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PowerFlex Medium Voltage AC Drives

Selection Guide
Powerful Performance. Flexible Control.
PowerFlex Medium Voltage AC Drives
Selection Guide

Benefits of Allen-Bradley PowerFlex®

Medium Voltage AC Drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Industries and Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Selecting the Right Drive for your Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

PowerFlex 6000 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

PowerFlex 7000 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Drive Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Drive Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Selection Tables:

PowerFlex 6000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

PowerFlex 7000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Powerful performance. Flexible control.

Benefits of Allen-Bradley PowerFlex

Medium Voltage AC Drives
Application expertise Intelligent Motor Control –
With nearly 30 years of experience and Connected Enterprise
thousands of applications in a wide variety Our medium voltage drives provide valuable
of industries, our medium voltage drives information about drive health and process
deliver proven results that you can rely on. parameters back to the control system. The
Our application and test engineers, project drives also support remote monitoring
management teams, and field service and analytics.
engineers develop and deliver solutions
that will meet your needs.
Proven Reliability
Connectivity Robust design guidelines, reliable components
and low parts count, factory testing on a
Our medium voltage drives offer built in dynamometer, control power ride through
EtherNet/IP communication and support and automatic restart options, and
the other typically used communication redundancy options all contribute to improved
protocols. Flexible connectivity and control asset utilization.
system compatibility helps deliver seamless
control system integration.
Energy Efficiency
ECO design cooling fans and high efficiency
Safety / Quality standards
isolation transformers maximize system
Quality has always been a signature of the efficiency and lower operating costs.
Allen-Bradley brand. Our quality systems Transformerless configurations help deliver
and processes help ensure that the highest the highest system efficiency.
quality products are delivered to our cus-
tomers. Arc-resistant enclosure options and
functional safety options to help optimize Global Support
the safety for your processes and personnel. Our extensive installed base is supported by
a worldwide service and support network to
help you with what you need, wherever and
Targeted product portfolio
whenever you need it.
Our portfolio offering is tailored to meet
the needs of general purpose fan, pump,
and compressor applications or high
performance mixer, conveyor, crane and Trust Your Critical Applications to
hoist applications.
a Market Leader
Rockwell Automation, the world’s largest company
dedicated to industrial automation and information, has
been developing leading medium voltage motor control
technology for over eighty years.

Optimize Your Solution with
Comprehensive Testing
When you select a PowerFlex medium voltage drive, you
get a solution that is thoroughly tested – before it arrives
at your facility.
Global Support – Locally
Full Load Testing At Rockwell Automation, we build our PowerFlex
Rockwell Automation performs full load testing of medium voltage drives at manufacturing locations
PowerFlex drives on medium voltage induction motors around the world – in Asia, Europe, Latin America
installed in our test facilities. and North America.
Load Profile Tests
Protect Your Investment
• Constant torque – conveyor, hoist, grinding mills and
Use our global support centers and subject matter
reciprocating compressor applications, etc.
experts to help you protect your automation
• Variable torque – pump, fan and centrifugal compressor investment. Real-time access to our technical support
applications, etc. engineers and online resources are available to help
keep your facilities up and running.
Test Facility Locations
• Cambridge, Canada
• Harbin, China
• Jundiai, Brazil
• Katowice, Poland

Powerful performance. Flexible control.

Medium Voltage Drive Industries

and Applications
Oil & Gas Power Generation

• Oil Pipeline pumps • Feedwater pumps

• Natural Gas Pipeline compressors • Induced draft fans
• Electrical submersible pumps • Forced draft fans
• Induced draft fans • Baghouse fans

Forest Products Marine

• Fan pumps • Main propulsion

• Induced draft fans • Positioning thrusters
• Boiler feedwater pumps
• Pulpers
• Refiners

Water / Wastewater Commercial

• Raw sewage pumps • HVAC/OEM Chillers/Compressors

• Bio-roughing tower pumps • Airport Cogeneration
• Treatment pumps • Hospital Cogeneration
• Freshwater pumps • University Cogeneration

Mining, Steel & Cement Other

• Slurry pumps • Test stands

• Ventilation fans • Wind tunnels
• Descaling pumps • Agitators
• Conveyors • Rubber mixers
• Induced draft fans

Powerful performance. Flexible control.

Selecting the right drive for your application

Medium voltage drives are divided into two segments based on
application requirements.
General purpose drives
• Includes basic performance characteristics to operate applications
such as fans, pumps and compressors.
High performance drives
• Includes enhanced characteristics to operate applications such as
conveyors, extruders and mixers.

General Purpose High Performance


Product PowerFlex 6000 PowerFlex 7000

Typical Applications fans, pumps, compressors and chillers fans, pumps, compressors, chillers, hoists, cranes, mixers, extruders, ball mills, SAG mills
Drive Cooling Air Air or Liquid
Topology VSI Cascaded H-Bridge CSI PWM
Rectifier Type 18-54 pulse diode Active Front End SGCT or 18-Pulse SCR
Inverter Type IGBT SGCT
Power Range 150 - 11,000kW (200-15,000HP) 150 - 6300kW (200-8500HP)
Output Voltage 2.4-11 kV 2.4-6.6 kV
Output Frequency Range 1-75 Hz. 0.1-90 Hz.
Speed-Torque Quadrant 2 (forward and reverse, motoring) 4 (forward and reverse, motoring and regeneration)
Type of Motor Induction Induction and Synchronous
Features and Benefits Faster Time to Market Faster Time to Market
Reduced commissioning and integration time with Add-On Reduced commissioning and integration time with Premier Integration, Add-On Profiles (AOPs), PlantPAx
Instructions (AOIs) and PlantPAx® faceplates over Ethernet/IP faceplates and Add-On Instructions (AOIs) to integrate into Studio 5000®/Logix control system
EtherNet/IP and a wide variety of other comm. modules EtherNet/IP and a wide variety of other comm. modules
Load testing on factory dyne to eliminate field commissioning Load testing on factory dyne to eliminate field commissioning issues
Local Factory-trained Field Service Engineers Local Factory-trained Field Service Engineers
Lower Total Cost of Ownership Lower Total Cost of Ownership
Competitive capital cost for general purpose applications Competitive capital cost for high performance and regen applications
Decrease operating cost with high efficiency transformer Decrease operating cost and required space with available Direct-to-Drive™ transformerless offering
Reduce customer supplied control power requirements Reduce operating costs with ECO design cooling-fans
(with tertiary winding on main isolation transformer)
Lower utility cost with adjustable input power factor (AFE rectifier)
Lower utility costs with near unity power factor throughout the Lower operating cost with standard Regenerative braking feature - no additional hardware required
operating speed range
Reduce operating costs with ECO design cooling-fans
Improved Asset Utilization Improved Asset Utilization
Low MTTR with modular construction Very low component count topology
Control power ride through and automatic restart with Low MTTR - PowerCage™ enables 10 minute device replacement
available UPS
Increased uptime with available automatic cell bypass Continuous operation with N-1 and N+1 device configurations
Available Redundant Fans with automatic switchover Increased uptime with control power ride through and automatic restart
System level predictive analytics with available Integrated Condition Monitoring
Leverage supplier expertise with Remote Monitoring and Analytics
Available Redundant Fans with automatic switchover
Enterprise Risk Management Enterprise Risk Management
Power system friendly with compliance to IEEE-519 Power system friendly with compliance to IEEE-519 harmonic guidelines
harmonic guidelines
Near sinusoidal output waveforms allow use of standard or Near sinusoidal output waveforms allow use of standard or retrofit motors
retrofit motors
Standard electro-mechanical safety interlocking Standard trapped key safety interlocks

Virtually unlimited motor cable distance (up to 30km) without any additional filtering

Zero Speed holding Torque for Cranes and Hoists

Reduced cycle times for batch applications with available Safe Torque Off feature

Increased safety with available arc-resistant enclosure

Powerful performance. Flexible control.

PowerFlex 6000 Medium Voltage AC Drives

Reliable Design Proven Technology
Enhanced Enclosure Integral Phase Shifting Transformer
• NEMA Type 1/IP31 • 18-54 pulse secondary windings for harmonic mitigation
• IP42 (optional) • Common mode voltage elimination
• Front-access design for easy maintenance • Easy access for cable terminations
• Internally powered Eco design cooling fans for optimum • Inherent transformer temperature monitoring
efficiency • High-efficiency and standard-efficiency designs
• Washable air-filters
• Reinforced structure Robust Power Structure
• Modular powercell design for easy replacement
Built-in Safety
• Solid state Automatic Cell Bypass for increased uptime (optional)
• Electro-mechanical interlocking (standard) • Diode rectifier/IGBT inverter
• Keyed mechanical interlocking (optional) • Copper bus bars eliminates cabling between power cells
• Fiber optic firing for isolation between medium voltage
and low voltage control User-friendly Control
• Glastic barriers for isolation from medium voltage
• Volts per Hertz or Sensorless Vector Control suitable for
general purpose applications
• Intuitive, easy to use color touchscreen HMI available in up
to 9 languages
• UPS with 15-minute ride-through after control power loss
• Automatic restart
• Faceplates and Add-on Instructions (AOIs) to integrate into our
Studio 5000 software
• EtherNet/IP and a wide variety of other communication modules

Enhanced Built-in Integral Phase Shifting Robust Power User-friendly

Enclosure Safety Transformer Structure Control

Friendly Input and Motor Waveforms
Clean Input Power Friendly Motor Waveforms
• Near unity power factor • Motor cable distance up to 400m without output filter
• Compliance with IEEE-519 harmonic guidelines • Suitable for new or retrofit standard or inverter duty motors
• 18-54 pulse designs • Torque pulsations less than 1% of rated torque

6.6 kV Input (36 Pulse) Phase Current L-L Voltage

6.6 kV Output U Phase Current U-V Phase Voltage

Proven Topology
• Multi-level Cascaded H-Bridge design
• 96.5% efficiency including VFD and transformer Automatic Cell Bypass
• Series-connected identical low voltage power cells • Minimizes downtime for critical applications
• Solid state switching reduces process interruption time
• Bypasses fault conditions
- DC overvoltage
C2 - IGBT overcurrent
- cell over temperature
- single phase loss
C4 • Allows for continuous operation at reduced capacity
Bypassed Power Cells
A6 A1, B1 & C1
C6 A1

Cascaded H-Bridge Diagram for 6.6 kV Output M B2



Powerful performance. Flexible control.

PowerFlex 7000 Medium Voltage AC Drives

Flexible Design
Direct-to-Drive Advanced Power
Enhanced All-in-one Enclosure
(Transformerless Design) Converter
• NEMA Type 1/IP21 Enclosure
• IP42 (optional) Enhanced Superior Premier
• Integral input starter (optional) Enclosure Safety Control
• Front-access design
• Reinforced structure
• Eco design cooling fans for optimum efficiency
• Washable air-filters
• Air-cooled or liquid-cooled

Superior Safety
• Arcshield™ rated drive system (optional)
• Safe Torque Off (optional)
• Electro-mechanical and keyed mechanical
• Fiber optic firing for isolation between medium
voltage and low voltage control
• Glastic barriers for isolation from medium voltage

Innovative Technology
Direct-to-Drive (Transformerless Design)
• Patented common-mode voltage elimination
• Integral input AC line reactor
• Up to 97.5% efficiency
• 3 cables in, 3 cables out for quick and easy installation

Advanced Power Converter Premier Control

• Active Front End (AFE) or 18-pulse rectifier • Sensorless Vector or Full Vector Control for high-
• Inherent regeneration performance applications
• SGCT inverter with sinusoidal output waveforms • Premier Integration into the Logix control platform
with Studio 5000 Logix Designer software reduces
• Virtually unlimited motor cable distance without output development and integration time
filtering (up to 30km)
• Advanced diagnostic and detection features
• Patented PowerCage allows device replacement in less
than 10 minutes • Locally and remotely mounted HMI options
• Power factor compensation control for near unity • Automatic restart
power factor • High performance torque control with TorqProve™

PowerFlex 7000 AC drives provide greater

flexibility with high performance control options
and the option for an arc resistant enclosure

Our PowerFlex 7000 AC drives portfolio includes:
PowerFlex 7000 Air-Cooled Drives PowerFlex 7000 Marine Drives
For motors from 150 kW to 6000 kW (200 Hp to 8,000 Hp) at With power ratings from 600 kW to 24 MW (800 Hp to
2.4 kV to 6.6 kV, this drive offers different frame sizes and 32,000 Hp), this liquid-cooled marine drive uses
heat sink or heat pipe configurations to accommodate Direct-to-Drive technology to conserve space and weight
various power ranges. and is built to withstand the rigors at sea.

PowerFlex 7000 Liquid-Cooled Drives Advanced Control Options:

For motors from 2240 kW to 6340 kW (3000 Hp to 8500 Hp*) at • Safe Torque Off
4.16 kV to 6.6 kV, this option uses a closed-loop liquid-cooling • High Performance Torque Control with TorqProve
system with liquid-to-air or liquid-to-liquid heat exchanger • Synchronous Transfer
options and provides redundant pumps as standard, for
Enclosure Options:
optimal reliability.
• ArcShield arc resistant enclosures
PowerFlex 7000 Extended Power Configurations • IP42
Available up to 25,400 kW (34,000 Hp), these high power • Seismic rated
air-cooled and liquid-cooled drive modules are effective
solutions for hot back-up and redundancy, Load Commutated *Ratings for single drive channel configuration
Inverter (LCI) retrofits and power upgrades.

Control Options to Meet Your Application Demands

Safe Torque Off
• Protect personnel and property from preventable accidents
• TUV certified
• Achieves requirements for SIL 3/PLe/IEC 61508/ISO 13849-1
• Available for Active-Front-End configuration

High Performance Torque Control with TorqProve

• Verifies mechanical brake has control of the load when stopping

• Confirms drive has control of the load when releasing the brake
• 100% holding torque at zero speed
• Ideal for hoists, drag lines, winches, conveyors and test stands
• High performance speed and torque response
• Available for Active-Front-End configuration

Capabilities Across a Broad Range of Applications

The PowerFlex 7000 AC drive provides greater flexibility with high performance control options and the
option for an arc resistant enclosure.
• Controls speed, torque and direction of induction or • EtherNet/IP communication interface. Optional interfaces
synchronous AC motors, normal duty or heavy duty for a variety of network protocols
• Broad power range: 150 kW to 25,400 kW • Help reduce downtime with built-in diagnostic and
(200 Hp to 34,000 Hp) detection features that monitor the health of drive components
• Near sinusoidal current and voltage waveofrms • Synchronous bypass and transfer to control multiple
allow use of standard motors motor systems
• Remote Monitoring available

Powerful performance. Flexible control.

PowerFlex 7000 AC drive Advanced Technology

Direct-to-Drive™ Technology
• Elimination of bulky isolation transformers • Three cables in, three cables out
- Reduces size and weight of drive system • Mature, proven solution
- Increases system efficiency • Operation on standard or inverter-duty rated motors
- Lowers operating and installation costs - New or retrofit applications
• Patented common-mode-choke for common-mode
voltage elimination

PowerFlex 7000 (Direct-to-Drive) PowerFlex 7000 (Direct-to-Drive)

Input Current Waveform Output Current Waveform

PowerFlex 7000 (Direct-to-Drive) PowerFlex 7000 (Direct-to-Drive)

Input Voltage Waveform Output Voltage Waveform

Flexible Input Configurations

Direct-to-Drive (Transformerless) Active Front End with Integral Isolation Transformer
• Integral AC Line Reactor replaces • Integral transformer up to 160A
isolation transformer • Can be used when line voltage does
• Active Front End Rectifier for input not match motor voltage
harmonic mitigation • Simple (non phase-shifting)
• SGCT rectifier and inverter for transformer design
commonality of parts • Active Front End Rectifier for input
• Power factor compensation control harmonic mitigation
for near unity power factor • SGCT rectifier and inverter for
commonality of parts
Active Front End with Separate Isolation Transformer
• Power factor compensation control for
• Indoor or outdoor transformer near unity power factor
• Can be used when line voltage does
not match motor voltage 18 Pulse with Separate Transformer
• Simple (non phase-shifting) • Indoor or outdoor transformer
transformer design • Phase shifting transformer with three
secondary windings
• Active Front End Rectifier for input
harmonic mitigation • 18-pulse SCR rectifier for harmonic
• SGCT rectifier and inverter for
commonality of parts • Can be used when line voltage does
not match motor voltage
• Power factor compensation control for
near unity power factor • Available with optional power factor
correction controller (PFCC)

Four Quadrant Operation Long Motor Cable Lengths
• Inherently provides four-quadrant drive operation • Up to 30km (18.6 miles) motor cable distance
• Ideal for hoists, down-hill conveyors, and very without filters
high inertia fans • Ideal for land-based or offshore platform-based
• Regeneration capability without additional hardware applications
- Efficient motor braking - Electro-submersible pumps
- Ability to regenerate power back to the - Overland conveyor systems
distribution system - Discrete motor locations

Speed (SPD)

Braking Driving


Clock wise 2 1 Clock wise
Torque (T)
Anti Clock wise 3 4 Anti Clock wise


Driving Braking

Synchronous Transfer Bypass

Our Intelligent Motor Control technology can help
Distribution Bus

reduce your capital costs and energy usage by using

a single PowerFlex 7000 drive to soft-start and
synchronize multiple motors across the line.
Bypass Bypass Bypass
• Bumpless synchronous transfer from VFD to fixed
frequency and back to VFD
• Up to 6 motor bypass control available VFD

• Output reactor not required

• VFD soft-starting prevents voltage drop, vibration
problems and process disturbances.
• Complete system including MV output/bypass starters Output Output Output

and control, are all supplied by Rockwell Automation 3 3 3

(system witness testing available)

M3 M2 M1
• Ideal for natural gas or water pipeline applications

VFD with 3 Motor Synchronous Transfer Bypass

Powerful performance. Flexible control.

PowerFlex 7000 Drive System with

ArcShield Technology
Advances in Medium Voltage Drive Technology Help Reduce Arc Flash
Hazards and Minimize Personnel and Equipment Safety Risks
• The first 50 kA rated arc-resistant medium voltage drive • Compatible with existing Allen-Bradley arc-resistant MCCs
with full regeneration capabilities
• Available for either 40 kA or 50 kA arc fault ratings
• Redirects arc flash energy away from personnel via
patented plenum design • Type 2B protection with low voltage door open

• Fully integrated solution including input starter and

VFD combination This system is compliant to the following
global standards:
IEEE C37.20.7 IEC 62271-200
CSA C22.2 No. 22-11 IEC 62477-2
Meeting Safety Standards with an Effective Design

1 Pressure relief vents direct arc gases and 3 Patented self-closing vent plates prevent 5 Robust cabinet construction, including
material away from the front, rear and arc flash gases from escaping through reinforced side sheets, doors, roof, and
sides of the enclosure during an arc flash. the fan exhaust vents. back plates are designed to increase
rigidity to contain the arc fault energy.
2 Gases and materials are vented up and 4 Cabinet doors are reinforced with welded
out of the top of the enclosure through channels designed to maintain structural 6 High strength hinges, latches and bolts securely
the plenum exhaust system. integrity during an arc flash. attach doors to cabinets for added protection.

7 Patented self-closing vent plates prevent

arc flash gases from escaping out
through front air intake vents.

1 3

4 5 6

Fully integrated 50 kA rated PowerFlex 7000 Drive System with ArcShield Technology

Typically Selected Options

Option Codes
Option Group Option Description
All PowerFlex 6000 Only PowerFlex 7000 Only

RED "Emergency Stop" Pushbutton c/w Safety Relay -1EDSTP

GREEN "Start" Pushbutton -1STR
RED "Stop" Pushbutton -1STP
Door Mounted Operator Interface "Local-Remote" Selector Switch -3LL
"Forward" Pilot Light * -4FOR_ *
"Drive Ready" Pilot Light * -4DRY_ *
Speed Control Potentiometer -760A
"Input" Speed Reference -14TS1
Isolated Analog Signal Interface "Output" Speed Reference -14TS2
"Output" Current Reference -14TS4
EtherNet/IP -13MLXE -COMME
Modbus RTU (RS485) -13MLXH -COMMH
Modbus TCP (RJ45) -13MLXM -COMMM
Modbus Plus (RS485) -13MLXMP
Communication Modules
Profibus (RS485) -13MLXP -COMMP
ControlNet -COMMC
DeviceNet -COMMD
Dual EtherNet/IP -COMMER
Redundant Fan -14RF
Provision for Ducting Exhaust Air -14RD
Redundant Power Supply -PS14
Tachometer Interface -14TF
Synchronous Transfer System (1 motor) -24AST
Synchronous Transfer System (2 motors) -24BST
Synchronous Transfer System (3 motors) -24CST
Synchronous Transfer System (4 motors) -24DST
Synchronous Transfer System (5 motors) -24EST
Synchronous Transfer System (6 motors) -24FST
TorqProve enhanced torque control -24TPC
STO (Safe Torque Off) -24STO
Automatic Cell Bypass -14CB
Pre-charge current limiting circuit/cabinet -14SC
dv/dt output filter -14FC
Power Module lifting cart -14LC
* A=Amber, B=Blue, C=Clear, G=Green, R=Red, W=White

PowerFlex 6000 PowerFlex 7000


Description Air-Cooled Air-Cooled Liquid-Cooled

Power Rating Range @ 2.3/2.4 kV (UL) Up to 2390 kW (3205 Hp) 150...1500 kW (2000 Hp) –

Power Rating Range @ 3 kV (IEC) Up to 2990 kW (4010 Hp) – –

Power Rating Range @ 3.3 kV (IEC) Up to 3280 kW (4398 Hp) 187...3600 kW (4750 Hp) –

Power Rating Range @ 4/4.16 kV (UL/IEC) Up to 4140 kW (5525 Hp) 261...4400 kW (5750 Hp) 2240...3900 kW (5000 Hp)

Power Rating Range @ 6 kV (IEC) Up to 5970 kW (8006 Hp) – –

Power Rating Range @ 6.3 kV (UL/CSA) 286...1852 kW (384...2482 Hp) – –

Power Rating Range @ 6.6 kV (UL/IEC) Up to 6570 kW (8810 Hp) 400...6000 kW (8000 Hp) 3000... 5595 kW (7500 Hp)

Power Rating Range @ 10 kV (IEC) Up to 9950 kW (13343 Hp) – –

Power Rating Range @ 11 kV (IEC) Up to 10950 kW (14686 Hp) – –

Motor Type Induction motor Induction or synchronous motor

(IEC): 3 kV, 3.3 kV, 4.16 kV, 6 kV, 6.6 kV, 10 kV, 11 kV
Input Voltage Rating 2.4 kV, 3.3 kV, 4.16 kV, 6.6 kV 4.16 kV, 6.6 kV
(UL): 2.4 kV, 4.16 kV, 6.6 kV, 6.9 kV, 7.2 kV, 13.8 kV
Input Voltage Tolerance ±10% of nominal ±10% of nominal

Input Voltage Sag -30% of nominal, duration 60 seconds -30% of nominal, continuous with derating

Input Frequency 50/60 Hz, ±5% 50/60 Hz, ± 5%

Input Power Factor >.95 >.95 (AFE Rectifier)

Input Impedance Device Multiphase isolation transformer Line reactor (Direct-to-Drive AFE), isolation transformer (AFE), or multiphase isolation transformer (18 Pulse)

Typical VFD System Efficiency > 96.5%* > 97.5% (Direct-to-Drive AFE), > 98% (18 Pulse)

VFD Noise Level < 85 dB (A) < 85 dB (A)

0...2300/2400 V, 0...3000 V, 0...3300 V, 0...4000/4160
Output Voltage V, 0...6000 V, 0...6300 V, 0...6600 V, 0...6900V, 0...10,000 0...2300 V, 0...3300 V, 0...4000 V, 0...6600 V 0...4000 V, 0...6600 V
V, 0...11000V
120% overload for 1 min every 10 min (normal duty) 110% overload for 1 min every 10 min (normal duty/variable torque load)
Overload Capacity
150% overload for 1 min every 10 min (heavy duty) 150% overload for 1 min every 10 min (heavy duty/constant torque load)
Direct-to-Drive™ (transformerless AFE rectifier)
Direct-to-Drive (transformerless AFE rectifier)
AFE with separate isolation transformer
Rectifier Configurations 18-Pulse to 54-Pulse AFE with separate isolation transformer
AFE with integrated transformer
18-Pulse with separate isolation transformer
18-Pulse with separate isolation transformer
Rectifier Switch Diodes SGCTs (AFE Rectifier), SCRs (18 Pulse)

Inverter Configuration Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) power modules Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) power modules

Inverter Switch IGBTs SGCTs

Output Current THD < 5% < 5%
Output Waveforms to Motor Near sinusoidal current and voltage Near sinusoidal current and voltage

Medium Voltage Isolation Fiber optic Fiber optic

* with high efficiency transformer

PowerFlex 6000 PowerFlex 7000


Description Air-Cooled Air-Cooled Liquid-Cooled

Volts per hertz Digital sensorless direct vector
Control Method
or Sensorless Vector Control (SVC) Full vector control with encoder feedback (Optional)
0.1% without encoder feedback
Speed Regulation 0.5% without encoder feedback
0.01-0.02% with encoder feedback
0.2...75 Hz (Standard)
Output Frequency Range 1 to 75 Hz 0.2...90 Hz (Optional)
Acceleration/Deceleration 0...3276 seconds 0...4800 seconds
Flying Start Capability Yes Yes

Power Loss Auto Restart Yes Yes

Regen Motor Braking No Yes

Operator Interface 7” WinCE Color Touchscreen 10” WinCE color touchscreen

English, Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, German,
Languages English, Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, German, French, Italian, Polish, Korean, Japanese, Turkish, Czech
French, Italian, Polish, Korean, Japanese, Turkish, Czech
120 V 60 Hz, 240 V 60 Hz, 110 V 50 Hz,
Control Power 220/240 V or 110/120 V, Single phase - 50/60 Hz (20 A)
or 220/230 V 50 Hz
50...60 Hz AC or DC
External Input Ratings 24V DC
120...240 V – 1 mA
50...60 Hz AC or DC
External Output Ratings 240V AC/5A
30-260 V – 1 A
Analog Inputs (4) non- isolated, 4-20 mA or 0-10V DC (3) Isolated, 4-20 mA or 0-10V
(2) isolated: 4-20 mA (1) Isolated: 4-20 mA,
Analog Outputs (2) isolated: 0-5V DC (8) Non-isolated: 0-10V (600 Ω)
Communications Protocols Ethernet/IP, Modbus-RTU RS485, Modbus-TCP RJ45, EtherNet/IP, RI/O, DeviceNet, Lon Works, Can Open, Profibus DP, RS485 HVAC, Modbus,
(Optional) Modbus-PLUS RS465, PROFIBUS RS485 RS485 DF1, Interbus, RS232 DF1, ControlNet, USB
Up to 400 m (1312.4 ft)
Motor Cable Length 30 km (18.6 mi)
(Contact factory for longer cable requirements)
Electrical and mechanical (keyed) interlock (UL) Trapped Key Mechanical Interlock
Safety Mechanical keyed interlock [optional- IEC] Safe Torque Off
IP31 (standard)
Enclosure IP21/NEMA Type 1 (standard), IP42 (optional)
IP42 (optional)
Arc Resistance Enclosure No Yes , ArcShield option available
Epoxy Powder - Paint Epoxy Powder - Paint
Structure Finish Exterior Sandtex Light Grey (RAL 7038) - Black (RAL 8022) Exterior Sandtex Light Grey (RAL 7038) - Black (RAL 8022)
Internal - Control Sub Plates - High Gloss White (RAL 9003) Internal - Control Sub Plates - High Gloss White (RAL 9003)
Conformal Coating Yes Yes
Ambient Temperature 0...40° C (32...104° F) (standard) 0...40° C (32...104° F) (standard)
(Operating) 0...50° C (32...122° F) (optional) 0...50° C (32...122° F) (optional)
Ambient Temperature
(Storage) -25°...55° C (-13...133° F) -40°...70° (C -40...158° F)

Relative Humidity Max 95% non-condensing Max 95% non-condensing

0...1000 m (0...3280 ft) (standard) 0...1000 m (0...3280 ft) (standard)
1001m....4000m (3284...13,123 ft) (optional)* 1001...5000 m (3284...16404 ft) (optional)*

* above 1000m contact factory 17

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

PowerFlex 6000 Medium Voltage Variable Frequency Drive

Catalog Number Explanation

Typical Example
6000G – B A 680 M J 6
AJ – J HE E – ...etc.
a b c d e f g h i j k l

a g
Bulletin Number Line Frequency
Code Description Code Description
6000G PowerFlex 6000 5 50 Hz
6 60 Hz
Drive Frame Size h
Code Description Control Voltage
H H’ Frame (Air-cooled) Code Description Code Description
B “B” Frame (Air-cooled) AG 110V AL 220V
AJ 120V AN 230V
c AP 240V
Service duty
Code Description
A Normal Duty, 0...1000 m Altitude. Maximum 40 °C Ambient, Normal Load (Motor) Voltage
120% overload for 1 minute every 10 minutes Code Description Code Description
C Heavy Duty, 0...1000 m Altitude. Maximum 40 °C Ambient, A 2300V/2400V F 6000V
150% overload for 1 minute every 10 minutes B 3000V H 6300V
C 3300V J 6600V
E 4000V/4160V K 6900V
Drive Current Rating Range D 5500V R 10000V
Code Description S 11000V
15 15Amp
680 680Amp j
Transformer Efficiency
Code Description
Enclosure Type
HE High Efficiency
Code Description SE Standard Efficiency
D Type 1/ IP21 (with Door Gaskets)
M Type 1/ IP31 (with Door Gaskets) k
K Type 1/IP42 (with Door Gaskets) Drive Certificate
Code Description
Nominal System Voltage
Code Description Code Description
A 2,400V L 7,200V l
B 3,000V P 8,320V Options
C 3,300V R 10,000V Refer to PowerFlex 6000 Medium Voltage Drives Options List.
E 4,160V S 11,000V
G 4,800V T 11,500V
D 5,500V M 12,000V
F 6,000V U 12,470V
H 6,300V V 13,200V
J 6,600V W 13,800V
K 6,900V

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.




