Hickman, Leonard and Broviac Central Venous Catheters: Bard Access Systems
Hickman, Leonard and Broviac Central Venous Catheters: Bard Access Systems
Hickman, Leonard and Broviac Central Venous Catheters: Bard Access Systems
Hickman*, Leonard*
and Broviac* Central
Venous Catheters
Long Term
Catheter Damage
Site Care SureCuff* Tissue Connector
Ingrowth Cuff
Clamping the Catheter Attached Clamp
Flushing the Catheter and “Heparin Lock” Procedure Catheter
Changing the Injection Cap
Dual Lumen Triple Lumen
Indications For Use
Hickman*, Leonard* and Broviac* Catheters are designed for long-
term vascular access and for use in patients that lack adequate periph-
eral venous access. They are available in single, dual and triple lumen
e Her
Protective All Hickman*, Leonard* and Broviac* central venous catheters are
Clamp Here
Clamping Attached
designed for the administration of I.V. fluids, blood products, drugs, and
Sleeve Clamps
p Her
p Her
parenteral nutrition solutions, as well as blood withdrawal.
Sleeve Note: While smaller lumen Broviac* catheters have been used suc-
cessfully for blood withdrawal, their small lumen sizes increase the
chance of clotting.
VitaCuff * Antimicrobial Cuff
SureCuff *
Tissue Ingrowth
Cuff VitaCuff *
The VitaCuff* device is designed to help provide protection against
Tissue Ingrowth infections related to vascular access catheters. The outer, tissue-inter-
facing surface of the VitaCuff* device may help reduce the incidence of
infection by incorporating an antimicrobial agent into the porous colla-
gen matrix.
2 3
able to the silver ions bound to the collagen matrix. The activity lasts
until the VitaGuard* matrix is completely absorbed by the tissue in four
Contraindications, Warnings,
to six weeks. Cautions and Precautions
The VitaGuard* collagen sponge is initially in a compressed state for
ease of insertion. After placement, the matrix absorbs physiological flu- Contraindications
ids, quickly expands to approximately twice its original size, and helps
The device is contraindicated whenever:
provide an antimicrobial barrier and a physical barrier at the exit site.
Tissue ingrowth into the VitaGuard* collagen matrix occurs in a few • The presence of device related infection, bacteremia, or septicemia
days, further securing the catheter in place, and reducing catheter is known or suspected.
movement. • The patient’s body size is insufficient to accommodate the size of
the implanted device.
Proper VitaCuff * Positioning • The patient is known or is suspected to be allergic to materials con-
tained in the device.
VitaCuff Antimicrobial Cuff
• Severe chronic obstructive lung disease exists (percutaneous sub-
clavian placement only.)
• Past irradiation of prospective insertion site.
• Previous episodes of venous thrombosis or vascular surgical proce-
dures at the prospective placement site.
Exit Site • Local tissue factors will prevent proper device stabilization and/or
• Do not use the antimicrobial cuff in patients with known sensitivities
SureCuff Tissue Ingrowth Cuff
to silver or collagen.
Caution: The antimicrobial cuff is not intended to be used as a treat-
ment for catheter related infections. The antimicrobial cuff does not Warnings:
provide protection against “blood seeding” infection or infusate-related
infection. It is not intended to provide protection from bacteria for longer • Intended for Single Patient Use. DO NOT REUSE.
than one month. The antimicrobial cuff should not be used on patients Bard Access Systems products are single use devices and should
with known sensitivities to silver ions or collagen. never be reimplanted. Reuse carries with it the attendant concern of
cross-infection regardless of the cleaning or sterilization method.
Resterilization of incompletely cleaned devices may not be effective.
Any device that has been contaminated by blood should not be
reused or resterilized.
• This is not a right atrium catheter. Avoid positioning the catheter tip
in the right atrium. Placement or migration of the catheter tip into
the right atrium may cause cardiac arrhythmia, myocardial erosion
or cardiac tamponade. The risk of these potential complications
may be more likely in neonatal patients.
• Avoid vessel perforation.
