SBM Tool-For Assessment
SBM Tool-For Assessment
SBM Tool-For Assessment
Name of School
Address: SAN MIGUEL ZDS Date Accomplished: 14/1/2019
School Head: BETTY M. BLASCO
Part I: Introduction
The Revised School-Based Management (SBM) Assessment tool is guided by the four principles of ACCESs
(A Child-and Community-Centered Education System). The Indicators of SBM practice are contextualized on the
ideals of an ACCESs school system. The unit of analysis is the school system which are classified as developing,
maturing and advanced (accredited level). The SBM practice is ascertained by the existence of structured
mechanisms,processes and practices in all indicators. A team of practitioners and experts from the district,
division, region and central office validates the self-study/assessment before a level of SBM practice is established.
A school on the advanced level may apply for accreditation. The highest level, the "advanced," is a candidacy for
Part II: Basic School/Learning Center (LC) Information:
Name of School Head/LC Head: BETTY M. BLASCO
Part III: Instruction to the Users:
Please indicate using a check mark the extent of SBM practice for each indicator listed below (numbered) based
on the validation team's consensual agreements after systematic D-O-D (Document Analysis-Observation-Discussion).
On the other hand, for indicators with no evidence just indicate zero.
Part IV: Rating Scale:
0- No evidence
1- Evidence indiates developing structures and mechanisms are in place to demonstrate ACCESs
2- Evidence indicates planned practices and procedures are fully implemented and aligned to ACCESs
3- Evidence indicates practices and procedure satisfy quality standards
A network of leadership and governance guides the education system to achieve its shared vision,
mission and goals making them responsive and relevant to the context of diverse environments.
A. Indicators 1 2 3 MOVs
1. In place is a ### 1 The development plan The development plan is The development plan SIP – AIP (Extent of participation
Development Plan guided by the school's evolved through the is enhanced with the of stakeholders)
(e.g. SIP) developed vision, mission and goal shared leadership of the community performing thSGC, SPT
collaboratively by the (VMG) is developed school and the community leadership roles, and theAnnual Procurement Plan
stakeholders of the through the leadership stakeholders. school providing technicalAnnual Budget
school and community. of the school and the support. Documentation of the SIP Process
participation of some (Minutes of the Meeting, Attendance
invited community SRC
2. The development plan 1 The school leads the The school and community The community stakeholdSGC Project
(e.g. SIP) is regularly regular review and stakeholders working as lead the regular review a Team/Monitoring Team
reviewed by the improvement of the full partners, lead the improvement process; Reviewed/adjusted
school community to development plan. continual review and the school stakeholders SIP
keep it responsive and improvement of the facilitate the process. SMEPA docs
relevant to emerging development plan. Documentation of
needs, challenges and the SIP Review Process
opportunities. (Minutes of the Meeting, Attendance
3. The school is organized 1 The school defines the The school and community Guided by an agreed School Faculty Association
by a clear structure and organizational structure, collaboratively define the organizational structure, School Governing Council Structure
work arrangements that and the roles and structure and the roles the community Parents-Teachers Association – (DO N
promote shared responsibilities of and responsibilities of stakeholders lead in 54, s. 2009, DO No. 67, s. 2009
leadership and stakeholders. stakeholders. defining the organizationaSupreme Student Government/Pupil
governance and define structure and the roles a (DM 4, s. 2012)
the roles and responsibilities; school Organizational Charts
responsibilities of the provides technical and Constitution and By-Laws/Students H
stakeholders. administrative support. Child
Child Protection
Protection Policy/Committee
4. A leadership network 1 A network has been The network actively The network allows easy SRC
facilitates communication collaboratively provides stakeholders exchange and access to Communication Plan/Communication
between and among established and is information for making information sources beyoCommunication System
school and community continuously improved decisions and solving the school community. School Website, Newsletter
leaders for informed by the school learning and Linkages/partnerships with BLGU an
decision-making and community. administrative problems. Sectoral Groups MOA, MOU, etc.
solving of school- (Minutes of the Meeting, Photos)
community wide- Inventory of Projects given by stakeh
learning problems.