W W2
*For high current, high voltage ratings some drives will require a split
transformer design. In this case, there will be a third cabinet (W3)

Approximate Dimensions
W1 Width of cabinet 1
W2 Width of cabinet 2
W3 Width of cabinet 3 (when applicable)
W Total width
D Total depth
H1 Height of cabinet
H2 Height of fan
H Total Height (including fan)
Approximate Weights
W1 Weight of cabinet 1
W2 Weight of cabinet 2
W3 Weight of cabinet 3 (when applicable)
W Total weight

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

PowerFlex 6000 Drive – Normal Duty (IEC Rated)

3000V Input & 3000V Output

Normal Duty Dimensions (WxDxH)

Width Width Width Width Depth

Rated Output Current Typical Motor Power
Normal Duty Rating 2
W1 W2 W3 (when applicable) W D
Base Catalog Number
1 min.
Continuous Hp kW Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm

6000G - HA40_B___ - B__E 40 48 215 160 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362

6000G - HA45_B___ - B__E 45 54 241 180 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362

6000G - HA50_B___ - B__E 50 60 268 200 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362

6000G - HA56_B___ - B__E 56 67 300 224 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362

6000G - HA63_B___ - B__E 63 76 335 250 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362

6000G - HA71_B___ - B__E 71 85 375 280 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362

6000G - HA80_B___ - B__E 80 96 422 315 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362

6000G - HA90_B___ - B__E 90 108 476 355 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362

6000G - HA100_B___ - B__E 100 120 536 400 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362

6000G - HA112_B___ - B__E 112 134 601 448 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362

6000G - HA125_B___ - B__E 125 150 671 500 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362

6000G - HA140_B___ - B__E 140 168 751 560 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362

6000G - HA150_B___ - B__E 150 180 805 600 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362

6000G - HA160_B___ - B__E 160 192 845 630 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362

6000G - HA180_B___ - B__E 180 216 952 710 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362

6000G - HA200_B___ - B__E 200 240 1073 800 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362

6000G - BA215_B___ - BHEE 215 258 1234 920 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400

6000G - BA230_B___ - BHEE 230 276 1328 990 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400

6000G - BA250_B___ - BHEE 250 300 1475 1100 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400

6000G - BA265_B___ - BHEE 265 318 1529 1140 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400

6000G - BA285_B___ - BHEE 285 342 1649 1230 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400

6000G - BA305_B___ - BHEE 305 366 1797 1340 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400

6000G - BA325_B___ - BHEE 325 390 1877 1400 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400

6000G - BA350_B___ - BHEE 350 420 2065 1540 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400

6000G - BA378_B___ - BHEE 378 454 2172 1620 86.8 2205 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 185.4 4710 55.1 1400

6000G - BA408_B___ - BHEE 408 490 2347 1750 86.8 2205 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 185.4 4710 55.1 1400

6000G - BA438_B___ - BHEE 438 526 2575 1920 86.8 2205 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 185.4 4710 55.1 1400

6000G - BA475_B___ - BHEE 475 570 2736 2040 86.8 2205 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 197.2 5010 55.1 1400

6000G - BA515_B___ - BHEE 515 618 2964 2210 86.8 2205 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 197.2 5010 55.1 1400

6000G - BA560_B___ - BHEE 560 672 3299 2460 86.8 2205 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 197.2 5010 55.1 1400

6000G - BA600_B___ - BHEE 600 720 3460 2580 86.8 2205 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 197.2 5010 55.1 1400

6000G - BA640_B___ - BHEE 640 768 3688 2750 86.8 2205 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 197.2 5010 55.1 1400

6000G - BA680_B___ - BHEE 680 816 4010 2990 86.8 2205 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 197.2 5010 55.1 1400

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

Dimensions (WxDxH)
Base Drive Weight (kg) Base Drive Weight (lbs)
Height Height Height

H1 H2 H

W3 W3
Total Total
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm W1 W2 (where W1 W2 (where
Weight Weight
applicable) applicable)

90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 1800 1360 n/a 3160 3,968 2,998 n/a 6,967

90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 1900 1360 n/a 3260 4,189 2,998 n/a 7,187

90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2000 1360 n/a 3360 4,409 2,998 n/a 7,408

90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2100 1360 n/a 3460 4,630 2,998 n/a 7,628

90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2200 1360 n/a 3560 4,850 2,998 n/a 7,848

90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2300 1360 n/a 3660 5,071 2,998 n/a 8,069

90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2400 1360 n/a 3760 5,291 2,998 n/a 8,289

90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2500 1360 n/a 3860 5,512 2,998 n/a 8,510

90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2600 1360 n/a 3960 5,732 2,998 n/a 8,730

90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2700 1360 n/a 4060 5,952 2,998 n/a 8,951

90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2750 1360 n/a 4110 6,063 2,998 n/a 9,061

90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2800 1360 n/a 4160 6,173 2,998 n/a 9,171

90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2850 1360 n/a 4210 6,283 2,998 n/a 9,281

90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2900 1450 n/a 4350 6,393 3,197 n/a 9,590

90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3000 1450 n/a 4450 6,614 3,197 n/a 9,811

90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3100 1450 n/a 4550 6,834 3,197 n/a 10,031

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 3,700 n/a 5,100 3,086 8,157 n/a 11,244

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 3,700 n/a 5,100 3,086 8,157 n/a 11,244

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 3,700 n/a 5,100 3,086 8,157 n/a 11,244

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 3,700 n/a 5,100 3,086 8,157 n/a 11,244

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 3,900 n/a 5,300 3,086 8,598 n/a 11,684

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 4,100 n/a 5,500 3,086 9,039 n/a 12,125

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 4,200 n/a 5,600 3,086 9,259 n/a 12,346

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 4,400 n/a 5,800 3,086 9,700 n/a 12,787

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,850 4,600 n/a 6,450 4,079 10,141 n/a 14,220

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,850 4,900 n/a 6,750 4,079 10,803 n/a 14,881

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,850 5,100 n/a 6,950 4,079 11,244 n/a 15,322

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,000 5,500 n/a 7,500 4,409 12,125 n/a 16,535

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,000 5,800 n/a 7,800 4,409 12,787 n/a 17,196

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,000 6,300 n/a 8,300 4,409 13,889 n/a 18,298

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,050 6,500 n/a 8,550 4,519 14,330 n/a 18,850

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,050 6,800 n/a 8,850 4,519 14,991 n/a 19,511

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,050 7,300 n/a 9,350 4,519 16,094 n/a 20,613

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

PowerFlex 6000 Drive – Normal Duty (IEC Rated)

3300V Input & 3300V Output

Normal Duty Dimensions (WxDxH)

Rated Output Current Typical Motor Width Width Width Width Depth
Normal Duty Power Rating 2 W1 W2 W3 (when applicable) W D
Base Catalog Number
1 min.
Continuous Hp kW Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
6000G - HA40_C___ - C__E 40 48 236 176 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362
6000G - HA45_C___ - C__E 45 54 266 198 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362
6000G - HA50_C___ - C__E 50 60 295 220 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362
6000G - HA56_C___ - C__E 56 67 330 246 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362
6000G - HA63_C___ - C__E 63 76 369 275 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362
6000G - HA71_C___ - C__E 71 85 413 308 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362
6000G - HA80_C___ - C__E 80 96 464 346 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362
6000G - HA90_C___ - C__E 90 108 523 390 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362
6000G - HA100_C___ - C__E 100 120 590 440 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362
6000G - HA112_C___ - C__E 112 134 660 492 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362
6000G - HA125_C___ - C__E 125 150 738 550 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362
6000G - HA140_C___ - C__E 140 168 826 616 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362
6000G - HA150_C___ - C__E 150 180 885 660 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362
6000G - HA160_C___ - C__E 160 192 929 693 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HA180_C___ - C__E 180 216 1047 781 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HA200_C___ - C__E 200 240 1180 880 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - BA215_C___ - CHEE 215 258 1368 1020 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400
6000G - BA230_C___ - CHEE 230 276 1462 1090 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400
6000G - BA250_C___ - CHEE 250 300 1623 1210 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400
6000G - BA265_C___ - CHEE 265 318 1676 1250 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400
6000G - BA285_C___ - CHEE 285 342 1810 1350 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400
6000G - BA305_C___ - CHEE 305 366 1971 1470 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400
6000G - BA325_C___ - CHEE 325 390 2065 1540 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400
6000G - BA350_C___ - CHEE 350 420 2266 1690 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400
6000G - BA378_C___ - CHEE 378 454 2400 1790 86.8 2205 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 185.4 4710 55.1 1400
6000G - BA408_C___ - CHEE 408 490 2588 1930 86.8 2205 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 185.4 4710 55.1 1400
6000G - BA438_C___ - CHEE 438 526 2830 2110 86.8 2205 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 197.2 5010 55.1 1400
6000G - BA475_C___ - CHEE 475 570 3017 2250 86.8 2205 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 197.2 5010 55.1 1400
6000G - BA515_C___ - CHEE 515 618 3259 2430 86.8 2205 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 197.2 5010 55.1 1400
6000G - BA560_C___ - CHEE 560 672 3621 2700 86.8 2205 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 197.2 5010 55.1 1400
6000G - BA600_C___ - CHEE 600 720 3808 2840 86.8 2205 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 197.2 5010 55.1 1400
6000G - BA640_C___ - CHEE 640 768 4063 3030 86.8 2205 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 197.2 5010 55.1 1400
6000G - BA680_C___ - CHEE 680 816 4398 3280 86.8 2205 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

Dimensions (WxDxH)
Base Drive Weight (kg) Base Drive Weight (lbs)
Height Height Height
H1 H2 H
W3 (where Total W3 (where Total
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm W1 W2 W1 W2
applicable) Weight applicable) Weight
90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 1900 1360 n/a 3260 4,189 2,998 n/a 7,187
90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2000 1360 n/a 3360 4,409 2,998 n/a 7,408
90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2100 1360 n/a 3460 4,630 2,998 n/a 7,628
90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2200 1360 n/a 3560 4,850 2,998 n/a 7,848
90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2300 1360 n/a 3660 5,071 2,998 n/a 8,069
90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2400 1360 n/a 3760 5,291 2,998 n/a 8,289
90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2500 1360 n/a 3860 5,512 2,998 n/a 8,510
90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2600 1360 n/a 3960 5,732 2,998 n/a 8,730
90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2700 1360 n/a 4060 5,952 2,998 n/a 8,951
90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2750 1360 n/a 4110 6,063 2,998 n/a 9,061
90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2800 1360 n/a 4160 6,173 2,998 n/a 9,171
90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2900 1360 n/a 4260 6,393 2,998 n/a 9,392
90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2950 1360 n/a 4310 6,504 2,998 n/a 9,502
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3000 1450 n/a 4450 6,614 3,197 n/a 9,811
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3100 1450 n/a 4550 6,834 3,197 n/a 10,031
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3200 1450 n/a 4650 7,055 3,197 n/a 10,251
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 3,700 n/a 5,100 3,086 8,157 n/a 11,244
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 3,700 n/a 5,100 3,086 8,157 n/a 11,244
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 3,900 n/a 5,300 3,086 8,598 n/a 11,684
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 3,900 n/a 5,300 3,086 8,598 n/a 11,684
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 4,100 n/a 5,500 3,086 9,039 n/a 12,125
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 4,400 n/a 5,800 3,086 9,700 n/a 12,787
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 4,400 n/a 5,800 3,086 9,700 n/a 12,787
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 4,700 n/a 6,100 3,086 10,362 n/a 13,448
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,850 4,900 n/a 6,750 4,079 10,803 n/a 14,881
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,850 5,300 n/a 7,150 4,079 11,684 n/a 15,763
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,850 5,600 n/a 7,450 4,079 12,346 n/a 16,424
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,000 5,900 n/a 7,900 4,409 13,007 n/a 17,416
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,000 6,200 n/a 8,200 4,409 13,669 n/a 18,078
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,000 6,700 n/a 8,700 4,409 14,771 n/a 19,180
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,050 7,000 n/a 9,050 4,519 15,432 n/a 19,952
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,050 7,400 n/a 9,450 4,519 16,314 n/a 20,834
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,050 7,900 n/a 9,950 4,519 17,416 n/a 21,936

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

PowerFlex 6000 Drive – Normal Duty (IEC Rated)

4160V Input & 4000/4160V Output

Normal Duty Dimensions (WxDxH)

Rated Output Current Typical Motor Width Width Width Width Depth
Normal Duty Power Rating 2 W1 W2 W3 (when applicable) W D
Base Catalog Number
1 min.
Continuous Hp kW Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
6000G - HA40_E___ - E__E 40 48 295 220 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HA45_E___ - E__E 45 54 335 250 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HA50_E___ - E__E 50 60 375 280 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HA56_E___ - E__E 56 67 422 315 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HA63_E___ - E__E 63 76 469 350 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HA71_E___ - E__E 71 85 536 400 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HA80_E___ - E__E 80 96 590 440 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HA90_E___ - E__E 90 108 671 500 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HA100_E___ - E__E 100 120 738 550 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HA112_E___ - E__E 112 134 845 630 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HA125_E___ - E__E 125 150 925 690 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HA140_E___ - E__E 140 168 1039 775 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HA150_E___ - E__E 150 180 1113 830 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HA160_E___ - E__E 160 192 1193 890 86.6 2200 85.8 2180 n/a n/a 172.4 4380 53.6 1362
6000G - HA180_E___ - E__E 180 216 1341 1000 86.6 2200 85.8 2180 n/a n/a 172.4 4380 53.6 1362
6000G - HA200_E___ - E__E 200 240 1475 1100 86.6 2200 85.8 2180 n/a n/a 172.4 4380 53.6 1362
6000G - BA215_E___ - EHEE 215 258 1716 1280 82.9 2105 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 181.5 4610 55.1 1400
6000G - BA230_E___ - EHEE 230 276 1837 1370 82.9 2105 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 181.5 4610 55.1 1400
6000G - BA250_E___ - EHEE 250 300 2038 1520 82.9 2105 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 181.5 4610 55.1 1400
6000G - BA265_E___ - EHEE 265 318 2119 1580 82.9 2105 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 181.5 4610 55.1 1400
6000G - BA285_E___ - EHEE 285 342 2280 1700 82.9 2105 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 181.5 4610 55.1 1400
6000G - BA305_E___ - EHEE 305 366 2494 1860 82.9 2105 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 181.5 4610 55.1 1400
6000G - BA325_E___ - EHEE 325 390 2602 1940 82.9 2105 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 181.5 4610 55.1 1400
6000G - BA350_E___ - EHEE 350 420 2856 2130 82.9 2105 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 193.3 4910 55.1 1400
6000G - BA378_E___ - EHEE 378 454 3017 2250 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BA408_E___ - EHEE 408 490 3259 2430 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BA438_E___ - EHEE 438 526 3580 2670 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BA475_E___ - EHEE 475 570 3795 2830 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BA515_E___ - EHEE 515 618 4117 3070 102.6 2605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 228.7 5810 55.1 1400
6000G - BA560_E___ - EHEE 560 672 4573 3410 102.6 2605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 228.7 5810 55.1 1400
6000G - BA600_E___ - EHEE 600 720 4801 3580 102.6 2605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 228.7 5810 55.1 1400
6000G - BA640_E___ - EHEE 640 768 5109 3810 102.6 2605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 228.7 5810 55.1 1400
6000G - BA680_E___ - EHEE 680 816 5552 4140 102.6 2605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 228.7 5810 55.1 1400

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

Dimensions (WxDxH)
Base Drive Weight (kg) Base Drive Weight (lbs)
Height Height Height
H1 H2 H
W3 (where Total W3 (where Total
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm W1 W2 W1 W2
applicable) Weight applicable) Weight
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2200 1480 n/a 3680 4,850 3,263 n/a 8,113
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2200 1480 n/a 3680 4,850 3,263 n/a 8,113
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2300 1480 n/a 3780 5,071 3,263 n/a 8,333
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2400 1480 n/a 3880 5,291 3,263 n/a 8,554
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2500 1480 n/a 3980 5,512 3,263 n/a 8,774
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2600 1480 n/a 4080 5,732 3,263 n/a 8,995
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2650 1480 n/a 4130 5,842 3,263 n/a 9,105
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2750 1480 n/a 4230 6,063 3,263 n/a 9,326
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2800 1480 n/a 4280 6,173 3,263 n/a 9,436
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2900 1480 n/a 4380 6,393 3,263 n/a 9,656
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3000 1480 n/a 4480 6,614 3,263 n/a 9,877
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3100 1480 n/a 4580 6,834 3,263 n/a 10,097
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3150 1480 n/a 4630 6,945 3,263 n/a 10,207
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3200 1600 n/a 4800 7,055 3,527 n/a 10,582
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3400 1600 n/a 5000 7,496 3,527 n/a 11,023
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3600 1600 n/a 5200 7,937 3,527 n/a 11,464
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,750 4,000 n/a 5,750 3,858 8,818 n/a 12,677
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,750 4,100 n/a 5,850 3,858 9,039 n/a 12,897
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,750 4,400 n/a 6,150 3,858 9,700 n/a 13,558
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,750 4,600 n/a 6,350 3,858 10,141 n/a 13,999
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,750 4,800 n/a 6,550 3,858 10,582 n/a 14,440
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,750 5,100 n/a 6,850 3,858 11,244 n/a 15,102
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,750 5,300 n/a 7,050 3,858 11,684 n/a 15,543
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,750 5,700 n/a 7,450 3,858 12,566 n/a 16,424
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,300 5,900 n/a 8,200 5,071 13,007 n/a 18,078
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,300 6,200 n/a 8,500 5,071 13,669 n/a 18,739
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,300 6,700 n/a 9,000 5,071 14,771 n/a 19,842
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,500 6,900 n/a 9,400 5,512 15,212 n/a 20,723
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,500 7,400 n/a 9,900 5,512 16,314 n/a 21,826
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,500 8,200 n/a 10,700 5,512 18,078 n/a 23,589
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,550 8,400 n/a 10,950 5,622 18,519 n/a 24,141
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,550 8,900 n/a 11,450 5,622 19,621 n/a 25,243
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,550 9,400 n/a 11,950 5,622 20,723 n/a 26,345

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

PowerFlex 6000 Drive – Normal Duty (IEC Rated)

6000V Input & 6000V Output

Normal Duty Dimensions (WxDxH)
Rated Output Current Typical Motor Width Width Width Width Depth
Normal Duty Power Rating 2 W1 W2 W3 (when applicable) W D
Base Catalog Number
1 min.
Continuous Hp kW Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
6000G - HA25_F___ - F__E 25 30 268 200 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HA28_F___ - F__E 28 34 302 225 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HA32_F___ - F__E 32 38 335 250 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HA36_F___ - F__E 36 43 375 280 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HA40_F___ - F__E 40 48 422 315 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HA45_F___ - F__E 45 54 476 355 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HA50_F___ - F__E 50 60 536 400 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HA56_F___ - F__E 56 67 603 450 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HA63_F___ - F__E 63 76 671 500 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HA71_F___ - F__E 71 85 751 560 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HA80_F___ - F__E 80 96 845 630 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HA90_F___ - F__E 90 108 952 710 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HA100_F___ - F__E 100 120 1073 800 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HA112_F___ - F__E 112 134 1207 900 86.6 2200 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 165.4 4200 53.6 1362
6000G - HA125_F___ - F__E 125 150 1341 1000 86.6 2200 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 165.4 4200 53.6 1362
6000G - HA140_F___ - F__E 140 168 1502 1120 86.6 2200 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 165.4 4200 53.6 1362
6000G - HA150_F___ - F__E 150 180 1609 1200 86.6 2200 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 165.4 4200 53.6 1362
6000G - HA160_F___ - F__E 160 192 1676 1250 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - HA180_F___ - F__E 180 216 1877 1400 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - HA200_F___ - F__E 200 240 2146 1600 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - BA210_F___ - FHEE 210 252 2427 1810 92.7 2355 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 191.3 4860 55.1 1400
6000G - BA223_F___ - FHEE 223 268 2575 1920 92.7 2355 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 191.3 4860 55.1 1400
6000G - BA236_F___ - FHEE 236 283 2722 2030 92.7 2355 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 191.3 4860 55.1 1400
6000G - BA250_F___ - FHEE 250 300 2937 2190 92.7 2355 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 203.1 5160 55.1 1400
6000G - BA263_F___ - FHEE 263 316 3031 2260 92.7 2355 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 203.1 5160 55.1 1400
6000G - BA276_F___ - FHEE 276 331 3178 2370 92.7 2355 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 203.1 5160 55.1 1400
6000G - BA290_F___ - FHEE 290 348 3339 2490 92.7 2355 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 203.1 5160 55.1 1400
6000G - BA305_F___ - FHEE 305 366 3594 2680 92.7 2355 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 203.1 5160 55.1 1400
6000G - BA325_F___ - FHEE 325 390 3741 2790 92.7 2355 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 203.1 5160 55.1 1400
6000G - BA350_F___ - FHEE 350 420 4117 3070 92.7 2355 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 203.1 5160 55.1 1400
6000G - BA370_F___ - FHEE 370 444 4264 3180 126.2 3205 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 236.6 6010 55.1 1400
6000G - BA390_F___ - FHEE 390 468 4492 3350 126.2 3205 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 252.4 6410 55.1 1400
6000G - BA415_F___ - FHEE 415 498 4787 3570 126.2 3205 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 252.4 6410 55.1 1400
6000G - BA438_F___ - FHEE 438 526 5163 3850 126.2 3205 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 252.4 6410 55.1 1400
6000G - BA460_F___ - FHEE 460 552 5297 3950 126.2 3205 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 252.4 6410 55.1 1400
6000G - BA483_F___ - FHEE 483 580 5565 4150 126.2 3205 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 252.4 6410 55.1 1400
6000G - BA507_F___ - FHEE 507 608 5847 4360 126.2 3205 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 252.4 6410 55.1 1400
6000G - BA532_F___ - FHEE 532 638 6128 4570 126.2 3205 134.1 3405 n/a n/a 260.2 6610 55.1 1400
6000G - BA560_F___ - FHEE 560 672 6598 4920 126.2 3205 134.1 3405 n/a n/a 260.2 6610 55.1 1400
6000G - BA588_F___ - FHEE 588 706 6772 5050 126.2 3205 134.1 3405 n/a n/a 260.2 6610 55.1 1400
6000G - BA617_F___ - FHEE 617 740 7107 5300 126.2 3205 134.1 3405 n/a n/a 260.2 6610 55.1 1400
6000G - BA648_F___ - FHEE 648 778 7469 5570 126.2 3205 157.7 4005 n/a n/a 283.9 7210 55.1 1400
6000G - BA680_F___ - FHEE 680 816 8006 5970 126.2 3205 157.7 4005 n/a n/a 283.9 7210 55.1 1400

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

Dimensions (WxDxH)
Base Drive Weight (kg) Base Drive Weight (lbs)
Height Height Height
H1 H2 H
W3 (where W3 (where
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm W1 W2 Total Weight W1 W2 Total Weight
applicable) applicable)
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2000 1360 n/a 3360 4,409 2,998 n/a 7,408
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2100 1360 n/a 3460 4,630 2,998 n/a 7,628
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2200 1360 n/a 3560 4,850 2,998 n/a 7,848
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2300 1360 n/a 3660 5,071 2,998 n/a 8,069
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2400 1360 n/a 3760 5,291 2,998 n/a 8,289
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2500 1360 n/a 3860 5,512 2,998 n/a 8,510
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2600 1360 n/a 3960 5,732 2,998 n/a 8,730
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2700 1360 n/a 4060 5,952 2,998 n/a 8,951
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2750 1360 n/a 4110 6,063 2,998 n/a 9,061
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2800 1360 n/a 4160 6,173 2,998 n/a 9,171
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2900 1360 n/a 4260 6,393 2,998 n/a 9,392
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3000 1360 n/a 4360 6,614 2,998 n/a 9,612
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3100 1360 n/a 4460 6,834 2,998 n/a 9,833
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3200 1360 n/a 4560 7,055 2,998 n/a 10,053
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3400 1360 n/a 4760 7,496 2,998 n/a 10,494
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3600 1360 n/a 4960 7,937 2,998 n/a 10,935
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3650 1360 n/a 5010 8,047 2,998 n/a 11,045
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3750 1740 n/a 5490 8,267 3,836 n/a 12,103
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 4000 1740 n/a 5740 8,818 3,836 n/a 12,655
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 4200 1740 n/a 5940 9,259 3,836 n/a 13,095
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,100 4,900 n/a 7,000 4,630 10,803 n/a 15,432
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,100 5,000 n/a 7,100 4,630 11,023 n/a 15,653
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,100 5,300 n/a 7,400 4,630 11,684 n/a 16,314
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,100 5,600 n/a 7,700 4,630 12,346 n/a 16,976
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,100 5,700 n/a 7,800 4,630 12,566 n/a 17,196
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,100 5,900 n/a 8,000 4,630 13,007 n/a 17,637
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,100 6,200 n/a 8,300 4,630 13,669 n/a 18,298
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,100 6,500 n/a 8,600 4,630 14,330 n/a 18,960
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,100 6,700 n/a 8,800 4,630 14,771 n/a 19,401
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,100 7,100 n/a 9,200 4,630 15,653 n/a 20,283
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,800 7,400 n/a 10,200 6,173 16,314 n/a 22,487
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,800 7,700 n/a 10,500 6,173 16,976 n/a 23,149
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,800 8,200 n/a 11,000 6,173 18,078 n/a 24,251
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,800 8,700 n/a 11,500 6,173 19,180 n/a 25,353
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,050 8,900 n/a 11,950 6,724 19,621 n/a 26,345
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,050 9,200 n/a 12,250 6,724 20,283 n/a 27,007
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,050 9,600 n/a 12,650 6,724 21,164 n/a 27,888
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,050 10,100 n/a 13,150 6,724 22,267 n/a 28,991
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,050 10,700 n/a 13,750 6,724 23,589 n/a 30,314
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,100 11,000 n/a 14,100 6,834 24,251 n/a 31,085
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,100 11,400 n/a 14,500 6,834 25,133 n/a 31,967
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,100 12,000 n/a 15,100 6,834 26,455 n/a 33,290
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,100 12,400 n/a 15,500 6,834 27,337 n/a 34,172

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

PowerFlex 6000 Drive – Normal Duty (IEC Rated)

6600V Input & 6300/6600V Output

Normal Duty Dimensions (WxDxH)

Rated Output Current Typical Motor Width Width Width Width Depth
Normal Duty Power Rating 2 W1 W2 W3 (when applicable) W D
Base Catalog Number
1 min.
Continuous Hp kW Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
6000G - HA25_J___ - J__E 25 30 295 220 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HA28_J___ - J__E 28 34 331 247 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HA32_J___ - J__E 32 38 369 275 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HA36_J___ - J__E 36 43 413 308 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HA40_J___ - J__E 40 48 464 346 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HA45_J___ - J__E 45 54 523 390 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HA50_J___ - J__E 50 60 590 440 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HA56_J___ - J__E 56 67 664 495 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HA63_J___ - J__E 63 76 738 550 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HA71_J___ - J__E 71 85 826 616 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HA80_J___ - J__E 80 96 929 693 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HA90_J___ - J__E 90 108 1047 781 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HA100_J___ - J__E 100 120 1180 880 86.6 2200 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 165.4 4200 53.6 1362
6000G - HA112_J___ - J__E 112 134 1328 990 86.6 2200 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 165.4 4200 53.6 1362
6000G - HA125_J___ - J__E 125 150 1475 1100 86.6 2200 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 165.4 4200 53.6 1362
6000G - HA140_J___ - J__E 140 168 1652 1232 86.6 2200 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 165.4 4200 53.6 1362
6000G - HA150_J___ - J__E 150 180 1770 1320 86.6 2200 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 165.4 4200 53.6 1362
6000G - HA160_J___ - J__E 160 192 1844 1375 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - HA180_J___ - J__E 180 216 2065 1540 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - HA200_J___ - J__E 200 240 2360 1760 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - BA215_J___ - JHEE 215 258 2722 2030 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BA230_J___ - JHEE 230 276 2910 2170 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BA250_J___ - JHEE 250 300 3232 2410 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BA265_J___ - JHEE 265 318 3366 2510 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BA285_J___ - JHEE 285 342 3621 2700 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BA305_J___ - JHEE 305 366 3956 2950 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BA325_J___ - JHEE 325 390 4117 3070 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BA350_J___ - JHEE 350 420 4533 3380 102.6 2605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 228.7 5810 55.1 1400
6000G - BA378_J___ - JHEE 378 454 4787 3570 141.9 3605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 268.1 6810 55.1 1400
6000G - BA408_J___ - JHEE 408 490 5176 3860 141.9 3605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 268.1 6810 55.1 1400
6000G - BA438_J___ - JHEE 438 526 5672 4230 141.9 3605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 268.1 6810 55.1 1400
6000G - BA475_J___ - JHEE 475 570 6021 4490 141.9 3605 134.1 3405 n/a n/a 276.0 7010 55.1 1400
6000G - BA515_J___ - JHEE 515 618 6531 4870 141.9 3605 134.1 3405 n/a n/a 276.0 7010 55.1 1400
6000G - BA560_J___ - JHEE 560 672 7255 5410 141.9 3605 157.7 4005 n/a n/a 299.6 7610 55.1 1400
6000G - BA600_J___ - JHEE 600 720 7603 5670 141.9 3605 157.7 4005 n/a n/a 299.6 7610 55.1 1400
6000G - BA640_J___ - JHEE 640 768 8113 6050 141.9 3605 157.7 4005 n/a n/a 299.6 7610 55.1 1400
6000G - BA680_J___ - JHEE 680 816 8810 6570 141.9 3605 126.2 3205 110.2 2800 378.3 9610 55.1 1400

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

Dimensions (WxDxH)
Base Drive Weight (kg) Base Drive Weight (lbs)
Height Height Height
H1 H2 H
W3 (where W3 (where
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm W1 W2 Total Weight W1 W2 Total Weight
applicable) applicable)
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2100 1360 n/a 3460 4,630 2,998 n/a 7,628
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2200 1360 n/a 3560 4,850 2,998 n/a 7,848
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2300 1360 n/a 3660 5,071 2,998 n/a 8,069
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2400 1360 n/a 3760 5,291 2,998 n/a 8,289
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2500 1360 n/a 3860 5,512 2,998 n/a 8,510
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2600 1360 n/a 3960 5,732 2,998 n/a 8,730
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2700 1360 n/a 4060 5,952 2,998 n/a 8,951
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2750 1360 n/a 4110 6,063 2,998 n/a 9,061
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2800 1360 n/a 4160 6,173 2,998 n/a 9,171
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2900 1360 n/a 4260 6,393 2,998 n/a 9,392
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3000 1360 n/a 4360 6,614 2,998 n/a 9,612
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3100 1360 n/a 4460 6,834 2,998 n/a 9,833
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3200 1360 n/a 4560 7,055 2,998 n/a 10,053
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3400 1360 n/a 4760 7,496 2,998 n/a 10,494
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3600 1360 n/a 4960 7,937 2,998 n/a 10,935
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3650 1360 n/a 5010 8,047 2,998 n/a 11,045
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3750 1740 n/a 5490 8,267 3,836 n/a 12,103
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 4000 1740 n/a 5740 8,818 3,836 n/a 12,655
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 4200 1740 n/a 5940 9,259 3,836 n/a 13,095
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 4800 3020 n/a 7820 10,582 6,658 n/a 17,240
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 5,400 n/a 8,000 5,732 11,905 n/a 17,637
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 5,700 n/a 8,300 5,732 12,566 n/a 18,298
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 6,200 n/a 8,800 5,732 13,669 n/a 19,401
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 6,400 n/a 9,000 5,732 14,110 n/a 19,842
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 6,700 n/a 9,300 5,732 14,771 n/a 20,503
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 7,200 n/a 9,800 5,732 15,873 n/a 21,605
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 7,400 n/a 10,000 5,732 16,314 n/a 22,046
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 8,100 n/a 10,700 5,732 17,857 n/a 23,589
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,250 8,400 n/a 11,650 7,165 18,519 n/a 25,684
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,250 9,000 n/a 12,250 7,165 19,842 n/a 27,007
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,250 9,800 n/a 13,050 7,165 21,605 n/a 28,770
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,550 10,200 n/a 13,750 7,826 22,487 n/a 30,314
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,550 11,000 n/a 14,550 7,826 24,251 n/a 32,077
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,550 11,500 n/a 15,050 7,826 25,353 n/a 33,180
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,650 12,600 n/a 16,250 8,047 27,778 n/a 35,825
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,650 13,300 n/a 16,950 8,047 29,321 n/a 37,368
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,650 7,450 7,450 18,550 8,047 16,424 16,424 40,896