4 5
• Hold thumb over exposed orifice of sheath to prevent air aspiration. Radiologic:
The risk of air aspiration is reduced by performing this part of the • Grade 1 or 2 distortion on chest X-ray.
procedure with the patient performing the Valsalva maneuver. Pinch-off should be evaluated for degree of severity prior to explan-
• You should not feel any resistance when withdrawing the catheter tation. Patients indicating any degree of catheter distortion at the
from the vein. If you do encounter resistance, this may indicate that clavicle/first rib area should be followed diligently. There are grades
the catheter is being pinched between the clavicle and first rib (the of pinch-off that should be recognized with appropriate chest x-ray
“pinch-off” sign). Do not continue pulling against resistance as this as follows: 3,4
may cause catheter breakage and embolism. Free up the resis-
tance (e.g. by repositioning the patient) before proceeding further. Grade Severity Recommended Action
• After use, this product may be a potential biohazard. Handle and
discard in accordance with accepted medical practice and applica- Grade 0 No distortion No action.
ble local, state and federal laws and regulations. Distortion present Chest x-ray should be taken every one
• If the artery is entered, withdraw the needle and apply manual pres- without luminal to three months to monitor progression
sure for several minutes. If the pleural space is entered, withdraw narrowing of pinch off to grade 2 distortion.
Grade 1 Shoulder positioning during chest x-
the needle and evaluate patient for possible pneumothorax.
rays should be noted as it can con-
• Pinch-off Prevention: Catheters placed percutaneously or through tribute to changes in distortion grades.
a cut-down, into the subclavian vein, should be inserted at the junc-
tion of the outer and middle thirds of the clavicle, lateral to the tho- Distortion present Removal of the catheter should be
racic outlet. The catheter should not be inserted into the subclavian Grade 2 with luminal nar- considered.
vein medially, because such placement can lead to compression of
the catheter between the first rib and the clavicle, which can cause Catheter transec- Prompt removal of the catheter.
damage and even severance of the catheter. A radiographic confir- Grade 3 tion or fracture
mation of catheter placement should be made to ensure that the
catheter is not being pinched by the first rib and clavicle. 1,2
First Rib
Subclavian Vein • Carefully read and follow all instructions prior to use.
Internal Jugular Vein • Federal (U.S.A.) law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of
a physician.
Superior Vena Cava
Clavicle • Only qualified healthcare practitioners should insert, manipulate and
remove these devices.
Axillary Vein Sternum • When tunneling, the catheter must not be forced.
Pinch-off Area
• Avoid inadvertent puncture of the skin or fascia with the tip of the
Infraclavicular Fossa
• The entire collagen (tan) portion of the VitaCuff* Antimicrobial Cuff
Signs of Pinch-off must be placed beneath the skin level to avoid migration of the cuff
Clinical: out of the tunnel and exit site.
• Difficulty with blood withdrawal. • Resistance to infusion of fluids. • Do not insert guidewire beyond the bevel of the needle while remov-
• Patient position changes required for infusion of fluids or blood with- ing straightener from the needle hub in order to prevent guidewire
drawal damage or shearing.
6 7
II. To avert device damage and/or patient injury during
• If the guidewire must be withdrawn while the needle is inserted,
remove both the needle and guidewire as a unit to help prevent the
needle from damaging or shearing the guidewire. • Avoid accidental device contact with sharp instruments and
• Do not grasp the catheter with any instrument that might sever or mechanical damage to the catheter material. Use only smooth-
damage the catheter. edged atraumatic clamps or forceps.
• Do not cut the catheter before removal from vein to avoid catheter • Avoid perforating, tearing or fracturing the catheter when using a
embolism. guidewire.
• Do not use scissors or any sharp-edged instruments as they could • Do not use the catheter if there is any evidence of mechanical dam-
damage the catheter. age or leaking.
• Avoid sharp or acute angles during implantation which could com-
Precautions: promise the patency of the catheter lumen(s).
• If sutures are used to secure the catheter, make sure they do not
• Follow Universal Precautions when inserting and maintaining the occlude or cut the catheter.
