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Comparison of Efficacy of Methylprednisolone

and Triamcinolone in Osteoarthritis of the Knee:
A Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blind Study
Piyush Jain1, Sanjeev Kumar Jain2
Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopedics, Teerthanker Mahaveer Medical College, Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, India, 2Professor,

Department of Anatomy, Teerthanker Mahaveer Medical College, Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, India

Background: Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease and a common complaint among the elderly patients. Intra-articular
steroids have a promising role in not only providing a better analgesia but also delay the surgical intervention in knee arthropathy.
We organized a double-blind comparative study to evaluate the efficacy of Methylprednisolone and Triamcinolone for reduction
of pain in cases of knee osteoarthritis.
Materials and Methods: We enrolled 60 patients from our Department of Orthopaedics and conducted a randomized, double-blind
comparative study in patients complaining of knee pain. The patients were divided into two groups: Group I (30 patients) - Inj.
Methylprednisolone 80 mg/ml and Group II (30 patients) - Inj. Triamcinolone 40 mg/ml. Our patients were instructed to regularly
visit the out-patient department of our institute every 15 days for the next 12 weeks. During 3 months, patients were evaluated
(symptoms and physical examination) every 4 weeks and asked to fill up the Visual Analog Scale (VAS), Western Ontario
MacMaster (WOMAC), and Knee Society Score (KSS).
Results: On observing 100 mm VAS score, while walking 20 m, a statistical difference was found during inter-group comparison
of VAS scores after 8-week duration of intra-articular injection (P = 0.01). On observing the WOMAC score after 8 weeks of intra-
articular injection (P = 0.001), a statistically significant difference was observed between Group I (96.23 ± 27.59) and Group II
(123.31 ± 25.56). On observing KSS score, 8-week duration; Group I (59.25 ± 8.72) and Group II (53.34 ± 8.90) revealed a
statistically significant difference among them (P = 0.01).
Conclusion: Both intra-articular corticosteroids (Methylprednisolone and Triamcinolone) possess a safer profile, but the use
of Methylprednisolone provides more immediate and prolonged improvement in pain, stiffness, and improves joint function.

Key words: Intra-articular steroids, Methylprednisolone, Osteoarthritis, Triamcinolone

INTRODUCTION trauma, mal-alignment, and genetics).2 The most common

joint affected by osteoarthritis is knee and a recent literature
Osteoarthritis is a very common orthopedic complaint search revealed that more than 10% males and more than
of elderly and imparts great physical and mental stress to 13% females are suffering from this joint degenerative
the patient. It is a joint degenerative disorder affecting the disease.3
joint cartilage leading to joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and
disability.1 It carries a multi-factorial etiology (age, obesity, Various treatment modalities had been proposed over
50 years of knee research. Non-pharmacological techniques
Access this article online comprised of weight loss, patient education, and regular
exercise are recommended in treatment guidelines. The
Month of Submission : 06-2015 combined role of non-pharmacological and pharmacological
Month of Peer Review : 07-2015 (aspirin, acetoaminophen, NSAIDS, etc.) techniques
Month of Acceptance : 07-2015 has shown to be most convincing. 4-7 However, the
Month of Publishing : 08-2015 pharmacological drugs are having side effects and exposing
the major systems of the body to dreadful conditions.

Corresponding Author: Sanjeev Kumar Jain, Professor, Department of Anatomy, Teerthanker Mahaveer Medical College,
Moradabad - 244 001, Uttar Pradesh, India. Phone: +91-9997168754. E-mail: drskjain2005@rediffmail.com

International Journal of Scientific Study | August 2015 | Vol 3 | Issue 5 58

Jain and Jain: Drug Study on Osteoarthritis

Intra-articular steroids have been also practiced since a long They were instructed to visit regularly to the out-patient
time, but extensive Medline/Cochrane search revealed a department of our institute every 15 days for the next
very little convincing result regarding the proper choice of 12 weeks. In the 3 months period, patients were evaluated
drug. Intra-articular steroids are a good alternative for the (symptoms and physical examination) for every 4 weeks and
patients with Osteoarthritis. These agents have a better and asked to fill up the VAS Scale, Western Ontario MacMaster
safer profile as compared to oral drugs in terms of adverse (WOMAC) and Knee Society Score (KSS). After
effects/contraindications of the later. Moreover, Intra- completing the questionnaire, the individual scores were
articular steroids impart a better pain relief by delivering added and finally total score was determined. Moreover,
and also delays any surgical intervention thereby improving we also examined the presence or absence of osteoarthritis
the patient’s quality of life.8 problems (joint swelling, crepitation, and tenderness).