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

PowerFlex 6000 Drive – Normal Duty (IEC Rated)

10000V Input & 10000V Output

Normal Duty Dimensions (WxDxH)
Rated Output Current Typical Motor Width Width Width Width Depth
Normal Duty Power Rating 2 W1 W2 W3 (when applicable) W D
Base Catalog Number
1 min.
Continuous Hp kW Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
6000G - HA15_R___ - R__E 15 18 268 200 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HA16_R___ - R__E 16 19 302 225 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HA18_R___ - R__E 18 22 335 250 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HA20_R___ - R__E 20 24 375 280 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HA24_R___ - R__E 24 29 422 315 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HA26_R___ - R__E 26 31 476 355 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HA30_R___ - R__E 30 36 536 400 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HA33_R___ - R__E 33 40 603 450 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HA36_R___ - R__E 36 43 671 500 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HA41_R___ - R__E 41 49 751 560 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HA48_R___ - R__E 48 58 845 630 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HA54_R___ - R__E 54 65 952 710 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HA60_R___ - R__E 60 72 1073 800 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HA66_R___ - R__E 66 79 1207 900 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - HA75_R___ - R__E 75 90 1341 1000 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - HA84_R___ - R__E 84 101 1502 1120 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - HA96_R___ - R__E 96 115 1676 1250 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - HA108_R___ - R__E 108 130 1877 1400 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - HA120_R___ - R__E 120 144 2146 1600 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - HA138_R___ - R__E 138 166 2414 1800 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - HA150_R___ - R__E 150 180 2682 2000 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - HA168_R___ - R__E 168 202 3017 2250 94.5 2400 163.0 4140 n/a n/a 257.5 6540 53.6 1362
6000G - HA180_R___ - R__E 180 216 3218 2400 94.5 2400 163.0 4140 n/a n/a 257.5 6540 53.6 1362
6000G - HA192_R___ - R__E 192 230 3353 2500 94.5 2400 163.0 4140 n/a n/a 257.5 6540 53.6 1362
6000G - HA200_R___ - R__E 200 240 3755 2800 94.5 2400 163.0 4140 n/a n/a 257.5 6540 53.6 1362
6000G - BA210_R___ - RHEE 210 252 4036 3010 132.1 3355 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 242.5 6160 55.1 1400
6000G - BA223_R___ - RHEE 223 268 4291 3200 132.1 3355 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 242.5 6160 55.1 1400
6000G - BA236_R___ - RHEE 236 283 4533 3380 132.1 3355 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 258.3 6560 55.1 1400
6000G - BA250_R___ - RHEE 250 300 4908 3660 132.1 3355 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 258.3 6560 55.1 1400
6000G - BA263_R___ - RHEE 263 316 5056 3770 132.1 3355 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 258.3 6560 55.1 1400
6000G - BA276_R___ - RHEE 276 331 5297 3950 132.1 3355 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 258.3 6560 55.1 1400
6000G - BA290_R___ - RHEE 290 348 5565 4150 132.1 3355 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 258.3 6560 55.1 1400
6000G - BA305_R___ - RHEE 305 366 5981 4460 132.1 3355 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 258.3 6560 55.1 1400
6000G - BA325_R___ - RHEE 325 390 6249 4660 132.1 3355 134.1 3405 n/a n/a 266.1 6760 55.1 1400
6000G - BA350_R___ - RHEE 350 420 6866 5120 132.1 3355 134.1 3405 n/a n/a 266.1 6760 55.1 1400
6000G - BA370_R___ - RHEE 370 444 7107 5300 181.3 4605 110.4 2805 94.5 2400 386.2 9810 55.1 1400
6000G - BA390_R___ - RHEE 390 468 7496 5590 181.3 4605 110.4 2805 94.5 2400 386.2 9810 55.1 1400
6000G - BA415_R___ - RHEE 415 498 7979 5950 181.3 4605 110.4 2805 94.5 2400 386.2 9810 55.1 1400
6000G - BA438_R___ - RHEE 438 526 8596 6410 181.3 4605 110.4 2805 94.5 2400 386.2 9810 55.1 1400
6000G - BA460_R___ - RHEE 460 552 8837 6590 181.3 4605 126.2 3205 110.2 2800 417.7 10610 55.1 1400
6000G - BA483_R___ - RHEE 483 580 9280 6920 181.3 4605 126.2 3205 110.2 2800 417.7 10610 55.1 1400
6000G - BA507_R___ - RHEE 507 608 9736 7260 181.3 4605 126.2 3205 110.2 2800 417.7 10610 55.1 1400
6000G - BA532_R___ - RHEE 532 638 10218 7620 181.3 4605 126.2 3205 110.2 2800 417.7 10610 55.1 1400
6000G - BA560_R___ - RHEE 560 672 10983 8190 181.3 4605 126.2 3205 110.2 2800 417.7 10610 55.1 1400
6000G - BA588_R___ - RHEE 588 706 11291 8420 181.3 4605 126.2 3205 110.2 2800 417.7 10610 55.1 1400
6000G - BA617_R___ - RHEE 617 740 11854 8840 181.3 4605 126.2 3205 110.2 2800 417.7 10610 55.1 1400
6000G - BA648_R___ - RHEE 648 778 12444 9280 181.3 4605 134.1 3405 118.1 3000 433.5 11010 55.1 1400
6000G - BA680_R___ - RHEE 680 816 13343 9950 181.3 4605 134.1 3405 118.1 3000 433.5 11010 55.1 1400

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

Dimensions (WxDxH)
Base Drive Weight (kg) Base Drive Weight (lbs)
Height Height Height
H1 H2 H
W3 (where W3 (where
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm W1 W2 Total Weight W1 W2 Total Weight
applicable) applicable)
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2000 1740 n/a 3740 4,409 3,836 n/a 8,245
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2100 1740 n/a 3840 4,630 3,836 n/a 8,466
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2200 1740 n/a 3940 4,850 3,836 n/a 8,686
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2300 1740 n/a 4040 5,071 3,836 n/a 8,907
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2400 1740 n/a 4140 5,291 3,836 n/a 9,127
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2500 1740 n/a 4240 5,512 3,836 n/a 9,348
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2600 1740 n/a 4340 5,732 3,836 n/a 9,568
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2700 1740 n/a 4440 5,952 3,836 n/a 9,789
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2800 1740 n/a 4540 6,173 3,836 n/a 10,009
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2900 1740 n/a 4640 6,393 3,836 n/a 10,229
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3000 1740 n/a 4740 6,614 3,836 n/a 10,450
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3100 1740 n/a 4840 6,834 3,836 n/a 10,670
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3200 1740 n/a 4940 7,055 3,836 n/a 10,891
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3300 1740 n/a 5040 7,275 3,836 n/a 11,111
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3400 1740 n/a 5140 7,496 3,836 n/a 11,332
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3600 1740 n/a 5340 7,937 3,836 n/a 11,773
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3800 1740 n/a 5540 8,378 3,836 n/a 12,214
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 4000 1740 n/a 5740 8,818 3,836 n/a 12,655
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 4200 1740 n/a 5940 9,259 3,836 n/a 13,095
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 4800 1740 n/a 6540 10,582 3,836 n/a 14,418
94.5 2400 15.0 380 109.4 2780 5000 1740 n/a 6740 11,023 3,836 n/a 14,859
94.5 2400 15.0 380 109.4 2780 5200 3210 n/a 8410 11,464 7,077 n/a 18,541
94.5 2400 15.0 380 109.4 2780 5400 3210 n/a 8610 11,905 7,077 n/a 18,982
94.5 2400 15.0 380 109.4 2780 5650 3210 n/a 8860 12,456 7,077 n/a 19,533
94.5 2400 15.0 380 109.4 2780 5800 3210 n/a 9010 12,787 7,077 n/a 19,864
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,300 7,100 n/a 10,400 7,275 15,653 n/a 22,928
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,300 7,400 n/a 10,700 7,275 16,314 n/a 23,589
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,300 7,800 n/a 11,100 7,275 17,196 n/a 24,471
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,300 8,300 n/a 11,600 7,275 18,298 n/a 25,574
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,300 8,500 n/a 11,800 7,275 18,739 n/a 26,015
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,300 8,900 n/a 12,200 7,275 19,621 n/a 26,896
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,300 9,200 n/a 12,500 7,275 20,283 n/a 27,558
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,300 9,800 n/a 13,100 7,275 21,605 n/a 28,881
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,300 10,200 n/a 13,500 7,275 22,487 n/a 29,762
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,300 11,100 n/a 14,400 7,275 24,471 n/a 31,747
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 4,200 6,000 6,000 16,200 9,259 13,228 13,228 35,715
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 4,200 6,200 6,200 16,600 9,259 13,669 13,669 36,597
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 4,200 6,550 6,550 17,300 9,259 14,440 14,440 38,140
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 4,200 7,000 7,000 18,200 9,259 15,432 15,432 40,124
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 4,600 7,200 7,200 19,000 10,141 15,873 15,873 41,888
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 4,600 7,500 7,500 19,600 10,141 16,535 16,535 43,211
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 4,600 7,850 7,850 20,300 10,141 17,306 17,306 44,754
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 4,600 8,150 8,150 20,900 10,141 17,968 17,968 46,077
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 4,600 8,650 8,650 21,900 10,141 19,070 19,070 48,281
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 4,750 8,850 8,850 22,450 10,472 19,511 19,511 49,494
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 4,750 9,200 9,200 23,150 10,472 20,283 20,283 51,037
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 4,750 9,700 9,700 24,150 10,472 21,385 21,385 53,242
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 4,750 10,300 10,300 25,350 10,472 22,708 22,708 55,887

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

PowerFlex 6000 Drive – Normal Duty (IEC Rated)

11000V Input & 11000V Output

Normal Duty Dimensions (WxDxH)

Rated Output Current Typical Motor Width Width Width Width Depth
Normal Duty Power Rating 2 W1 W2 W3 (when applicable) W D
Base Catalog Number
1 min.
Continuous Hp kW Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
6000G - HA15_S___ - S__E 15 18 295 220 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HA16_S___ - S__E 16 19 331 247 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HA18_S___ - S__E 18 22 369 275 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HA20_S___ - S__E 20 24 413 308 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HA24_S___ - S__E 24 29 464 346 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HA26_S___ - S__E 26 31 523 390 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HA30_S___ - S__E 30 36 590 440 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HA33_S___ - S__E 33 40 664 495 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HA36_S___ - S__E 36 43 738 550 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HA41_S___ - S__E 41 49 826 616 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HA48_S___ - S__E 48 58 929 693 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HA54_S___ - S__E 54 65 1047 781 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HA60_S___ - S__E 60 72 1180 880 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HA66_S___ - S__E 66 79 1328 990 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - HA75_S___ - S__E 75 90 1475 1100 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - HA84_S___ - S__E 84 101 1652 1232 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - HA96_S___ - S__E 96 115 1877 1400 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - HA108_S___ - S__E 108 130 2146 1600 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - HA120_S___ - S__E 120 144 2414 1800 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - HA138_S___ - S__E 138 166 2682 2000 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - HA150_S___ - S__E 150 180 3017 2250 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - HA168_S___ - S__E 168 202 3218 2400 94.5 2400 163.0 4140 n/a n/a 257.5 6540 53.6 1362
6000G - HA180_S___ - S__E 180 216 3353 2500 94.5 2400 163.0 4140 n/a n/a 257.5 6540 53.6 1362
6000G - HA192_S___ - S__E 192 230 3755 2800 94.5 2400 163.0 4140 n/a n/a 257.5 6540 53.6 1362
6000G - HA200_S___ - S__E 200 240 4023 3000 94.5 2400 163.0 4140 n/a n/a 257.5 6540 53.6 1362
6000G - BA215_S___ - SHEE 215 258 4546 3390 141.9 3605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 268.1 6810 55.1 1400
6000G - BA230_S___ - SHEE 230 276 4854 3620 141.9 3605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 268.1 6810 55.1 1400
6000G - BA250_S___ - SHEE 250 300 5391 4020 141.9 3605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 268.1 6810 55.1 1400
6000G - BA265_S___ - SHEE 265 318 5605 4180 141.9 3605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 268.1 6810 55.1 1400
6000G - BA285_S___ - SHEE 285 342 6021 4490 141.9 3605 134.1 3405 n/a n/a 276.0 7010 55.1 1400
6000G - BA305_S___ - SHEE 305 366 6584 4910 141.9 3605 134.1 3405 n/a n/a 276.0 7010 55.1 1400
6000G - BA325_S___ - SHEE 325 390 6866 5120 141.9 3605 134.1 3405 n/a n/a 276.0 7010 55.1 1400
6000G - BA350_S___ - SHEE 350 420 7550 5630 141.9 3605 157.7 4005 n/a n/a 299.6 7610 55.1 1400
6000G - BA378_S___ - SHEE 378 454 7992 5960 204.9 5205 126.2 3205 94.5 2400 425.6 10810 55.1 1400
6000G - BA408_S___ - SHEE 408 490 8623 6430 204.9 5205 126.2 3205 94.5 2400 425.6 10810 55.1 1400
6000G - BA438_S___ - SHEE 438 526 9454 7050 204.9 5205 126.2 3205 110.2 2800 441.3 11210 55.1 1400
6000G - BA475_S___ - SHEE 475 570 10044 7490 204.9 5205 126.2 3205 110.2 2800 441.3 11210 55.1 1400
6000G - BA515_S___ - SHEE 515 618 10889 8120 204.9 5205 134.1 3405 110.2 2800 449.2 11410 55.1 1400
6000G - BA560_S___ - SHEE 560 672 12082 9010 204.9 5205 134.1 3405 110.2 2800 449.2 11410 55.1 1400
6000G - BA600_S___ - SHEE 600 720 12686 9460 204.9 5205 157.7 4005 110.2 2800 472.8 12010 55.1 1400
6000G - BA640_S___ - SHEE 640 768 13531 10090 204.9 5205 157.7 4005 118.1 3000 480.7 12210 55.1 1400
6000G - BA680_S___ - SHEE 680 816 14684 10950 204.9 5205 157.7 4005 118.1 3000 480.7 12210 55.1 1400

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

Dimensions (WxDxH)
Base Drive Weight (kg) Base Drive Weight (lbs)
Height Height Height
H1 H2 H
W3 (where W3 (where
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm W1 W2 Total Weight W1 W2 Total Weight
applicable) applicable)
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2000 1740 n/a 3740 4,409 3,836 n/a 8,245
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2100 1740 n/a 3840 4,630 3,836 n/a 8,466
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2200 1740 n/a 3940 4,850 3,836 n/a 8,686
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2300 1740 n/a 4040 5,071 3,836 n/a 8,907
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2400 1740 n/a 4140 5,291 3,836 n/a 9,127
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2500 1740 n/a 4240 5,512 3,836 n/a 9,348
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2600 1740 n/a 4340 5,732 3,836 n/a 9,568
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2700 1740 n/a 4440 5,952 3,836 n/a 9,789
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2800 1740 n/a 4540 6,173 3,836 n/a 10,009
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2900 1740 n/a 4640 6,393 3,836 n/a 10,229
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3000 1740 n/a 4740 6,614 3,836 n/a 10,450
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3100 1740 n/a 4840 6,834 3,836 n/a 10,670
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3200 1740 n/a 4940 7,055 3,836 n/a 10,891
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3300 1740 n/a 5040 7,275 3,836 n/a 11,111
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3400 1740 n/a 5140 7,496 3,836 n/a 11,332
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3600 1740 n/a 5340 7,937 3,836 n/a 11,773
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3800 1740 n/a 5540 8,378 3,836 n/a 12,214
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 4000 1740 n/a 5740 8,818 3,836 n/a 12,655
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 4200 1740 n/a 5940 9,259 3,836 n/a 13,095
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 4800 1740 n/a 6540 10,582 3,836 n/a 14,418
94.5 2400 15.0 380 109.4 2780 5000 1740 n/a 6740 11,023 3,836 n/a 14,859
94.5 2400 15.0 380 109.4 2780 5200 3210 n/a 8410 11,464 7,077 n/a 18,541
94.5 2400 15.0 380 109.4 2780 5400 3210 n/a 8610 11,905 7,077 n/a 18,982
94.5 2400 15.0 380 109.4 2780 5650 3210 n/a 8860 12,456 7,077 n/a 19,533
94.5 2400 15.0 380 109.4 2780 5800 3210 n/a 9010 12,787 7,077 n/a 19,864
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,650 8,100 n/a 11,750 8,047 17,857 n/a 25,904
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,650 8,500 n/a 12,150 8,047 18,739 n/a 26,786
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,650 9,300 n/a 12,950 8,047 20,503 n/a 28,550
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,650 9,600 n/a 13,250 8,047 21,164 n/a 29,211
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,650 10,200 n/a 13,850 8,047 22,487 n/a 30,534
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,650 11,100 n/a 14,750 8,047 24,471 n/a 32,518
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,650 11,500 n/a 15,150 8,047 25,353 n/a 33,400
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,650 13,100 n/a 16,750 8,047 28,881 n/a 36,927
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 4,650 6,800 6,800 11,450 10,251 14,991 14,991 25,243
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 4,650 8,100 6,500 12,750 10,251 17,857 17,857 28,109
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 4,650 8,850 7,050 13,500 10,251 19,511 19,511 29,762
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 5,050 9,200 7,400 14,250 11,133 20,283 20,283 31,416
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 5,050 9,950 7,950 15,000 11,133 21,936 21,936 33,069
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 5,050 10,800 8,700 15,850 11,133 23,810 23,810 34,943
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 5,200 11,300 9,100 16,500 11,464 24,912 24,912 36,376
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 5,200 12,100 9,700 17,300 11,464 26,676 26,676 38,140
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 5,200 13,000 10,400 18,200 11,464 28,660 28,660 40,124

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

PowerFlex 6000 Drive – Heavy Duty (IEC Rated)

3000V Input & 3000V Output

Heavy Duty Dimensions (WxDxH)

Width Width Width Width Depth

Rated Output Current Typical Motor
Heavy Duty Power Rating 2
W1 W2 W3 (when applicable) W D
Base Catalog Number
1 min.
Continuous Hp kW Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm

6000G - HC32_B___ - B__E 32 48 172 128 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362

6000G - HC36_B___ - B__E 36 54 193 144 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362

6000G - HC40_B___ - B__E 40 60 214 160 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362

6000G - HC45_B___ - B__E 45 68 240 179 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362

6000G - HC50_B___ - B__E 50 75 268 200 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362

6000G - HC57_B___ - B__E 57 86 300 224 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362

6000G - HC64_B___ - B__E 64 96 338 252 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362

6000G - HC72_B___ - B__E 72 108 381 284 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362

6000G - BHC80_B___ - B__E 80 120 429 320 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362

6000G - HC90_B___ - B__E 90 135 481 358 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362

6000G - HC100_B___ - B__E 100 150 537 400 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362

6000G - HC112_B___ - B__E 112 168 601 448 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362

6000G - HC120_B___ - B__E 120 180 644 480 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362

6000G - HC128_B___ - B__E 128 192 676 504 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362

6000G - HC144_B___ - B__E 144 216 762 568 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362

6000G - HC160_B___ - B__E 160 240 858 640 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362

6000G - BC172_B___ - BHEE 172 258 987 736 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400

6000G - BC184_B___ - BHEE 184 276 1062 792 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400

6000G - BC200_B___ - BHEE 200 300 1180 880 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400

6000G - BC212_B___ - BHEE 212 318 1223 912 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400

6000G - BC228_B___ - BHEE 228 342 1319 984 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400

6000G - BC244_B___ - BHEE 244 366 1438 1072 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400

6000G - BC260_B___ - BHEE 260 390 1502 1120 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400

6000G - BC280_B___ - BHEE 280 420 1652 1232 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400

6000G - BC302_B___ - BHEE 302 453 1738 1296 86.8 2205 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 185.4 4710 55.1 1400

6000G - BC326_B___ - BHEE 326 489 1878 1400 86.8 2205 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 185.4 4710 55.1 1400

6000G - BC350_B___ - BHEE 350 525 2060 1536 86.8 2205 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 185.4 4710 55.1 1400

6000G - BC380_B___ - BHEE 380 570 2189 1632 86.8 2205 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 197.2 5010 55.1 1400

6000G - BC412_B___ - BHEE 412 618 2371 1768 86.8 2205 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 197.2 5010 55.1 1400

6000G - BC448_B___ - BHEE 448 672 2639 1968 86.8 2205 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 197.2 5010 55.1 1400

6000G - BC480_B___ - BHEE 480 720 2768 2064 86.8 2205 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 197.2 5010 55.1 1400

6000G - BC512_B___ - BHEE 512 768 2950 2200 86.8 2205 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 197.2 5010 55.1 1400

6000G - BC544_B___ - BHEE 544 816 3208 2392 86.8 2205 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 197.2 5010 55.1 1400

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

Dimensions (WxDxH)
Base Drive Weight (kg) Base Drive Weight (lbs)
Height Height Height

H1 H2 H

W3 (where Total W3 (where Total

Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm W1 W2 W1 W2
applicable) Weight applicable) Weight

90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 1800 1360 n/a 3160 3,968 2,998 n/a 6,967

90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 1900 1360 n/a 3260 4,189 2,998 n/a 7,187

90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2000 1360 n/a 3360 4,409 2,998 n/a 7,408

90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2100 1360 n/a 3460 4,630 2,998 n/a 7,628

90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2200 1360 n/a 3560 4,850 2,998 n/a 7,848

90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2300 1360 n/a 3660 5,071 2,998 n/a 8,069

90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2400 1360 n/a 3760 5,291 2,998 n/a 8,289

90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2500 1360 n/a 3860 5,512 2,998 n/a 8,510

90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2600 1360 n/a 3960 5,732 2,998 n/a 8,730

90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2700 1360 n/a 4060 5,952 2,998 n/a 8,951

90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2750 1360 n/a 4110 6,063 2,998 n/a 9,061

90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2800 1360 n/a 4160 6,173 2,998 n/a 9,171

90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2850 1360 n/a 4210 6,283 2,998 n/a 9,281

90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2900 1450 n/a 4350 6,393 3,197 n/a 9,590

90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3000 1450 n/a 4450 6,614 3,197 n/a 9,811

90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3100 1450 n/a 4550 6,834 3,197 n/a 10,031

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 3,700 n/a 5,100 3,086 8,157 n/a 11,244

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 3,700 n/a 5,100 3,086 8,157 n/a 11,244

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 3,700 n/a 5,100 3,086 8,157 n/a 11,244

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 3,700 n/a 5,100 3,086 8,157 n/a 11,244

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 3,900 n/a 5,300 3,086 8,598 n/a 11,684

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 4,100 n/a 5,500 3,086 9,039 n/a 12,125

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 4,200 n/a 5,600 3,086 9,259 n/a 12,346

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 4,400 n/a 5,800 3,086 9,700 n/a 12,787

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,850 4,600 n/a 6,450 4,079 10,141 n/a 14,220

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,850 4,900 n/a 6,750 4,079 10,803 n/a 14,881

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,850 5,100 n/a 6,950 4,079 11,244 n/a 15,322

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,000 5,500 n/a 7,500 4,409 12,125 n/a 16,535

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,000 5,800 n/a 7,800 4,409 12,787 n/a 17,196

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,000 6,300 n/a 8,300 4,409 13,889 n/a 18,298

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,050 6,500 n/a 8,550 4,519 14,330 n/a 18,850

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,050 6,800 n/a 8,850 4,519 14,991 n/a 19,511

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,050 7,300 n/a 9,350 4,519 16,094 n/a 20,613

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

PowerFlex 6000 Drive – Heavy Duty (IEC Rated)

3300V Input & 3300V Output

Heavy Duty Dimensions (WxDxH)

Rated Output Current Typical Motor Width Width Width Width Depth
Heavy Duty Power Rating 2 W1 W2 W3 (when applicable) W D
Base Catalog Number
1 min.
Continuous Hp kW Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
6000G - HC32_C___ - C__E 32 48 189 141 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362
6000G - HC36_C___ - C__E 36 54 213 158 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362
6000G - HC40_C___ - C__E 40 60 236 176 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362
6000G - HC45_C___ - C__E 45 68 264 197 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362
6000G - HC50_C___ - C__E 50 75 295 220 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362
6000G - HC57_C___ - C__E 57 86 330 246 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362
6000G - HC64_C___ - C__E 64 96 371 277 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362
6000G - HC72_C___ - C__E 72 108 418 312 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362
6000G - HC80_C___ - C__E 80 120 472 352 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362
6000G - HC90_C___ - C__E 90 135 528 394 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362
6000G - HC100_C___ - C__E 100 150 590 440 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362
6000G - HC112_C___ - C__E 112 168 661 493 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362
6000G - HC120_C___ - C__E 120 180 708 528 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362
6000G - HC128_C___ - C__E 128 192 743 554 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HC144_C___ - C__E 144 216 838 625 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HC160_C___ - C__E 160 240 944 704 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - BC172_C___ - CHEE 172 258 1094 816 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400
6000G - BC184_C___ - CHEE 184 276 1170 872 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400
6000G - BC200_C___ - CHEE 200 300 1298 968 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400
6000G - BC212_C___ - CHEE 212 318 1341 1000 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400
6000G - BC228_C___ - CHEE 228 342 1448 1080 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400
6000G - BC244_C___ - CHEE 244 366 1577 1176 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400
6000G - BC260_C___ - CHEE 260 390 1652 1232 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400
6000G - BC280_C___ - CHEE 280 420 1813 1352 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400
6000G - BC302_C___ - CHEE 302 453 1920 1432 86.8 2205 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 185.4 4710 55.1 1400
6000G - BC326_C___ - CHEE 326 489 2070 1544 86.8 2205 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 185.4 4710 55.1 1400
6000G - BC350_C___ - CHEE 350 525 2264 1688 86.8 2205 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 197.2 5010 55.1 1400
6000G - BC380_C___ - CHEE 380 570 2414 1800 86.8 2205 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 197.2 5010 55.1 1400
6000G - BC412_C___ - CHEE 412 618 2607 1944 86.8 2205 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 197.2 5010 55.1 1400
6000G - BC448_C___ - CHEE 448 672 2897 2160 86.8 2205 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 197.2 5010 55.1 1400
6000G - BC480_C___ - CHEE 480 720 3046 2272 86.8 2205 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 197.2 5010 55.1 1400
6000G - BC512_C___ - CHEE 512 768 3250 2424 86.8 2205 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 197.2 5010 55.1 1400
6000G - BC544_C___ - CHEE 544 816 3518 2624 86.8 2205 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

Dimensions (WxDxH)
Base Drive Weight (kg) Base Drive Weight (lbs)
Height Height Height
H1 H2 H
W3 (where Total W3 (where Total
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm W1 W2 W1 W2
applicable) Weight applicable) Weight
90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 1900 1360 n/a 3260 4,189 2,998 n/a 7,187
90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2000 1360 n/a 3360 4,409 2,998 n/a 7,408
90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2100 1360 n/a 3460 4,630 2,998 n/a 7,628
90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2200 1360 n/a 3560 4,850 2,998 n/a 7,848
90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2300 1360 n/a 3660 5,071 2,998 n/a 8,069
90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2400 1360 n/a 3760 5,291 2,998 n/a 8,289
90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2500 1360 n/a 3860 5,512 2,998 n/a 8,510
90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2600 1360 n/a 3960 5,732 2,998 n/a 8,730
90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2700 1360 n/a 4060 5,952 2,998 n/a 8,951
90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2750 1360 n/a 4110 6,063 2,998 n/a 9,061
90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2800 1360 n/a 4160 6,173 2,998 n/a 9,171
90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2900 1360 n/a 4260 6,393 2,998 n/a 9,392
90.6 2300 15.0 380 105.5 2680 2950 1360 n/a 4310 6,504 2,998 n/a 9,502
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3000 1450 n/a 4450 6,614 3,197 n/a 9,811
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3100 1450 n/a 4550 6,834 3,197 n/a 10,031
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3200 1450 n/a 4650 7,055 3,197 n/a 10,251
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 3,700 n/a 5,100 3,086 8,157 n/a 11,244
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 3,700 n/a 5,100 3,086 8,157 n/a 11,244
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 3,900 n/a 5,300 3,086 8,598 n/a 11,684
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 3,900 n/a 5,300 3,086 8,598 n/a 11,684
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 4,100 n/a 5,500 3,086 9,039 n/a 12,125
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 4,400 n/a 5,800 3,086 9,700 n/a 12,787
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 4,400 n/a 5,800 3,086 9,700 n/a 12,787
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 4,700 n/a 6,100 3,086 10,362 n/a 13,448
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,850 4,900 n/a 6,750 4,079 10,803 n/a 14,881
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,850 5,300 n/a 7,150 4,079 11,684 n/a 15,763
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,850 5,600 n/a 7,450 4,079 12,346 n/a 16,424
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,000 5,900 n/a 7,900 4,409 13,007 n/a 17,416
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,000 6,200 n/a 8,200 4,409 13,669 n/a 18,078
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,000 6,700 n/a 8,700 4,409 14,771 n/a 19,180
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,050 7,000 n/a 9,050 4,519 15,432 n/a 19,952
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,050 7,400 n/a 9,450 4,519 16,314 n/a 20,834
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,050 7,900 n/a 9,950 4,519 17,416 n/a 21,936

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

PowerFlex 6000 Drive – Heavy Duty (IEC Rated)

4160V Input & 4000/4160V Output

Heavy Duty Dimensions (WxDxH)

