Mother-Child Emotion Dialogues in Families Exposed To Interparental Violence

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Journal of Child Custody

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Mother–child emotion dialogues in families

exposed to interparental violence

Margreet Visser, Mathilde M. Overbeek, J. Clasien De Schipper, Kim

Schoemaker, Francien Lamers-Winkelman & Catrin Finkenauer

To cite this article: Margreet Visser, Mathilde M. Overbeek, J. Clasien De Schipper, Kim
Schoemaker, Francien Lamers-Winkelman & Catrin Finkenauer (2016) Mother–child emotion
dialogues in families exposed to interparental violence, Journal of Child Custody, 13:2-3, 178-198,
DOI: 10.1080/15379418.2016.1153442

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Margreet Visser, Mathilde M. Overbeek,
J. Clasien De Schipper, Kim Schoemaker,
Francien Lamers-Winkelman, and Catrin

Accepted author version posted online: 25

Feb 2016.
Published online: 08 Apr 2016.

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2016, VOL. 13, NOS. 2–3, 178–198

Mother–child emotion dialogues in families exposed

to interparental violence
Margreet Vissera,b,c, Mathilde M. Overbeeka,b, J. Clasien De Schippera,b,
Kim Schoemakera,b, Francien Lamers-Winkelmana,b, and Catrin Finkenauera,b
Department of Clinical Child and Family Studies, VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands; bEMGO Institute for Health and Care Research; cChildren’s Trauma Center Haarlem (KJTC),
Haarlem, The Netherlands

This cross-sectional study examined the hypothesis that parent– Child maltreatment;
child emotion dialogues among interparental violence (IPV) domestic violence;
exposed dyads (n ¼ 30; 4–12 years) show less quality than parent-child emotion
dialogues; parent-child
dialogues among nonexposed dyads (n ¼ 30; 4–12 years). Second,
relationship; parental
we examined whether parental posttraumatic stress symptoms posttraumatic stress
and parental adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) were
associated with the quality of the dialogues. As expected, in the
IPV-exposed group, quality of mother–child emotion dialogues
was of lesser quality; dyads often showed a lack of elaboration in
their dialogue; mothers showed less sensitive guidance; and
children showed less cooperation and exploration, compared to
dialogues, dyads, mothers, and children in the nonexposed group.
Although maternal posttraumatic stress symptoms and maternal
history of ACEs were significantly higher in the IPV-exposed
families than in the nonexposed families, these variables were not
associated with the quality of emotion dialogues. Clinical
implications and study limitations are discussed.

Exposure to interparental violence (IPV) has considerable direct effects on chil-

dren. Children exposed to IPV are at risk to develop posttraumatic stress symp-
toms, internalizing and externalizing behavior problems (Evans, Davies, &
DiLillo, 2008; Kitzmann, Gaylord, Holt, & Kenny, 2003). An important
protective factor for children in the aftermath of IPV exposure is the parent-
child relation (Afifi & MacMillan, 2011). For children to process difficult
and even traumatic life events, it is important to form a coherent narrative
of the events (Cohen, Mannarino, & Murray, 2011). Parent-child relations in
which children feel safe to give meaning to the traumatic events may enhance
their recovery (Fivush, 2007). Especially in IPV-exposed families talking about
the traumatic events may be a problem because IPV affects the family system as
a whole. Therefore, parents as well are at risk for posttraumatic stress
CONTACT Margreet Visser, MSc Department of Clinical Child and Family Studies, VU
University Amsterdam, Van der Boechorststraat 1, 1081 BT Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Published with license by Taylor & Francis © Margreet Visser, Mathilde M. Overbeek, J. Clasien De Schipper, Kim Schoemaker,
Francien Lamers-Winkelman, and Catrin Finkenauer
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (
licenses/by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
cited. The moral rights of the named author(s) have been asserted.

symptoms, and other forms of psychopathology (Campbell, Kub, Belknap, &

Templin, 1997; Cascardi, O’Leary, & Schlee, 1999). This vulnerability, in turn,
may negatively affect parenting and the parent–child relationship (Levendosky,
Huth-Bocks, Shapiro, & Semel, 2003), and thus, the impaired parent-child
relation may impede children’s narrative formation.
Although there has been a concerted research effort to determine the direct
and indirect effects of IPV on children’s functioning (Buehler & Gerard,
2002; Davies, Winter, & Cicchetti, 2006; Hungerford, Wait, Fritz, & Clements,
2012), a minimal amount is known regarding the capacity of IPV-exposed
parent–child dyads to talk about emotions and to compose coherent narratives
about emotional events in children’s lives. In the present study, we compare
emotion dialogues in parent–child dyads between IPV-exposed and nonexposed
families. Additionally, we examine the role of parental posttraumatic stress and
parents’ own history of adverse childhood experiences in parent–child emotion