• When using percutaneous introducers:
• Follow all contraindications, warnings, cautions, precautions and - Carefully insert the introducer and catheter to avoid inadvertent
instructions for all infusates as specified by its manufacturer. penetration to vital structures in the thorax.
• Use aseptic techniques whenever the catheter lumen is opened or - To avoid blood vessel damage, do not allow the percutaneous
connected to other devices. Povidone-iodine is the suggested anti- introducer sheath to remain indwelling in the blood vessel with-
septic to use with this device and components. Acetone and tinc- out the internal support of a catheter or dilator.
ture of iodine should not be used because they could adversely
- Simultaneously advance the sheath and dilator with rotational
affect the performance of the catheter and connectors. 10% ace-
motion to help prevent sheath damage.
tone/70% isopropyl alcohol swabsticks used for dressing changes
should not adversely affect the catheter. • During insertion of catheter with antimicrobial cuff:
- Minimize the exposure of the cuff to pooled blood by sponging
I. Prior to beginning placement procedure, do the following: the intended cuff placement site.
• Examine package carefully before opening to confirm its integrity - The entire collagen (tan) portion of the cuff must be in the sub-
and that the expiration date has not passed. The device is supplied cutaneous tissue at the catheter exit site.
in a double sterile package and is non-pyrogenic. Do not use if III. After placement, observe the following precautions to
package is damaged, opened or the expiration date has passed. avoid device damage and/or patient injury:
Sterilized by ethylene oxide. Do not Resterilize.
• Do not use the catheter if there is any evidence of mechanical dam-
• Inspect kit for inclusion of all components.
age or leaking. Damage to the catheter may lead to rupture, frag-
• When device includes an antimicrobial cuff, do not expose the cuff mentation and possible embolism and surgical removal.
to fluids prior to insertion. Handle carefully to avoid cuff damage.
• Accessories and components used in conjunction with this device
• Fill (prime) the device with sterile heparinized saline or normal saline should incorporate Luer lock connections.
solution to help avoid air embolism.
• If signs of extravasation exist, discontinue injections. Begin appro-
• When using an introducer kit, verify that the catheter fits easily priate medical intervention immediately.
through the introducer sheath.
• Infusion pressure greater than 25 psi (172 kPa) may damage blood
vessels and viscus and is not recommended. DO NOT USE A
8 9
Possible Complications Hickman*, Leonard* and Broviac*
The use of an indwelling central venous catheter provides an important
Central Venous Catheter
means of venous access for critically ill patients; however, the potential
exists for serious complications including the following:
Placement Procedures
• Air Embolism • Fibrin Sheath Formation Section A: Prepping Procedure
• Allergic Reaction to Silver or • Hematoma
Collagen (Catheters with VitaCuff • Hemothorax Before beginning procedure, read the “Contraindications,
Antimicrobial Cuff only) • Hydrothorax Warnings, Cautions and Precautions” and “Possible
• Bleeding • Intolerance Reaction to Complications” sections of this manual.
• Brachial Plexus Injury Implanted Device
• Cardiac Arrhythmia • Laceration of Vessels or Viscus 1. Create sterile field and open tray.
• Cardiac Tamponade • Myocardial Erosion
2. Prep venipuncture/cutdown area, tunnel and tunnel exit areas.
• Catheter or Cuff Erosion • Perforation of Vessels or Viscus
Through Skin • Pneumothorax 3. Perform local anesthetic infiltration in venipuncture/cutdown, tun-
• Catheter Embolism • Spontaneous Catheter Tip nel and tunnel exit site areas.
• Catheter or Cuff Occlusion Malposition or Retraction
• Catheter Occlusion, Damage • Thoracic Duct Injury 4. Irrigate the catheter with sterile heparinized saline (100 u/ml) and
or Breakage due to • Thromboembolism inspect for leakage. Clamp the catheter over the clamping
Compression Between the • Venous Thrombosis sleeve(s).
Clavicle and First Rib • Ventricular Thrombosis
• Catheter-related Sepsis • Vessel Erosion 5. Place patient in the Trendelenburg position with head turned
• Endocarditis • Risks Normally Associated with away from the intended venipuncture site.