Rated Output Current Typical Motor Width Width Width Width Depth
Heavy Duty Power Rating 2 W1 W2 W3 (when applicable) W D
Base Catalog Number
1 min.
Continuous Hp kW Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
6000G - HC32_E___ - E__E 32 48 236 176 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G -HC36_E___ - E__E 36 54 268 200 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HC40_E___ - E__E 40 60 300 224 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HC45_E___ - E__E 45 68 338 252 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HC50_E___ - E__E 50 75 375 280 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HC57_E___ - E__E 57 86 429 320 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HC64_E___ - E__E 64 96 472 352 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HC72_E___ - E__E 72 108 537 400 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HC80_E___ - E__E 80 120 590 440 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HC90_E___ - E__E 90 135 676 504 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HC100_E___ - E__E 100 150 740 552 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HC112_E___ - E__E 112 168 831 620 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HC120_E___ - E__E 120 180 890 664 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HC128_E___ - E__E 128 192 954 712 86.6 2200 85.8 2180 n/a n/a 172.4 4380 53.6 1362
6000G - HC144_E___ - E__E 144 216 1073 800 86.6 2200 85.8 2180 n/a n/a 172.4 4380 53.6 1362
6000G - HC160_E___ - E__E 160 240 1180 880 86.6 2200 85.8 2180 n/a n/a 172.4 4380 53.6 1362
6000G - BC172_E___ - EHEE 172 258 1373 1024 82.9 2105 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 181.5 4610 55.1 1400
6000G - BC184_E___ - EHEE 184 276 1470 1096 82.9 2105 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 181.5 4610 55.1 1400
6000G - BC200_E___ - EHEE 200 300 1630 1216 82.9 2105 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 181.5 4610 55.1 1400
6000G - BC212_E___ - EHEE 212 318 1695 1264 82.9 2105 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 181.5 4610 55.1 1400
6000G - BC228_E___ - EHEE 228 342 1824 1360 82.9 2105 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 181.5 4610 55.1 1400
6000G - BC244_E___ - EHEE 244 366 1995 1488 82.9 2105 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 181.5 4610 55.1 1400
6000G - BC260_E___ - EHEE 260 390 2082 1552 82.9 2105 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 181.5 4610 55.1 1400
6000G - BC280_E___ - EHEE 280 420 2285 1704 82.9 2105 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 193.3 4910 55.1 1400
6000G - BC302_E___ - EHEE 302 453 2414 1800 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BC326_E___ - EHEE 326 489 2607 1944 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BC350_E___ - EHEE 350 525 2864 2136 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BC380_E___ - EHEE 380 570 3036 2264 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BC412_E___ - EHEE 412 618 3294 2456 102.6 2605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 228.7 5810 55.1 1400
6000G - BC448_E___ - EHEE 448 672 3658 2728 102.6 2605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 228.7 5810 55.1 1400
6000G - BC480_E___ - EHEE 480 720 3841 2864 102.6 2605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 228.7 5810 55.1 1400
6000G - BC512_E___ - EHEE 512 768 4087 3048 102.6 2605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 228.7 5810 55.1 1400
6000G - BC544_E___ - EHEE 544 816 4442 3312 102.6 2605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 228.7 5810 55.1 1400

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

Dimensions (WxDxH)
Base Drive Weight (kg) Base Drive Weight (lbs)
Height Height Height
H1 H2 H
W3 (where Total W3 (where Total
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm W1 W2 W1 W2
applicable) Weight applicable) Weight
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2200 1480 n/a 3680 4,850 3,263 n/a 8,113
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2200 1480 n/a 3680 4,850 3,263 n/a 8,113
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2300 1480 n/a 3780 5,071 3,263 n/a 8,333
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2400 1480 n/a 3880 5,291 3,263 n/a 8,554
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2500 1480 n/a 3980 5,512 3,263 n/a 8,774
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2600 1480 n/a 4080 5,732 3,263 n/a 8,995
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2650 1480 n/a 4130 5,842 3,263 n/a 9,105
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2750 1480 n/a 4230 6,063 3,263 n/a 9,326
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2800 1480 n/a 4280 6,173 3,263 n/a 9,436
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2900 1480 n/a 4380 6,393 3,263 n/a 9,656
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3000 1480 n/a 4480 6,614 3,263 n/a 9,877
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3100 1480 n/a 4580 6,834 3,263 n/a 10,097
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3150 1480 n/a 4630 6,945 3,263 n/a 10,207
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3200 1600 n/a 4800 7,055 3,527 n/a 10,582
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3400 1600 n/a 5000 7,496 3,527 n/a 11,023
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3600 1600 n/a 5200 7,937 3,527 n/a 11,464
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,750 4,000 n/a 5,750 3,858 8,818 n/a 12,677
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,750 4,100 n/a 5,850 3,858 9,039 n/a 12,897
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,750 4,400 n/a 6,150 3,858 9,700 n/a 13,558
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,750 4,600 n/a 6,350 3,858 10,141 n/a 13,999
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,750 4,800 n/a 6,550 3,858 10,582 n/a 14,440
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,750 5,100 n/a 6,850 3,858 11,244 n/a 15,102
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,750 5,300 n/a 7,050 3,858 11,684 n/a 15,543
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,750 5,700 n/a 7,450 3,858 12,566 n/a 16,424
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,300 5,900 n/a 8,200 5,071 13,007 n/a 18,078
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,300 6,200 n/a 8,500 5,071 13,669 n/a 18,739
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,300 6,700 n/a 9,000 5,071 14,771 n/a 19,842
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,500 6,900 n/a 9,400 5,512 15,212 n/a 20,723
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,500 7,400 n/a 9,900 5,512 16,314 n/a 21,826
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,500 8,200 n/a 10,700 5,512 18,078 n/a 23,589
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,550 8,400 n/a 10,950 5,622 18,519 n/a 24,141
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,550 8,900 n/a 11,450 5,622 19,621 n/a 25,243
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,550 9,400 n/a 11,950 5,622 20,723 n/a 26,345

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

PowerFlex 6000 Drive – Heavy Duty (IEC Rated)

6000V Input & 6000V Output

Heavy Duty Dimensions (WxDxH)
Rated Output Current Typical Motor Width Width Width Width Depth
Heavy Duty Power Rating 2 W1 W2 W3 (when applicable) W D
Base Catalog Number
1 min.
Continuous Hp kW Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
6000G - HC20_F___ - F__E 20 30 214 160 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HC22_F___ - F__E 22 33 242 180 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HC26_F___ - F__E 26 39 268 200 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HC29_F___ - F__E 29 44 300 224 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HC32_F___ - F__E 32 48 338 252 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HC36_F___ - F__E 36 54 381 284 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HC40_F___ - F__E 40 60 429 320 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HC45_F___ - F__E 45 68 482 360 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HC50_F___ - F__E 50 75 537 400 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HC57_F___ - F__E 57 86 601 448 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HC64_F___ - F__E 64 96 676 504 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HC72_F___ - F__E 72 108 762 568 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HC80_F___ - F__E 80 120 858 640 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HC90_F___ - F__E 90 135 966 720 86.6 2200 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 165.4 4200 53.6 1362
6000G - HC100_F___ - F__E 100 150 1073 800 86.6 2200 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 165.4 4200 53.6 1362
6000G - HC112_F___ - F__E 112 168 1202 896 86.6 2200 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 165.4 4200 53.6 1362
6000G - HC120_F___ - F__E 120 180 1287 960 86.6 2200 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 165.4 4200 53.6 1362
6000G - HC128_F___ - F__E 128 192 1341 1000 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - HC144_F___ - F__E 144 216 1502 1120 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - HC160_F___ - F__E 160 240 1717 1280 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - BC168_F___ - FHEE 168 252 1942 1448 92.7 2355 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 191.3 4860 55.1 1400
6000G - BC178_F___ - FHEE 178 267 2060 1536 92.7 2355 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 191.3 4860 55.1 1400
6000G - BC189_F___ - FHEE 189 284 2178 1624 92.7 2355 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 191.3 4860 55.1 1400
6000G - BC200_F___ - FHEE 200 300 2350 1752 92.7 2355 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 203.1 5160 55.1 1400
6000G - BC210_F___ - FHEE 210 315 2425 1808 92.7 2355 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 203.1 5160 55.1 1400
6000G - BC221_F___ - FHEE 221 332 2542 1896 92.7 2355 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 203.1 5160 55.1 1400
6000G - BC232_F___ - FHEE 232 348 2671 1992 92.7 2355 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 203.1 5160 55.1 1400
6000G - BC244_F___ - FHEE 244 366 2875 2144 92.7 2355 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 203.1 5160 55.1 1400
6000G - BC260_F___ - FHEE 260 390 2993 2232 92.7 2355 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 203.1 5160 55.1 1400
6000G - BC280_F___ - FHEE 280 420 3294 2456 92.7 2355 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 203.1 5160 55.1 1400
6000G - BC296_F___ - FHEE 296 444 3411 2544 126.2 3205 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 236.6 6010 55.1 1400
6000G - BC312_F___ - FHEE 312 468 3594 2680 126.2 3205 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 252.4 6410 55.1 1400
6000G - BC332_F___ - FHEE 332 498 3830 2856 126.2 3205 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 252.4 6410 55.1 1400
6000G - BC350_F___ - FHEE 350 525 4130 3080 126.2 3205 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 252.4 6410 55.1 1400
6000G - BC368_F___ - FHEE 368 552 4238 3160 126.2 3205 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 252.4 6410 55.1 1400
6000G - BC386_F___ - FHEE 386 579 4452 3320 126.2 3205 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 252.4 6410 55.1 1400
6000G - BC406_F___ - FHEE 406 609 4678 3488 126.2 3205 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 252.4 6410 55.1 1400
6000G - BC426_F___ - FHEE 426 639 4902 3656 126.2 3205 134.1 3405 n/a n/a 260.2 6610 55.1 1400
6000G - BC448_F___ - FHEE 448 672 5278 3936 126.2 3205 134.1 3405 n/a n/a 260.2 6610 55.1 1400
6000G - BC470_F___ - FHEE 470 706 5418 4040 126.2 3205 134.1 3405 n/a n/a 260.2 6610 55.1 1400
6000G - BC494_F___ - FHEE 494 740 5686 4240 126.2 3205 134.1 3405 n/a n/a 260.2 6610 55.1 1400
6000G - BC518_F___ - FHEE 518 778 5975 4456 126.2 3205 157.7 4005 n/a n/a 283.9 7210 55.1 1400
6000G - BC544_F___ - FHEE 544 816 6405 4776 126.2 3205 157.7 4005 n/a n/a 283.9 7210 55.1 1400

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

Dimensions (WxDxH)
Base Drive Weight (kg) Base Drive Weight (lbs)
Height Height Height
H1 H2 H
W3 (where Total W3 (where Total
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm W1 W2 W1 W2
applicable) Weight applicable) Weight
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2000 1360 n/a 3360 4,409 2,998 n/a 7,408
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2100 1360 n/a 3460 4,630 2,998 n/a 7,628
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2200 1360 n/a 3560 4,850 2,998 n/a 7,848
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2300 1360 n/a 3660 5,071 2,998 n/a 8,069
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2400 1360 n/a 3760 5,291 2,998 n/a 8,289
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2500 1360 n/a 3860 5,512 2,998 n/a 8,510
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2600 1360 n/a 3960 5,732 2,998 n/a 8,730
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2700 1360 n/a 4060 5,952 2,998 n/a 8,951
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2750 1360 n/a 4110 6,063 2,998 n/a 9,061
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2800 1360 n/a 4160 6,173 2,998 n/a 9,171
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2900 1360 n/a 4260 6,393 2,998 n/a 9,392
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3000 1360 n/a 4360 6,614 2,998 n/a 9,612
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3100 1360 n/a 4460 6,834 2,998 n/a 9,833
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3200 1360 n/a 4560 7,055 2,998 n/a 10,053
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3400 1360 n/a 4760 7,496 2,998 n/a 10,494
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3600 1360 n/a 4960 7,937 2,998 n/a 10,935
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3650 1360 n/a 5010 8,047 2,998 n/a 11,045
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3750 1740 n/a 5490 8,267 3,836 n/a 12,103
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 4000 1740 n/a 5740 8,818 3,836 n/a 12,655
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 4200 1740 n/a 5940 9,259 3,836 n/a 13,095
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,100 4,900 n/a 7,000 4,630 10,803 n/a 15,432
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,100 5,000 n/a 7,100 4,630 11,023 n/a 15,653
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,100 5,300 n/a 7,400 4,630 11,684 n/a 16,314
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,100 5,600 n/a 7,700 4,630 12,346 n/a 16,976
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,100 5,700 n/a 7,800 4,630 12,566 n/a 17,196
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,100 5,900 n/a 8,000 4,630 13,007 n/a 17,637
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,100 6,200 n/a 8,300 4,630 13,669 n/a 18,298
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,100 6,500 n/a 8,600 4,630 14,330 n/a 18,960
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,100 6,700 n/a 8,800 4,630 14,771 n/a 19,401
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,100 7,100 n/a 9,200 4,630 15,653 n/a 20,283
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,800 7,400 n/a 10,200 6,173 16,314 n/a 22,487
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,800 7,700 n/a 10,500 6,173 16,976 n/a 23,149
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,800 8,200 n/a 11,000 6,173 18,078 n/a 24,251
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,800 8,700 n/a 11,500 6,173 19,180 n/a 25,353
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,050 8,900 n/a 11,950 6,724 19,621 n/a 26,345
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,050 9,200 n/a 12,250 6,724 20,283 n/a 27,007
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,050 9,600 n/a 12,650 6,724 21,164 n/a 27,888
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,050 10,100 n/a 13,150 6,724 22,267 n/a 28,991
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,050 10,700 n/a 13,750 6,724 23,589 n/a 30,314
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,100 11,000 n/a 14,100 6,834 24,251 n/a 31,085
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,100 11,400 n/a 14,500 6,834 25,133 n/a 31,967
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,100 12,000 n/a 15,100 6,834 26,455 n/a 33,290
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,100 12,400 n/a 15,500 6,834 27,337 n/a 34,172

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

PowerFlex 6000 Drive – Heavy Duty (IEC Rated)

6600V Input & 6300/6600V Output

Heavy Duty Dimensions (WxDxH)

Rated Output Current Typical Motor Width Width Width Width Depth
Heavy Duty Power Rating 2 W1 W2 W3 (when applicable) W D
Base Catalog Number
1 min.
Continuous Hp kW Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
6000G - HC20_J___ - J__E 20 30 236 176 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HC22_J___ - J__E 22 33 265 198 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HC26_J___ - J__E 26 39 295 220 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HC29_J___ - J__E 29 44 330 246 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HC32_J___ - J__E 32 48 371 277 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HC36_J___ - J__E 36 54 418 312 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HC40_J___ - J__E 40 60 472 352 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HC45_J___ - J__E 45 68 531 396 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HC50_J___ - J__E 50 75 590 440 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HC57_J___ - J__E 57 86 661 493 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HC64_J___ - J__E 64 96 743 554 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HC72_J___ - J__E 72 108 838 625 78.7 2000 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 157.5 4000 53.6 1362
6000G - HC80_J___ - J__E 80 120 944 704 86.6 2200 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 165.4 4200 53.6 1362
6000G - HC90_J___ - J__E 90 135 1062 792 86.6 2200 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 165.4 4200 53.6 1362
6000G - HC100_J___ - J__E 100 150 1180 880 86.6 2200 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 165.4 4200 53.6 1362
6000G - HC112_J___ - J__E 112 168 1322 986 86.6 2200 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 165.4 4200 53.6 1362
6000G - HC120_J___ - J__E 120 180 1416 1056 86.6 2200 78.7 2000 n/a n/a 165.4 4200 53.6 1362
6000G - HC128_J___ - J__E 128 192 1475 1100 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - HC144_J___ - J__E 144 216 1652 1232 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - HC160_J___ - J__E 160 240 1888 1408 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - BC172_J___ - JHEE 172 258 2178 1624 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BC184_J___ - JHEE 184 276 2328 1736 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BC200_J___ - JHEE 200 300 2586 1928 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BC212_J___ - JHEE 212 318 2693 2008 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BC228_J___ - JHEE 228 342 2897 2160 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BC244_J___ - JHEE 244 366 3165 2360 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BC260_J___ - JHEE 260 390 3294 2456 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BC280_J___ - JHEE 280 420 3626 2704 102.6 2605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 228.7 5810 55.1 1400
6000G - BC302_J___ - JHEE 302 453 3830 2856 141.9 3605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 268.1 6810 55.1 1400
6000G - BC326_J___ - JHEE 326 489 4141 3088 141.9 3605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 268.1 6810 55.1 1400
6000G - BC350_J___ - JHEE 350 525 4538 3384 141.9 3605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 268.1 6810 55.1 1400
6000G - BC380_J___ - JHEE 380 570 4817 3592 141.9 3605 134.1 3405 n/a n/a 276.0 7010 55.1 1400
6000G - BC412_J___ - JHEE 412 618 5225 3896 141.9 3605 134.1 3405 n/a n/a 276.0 7010 55.1 1400
6000G - BC448_J___ - JHEE 448 672 5804 4328 141.9 3605 157.7 4005 n/a n/a 299.6 7610 55.1 1400
6000G - BC480_J___ - JHEE 480 720 6082 4536 141.9 3605 157.7 4005 n/a n/a 299.6 7610 55.1 1400
6000G - BC512_J___ - JHEE 512 768 6490 4840 141.9 3605 157.7 4005 n/a n/a 299.6 7610 55.1 1400
6000G - BC544_J___ - JHEE 544 816 7048 5256 141.9 3605 126.2 3205 110.2 2800 378.3 9610 55.1 1400

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

Dimensions (WxDxH)
Base Drive Weight (kg) Base Drive Weight (lbs)
Height Height Height
H1 H2 H
W3 (where W3 (where
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm W1 W2 Total Weight W1 W2 Total Weight
applicable) applicable)
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2100 1360 n/a 3460 4,630 2,998 n/a 7,628
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2200 1360 n/a 3560 4,850 2,998 n/a 7,848
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2300 1360 n/a 3660 5,071 2,998 n/a 8,069
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2400 1360 n/a 3760 5,291 2,998 n/a 8,289
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2500 1360 n/a 3860 5,512 2,998 n/a 8,510
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2600 1360 n/a 3960 5,732 2,998 n/a 8,730
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2700 1360 n/a 4060 5,952 2,998 n/a 8,951
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2750 1360 n/a 4110 6,063 2,998 n/a 9,061
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2800 1360 n/a 4160 6,173 2,998 n/a 9,171
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2900 1360 n/a 4260 6,393 2,998 n/a 9,392
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3000 1360 n/a 4360 6,614 2,998 n/a 9,612
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3100 1360 n/a 4460 6,834 2,998 n/a 9,833
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3200 1360 n/a 4560 7,055 2,998 n/a 10,053
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3400 1360 n/a 4760 7,496 2,998 n/a 10,494
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3600 1360 n/a 4960 7,937 2,998 n/a 10,935
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3650 1360 n/a 5010 8,047 2,998 n/a 11,045
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3750 1740 n/a 5490 8,267 3,836 n/a 12,103
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 4000 1740 n/a 5740 8,818 3,836 n/a 12,655
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 4200 1740 n/a 5940 9,259 3,836 n/a 13,095
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 4800 3020 n/a 7820 10,582 6,658 n/a 17,240
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 5,400 n/a 8,000 5,732 11,905 n/a 17,637
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 5,700 n/a 8,300 5,732 12,566 n/a 18,298
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 6,200 n/a 8,800 5,732 13,669 n/a 19,401
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 6,400 n/a 9,000 5,732 14,110 n/a 19,842
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 6,700 n/a 9,300 5,732 14,771 n/a 20,503
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 7,200 n/a 9,800 5,732 15,873 n/a 21,605
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 7,400 n/a 10,000 5,732 16,314 n/a 22,046
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 8,100 n/a 10,700 5,732 17,857 n/a 23,589
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,250 8,400 n/a 11,650 7,165 18,519 n/a 25,684
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,250 9,000 n/a 12,250 7,165 19,842 n/a 27,007
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,250 9,800 n/a 13,050 7,165 21,605 n/a 28,770
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,550 10,200 n/a 13,750 7,826 22,487 n/a 30,314
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,550 11,000 n/a 14,550 7,826 24,251 n/a 32,077
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,550 11,500 n/a 15,050 7,826 25,353 n/a 33,180
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,650 12,600 n/a 16,250 8,047 27,778 n/a 35,825
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,650 13,300 n/a 16,950 8,047 29,321 n/a 37,368
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,650 7,450 7,450 18,550 8,047 16,424 16,424 40,896

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

PowerFlex 6000 Drive – Heavy Duty (IEC Rated)

10000V Input & 10000V Output

Heavy Duty Dimensions (WxDxH)
Rated Output Current Typical Motor Width Width Width Width Depth
Heavy Duty Power Rating 2 W1 W2 W3 (when applicable) W D
Base Catalog Number
1 min.
Continuous Hp kW Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
6000G - HC12_R___ - R__E 12 18 214 160 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HC13_R___ - R__E 13 20 242 180 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HC14_R___ - R__E 14 21 268 200 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HC16_R___ - R__E 16 24 300 224 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HC19_R___ - R__E 19 29 338 252 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HC21_R___ - R__E 21 32 381 284 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HC24_R___ - R__E 24 36 429 320 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HC26_R___ - R__E 26 39 482 360 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HC29_R___ - R__E 29 44 537 400 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HC33_R___ - R__E 33 50 601 448 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HC38_R___ - R__E 38 57 676 504 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HC43_R___ - R__E 43 65 762 568 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HC48_R___ - R__E 48 72 858 640 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HC53_R___ - R__E 53 80 966 720 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - HC60_R___ - R__E 60 90 1073 800 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - HC67_R___ - R__E 67 101 1202 896 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - HC77_R___ - R__E 77 116 1341 1000 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - HC86_R___ - R__E 86 129 1502 1120 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - HC96_R___ - R__E 96 144 1717 1280 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - HC110_R___ - R__E 110 165 1931 1440 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - HC120_R___ - R__E 120 180 2146 1600 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - HC134_R___ - R__E 134 201 2414 1800 94.5 2400 163.0 4140 n/a n/a 257.5 6540 53.6 1362
6000G - HC144_R___ - R__E 144 216 2574 1920 94.5 2400 163.0 4140 n/a n/a 257.5 6540 53.6 1362
6000G - HC154_R___ - R__E 154 231 2682 2000 94.5 2400 163.0 4140 n/a n/a 257.5 6540 53.6 1362
6000G - HC160_R___ - R__E 160 240 3004 2240 94.5 2400 163.0 4140 n/a n/a 257.5 6540 53.6 1362
6000G - BC168_R___ - RHEE 168 252 3229 2408 132.1 3355 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 242.5 6160 55.1 1400
6000G - BC178_R___ - RHEE 178 267 3433 2560 132.1 3355 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 242.5 6160 55.1 1400
6000G - BC189_R___ - RHEE 189 284 3626 2704 132.1 3355 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 258.3 6560 55.1 1400
6000G - BC200_R___ - RHEE 200 300 3926 2928 132.1 3355 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 258.3 6560 55.1 1400
6000G - BC210_R___ - RHEE 210 315 4045 3016 132.1 3355 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 258.3 6560 55.1 1400
6000G - BC221_R___ - RHEE 221 332 4238 3160 132.1 3355 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 258.3 6560 55.1 1400
6000G - BC232_R___ - RHEE 232 348 4452 3320 132.1 3355 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 258.3 6560 55.1 1400
6000G - BC244_R___ - RHEE 244 366 4785 3568 132.1 3355 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 258.3 6560 55.1 1400
6000G - BC260_R___ - RHEE 260 390 4999 3728 132.1 3355 134.1 3405 n/a n/a 266.1 6760 55.1 1400
6000G - BC280_R___ - RHEE 280 420 5493 4096 132.1 3355 134.1 3405 n/a n/a 266.1 6760 55.1 1400
6000G - BC296_R___ - RHEE 296 444 5686 4240 181.3 4605 134.1 3405 n/a n/a 315.4 8010 55.1 1400
6000G - BC312_R___ - RHEE 312 468 5997 4472 181.3 4605 134.1 3405 n/a n/a 315.4 8010 55.1 1400
6000G - BC332_R___ - RHEE 332 498 6383 4760 181.3 4605 157.7 4005 n/a n/a 339.0 8610 55.1 1400
6000G - BC350_R___ - RHEE 350 525 6877 5128 181.3 4605 157.7 4005 n/a n/a 339.0 8610 55.1 1400
6000G - BC368_R___ - RHEE 368 552 7070 5272 181.3 4605 126.2 3205 110.2 2800 417.7 10610 55.1 1400
6000G - BC386_R___ - RHEE 386 579 7424 5536 181.3 4605 126.2 3205 110.2 2800 417.7 10610 55.1 1400
6000G - BC406_R___ - RHEE 406 609 7789 5808 181.3 4605 126.2 3205 110.2 2800 417.7 10610 55.1 1400
6000G - BC426_R___ - RHEE 426 639 8174 6096 181.3 4605 126.2 3205 110.2 2800 417.7 10610 55.1 1400
6000G - BC448_R___ - RHEE 448 672 8786 6552 181.3 4605 126.2 3205 110.2 2800 417.7 10610 55.1 1400
6000G - BC470_R___ - RHEE 470 705 9033 6736 181.3 4605 126.2 3205 110.2 2800 417.7 10610 55.1 1400
6000G - BC494_R___ - RHEE 494 741 9483 7072 181.3 4605 126.2 3205 110.2 2800 417.7 10610 55.1 1400
6000G - BC518_R___ - RHEE 518 777 9955 7424 181.3 4605 134.1 3405 118.1 3000 433.5 11010 55.1 1400
6000G - BC544_R___ - RHEE 544 816 10674 7960 181.3 4605 134.1 3405 118.1 3000 433.5 11010 55.1 1400

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

Dimensions (WxDxH)
Base Drive Weight (kg) Base Drive Weight (lbs)
Height Height Height
H1 H2 H
W3 (where W3 (where
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm W1 W2 Total Weight W1 W2 Total Weight
applicable) applicable)
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2000 1740 n/a 3740 4,409 3,836 n/a 8,245
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2100 1740 n/a 3840 4,630 3,836 n/a 8,466
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2200 1740 n/a 3940 4,850 3,836 n/a 8,686
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2300 1740 n/a 4040 5,071 3,836 n/a 8,907
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2400 1740 n/a 4140 5,291 3,836 n/a 9,127
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2500 1740 n/a 4240 5,512 3,836 n/a 9,348
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2600 1740 n/a 4340 5,732 3,836 n/a 9,568
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2700 1740 n/a 4440 5,952 3,836 n/a 9,789
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2800 1740 n/a 4540 6,173 3,836 n/a 10,009
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2900 1740 n/a 4640 6,393 3,836 n/a 10,229
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3000 1740 n/a 4740 6,614 3,836 n/a 10,450
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3100 1740 n/a 4840 6,834 3,836 n/a 10,670
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3200 1740 n/a 4940 7,055 3,836 n/a 10,891
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3300 1740 n/a 5040 7,275 3,836 n/a 11,111
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3400 1740 n/a 5140 7,496 3,836 n/a 11,332
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3600 1740 n/a 5340 7,937 3,836 n/a 11,773
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3800 1740 n/a 5540 8,378 3,836 n/a 12,214
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 4000 1740 n/a 5740 8,818 3,836 n/a 12,655
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 4200 1740 n/a 5940 9,259 3,836 n/a 13,095
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 4800 1740 n/a 6540 10,582 3,836 n/a 14,418
94.5 2400 15.0 380 109.4 2780 5000 1740 n/a 6740 11,023 3,836 n/a 14,859
94.5 2400 15.0 380 109.4 2780 5200 3210 n/a 8410 11,464 7,077 n/a 18,541
94.5 2400 15.0 380 109.4 2780 5400 3210 n/a 8610 11,905 7,077 n/a 18,982
94.5 2400 15.0 380 109.4 2780 5650 3210 n/a 8860 12,456 7,077 n/a 19,533
94.5 2400 15.0 380 109.4 2780 5800 3210 n/a 9010 12,787 7,077 n/a 19,864
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,300 7,100 n/a 10,400 7,275 15,653 n/a 22,928
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,300 7,400 n/a 10,700 7,275 16,314 n/a 23,589
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,300 7,800 n/a 11,100 7,275 17,196 n/a 24,471
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,300 8,300 n/a 11,600 7,275 18,298 n/a 25,574
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,300 8,500 n/a 11,800 7,275 18,739 n/a 26,015
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,300 8,900 n/a 12,200 7,275 19,621 n/a 26,896
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,300 9,200 n/a 12,500 7,275 20,283 n/a 27,558
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,300 9,800 n/a 13,100 7,275 21,605 n/a 28,881
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,300 10,200 n/a 13,500 7,275 22,487 n/a 29,762
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,300 11,100 n/a 14,400 7,275 24,471 n/a 31,747
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 4,200 9,500 n/a 13,700 9,259 20,944 n/a 30,203
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 4,200 9,800 n/a 14,000 9,259 21,605 n/a 30,865
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 4,200 11,000 n/a 15,200 9,259 24,251 n/a 33,510
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 4,200 11,700 n/a 15,900 9,259 25,794 n/a 35,053
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 4,600 7,200 7,200 19,000 10,141 15,873 15,873 41,888
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 4,600 7,500 7,500 19,600 10,141 16,535 16,535 43,211
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 4,600 7,850 7,850 20,300 10,141 17,306 17,306 44,754
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 4,600 8,150 8,150 20,900 10,141 17,968 17,968 46,077
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 4,600 8,650 8,650 21,900 10,141 19,070 19,070 48,281
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 4,750 8,850 8,850 22,450 10,472 19,511 19,511 49,494
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 4,750 9,200 9,200 23,150 10,472 20,283 20,283 51,037
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 4,750 9,700 9,700 24,150 10,472 21,385 21,385 53,242
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 4,750 10,300 10,300 25,350 10,472 22,708 22,708 55,887

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

PowerFlex 6000 Drive – Heavy Duty (IEC Rated)

11000V Input & 11000V Output

Heavy Duty Dimensions (WxDxH)