Parent–child emotion dialogues

In recent years, several studies have underlined the importance of parents’
capacity to engage with their child in a sensitive and emotionally expressive
way in the reminiscence of emotional events for children’s cognitive and
socio-emotional development (Fivush, Haden, & Reese, 2006). For example, high
quality of parent–child emotion dialogues is related to children’s secure attach-
ment (Fivush & Vasudeva, 2002; Laible, 2011), effective emotion regulation skills
(Laible, 2011), positive self-image (Goodvin & Romdall, 2013), a realistic view
how to relate to others and to the world (Fivush, 2007; Laible, 2011), and effective
coping mechanisms (Goodvin & Romdall, 2013; Laible, 2011).
Quality of parent–child emotion dialogues is not only related to a healthy socio-
emotional development, but also to children’s mental health (Fivush, Marin,
McWilliams, & Bohanek, 2009; Fivush & Sales, 2006). For example, Fivush
et al. (2009) found that a more engaged contribution of mothers to mother–child
emotion dialogues about conflict-events resulted in lower child internalizing and
externalizing behavior problems. More generally, parent–child relationship qual-
ity has been related to internalizing (Brumariu & Kerns, 2010; Groh, Roisman, van
IJzendoorn, Bakermans-Kranenburg, & Fearon, 2012), and externalizing behavior
problems (Buist, Deković, Meeus, & van Aken, 2004; Fearon, Bakermans-
Kranenburg, Van IJzendoorn, Lapsley, & Roisman, 2010; Groh et al., 2012).
The impact of experiences on children’s feelings of security, development and
mental health depends on the meaning children ascribe to these experiences
(Oppenheim, 2006). Children need their parents to co-construct and give
emotional meaning to experiences (Tronick & Beeghly, 2011). By reminiscing
past events, parents help their children to understand themselves emotionally
and the world surrounding them (Fivush, 2007).

Reminiscing regarding past events between parents and children in

emotion dialogues may serve different goals, depending on the positive or
negative emotional meaning of the event. In reminiscing about positive
events, parents may stimulate social and emotional bonding by sharing
history (Fivush, 2007). In reminiscing about stressful events, parents may help
their child understand what happened, why it happened, and what the child
can do to avoid such negative experiences and events in the future (Fivush,
2007). Especially reminiscing about negative and stressful events seems to
be important for children’s coping skills, their emotion regulation skills,
and to diminish the development of internalizing and externalizing behavior
problems (Fivush & Sales, 2006).
Given the inherently dyadic nature of emotion dialogue, not only parental
contribution is important, but also children’s contribution to the dialogue is
important when studying parent–child emotion dialogues. Both parents
(Fivush, 2007; Fivush & Sales, 2006), children (Gentzler, Contreras-Grau,
Kerns, & Weimer, 2005), and even families (Bohanek, Marin, Fivush, & Duke,
2006), may differ in reminiscing styles. For example, elaboration, that is,
parents’ ability to engage in rich, detailed and coherent emotion dialogues,
is studied extensively and is one of the critical dimensions in reminiscing
styles along which parents vary (Fivush, 2007; Fivush et al., 2006). Other criti-
cal dimensions of parents’ contributions are the level of engagement (Fivush
& Sales, 2006), emotional expressiveness (Fivush & Sales, 2006), emotional
coaching (Ellis, Alisic, Reiss, Dishion, & Fisher, 2014), and explaining (Fivush
& Sales, 2006). Children may differ in emotional openness and involvement
(Gentzler et al., 2005), and coping abilities (Amato & Afifi, 2006). Also,
parents and children mutually influence and accommodate to each other
during emotional dialogues (Fivush et al., 2006; Fivush & Sales, 2006), and
dialogues are shaped by the quality of the parent–child relationship. Parents
who support and guide their children sensitively when talking about emotions
help them to organize and understand experiences, which promotes a secure
psychological base for children (Koren-Karie, Oppenheim, Haimovich, &
Etzion-Carasso, 2003). To illustrate, secure attachment in infancy is related
to high-quality emotion dialogues among children aged 4.5 and 7.5 years
(Oppenheim, Koren-Karie, & Sagi-Schwartz, 2007). The more secure children
feel, the higher levels of child cooperation and exploration they show (Hsiao,
Koren-Karie, Bailey, & Moran, 2015). As a result, to examine the impact of
IPV on parent–child emotion dialogues, it is crucial to observe the parent,
the child, and the parent–child interaction.

Parent–child emotion dialogues and exposure to IPV

For children to process traumatic events like exposure to IPV, they need their
parents to make meaning of their experiences (McDonald, Jouriles,

Rosenfield, & Leahy, 2012). Empirical evidence consistently shows that

children’s understanding of the meaning of IPV experiences is important
for their psychosocial adjustment (e.g., Grych, Harold, & Miles, 2003;
Sturge-Apple, Davies, Winter, Cummings, & Schermerhorn, 2008). Also,
diverse indicators of effective parenting behavior and better quality of the
parent–child relationship have been linked to more positive child adjustment
in the aftermath of exposure to IPV (Afifi & MacMillan, 2011; Holt, Buckley,
& Whelan, 2008; Hungerford et al., 2012; Levendosky et al., 2003). Further-
more, parental support is a strong predictor of positive trauma-focused treat-
ment outcomes in traumatized children (Cohen & Mannarino, 2000), and
sensitive parental guiding in parent-child emotion dialogues stimulates chil-
dren’s ability to process stressful experiences (Fivush, 2007). This may
especially be important in families exposed to IPV.
Although the benefits of parent–child emotion dialogues for children to
process stressful experiences have been well-established, these dialogues
may be challenged in IPV families because of the differential effects IPV
has on all family members. For example, both parents and children have an
advanced risk for posttraumatic stress symptoms (Cascardi et al., 1999;
Evans et al., 2008). Due to posttraumatic stress symptoms, such as hyperarou-
sal, intrusions, and avoidance and numbing (Taylor, Kuch, Koch, Crockett, &
Passey, 1998), it may be very difficult for parents to sensitively guide the child,
and for the child to cooperate in parent-child emotion dialogues and to
explore the emotional meaning of stressful events freely.
Especially the impact of maternal posttraumatic stress symptoms may have
significant implications for parent-child emotion dialogues. Koren-Karie,
Oppenheim, and Getzler-Yosef (2004) showed that lower levels of maternal
resolution of trauma is associated with over- or under-structuring, rigid
and inflexible interaction, lack of attunement and empathy, and emotional
dysregulation in the joint narrative between mother and child. Also, trauma-
tized mothers may be less engaged in the dialogues because they need to focus
their attention on themselves rather than on their children. Children’s
emotions may be a reminder of their own trauma which may trigger avoid-
ance (Lieberman, 2004). A study of mother–child dyads in which mothers
were traumatized by war, but children were not exposed to war, showed that
maternal posttraumatic stress symptoms were negatively associated with
parent–child relation quality, and children showed lower levels of responsive-
ness and involvement in mother–child interactions (van Ee, Kleber, &
Mooren, 2012).
In addition to the high risk of maternal posttraumatic stress in
IPV-exposed families, research also shows that parents in these families often
have been exposed to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) themselves
(Bensley, Van Eenwyk, & Simmons, 2003). Parents exposed to ACEs are at
increased risk to develop psychopathology (Anda et al., 2006), and parental