• Exit Site Infection Local and General Anesthesia,
Surgery, and Post-Operative
Refer to Section C or D Prior to Tunneling Procedure
• Exit Site Necrosis
• Extravasation Recovery
Section B: Tunneling Procedure
These and other complications are well documented in medical litera-
ture and should be carefully considered before placing the catheter. 1. Measure catheter against chest wall of patient to determine
desired location of SureCuff* Tissue Ingrowth Cuff and exit site.
Mark locations.
2. Tunneling procedure.
10 11
Single Lumen Catheters: Multi-Lumen Catheters:
Create subcutaneous tunnel Create subcutaneous tunnel
from venous entrance site to from skin exit site to venous
skin exit site using tunneler entrance using tunneler or
or long forceps. long forceps.
a. Advance the tip of the a. Grasp the tunneler at
tunneler from the the end with protective
venous entry site down cover.
to the desired catheter b. Insert the rounded tip of
exit site. the tunneler into a small
b. Thread suture material incision at the desired
through the suture eye catheter exit site.
and tie it around the c. Form tunnel by advanc-
catheter tip when the tip ing the tip of the tunnel-
of the tunneler emerges
Clamp Here
12 13
f. Remove the catheter tip from the tunneler barb. 7. Close the skin at the venipuncture site as necessary, taking care
g. Cut the catheter to length at a 45˚ angle with the smaller not to damage the catheter.
lumen cut shorter than the larger lumen. 8. Suture catheter at exit site.
For Percutaneous Placement see Section D. 9. Secure catheter at exit site with a sterile dressing. The external
segment of the catheter should be coiled and taped. Avoid ten-
Section C: Cutdown Technique sion on the catheter segment to prevent dislodging the catheter.
lated vein and advance to
desired position in vessel.
4. Verify catheter tip location Catheter Tip
radiographically. The pre-
ferred location of the Atrium
Refer to the “Warnings” section concerning Catheter Pinch-off.
catheter tip is at the junction Ventricle
of the superior vena cava 2. Attach introducer needle to the syringe and insert into vessel
and the right atrium. alongside the small needle. Remove small needle.
Warning: This is not a right atrium catheter. Avoid positioning 3. Aspirate gently as the insertion is made. Warning: If the artery is
the catheter tip in the right atrium. Placement or migration of the entered, withdraw the needle and apply manual pressure for sev-
catheter tip into the right atrium may cause cardiac arrhythmia, eral minutes. If the pleural space is entered, withdraw the needle
myocardial erosion or cardiac tamponade. The risk of these and evaluate patient for possible pneumothorax.
potential complications may be more likely in neonatal patients.
5. Unclamp catheter and draw blood through the lumen(s) of the
catheter to insure patency after placement is complete, but
before closing the skin at the venipuncture site. If catheter is not
patent, adjust catheter at curvature point to relieve possible
restriction. Irrigate catheter lumen(s) with 10ml of normal saline
to clear catheter of blood. Instill sterile heparinized saline per
lumen to create a heparin lock. Clamp catheter. 4. When the subclavian vein has been entered, remove the syringe
leaving the needle in place. Place a finger over the hub of the
6. Attach injection cap(s) or connect to intravenous fluid source.
14 15
needle to minimize blood loss and the risk of air aspiration. The Intro-Eze* Introducer Instruction:
risk of air aspiration is reduced by performing this part of the pro-
(For Peel-Apart Introducer see #16)
cedure with the patient performing the Valsalva maneuver.
9. Advance the vessel dilator and sheath introducer as a unit over
the exposed guidewire using a rotational motion. Advance it into
the subclavian vein as a unit, leaving at least 2 cms of sheath
exposed. Warning: Avoid vessel perforation.