Rated Output Current Typical Motor Width Width Width Width Depth
Heavy Duty Power Rating 2 W1 W2 W3 (when applicable) W D
Base Catalog Number
1 min.
Continuous Hp kW Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
6000G - HC12_S___ - S__E 12 18 236 176 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HC13_S___ - S__E 13 20 265 198 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HC14_S___ - S__E 14 21 295 220 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HC16_S___ - S__E 16 24 330 246 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HC19_S___ - S__E 19 29 371 277 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HC21_S___ - S__E 21 32 418 312 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HC24_S___ - S__E 24 36 472 352 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HC26_S___ - S__E 26 39 531 396 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HC29_S___ - S__E 29 44 590 440 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HC33_S___ - S__E 33 50 661 493 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HC38_S___ - S__E 38 57 743 554 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HC43_S___ - S__E 43 65 838 625 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HC48_S___ - S__E 48 72 944 704 78.7 2000 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 173.2 4400 53.6 1362
6000G - HC53_S___ - S__E 53 80 1062 792 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - HC60_S___ - S__E 60 90 1180 880 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - HC67_S___ - S__E 67 101 1322 986 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - HC77_S___ - S__E 77 116 1502 1120 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - HC86_S___ - S__E 86 129 1717 1280 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - HC96_S___ - S__E 96 144 1931 1440 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - HC110_S___ - S__E 110 165 2146 1600 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - HC120_S___ - S__E 120 180 2414 1800 86.6 2200 94.5 2400 n/a n/a 181.1 4600 53.6 1362
6000G - HC134_S___ - S__E 134 201 2574 1920 94.5 2400 163.0 4140 n/a n/a 257.5 6540 53.6 1362
6000G - HC144_S___ - S__E 144 216 2682 2000 94.5 2400 163.0 4140 n/a n/a 257.5 6540 53.6 1362
6000G - HC154_S___ - S__E 154 231 3004 2240 94.5 2400 163.0 4140 n/a n/a 257.5 6540 53.6 1362
6000G - HC160_S___ - S__E 160 240 3218 2400 94.5 2400 163.0 4140 n/a n/a 257.5 6540 53.6 1362
6000G - BC172_S___ - SHEE 172 258 3637 2712 141.9 3605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 268.1 6810 55.1 1400
6000G - BC184_S___ - SHEE 184 276 3883 2896 141.9 3605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 268.1 6810 55.1 1400
6000G - BC200_S___ - SHEE 200 300 4313 3216 141.9 3605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 268.1 6810 55.1 1400
6000G - BC212_S___ - SHEE 212 318 4484 3344 141.9 3605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 268.1 6810 55.1 1400
6000G - BC228_S___ - SHEE 228 342 4817 3592 141.9 3605 134.1 3405 n/a n/a 276.0 7010 55.1 1400
6000G - BC244_S___ - SHEE 244 366 5267 3928 141.9 3605 134.1 3405 n/a n/a 276.0 7010 55.1 1400
6000G - BC260_S___ - SHEE 260 390 5493 4096 141.9 3605 134.1 3405 n/a n/a 276.0 7010 55.1 1400
6000G - BC280_S___ - SHEE 280 420 6040 4504 141.9 3605 157.7 4005 n/a n/a 299.6 7610 55.1 1400
6000G - BC302_S___ - SHEE 302 453 6394 4768 204.9 5205 157.7 4005 n/a n/a 362.6 9210 55.1 1400
6000G - BC326_S___ - SHEE 326 489 6898 5144 204.9 5205 126.2 3205 94.5 2400 425.6 10810 55.1 1400
6000G - BC350_S___ - SHEE 350 525 7563 5640 204.9 5205 126.2 3205 110.2 2800 441.3 11210 55.1 1400
6000G - BC380_S___ - SHEE 380 570 8035 5992 204.9 5205 126.2 3205 110.2 2800 441.3 11210 55.1 1400
6000G - BC412_S___ - SHEE 412 618 8711 6496 204.9 5205 134.1 3405 110.2 2800 449.2 11410 55.1 1400
6000G - BC448_S___ - SHEE 448 672 9666 7208 204.9 5205 134.1 3405 110.2 2800 449.2 11410 55.1 1400
6000G - BC480_S___ - SHEE 480 720 10149 7568 204.9 5205 157.7 4005 110.2 2800 472.8 12010 55.1 1400
6000G - BC512_S___ - SHEE 512 768 10825 8072 204.9 5205 157.7 4005 118.1 3000 480.7 12210 55.1 1400
6000G - BC544_S___ - SHEE 544 816 11747 8760 204.9 5205 157.7 4005 118.1 3000 480.7 12210 55.1 1400

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

Dimensions (WxDxH)
Base Drive Weight (kg) Base Drive Weight (lbs)
Height Height Height
H1 H2 H
W3 (where W3 (where
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm W1 W2 Total Weight W1 W2 Total Weight
applicable) applicable)
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2000 1740 n/a 3740 4,409 3,836 n/a 8,245
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2100 1740 n/a 3840 4,630 3,836 n/a 8,466
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2200 1740 n/a 3940 4,850 3,836 n/a 8,686
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2300 1740 n/a 4040 5,071 3,836 n/a 8,907
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2400 1740 n/a 4140 5,291 3,836 n/a 9,127
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2500 1740 n/a 4240 5,512 3,836 n/a 9,348
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2600 1740 n/a 4340 5,732 3,836 n/a 9,568
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2700 1740 n/a 4440 5,952 3,836 n/a 9,789
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2800 1740 n/a 4540 6,173 3,836 n/a 10,009
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 2900 1740 n/a 4640 6,393 3,836 n/a 10,229
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3000 1740 n/a 4740 6,614 3,836 n/a 10,450
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3100 1740 n/a 4840 6,834 3,836 n/a 10,670
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3200 1740 n/a 4940 7,055 3,836 n/a 10,891
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3300 1740 n/a 5040 7,275 3,836 n/a 11,111
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3400 1740 n/a 5140 7,496 3,836 n/a 11,332
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3600 1740 n/a 5340 7,937 3,836 n/a 11,773
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 3800 1740 n/a 5540 8,378 3,836 n/a 12,214
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 4000 1740 n/a 5740 8,818 3,836 n/a 12,655
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 4200 1740 n/a 5940 9,259 3,836 n/a 13,095
94.5 2400 13.7 348 108.2 2748 4800 1740 n/a 6540 10,582 3,836 n/a 14,418
94.5 2400 15.0 380 109.4 2780 5000 1740 n/a 6740 11,023 3,836 n/a 14,859
94.5 2400 15.0 380 109.4 2780 5200 3210 n/a 8410 11,464 7,077 n/a 18,541
94.5 2400 15.0 380 109.4 2780 5400 3210 n/a 8610 11,905 7,077 n/a 18,982
94.5 2400 15.0 380 109.4 2780 5650 3210 n/a 8860 12,456 7,077 n/a 19,533
94.5 2400 15.0 380 109.4 2780 5800 3210 n/a 9010 12,787 7,077 n/a 19,864
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,650 8,100 n/a 11,750 8,047 17,857 n/a 25,904
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,650 8,500 n/a 12,150 8,047 18,739 n/a 26,786
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,650 9,300 n/a 12,950 8,047 20,503 n/a 28,550
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,650 9,600 n/a 13,250 8,047 21,164 n/a 29,211
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,650 10,200 n/a 13,850 8,047 22,487 n/a 30,534
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,650 11,100 n/a 14,750 8,047 24,471 n/a 32,518
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,650 11,500 n/a 15,150 8,047 25,353 n/a 33,400
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,650 13,100 n/a 16,750 8,047 28,881 n/a 36,927
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 4,650 11,400 n/a 16,050 10,251 25,133 n/a 35,384
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 4,650 8,100 6,500 12,750 10,251 17,857 17,857 28,109
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 4,650 8,850 7,050 13,500 10,251 19,511 19,511 29,762
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 5,050 9,200 7,400 14,250 11,133 20,283 20,283 31,416
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 5,050 9,950 7,950 15,000 11,133 21,936 21,936 33,069
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 5,050 10,800 8,700 15,850 11,133 23,810 23,810 34,943
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 5,200 11,300 9,100 16,500 11,464 24,912 24,912 36,376
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 5,200 12,100 9,700 17,300 11,464 26,676 26,676 38,140
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 5,200 13,000 10,400 18,200 11,464 28,660 28,660 40,124

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

PowerFlex 6000 Drive – Normal Duty (UL/CSA Rated)

2400V Input & 2300/2400V Output

Normal Duty Dimensions (WxDxH)

Width Width Width Width Depth

Rated Output Current Typical Motor
Normal Duty Power Rating 2
W1 W2 W3 (when applicable) W D
Base Catalog Number
1 min.
Continuous Hp kW Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm

6000G - HA39_A6__ - AHEU 39 47 200 137 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362

6000G - HA67_A6__ - AHEU 67 80 300 235 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362

6000G - HA89_A6__ - AHEU 89 107 400 313 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362

6000G - HA100_A6__ - AHEU 100 120 450 350 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362

6000G - HA111_A6__ - AHEU 111 133 500 389 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362

6000G - HA134_A6__ - AHEU 134 161 650 470 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362

6000G - HA155_A6__ - AHEU 155 186 750 545 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362

6000G - HA178_A6__ - AHEU 178 214 800 626 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362

6000G - HA200_A6__ - AHEU 200 240 950 702 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362

6000G - BA215_A___ - AHEU 215 258 992 740 63.2 1605 86.8 2205 n/a n/a 150.0 3810 55.1 1400

6000G - BA230_A___ - AHEU 230 276 1059 790 63.2 1605 86.8 2205 n/a n/a 150.0 3810 55.1 1400

6000G - BA250_A___ - AHEU 250 300 1180 880 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400

6000G - BA265_A___ - AHEU 265 318 1220 910 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400

6000G - BA285_A___ - AHEU 285 342 1314 980 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400

6000G - BA305_A___ - AHEU 305 366 1435 1070 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400

6000G - BA325_A___ - AHEU 325 390 1502 1120 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400

6000G - BA350_A___ - AHEU 350 420 1649 1230 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400

6000G - BA378_A___ - AHEU 378 454 1743 1300 86.8 2205 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 185.4 4710 55.1 1400

6000G - BA408_A___ - AHEU 408 490 1877 1400 86.8 2205 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 185.4 4710 55.1 1400

6000G - BA438_A___ - AHEU 438 526 2065 1540 86.8 2205 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 185.4 4710 55.1 1400

6000G - BA475_A___ - AHEU 475 570 2186 1630 86.8 2205 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 185.4 4710 55.1 1400

6000G - BA515_A___ - AHEU 515 618 2374 1770 86.8 2205 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 185.4 4710 55.1 1400

6000G - BA560_A___ - AHEU 560 672 2642 1970 86.8 2205 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 197.2 5010 55.1 1400

6000G - BA600_A___ - AHEU 600 720 2762 2060 86.8 2205 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 197.2 5010 55.1 1400

6000G - BA640_A___ - AHEU 640 768 2950 2200 86.8 2205 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 197.2 5010 55.1 1400

6000G - BA680_A___ - AHEU 680 816 3205 2390 86.8 2205 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 197.2 5010 55.1 1400

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

Dimensions (WxDxH)
Base Drive Weight (kg) Base Drive Weight (lbs)
Height Height Height

H1 H2 H

W3 W3
Total Total
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm W1 W2 (where W1 W2 (where
Weight Weight
applicable) applicable)

90.55 2300 14.96 380 105.5 2680 2,000 1,360 n/a 3,360 4,409 2,998 n/a 7,407

90.55 2300 14.96 380 105.5 2680 2,200 1,360 n/a 3,560 4,850 2,998 n/a 7,848

90.55 2300 14.96 380 105.5 2680 2,400 1,360 n/a 3,760 5,291 2,998 n/a 8,289

90.55 2300 14.96 380 105.5 2680 2,500 1,360 n/a 3,860 5,511 2,998 n/a 8,509

90.55 2300 14.96 380 105.5 2680 2,600 1,360 n/a 3,960 5,732 2,998 n/a 8,730

90.55 2300 14.96 380 105.5 2680 2,700 1,360 n/a 4,060 5,952 2,998 n/a 8,950

90.55 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2,800 1,450 n/a 4,250 6,172 3,196 n/a 9,368

90.55 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2,900 1,450 n/a 4,350 6,393 3,196 n/a 9,589

90.55 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3,000 1,450 n/a 4,450 6,613 3,196 n/a 9,809

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 3,700 n/a 5,100 3,086 8,157 n/a 11,244

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 3,700 n/a 5,100 3,086 8,157 n/a 11,244

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 3,700 n/a 5,100 3,086 8,157 n/a 11,244

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 3,700 n/a 5,100 3,086 8,157 n/a 11,244

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 3,700 n/a 5,100 3,086 8,157 n/a 11,244

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 3,700 n/a 5,100 3,086 8,157 n/a 11,244

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 3,700 n/a 5,100 3,086 8,157 n/a 11,244

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 3,900 n/a 5,300 3,086 8,598 n/a 11,684

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,850 4,000 n/a 5,850 4,079 8,818 n/a 12,897

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,850 4,200 n/a 6,050 4,079 9,259 n/a 13,338

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,850 4,400 n/a 6,250 4,079 9,700 n/a 13,779

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,000 4,600 n/a 6,600 4,409 10,141 n/a 14,550

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,000 4,900 n/a 6,900 4,409 10,803 n/a 15,212

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,000 5,400 n/a 7,400 4,409 11,905 n/a 16,314

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,050 5,500 n/a 7,550 4,519 12,125 n/a 16,645

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,050 5,800 n/a 7,850 4,519 12,787 n/a 17,306

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,050 6,200 n/a 8,250 4,519 13,669 n/a 18,188

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

PowerFlex 6000 Drive – Normal Duty (UL/CSA Rated)

4160V Input & 4000/4160V Output

Normal Duty Dimensions (WxDxH)

Rated Output Current Typical Motor Width Width Width Width Depth
Normal Duty Power Rating 2 W1 W2 W3 (when applicable) W D
Base Catalog Number
1 min.
Continuous Hp kW Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
6000G - HA37_E6__ - EHEU 37 44 300 225 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HA49_E6__ - EHEU 49 59 400 300 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HA55_E6__ - EHEU 55 66 450 335 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HA61_E6__ - EHEU 61 73 500 373 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HA74_E6__ - EHEU 74 89 600 450 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HA86_E6__ - EHEU 86 103 700 522 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HA99_E6__ - EHEU 99 119 800 600 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HA110_E6__ - EHEU 110 132 900 670 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HA123_E6__ - EHEU 123 148 1000 750 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HA135_E6__ - EHEU 135 162 1100 820 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HA145_E6__ - EHEU 145 174 1200 880 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HA153_E6__ - EHEU 153 184 1250 933 86.6 2200 85.8 2180 n/a n/a 172.4 4380 53.6 1362
6000G - HA159_E6__ - EHEU 159 191 1300 970 86.6 2200 85.8 2180 n/a n/a 172.4 4380 53.6 1362
6000G - HA184_E6__ - EHEU 184 221 1500 1120 86.6 2200 85.8 2180 n/a n/a 172.4 4380 53.6 1362
6000G - HA200_E6__ - EHEU 200 240 1650 1220 86.6 2200 85.8 2180 n/a n/a 172.4 4380 53.6 1362
6000G - BA215_E___ - EHEU 215 258 1716 1280 82.9 2105 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 181.5 4610 55.1 1400
6000G - BA230_E___ - EHEU 230 276 1837 1370 82.9 2105 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 181.5 4610 55.1 1400
6000G - BA250_E___ - EHEU 250 300 2038 1520 82.9 2105 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 181.5 4610 55.1 1400
6000G - BA265_E___ - EHEU 265 318 2119 1580 82.9 2105 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 181.5 4610 55.1 1400
6000G - BA285_E___ - EHEU 285 342 2280 1700 82.9 2105 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 181.5 4610 55.1 1400
6000G - BA305_E___ - EHEU 305 366 2494 1860 82.9 2105 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 181.5 4610 55.1 1400
6000G - BA325_E___ - EHEU 325 390 2602 1940 82.9 2105 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 181.5 4610 55.1 1400
6000G - BA350_E___ - EHEU 350 420 2856 2130 82.9 2105 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 193.3 4910 55.1 1400
6000G - BA378_E___ - EHEU 378 454 3017 2250 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BA408_E___ - EHEU 408 490 3259 2430 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BA438_E___ - EHEU 438 526 3580 2670 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BA475_E___ - EHEU 475 570 3795 2830 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BA515_E___ - EHEU 515 618 4117 3070 102.6 2605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 228.7 5810 55.1 1400
6000G - BA560_E___ - EHEU 560 672 4573 3410 102.6 2605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 228.7 5810 55.1 1400
6000G - BA600_E___ - EHEU 600 720 4801 3580 102.6 2605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 228.7 5810 55.1 1400
6000G - BA640_E___ - EHEU 640 768 5109 3810 102.6 2605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 228.7 5810 55.1 1400
6000G - BA680_E___ - EHEU 680 816 5552 4140 102.6 2605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 228.7 5810 55.1 1400

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

Dimensions (WxDxH)
Base Drive Weight (kg) Base Drive Weight (lbs)
Height Height Height
H1 H2 H
W3 (where Total W3 (where Total
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm W1 W2 W1 W2
applicable) Weight applicable) Weight
90.55 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2200 1480 n/a 3680 4850 3262 n/a 8112
90.55 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2400 1480 n/a 3880 5291 3262 n/a 8553
90.55 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2500 1480 n/a 3980 5511 3262 n/a 8773
90.55 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2600 1480 n/a 4080 5732 3262 n/a 8994
90.55 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2700 1480 n/a 4180 5952 3262 n/a 9214
90.55 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2800 1480 n/a 4280 6172 3262 n/a 9434
90.55 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2900 1480 n/a 4380 6393 3262 n/a 9655
90.55 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3000 1480 n/a 4480 6613 3262 n/a 9875
90.55 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3100 1480 n/a 4580 6834 3262 n/a 10096
90.55 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3200 1480 n/a 4680 7054 3262 n/a 10316
90.55 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3300 1480 n/a 4780 7275 3262 n/a 10537
90.55 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3400 1600 n/a 5000 7495 3527 n/a 11022
90.55 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3550 1600 n/a 5150 7826 3527 n/a 11353
90.55 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3650 1600 n/a 5250 8046 3527 n/a 11573
90.55 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3850 1600 n/a 5450 8487 3527 n/a 12014
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,750 4,000 n/a 5,750 3,858 8,818 n/a 12,677
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,750 4,100 n/a 5,850 3,858 9,039 n/a 12,897
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,750 4,400 n/a 6,150 3,858 9,700 n/a 13,558
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,750 4,600 n/a 6,350 3,858 10,141 n/a 13,999
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,750 4,800 n/a 6,550 3,858 10,582 n/a 14,440
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,750 5,100 n/a 6,850 3,858 11,244 n/a 15,102
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,750 5,300 n/a 7,050 3,858 11,684 n/a 15,543
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,750 5,700 n/a 7,450 3,858 12,566 n/a 16,424
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,300 5,900 n/a 8,200 5,071 13,007 n/a 18,078
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,300 6,200 n/a 8,500 5,071 13,669 n/a 18,739
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,300 6,700 n/a 9,000 5,071 14,771 n/a 19,842
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,500 6,900 n/a 9,400 5,512 15,212 n/a 20,723
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,500 7,400 n/a 9,900 5,512 16,314 n/a 21,826
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,500 8,200 n/a 10,700 5,512 18,078 n/a 23,589
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,550 8,400 n/a 10,950 5,622 18,519 n/a 24,141
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,550 8,900 n/a 11,450 5,622 19,621 n/a 25,243
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,550 9,400 n/a 11,950 5,622 20,723 n/a 26,345

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

PowerFlex 6000 Drive – Normal Duty (UL/CSA Rated)

6600V Input & 6300/6600V Output

Normal Duty Dimensions (WxDxH)

Rated Output Current Typical Motor Width Width Width Width Depth
Normal Duty Power Rating 2 W1 W2 W3 (when applicable) W D
Base Catalog Number
1 min.
Continuous Hp kW Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
6000G - HA31_J6__ - JHEU 31 37 400 300 78.7 2000 91.3 2320 n/a n/a 170.1 4320 53.6 1362
6000G - HA35_J6__ - JHEU 35 42 450 335 78.7 2000 91.3 2320 n/a n/a 170.1 4320 53.6 1362
6000G - HA39_J6__ - JHEU 39 47 500 373 78.7 2000 91.3 2320 n/a n/a 170.1 4320 53.6 1362
6000G - HA47_J6__ - JHEU 47 56 600 450 78.7 2000 91.3 2320 n/a n/a 170.1 4320 53.6 1362
6000G - HA54_J6__ - JHEU 54 65 700 522 78.7 2000 91.3 2320 n/a n/a 170.1 4320 53.6 1362
6000G - HA62_J6__ - JHEU 62 74 800 600 78.7 2000 91.3 2320 n/a n/a 170.1 4320 53.6 1362
6000G - HA69_J6__ - JHEU 69 83 900 670 78.7 2000 91.3 2320 n/a n/a 170.1 4320 53.6 1362
6000G - HA78_J6__ - JHEU 78 94 1000 750 78.7 2000 91.3 2320 n/a n/a 170.1 4320 53.6 1362
6000G - HA85_J6__ - JHEU 85 102 1100 820 78.7 2000 91.3 2320 n/a n/a 170.1 4320 53.6 1362
6000G - HA97_J6__ - JHEU 97 116 1250 933 86.6 2200 91.3 2320 n/a n/a 177.9 4520 53.6 1362
6000G - HA100_J6__ - JHEU 100 120 1300 970 86.6 2200 91.3 2320 n/a n/a 177.9 4520 53.6 1362
6000G - HA116_J6__ - JHEU 116 139 1500 1120 86.6 2200 91.3 2320 n/a n/a 177.9 4520 53.6 1362
6000G - HA126_J6__ - JHEU 126 151 1650 1220 86.6 2200 91.3 2320 n/a n/a 177.9 4520 53.6 1362
6000G - HA135_J6__ - JHEU 135 162 1750 1300 86.6 2200 91.3 2320 n/a n/a 177.9 4520 53.6 1362
6000G - HA155_J6__ - JHEU 155 186 2000 1500 94.5 2400 110.2 2800 n/a n/a 204.7 5200 53.6 1362
6000G - HA174_J6__ - JHEU 174 209 2250 1680 94.5 2400 110.2 2800 n/a n/a 204.7 5200 53.6 1362
6000G - HA182_J6__ - JHEU 182 218 2350 1753 94.5 2400 110.2 2800 n/a n/a 204.7 5200 53.6 1362
6000G - HA200_J6__ - JHEU 200 240 2600 1940 94.5 2400 110.2 2800 n/a n/a 204.7 5200 53.6 1362
6000G - BA215_J___ - JHEU 215 258 2722 2030 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BA230_J___ - JHEU 230 276 2910 2170 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BA250_J___ - JHEU 250 300 3232 2410 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BA265_J___ - JHEU 265 318 3366 2510 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BA285_J___ - JHEU 285 342 3621 2700 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BA305_J___ - JHEU 305 366 3956 2950 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BA325_J___ - JHEU 325 390 4117 3070 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BA350_J___ - JHEU 350 420 4533 3380 102.6 2605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 228.7 5810 55.1 1400
6000G - BA378_J___ - JHEU 378 454 4787 3570 141.9 3605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 268.1 6810 55.1 1400
6000G - BA408_J___ - JHEU 408 490 5176 3860 141.9 3605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 268.1 6810 55.1 1400
6000G - BA438_J___ - JHEU 438 526 5672 4230 141.9 3605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 268.1 6810 55.1 1400
6000G - BA475_J___ - JHEU 475 570 6021 4490 141.9 3605 134.1 3405 n/a n/a 276.0 7010 55.1 1400
6000G - BA515_J___ - JHEU 515 618 6531 4870 141.9 3605 134.1 3405 n/a n/a 276.0 7010 55.1 1400
6000G - BA560_J___ - JHEU 560 672 7255 5410 141.9 3605 157.7 4005 n/a n/a 299.6 7610 55.1 1400
6000G - BA600_J___ - JHEU 600 720 7603 5670 141.9 3605 157.7 4005 n/a n/a 299.6 7610 55.1 1400
6000G - BA640_J___ - JHEU 640 768 8113 6050 141.9 3605 157.7 4005 n/a n/a 299.6 7610 55.1 1400
6000G - BA680_J___ - JHEU 680 816 8810 6570 141.9 3605 126.2 3205 110.2 2800 378.3 9610 55.1 1400

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

Dimensions (WxDxH)
Base Drive Weight (kg) Base Drive Weight (lbs)
Height Height Height
H1 H2 H
W3 (where W3 (where
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm W1 W2 Total Weight W1 W2 Total Weight
applicable) applicable)
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2400 1920 n/a 4320 5291 4232 n/a 9523
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2500 1920 n/a 4420 5511 4232 n/a 9743
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2600 1920 n/a 4520 5732 4232 n/a 9964
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2700 1920 n/a 4620 5952 4232 n/a 10184
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2800 1920 n/a 4720 6172 4232 n/a 10404
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2900 1920 n/a 4820 6393 4232 n/a 10625
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3000 1920 n/a 4920 6613 4232 n/a 10845
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3100 1920 n/a 5020 6834 4232 n/a 11066
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3200 1920 n/a 5120 7054 4232 n/a 11286
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3400 1920 n/a 5320 7495 4232 n/a 11727
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3550 1920 n/a 5470 7826 4232 n/a 12058
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3650 1920 n/a 5570 8046 4232 n/a 12278
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3850 1920 n/a 5770 8487 4232 n/a 12719
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 4050 1920 n/a 5970 8928 4232 n/a 13160
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 4800 1360 n/a 6160 10582 2998 n/a 13580
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 4900 1360 n/a 6260 10802 2998 n/a 13800
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 5000 1740 n/a 6740 11023 3836 n/a 14859
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 6000 1740 n/a 7740 13227 3836 n/a 17063
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 5,400 n/a 8,000 5,732 11,905 n/a 17,637
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 5,700 n/a 8,300 5,732 12,566 n/a 18,298
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 6,200 n/a 8,800 5,732 13,669 n/a 19,401
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 6,400 n/a 9,000 5,732 14,110 n/a 19,842
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 6,700 n/a 9,300 5,732 14,771 n/a 20,503
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 7,200 n/a 9,800 5,732 15,873 n/a 21,605
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 7,400 n/a 10,000 5,732 16,314 n/a 22,046
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 8,100 n/a 10,700 5,732 17,857 n/a 23,589
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,250 8,400 n/a 11,650 7,165 18,519 n/a 25,684
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,250 9,000 n/a 12,250 7,165 19,842 n/a 27,007
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,250 9,800 n/a 13,050 7,165 21,605 n/a 28,770
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,550 10,200 n/a 13,750 7,826 22,487 n/a 30,314
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,550 11,000 n/a 14,550 7,826 24,251 n/a 32,077
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,550 11,500 n/a 15,050 7,826 25,353 n/a 33,180
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,650 12,600 n/a 16,250 8,047 27,778 n/a 35,825
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,650 13,300 n/a 16,950 8,047 29,321 n/a 37,368
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,650 7,450 7,450 18,550 8,047 16,424 16,424 40,896

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

PowerFlex 6000 Drive – Normal Duty (UL/CSA Rated)

7200V Input & 6900V Output

Normal Duty Dimensions (WxDxH)

Rated Output Current Typical Motor Width Width Width Width Depth
Normal Duty Power Rating 2 W1 W2 W3 (when applicable) W D
Base Catalog Number
1 min.
Continuous Hp kW Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
6000G - HA31_L6__ - KHEU 31 37 417 313 78.7 2000 91.33 2320 n/a n/a 170.1 4320 53.6 1362
6000G - HA35_L6__ - KHEU 35 42 469 349 78.7 2000 91.33 2320 n/a n/a 170.1 4320 53.6 1362
6000G - HA39_L6__ - KHEU 39 47 521 389 78.7 2000 91.33 2320 n/a n/a 170.1 4320 53.6 1362
6000G - HA47_L6__ - KHEU 47 56 625 469 78.7 2000 91.33 2320 n/a n/a 170.1 4320 53.6 1362
6000G - HA54_L6__ - KHEU 54 65 729 544 78.7 2000 91.33 2320 n/a n/a 170.1 4320 53.6 1362
6000G - HA62_L6__ - KHEU 62 74 833 625 78.7 2000 91.33 2320 n/a n/a 170.1 4320 53.6 1362
6000G - HA69_L6__ - KHEU 69 83 938 698 78.7 2000 91.33 2320 n/a n/a 170.1 4320 53.6 1362
6000G - HA78_L6__ - KHEU 78 94 1042 781 78.7 2000 91.33 2320 n/a n/a 170.1 4320 53.6 1362
6000G - HA85_L6__ - KHEU 85 102 1146 854 78.7 2000 91.33 2320 n/a n/a 170.1 4320 53.6 1362
6000G - HA97_L6__ - KHEU 97 116 1302 972 86.6 2200 91.33 2320 n/a n/a 177.9 4520 53.6 1362
6000G - HA100_L6__ - KHEU 100 120 1354 1010 86.6 2200 91.33 2320 n/a n/a 177.9 4520 53.6 1362
6000G - HA116_L6__ - KHEU 116 139 1563 1167 86.6 2200 91.33 2320 n/a n/a 177.9 4520 53.6 1362
6000G - HA126_L6__ - KHEU 126 151 1719 1271 86.6 2200 91.33 2320 n/a n/a 177.9 4520 53.6 1362
6000G - HA135_L6__ - KHEU 135 162 1823 1354 86.6 2200 91.33 2320 n/a n/a 177.9 4520 53.6 1362
6000G - HA155_L6__ - KHEU 155 186 2083 1563 94.5 2400 110.23 2800 n/a n/a 204.7 5200 53.6 1362
6000G - HA174_L6__ - KHEU 174 209 2344 1750 94.5 2400 110.23 2800 n/a n/a 204.7 5200 53.6 1362
6000G - HA182_L6__ - KHEU 182 218 2448 1826 94.5 2400 110.23 2800 n/a n/a 204.7 5200 53.6 1362
6000G - HA200_L6__ - KHEU 200 240 2708 2021 94.5 2400 110.23 2800 n/a n/a 204.7 5200 53.6 1362
6000G - BA215_L___ - KHEU 215 258 2856 2130 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BA230_L___ - KHEU 230 276 3044 2270 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BA250_L___ - KHEU 250 300 3379 2520 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BA265_L___ - KHEU 265 318 3513 2620 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BA285_L___ - KHEU 285 342 3782 2820 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BA305_L___ - KHEU 305 366 4130 3080 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BA325_L___ - KHEU 325 390 4305 3210 102.6 2605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 228.7 5810 55.1 1400
6000G - BA350_L___ - KHEU 350 420 4734 3530 102.6 2605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 228.7 5810 55.1 1400
6000G - BA378_L___ - KHEU 378 454 5015 3740 141.9 3605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 268.1 6810 55.1 1400
6000G - BA408_L___ - KHEU 408 490 5404 4030 141.9 3605 134.1 3405 n/a n/a 276.0 7010 55.1 1400
6000G - BA438_L___ - KHEU 438 526 5927 4420 141.9 3605 134.1 3405 n/a n/a 276.0 7010 55.1 1400
6000G - BA475_L___ - KHEU 475 570 6303 4700 141.9 3605 134.1 3405 n/a n/a 276.0 7010 55.1 1400
6000G - BA515_L___ - KHEU 515 618 6826 5090 141.9 3605 134.1 3405 n/a n/a 276.0 7010 55.1 1400
6000G - BA560_L___ - KHEU 560 672 7577 5650 141.9 3605 157.7 4005 n/a n/a 299.6 7610 55.1 1400
6000G - BA600_L___ - KHEU 600 720 7952 5930 141.9 3605 157.7 4005 n/a n/a 299.6 7610 55.1 1400
6000G - BA640_L___ - KHEU 640 768 8489 6330 141.9 3605 126.2 3205 110.2 2800 378.3 9610 55.1 1400
6000G - BA680_L___ - KHEU 680 816 9213 6870 141.9 3605 126.2 3205 110.2 2800 378.3 9610 55.1 1400

