The Habitat and Nature of Early Life: Insight
The Habitat and Nature of Early Life: Insight
The Habitat and Nature of Early Life: Insight
Earth is over 4,500 million years old. Massive bombardment of the planet took place for the first 500–700
million years, and the largest impacts would have been capable of sterilizing the planet. Probably until 4,000
million years ago or later, occasional impacts might have heated the ocean over 100 7C. Life on Earth dates
from before about 3,800 million years ago, and is likely to have gone through one or more hot-ocean
‘bottlenecks’. Only hyperthermophiles (organisms optimally living in water at 80–110 7C) would have survived.
It is possible that early life diversified near hydrothermal vents, but hypotheses that life first occupied other
pre-bottleneck habitats are tenable (including transfer from Mars on ejecta from impacts there). Early
hyperthermophile life, probably near hydrothermal systems, may have been non-photosynthetic, and many
housekeeping proteins and biochemical processes may have an original hydrothermal heritage. The
development of anoxygenic and then oxygenic photosynthesis would have allowed life to escape the
hydrothermal setting. By about 3,500 million years ago, most of the principal biochemical pathways that
sustain the modern biosphere had evolved, and were global in scope.
hat is life? Natural science has never found atmosphere has a strong deuterium enrichment. The simplest
a satisfactory definition. Cardinal explanation is that Venus lost its water early in its history when
Newman1, following Thomas Scott, lived a runaway greenhouse developed. In this model, initially
by the parable “Growth is life”. This is not Venus had oceans and a warm (>75 7C) surface; water was
the answer to the puzzle, but it reduces the partitioned into the high atmosphere, photolysed, and hydro-
problem by providing a useful working tool to the geologist. gen was lost and the planet dehydrated6, leaving a more
Life can be recognized by its deeds — life is disequilibrium, oxidized planet. Alternately, if Venus has or had a molten
leaving behind the signatures of disequilibrium such as magma ocean in its mantle it may there too have sequestered
fractionated isotopes or complex molecules. It is more ‘light’ hydrogen as OH. Mantle minerals are typically ‘light’, or
besides, but the larger question ‘what is life?’ is perhaps depleted in deuterium relative to sea water7.
beyond natural science. Continuum exists between Modern Earth does not lose significant amounts of water
chemistry, autocatalysis and what every one would agree is to space. Today, the top of Earth’s troposphere is cold and
life. But defining the point at which autocatalysis becomes water falls back to the surface: the stratosphere is extremely
life is like searching for the world’s smallest giant. dry, and relatively little hydrogen reaches the top of the atmos-
phere. It is possible that on the early Earth, as probably on
The prebiotic Hadean environment early Venus, there was a substantial hydrogen loss to space, but
The Solar System began after one or more local supernova to a lesser extent, losing only up to a little over a third of the
explosions about 4,600 million years (4.6 Gyr) ago. In one ocean8. If so, the residual oxygen (up to 100 bar) would have
widely accepted scenario of the later stages of accretion of the meant that the outer part of the young Earth was significantly
Solar System it is thought that there were 500 or so planetesi- enriched in oxidant compared to the interior. The noble gases
mals, bodies about the size of the Moon, in the region now of Earth’s atmosphere have a complex history9, in part
occupied by the inner planets2,3. Collision between planetesi- recording primordial accretion in planetesimals, but
mals produced the inner planets. Venus, Earth and Mars all perhaps also recording the early onset of subduction.
received inventories of water vapour and carbon, perhaps On Mars, residual water is today present as subsurface
with early oceans on all three. But other models are also brine aquifers subject to rare break-out floods; there is
possible4. The fate of the volatile inventory5 in each planet was evidence for earlier events when water was free on the
completely different: Venus is dry, with a surface now at surface10. Mars also had early volcanic activity. With water
around 500 7C under 90 bar (92106 Pa) of carbon dioxide and volcanoes, early Mars may have been an eminently
(CO2). Mars is in permafrost. Earth has approximately the habitable place, perhaps more so than Earth.