5. Straighten “J ” tip of guidewire with tip straightener and insert
tapered end of tip straightener into the needle. Tip straightener
should not be advanced over the guidewire beyond the guidewire
tip. Caution: Do not insert guidewire beyond the bevel of the
needle while removing straightener from the needle hub in order
to prevent guidewire damage or shearing. Remove the tip
straightener and advance the guidewire into the superior vena 10. Withdraw the vessel dilator and “J ” guidewire, leaving the sheath
cava. Advance the guidewire as far as appropriate for the proce- in place. Warning: Hold thumb over exposed orifice of sheath
dure. Verify correct positioning radiographically. to prevent air aspiration. The risk of air aspiration is reduced by
performing this part of the procedure with the patient performing
the Valsalva maneuver.
16 17
13. Pull the storage tube from the slitter. Place the channeled por- 17. Squeeze the hub handles together releasing the locking mecha-
tion of the slitter onto the catheter near the proximal end of the nism and gently withdraw the vessel dilator and “J” guidewire,
introducer sheath. leaving the sheath in place.
14. Grasp the proximal end of the slitter between the thumb and
index finger of one hand. With the tips of the fingers, reach
around the slitter and secure the catheter into the channeled por-
19. Insert catheter into lumen of sheath and advance to desired posi-
tion in vessel.
Proceed to step 23
18 19
21. Grasp the two handles of the peel-apart sheath and pull outward
and upward at the same time. Catheter Removal
After tissue grows into the SureCuff* Tissue Ingrowth Cuff (2 to 3
weeks), catheters can be removed from the subcutaneous tunnel using
one of several methods. The method used will depend upon physician
preference and the amount of tissue/cuff ingrowth that is present. The
catheter can usually be removed by traction on the external segment
22. Peel the sheath away from the catheter completely. Make sure (see #1 below) if it is not sutured internally at the cuff or vessel insertion
the catheter is not dislodged from vessel as sheath is removed. site. Surgical removal (see #2 below) may be necessary to prevent
breaking the catheter if the catheter does not dislodge easily with trac-
23. Unclamp catheter and withdraw blood through the lumen(s) to
tion or if there is no definite suture site information.
insure patency before closing the skin at the venipuncture site.
If catheter is not patent, adjust catheter at curvature point to Warning: You should not feel any resistance when withdrawing the
relieve possible restriction. Irrigate catheter lumen(s) with 10ml catheter from the vein. If you do encounter resistance, this may indi-
of sterile normal saline to clear catheter of blood. Instill sterile cate that the catheter is being pinched between the clavicle and first rib
heparinized saline per lumen to create heparin lock. Clamp (the “pinch-off” sign). Do not continue pulling against resistance as this
catheter. may cause catheter breakage and embolism. Free up the resistance
(e.g. by repositioning the patient) before proceeding further.
24. Attach injection cap(s) or connect to intravenous fluid source.
1. Traction Removal
25. Close the skin at the venipuncture site as necessary, taking care
Pull the catheter external segment downward in a straight line
not to damage the catheter.
away from the exit site with a series of gentle tugs. When sepa-
26. Suture catheter at exit site. (Avoid nicking catheter with suture ration of the cuff from the surrounding tissue and/or catheter
needle.) occurs, there will be a “break-away” feeling. Continue to pull
27. Secure catheter at exit site with a sterile dressing. The external gently on the catheter to complete the removal. Apply pressure
segment of the catheter should be coiled and taped. Avoid ten- to the catheter/vein insertion site as needed to control bleeding.
sion on the external segment to prevent dislodging the catheter. If the cuff remains in the subcutaneous tissue, dissect it out
through a small incision utilizing local anesthesia.
2. Surgical Removal (using aseptic technique)
a) Locate the position of the cuff either by palpation or by
observing the position of “dimpling” when traction is
applied to the catheter’s external segment.
b) Make a short transverse incision at or below the external
side of the cuff taking care not to transect the catheter.
Reach under the catheter with a curved, smooth-jawed
clamp and pull up on the catheter to remove the catheter
tip from the vein. Caution: Do not grasp the catheter with
any instrument that might sever or damage the catheter.
20 21
c) Dissect out the cuff. Transect the catheter on the exterior
side of the cuff and remove the interior portion of the Patient Information -
catheter and cuff through the incision.