psychopathology has been shown to be a risk factor for negative parenting and
lower parent–child relation quality (Levendosky & Graham-Bermann, 2000).
Lieberman, Van Horn, and Ozer (2005) showed a negative association between
maternal life stress and quality of the parent–child relationship. Unresolved
maternal child abuse experiences are related to difficulties in talking about emo-
tions with their children (Koren-Karie et al., 2004). As a result, both parental
posttraumatic stress and parental exposure to ACEs may contribute to the
quality of the parent–child emotion dialogue in IPV families.
Despite the recognized importance of parental support in children’s proces-
sing of traumatic experiences in IPV-exposed families through emotional
narratives and dialogues, empirical research on parent–child emotion dialogues
in these families is scarce. Knowledge about the specific dynamics between
parents and children in their emotion dialogues may point to important clinical
insights for trauma-focused treatment.

Current study
To enhance our understanding of the impact IPV has on parent–child
emotion communication, in the present study, we compare the quality of
emotion dialogues in parent–child dyads between IPV-exposed and nonex-
posed families. Given the effects of IPV on parents, children, and the
parent–child relationship, we hypothesize, first, that the quality of emotional
dialogues among IPV-exposed mother–child dyads will be lower than the
quality of emotional dialogues among dyads who have not been exposed to
IPV. Second, we will examine the role of parental posttraumatic stress and
parents’ own history of adverse childhood experiences on the quality of
parent–child emotion dialogues. Based on the existing literature, we hypothe-
size that IPV-exposed parents show more post-traumatic stress and have
more ACEs than nonexposed parents. Furthermore, we expect that parental
posttraumatic stress and parental ACEs will further undermine emotional
dialogues among IPV-exposed dyads.

Participants were 30 children exposed to IPV (13 girls; mean age 8 years,
11 months, SD ¼ 24 months, range 4.2–12.11 years) and their mothers
(29 biological and one adoptive mother) and a control group of 30 non-
exposed children (13 girls; mean age 9 years, 1 months, SD ¼ 24 months,
range 4.5–12.6 years) and their mothers. No siblings participated in the study.
Since only mothers participated in our study, from now on the manuscript is
about mothers instead of parents.

In the IPV-exposed group one child between 4 and 13 years old was selected,
which we could match with a child in our control group on gender and age. All
mothers signed fully informed consent and children gave assent, as approved by
the VU University Medical Ethical Committee (NL39277.029.12). As a reward
for their participation and to cover travel expenses, mothers received €25.
Children received a small gift (e.g., ball, pen, game).

This study is part of a larger longitudinal study examining the efficacy of two
parental components of an intervention for IPV-exposed children. Only
measures relevant for our research questions are presented.
Mother–child dyads in the IPV-exposed group were recruited from three
outpatient children’s trauma centers in different urban and rural regions of
the Netherlands. Between 2012 and 2015, children were referred to the
centers by a physician or by the Dutch Youth Care Agency for the treatment
of the child after exposure to IPV. Mothers were asked to participate in the
study when the child had been exposed to IPV, and the child was between
4 and 12 years of age. Certificated clinicians gathered information and part-
icipants were excluded when a) violence was still going on in the family;
b) child or mother had an intellectual disability (IQ score clinically assessed
and approximately below 70); and c) child or mother were unable to fill
out questionnaires or participate in the observational measure due to the
inability to read or to speak Dutch.
The nonexposed group was recruited through the social network of
students and research assistants. Exclusion criteria were a) child or mother
had an intellectual disability (self-reported); and b) child or mother was
unable to fill out questionnaires or participate in the observational measure
due to the inability to read or to speak Dutch.
Trained research assistants visited each family of the IPV-exposed group in
the trauma center or at home and each family of the nonexposed group in
their home. Mother–child dyads completed the Autobiographical Emotional
Events Dialogues (AEED, see the following sections). After the dyad had
completed the AEED, mothers were asked to complete a set of questionnaires.

Family violence measures
The degree and type of IPV was assessed by use of the Dutch translation
(translated by Lamers-Winkelman, 2005) of the Revised Conflict Tactics
Scales (CTS2) (Straus, Hamby, Boney-McCoy, & Sugarman, 1996). For each
item mothers were asked to rate whether and how often this specific tactic
was used, either by themselves or by their partner, in a conflict situation in

the last year of the (violent) relationship, ranging from 1 (never happened) to 8
(more than 20 times in the last year). Frequency scores (range 0–25) were
calculated for the amount of psychological aggression (8 items) and physical
aggression (12 items). Internal consistency for psychological violence was .76
for self-used and .89 for partner-used psychological violence. Internal
consistency for physical violence was .62 for self-used and .96 for partner-used
physical violence.