5. A long term program 1 Developing structures Leaders undertake training Leaders assume T&D System
is in operation that are in place and analysis modes that are convenient responsibility for their Individual Plan for Professional Dev’t
addresses the training of the competency and to them (on-line, off-line, own training and School Plan for Professional Develop
and development development needs of modular, group, or home- development. School for School Heads
needs of school and leaders is conducted; based) and which do not community leaders worki Training and Development Plan for S
community leaders. result is used to develop disrupt their regular individually or in groups, Community Leaders
a long-term training and functions. Leaders monitor coach and mentor one Training Designs, Developmental Ne
development program. and evaluate their own another to achieve (IPCRF)
learning progress. their VMG. Terminal Reports ,Certificates of Atte
TOTAL NO. OF CHECKMARKS 5 ### 0 ### 0 Trainings/Seminar/LAC Sessions
2. The implemented 1 Local beliefs, norms,### The localized curriculum Best practices in localizinLocalized Curriculum support materi
curriculum is localized values, traditions, is implemented and the curriculum are Contextualized LMs
to make it more folklores, current events, monitored closely to mainstreamed and (Big Books, ( Curriculum Adaptation
meaningful to the and existing technologies ensure that it makes benchmarked by other MTB Dictionary)
learners and are documented and learning more meaningful schools. Improvised/Localized LMs
applicable to life in used to develop a and pleasurable, produces There is marked increase IMs/DLL
the community lasting curriculum. desired learning outcomes, in number of projects that
Localization guidelines and directly improves uses the community as
are agreed to by community life. Ineffective learning laboratory,
school community and approaches are and the school as an agent
teachers are properly replaced and innovative of change for improvement
oriented. ones are developed. of the community.
3. A representative group 1 A representative team Learning materials and Materials and approachesLinkages with CSOs/NGOs/HEIs in
of school and community of school and community approaches to reinforce are being used in school, improving Quality of Instruction
stakeholders develop stakeholders assess strengths and address in the family and in Visual Aids Digitized IMs
the methods and content and methods deficiencies are developed community to develop Quality Assured and accepted Locali
materials for developing used in teaching and tested for critical thinking and QA Team for Learning Resource Mate
creative thinking and creative, critical thinking applicability on school, problem solving community of
and problem solving. and problem solving. family and community. learners and are producing
Assesment results are desired results.
used as guide to
develop materials.
4. The learning systems 1 A school-based The school-based The monitoring system is
are regularly and monitoring and learning monitoring and learning accepted and regularly Supervisory Plan
collaboratively monitored system is conducted systems generate used for collective decisi Classroom Observation Tools/Checkl
by the community using regularly and feedback that is used for making. Feedback Monitoring Form
appropriate tools to cooperatively; making decisions that PTA Conferences
ensure the holistic and feedback is shared enhance the total AttendanceSheets/Minutes of the
growth and development with stakeholders. development of learners. Meeting/Photos
of the learners and the SMEA
community. 1 The system uses a tool A committee take care of The monitoring tool has Guidance Forms
that monitors the the continuous been improved to provide
holistic development improvement of both quantitative and
of learners. the tool. qualitative data.
5. Apprropriate 1 The assessment tools
### The assessment tools are School assessment resultTeachers’ Test Notebook
assessment tools for are reviewed by the reviewed by the school are used to develop Teachers’ Portfolio
teaching and learning school and assessment community and results learning programs that Test Results & Test, Item Analysis
are continuously results are shared with are shared with community are suited to community Table of Specifications
reviewed and improved, school's stakeholders. stakeholders. and customized to Test Item Bank
and assessment results each learners' context, Formative/Summative Tests
are contextualized to results of which are used Remediation Programs
the learner and local for collaborative Enhanced Assessment Tools adopted
situation and the decision-making.
attainment of relevant
life skills.
6. Learning managers and 1 Stakeholders are aware Stakeholders begin to Learning environments, Posters to promote rights of children
facilitators (teachers, of child/learner-centered practice child/learner- methods and resources Training of Teachers on GAD
administrators and rights-based, and centered principles of are community driven, Child Protection Committee Organize
community members) inclusive principles of education in the design of inclusive and adherent School-Based Child Protection Policy
nurture values and education. support to education. to child's rights and intake Sheets
environments that are protection requirements. Policy Implementation
protective of all 1 Learning managers and Learning managers and Report cum CFSS
children and demonstrate facilitators conduct facilitators apply the Learning managers and WINS PROGRAM
behaviors consistent to activities aimed to principles in designing facilitators observe Co-curricular Activities Report (ex: S
the organization's increase stakeholders learning materials. leaners' rights from Instruction, Science Camp, etc.)
vision, mission and goals awareness and designing the curriculum Students Handbook
commitment to to structuring the whole
fundamental rights of learning environment.
children and the basic
principle of educating
7. Methods and resources 1 Practices, tools and Practices, tools, and There is continuous Modules
are learner and materials for developing materials for developing exchange of information, Learning Resources
community-friendly, self-directed learners self-directed learners are sharing of expertise and Student’s Portfolios
enjoyable, safe, are highly observable beginning to emerge in materials among the Library Services
inclusive, accessible and in school, but not in the homes and in the schools, home and Guidance Services
aimed at developing the home or in the community. community for the Computer/Science/TLE Laboratory
self-directed learners. community. development of self- ADM Modules
Learners are equipped The program is directed learners. Awards received by Learners/teache
with essential knowledge, 1 Learning programs are collaboratively head/school/non-teaching
skills, and values to designed and developed implemented and The program is Learners-initiated projects
assume responsibility to produce learners monitored by teachers mainstreamed but Classroom Structuring
accountability for their who are responsible and and parents to ensure continuously improve Reading Centers
own learning. accountable for their that it produces desired to make relevant to Study Sheds/Reading Nooks
learning. learners. emergent demands.