same external inventory of CO2 as Venus, and both planets Earth is unique among the inner planets in possessing a
radiate heat to space at very similar ‘effective’ temperatures (in disproportionate Moon. Of the explanations for the origin of
some senses Earth is hotter), but for us the CO2 is tied up in the Moon, the most persuasive is that proto-Earth was struck,
carbonate minerals (for example, limestone). The blanket is around 4.5 Gyr, by another inner planet about the size of Mars
less and so the oceans can exist. or even larger11. This impact spun and tilted the Earth12. The
Water is a strong greenhouse gas and, at some stages early in heat of the impact would have been enough to melt the Earth,
the history of Venus and Earth, water vapour was probably even if it were not already molten from infall heat and the heat
present high in the atmosphere. Such water vapour would have from radioactive decay. The impact (the ‘big splat’) would have
been photolysed into hydrogen and oxygen, and the hydrogen ejected enormous amounts of molten mantle into orbit, some
present in the upper atmosphere would have been lost rapidly of which coalesced to form the Moon. The consequences of the
to space. Deuterium would have been lost also, but being more impact are wide. The spin and tilt of the Earth have evolved
massive, would have been lost more slowly. In comparison to from that event, dissipated by tides, to give us the present
the D:H ratio of hydrogen that is thought to have been origi- day–night cycle and the seasons, both crucial in distributing
nally in the planetary mix, the residual hydrogen in Venus’s heat around the planet and making the Earth habitable by
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CO2 Light
4 Open ocean
3 Oxygenic photosynthetic DMS?
mats and stromatolites Cyanobacterial
Fixed N
O2 plankton
Visible light More oxic
Archaeal plankton
N2 NOy SOx CO2 Water O2
Cyanobacteria Water
CO2 Organic
S HCHO Purple anoxygenic SOx debris
Green photosynthesizers
Methanotrophs and fermenters More reduced
Methanogens Purple S bacteria
H2 NH3 H2S CH4
Holdfast sediment
biology. The heat that powers modern plate tectonics and volcanism The oldest minerals known on Earth are 4.4-Gyr zircons from
originates in approximately equal measures from the primordial Western Australia14. These zircons are recycled — they now occur in a
impact heat of accretion and early radioactivity, and from the long-term younger rock that eroded from a Hadean parent (see Box 1 for the
decay of uranium, thorium and potassium. Were it not for the continual aeons). The oldest rock (coherent assemblage of minerals) is the 4-Gyr
renewal of the erosion cycle driven by this heat, and the supply of new Acasta gneiss from northwest Canada15. That it is a gneiss suggests that
volcanic cations and reduction power, the productivity of the biosphere silica-rich rocks and possibly subduction existed at the close of the
would have slowly died from shortage of essential elements. Instead, Hadean and the start of the Archaean. Perhaps water oceans existed,
nature remains unimpaired by time13. which were needed to provide cool, hydrated lithospheric plate for
Immediately after the Moon-forming impact, a rock vapour subduction and hence to create continental rocks14,16.
atmosphere would have formed. As this cooled it would have formed The meteorite bombardment, heaviest until about 3.8 Gyr but to an
an optically thick layer of dust in the high atmosphere. After about extent continuing to the present (it remains a danger), was capable ini-
2,000 years, a rind would have begun to form on the magma ocean of tially of ejecting matter into orbit from any of the inner planets. In rare
the mantle, and for perhaps 2 million years surface temperatures cases, ejecta could have suffered very low stresses. Life, once begun,
lingered near 100 7C, with a steam greenhouse, before beginning to spreads rapidly into any available habitat. Thus if life were present on
cool. Bombardment on a lesser scale was ongoing, but gradually any inner planet with liquid water, it could have spread quickly across
decaying. Until about 3.8 Gyr, the Earth would have suffered frequent that planet, such that cells were present everywhere that conditions were
massive meteorite impacts, some sufficiently large to heat the oceans suitable. Thereafter, each significant impact event producing huge
to >110 7C, or even to the ~350 7C needed to convert the whole ocean numbers of ejecta would have been likely to have thrown into space a few
to steam. Impacting bodies of a diameter of 500 km or more would rocks that carried undamaged cells. Some of these ejecta would have
have been capable of vaporizing the ocean; bodies of 200 km could crossed to other inner planets: material from Mars still falls on Earth17.
have heated it above 100 7C. Impacts would have ejected huge quanti- Had life existed on Mars, these ejecta could have carried one or more
ties of debris, made of basalt or komatiite (a magnesium-rich lava). cells, quick frozen in space and held safe from ultraviolet (UV) light in
Planets are active, and the Earth’s ocean is not simply an unchanging rock crevices. Even if they survived ejection, nearly all cells on a rock
puddle. Seawater chemistry would have been controlled by would have perished in space, but it takes only one cell to infect a planet.