Catheter Care and Maintenance
Caution: Do not cut the catheter before removal from
vein to avoid catheter embolism.
d) Remove the exterior segment of the catheter by pulling it Catheter Damage
from the skin exit site.
If the catheter or connection is damaged or dislodged during or
e) Apply pressure to the catheter/vein insertion site as need- after surgery, immediately clamp the catheter with an atraumatic
ed to control bleeding. catheter clamp or kink and tape it. The catheter should be repaired as
f) Close the incision with a suture as needed. Apply antibiot- soon as possible using the designated Hickman*, Leonard* and
ic ointment to incision and skin exit sites and an occlusive Broviac* repair kit for that particular catheter size. Instructions are
dressing to prevent air embolism through the tract. enclosed in the repair kit package and are also available in the
Hickman*, Leonard* and Broviac* Catheter Nursing Procedure
Catheter care and maintenance procedures are included in the Manual.
Hickman*, Leonard* and Broviac* CV Catheter Nursing Procedure
Manual available through Bard Access Systems Customer Service,
1-800-545-0890. For outside the U.S., contact your local sales repre- Site Care
sentative or distributor. Supplies you will need:
• Sterile gloves (if required)
• 3 Alcohol swabsticks
• Hydrogen peroxide
References • Sterile cotton-tipped applicators
• 3 Povidone iodine swabsticks
• Povidone iodine ointment packet
1. Aitken, D.R. and Minton, J.P. “The Pinch-Off Sign:
• Tape
A Subclavian Catheters”, American Journal of Surgery, Vol. 148,
• 1 Sterile cover dressing (transparent or tape)
Nov. 1984, pp. 633-636.
• 1 Alcohol wipe
2. Rubenstein, R.B., Alberty, R.E., et al. “Hickman* Catheter • 1 Sterile 2 in. x 2 in. (5 cm x 5 cm) gauze dressings
Separation”, JPEN, Vol. 9, No. 6, Nov./Dec. 1985, pp. 754-757. • 1 Sterile pre-cut 2 in. x 2 in. (5 cm x 5 cm) gauze dressings
3. Hinke, D.H.; Zandt-Stastny, D.A.; Goodman, L.R.; et al. Pinch-off
1. Clean the work surface by wiping with a paper towel that has
syndrome: A complication of implantable subclavian venous access
been moistened with alcohol. Wipe dry or allow to air dry. Then
devices. Radiology 177: 353-356, 1990.
place supplies on the cleaned surface.
4. Ingle, Rebecca,; Nace, Corinne, Venous Access Devices: Catheter 2. Wash your hands thoroughly using warm soapy water. Rinse
Pinch-off and Fracture, 1993, Bard Access Systems completely and dry using a clean towel or fresh paper towels.
3. Carefully open the dressing kit, or unwrap supplies, without
touching the inside surfaces of the kits or wrappers.
22 23
4. Carefully remove the old dressing, starting from the top of the
dressing and working downward. Remove the tape or dressing
carefully to avoid irritating your skin or pulling on the catheter.
Caution: Do not use scissors or any sharp-edged instruments
as they could damage the catheter.
5. Wash your hands again.
6. Do a careful observation of the exit site and the skin around it. If 12. Allow the povidone iodine on the skin to air dry at least two min-
you notice anything unusual, finish the dressing procedure and utes.
then call your doctor.
13. Apply a small amount of povidone iodine ointment to the exit site
7. If you are instructed to use gloves, put on the pair of sterile (optional).
gloves following the procedure you were taught.