Autobiographical Emotional Events Dialogues (AEED)

In this method, mothers and children recall and describe autobiographical
events during which the child felt happy, sad, angry, scared and proud. In
our study, dyads received five cards, depicting an emoticon and the accompa-
nying feeling. They were asked to remember an event in which the child
experienced each feeling and to construct a story about each event together.
The conversations lasted between 5 and 15 minutes and were transcribed
verbatim. To ensure that dialogues were coded unaffected by nonverbal cues
and behavior, dialogues were coded using the transcripts (Koren-Karie,
Oppenheim, Carasso, & Haimovich, 2003, p. 350). Koren-Karie, Oppenheim,
Carasso, et al. (2003) developed a coding system for these dialogues. The
coding include seven scales for the mother (shift of focus, boundary dissol-
ution, acceptance and tolerance, hostility, involvement and reciprocity, closure
of negative feelings, and structuring of the interaction), seven parallel scales for
the child (shift of focus, boundary dissolution, acceptance and tolerance,
hostility, cooperation and reciprocity, resolution of negative feelings, elaboration
of the stories), and two scales assessing the overall quality of the dialogue
(adequacy of the stories and coherence). Every scale ranges from 1 to 9, higher
scores indicate more enactment of the specific behavior. To increase statistical
power, two composite scores (mean of all relevant subscales) were calculated
to reflect mothers’ and children’s contribution to the dialogues (Koren-Karie,
Oppenheim, & Getzler-Yosef, 2008). Internal consistency of the maternal
scales (maternal sensitive guidance) was .74, and of the child scales (child
cooperation and exploration) .71.
Based on all rating scales, the dyads were classified into one of four groups
of dialogues: a) emotionally matched and emotionally unmatched, namely, b)
exaggerating; c) flat, and d) inconsistent. Emotionally matched dyads are
capable of creating coherent stories with a clear and believable link between
the emotion and the story. Stories can either be rich and full of details or brief,
but the most important features are that both mother and child are involved,
and mothers leave space for the child while guiding the dialogue toward a
positive closure of negative emotions. Exaggerating dialogues are charged with
negative, extreme, or dysregulated emotional themes. The story does not
match the emotion on the card. Mothers often talk about their children’s
emotions as if they were identical to their own. Themes are often raised

but immediately blocked. There is a lack of coherence in the stories, expressed

by repetitiveness. Additional features are the tendency toward extremes and
over-dramatization, boundary dissolution, and the strong need of the child
to please the mother. Flat dialogues are characterized by their lack of involve-
ment, low elaboration, and poor development of the stories. Both partners
display a lack of interest in the task. Inconsistent dialogues are characterized
by contradictory features such as discussing two emotions in an emotionally
matched way and the others in an emotionally unmatched manner. Or, cases
in which one of the two partners is cooperative and providing emotionally
matched stories, whereas the other blocks the opportunity for dialogues,
derails the conversation to irrelevant directions, or expresses high levels of
hostility and anger.
The second author, who was blind to whether the dyads were exposed to
IPV, coded all transcripts and had only information about children’s age
and gender. She was trained by N. Koren-Karie in the AEED coding system
and established adequate reliability. To improve coding in a sample of trau-
matized children, a subgroup of researchers coded transcripts of dialogues
between parents and their children in a different IPV-exposed sample, con-
sulted by the developer. Inter-rater reliabilities for the four classifications
(Cohen’s Kappa ¼ .80) and the two-way classification (emotionally matched
vs. emotionally unmatched; Cohen’s Kappa ¼ 1.0) were good. Inter-rater
reliability of the composite scores was .95 for maternal sensitive guidance
and .95 for child cooperation and exploration.

Maternal posttraumatic stress symptoms

To assess maternal post-traumatic stress symptoms, we use the Impact
of Events Scale – Revised (IES-R) (Weiss, 2004), translated into Dutch by Brom
and Kleber (Schokverwerkingslijst (SVL-22), 1986). This questionnaire con-
sists of 22 items measuring symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder during
the last week, and it measures the three dimensions of post-traumatic stress
disorder: intrusion, avoidance, and hyperarousal. Mothers rate the items on
a 5-point Likert-scale ranging from “not at all” to “extremely.” The IES-R
has shown good discriminant validity and diagnostic utility in other research
(Olde, Kleber, van der Hart, & Pop, 2006). In the current study, the Cronbach’s
alpha coefficient for the total score of posttraumatic stress symptoms was .94.

Maternal childhood experiences

The ACE questionnaire (Felitti et al., 1998) was used to assess mothers’ trau-
matic childhood experiences. The ACE study showed a strong relation
between exposure to abuse during childhood and emotional well-being in
adulthood (Felitti et al., 1998). Mothers were asked to report whether they
had experienced emotional abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional
neglect, physical neglect, parental divorce, witnessing domestic violence,

parental addiction, parental mental illnesses, or parental incarceration in the

first 18 years of their life.

Statistical analyses
First, all continuous variables were checked for outliers (−3.29 < z < 3.29),
and outliers were winsorized to the nearest non-outliers (7 values of 4 dyads)
(Tabachnick & Fidell, 2007). Second, descriptives and Pearson correlations
were calculated for background variables (marital status, parental education
and family income), characteristics of IPV, AEED child and maternal scales,
maternal PTSD, and maternal ACEs. With a Chi-square test and t-tests, we
tested group differences between the IPV-exposed group and non-exposed
group in maternal post-traumatic stress symptoms, maternal adverse
childhood experiences, and AEED maternal and child contributions. Third,
Fisher’s Exact Test was used to examine further associations between group
(IPV-exposed vs. non-exposed) and AEED classifications. Fourth, two
multivariate analyses of variance (MANCOVA) were conducted to compare
the combined quality of child and maternal contributions to emotion dialo-
gues between IPV-exposed dyads and non-exposed dyads. In the first
MANCOVA, the effect of IPV exposure on emotion dialogues was examined
by use of a dummy variable (0 ¼ nonexposed, 1 ¼ IPV-exposed). In the second
MANCOVA, maternal posttraumatic stress symptoms (continuous) and
maternal adverse childhood experiences (continuous) were added to the model.