volcanism and by reaction with this debris, such that it is improbable This opens the question: on which planet did life begin? Mercury is
that a long-lived global ‘primeval soup’ could have collected from improbable, being sunward of the habitable zone and too extreme18.
impacts of organic-rich meteorites and comets. Venus, being large, would have had less planet-leaving ejecta, and events
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biofilms and mats
Meso n
Mid ph ea
-ea Hype iles rc ha
Arc Water rthe ly A A
th ge ria
ize nic
B A an Sulphate iles Mi H
C reducers C
ct d
ple er c
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ot sy Ano
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M ype
lies Holdfast
he nt
et rth
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ha e
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aea rlie
ot yge
no rm
us ers
S- chae
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ph nox
pr a
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og rme
Last common
hy -T fe
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capable of ejecting undamaged cells into space would have been rare. and thus sustains liquid water (which in turn allows abundant water
However, a Perelandrian19 origin of life in early Cytherean oceans is not vapour in the air, the main component of the greenhouse). The early
impossible. Mars is more suitable: it is a smaller planet and could have Sun was fainter by a factor of roughly a quarter to a third22, and if such a
provided a suitable nurturing place given its possible early shallow seas sun shone on the present-day Earth there would be global glaciation.On
under a CO2-rich air, into which volcanoes would have been erupting20. the early Earth, therefore, the possibilities are either that there was
Being small in comparison to Venus, major impacts would have ejected indeed global glaciation, or that warmth was sustained by a massive
rocks relatively frequently that were capable of reaching Earth. Impact global CO2 greenhouse: a 10–100-bar CO2–CO atmosphere over liquid
sterilization would have been a significant danger to life on any inner ocean, with the CO2 content of the air declining as the Sun warmed.
planet. Overall, early Mars may have been safer than the early Earth, and A CO2 greenhouse would imply CO2-rich oceans, which would
Mars was possibly habitable in the Hadean21. The ‘giant impactor’ that react with basalt to form carbonates, especially with the huge supply
hit Earth is also a possible although improbable birthplace, with a small of basalt fragments from impact ejecta. A CO2 greenhouse would also
chance that cells survived the impact by being ejected into orbit until the have evolved to lower temperatures until volcanic outgassing of CO2
Earth’s surface cooled or were transferred to Mars or Venus by the matched the carbonate precipitation. This would take millions of
collision. Exchange between the inner planets is ~106 times easier than years, during which the water temperature would linger near 100 7C.
exchange between the inner planets and outer planet satellites. Thereafter, surface temperature may have been cool, even glacial. It is
Transfer from shallow interiors of large asteroids to inner planets is possible that the Hadean between 4.4 and 4.0 Gyr was mostly a Norse
possible, but soft landing of debris on asteroids is unlikely. Finally, it is Ice-Hades, with intervals of Inferno after major impacts occurred
worth noting that if life did originate on Earth, rather than being when the Earth’s surface was a lake of fire and brimstone. A glacial
carried here from Mars or another planet, it is possible that a meteorite Earth in the Hadean would not lose much hydrogen to space, as so
impact could have ejected terrestrial living cells to infect Mars or little water would be present in the high atmosphere. On Venus, being
Venus, despite the difficulty of leaving our relatively large planet. closer to the Sun, the slightly warmer temperatures may have allowed
a moist greenhouse to be sustained in the long gaps between impacts,
The ‘faint young Sun’ puzzle and the planet was consequently dehydrated.
If the modern Earth were an airless, rapidly rotating planet of its present Alternative hypotheses can be proposed. Ammonia and methane
colour, its surface temperature — the ‘effective temperature’ Te — are strong greenhouse gases, and if their mixing ratio were high
would be 255 K (the effective temperature of modern Venus is similar)4. enough, they could have sustained liquid oceans. However, ammonia
Because of the H2O–CO2 greenhouse, the actual surface is 33 K warmer photodissociates quickly in solar UV. It is possible that methane in the
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inclusions in apatite (calcium phosphate)33. A different line of evidence
Box 1
comes from sedimentary rocks in Isua that contain minute graphite
Geological timescales
globules with a 13C content of about 19‰ (ref. 34). These may have been
derived from early Archaean plankton. Controversy continues.