2. A regular dialogue for 1 Stakeholders are Stakeholders are regularly Stakeholders collaborate Resource Programming
planning and resource invited to participate in engaged in the planning ensure timely and need- Process: Regular Resource Planning
programming, that is the development of an and resource based planning and Strategic Planning
accessible and inclusive, educational plan in programming, and in the resource programming anOutput: Human Resource Dev’t
continuously engage resource programming, implementation of the support continuous Plan (HRDP)- Financial Mgt. Dev’t Pla
stakeholders and support and in the education plan. implementation of the Technology Resource Improvement P
implementation of implementation of the education plan. School Physical Dev,t Plan (SPDP)
plans. education educational plan. Annual Procurement
IGP Sustainability Plan
3. In place is a community- 1 Stakeholders support Stakeholders are engaged Stakeholders sustain the Mechanisms: - Updated Transparenc
developed resource judicious, appropriate, and share expertise in the implementation and (MOOE, PTA, IGP, Canteen Fund, Don
management system that and effective use of collaborative development improvement of a Innovations for the collective and jud
drives appropriate resources. of resource management colaboratively developed,utilization and transparent, effective
behaviors of the system. periodically adjusted, andresource management system
stakeholders to ensure constituent-focused
judicious, appropriate, resource management
and effective use of
resources. system.
4. Regular monitoring, 1 Stakeholders are invited Stakeholders Stakeholders are engagedSMEPA of the following:
evaluation, and reporting to participate in the collaboratively participate held accountable and Human Resource Dev’t Plan (HRDP)
processes of resource development and in the development and implement a collaborativeFinancial Mgt. Dev’t Plan (FMDP)
management are implementation of implementation of developed system of Technology Resource Improvement P
collaboratively developed monitoring, evaluation, monitoring, evaluation, and monitoring, evaluation anSchool Physical Dev,t Plan (SPDP)
and implemented by the and reporting processes reporting processes on reporting for resource Annual Procurement Plan (APP)
learning managers, on resource resource management. management. Inventory List of all resources
community and stakeholders. management.
5. There is a system that 1 An engagement Stakeholders support a An established system of Cash Disbursement (MOOE)
manages the network procedure to identify and system of partnerships for partnership is managed Transparency Board
and linkages which utilize partnerships with improving resource and sustained by the Financial Reports (PTA, IGP, Canteen
strength and sustain stakeholders for management. stakeholders for continuoClubs/Organization)
partnerships for improving resource improvement of resource
improving resource management is evident. management.
LEVEL I: DEVELOPING - developing structures and mechanisms with acceptable level and extent of community
participation and impact on learning outcomes.
LEVEL II: MATURING - Introducing and sustaining continuous improvement process that integrates wider community
participation and significantly improve performance and learning outcomes.
LEVEL III: ADVANCED (ACCREDITED) - Ensuring the production of intended outputs/outcomes and meeting all
standards of a system fully integrated in the local community and is self-renewing and self- sustaining.
of participation
ent Plan
By-Laws/Students Handbook
Plan/Communication Flow
ships with BLGU and other
MOA, MOU, etc.
Meeting, Photos)
ects given by stakeholders.
Developmental Needs
,Certificates of Attendance to
r/LAC Sessions
f Best Practices
riculum Adaptation
ized LMs
Os/NGOs/HEIs in
y of Instruction
zed IMs
and accepted Localized LMs
ning Resource Materials Development
s/Minutes of the
ative Tests
ment Tools adopted from Partners
e/TLE Laboratory
by Learners/teachers/school
d projects
ding Nooks
Government/Supreme Pupil
4, s. 2012)
os, Minutes of the
g the Crafting of Definition
ponsibilities of School
MSQuarterly Meeting/Conduct
Resource Planning and Programming through
Resource Dev’t
ancial Mgt. Dev’t Plan (FMDP)
urce Improvement Plan (TRIP)
Dev,t Plan (SPDP)
ent Plan
Dev’t Plan (HRDP)
v’t Plan (FMDP)
urce Improvement Plan (TRIP)
Dev,t Plan (SPDP)
ent Plan (APP)
all resources
ent (MOOE)
A. Access (Enrolment Increase) 45%
B. Efficiency (Completion Rate,
Cohort Survival Rate, Drop-out Rate 25%
C. Quality NAT/ School MPS 30%
B Efficiency (25%)
Rating Description Indicator
1 Marginal 0,01 - 2,0% decrease 1
2 Average 2.01 - 4.0 % decrease
3 High more than 4% decrease
Communlative Scores of
Validators per Principle