14. Place the pre-cut gauze
Be careful to not touch anything except the supplies being used
dressing over the ointment
for site care.
at the exit site, fitting it
8. Carefully clean the catheter snugly around the
exit site with an alcohol catheter. Place the 2 in. x
swabstick or sterile cotton- 2 in. (5 cm x 5 cm) gauze
tipped applicator, soaked in over the pre-cut gauze
hydrogen peroxide, starting and catheter.
at the exit site and spiraling
15. Apply the cover dressing (tape or transparent dressing) following
outward until a circle at least
the directions in the package as well as instructions from your
8 cm in diameter, has been
doctor or nurse.
cleaned. Do not return to the
catheter exit site with a 16. Coil the catheter, check to see that it is not kinked or pinched,
swabstick that has touched and secure it to the chest or dressing with tape. This will prevent
any skin away from the exit pulling of the catheter at the exit site and decrease irritation.
site. 17. Always secure the catheter in
9. Repeat this step twice using the other two swabsticks. Look at such a way that you can eas-
the color of the swabsticks after you have used them for signs of ily see the cap end. Your
drainage. doctor or nurse will help you
select the best method to
10. Repeat step 8 using three of the povidone iodine swabsticks to
secure the catheter. The
clean the same skin area again as well as the part of the catheter
type of clothing and normal
that will be lying on the cleaned skin.
activity will need to be con-
11. Gently clean the outside of the catheter with the inside surface of sidered in this selection. You
an alcohol wipe, starting from the exit site to the catheter connec- should periodically look at
tor. You may hold the catheter at the exit site with another alco- the capped end to be sure it
hol wipe to prevent pulling on the catheter. Do Not Pull On The is intact.
24 25
18. During all dressing changes, assess the external length of the Flushing the Catheter and “Heparin Lock”
catheter to determine if migration of the catheter has occurred.
Periodically confirm catheter placement, tip location, patency and
security of dressing. Supplies you will need:
• Alcohol or povidone iodine wipe.
Clamping the Catheter • 10ml syringe with attached 1 inch needle filled with 2.5 ml of
Selection of the catheter clamp is very important since the catheter is heparin, prepared for use
vital to your care. The wrong clamp can damage the catheter. Follow • Clamp
these three rules for clamping: • Tape
insert the needle into
Your doctor or nurse may instruct you to clamp your catheter whenever the center of the
it is not being used. The catheter is filled with heparin and is capped catheter injection cap.
and will protect you from having any problems, but the clamp can be
another safety measure. You should always clamp your catheter when- 6. Release the clamp.
ever it is opened to the air, such as during catheter cap changes, or 7. Inject the heparin into the catheter. As you inject the last 0.5 ml
when connecting intravenous infusions to your catheter. Always have a of heparin solution, withdraw the needle from the injection cap. If
spare clamp available. you are flushing the catheter of a child, do not flush too rapidly
because the child’s circulatory system is small and sensitive to
rapid changes in volume and pressure.
8. Remove the needle from the injection cap. Discard the syringe
and needle in a biohazard container.
9. Retape the cap as outlined in the injection cap change proce-
If you have a multi-lumen catheter, use a separate syringe to flush each
lumen with sterile heparin solution. Your doctor or nurse will give you
additional information for the care of multi-lumen catheters.
26 27
Changing the Injection Cap An issued or revision date for these instructions is included for the
user’s information. In the event two years have elapsed between this
Supplies you will need: date and product use, the user should contact Bard Access Systems
• Sterile injection cap. • Catheter clamp to see if additional product information is available.
• Alcohol or povidone • Tape
iodine wipe. Revised Date: March 2007
The procedure to change the cap: BARD, Hickman, Leonard, Broviac, Intro-Eze and SureCuff are trademarks
1. Wash your hands thoroughly. and/or registered trademarks of C. R. Bard, Inc. or an affiliate.
*VitaCuff and VitaGuard are registered trademarks of Intergra LifeSciences
2. Be sure the catheter is securely clamped over the reinforced Corporation and licensed to C. R. Bard, Inc., or an affiliate.
sleeve or tape tab.
3. Open the package of the new injection cap and prepare accord- PK0713603 / 0703R
ing to your instructions. Be sure the cap does not touch the outer © Copyright 2007 C. R. Bard, Inc. All rights reserved.
surface of the package. Printed in the U.S.A.
NOTE: You may need to pre-fill the injection cap with heparin if it
is a long cap with significant air space. Your doctor or nurse will
teach you this additional procedure.
4. Remove the old tape from around the cap by unpeeling the tape.
NEVER attempt to cut the tape with scissors as you may damage
the catheter. p He