0 In discussing geological time, 1 Gyr is 109
Phanerozoic years, 1 Myr is 106 years (the ‘ago’ is Mid-Archaean successions (3.6–3.3 Gyr)
implicit and often omitted, such that Gyr In rocks around 3.5 Gyr old there have been many claims of fossil
and Myr refer to both time before present microbial biofilms and stromatolites (organosedimentary structures
and duration). There are four aeons. The produced by microbial trapping, binding and precipitation, usually
Hadean is taken here as the time from the but not always photosynthetic)35. Although some of these features can
formation of the Solar System and early be interpreted equally as non-biological in origin36, others possess all
1.5 Proterozoic accretion of the planet (4.6–4.5 Gyr), to the the diagnostic features of biogenic structures37. Carbonate that is iso-
origin of life (probably sometime around topically similar to modern carbonate is known throughout the past
109 years ago
2 4.050.2 Gyr). The Archaean, or time of the 3.5 Gyr, as is reduced carbon that shows isotopic fractionation that can
beginning of life, is from about 4–2.5 Gyr; only be explained as biological31,32. The most obvious explanation is
the Proterozoic from 2.5 Gyr to about 0.56 that throughout this time large-scale photosynthetic carbon fraction-
Gyr; and the Phanerozoic since then. ation (that is, oxygenic photosynthesis) by the enzyme ribulose-1,5-
bisphosphate carboxylase–oxygenase or ‘Rubisco’ had operated — on
3 a global scale. This removed about one-fifth of carbon released from
Archaean the Earth’s interior as ‘light’ biological carbon, leaving the counterpart
3.5 ‘heavier’ four-fifths to precipitate as carbonate.
The evidence is not just isotopic. In rocks of about 3.3–2.5 Gyr in
the Barberton Mountain Land in South Africa and the Pilbara in
Western Australia there are carbonaceous microstructures that may
Hadean have been microbial in origin38–40. Filamentous microfossils are
4.5 known in a 3.2-Gyr volcanogenic massive sulphide (deep-water)
Gyr deposit in Western Australia41, implying that life existed on Archaean
mid-ocean ridges42. There is thus reasonable ground to suppose
microbial life was widespread in the mid-Archaean, probably present
atmosphere could have produced a high-altitude organic smog that both on coastal fringes and as photosynthetic plankton in deeper
absorbed UV, allowing ammonia to exist below22,23. In such circum- water, as well as in both shallow and deep hydrothermal habitats.
stances, a liquid ocean could exist. However, for a methane smog to
screen the planet, the CH4:CO2 ratio of the air must have been high Late-Archaean successions (3.0–2.5 Gyr)
(above unity24). Methane can be produced after impact fireballs25, but a In late-Archaean rocks there is abundant evidence for life28,42.
long-lived methane atmosphere is perhaps unlikely on a prebiotic Stromatolites are well developed at Steep Rock, Ontario43, and in the
planet if surplus oxidation power comes from hydrogen loss8, but Pongola Supergroup, South Africa44, which are both nearly 3.0 Gyr
might have been possible later after methanogens (methane- old. Well developed stromatolites from 2.7-Gyr successions are
generating organisms) had evolved. Reaction between a hydrous found in many places28,45,46. Figure 1 shows various habitats of
mantle magma shell and a reduced core26 could also have provided microbial mats and biofilms in the late-Archaean biosphere.
oxidation power, through mantle-derived volcanic output. Textural evidence for late-Archaean bacteria depends on the
More generally, a strongly reduced prebiotic atmosphere rich in assumption that similarity to modern microbial sedimentary struc-
methane and ammonia seems unlikely, given the probable oxidation tures implies similar ancient biota. Poorly preserved microfossils39 and
state of lavas, and of the rock debris ejected from the mantle after indirect geochemical arguments47 supported the case, but it remained
major impacts, especially after differentiation of the iron-rich core. circumstantial. More direct evidence has now come from molecular
Perhaps abiotic Earth was indeed glacial, with occasional meteor- fossils — biological lipids are preserved in 2.7-Gyr rocks from the
impact melting events, and pools of water around volcanoes. The Pilbara, Western Australia48. Hydrocarbon biomarkers, including
ocean may have been covered with sea ice, with some open leads and 2a-methylhopanes which are characteristic of cyanobacteria49, imply
thin ice where ablation occurred. Possibly on Venus a much warmer oxygenic photosynthesis was occurring. Steranes, derived from chemi-
clime prevailed with early liquid oceans and a moist CO2 greenhouse, cals characteristic of eukaryotes, are also present. Whether the sulphur
but at the price of losing hydrogen to space. On Mars, further away but cycle was similarly modern in aspect is at present controversial50.