Corticosteroids are the most extensive used over the Statistical Analysis
years by many researchers for intra-articular injection. All the parametric data were analyzed using Student’s t-test
Data regarding the comparison between hyaluronic and non-parametric data were using Chi-Square/Fisher test
acid with corticosteroids has revealed that the intra- whichever is applicable. Data were analyzed using statistical
articular administration of the former drug causes package for social sciences (SPSS) version 19.0. A P < 0.05
better and long term pain relief in the patients with knee was considered as statistically significant.
osteoarthritis.9-16 However, the recent studies and the
meta-analysis comparing the efficacy of hyaluronic acid RESULTS
in knee osteoarthritis showed that there was no significant
differences observed among the use of intra-articular We enrolled 60 patients in our study, but 4 of them refused
corticosteroid/hyaluronic acid receiving patients even at to be a part of the study as they could not turn out for
3 or 6 months follow-up.16 the routine follow-ups. So, the study was conducted on
56 patients (28 patients in each group). The demographic
The above controversial role of corticosteroids advocates characteristics were observed to be comparable (P > 0.05)
more extensive research regarding its use in osteoarthritis. between the groups (Table 1).
Based on this, we organized a study to compare the efficacy
in pain relief of two steroidal agents (Methylprednisolone On observing the 100 mm VAS score while walking 20 m,
and Triamcinolone) administered by intra-articular route the patients were found to be comparable on baseline
in patients of knee osteoarthritis. parameters in both the groups (Table 2). There was no
statistical difference in Group I (7.56 ± 1.09) and Group II
(7.12 ± 1.34) on observing the VAS score for 4 weeks
MATERIALS AND METHODS after drug administration (P = 0.17). However, a statistical
difference was found during inter-group comparison of
We conducted a randomized, double-blind comparative
study in the Department of Orthopedics, TMMCRC,
Moradabad, India, during July-December 2014. Table 1: Demographic characteristics (mean±SD)
Variables Group I (n=28) Group II (n=28) P value
The American College of Rheumatolog y graded Age (years) 58.78±7.63 59.92±6.21 0.52
Osteoar thritis, knee patients with the ag e of Sex (M:F) 12:18 9:21 0.27
30-65 years, having joint pain, pain score of more than Weight (kg) 66.47±8.35 68.26±7.93 0.39
40 mm on 100 mm Visual Analog Scale (VAS), bony Height (m) 1.58±0.09 1.60±0.07 0.34
SD: Standard deviation
crepitus, joint swelling, radiological grading of 3/4 on
Kellgren Lawrence Scale and joint damage were included
in the study. We excluded the pregnant patients, drug Table 2: Baseline assessment scores using VAS,
using patients (aspirin, paracetamol, opioids, and non- WOMAC and KSS score (mean±SD)
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), patients with secondary Variables Group I (n=28) Group II (n=28) P value
osteoarthritis, any chronic renal/liver disease.
100 mm VAS score 8.78±1.31 8.27±0.98 0.09
WOMAC pain score 32.86±7.56 35.57±6.35 0.13
We enrolled 60 patients and they were randomized WOMAC stiffness score 10.79±2.42 11.65±3.07 0.24
using computer-generated randomization. And they WOMAC function score 102.46±8.41 105.32±10.52 0.25
WOMAC total score 147.32±17.83 150.69±19.33 0.49
were divided into two groups: Group I (30 patients) - KSS score 37.79±10.62 39.76±8.71 0.43
Inj. Methylprednisolone 80 mg/ml and Group II VAS: Visual Analog Scale, WOMAC: Western Ontario MacMaster, KSS: Knee Society
(30 patients) - Inj. Triamcinolone 40 mg/ml. Score, SD: Standard deviation

59 International Journal of Scientific Study | August 2015 | Vol 3 | Issue 5

Jain and Jain: Drug Study on Osteoarthritis

VAS scores after the 8-week duration of intra-articular None of the patients reported any adverse events during
injection (P = 0.01) (Table 3). Again after 12 weeks, Group I the study.
(4.47 ± 1.16) and Group II (4.98 ± 1.23) had comparable
results of VAS scores (P = 0.11) (Table 3, Graph 1).
WOMAC score comprises of three subgroups: pain,
stiffness, and function. The individual subgroup WOMAC Intra-articular steroids have been extensively used by the
score and the total WOMAC score was found to be doctors for more than five decades. A  study conducted
comparable in the patients received Methylprednisolone by Dieppe et al.17 observed that patients were more
or Triamcinolone (Table 2). At 4-weeks of duration after satisfied who received corticosteroids as an intra-articular
intra-articular Methylprednisolone injection, the patients injection in osteoarthritis, compared to placebo receiving
had the total WOMAC score of 130.67 ± 20.95 while those group. However, this study was supported by other
patients who received Triamcinolone had a WOMAC score researchers who similarly observed a short-term beneficial
of 139. 41 ± 22.74 (P = 0.12) (Table 4, Graph 2). However,
a statistically significant difference was observed between 9$66FRUH
Group I (96.23 ± 27.59) and Group II (123.31 ± 25.56) 

after 8 weeks of intra-articular injection (P = 0.001) 

(Table 4). On inter-group total WOMAC score analysis 

after 12 weeks of intra-articular steroids, the results were 

observed to be comparable (P = 0.52) (Table 4). 

On observing KSS score, there was no statistical difference 

between the inter-group baseline/after 4-week parameters 

(Table 5). However, on observing the KSS score at *URXS,




8-week duration; Group I (59.25 ± 8.72) and Group II *URXS,,    

(53.34 ± 8.90) revealed a statistically significant difference

Graph 1: Visual Analog Scale score
among them (P = 0.01) (Table 5, Graph 3). Similarly, the
statistical significant data were obtained from Group  I
(80.54 ± 8.27) and Group II (57.76 ± 10.38) after 12 weeks 7RWDO:20$&6FRUH
of intra-articular steroid injection (P = 0.001) (Table 5). 

