Rubric Research Final Oral Defense GRADE 12 - MARCH 2018 STRAND/SECTION: - Group No.

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Quezon
Tagkawayan District II

GRADE 12 – MARCH 2018

STRAND/SECTION:______________________ Group No.:____________________

4– 3- GOOD 2- 1 – NEEDS SCORE

DELIVERY Students use a clear Students’ voice are Students’ voice are low, Students mumbles,
(Verbal Skill) voice and correct, clear, pronounces pronounces terms pronounces terms
precise most words correctly incorrectly and incorrectly and speak
pronunciation of and most audience audience have difficulty too quietly for only
terms so all can hear the hearing the presentation few can hear.
audience can hear presentation
the presentation
EYE Holds attention of Consistent use of Displayed minimal eye No eye contact with
CONTACT/POISE the entire audience direct eye contact but contact with audience audience, as entire
with eye contact, still returns to notes. and reads mostly from report is read from
seldom looking at Makes minor the notes. Display mild notes. Tension and
(Non-Verbal Skill) notes. Relaxed and mistakes but quickly tension; has trouble nervousness is
confident. recovers, does not recovering from obvious; has trouble
display tension. mistakes recovering from
KNOWLEDGE Students Students are at ease Students are Students do not have
demonstrate full with expected uncomfortable with grasp of information;
knowledge by answers to all information and is able student cannot
answering all questions, without to answer only answer questions
questions with elaboration. rudimentary questions. about subject.
explanation and
ORGANIZATION Students present Students present Audience has difficulty Audience cannot
information in information I logical following presentation understand
logical, interesting sequence which because student jumps presentation because
sequence which audience can follow around. there is no sequence
audience can
PPT CONTENT Presentation has no Presentation has no Presentation has three Presentation has four
misspellings or more than two misspellings and/or or more spelling
grammatical errors. misspellings and/or grammatical errors. and/or grammatical
grammatical errors. errors.
TOTAL SCORE:_____/20



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