fight for the Hürtgen Forest, arguably the single
worst defeat ever suffered by the American Army.
Book Reviews: World War II 155