with a gentler impact history, a CO2 greenhouse (or even a CH4–NH3
atmosphere) may have been sustainable for some time. The universal ancestor and the last common ancestor
Insight into the descent of life has come from molecular palaeontol-
Summary of the geological evidence for early life on Earth ogy51. The ‘standard model’ of microbial descent52,53 is based on small-
Earlier Archaean (4–3.6 Gyr) subunit ribosomal RNA. One hypothesis54,55 is of an early population of
Geological evidence27–29 shows that it is certain that life has been present replicating organisms of uncomplicated design, possessing simple
on Earth for at least 3.5 Gyr, and it is probable that life began before 3.8 modular structures and functions, and mutually exchanging genes —
Gyr. Early evidence for life comes from southwest Greenland, especially the ‘universal ancestor’ was not one cell but a community sharing infor-
the Isua belt which contains rocks up to 3.8 Gyr old that show clear evi- mation. As evolution selected proteins to become more specific and effi-
dence of deposition on the planet’s surface, including what may be the cient, genes became less exchangeable and divergence crystallized. From
oldest known water-lain sediment30. There has long been a suspicion this ‘universal ancestor’ the ‘standard’ view51,56 is that the two domains
that inorganic carbonate in the rocks shows a 13C ‘heavy’ enrichment Bacteria and Archaea arose, and that later on, further along the ‘univer-
that is the necessary counterpart of the light carbon extracted by the sal phylogenetic tree’, symbiosis produced the domain Eucarya57,58.
biosphere31,32. But dating is controversial, and the carbonate is not The standard view52 clearly implies (but does not prove) that in
necessarily the age of the host rock. In rocks from Isua and also from the early microbial community in which the last common ancestor
Akilia island, both in southwest Greenland, isotopically ‘light’ (that is, lived, life was hot and chemotrophic59 — the ‘hyperthermophile
probably biologically reduced) carbon occurs in carbonaceous Eden’ hypothesis — although evidence for a hyperthermophile
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Box 2
Hydrothermal systems
M hide
hyperthermophile bacteria and archaea. Subaerial systems are very
Hot acid
diverse, with a wide range of pH possible. Near-surface magma can heat
Warm Fumaroles and
steam to >600 7C, with highly acidic, vigorously boiling hot springs. Fluids Cool neutral hot springs
heated by basaltic magmas degassing at depth can form near neutral to e l a ys
alkaline springs. If the country rock is ultramafic (magnesium-rich), very Chl lite
Z eo Dykes
alkaline systems can occur. Komatiite shield volcanoes may have
produced many alkaline systems. At high levels in the volcano both fluid
and vapour phases can occur. Country rock is altered to clay, and sulphide Magma
deposition (usually iron sulphide) is widespread. Komatiites host nickel
sulphide deposits28. b
Submarine systems107 include diffuse vents as well as black smokers, More oxic Cyanobacterial plankton
which emit iron and manganese oxides. Typically, hydrothermal fluids that topwater
Planktonic Archaea
have interacted with magma in some way are more reduced than overlying Warm
2+ water
sea water. Sulphur has a key role. Some is volcanic, but in modern More Hot Fe plumes
systems much of the sulphur is from seawater sulphate (which derives reduced Cool alkaline Cool acid
deeper hydrothermal intake jets
from sulphur gases via photosynthetic oxidation). The sulphate is reduced water systems
bacterially (for example, against organic matter, or against more reduced H O O
chemical species) as the water enters the hydrothermal circulation, further O
2 H2 Crust
Sediment H 2
reduced in the circulation system, and then reoxidized by bacteria as the
Hot Hot
water leaves vents and mixes with ambient oxidized water. Similarly, nitrate Magma
is reduced, such that ammonium minerals are found in deposits. Before
photosynthesis, the supply of sulphate and nitrate (that is, oxidized species Box 2 Figure Hydrothermal systems. a, On land, around a
of sulphur and nitrogen) to oceanic water was probably far less than today, volcano. b, On seafloor, at a mid-ocean ridge. (Not to scale.)