Descriptive analyses
IPV characteristics
In the IPV-exposed group mothers reported at intake 19.26 psychological
aggression incidents in the last year of the violent relationship committed by
themselves (SD ¼ 28.73, range 0–105), and 62.15 psychological aggression inci-
dents committed by their partner (SD ¼ 57.62, range 0–177). The frequency of
events involving physical aggression by the mother in the last year of the
relationship was 5.22 (SD ¼ 10.58, range 0–39), and by their partner 42.85
(SD ¼ 72.79, range 0–275). In the nonexposed group some incidents of psycho-
logical and physical aggression were reported (psychological aggression mother:
7.75 incidents, SD ¼ 14.95, range 0–75; psychological aggression partner: 5.86
incidents, SD ¼ 14.59, range 0–75; physical aggression mother: 0.57 incidents,
SD ¼ 2.27, range 0–12; physical aggression partner: 0.25 incidents, SD ¼ 0.84,
range 0–4, respectively). Significantly more incidents occurred in the
IPV-exposed group than in the nonexposed group (t(32.86) ¼ −4.21, p < .001
for psychological aggression (mother and partner combined); t(26.08) ¼ −3.25,
p ¼ .003 for physical aggression (mother and partner combined)).

Background characteristics
Mothers in the IPV-exposed group were significantly more likely to be single-
parent (χ2(1) ¼ 29.76, p < .001), and less likely to be Dutch (χ2(1) ¼ 7.22,
p ¼ .01) (6 mothers, 22.2% nonspecified other ethnical background). Also,
they were significantly more likely to receive an annual income below the pov-
erty threshold (<15.000€) (χ2(1) ¼ 18.72, p < .001), and were significantly
more likely to have a lower education (χ2(2) ¼ 22.07, p < .001) (see Table 1).
Mothers in the IPV-exposed group reported at intake on average 2.19 inci-
dents of psychological maltreatment of their child in the last year by themselves
(SD ¼ 3.46, range 0–12), and 11.96 incidents by their partner (SD ¼ 26.31, range
0–98). The frequency of events involving physical maltreatment of the child in
the past year by the mothers was 0.19 (SD ¼ 0.62, range 0–3) and by their
partner 1.00 (SD ¼ 3.17, range 0–16). Mothers reported 1.81 incidents of neglect
in the past year (SD ¼ 4.91, range 0–23) and 0.07 incidents of sexual abuse of
the child ever (SD ¼ 0.38, range 0–2). No data on neglect by the partner were
available. In the non-exposed group some incidents of psychological and physi-
cal maltreatment of the child in the last year were reported (psychological
maltreatment child by mother: 3.76 incidents, SD ¼ 5.57, range 0–25; psycho-
logical maltreatment child by partner: 3.67 incidents, SD ¼ 5.87, range 0–25;
physical maltreatment child by mother: 0.07 incidents, SD ¼ 0.26, range 0–1;
physical maltreatment child by partner: 0.00 incidents, SD ¼ 0.00, range 0,
respectively). Mothers reported 0.72 incidents of neglect in the past year in
the nonexposed group (SD ¼ 1.77, range 0–8) and 0 incidents of sexual abuse
of the child ever. There was no significant difference in the number of incidents
of psychological and physical maltreatment (mother and partner combined),
neglect or sexual abuse of children between the IPV-exposed group and nonex-
posed group (t(34.37) ¼ −1.20, p ¼ .238 for psychological maltreatment;
t(26.32) ¼ −1.81, p ¼ .082 for physical maltreatment; t(32.23) ¼ −1.09, p ¼ .284
for neglect; t(26.00) ¼ −1.00, p ¼ .327 for sexual abuse).
We explored the distribution of these demographic variables (i.e., marital
status, parental education, and family income) across groups. As can be seen
in Table 1, the demographic characteristics were highly skewed and unevenly

Table 1. Background variables by group.

IPV exposure Nonexposure
n % n %
Dutch (Yes) 21 77.8 29 100.0
Single parent household (Yes) 21 77.8 1 3.4
Poverty level (Yes) 13 52.0 0 0
Parental educational level
Low 4 14.8 0 0
Middle 17 55.6 5 14.3
High 5 25.9 23 85.7

distributed across groups. To illustrate, the non-IPV-exposed group included

only one single-parent (see Table 1). Given these distributions in combination
with the small sample size, we refrained from controlling for these variables in
our statistical analyses to prevent undue influence. We will come back to this
issue in the discussion.

Correlations between study variables

Table 2 shows the descriptives, and Table 3 shows the Pearson correlations
for the study variables. Violence characteristics were highly correlated with
each other (r ¼ .31–.76) and weakly or moderately correlated with mother–
child communication (r � −.32), maternal post-traumatic stress symptoms
(r � .32), and maternal adverse childhood experiences (r � .50). Character-
istics of mother–child communication were highly correlated (r ¼ .69),
and child contribution of emotion dialogues was negatively associated with
maternal posttraumatic stress symptoms (r ¼ −.32). Maternal posttraumatic
stress symptoms and adverse childhood experiences were moderately asso-
ciated (r ¼ .46). These results indicate that IPV was, as expected, negatively
associated with indicators of mother–child communication and maternal
functioning, and was positively associated with maternal ACEs.

