True Stress-Strain ME 207 - Chapter 3 - P3
True Stress-Strain ME 207 - Chapter 3 - P3
True Stress-Strain ME 207 - Chapter 3 - P3
h True stress (ı )މis the force divided by the actual area: V c F A
h By the constancy of volume: V A
L Ao
Lo , we can obtain:
L L Lo
& H
1 V c
1 H V 1 H
A Ao
Lo Lo Lo Ao
h True strain (İ )މis change in length with respect to the instant length: Lo Ao
ln L Lo & L 1 H Lo ln 1 H
Hc ³L0
dL L Hc
h For many materials, the correlation between true stress and true strain has
been found to be approximately represented by equation below:
Vc K
c n
K : strength coefficient
n : strain hardening exponent
(i.e. slope of log-log plot)
n = 0 (perfectly malleable solid)
n = 1 (elastic solid)
Figure 22
Tensile Properties of Steel
h Alloy content, heat treatment and fabrication (production) process are
the variables affecting tensile and other properties of steel. The following
factors influence the selection procedure of steels:
b. Yield and tensile strength of carbon steels are strongly affected by their
carbon content regardless of alloy content. Increasing carbon content will
increase yield and tensile strength, but decrease ductility (see Fig. 23).
h The test is fundamentally dynamic, but due to the low speed of testing
involved, it is considered to be quasi-static for all practical purposes.
h There are several factors affecting these tests (e.g. metallurgical factors
as well as testing and environmental conditions).
Variables Related to Test Specimen
h In theory, if a material is of uniform quality, the geometrically similar size of
specimens would not affect the test results considerably. However, in
practice, mechanical properties change with size.
h This is called “size effect”,
which is observed in fatigue
and brittle fracture according
to the statistical distribution of
defects in microstructure.
h Different sizes for the same
material would give different
property values (as in table).
Variables Related to Test Specimen
h Shape also affects the results.
Fig. 24 shows standard tensile
test specimens (TS 138).
Figure 24
Variables Related to Test Specimen
h Fig. 25a shows how ductility and shape of stress-strain diagram varies with
Lo/do ratio. The reduction of area is independent of Lo/do for values of > 2
and drastically reduced for values of < 2. This is called “notch sensitivity”.
The term “notch” implies any kind of stress concentration effect.
h Small ratios convert ductile type of stress-strain curves to brittle type (as in
Fig. 25b). Stress concentrations are unimportant where static loads are
acting on ductile materials. However, brittle materials have limited capacity
of plastic flow, so a notch adversely affects strength causing sudden failure.
Figure 25
Variables Related to Testing Machine
h Fig. 26 illustrates two commonly used testing machines by which tension
and compression tests in uniaxial direction can be performed. Electronic
version of these testers are also available.
Figure 26
Hydraulic Universal Testing Machine
Screw (Crosshead) Type Testing Machine
1 Frame
2 Tension space
3 Pump
4 Valve
5 Dynamometer
6 Compression space
h The factors related to the testing machine are: strain rate and strain history,
rigidity of machine, load and extension measuring device, gripping devices.
Variables Related to Testing Machine
h Strain rate (dİ/dt) is related to the speed of gripping
High strain rate
heads. Fig. 27 shows the effect of strain rate (curve
shifts upwards at higher speeds). Low strain rate
Various ASTM requirements on strain rate Strain rates for metallic materials (DIN)
Material ASTM Max. Crosshead Speed (mm/min) For determination of dı/dt 1 (kg/mm2s)
Tested Ref. To yield To ultimate Load rate upper yield point dİ/dt 0.3 (% / minute)
Metallic E8 0.062 mm 0.5 mm per Maximum 70 For determination of
dİ/dt 10 (% / minute)
materials* per mm of mm of gauge kg/mm2/min lower yield point
Steel prod.* A370 gauge length above to yield For determination of
Gray CI A48 length 10 kg/mm2 tensile strength (before dİ/dt 40 (% / minute)
Specified Grip Speed (mm/min) reaching max. force)
Plastics D638 1.30 5 - 6.35 1.32 - 1.4 kg/s
Hard rubber D530
Soft rubber D142 500
* The values are also recommended in TS 138
Variables Related to Testing Machine
h Strain history also modifies the stress-strain diagram. When a material is
subjected to a cycle of loading and unloading, some energy is dissipated
by the specimen, which is called “hysteresis effect”. It is an important
consideration in the treatment of “anelasticity” and “fatigue”.
h Similar to rigidity of machine, gripping devices also must be stiff and rigid
(i.e. no bending effect on the specimen should occur).
Variables Related to Testing Machine