coming from, respectively, oxidation of sulphur gases by OH in the upper air,
and lightning fixation of nitrogen, and returned by volcanism.
ancestry has been challenged60. Several geological settings could have Mars did have life, possibly one or more cells survived impact on Mars,
hosted the Eden community. It could have lived in a brief (up to 1 ejection, freezing in space, and transfer to and landing on Earth, where
million years) period of hot (~100 7C) ocean after a major meteor the cell line then survived later ocean-heating bottlenecks associated
impact, or possibly could have existed in a hydrothermal system (see with impacts. Gene transfer is potential signal rather than noise as parts
Box 2). In the transient hot-ocean case, hydrothermal systems would of the tree on the same planet would exchange with each other. A tenable
have offered protective settings even after the ocean cooled. ‘martian’ explanation of the origin of the Eucarya is that the ancestral
An alternate version (the ‘hyperthermophile Noah’ hypothesis) is eukaryote was a later, second martian transfer. In this hypothesis, the
that the universal ancestor was not necessarily hyperthermophile, but ancestors of the eukaryote stem cell continued to evolve on Mars, after
diversified from an unknown Eden into an early population that includ- the time the ancestor of the archaea and bacteria had been ejected to
ed some hyperthermophiles near hydrothermal systems. During the Earth. If a cell from this line were later ejected to Earth, the newly arrived
earliest Archaean, it would have been likely that a major meteorite distant cousin could have hosted a symbiotic union with the bacteria.
impact capable of heating the ocean to 100 7C would have hit the earliest Both the notional ‘hyperthermophile Eden’ and ‘Noah’ last
community61,62. Only hyperthermophiles could survive an impact common ancestors discussed here must have been DNA-based and
catastrophe — the ‘impact bottleneck’63. Perhaps two by-then-distinct chemically sophisticated, possessing many of the basic housekeeping
lineages of descendants survived the bottleneck, one to lead to the bacte- proteins. But these might not have been the original replicating organ-
ria and the other to the archaea. The ‘Noah’ was the last common isms. The variety of suggestions about the setting of the origin of life is
pre-impact ancestor of those organisms that survived, except possibly wide and unconstrained, beyond the scope of this review. Where was
some viruses64. Since then, the rainbow has shone over cool waters. Eden? Possible birthplaces and first habitats range from ancestry in an
A third alternative is that the earliest evolution took place on Mars. aerosol, to a cold pond under a glacier, to a small, warm pond near a
There is no consensus whether life exists, or ever existed, on Mars, but hydrothermal system65, and many other alternatives.
early Mars, with then-vigorous volcanism, may have been a kinder, gen- The notion of a universal phylogenetic tree that crystallized into
tler habitat than Earth62. Large impacts would have occurred here too, distinct branches has been criticized53,66 on the grounds that lateral
but there was no deep ocean which could be vaporized to maintain a gene transfer between contemporaneous organisms may have been on
global steambath. Major impacts would have ejected many fragments a much wider scale than is implied by a tree. There is clear evidence
from the surface of Mars, some of which would have landed on Earth. If today for lateral transfers of genetic information. However, such
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transfers between widely separated organisms would rarely be
Box 3
advantageous: for example, gaining information about photosynthesis
Gaia in the Archaean?
would be of little use to a bacterium that lived deep in mud. Perhaps a
better model is not a tree, even a mangrove, but a braided stream delta,
with much cross-over, yet still clearly defined flows from the main In the modern atmosphere, nitrogen is managed biologically by
distributaries. A closer analogy is the origin of languages: there are nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria, and has a lifetime of tens of
many parallels between the evolution of eukaryotes and the chimaera millions of years. Carbon dioxide in air has a lifetime of centuries,
that amalgamated a Saxon root with French, Latin and Greek implants, whereas the lifetime of oxygen in the air is many millions of years,
and added doses of Arabic to Zulu, to make English. but they are obverse and reverse. The reduced carbon reservoir is
Molecular phylogeny can be calibrated by reference to the geological on the surface (for example, in plants, peat and soil) and in sediment
record29,67. To summarize, given the scale of the early bombardment, it is (in gas, oil and coal). Oxygen in the air is only a small store of the
unlikely that Earth could have been a permanent habitation before total oxidation power that has been created by the biological use of
about 4.2 or even 4.0 Gyr or less61. If the evidence from the Isua belt34 light109. More oxidation power is stored in the long-term heritage of
does indeed record life, and the age is interpreted correctly, then life is oxidized minerals in sediment, crust and mantle. Tectonic control on
perhaps up to 3.8 Gyr old, or more; moreover, this life possibly existed by carbon storage can be important110. In one view, most of the
anoxygenic photosynthesis, implying that considerable speciation had modern atmosphere can be seen as a biological construct111,
taken place by then. The last common ancestor would have existed long although the basic geochemical controls should not be forgotten112.