Group differences in maternal posttraumatic stress and adverse

childhood experiences
Maternal posttraumatic stress
Mothers in the IPV-exposed group reported significantly more symptoms of
posttraumatic stress (M ¼ 1.98, SD ¼ 0.88) than mothers in the nonexposed
group (M ¼ 1.17, SD ¼ 0.26; t(29.05) ¼ −4.52, p < .001).

Table 2. Descriptives.
Variable N Range M SD
1. Marital status 56 0–1 .38 .49
2. Parental education 54 1–3 2.44 .63
3. Low family income 52 0–1 .25 .44
4. Psychological aggression self 55 0–105 13.40 23.30
5. Psychological aggression partner 55 0–177 33.50 50.10
6. Physical assault self 55 0–39 2.85 7.87
7. Physical assault partner 55 0–275 21.16 54.89
8. AEED child scales 60 33–56.5 44.90 5.83
9. AEED mother scales 60 28–56.5 45.10 5.95
10. Maternal PTSD 55 1–4.28 1.56 0.78
11. Maternal ACEs 56 0–9 1.96 2.40
Note. Reported variables are winsorized variables. AEED ¼ Autobiographical Emotional Events Dialogue;
PTSD ¼ posttraumatic stress disorder; ACEs ¼ adverse childhood experiences. Marital status is
operationalized as single parent (1) vs. with a partner (0). Parental education was operationalized in three
levels: low (1), middle (2), high (3). Family income was coded as below (0) or above (1) €35.000 annually.

Table 3. Pearson correlations between variables.

Variable 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
1. Marital status −.50*** .76*** .16 .40** .19 .33* −.24 −.12 .60*** .35**
2. Parental education – −.48*** −.08 −.24 −.24 −.16 .25 .25 −.35** −.24
3. Low family income – .17 .37** −.10 .35* −.25 −.03 .68*** .19
4. Psychological – .66*** .76*** .31* −.25 −.16 .12 .43**
aggression self
5. Psychological – .64*** .74*** −.31* −.21 .32* .47***
aggression partner
6. Physical assault self – .37** −.32* −.24 .30* .50***
7. Physical assault partner – −.25 −.18 .31* .34*
8. AEED child scales – .69*** −.32* −.22
9. AEED mother scales – −.16 −.14
10. Maternal PTSD – .46***
11. Maternal ACEs –
Note. Reported variables are winsorized variables. AEED ¼ Autobiographical Emotional Events Dialogue;
PTSD ¼ posttraumatic stress disorder; ACEs ¼ adverse childhood experiences. Marital status is
operationalized as single parent (1) vs. with a partner (0). Parental education was operationalized in three
levels: low (0), middle (1), and high (2). Family income was coded as below (0) or above (1) €35.000 annually.
p < .001. **p < .01. *p < .05.

Maternal ACEs
Mothers in the IPV-exposed group reported overall more adverse childhood
experiences in their own childhood than mothers in the nonexposed group
(see Table 4).

Group differences in AEED classifications and composite scores

The association between group and two-way classifications showed that
mother–child dyads in the IPV-exposed group were significantly more likely
to be classified as emotionally unmatched (24 dyads) than mother–child dyads
in the nonexposed group (14 dyads; χ2(1) ¼ 7.18, p ¼ .007). Fisher’s Exact Test
was used to examine associations between group and four-way classifications,

Table 4. Comparison of number of mothers in non-IPV exposed group and IPV-exposed group
who experienced ACEs.
ACEs Non-IPV (M (SD)) IPV (M (SD)) v2 p
Childhood abuse
Emotional abuse 2 6 2.31 .129
Physical abuse 2 10 6.67 .010
Sexual abuse 4 10 3.35 .067
Emotional neglect 5 13 5.08 .024
Physical neglect 0 5 5.46 .020
Household dysfunction
Divorce/separation 6 7 0.10 .754
Domestic violence 2 9 5.46 .020
Substance abuse 2 9 5.46 .020
Mental illness 6 9 0.80 .371
Incarceration 0 3 3.16 .076
Total ACEs (M (SD)) 1.00 (1.46) 3.00 (2.77) t(38.81) ¼ −3.34 .002

Table 5. Distribution of AEED classifications in non-IPV exposed group and IPV-exposed group.
Emotionally matched Emotionally unmatched
Matched Excessive Flat Inconsistent
Non-IPV exposed group 16 4 6 4
IPV-exposed group 6 3 16 5

because more than 20% of cells had an expected cell frequency lower than
five. IPV-exposed children were less likely to engage in emotionally matched
dialogues and more likely to engage in flat dialogues (Fisher’s Exact ¼ 9.37,
p ¼ .020). The distribution of classifications across both groups can be seen
in Table 5.

AEED composite scores

An independent t-test revealed significant group differences in maternal sensi-
tive guidance (t(58) ¼ 2.08, p ¼ .042, effect size r ¼ .26) and child cooperation
and exploration (t(58) ¼ 3.25, p ¼ .002, effect size r ¼ .39). Mothers in the
IPV-exposed group (M ¼ 43.53, SD ¼ 4.94) showed less sensitive guidance
than mothers in the nonexposed group (M ¼ 46.63, SD ¼ 6.52). Similarly,
children in the IPV-exposed group (M ¼ 42.63, SD ¼ 5.57) showed lower levels
of cooperation and exploration than children in the nonexposed group
(M ¼ 47.17, SD ¼ 5.24).