Table 3: VAS score after 20 m walk (mean±SD) 
Week Group I (n=28) Group II (n=28) P value 

0 8.78±1.31 8.27±0.98 0.09
4 7.56±1.09 7.12±1.34 0.17 
8 5.61±1.12 6.30±1.03 0.01* 
12 4.47±1.16 4.98±1.23 0.11 
*P<0.05. VAS: Visual Analog Scale, SD: Standard deviation *URXS,    

Table 4: Total WOMAC score (mean±SD) Graph 2: Total Western Ontario MacMaster score

Week Group I (n=28) Group II (n=28) P value

0 147.32±17.83 150.69±19.33 0.49 .QHH6RFLHW\6FRUH
4 130.67±20.95 139.41±22.74 0.12 
8 96.23±27.59 123.31±25.56 0.001* 
12 80.45±23.38 84.19±21.78 0.52 
*P<0.05. SD: Standard deviation, WOMAC: Western Ontario MacMaster 

Table 5: KSS (mean±SD) 

Week Group I (n=28) Group II (n=28) P value

0 37.79±10.62 39.76±8.71 0.43 
4 44.47±11.34 45.53±9.86 0.70
8 59.25±8.72 53.34±8.90 0.01* *URXS,,    
12 80.54±8.27 57.76±10.38 0.001*
*P<0.05. SD: Standard deviation, KSS: Knee Society Score Graph 3: Knee Society Score

International Journal of Scientific Study | August 2015 | Vol 3 | Issue 5 60

Jain and Jain: Drug Study on Osteoarthritis

effect of corticosteroids in patients with knee and hip The uniqueness of our study is that we have compared
osteoarthritis.18-20 In a study done by Valtonen21 using two most used routinely steroidal agents for intra-articular
multiple injections of Triamcinolone, beneficial effects injection. Most of the researchers had compared an intra-
was observed in knee osteoarthritis patients. Based on articular steroid with a placebo.
these findings, we organized this double-blind study to
evaluate the analgesic efficacy of Triamcinolone and Although, lot of patients visit for knee pain in our hospital
Methylprednisolone for knee osteoarthritic patients. but despite that we managed only 56 patients for our study.
A lot of people refused to be a part of the study because
In our study, we observed the VAS score by asking of their busy schedule and appointments. However,
the patients to walk for 20 m. We obser ved no we followed a strict protocol for proper inclusion and
statistical difference between Methylprednisolone and exclusion of the patients for our study. To decrease the
Triamcinolone receiving patients after 4 weeks of intra- number of drop outs and to improve the compliance we
articular injection. However, the significant statistical enrolled the candidates who are within a 10 km radius from
difference was found during inter-group comparison of our hospital, even after all these efforts our four patients
VAS scores after the 8-week duration of intra-articular did not revert back to the hospital.
injection (P = 0.01). Our findings suggest that both
intra-articular steroid injection have beneficial efficacy During our study course, no adverse events except for local
for analgesia, but Methylprednisolone has been proven irritation which subsided on its own were observed. The
have a better analgesic profile in patients with knee patients responded well with local steroid intra-articular
osteoarthritis. Our findings are supported by Pyne et al.22 injections.
who also compared the analgesic effects of Triamcinolone
and Methylprednisolone and concluded that there This study has a limitation that we could have prolonged
was no significant difference between the drugs at the our study time frame of follow-up to even 6 or 12 months.
3rd and 8th  week of follow-up. Similar findings were But due to busy schedule of the patients we could not
observed by Gaffney et al.23 and Bellamy et al.24 who also apply it in our study, otherwise most of the patients would
demonstrated the significant reduction in pain by intra- have refused to be a part of the study.
articular corticosteroids. A similar study done by Shikhar
et al.25 observed a statistically significant effect on VAS
scores after 4 weeks on comparing between intra-articular
Methylprednisolone and Triamcinolone.
From our study, we conclude that the use of intra-articular
corticosteroids (Methylprednisolone and Triamcinolone)
In our study, we observed that the total WOMAC score
possess a safer profile and are also proven to be beneficial
which is explained under three heads: pain, stiffness, and
in providing short/long-term analgesia from osteoarthritis
function. We observed the statistical significant difference
between Methylprednisolone and Triamcinolone study knee. Moreover, the use of Methylprednisolone provides
groups after 8 weeks of intra-articular injection (P = 0.001). more immediate and prolonged improvement in pain,
Our finding was further supported by Shikhar et al.25 who stiffness, and improves joint function.
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How to cite this article: Jain P, Jain SK. Comparison of Efficacy of Methylprednisolone and Triamcinolone in Osteoarthritis of the Knee:
A Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blind Study. Int J Sci Stud 2015;3(4):58-62.

Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared.

International Journal of Scientific Study | August 2015 | Vol 3 | Issue 5 62

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