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

Dimensions (WxDxH)
Base Drive Weight (kg) Base Drive Weight (lbs)
Height Height Height
H1 H2 H
W3 (where W3 (where
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm W1 W2 Total Weight W1 W2 Total Weight
applicable) applicable)
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2400 1920 n/a 4320 5291 4232 n/a 9523
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2500 1920 n/a 4420 5511 4232 n/a 9743
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2600 1920 n/a 4520 5732 4232 n/a 9964
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2700 1920 n/a 4620 5952 4232 n/a 10184
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2800 1920 n/a 4720 6172 4232 n/a 10404
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2900 1920 n/a 4820 6393 4232 n/a 10625
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3000 1920 n/a 4920 6613 4232 n/a 10845
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3100 1920 n/a 5020 6834 4232 n/a 11066
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3200 1920 n/a 5120 7054 4232 n/a 11286
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3400 1920 n/a 5320 7495 4232 n/a 11727
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3550 1920 n/a 5470 7826 4232 n/a 12058
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3650 1920 n/a 5570 8046 4232 n/a 12278
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3850 1920 n/a 5770 8784 4232 n/a 13016
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 4050 1920 n/a 5970 8928 4232 n/a 13160
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 4800 1360 n/a 6160 10582 2998 n/a 13580
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 4900 1360 n/a 6260 10802 2998 n/a 13800
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 5000 1740 n/a 6740 11023 3836 n/a 14859
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 6000 1740 n/a 7740 13227 3836 n/a 17063
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 5,700 n/a 8,300 5,732 12,566 n/a 18,298
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 5,900 n/a 8,500 5,732 13,007 n/a 18,739
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 6,400 n/a 9,000 5,732 14,110 n/a 19,842
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 6,600 n/a 9,200 5,732 14,550 n/a 20,283
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 6,900 n/a 9,500 5,732 15,212 n/a 20,944
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 7,400 n/a 10,000 5,732 16,314 n/a 22,046
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 7,700 n/a 10,300 5,732 16,976 n/a 22,708
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 8,400 n/a 11,000 5,732 18,519 n/a 24,251
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,250 8,700 n/a 11,950 7,165 19,180 n/a 26,345
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,250 9,300 n/a 12,550 7,165 20,503 n/a 27,668
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,250 10,100 n/a 13,350 7,165 22,267 n/a 29,432
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,550 10,700 n/a 14,250 7,826 23,589 n/a 31,416
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,550 11,500 n/a 15,050 7,826 25,353 n/a 33,180
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,550 12,500 n/a 16,050 7,826 27,558 n/a 35,384
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,650 13,000 n/a 16,650 8,047 28,660 n/a 36,707
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,650 7,200 7,200 18,050 8,047 15,873 15,873 39,793
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,650 7,700 7,700 19,050 8,047 16,976 16,976 41,998

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

PowerFlex 6000 Drive – Heavy Duty (UL/CSA Rated)

2400V Input & 2300/2400V Output

Heavy Duty Dimensions (WxDxH)

Width Width Width Width Depth

Rated Output Current Typical Motor
Heavy Duty Power Rating 2
W1 W2 W3 (when applicable) W D
Base Catalog Number
1 min.
Continuous Hp kW Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm

6000G - HC31_A6__ - AHEU 31 47 160 110 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362

6000G - HC54_A6__ - AHEU 54 81 240 188 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362

6000G - HC71_A6__ - AHEU 71 107 320 250 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362

6000G - HC80_A6__ - AHEU 80 120 360 280 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362

6000G - HC89_A6__ - AHEU 89 134 400 311 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362

6000G - HC107_A6__ - AHEU 107 161 520 376 78.7 2000 61.0 1550 n/a n/a 139.8 3550 53.6 1362

6000G - HC124_A6__ - AHEU 124 186 600 436 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362

6000G - HC142_A6__ - AHEU 142 213 640 501 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362

6000G - HC160_A6__ - AHEU 160 240 760 562 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362

6000G - BC172_A___ - AHEU 172 258 794 592 63.2 1605 86.8 2205 n/a n/a 150.0 3810 55.1 1400

6000G - BC184_A___ - AHEU 184 276 847 632 63.2 1605 86.8 2205 n/a n/a 150.0 3810 55.1 1400

6000G - BC200_A___ - AHEU 200 300 944 704 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400

6000G - BC212_A___ - AHEU 212 318 976 728 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400

6000G - BC228_A___ - AHEU 228 342 1051 784 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400

6000G - BC244_A___ - AHEU 244 366 1148 856 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400

6000G - BC260_A___ - AHEU 260 390 1202 896 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400

6000G - BC280_A___ - AHEU 280 420 1319 984 63.2 1605 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 161.8 4110 55.1 1400

6000G - BC302_A___ - AHEU 302 453 1394 1040 86.8 2205 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 185.4 4710 55.1 1400

6000G - BC326_A___ - AHEU 326 489 1502 1120 86.8 2205 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 185.4 4710 55.1 1400

6000G - BC350_A___ - AHEU 350 525 1652 1232 86.8 2205 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 185.4 4710 55.1 1400

6000G - BC380_A___ - AHEU 380 570 1749 1304 86.8 2205 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 185.4 4710 55.1 1400

6000G - BC412_A___ - AHEU 412 618 1899 1416 86.8 2205 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 185.4 4710 55.1 1400

6000G - BC448_A___ - AHEU 448 672 2114 1576 86.8 2205 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 197.2 5010 55.1 1400

6000G - BC480_A___ - AHEU 480 720 2210 1648 86.8 2205 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 197.2 5010 55.1 1400

6000G - BC512_A___ - AHEU 512 768 2360 1760 86.8 2205 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 197.2 5010 55.1 1400

6000G - BC544_A___ - AHEU 544 816 2564 1912 86.8 2205 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 197.2 5010 55.1 1400

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

Dimensions (WxDxH)
Base Drive Weight (kg) Base Drive Weight (lbs)
Height Height Height

H1 H2 H

W3 W3
Total Total
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm W1 W2 (where W1 W2 (where
Weight Weight
applicable) applicable)

90.55 2300 14.96 380 105.5 2680 2,000 1,360 n/a 3,360 4,409 2,998 n/a 7,407

90.55 2300 14.96 380 105.5 2680 2,200 1,360 n/a 3,560 4,850 2,998 n/a 7,848

90.55 2300 14.96 380 105.5 2680 2,400 1,360 n/a 3,760 5,291 2,998 n/a 8,289

90.55 2300 14.96 380 105.5 2680 2,500 1,360 n/a 3,860 5,511 2,998 n/a 8,509

90.55 2300 14.96 380 105.5 2680 2,600 1,360 n/a 3,960 5,732 2,998 n/a 8,730

90.55 2300 14.96 380 105.5 2680 2,700 1,360 n/a 4,060 5,952 2,998 n/a 8,950

90.55 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2,800 1,450 n/a 4,250 6,172 3,196 n/a 9,368

90.55 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2,900 1,450 n/a 4,350 6,393 3,196 n/a 9,589

90.55 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3,000 1,450 n/a 4,450 6,613 3,196 n/a 9,809

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 3,700 n/a 5,100 3,086 8,157 n/a 11,244

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 3,700 n/a 5,100 3,086 8,157 n/a 11,244

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 3,700 n/a 5,100 3,086 8,157 n/a 11,244

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 3,700 n/a 5,100 3,086 8,157 n/a 11,244

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 3,700 n/a 5,100 3,086 8,157 n/a 11,244

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 3,700 n/a 5,100 3,086 8,157 n/a 11,244

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 3,700 n/a 5,100 3,086 8,157 n/a 11,244

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,400 3,900 n/a 5,300 3,086 8,598 n/a 11,684

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,850 4,000 n/a 5,850 4,079 8,818 n/a 12,897

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,850 4,200 n/a 6,050 4,079 9,259 n/a 13,338

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,850 4,400 n/a 6,250 4,079 9,700 n/a 13,779

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,000 4,600 n/a 6,600 4,409 10,141 n/a 14,550

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,000 4,900 n/a 6,900 4,409 10,803 n/a 15,212

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,000 5,400 n/a 7,400 4,409 11,905 n/a 16,314

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,050 5,500 n/a 7,550 4,519 12,125 n/a 16,645

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,050 5,800 n/a 7,850 4,519 12,787 n/a 17,306

91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,050 6,200 n/a 8,250 4,519 13,669 n/a 18,188

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

PowerFlex 6000 Drive – Heavy Duty (UL/CSA Rated)

4160V Input & 4000/4160V Output

Heavy Duty Dimensions (WxDxH)

Rated Output Current Typical Motor Width Width Width Width Depth
Heavy Duty Power Rating 2 W1 W2 W3 (when applicable) W D
Base Catalog Number
1 min.
Continuous Hp kW Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
6000G - HC30_E6__ - EHEU 30 45 240 180 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HC39_E6__ - EHEU 39 59 320 240 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HC44_E6__ - EHEU 44 66 360 268 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HC49_E6__ - EHEU 49 74 400 298 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HC59_E6__ - EHEU 59 89 480 360 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HC69_E6__ - EHEU 69 104 560 418 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HC79_E6__ - EHEU 79 119 640 480 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HC88_E6__ - EHEU 88 132 720 536 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HC98_E6__ - EHEU 98 147 800 600 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HC108_E6__ - EHEU 108 162 880 656 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HC116_E6__ - EHEU 116 174 960 704 78.7 2000 70.5 1790 n/a n/a 149.2 3790 53.6 1362
6000G - HC122_E6__ - EHEU 122 183 1000 746 86.6 2200 85.8 2180 n/a n/a 172.4 4380 53.6 1362
6000G - HC127_E6__ - EHEU 127 191 1040 776 86.6 2200 85.8 2180 n/a n/a 172.4 4380 53.6 1362
6000G - HC147_E6__ - EHEU 147 221 1200 896 86.6 2200 85.8 2180 n/a n/a 172.4 4380 53.6 1362
6000G - HC160_E6__ - EHEU 160 240 1320 976 86.6 2200 85.8 2180 n/a n/a 172.4 4380 53.6 1362
6000G - BC172_E___ - EHEU 172 258 1373 1024 82.9 2105 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 181.5 4610 55.1 1400
6000G - BC184_E___ - EHEU 184 276 1470 1096 82.9 2105 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 181.5 4610 55.1 1400
6000G - BC200_E___ - EHEU 200 300 1630 1216 82.9 2105 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 181.5 4610 55.1 1400
6000G - BC212_E___ - EHEU 212 318 1695 1264 82.9 2105 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 181.5 4610 55.1 1400
6000G - BC228_E___ - EHEU 228 342 1824 1360 82.9 2105 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 181.5 4610 55.1 1400
6000G - BC244_E___ - EHEU 244 366 1995 1488 82.9 2105 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 181.5 4610 55.1 1400
6000G - BC260_E___ - EHEU 260 390 2082 1552 82.9 2105 98.6 2505 n/a n/a 181.5 4610 55.1 1400
6000G - BC280_E___ - EHEU 280 420 2285 1704 82.9 2105 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 193.3 4910 55.1 1400
6000G - BC302_E___ - EHEU 302 453 2414 1800 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BC326_E___ - EHEU 326 489 2607 1944 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BC350_E___ - EHEU 350 525 2864 2136 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BC380_E___ - EHEU 380 570 3036 2264 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BC412_E___ - EHEU 412 618 3294 2456 102.6 2605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 228.7 5810 55.1 1400
6000G - BC448_E___ - EHEU 448 672 3658 2728 102.6 2605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 228.7 5810 55.1 1400
6000G - BC480_E___ - EHEU 480 720 3841 2864 102.6 2605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 228.7 5810 55.1 1400
6000G - BC512_E___ - EHEU 512 768 4087 3048 102.6 2605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 228.7 5810 55.1 1400
6000G - BC544_E___ - EHEU 544 816 4442 3312 102.6 2605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 228.7 5810 55.1 1400

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

Dimensions (WxDxH)
Base Drive Weight (kg) Base Drive Weight (lbs)
Height Height Height
H1 H2 H
W3 (where Total W3 (where Total
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm W1 W2 W1 W2
applicable) Weight applicable) Weight
90.55 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2200 1480 n/a 3680 4850 3262 n/a 8112
90.55 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2400 1480 n/a 3880 5291 3262 n/a 8553
90.55 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2500 1480 n/a 3980 5511 3262 n/a 8773
90.55 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2600 1480 n/a 4080 5732 3262 n/a 8994
90.55 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2700 1480 n/a 4180 5952 3262 n/a 9214
90.55 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2800 1480 n/a 4280 6172 3262 n/a 9434
90.55 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2900 1480 n/a 4380 6393 3262 n/a 9655
90.55 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3000 1480 n/a 4480 6613 3262 n/a 9875
90.55 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3100 1480 n/a 4580 6834 3262 n/a 10096
90.55 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3200 1480 n/a 4680 7054 3262 n/a 10316
90.55 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3300 1480 n/a 4780 7275 3262 n/a 10537
90.55 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3400 1600 n/a 5000 7495 3527 n/a 11022
90.55 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3550 1600 n/a 5150 7826 3527 n/a 11353
90.55 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3650 1600 n/a 5250 8046 3527 n/a 11573
90.55 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3850 1600 n/a 5450 8487 3527 n/a 12014
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,750 4,000 n/a 5,750 3,858 8,818 n/a 12,677
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,750 4,100 n/a 5,850 3,858 9,039 n/a 12,897
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,750 4,400 n/a 6,150 3,858 9,700 n/a 13,558
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,750 4,600 n/a 6,350 3,858 10,141 n/a 13,999
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,750 4,800 n/a 6,550 3,858 10,582 n/a 14,440
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,750 5,100 n/a 6,850 3,858 11,244 n/a 15,102
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,750 5,300 n/a 7,050 3,858 11,684 n/a 15,543
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 1,750 5,700 n/a 7,450 3,858 12,566 n/a 16,424
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,300 5,900 n/a 8,200 5,071 13,007 n/a 18,078
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,300 6,200 n/a 8,500 5,071 13,669 n/a 18,739
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,300 6,700 n/a 9,000 5,071 14,771 n/a 19,842
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,500 6,900 n/a 9,400 5,512 15,212 n/a 20,723
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,500 7,400 n/a 9,900 5,512 16,314 n/a 21,826
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,500 8,200 n/a 10,700 5,512 18,078 n/a 23,589
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,550 8,400 n/a 10,950 5,622 18,519 n/a 24,141
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,550 8,900 n/a 11,450 5,622 19,621 n/a 25,243
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,550 9,400 n/a 11,950 5,622 20,723 n/a 26,345

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

PowerFlex 6000 Drive – Heavy Duty (UL/CSA Rated)

6600V Input & 6300/6600V Output

Heavy Duty Dimensions (WxDxH)

Rated Output Current Typical Motor Width Width Width Width Depth
Heavy Duty Power Rating 2 W1 W2 W3 (when applicable) W D
Base Catalog Number
1 min.
Continuous Hp kW Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
6000G - HC25_J6__ - JHEU 25 38 320 240 78.7 2000 91.3 2320 n/a n/a 170.1 4320 53.6 1362
6000G - HC28_J6__ - JHEU 28 42 360 268 78.7 2000 91.3 2320 n/a n/a 170.1 4320 53.6 1362
6000G - HC31_J6__ - JHEU 31 47 400 298 78.7 2000 91.3 2320 n/a n/a 170.1 4320 53.6 1362
6000G - HC38_J6__ - JHEU 38 57 480 360 78.7 2000 91.3 2320 n/a n/a 170.1 4320 53.6 1362
6000G - HC43_J6__ - JHEU 43 65 560 418 78.7 2000 91.3 2320 n/a n/a 170.1 4320 53.6 1362
6000G - HC50_J6__ - JHEU 50 75 640 480 78.7 2000 91.3 2320 n/a n/a 170.1 4320 53.6 1362
6000G - HC55_J6__ - JHEU 55 83 720 536 78.7 2000 91.3 2320 n/a n/a 170.1 4320 53.6 1362
6000G - HC62_J6__ - JHEU 62 93 800 600 78.7 2000 91.3 2320 n/a n/a 170.1 4320 53.6 1362
6000G - HC68_J6__ - JHEU 68 102 880 656 78.7 2000 91.3 2320 n/a n/a 170.1 4320 53.6 1362
6000G - HC78_J6__ - JHEU 78 117 1000 746 86.6 2200 91.3 2320 n/a n/a 177.9 4520 53.6 1362
6000G - HC80_J6__ - JHEU 80 120 1040 776 86.6 2200 91.3 2320 n/a n/a 177.9 4520 53.6 1362
6000G - HC93_J6__ - JHEU 93 140 1200 896 86.6 2200 91.3 2320 n/a n/a 177.9 4520 53.6 1362
6000G - HC101_J6__ - JHEU 101 152 1320 976 86.6 2200 91.3 2320 n/a n/a 177.9 4520 53.6 1362
6000G - HC108_J6__ - JHEU 108 162 1400 1040 86.6 2200 91.3 2320 n/a n/a 177.9 4520 53.6 1362
6000G - HC124_J6__ - JHEU 124 186 1600 1200 94.5 2400 110.2 2800 n/a n/a 204.7 5200 53.6 1362
6000G - HC139_J6__ - JHEU 139 209 1800 1344 94.5 2400 110.2 2800 n/a n/a 204.7 5200 53.6 1362
6000G - HC146_J6__ - JHEU 146 219 1880 1402 94.5 2400 110.2 2800 n/a n/a 204.7 5200 53.6 1362
6000G - HC160_J6__ - JHEU 160 240 2080 1552 94.5 2400 110.2 2800 n/a n/a 204.7 5200 53.6 1362
6000G - BC172_J___ - JHEU 172 258 2178 1624 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BC184_J___ - JHEU 184 276 2328 1736 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BC200_J___ - JHEU 200 300 2586 1928 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BC212_J___ - JHEU 212 318 2693 2008 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BC228_J___ - JHEU 228 342 2897 2160 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BC244_J___ - JHEU 244 366 3165 2360 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BC260_J___ - JHEU 260 390 3294 2456 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BC280_J___ - JHEU 280 420 3626 2704 102.6 2605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 228.7 5810 55.1 1400
6000G - BC302_J___ - JHEU 302 453 3830 2856 141.9 3605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 268.1 6810 55.1 1400
6000G - BC326_J___ - JHEU 326 489 4141 3088 141.9 3605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 268.1 6810 55.1 1400
6000G - BC350_J___ - JHEU 350 525 4538 3384 141.9 3605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 268.1 6810 55.1 1400
6000G - BC380_J___ - JHEU 380 570 4817 3592 141.9 3605 134.1 3405 n/a n/a 276.0 7010 55.1 1400
6000G - BC412_J___ - JHEU 412 618 5225 3896 141.9 3605 134.1 3405 n/a n/a 276.0 7010 55.1 1400
6000G - BC448_J___ - JHEU 448 672 5804 4328 141.9 3605 157.7 4005 n/a n/a 299.6 7610 55.1 1400
6000G - BC480_J___ - JHEU 480 720 6082 4536 141.9 3605 157.7 4005 n/a n/a 299.6 7610 55.1 1400
6000G - BC512_J___ - JHEU 512 768 6490 4840 141.9 3605 157.7 4005 n/a n/a 299.6 7610 55.1 1400
6000G - BC544_J___ - JHEU 544 816 7048 5256 141.9 3605 126.2 3205 110.2 2800 378.3 9610 55.1 1400

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

Dimensions (WxDxH)
Base Drive Weight (kg) Base Drive Weight (lbs)
Height Height Height
H1 H2 H
W3 (where W3 (where
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm W1 W2 Total Weight W1 W2 Total Weight
applicable) applicable)
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2400 1920 n/a 4320 5291 4232 n/a 9523
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2500 1920 n/a 4420 5511 4232 n/a 9743
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2600 1920 n/a 4520 5732 4232 n/a 9964
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2700 1920 n/a 4620 5952 4232 n/a 10184
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2800 1920 n/a 4720 6172 4232 n/a 10404
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2900 1920 n/a 4820 6393 4232 n/a 10625
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3000 1920 n/a 4920 6613 4232 n/a 10845
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3100 1920 n/a 5020 6834 4232 n/a 11066
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3200 1920 n/a 5120 7054 4232 n/a 11286
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3400 1920 n/a 5320 7495 4232 n/a 11727
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3550 1920 n/a 5470 7826 4232 n/a 12058
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3650 1920 n/a 5570 8046 4232 n/a 12278
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3850 1920 n/a 5770 8487 4232 n/a 12719
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 4050 1920 n/a 5970 8928 4232 n/a 13160
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 4800 1360 n/a 6160 10582 2998 n/a 13580
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 4900 1360 n/a 6260 10802 2998 n/a 13800
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 5000 1740 n/a 6740 11023 3836 n/a 14859
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 6000 1740 n/a 7740 13227 3836 n/a 17063
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 5,400 n/a 8,000 5,732 11,905 n/a 17,637
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 5,700 n/a 8,300 5,732 12,566 n/a 18,298
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 6,200 n/a 8,800 5,732 13,669 n/a 19,401
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 6,400 n/a 9,000 5,732 14,110 n/a 19,842
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 6,700 n/a 9,300 5,732 14,771 n/a 20,503
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 7,200 n/a 9,800 5,732 15,873 n/a 21,605
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 7,400 n/a 10,000 5,732 16,314 n/a 22,046
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 8,100 n/a 10,700 5,732 17,857 n/a 23,589
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,250 8,400 n/a 11,650 7,165 18,519 n/a 25,684
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,250 9,000 n/a 12,250 7,165 19,842 n/a 27,007
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,250 9,800 n/a 13,050 7,165 21,605 n/a 28,770
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,550 10,200 n/a 13,750 7,826 22,487 n/a 30,314
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,550 11,000 n/a 14,550 7,826 24,251 n/a 32,077
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,550 11,500 n/a 15,050 7,826 25,353 n/a 33,180
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,650 12,600 n/a 16,250 8,047 27,778 n/a 35,825
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,650 13,300 n/a 16,950 8,047 29,321 n/a 37,368
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,650 7,450 7,450 18,550 8,047 16,424 16,424 40,896

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

PowerFlex 6000 Drive – Heavy Duty (UL/CSA Rated)

7200V Input & 6900V Output

Heavy Duty Dimensions (WxDxH)

Rated Output Current Typical Motor Width Width Width Width Depth
Heavy Duty Power Rating 2 W1 W2 W3 (when applicable) W D
Base Catalog Number
1 min.
Continuous Hp kW Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
6000G - HC25_L6__ - KHEU 25 38 334 250 78.7 2000 91.33 2320 n/a n/a 170.1 4320 53.6 1362
6000G - HC28_L6__ - KHEU 28 42 375 279 78.7 2000 91.33 2320 n/a n/a 170.1 4320 53.6 1362
6000G - HC31_L6__ - KHEU 31 47 417 311 78.7 2000 91.33 2320 n/a n/a 170.1 4320 53.6 1362
6000G - HC38_L6__ - KHEU 38 57 500 375 78.7 2000 91.33 2320 n/a n/a 170.1 4320 53.6 1362
6000G - HC43_L6__ - KHEU 43 65 583 435 78.7 2000 91.33 2320 n/a n/a 170.1 4320 53.6 1362
6000G - HC50_L6__ - KHEU 50 75 666 500 78.7 2000 91.33 2320 n/a n/a 170.1 4320 53.6 1362
6000G - HC55_L6__ - KHEU 55 83 750 558 78.7 2000 91.33 2320 n/a n/a 170.1 4320 53.6 1362
6000G - HC62_L6__ - KHEU 62 93 834 625 78.7 2000 91.33 2320 n/a n/a 170.1 4320 53.6 1362
6000G - HC68_L6__ - KHEU 68 102 917 683 78.7 2000 91.33 2320 n/a n/a 170.1 4320 53.6 1362
6000G - HC78_L6__ - KHEU 78 117 1042 778 86.6 2200 91.33 2320 n/a n/a 177.9 4520 53.6 1362
6000G - HC80_L6__ - KHEU 80 120 1083 808 86.6 2200 91.33 2320 n/a n/a 177.9 4520 53.6 1362
6000G - HC93_L6__ - KHEU 93 140 1250 934 86.6 2200 91.33 2320 n/a n/a 177.9 4520 53.6 1362
6000G - HC101_L6__ - KHEU 101 152 1375 1017 86.6 2200 91.33 2320 n/a n/a 177.9 4520 53.6 1362
6000G - HC108_L6__ - KHEU 108 162 1458 1083 86.6 2200 91.33 2320 n/a n/a 177.9 4520 53.6 1362
6000G - HC124_L6__ - KHEU 124 186 1666 1250 94.5 2400 110.23 2800 n/a n/a 204.7 5200 53.6 1362
6000G - HC139_L6__ - KHEU 139 209 1875 1400 94.5 2400 110.23 2800 n/a n/a 204.7 5200 53.6 1362
6000G - HC146_L6__ - KHEU 146 219 1958 1461 94.5 2400 110.23 2800 n/a n/a 204.7 5200 53.6 1362
6000G - HC160_L6__ - KHEU 160 240 2166 1617 94.5 2400 110.23 2800 n/a n/a 204.7 5200 53.6 1362
6000G - BC172_L___ - KHEU 172 258 2285 1704 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BC184_L___ - KHEU 184 276 2435 1816 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BC200_L___ - KHEU 200 300 2703 2016 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BC212_L___ - KHEU 212 318 2810 2096 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BC228_L___ - KHEU 228 342 3026 2256 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BC244_L___ - KHEU 244 366 3304 2464 102.6 2605 110.4 2805 n/a n/a 213.0 5410 55.1 1400
6000G - BC260_L___ - KHEU 260 390 3444 2568 102.6 2605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 228.7 5810 55.1 1400
6000G - BC280_L___ - KHEU 280 420 3787 2824 102.6 2605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 228.7 5810 55.1 1400
6000G - BC302_L___ - KHEU 302 453 4012 2992 141.9 3605 126.2 3205 n/a n/a 268.1 6810 55.1 1400
6000G - BC326_L___ - KHEU 326 489 4323 3224 141.9 3605 134.1 3405 n/a n/a 276.0 7010 55.1 1400
6000G - BC350_L___ - KHEU 350 525 4742 3536 141.9 3605 134.1 3405 n/a n/a 276.0 7010 55.1 1400
6000G - BC380_L___ - KHEU 380 570 5042 3760 141.9 3605 134.1 3405 n/a n/a 276.0 7010 55.1 1400
6000G - BC412_L___ - KHEU 412 618 5461 4072 141.9 3605 134.1 3405 n/a n/a 276.0 7010 55.1 1400
6000G - BC448_L___ - KHEU 448 672 6062 4520 141.9 3605 157.7 4005 n/a n/a 299.6 7610 55.1 1400
6000G - BC480_L___ - KHEU 480 720 6362 4744 141.9 3605 157.7 4005 n/a n/a 299.6 7610 55.1 1400
6000G - BC512_L___ - KHEU 512 768 6791 5064 141.9 3605 126.2 3205 110.2 2800 378.3 9610 55.1 1400
6000G - BC544_L___ - KHEU 544 816 7370 5496 141.9 3605 126.2 3205 110.2 2800 378.3 9610 55.1 1400

PowerFlex 6000 AC Drive.

Dimensions (WxDxH)
Base Drive Weight (kg) Base Drive Weight (lbs)
Height Height Height
H1 H2 H
W3 (where W3 (where
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm W1 W2 Total Weight W1 W2 Total Weight
applicable) applicable)
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2400 1920 n/a 4320 5291 4232 n/a 9523
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2500 1920 n/a 4420 5511 4232 n/a 9743
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2600 1920 n/a 4520 5732 4232 n/a 9964
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2700 1920 n/a 4620 5952 4232 n/a 10184
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2800 1920 n/a 4720 6172 4232 n/a 10404
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 2900 1920 n/a 4820 6393 4232 n/a 10625
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3000 1920 n/a 4920 6613 4232 n/a 10845
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3100 1920 n/a 5020 6834 4232 n/a 11066
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3200 1920 n/a 5120 7054 4232 n/a 11286
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3400 1920 n/a 5320 7495 4232 n/a 11727
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3550 1920 n/a 5470 7826 4232 n/a 12058
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3650 1920 n/a 5570 8046 4232 n/a 12278
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 3850 1920 n/a 5770 8784 4232 n/a 13016
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 4050 1920 n/a 5970 8928 4232 n/a 13160
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 4800 1360 n/a 6160 10582 2998 n/a 13580
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 4900 1360 n/a 6260 10802 2998 n/a 13800
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 5000 1740 n/a 6740 11023 3836 n/a 14859
90.6 2300 13.7 348 104.3 2648 6000 1740 n/a 7740 13227 3836 n/a 17063
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 5,700 n/a 8,300 5,732 12,566 n/a 18,298
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 5,900 n/a 8,500 5,732 13,007 n/a 18,739
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 6,400 n/a 9,000 5,732 14,110 n/a 19,842
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 6,600 n/a 9,200 5,732 14,550 n/a 20,283
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 6,900 n/a 9,500 5,732 15,212 n/a 20,944
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 7,400 n/a 10,000 5,732 16,314 n/a 22,046
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 7,700 n/a 10,300 5,732 16,976 n/a 22,708
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 2,600 8,400 n/a 11,000 5,732 18,519 n/a 24,251
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,250 8,700 n/a 11,950 7,165 19,180 n/a 26,345
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,250 9,300 n/a 12,550 7,165 20,503 n/a 27,668
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,250 10,100 n/a 13,350 7,165 22,267 n/a 29,432
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,550 10,700 n/a 14,250 7,826 23,589 n/a 31,416
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,550 11,500 n/a 15,050 7,826 25,353 n/a 33,180
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,550 12,500 n/a 16,050 7,826 27,558 n/a 35,384
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,650 13,000 n/a 16,650 8,047 28,660 n/a 36,707
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,650 7,200 7,200 18,050 8,047 15,873 15,873 39,793
91.7 2328 18.5 470 110.2 2798 3,650 7,700 7,700 19,050 8,047 16,976 16,976 41,998

Powerful performance. Flexible control.