Group differences in predictors of mother–child interaction

We conducted two MANCOVA’s to examine the effect of IPV exposure,
maternal posttraumatic stress, and maternal adverse childhood experiences on
children’s and mothers’ contributions to emotion dialogues (combined as AEED
composite scores). IPV exposure was significantly associated with dyadic inter-
action (F(2,57) ¼ 5.20, p ¼ .008, partial η2 ¼ .15, Wilks’ Lambda ¼ .85). Second,
we examined associations between IPV exposure, maternal posttraumatic
stress symptoms, maternal adverse childhood experiences and AEED com-
posite scores. Neither maternal posttraumatic stress (F(2,50) ¼ .71, p ¼ .50,
partial η2 ¼ .03, Wilks’ Lambda ¼ .97), nor maternal adverse childhood
experiences (F(2,50) ¼ .08, p ¼ .93, partial η2 < .01, Wilks’ Lambda ¼ .99) con-
tributed to explaining the total composite score of dyadic interaction. In
addition, IPV exposure was no longer a predictor of AEED composite scores
(F(2,50) ¼ 1.08, p ¼ .35, partial η2 ¼ .04, Wilks’ Lambda ¼ .96).

Our goals for this study were to examine whether mother–child emotion
dialogues among IPV-exposed dyads showed less quality than dialogues
among non-exposed dyads, and to test associations with maternal

posttraumatic stress symptoms and maternal history of adverse childhood

experiences. We found support for our hypothesis that mother–child emotion
dialogues are of lesser quality in IPV-exposed families than in nonexposed
families. Specifically, we found that in IPV-exposed families, as compared
to nonexposed families, significantly more dyads had emotionally unmatched
emotion dialogues, most of which were classified as “flat.” Flat dialogues are
characterized by a lack of involvement of both parent and child, low elabor-
ation, and poor development of the stories. Both partners display a lack of
interest in the task. Furthermore, mothers of the IPV-exposed dyads showed
less sensitive guidance and children of the IPV-exposed dyads showed less
cooperation and exploration than mothers and children in nonexposed dyads.
Consistent with previous studies (Bensley et al., 2003; Lieberman, 2004),
maternal posttraumatic stress symptoms and maternal history of ACEs were
significantly higher in the IPV-exposed families than in the nonexposed
group. However, contrary to our expectations, maternal posttraumatic stress
symptoms and maternal ACEs were not associated with the quality of
mother–child dialogues. Furthermore, when associations between IPV
exposure, maternal posttraumatic stress symptoms, and maternal ACEs, were
examined at the same time, none of the three contributed to explaining
maternal and child contribution on parent–child emotion dialogues.
Based on the existing literature, we predicted that the lower quality of
mother–child interaction in IPV-exposed families may be explained by several
mechanisms. One mechanism we examined was maternal posttraumatic
stress, which was not significant. The AEED focuses on dialogues about daily
child experiences, rather than IPV experiences. Although maternal posttrau-
matic stress may impair maternal contribution to emotion dialogues with
their child about IPV experiences, maternal contribution to dialogues about
daily events may be impaired by other factors. For example, other risk factors
associated with IPV, such as poor economic circumstances or single parent-
hood, may impede mothers’ availability in emotion dialogues about everyday
life emotional experiences with their children (Visser, Schoemaker, de
Schipper, Lamers-Winkelman, & Finkenauer, 2015). Also, it is possible that
mothers avoid talking about negative emotions such as anger and anxiety
because these emotions may function as a reminder of their own traumatic
IPV experiences (Lieberman, 2004). Consequently, for flat dyads, we would
expect a negative association between maternal posttraumatic stress avoidant
symptoms and maternal sensitive guiding behavior. Larger samples would be
needed to examine this hypothesis. Our sample of IPV-exposed mothers
showed relatively low posttraumatic stress levels, which may be due to the fact
that our sample is based on a sample of chilren referred to the outpatient
clinic, and included only participants in which both custodial parents gave
permission to participate in the research. Future studies may involve IPV
victims in shelters, for example, to increase the variance of posttraumatic

stress among mothers and examine its association with parent–child emotion
dialogues. Furthermore, given the observed differences between the IPV-
exposed and nonexposed group on demographic variables (e.g., single
motherhood, socio-economic status), it is possible that third variables affected
our results. Larger studies allowing a better match between the two groups on
these variables or providing the statistical power to examine their effects on
the observed differences in quality of mother–child emotion dialogues
between the two groups would be particularly relevant. Another mechanism,
which we examined, centered on maternal ACEs. Again, we found no support
for our prediction that lower quality mother–child interaction would be partly
explained by maternal ACEs. Possibly, qualitative differences in maternal
trauma may be more important to the quality of emotion dialogues than
the mere frequency of ACEs, we measured in our study. Future research
should, for example, examine whether maternal childhood trauma resolution
in IPV mothers is related to AEED unmatched classifications (Koren-Karie
et al., 2004).
It is also possible that mechanisms not assessed in our study are at play. For
example, IPV-exposed children may be less cooperative and exploring than
nonexposed children, because role reversal and parentification may be more
prevalent in IPV families (Carroll, Olson, & Buckmiller, 2007). IPV-exposed
children may want to prevent their mother from becoming upset (Holt et al.,
2008). Consequently, rather than reacting to mother’s actual emotions during
the dialogue, children may anticipate their mother’s vulnerabilities or stress
and try to protect her.
Finally, it is possible that IPV-exposed and nonexposed families differ in
other dyadic processes in the interaction between mothers and children.
For example, IPV-exposed children are likely to exhibit more challenging
behavior than nonexposed children (e.g., aggressive, deviant; Kitzmann
et al., 2003). Although parents are generally capable of adapting their parental
behavior and sensitive caregiving in accordance with the particular needs of
different children (Van IJzendoorn, Goldberg, Kroonenberg, & Frenkel,
1992), IPV may impair parents’ sensitivity especially when children’s behavior
is challenging. Future research including larger samples of IPV-exposed
dyads, would be particularly promising in the examination of these different
mechanisms, and would ideally allow researchers to pit different mechanisms
against each other.

