Prosiding Paper 2010 Edit
Prosiding Paper 2010 Edit
Prosiding Paper 2010 Edit
Mohd Nizam Bin A. Rashid1, Dr Wahyu Mulyo Utomo2
Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia,
86400 Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor.
Abstract-The Smart Stretcher for Medical passing a curve due to the friction of the
Industries is a mobile machine that can detect tire and the floor.
and folow the line drawn on the floor. In this
project, the path is predifined visible a white line This kind of robot can be used for hospital
on a black surface. A smart Stretcher robot is usage systems, blind assitive application.
divided into two main parts, namely the
controller and the prime mover system. For the Therefore, The Smart Stretcher structure and
controller system, PIC16F877A micro controller architecture issues and challenges along with thier
are used for this robot. Source code for technical issues and problems will be discussed in
programming is create using Micro C software section 2 and the programming subjects will be
and a coding code is programmed into explained in section 3 and the algorithms and
PIC16F877A using PIC burner. While on the solution os passing the lines will be illastrated in
prime mover, a circuit built and connected to section 4.
sensors circuit and DC motors. This Smart
Stretcher can sense the line with its Infrared Ray
(IR) sensors that installed under the robot. This
smart Stretcher designed with five modes of
operation, turn left/right, forward/reverse, and Line follower robot structure
stop. The data is transmitted to the processor by
specific transition buses. Hence, the processor is The electrical circuit of some line follower
going to decide the proper commands and then it robots can compare the analog signal received form
send them to the driver motor and thus the path sensors and then transmit the result to the processor
will be followed by the The Smart Stretcher. in digit ‘0’ or ‘1’ and some of them send the analog
signals to the processor ought to convert them to
digital form. Anyway, the analog signals must be
converted to the digital form and then tthe
processor can process them.
Generally, The Smart Stretcher is one of the
The main elements of electrical structure are :
self operating mobile machines that follows a line
drawn on the floor. The path designed with white Sensors
line on a black surface. The basic operations of the
Analog to Digital Converter
line follower are as follows:
Capturing the line position with optical Motor Driver.
sensors mounted at the front end of the
robot. Most are using several numbers of
photo-reflectors. Therefore, the line
Sensor Array
4. The driver