PowerFlex 7000 Medium Voltage Variable Frequency Drive

7000 A 40 D A RPDTD 1...etc.

a b c d e f

a d
Bulletin Number Enclosure Type
Code Description Code Description
7000A “A” Frame (Air-cooled) D Type 1 / IP21 (with Door Gaskets)
7000 “B” Frame (Air-cooled) K Type 1 / IP42 (with Door Gaskets)
7000L “C” Frame (Liquid-cooled)
Service Duty/Altitude Code e
Code Description Supply Voltage/Control Voltage/Frequency/CPT Selection
A Normal Duty, 0...1000 mAltitude Maximum 40º C Ambient Voltage Code
Frame Frequency
B Normal Duty, 1001...5000 m Altitude Size Nominal Line Control (Hz) With a Without a
Reduced Ambient (from 40° C offering) C.P.T1 C.P.T2
1001...2000 m = 37.5° C 120 A AD
2001...3000 m = 35° C 2400 60
120...240 AA –
3001...4000 m = 32.5° C
110 CY CDY
4001...5000 m = 30° C 3300 50
220 CP CDP
C Heavy Duty, 0...1000 m Altitude Maximum 40° C Ambient
110 EY EDY
D Heavy Duty, 1001...5000 m Altitude. Reduced Ambient 50
220 EP EDP
(from 40° C offering) – same as “B” code above 4160
“A” Frame 120 E ED
E Normal Duty, 0...1000 m Altitude. Maximum 35° C Ambient 60
120...240 EA –
F Normal Duty, 1001...5000 m Altitude
110 JY JDY
Reduced Ambient (from 35° C offering)
220 50 JP JDP
1001...2000 m = 32.5° C
6600 110...220 JAY –
2001...3000 m = 30° C
120 J JD
3001...4000 m = 27.5° C 60
240 JA –
4001...5000 m = 25° C
208 AHD
G Heavy Duty, 0...1000 m Altitude. Maximum 35° C Ambient
2400 480 60 ABD
J Normal Duty, 0...1000 m Altitude. Maximum 50° C Ambient
600 ACD
L Heavy Duty, 0...1000 m Altitude. Maximum 50° C Ambient
230 CPD
N Normal Duty, 0...1000 m Altitude. Maximum 20° C Ambient
3300 380 50 CND
Z Custom Configuration (contact factory)
400 CKD
c 230 EPD
Drive Current Rating1 380 50 END
Code Description Code Description “B” and “C” 400 EKD
40 40 Amp 215 215 Amp Frames 208 EHD
46 46 Amp 250 250 Amp 480 60 EBD
53 53 Amp 285 285 Amp 600 ECD
61 61 Amp 325 325 Amp 230 JPD
70 70 Amp 375 375 Amp 380 50 JND
81 81 Amp 430 430 Amp 400 JKD
93 93 Amp 495 495 Amp 208 JHD
105 105 Amp 575 575 Amp 480 60 JBD
120 120 Amp 625 625 Amp 600 JCD
140 140 Amp 657 657 Amp (1) A Control Power Transformer modification must be selected (6, 6B...etc.) to size the transformer.

160 160 Amp 720 720 Amp

(2) Control Circuit Power is supplied from separate/external source.
185 185 Amp Rectifier Configuration/Line Impedance Type
(1) Not all amperages are available at all ambient/altitude configurations. Code Description
RPDTD AFE Rectifier with Integral Line Reactor and Direct-to-Drive DC Link
RPTX AFE Rectifier with provision for connection to separate Isolation Transformer
(standard DC Link)
RPTXI AFE Rectifier with integral Isolation Transformer (standard DC Link)1
R18TX 18 Pulse Rectifier with provision for connection to separate Isolation Transformer
(standard DC Link)2
(1) RPTXI configuration is only available for “A” Frame configurations.
(2) R18TX configuration is only available for “B” and “C” Frame configurations.

PowerFlex 7000 AC Drive.

PowerFlex 7000 ArcShield Drive System

40 kA Arc Resistant Rating
Fully Integrated



Approximate Dimensions
Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
W WS D H1 H2 H
Width 40kA starter width Total depth Height of cabinet Height of plenum Total height Total weight

Connection to New/Existing MV MCC Lineup

H2 H2


H1 H1

40 kA ArcShield Drive Input Starters
Approximate Dimensions
Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Arc Rating Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
40 kA fully integrated 1512AD-T __X -14__ -___ 661 26.0 915 36.0 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 627 1382

PowerFlex 7000 AC Drive.

PowerFlex 7000 ArcShield Drive System

50 kA Arc Resistant Rating
Fully Integrated



D WS1*

Approximate Dimensions*
Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
W WS1* WS2* D H1 H2 H
Width 50kA incoming line section width 50kA starter width Total depth Height of cabinet Height of plenum Total height Total weight

Connection to New/Existing MV MCC Lineup

H2 H2


H1 H1

50 kA ArcShield Drive Input Starters
Approximate Dimensions
Width Depth Height
Arc Rating Catalog Number Weights
WS1 WS2 D H1 H2 H
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
1512AD-C __X -14__ -___ N/A N/A 915 36.0 915 36.0 2413 95.0 978 38.5 3296 129.8 773 1704
50 kA fully integrated*
1591A__ - BX__ -___ 915 36.0 N/A N/A 915 36.0 2413 95.0 978 38.5 3296 129.8 732 1614
50 kA existing lineup - bottom cable entry/exit* 1512AD-T __X -14__ -___ 661 26.0 661 26.0 915 36.0 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 627 1382
50 kA existing lineup - top cable entry/exit* 1512AD-C __X -14__ -___ 915 36.0 915 36.0 915 36.0 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 773 1704

*Minimum 72” total starter lineup width required

PowerFlex 7000 AC Drive.

PowerFlex 7000 Drive System with ArcShield Technology

Direct-to-Drive / Normal Duty

2.4 kV 60 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions**
Output Amps Approximate
Power Rating Width Depth Height
Base Catalog Number Weights**
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
46 51 150 200 7000-A__A_-RPDTD 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 3975 8763
53 58 168 225 7000-A__A_-RPDTD 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 3975 8763
61 67 187 250 7000-A__A_-RPDTD 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 4031 8887
70 77 225 300 7000-A__A_-RPDTD 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 4031 8887
81 89 261 350 7000-A__A_-RPDTD 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 4301 9482
93 102 300 400 7000-A__A_-RPDTD 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 4301 9482
105 116 335 450 7000-A__A_-RPDTD 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 4411 9725
120 132 373 500 7000-A__A_-RPDTD 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 4411 9725
140 154 450 600 7000-A__A_-RPDTD 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 4551 10033
160 176 522 700 7000-A__A_-RPDTD 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 4637 10223
185 204 600 800 7000-A__A_-RPDTD 3500 137.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 4410 9722
215 237 670 900 7000-A__A_-RPDTD 3500 137.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 4410 9722
250 275 750 1000 7000-A__A_-RPDTD 3500 137.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 4410 9722
285 314 933 1250 7000-A__A_-RPDTD 3500 137.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 4410 9722
325 358 1120 1500 7000-A__A_-RPDTD 3500 137.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 4410 9722
375 413 1300 1750 7000-E__A__ D-RPDTD 3500 137.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 4410 9722
430 473 1500 2000 7000-E__A__ D-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 6410 14132

3.3 kV 50 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions**
Output Amps Approximate
Power Rating Width Depth Height
Base Catalog Number Weights**
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
46 51 187 250 7000-A__C_Y-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 4915 10836
53 58 225 300 7000-A__C_Y-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 4915 10836
61 67 261 350 7000-A__C_Y-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5021 11069
70 77 300 400 7000-A__C_Y-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5021 11069
81 89 373 500 7000-A__C_Y-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5201 11466
93 102 410 550 7000-A__C_Y-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5201 11466
105 116 450 600 7000-A__C_Y-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5431 11973
120 132 560 750 7000-A__C_Y-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5431 11973
140 154 600 800 7000-A__C_Y-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5511 12150
160 176 750 1000 7000-A__C_D-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5705 12577
185 204 820 1100 7000-A__C_D-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5705 12577
215 237 933 1250 7000-A__C_D-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5705 12577
250 275 1120 1500 7000-A__C_D-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5705 12577
285 314 1300 1750 7000-A__C_D-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 6410 14132
325 358 1500 2000 7000-A__C_D-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 6410 14132
375 413 1865 2500 7000-E__C__ D-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 6410 14132
430 473 2050 2750 7000-E__C__ D-RPDTD 4100 161.4 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 7501 16537

** Dimensions and weights shown are for the drive only - meant to be used with an input starter in a new or existing Allen-Bradley medium voltage MCC lineup. Refer to the input starter dimensions and weights shown on pages 66-67 to create a fully
integrated, stand alone drive system configuration.

PowerFlex 7000 AC Drive.

4.16 kV 60 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions**
Output Amps Approximate
Power Rating Width Depth Height
Base Catalog Number Weights**
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
46 51 261 350 7000-A__E_-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 4915 10836
53 58 300 400 7000-A__E_-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 4915 10836
61 67 335 450 7000-A__E_-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5021 11069
70 77 373 500 7000-A__E_-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5021 11069
81 89 450 600 7000-A__E_-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5201 11466
93 102 522 700 7000-A__E_-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5201 11466
105 116 600 800 7000-A__E_-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5431 11973
120 132 671 900 7000-A__E_-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5431 11973
140 154 750 1000 7000-A__E_-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5511 12150
160 176 933 1250 7000-A__E_-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5705 12577
185 204 1082 1450 7000-A__E_-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5705 12577
215 237 1120 1500 7000-A__E_-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5705 12577
250 275 1500 2000 7000-A__E_-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5705 12577
285 314 1680 2250 7000-A__E_-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 6410 14132
325 358 1865 2500 7000-A__E_-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 6410 14132
375 413 2240 3000 7000-E__-E_D-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 6410 14132
430 473 2600 3500 7000-E__-E_D-RPDTD 4100 161.4 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 7501 16537

4.16 kV 50 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions**
Output Amps Approximate
Power Rating Width Depth Height
Base Catalog Number Weights**
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
46 51 261 350 7000-A__E_-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 4915 10836
53 58 300 400 7000-A__E_-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 4915 10836
61 67 335 450 7000-A__E_-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5021 11069
70 77 373 500 7000-A__E_-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5021 11069
81 89 450 600 7000-A__E_-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5201 11466
93 102 522 700 7000-A__E_-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5201 11466
105 116 600 800 7000-A__E_-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5431 11973
120 132 671 900 7000-A__E_-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5431 11973
140 154 750 1000 7000-A__E_-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5511 12150
160 176 933 1250 7000-A__E_-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5705 12577
185 204 1082 1450 7000-A__E_-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5705 12577
215 237 1120 1500 7000-A__E_-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5705 12577
250 275 1500 2000 7000-A__E_-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5705 12577
285 314 1680 2250 7000-A__E_-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 6410 14132
325 358 1865 2500 7000-A__E_-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 6410 14132
375 413 2240 3000 7000-E__E_D-RPDTD 4100 161.4 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 6410 14132
430 473 2600 3500 7000-E__-E_D-RPDTD 4100 161.4 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 7501 16537

** Dimensions and weights shown are for the drive only - meant to be used with an input starter in a new or existing Allen-Bradley medium voltage MCC lineup. Refer to the input starter dimensions and weights shown on pages 66-67 to create a fully
integrated, stand alone drive system configuration.

PowerFlex 7000 AC Drive.

PowerFlex 7000 Drive System with ArcShield Technology

Direct-to-Drive / Heavy Duty

2.4 kV 60 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions*
Output Amps Approximate
Power Rating Width Depth Height
Base Catalog Number Weights*
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
46 69 150 200 7000-C__A_-RPDTD 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 3975 8763
53 80 168 225 7000-C__A_-RPDTD 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 3975 8763
61 92 187 250 7000-C__A_-RPDTD 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 4031 8887
70 105 225 300 7000-C__A_-RPDTD 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 4031 8887
81 122 261 350 7000-C__A_-RPDTD 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 4301 9482
93 140 300 400 7000-C__A_-RPDTD 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 4301 9482
105 158 335 450 7000-C__A_-RPDTD 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 4411 9725
120 180 373 500 7000-C__A_-RPDTD 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 4411 9725
140 210 450 600 7000-C__ A_D-RPDTD 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 4551 10033
160 240 522 700 7000-C__ A_D-RPDTD 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 4637 10223
185 278 600 800 7000-C__ A_D-RPDTD 3500 137.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 4410 9722
215 323 670 900 7000-C__ A_D-RPDTD 3500 137.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 4410 9722
250 375 750 1000 7000-C__ A_D-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 4410 9722

3.3 kV 50 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions*
Output Amps Approximate
Power Rating Width Depth Height
Base Catalog Number Weights*
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
46 69 187 250 7000-C__C_Y-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 4915 10836
53 80 225 300 7000-C__C_Y-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 4915 10836
61 92 261 350 7000-C__C_Y-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5021 11069
70 105 300 400 7000-C__C_Y-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5021 11069
81 122 373 500 7000-C__C_Y-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5201 11466
93 140 410 550 7000-C__C_Y-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5201 11466
105 158 450 600 7000-C__C_D-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5431 11973
120 180 560 750 7000-C__C_D-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5431 11973
140 210 600 800 7000-C__C_D-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5511 12150
160 240 750 1000 7000-C__C_D-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5705 12577
185 278 820 1100 7000-C__C_D-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5705 12577
215 323 933 1250 7000-C__C_D-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5705 12577

4.16 kV 60 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions*
Output Amps Approximate
Power Rating Width Depth Height
BaseCatalog Number Weights*
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
46 69 261 350 7000-C__E_Y-RPDTD 3500 137.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 4915 10836
53 80 300 400 7000-C__E_Y-RPDTD 3500 137.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 4915 10836
61 92 335 450 7000-C__E_Y-RPDTD 3500 137.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5021 11069
70 105 373 500 7000-C__E_Y-RPDTD 3500 137.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5021 11069
81 122 450 600 7000-C__E_Y-RPDTD 3500 137.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5201 11466
93 140 522 700 7000-C__E_Y-RPDTD 3500 137.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5201 11466
105 158 600 800 7000-C__E_Y-RPDTD 3500 137.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5431 11973
120 180 671 900 7000-C__E_Y-RPDTD 3500 137.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5431 11973
140 210 750 1000 7000-C__E_Y-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5511 12150
160 240 933 1250 7000-C__E_Y-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5705 12577
185 278 1082 1450 7000-C__E_Y-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5705 12577
215 323 1120 1500 7000-C__E_Y-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5705 12577

* Dimensions and weights shown are for the drive only - meant to be used with an input starter in a new or existing Allen-Bradley medium voltage MCC lineup. Refer to the input starter dimensions and weights shown on pages 66-67 to create a fully
integrated, stand alone drive system configuration.
PowerFlex 7000 AC Drive.

PowerFlex 7000 Drive System with ArcShield Technology

Direct-to-Drive / Heavy Duty

4.16 kV 50 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions**
Output Amps Approximate
Power Rating Width Depth Height
Base Catalog Number Weights**
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
46 69 261 350 7000-C__E_Y-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 4915 10836
53 80 300 400 7000-C__E_Y-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 4915 10836
61 92 335 450 7000-C__E_Y-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5021 11069
70 105 373 500 7000-C__E_Y-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5021 11069
81 122 450 600 7000-C__E_Y-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5201 11466
93 140 522 700 7000-C__E_D-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5201 11466
105 158 600 800 7000-C__E_D-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5431 11973
120 180 671 900 7000-C__E_D-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5431 11973
140 210 750 1000 7000-C__E_D-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5511 12150
160 240 933 1250 7000-C__E_D-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5705 12577
185 278 1082 1450 7000-C__E_D-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5705 12577
215 323 1120 1500 7000-C__E_D-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 978 38.5 3296 129.8 5705 12577

** Dimensions and weights shown are for the drive only - meant to be used with an input starter in a new or existing Allen-Bradley medium voltage MCC lineup. Refer to the input starter dimensions and weights shown on pages 66-67 to create a fully
integrated, stand alone drive system configuration.

PowerFlex 7000 AC Drive.




Approximate Dimensions
W Width
D Depth
H1 Height of cabinet
H2 Height of fan
H Total height (including fan)
Approximate Weights
W Weight

PowerFlex 7000 AC Drive.

PowerFlex 7000 Drive - Air Cooled

Direct-to-Drive / Normal Duty

2.4 kV 60 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
46 51 150 200 7000A-A DA_-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
53 58 168 225 7000A-A DA_-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
61 67 187 250 7000A-A DA_-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
70 77 225 300 7000A-A DA_-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
81 89 261 350 7000A-A DA_-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
93 102 300 400 7000A-A DA_-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
105 116 335 450 7000A-A DA_-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
120 132 373 500 7000A-A DA_-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
140 154 450 600 7000A-A DA_-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
160 176 522 700 7000-A DA_-RPDTD 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4546 10022
185 204 600 800 7000-A DA_-RPDTD 3500 137.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4319 9522
215 237 670 900 7000-A DA_-RPDTD 3500 137.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4319 9522
250 275 750 1000 7000-A DA_-RPDTD 3500 137.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4319 9522
285 314 933 1250 7000-A DA_-RPDTD 3500 137.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4319 9522
325 358 1120 1500 7000-A DA_-RPDTD 3500 137.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4319 9522
375 413 1300 1750 7000-E375DA D-RPDTD 3500 137.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4319 9522
430 473 1500 2000 7000-E430DA D-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 6319 13931

3.3 kV 50 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
46 51 187 250 7000A-A DC_Y-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
53 58 225 300 7000A-A DC_Y-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
61 67 261 350 7000A-A DC_Y-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
70 77 300 400 7000A-A DC_Y-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
81 89 373 500 7000A-A DC_Y-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
93 102 410 550 7000A-A DC_Y-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
105 116 450 600 7000A-A DC_Y-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
120 132 560 750 7000A-A DC_Y-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
140 154 600 800 7000A-A DC_Y-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
160 176 750 1000 7000-A DC_D-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 5614 12377
185 204 820 1100 7000-A DC_D-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 5614 12377
215 237 933 1250 7000-A DC_D-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 5614 12377
250 275 1120 1500 7000-A DC_D-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 5614 12377
285 314 1300 1750 7000-A DC_D-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 6319 13931
325 358 1500 2000 7000-A DC_D-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 6319 13931
375 413 1865 2500 7000-E375DC D-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 6319 13931
430 473 2050 2750 7000-E430DC D-RPDTD 4100 161.4 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 7410 16336
495 545 2400 3250 7000-E DC_D-RPDTD 6634 261.2 1456 57.3 2334 91.9 340 13.4 2674 105.3 10910 24052
575 633 2800 3750 7000-E DC_D-RPDTD 6634 261.2 1456 57.3 2334 91.9 340 13.4 2674 105.3 10910 24052
625 688 3100 4250 7000-E DC_D-RPDTD 6634 261.2 1456 57.3 2334 91.9 340 13.4 2674 105.3 10910 24052
720 792 3600 4750 7000-N720DC_D-RPDTD 6634 261.2 1456 57.3 2334 91.9 340 13.4 2674 105.3 10910 24052

PowerFlex 7000 AC Drive.

4.16 kV 60 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
46 51 261 350 7000A-A DE_-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
53 58 300 400 7000A-A DE_-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
61 67 335 450 7000A-A DE_-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
70 77 373 500 7000A-A DE_-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
81 89 450 600 7000A-A DE_-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
93 102 522 700 7000A-A DE_-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
105 116 600 800 7000A-A DE_-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
120 132 671 900 7000A-A DE_-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
140 154 750 1000 7000A-A DE_-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
160 176 933 1250 7000-A DE_-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 5614 12377
185 204 1082 1450 7000-A DE_-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 5614 12377
215 237 1120 1500 7000-A DE_-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 5614 12377
250 275 1500 2000 7000-A DE_-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 5614 12377
285 314 1680 2250 7000-A DE_-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 6319 13931
325 358 1865 2500 7000-A DE_-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 6319 13931
375 413 2240 3000 7000-E -DE_D-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 6319 13931
430 473 2600 3500 7000-E -DE_D-RPDTD 4100 161.4 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 7410 16336
495 545 3000 4000 7000-E -DE_D-RPDTD 6634 261.2 1456 57.3 2334 91.9 340 13.4 2674 105.3 10910 24052
575 633 3360 4500 7000-E -DE_D-RPDTD 6634 261.2 1456 57.3 2334 91.9 340 13.4 2674 105.3 10910 24052
625 688 3730 5000 7000-E -DE_D-RPDTD 6634 261.2 1456 57.3 2334 91.9 340 13.4 2674 105.3 10910 24052
720 792 4400 5750 7000-N720E D-RPDTD 6634 261.2 1456 57.3 2334 91.9 340 13.4 2674 105.3 10910 24052

4.16 kV 50 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
46 51 261 350 7000A-A DE_-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
53 58 300 400 7000A-A DE_-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
61 67 335 450 7000A-A DE_-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
70 77 373 500 7000A-A DE_-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
81 89 450 600 7000A-A DE_-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
93 102 522 700 7000A-A DE_-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
105 116 600 800 7000A-A DE_-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
120 132 671 900 7000A-A DE_-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
140 154 750 1000 7000A-A DE_-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
160 176 933 1250 7000-A DE_-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 5614 12377
185 204 1082 1450 7000-A DE_-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 5614 12377
215 237 1120 1500 7000-A DE_-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 5614 12377
250 275 1500 2000 7000-A DE_-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 5614 12377
285 314 1680 2250 7000-A DE_-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 6319 13931
325 358 1865 2500 7000-A DE_-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 6319 13931
375 413 2240 3000 7000-E375-DE D-RPDTD 4100 161.4 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 7410 16336

PowerFlex 7000 AC Drive.

PowerFlex 7000 Drive - Air Cooled

Direct-to-Drive / Normal Duty

6.6 kV 60 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
40 44 400 500 7000A-A DJY-RPDTD 2800 110.2 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 3410 7518
46 51 410 550 7000A-A DJY-RPDTD 2800 110.2 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 3410 7518
53 58 450 600 7000A-A DJY-RPDTD 2800 110.2 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 3410 7518
61 67 560 750 7000A-A DJY-RPDTD 2800 110.2 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 3410 7518
70 77 671 900 7000A-A DJY-RPDTD 2800 110.2 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 3410 7518
81 89 750 1000 7000A-A DJY-RPDTD 2800 110.2 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 3410 7518
93 102 895 1200 7000A-A DJY-RPDTD 2800 110.2 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 3410 7518
105 116 933 1250 7000-A DJ_D-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4773 10523
120 132 1120 1500 7000-A DJ_D-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4773 10523
140 154 1300 1750 7000-A DJ_D-RPDTD 4100 161.4 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 7410 16336
160 176 1500 2000 7000-A DJ_D-RPDTD 4100 161.4 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 7410 16336
185 204 1680 2250 7000-A DJ_D-RPDTD 4100 161.4 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 7410 16336
215 237 2050 2750 7000-A DJ_D-RPDTD 4100 161.4 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 7410 16336
250 275 2240 3000 7000-A DJ_D-RPDTD 4300 169.3 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 7410 16336
285 314 2600 3500 7000-A DJ_D-RPDTD 4300 169.3 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 7410 16336

6.6 kV 50 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
40 44 400 500 7000A-A DJY-RPDTD 2800 110.2 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 3410 7518
46 51 410 550 7000A-A DJY-RPDTD 2800 110.2 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 3410 7518
53 58 450 600 7000A-A DJY-RPDTD 2800 110.2 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 3410 7518
61 67 560 750 7000A-A DJY-RPDTD 2800 110.2 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 3410 7518
70 77 671 900 7000A-A DJY-RPDTD 2800 110.2 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 3410 7518
81 89 750 1000 7000A-A DJY-RPDTD 2800 110.2 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 3410 7518
93 102 895 1200 7000A-A DJY-RPDTD 2800 110.2 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 3410 7518
105 116 933 1250 7000-A DJ_D-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4773 10523
120 132 1120 1500 7000-A DJ_D-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4773 10523
140 154 1300 1750 7000-A DJ_D-RPDTD 4100 161.4 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 7410 16336
160 176 1500 2000 7000-A DJ_D-RPDTD 4100 161.4 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 7410 16336
185 204 1680 2250 7000-A DJ_D-RPDTD 4100 161.4 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 7410 16336
215 237 2050 2750 7000-A DJ_D-RPDTD 4100 161.4 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 7410 16336
250 275 2240 3000 7000-A DJ_D-RPDTD 4300 169.3 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 7410 16336
285 314 2600 3500 7000-A DJ_D-RPDTD 4300 169.3 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 7410 16336
325 358 3000 4000 7000-E DJ_D-RPDTD 8491 334.3 1456 57.3 2413 95.0 325 12.8 2738 107.8 10400 22928
375 413 3730 5000 7000-E DJ_D-RPDTD 9291 365.8 1456 57.3 2413 95.0 325 12.8 2738 107.8 13500 29762
430 473 4100 5500 7000-E DJ_D-RPDTD 9291 365.8 1456 57.3 2413 95.0 325 12.8 2738 107.8 13500 29762
495 545 4850 6500 7000-E DJ_D-RPDTD 9291 365.8 1456 57.3 2413 95.0 325 12.8 2738 107.8 13500 29762
575 633 5595 7000 7000-E DJ_D-RPDTD 9291 365.8 1456 57.3 2413 95.0 325 12.8 2738 107.8 13500 29762
625 688 6000 8000 7000-N_DJ_D-RPDTD 9291 365.8 1456 57.3 2413 95.0 325 12.8 2738 107.8 13500 29762

PowerFlex 7000 AC Drive.

PowerFlex 7000 Drive - Liquid Cooled

Direct-to-Drive / Normal Duty

4.16 kV 60 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
375 413 2240 3000 7000L-A DE_D-RPDTD 6200 244.1 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 8164 17999
430 473 2600 3500 7000L-A DE_D-RPDTD 6200 244.1 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 8164 17999
495 545 3000 4000 7000L-A DE_D-RPDTD 6200 244.1 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 8164 17999
575 633 3360 4500 7000L-A DE_D-RPDTD 6800 267.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 8890 19599
625 688 3730 5000 7000L-A DE_D-RPDTD 6800 267.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 8890 19599

4.16 kV 50 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
375 413 2240 3000 7000L-A DE_D-RPDTD 6200 6200.0 1000 6200.0 2318 6200.0 204 6200.0 2522 6200.0 8164 17999
430 473 2600 3500 7000L-A DE_D-RPDTD 6200 6200.0 1000 6200.0 2318 6200.0 204 6200.0 2522 6200.0 8164 17999
495 545 3000 4000 7000L-A DE_D-RPDTD 6400 6200.0 1000 6200.0 2318 6200.0 204 6200.0 2522 6200.0 8618 18999
575 633 3360 4500 7000L-A DE_D-RPDTD 6800 6800.0 1000 6800.0 2318 6800.0 204 6800.0 2522 6800.0 8890 19599

6.6 kV 60 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
325 358 3000 4000 7000L-A DJ_D-RPDTD 6700 263.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 9139 20148
375 413 3730 5000 7000L-A DJ_D-RPDTD 6700 263.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 9139 20148
430 473 4100 5500 7000L-A DJ_D-RPDTD 7500 295.3 1051 41.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 10936 24110
495 545 4850 6500 7000L-A DJ_D-RPDTD 7700 303.1 1051 41.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 11699 25792
575 633 5595 7500 7000L-A DJ_D-RPDTD 8100 318.9 1051 41.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 12828 28281

6.6kV 50Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
325 358 3000 4000 7000L-A DJ_D-RPDTD 6700 263.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 9139 20148
375 413 3730 5000 7000L-A DJ_D-RPDTD 6700 263.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 9139 20148
430 473 4100 5500 7000L-A DJ_D-RPDTD 7500 295.3 1051 41.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 10936 24110
495 545 4850 6500 7000L-A DJ_D-RPDTD 7700 303.1 1051 41.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 11699 25792
575 633 5595 7500 7000L-A DJ_D-RPDTD 8100 318.9 1051 41.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 12828 28281

PowerFlex 7000 AC Drive.

PowerFlex 7000 Drive - Air Cooled

Direct-to-Drive / Heavy Duty

2.4 kV 60 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
46 69 150 200 7000A-C DA_-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
53 80 168 225 7000A-C DA_-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
61 92 187 250 7000A-C DA_-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
70 105 225 300 7000A-C DA_-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
81 122 261 350 7000A-C DA_-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
93 140 300 400 7000A-C DA_-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
105 158 335 450 7000A-C DA_-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
120 180 373 500 7000A-C DA_-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
140 210 450 600 7000-C DA_D-RPDTD 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4546 10022
160 240 522 700 7000-C DA_D-RPDTD 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4546 10022
185 278 600 800 7000-C DA_D-RPDTD 3500 137.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4319 9522
215 323 670 900 7000-C DA_D-RPDTD 3500 137.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4319 9522
250 375 750 1000 7000-C DA_D-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 5614 12377

3.3 kV 50 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
46 69 187 250 7000A-C DC_Y-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
53 80 225 300 7000A-C DC_Y-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
61 92 261 350 7000A-C DC_Y-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
70 105 300 400 7000A-C DC_Y-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
81 122 373 500 7000A-C DC_Y-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
93 140 410 550 7000A-C DC_Y-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
105 158 450 600 7000-C DC_D-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 5614 12377
120 180 560 750 7000-C DC_D-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 5614 12377
140 210 600 800 7000-C DC_D-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 5614 12377
160 240 750 1000 7000-C DC_D-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 6319 13931
185 278 820 1100 7000-C DC_D-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 6319 13931
215 323 933 1250 7000-C DC_D-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 6319 13931
285 428 1300 1750 7000-G DC_D-RPDTD 6634 261.2 1456 57.3 2334 91.9 340 13.4 2674 105.3 10910 24052
325 488 1500 2000 7000-G DC_D-RPDTD 6634 261.2 1456 57.3 2334 91.9 340 13.4 2674 105.3 10910 24052

4.16kV 60Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
46 69 261 350 7000A-C DE_Y-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
53 80 300 400 7000A-C DE_Y-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
61 92 335 450 7000A-C DE_Y-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
70 105 373 500 7000A-C DE_Y-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
81 122 450 600 7000A-C DE_Y-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
93 140 522 700 7000A-C DE_Y-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
105 158 600 800 7000-C DE_Y-RPDTD 3500 137.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4546 10022
120 180 671 900 7000-C DE_Y-RPDTD 3500 137.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4546 10022
140 210 750 1000 7000-C DE_Y-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 5614 12377
160 240 933 1250 7000-C DE_Y-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 6319 13931
185 278 1082 1450 7000-C DE_Y-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 6319 13931
215 323 1120 1500 7000-C DE_Y-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 6319 13931
285 428 1680 2250 7000-G DE_Y-RPDTD 6634 261.2 1456 57.3 2334 91.9 340 13.4 2674 105.3 10910 24052
325 488 1865 2500 7000-G DE_Y-RPDTD 6634 261.2 1456 57.3 2334 91.9 340 13.4 2674 105.3 10910 24052

PowerFlex 7000 AC Drive.