Clinical implications
The results of this study have significant implications for clinical practice. The
results show that in clinical practice when working with IPV-exposed families
there is a higher risk that parent–child emotion dialogues will be flat. Specifi-
cally, our findings suggest that interventions that increase maternal sensitivity

and children’s cooperation and exploration may help to improve the quality
of parent–child emotion dialogues, and, thus ameliorate the parent–child
relationship. Higher quality parent-child relationships may facilitate children’s
adjustment to IPV exposure and promote children’s healthy development (Afifi
& MacMillan, 2011).
A promising direction for future research is the question whether the qual-
ity of parent–child emotion dialogues generalizes to parent–child emotion
dialogues about IPV experiences. Additionally, it may be clinically relevant,
to know if the capacity to create a trauma narrative for children requires
the same skills and abilities as those needed in parent–child emotion dialogues
about stressful events.
Our findings also underline that parents and children both contribute to
these dialogues together. Several trauma treatments already recognize the
importance of children’s meaning-making (Chaffin et al., 2004; Deblinger,
Mannarino, Cohen, Runyon, & Steer, 2011; Lieberman, Van Horn, & Ippen,
2005; Valentino, Comas, Nuttall, & Thomas, 2013; Visser, Leeuwenburgh, &
Lamers-Winkelman, 2007). For example, child parent psychotherapy high-
lights the importance of a relationship focus in the treatment of mother–child
dyads after IPV exposure and helps the child and the mother in creating a
joint trauma narrative (Lieberman et al., 2005). Child parent psychotherapy
is specifically developed for IPV-exposed children aged 0–5, and the
mother–child dyad is the unit of treatment. Furthermore, Valentino et al.
(2013) studied the efficacy of a short training for maltreating parents in elab-
orative and emotion-rich reminiscing with their children to benefit child cog-
nitive and emotional development. Future research examining the efficacy of
this training to benefit cognitive and emotional processing of IPV experiences
in children may be promising.

Strengths and limitations

Before closing, it is important to note several strengths and constraints of the
present study. One strength of the present study is the use of an observational
measure to capture both mothers’ and children’s contribution to emotion
dialogues. By comparing an IPV-exposed group with a nonexposed group,
our study has laid the foundations for more in-depth research into the
links between mother–child emotion dialogues and child adjustment in
IPV-exposed families. Both research investigating the mechanisms underlying
the observed group differences, as well as research examining the clinical
applications of our findings would be especially promising.
Several limitations of this study should be acknowledged. First, only
mothers participated in the study. The lack of information about father-child
emotion dialogues hampers the generalizability of the findings to parent-child
relationships. Fathers seem to contribute in unique ways to children’s

emotional development (Katz, Maliken, & Stettler, 2012) and mothers appear
to talk more about emotional aspects of experiences and use more emotion
words than fathers in parent–child emotion dialogues about daily events
(Fivush, Brotman, Buckner, & Goodman, 2000). These gender differences
suggest that paternal and maternal dialogues may differentially affect children
and their development. Second, the sample sizes of the groups in our study
were relatively small. This not only detracted from the statistical power of
our analyses, but also prevented us from examining the confounding influ-
ence of third variables associated with IPV and present in our IPV-exposed
group (e.g., single parenthood, lower education, and income).
We are not claiming that IPV always impairs emotional dialogues. Our goal
here was to demonstrate, for the first time, that they can. Given the limita-
tions, it is unclear at this point whether there are boundary conditions to this
effect. Several interesting questions remain to be addressed. Is the effect
limited to certain types of emotional dialogues? Is the effect dependent on
individual differences or situational characteristics? Does the effect change
with age and child development? Is this effect limited to IPV, or do other
types of child abuse have similar consequences? And how exactly can we help
parents, children, and their relationship to enable them to reclaim some
degree of wellbeing and emotional security after IPV?
In sum, awaiting future research, we conclude that, to our knowledge, this
is the first study in which an in-depth comparison is made between mother–
child emotion dialogues in IPV-exposed dyads and nonexposed dyads. In
IPV-exposed dyads, as compared to nonexposed dyads, mother–child dialo-
gues were more poorly developed, and dyads were less interested and involved
in the interaction. Also, in the IPV-exposed dyads, mothers showed less sensi-
tive guidance and children showed less cooperative and exploring behavior
during dialogues. These differences were not associated with maternal post-
traumatic stress symptoms or maternal ACEs. These results suggest the
importance to focus on parent–child emotion dialogues in the treatment of
children in the aftermath of IPV exposure. Crucially, they underline that
the parent–child relationship needs to be considered to enhance our
understanding of the effects of IPV on families.

We like to thank Janet van Bavel for the excellent way she manages the Academic Center
of Child Abuse in the Netherlands and coordinates the various projects, and Prof. Carlo
Schuengel for his scientific advice. We like to thank management and professionals of the
Children’s Trauma Centers of GGZ Rivierduinen, Fier, and Kenter Jeugdhulp for making it
possible to include the participating families. We like to thank Karlijn Balm, Rosalie van
den Eijnden, Annelies de Kruijf, Hennerieke Rietberg, Machteld Telman, Ivanka van Delft,
and all students for their help with the data collection. And last but not least, we like to thank
all participating children and parents for making this study possible.

This study is funded by ZonMw, the Dutch organization for healthcare research and innova-
tive care (project number 15901.0004). This study is part of the Academic Center of Child
Abuse in the Netherlands. One of the center’s aims is to develop and study treatment methods
for children who are abused.

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