4.6 kV 50 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
46 69 261 350 7000A-C DE_Y-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
53 80 300 400 7000A-C DE_Y-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
61 92 335 450 7000A-C DE_Y-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
70 105 373 500 7000A-C DE_Y-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
81 122 450 600 7000A-C DE_Y-RPDTD 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
93 140 522 700 7000-C DE_D-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 5614 12377
105 158 600 800 7000-C DE_D-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 5614 12377
120 180 671 900 7000-C DE_D-RPDTD 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 5614 12377
140 210 750 1000 7000-C DE_D-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 6319 13931
160 240 933 1250 7000-C DE_D-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 6319 13931
185 278 1082 1450 7000-C DE_D-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 6319 13931
215 323 1120 1500 7000-C DE_D-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 6319 13931

6.6 kV 50/60 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
40 60 400 500 7000-C AJ_D-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4773 10523
46 69 410 550 7000-C AJ_D-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4773 10523
53 80 450 600 7000-C AJ_D-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4773 10523
61 92 560 750 7000-C AJ_D-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4773 10523
70 105 671 900 7000-C AJ_D-RPDTD 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4773 10523
81 122 750 1000 7000-C AJ_D-RPDTD 4100 161.4 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 7410 16336
93 140 895 1200 7000-C AJ_D-RPDTD 4100 161.4 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 7410 16336
105 158 933 1250 7000-C AJ_D-RPDTD 4100 161.4 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 7410 16336
120 180 1120 1500 7000-C AJ_D-RPDTD 4100 161.4 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 7410 16336
140 210 1300 1750 7000-C AJ_D-RPDTD 4400 173.2 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 6637 14632
160 240 1500 2000 7000-C AJ_D-RPDTD 4400 173.2 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 6637 14632
185 278 1680 2250 7000-C AJ_D-RPDTD 4400 173.2 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 6637 14632

6.6 kV 50 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
215 323 2050 2750 7000-G AJ_D-RPDTD 8491 334.3 1456 57.3 2334 91.9 404 15.9 2738 107.8 10400 22928
250 375 2240 3000 7000-G AJ_D-RPDTD 8491 334.3 1456 57.3 2334 91.9 404 15.9 2738 107.8 10400 22928

PowerFlex 7000 AC Drive.

PowerFlex 7000 Drive - Air Cooled

AFE - Connection to Separate Transformer / Normal Duty

2.4 kV 60 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
46 51 150 200 7000A-A DAD_-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
53 58 168 225 7000A-A DAD_-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
61 67 187 250 7000A-A DAD_-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
70 77 225 300 7000A-A DAD_-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
81 89 261 350 7000A-A DAD_-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
93 102 300 400 7000A-A DAD_-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
105 116 335 450 7000A-A DAD_-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
120 132 373 500 7000A-A DAD_-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
140 154 450 600 7000A-A DAD_-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
160 176 522 700 7000A-A DAD_-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
185 204 600 800 7000-A DA_D-RPTX 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
215 237 670 900 7000-A DA_D-RPTX 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
250 275 750 1000 7000-A DA_D-RPTX 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
285 314 933 1250 7000-A DA_D-RPTX 2600 102.4 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2160 4762
325 358 1120 1500 7000-A DA_D-RPTX 2600 102.4 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2160 4762
375 413 1300 1750 7000-E375-DA D-RPTX 2600 102.4 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2160 4762
430 473 1500 2000 7000-E430-DA D-RPTX 2800 110.2 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2500 5512

3.3 kV 50 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
46 51 187 250 7000A-A DCDY-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
53 58 225 300 7000A-A DCDY-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
61 67 261 350 7000A-A DCDY-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
70 77 300 400 7000A-A DCDY-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
81 89 373 500 7000A-A DCDY-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
93 102 410 550 7000A-A DCDY-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
105 116 450 600 7000A-A DCDY-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
120 132 560 750 7000A-A DCDY-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
140 154 600 800 7000A-A DCDY-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
160 176 750 1000 7000A-A DCDY-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
185 204 820 1100 7000-A DC_D-RPTX 2800 110.2 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2364 5212
215 237 933 1250 7000-A DC_D-RPTX 3000 118.1 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2841 6263
250 275 1120 1500 7000-A DC_D-RPTX 3000 118.1 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2841 6263
285 314 1300 1750 7000-A DC_D-RPTX 3000 118.1 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2841 6263
325 358 1500 2000 7000-A DC_D-RPTX 3000 118.1 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2841 6263
375 413 1865 2500 7000-E375-DC D-RPTX 3000 118.1 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2841 6263
430 473 2050 2750 7000-E430-DC D-RPTX 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4091 9019
495 545 2400 3250 7000-E DC_D-RPTX 6634 261.2 1456 57.3 2334 91.9 340 13.4 2674 105.3 10910 24052
575 633 2800 3750 7000-E DC_D-RPTX 6634 261.2 1456 57.3 2334 91.9 340 13.4 2674 105.3 10910 24052
625 688 3100 4250 7000-E DC_D-RPTX 6634 261.2 1456 57.3 2334 91.9 340 13.4 2674 105.3 10910 24052
720 792 3600 4750 7000-N720DC_D-RPTX 6634 261.2 1456 57.3 2334 91.9 340 13.4 2674 105.3 10910 24052

PowerFlex 7000 AC Drive.

4.16 kV 60 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
46 51 261 350 7000A-A DED_-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
53 58 300 400 7000A-A DED_-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
61 67 335 450 7000A-A DED_-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
70 77 373 500 7000A-A DED_-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
81 89 450 600 7000A-A DED_-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
93 102 522 700 7000A-A DED_-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
105 116 600 800 7000A-A DED_-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
120 132 671 900 7000A-A DED_-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
140 154 750 1000 7000A-A DED_-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
160 176 933 1250 7000A-A DED_-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
185 204 1082 1450 7000-A DE_D-RPTX 2800 110.2 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2500 5512
215 237 1120 1500 7000-A DE_D-RPTX 2800 110.2 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2500 5512
250 275 1500 2000 7000-A DE_D-RPTX 2800 110.2 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2500 5512
285 314 1680 2250 7000-A DE_D-RPTX 3000 118.1 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2841 6263
325 358 1865 2500 7000-A DE_D-RPTX 3500 137.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 3864 8519
375 413 2240 3000 7000-E375-DE D-RPTX 3500 137.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 3864 8519
430 473 2600 3500 7000-E430-DE D-RPTX 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4091 9019
495 545 3000 4000 7000-E430-DE D-RPTX 6634 261.2 1456 57.3 2334 91.9 340 13.4 2674 105.3 10910 24052
575 633 3360 4500 7000-E430-DE D-RPTX 6634 261.2 1456 57.3 2334 91.9 340 13.4 2674 105.3 10910 24052
625 688 3730 5000 7000-E430-DE D-RPTX 6634 261.2 1456 57.3 2334 91.9 340 13.4 2674 105.3 10910 24052
720 792 4400 5750 7000-N720E D-RPTX 6634 261.2 1456 57.3 2334 91.9 340 13.4 2674 105.3 10910 24052

4.16 kV 50 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
46 51 261 350 7000A-A DED_-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
53 58 300 400 7000A-A DED_-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
61 67 335 450 7000A-A DED_-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
70 77 373 500 7000A-A DED_-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
81 89 450 600 7000A-A DED_-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
93 102 522 700 7000A-A DED_-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
105 116 600 800 7000A-A DED_-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
120 132 671 900 7000A-A DED_-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
140 154 750 1000 7000A-A DED_-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
160 176 933 1250 7000-A DE_D-RPTX 3000 118.1 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2841 6263
185 204 1082 1450 7000-A DE_D-RPTX 3000 118.1 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2841 6263
215 237 1120 1500 7000-A DE_D-RPTX 3000 118.1 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2841 6263
250 275 1500 2000 7000-A DE_D-RPTX 3500 137.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 3864 8519
285 314 1680 2250 7000-A DE_D-RPTX 3500 137.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 3864 8519
325 358 1865 2500 7000-A DE_D-RPTX 3500 137.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 3864 8519
375 413 2240 3000 7000-E375-DE D-RPTX 3500 137.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 3864 8519
430 473 2600 3500 7000-E430-DE D-RPTX 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4091 9019

PowerFlex 7000 AC Drive.

PowerFlex 7000 Drive - Air Cooled

AFE - Connection to Separate Transformer / Normal Duty

6.6 kV 60 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
40 44 400 500 7000A-A DJDY-RPTX 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2160 4762
46 51 410 550 7000A-A DJDY-RPTX 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2160 4762
53 58 450 600 7000A-A DJDY-RPTX 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2160 4762
61 67 560 750 7000A-A DJDY-RPTX 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2160 4762
70 77 671 900 7000A-A DJDY-RPTX 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2160 4762
81 89 750 1000 7000A-A DJDY-RPTX 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2160 4762
93 102 895 1200 7000A-A DJDY-RPTX 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2160 4762
105 116 933 1250 7000A-A DJDY-RPTX 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2160 4762
120 132 1120 1500 7000-A DJ_D-RPTX 3200 126.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2841 6263
140 154 1300 1750 7000-A DJ_D-RPTX 3200 126.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2841 6263
160 176 1500 2000 7000-A DJ_D-RPTX 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4091 9019
185 204 1680 2250 7000-A DJ_D-RPTX 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4091 9019
215 237 2050 2750 7000-A DJ_D-RPTX 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4319 9522
250 275 2240 3000 7000-A DJ_D-RPTX 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4319 9522
285 314 2600 3500 7000-A DJ_D-RPTX 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4319 9522

6.6 kV 50 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
40 44 400 500 7000A-A DJDY-RPTX 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2160 4762
46 51 410 550 7000A-A DJDY-RPTX 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2160 4762
53 58 450 600 7000A-A DJDY-RPTX 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2160 4762
61 67 560 750 7000A-A DJDY-RPTX 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2160 4762
70 77 671 900 7000A-A DJDY-RPTX 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2160 4762
81 89 750 1000 7000A-A DJDY-RPTX 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2160 4762
93 102 895 1200 7000A-A DJDY-RPTX 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2160 4762
105 116 933 1250 7000A-A DJDY-RPTX 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2160 4762
120 132 1120 1500 7000-A DJ_D-RPTX 3200 126.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2841 6263
140 154 1300 1750 7000-A DJ_D-RPTX 3200 126.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2841 6263
160 176 1500 2000 7000-A DJ_D-RPTX 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4091 9019
185 204 1680 2250 7000-A DJ_D-RPTX 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4091 9019
215 237 2050 2750 7000-A DJ_D-RPTX 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4319 9522
250 275 2240 3000 7000-A DJ_D-RPTX 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4319 9522
285 314 2600 3500 7000-A DJ_D-RPTX 3900 153.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4319 9522
325 358 3000 4000 7000-A DJ_D-RPTX 6891 271.3 1456 57.3 2334 91.9 404 15.9 2738 107.8 8300 18298
375 413 3730 5000 7000-A DJ_D-RPTX 7491 294.9 1456 57.3 2334 91.9 404 15.9 2738 107.8 8800 19401
430 473 4100 5500 7000-A DJ_D-RPTX 7491 294.9 1456 57.3 2334 91.9 404 15.9 2738 107.8 8800 19401
495 545 4850 6500 7000-A DJ_D-RPTX 7491 294.9 1456 57.3 2334 91.9 404 15.9 2738 107.8 8800 19401
575 633 5595 7000 7000-A DJ_D-RPTX 7491 294.9 1456 57.3 2334 91.9 404 15.9 2738 107.8 8800 19401
625 688 6000 8000 7000-A DJ_D-RPTX 7491 294.9 1456 57.3 2334 91.9 404 15.9 2738 107.8 8800 19401

PowerFlex 7000 AC Drive.
PowerFlex 7000 Drive - Air Cooled
AFE - Connection to Separate Transformer / Heavy Duty

2.4 kV 60 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
46 69 150 200 7000A-C DA_-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
53 80 168 225 7000A-C DA_-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
61 92 187 250 7000A-C DA_-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
70 105 225 300 7000A-C DA_-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
81 122 261 350 7000A-C DA_-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
93 140 300 400 7000A-C DA_-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
105 158 335 450 7000A-C DA_-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
120 180 373 500 7000A-C DA_-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
140 210 450 600 7000A-C DA_-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
160 240 522 700 7000A-C DA_-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
185 278 600 800 7000-C DA_D-RPTX 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
215 323 670 900 7000-C DA_D-RPTX 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
250 375 750 1000 7000-C DA_D-RPTX 2600 102.4 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2160 4762

3.3 kV 50 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
46 69 187 250 7000A-C DC_Y-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
53 80 225 300 7000A-C DC_Y-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
61 92 261 350 7000A-C DC_Y-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
70 105 300 400 7000A-C DC_Y-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
81 122 373 500 7000A-C DC_Y-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
93 140 410 550 7000A-C DC_Y-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
105 158 450 600 7000A-C DC_Y-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
120 180 560 750 7000A-C DC_Y-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
140 210 600 800 7000A-C DC_Y-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
160 240 750 1000 7000A-C DC_Y-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
185 278 820 1100 7000-C DC_D-RPTX 2800 110.2 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2364 5212
215 323 933 1250 7000-C DC_D-RPTX 2800 110.2 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2364 5212
285 428 1300 1750 7000-G DC_D-RPTX 6634 261.2 1456 57.3 2334 91.9 340 13.4 2674 105.3 10910 24052
325 488 1500 2000 7000-G DC_D-RPTX 6634 261.2 1456 57.3 2334 91.9 340 13.4 2674 105.3 10910 24052

4.16 kV 50/60 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
46 69 261 350 7000A-C DE_Y-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
53 80 300 400 7000A-C DE_Y-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
61 92 335 450 7000A-C DE_Y-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
70 105 373 500 7000A-C DE_Y-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
81 122 450 600 7000A-C DE_Y-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
93 140 522 700 7000A-C DE_Y-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
105 158 600 800 7000A-C DE_Y-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
120 180 671 900 7000A-C DE_Y-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
140 210 750 1000 7000A-C DE_Y-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
160 240 933 1250 7000A-C DE_Y-RPTX 2100 82.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 1955 4310
185 278 1082 1450 7000-C DE_D-RPTX 3000 118.1 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2841 6263
215 323 1120 1500 7000-C DE_D-RPTX 3000 118.1 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2841 6263
285 428 1680 2250 7000-G DE_D-RPTX 6634 261.2 1456 57.3 2334 91.9 340 13.4 2674 105.3 10910 24052
325 488 1865 2500 7000-G DE_D-RPTX 6634 261.2 1456 57.3 2334 91.9 340 13.4 2674 105.3 10910 24052

PowerFlex 7000 AC Drive.
PowerFlex 7000 Drive - Air Cooled
AFE - Connection to Separate Transformer / Heavy Duty

6.6 kV 50/60 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
40 60 400 500 7000A-C DJ_Y-RPTX 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2160 4762
46 69 410 550 7000A-C DJ_Y-RPTX 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2160 4762
53 80 450 600 7000A-C DJ_Y-RPTX 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2160 4762
61 92 560 750 7000A-C DJ_Y-RPTX 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2160 4762
70 105 671 900 7000A-C DJ_Y-RPTX 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2160 4762
81 122 750 1000 7000A-C DJ_Y-RPTX 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2160 4762
93 140 895 1200 7000A-C DJ_Y-RPTX 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2160 4762
105 158 933 1250 7000A-C DJ_Y-RPTX 2400 94.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2160 4762
120 180 1120 1500 7000-C DJ_Y-RPTX 3200 126.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2841 6263
140 210 1300 1750 7000-C DJ_Y-RPTX 3200 126.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2841 6263
160 240 1500 2000 7000-C DJ_Y-RPTX 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4091 9019
185 278 1680 2250 7000-C DJ_Y-RPTX 3700 145.7 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4091 9019

6.6 kV 50 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
215 323 2050 2750 7000-C DJ_D-RPTX 6891 271.3 1456 57.3 2334 91.9 404 15.9 2738 107.8 8300 18298
250 375 2240 3000 7000-C DJ_D-RPTX 6891 271.3 1456 57.3 2334 91.9 404 15.9 2738 107.8 8300 18298

PowerFlex 7000 AC Drive.

PowerFlex 7000 Drive - Air Cooled

18 Pulse - Connection to Separate Transformer / Normal Duty

2.4 kV 60 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
46 51 150 200 7000-A DA_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 1000.0 2318 2318.0 325 325.0 2643 2643.0 2637 5814
53 58 168 225 7000-A DA_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 1000.0 2318 2318.0 325 325.0 2643 2643.0 2637 5814
61 67 187 250 7000-A DA_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 1000.0 2318 2318.0 325 325.0 2643 2643.0 2637 5814
70 77 225 300 7000-A DA_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 1000.0 2318 2318.0 325 325.0 2643 2643.0 2637 5814
81 89 261 350 7000-A DA_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 1000.0 2318 2318.0 325 325.0 2643 2643.0 2637 5814
93 102 300 400 7000-A DA_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 1000.0 2318 2318.0 325 325.0 2643 2643.0 2637 5814
105 116 335 450 7000-A DA_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 1000.0 2318 2318.0 325 325.0 2643 2643.0 2637 5814
120 132 373 500 7000-A DA_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 1000.0 2318 2318.0 325 325.0 2643 2643.0 2637 5814
140 154 450 600 7000-A DA_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 1000.0 2318 2318.0 325 325.0 2643 2643.0 2637 5814
160 176 522 700 7000-A DA_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 1000.0 2318 2318.0 325 325.0 2643 2643.0 2637 5814
185 204 600 800 7000-A DA_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 1000.0 2318 2318.0 325 325.0 2643 2643.0 2637 5814
215 237 670 900 7000-A DA_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 1000.0 2318 2318.0 325 325.0 2643 2643.0 2637 5814
250 275 750 1000 7000-A DA_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 1000.0 2318 2318.0 325 325.0 2643 2643.0 2637 5814
285 314 933 1250 7000-A DA_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 1000.0 2318 2318.0 325 325.0 2643 2643.0 2637 5814
325 358 1120 1500 7000-A DA_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 1000.0 2318 2318.0 325 325.0 2643 2643.0 2637 5814
375 413 1300 1750 7000-A DA_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 1000.0 2318 2318.0 325 325.0 2643 2643.0 2637 5814
430 473 1500 2000 7000-A DA_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 1000.0 2318 2318.0 325 325.0 2643 2643.0 2637 5814

3.3 kV 50 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
46 51 187 250 7000-A DC_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
53 58 225 300 7000-A DC_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
61 67 261 350 7000-A DC_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
70 77 300 400 7000-A DC_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
81 89 373 500 7000-A DC_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
93 102 410 550 7000-A DC_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
105 116 450 600 7000-A DC_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
120 132 560 750 7000-A DC_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
140 154 600 800 7000-A DC_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
160 176 750 1000 7000-A DC_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
185 204 820 1100 7000-A DC_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
215 237 933 1250 7000-A DC_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
250 275 1120 1500 7000-A DC_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
285 314 1300 1750 7000-A DC_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
325 358 1500 2000 7000-A DC_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
375 413 1865 2500 7000-A DC_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
430 473 2050 2750 7000-A DC_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515

PowerFlex 7000 AC Drive.

PowerFlex 7000 Drive - Air Cooled

18 Pulse - Connection to Separate Transformer / Normal Duty

4.16 kV 60 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
46 51 261 350 7000-A DE_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
53 58 300 400 7000-A DE_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
61 67 335 450 7000-A DE_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
70 77 373 500 7000-A DE_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
81 89 450 600 7000-A DE_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
93 102 522 700 7000-A DE_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
105 116 600 800 7000-A DE_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
120 132 671 900 7000-A DE_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
140 154 750 1000 7000-A DE_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
160 176 933 1250 7000-A DE_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
185 204 1082 1450 7000-A DE_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
215 237 1120 1500 7000-A DE_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
250 275 1500 2000 7000-A DE_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
285 314 1680 2250 7000-A DE_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
325 358 1865 2500 7000-A DE_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
375 413 2240 3000 7000-A DE_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
430 473 2600 3500 7000-A DE_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515

4.16 kV 50 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
46 51 261 350 7000-A DE_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
53 58 300 400 7000-A DE_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
61 67 335 450 7000-A DE_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
70 77 373 500 7000-A DE_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
81 89 450 600 7000-A DE_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
93 102 522 700 7000-A DE_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
105 116 600 800 7000-A DE_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
120 132 671 900 7000-A DE_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
140 154 750 1000 7000-A DE_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
160 176 933 1250 7000-A DE_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
185 204 1082 1450 7000-A DE_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
215 237 1120 1500 7000-A DE_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
250 275 1500 2000 7000-A DE_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
285 314 1680 2250 7000-A DE_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
325 358 1865 2500 7000-A DE_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
375 413 2240 3000 7000-A DE_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
430 473 2600 3500 7000-A DE_D-R18TX 4200 165.4 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4091 9019

PowerFlex 7000 AC Drive.

6.6 kV 60 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
40 44 400 500 7000-A DJ_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
46 51 410 550 7000-A DJ_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
53 58 450 600 7000-A DJ_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
61 67 560 750 7000-A DJ_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
70 77 671 900 7000-A DJ_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
81 89 750 1000 7000-A DJ_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
93 102 895 1200 7000-A DJ_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
105 116 933 1250 7000-A DJ_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
120 132 1120 1500 7000-A DJ_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
140 154 1300 1750 7000-A DJ_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
160 176 1500 2000 7000-A DJ_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
185 204 1680 2250 7000-A DJ_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
215 237 2050 2750 7000-A DJ_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
250 275 2240 3000 7000-A DJ_D-R18TX 4200 165.4 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4091 9019
285 314 2600 3500 7000-A DJ_D-R18TX 4200 165.4 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4091 9019
325 358 3000 4000 7000-A DJ_D-R18TX 4200 165.4 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4091 9019
375 413 3730 5000 7000-A DJ_D-R18TX 4200 165.4 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4091 9019
430 473 4100 5500 7000-A DJ_D-R18TX 4200 165.4 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4091 9019

6.6 kV 50 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
40 44 400 500 7000-A DJ_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
46 51 410 550 7000-A DJ_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
53 58 450 600 7000-A DJ_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
61 67 560 750 7000-A DJ_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
70 77 671 900 7000-A DJ_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
81 89 750 1000 7000-A DJ_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
93 102 895 1200 7000-A DJ_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
105 116 933 1250 7000-A DJ_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
120 132 1120 1500 7000-A DJ_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
140 154 1300 1750 7000-A DJ_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
160 176 1500 2000 7000-A DJ_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
185 204 1680 2250 7000-A DJ_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
215 237 2050 2750 7000-A DJ_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
250 275 2240 3000 7000-A DJ_D-R18TX 4200 165.4 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4091 9019
285 314 2600 3500 7000-A DJ_D-R18TX 4200 165.4 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4091 9019
325 358 3000 4000 7000-A DJ_D-R18TX 4200 165.4 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4091 9019
375 413 3730 5000 7000-A DJ_D-R18TX 4200 165.4 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4091 9019
430 473 4100 5500 7000-A DJ_D-R18TX 4200 165.4 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4091 9019

PowerFlex 7000 AC Drive.

PowerFlex 7000 Drive - Liquid Cooled

18 Pulse - Connection to Separate Transformer / Normal Duty

4.16 kV 60 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
375 413 2240 3000 7000L-A DE_D-RP18TX 5100 200.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 6363 14028
430 473 2600 3500 7000L-A DE_D-RP18TX 5100 200.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 6363 14028
495 545 3000 4000 7000L-A DE_D-RP18TX 5100 200.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 6363 14028
575 633 3360 4500 7000L-A DE_D-RP18TX 5100 200.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 6363 14028
625 688 3730 5000 7000L-A DE_D-RP18TX 5100 200.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 6363 14028
657 723 3900 5250 7000L-A DE_D-RP18TX 5100 200.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 6363 14028

4.16 kV 50 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
375 413 2240 3000 7000L-A DE_D-RP18TX 5100 200.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 6363 14028
430 473 2600 3500 7000L-A DE_D-RP18TX 5100 200.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 6363 14028
495 545 3000 4000 7000L-A DE_D-RP18TX 5100 200.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 6363 14028
575 633 3360 4500 7000L-A DE_D-RP18TX 5100 200.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 6363 14028
625 688 3730 5000 7000L-A DE_D-RP18TX 5100 200.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 6363 14028
657 723 3900 5250 7000L-A DE_D-RP18TX 5100 200.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 6363 14028

6.6 kV 60 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
375 413 3730 5000 7000L-A DJ_D-RP18TX 5100 200.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 6363 14028
430 473 4100 5500 7000L-A DJ_D-RP18TX 5100 200.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 6363 14028
495 545 4850 6500 7000L-A DJ_D-RP18TX 5100 200.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 6363 14028
575 633 5595 7000 7000L-A DJ_D-RP18TX 5100 200.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 6363 14028
625 688 6000 8000 7000L-A DJ_D-RP18TX 5500 216.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 6818 15031
657 723 6340 8500 7000L-A DJ_D-RP18TX 5500 216.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 6818 15031

6.6 kV 50 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
375 413 3730 5000 7000L-A DJ_D-RP18TX 5100 200.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 6363 14028
430 473 4100 5500 7000L-A DJ_D-RP18TX 5100 200.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 6363 14028
495 545 4850 6500 7000L-A DJ_D-RP18TX 5100 200.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 6363 14028
575 633 5595 7000 7000L-A DJ_D-RP18TX 5100 200.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 6363 14028
625 688 6000 8000 7000L-A DJ_D-RP18TX 5500 216.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 6818 15031
657 723 6340 8500 7000L-A DJ_D-RP18TX 5500 216.5 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 6818 15031

PowerFlex 7000 AC Drive.

PowerFlex 7000 Drive - Air Cooled

18 Pulse - Connection to Separate Transformer / Heavy Duty

2.4 kV 60 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
46 69 150 200 7000-C DA_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
53 80 168 225 7000-C DA_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
61 92 187 250 7000-C DA_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
70 105 225 300 7000-C DA_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
81 122 261 350 7000-C DA_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
93 140 300 400 7000-C DA_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
105 158 335 450 7000-C DA_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
120 180 373 500 7000-C DA_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
140 210 450 600 7000-C DA_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
160 240 522 700 7000-C DA_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
185 278 600 800 7000-C DA_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
215 323 670 900 7000-C DA_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
250 375 750 1000 7000-C DA_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
285 428 933 1250 7000-C DA_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
325 488 1120 1500 7000-C DA_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
375 563 1300 1750 7000-C DA_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
430 645 1500 2000 7000-C DA_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814

3.3 kV 50 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
46 69 187 250 7000-C DC_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
53 80 225 300 7000-C DC_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
61 92 261 350 7000-C DC_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
70 105 300 400 7000-C DC_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
81 122 373 500 7000-C DC_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
93 140 410 550 7000-C DC_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
105 158 450 600 7000-C DC_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
120 180 560 750 7000-C DC_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
140 210 600 800 7000-C DC_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
160 240 750 1000 7000-C DC_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
185 278 820 1100 7000-C DC_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
215 323 933 1250 7000-C DC_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
250 375 1120 1500 7000-C DC_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
285 428 1300 1750 7000-C DC_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
325 488 1500 2000 7000-C DC_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
375 563 1865 2500 7000-C DC_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515

PowerFlex 7000 AC Drive.

PowerFlex 7000 Drive - Air Cooled

18 Pulse - Connection to Separate Transformer / Heavy Duty

4.16 kV 60 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
46 69 261 350 7000-C DE_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
53 80 300 400 7000-C DE_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
61 92 335 450 7000-C DE_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
70 105 373 500 7000-C DE_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
81 122 450 600 7000-C DE_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
93 140 522 700 7000-C DE_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
105 158 600 800 7000-C DE_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
120 180 671 900 7000-C DE_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
140 210 750 1000 7000-C DE_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
160 240 933 1250 7000-C DE_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
185 278 1082 1450 7000-C DE_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
215 323 1120 1500 7000-C DE_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
250 375 1500 2000 7000-C DE_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
285 428 1680 2250 7000-C DE_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
325 488 1865 2500 7000-C DE_D-R18TX 3100 122.0 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2637 5814
375 563 2240 3000 7000-C DE_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515

4.16 kV 50 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
46 69 261 350 7000-C DE_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
53 80 300 400 7000-C DE_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
61 92 335 450 7000-C DE_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
70 105 373 500 7000-C DE_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
81 122 450 600 7000-C DE_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
93 140 522 700 7000-C DE_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
105 158 600 800 7000-C DE_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
120 180 671 900 7000-C DE_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
140 210 750 1000 7000-C DE_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
160 240 933 1250 7000-C DE_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
185 278 1082 1450 7000-C DE_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
215 323 1120 1500 7000-C DE_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
250 375 1500 2000 7000-C DE_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
285 428 1680 2250 7000-C DE_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
325 488 1865 2500 7000-C DE_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
375 563 2240 3000 7000-C DE_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515

PowerFlex 7000 AC Drive.

6.6 kV 50/60 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
40 60 400 500 7000-C DJ_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
46 69 410 550 7000-C DJ_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
53 80 450 600 7000-C DJ_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
61 92 560 750 7000-C DJ_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
70 105 671 900 7000-C DJ_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
81 122 750 1000 7000-C DJ_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
93 140 895 1200 7000-C DJ_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
105 158 933 1250 7000-C DJ_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
120 180 1120 1500 7000-C DJ_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
140 210 1300 1750 7000-C DJ_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
160 240 1500 2000 7000-C DJ_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
185 278 1680 2250 7000-C DJ_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
215 323 2050 2750 7000-C DJ_D-R18TX 3300 129.9 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 2955 6515
250 375 2240 3000 7000-C DJ_D-R18TX 4200 165.4 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4091 9019
285 428 2600 3500 7000-C DJ_D-R18TX 4200 165.4 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4091 9019
325 488 3000 4000 7000-C DJ_D-R18TX 4200 165.4 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 325 12.8 2643 104.1 4091 9019

PowerFlex 7000 Drive - Liquid Cooled

18 Pulse - Connection to Separate Transformer / Heavy Duty

4.16 kV 60 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
375 563 2240 3000 7000L-C DE_D-RP18TX 5100 200.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 6363 14028
430 645 2600 3500 7000L-C DE_D-RP18TX 5100 200.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 6363 14028

4.16 kV 50 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
375 563 2240 3000 7000L-C DE_D-RP18TX 5100 200.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 6363 14028
430 645 2600 3500 7000L-C DE_D-RP18TX 5100 200.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 6363 14028

6.6 kV 50/60 Hz
Typical Motor Approximate Dimensions
Output Amps
Power Rating Width Depth Height Approximate Weights
Base Catalog Number
W D H1 H2 H
Cont. 1 Min. kW Hp
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. kg lbs
375 563 3730 5000 7000L-C DJ_D-RP18TX 5100 200.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 6363 14028
430 645 4100 5500 7000L-C DJ_D-RP18TX 5100 200.8 1000 39.4 2318 91.3 204 8.0 2522 99.3 6363 14028

PowerFlex 7000 AC Drive.



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Publication PFLEX-SG003D-EN-P – June 2018 Copyright © 2018 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in USA.
Supersedes Publication PFLEX-SG003C-EN-P – April 2016

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