before that. By about 3.5 Gyr the Rubisco signature necessarily implies Only argon is not managed by biological processes.
global oxygenic photosynthesis32 and the evolution of cyanobacteria. Although microbial and less productive than today, Archaean
Ancestral eukaryotes appear to predate 2.7 Gyr (refs 48, 49). ecology113 used the same basic biochemical cycles as on the
modern Earth. Purple bacteria and cyanobacteria did then what
Habitat occupation mitochondria and chloroplasts do today. Archaean methanogens
It is possible that the earliest replicating system was an RNA molecule, did then what they do in bovine stomachs today. There may have
capable of acting as a ribozyme and in some way self-assembling, which been significant emission of dimethylsulphide by microbial plankton,
was ancestor of the ribosome. This RNA-world hypothesis68 deserves important in the sulphur cycle then as today. Moreover, below the
special attention, especially as the 30S ribosomal subunit, which lies at surface the sedimentary biosphere has always been microbial. From
the heart of the cell, is in effect a giant ribozyme supported by a scaffold this comes the hypothesis that the Archaean atmosphere and
of caring proteins69,70. An RNA world may have lived in pores in rock greenhouse feedback loops were also biologically cycled28,111. It is
around a hot spring where both vapour and liquid phases were pre- possible, however, that for periods the Archaean biosphere was
sent28,71. Possibly the setting was subaerial, allowing both gas and fluid ‘upside-down’, with the store of reductant in the air, and oxidant
chemistry. The environment was presumably rich in phosphate, to stored in the sediment (for example, as iron oxide)114. Prior to the
allow a self-replicating molecule to gain access to essential phosphorus. oxic transition, hydrogen loss to space from methane photolysis
Geologically, such environments tend to occur around alkaline vol- could have been important in oxidant supply to the surface
canics, mainly but not all on continents. One possibility is an alkaline environment. After the transition the reduction in CH4 and hence
hot spring drawing fluid from an alkaline ultramafic body. Phosphates greenhouse warming could have caused global cooling115.
are associated with rocks such as carbonatites that are typically intruded Hydrothermal water from liquid oceans cools plates, and the
in continental settings, but hydroxylapatite is known from rocks such as presence of this water in oceanic crust, when driven off during
serpentinites72, which are similar to ocean-floor material and to altered subduction into overlying mantle, causes melting and ultimately the
komatiite, a lava common in the Archaean28. Komatiite volcanoes formation of the granitoid rocks that, collectively, are the continents.
would have built large Hawaii-like shields, perhaps hosting alkaline No water, no continents16. If there is too little water so that the mid-
hydrothermal systems around subaerial volcanoes. oceanic ridge is exposed, oxygen is consumed in weathering. Too
Many of the basic components of biochemical housekeeping may much water, and the flooded continents never get weathered. Liquid
reflect ancestry in a hydrothermal system73. These may include many water, maintained by the regulation of the atmospheric greenhouse,
of the metal proteins, especially those involving iron–sulphur, nickel, has controlled the presence of continents and the functioning of
molybdenum, copper, cobalt and zinc, some of which, such as plate tectonics. Has the day-to-day regulator of the greenhouse,
metal–nitrogen structures, may have condensed in alkaline settings. and hence water, been life?
Heat-shock proteins possibly date from the time when the communi-
ty before the last common ancestor lived on the fine line between
starving (being too cold, and too far from the hot vent) and being a hot vent, surviving on the redox contrast between slightly more oxi-
cooked. Any property that could repair damage would be highly dized water and slightly more reduced substrate, and on the difference
advantageous. The shaping properties of heat-shock proteins would between warm reduced water from vents and slightly more oxidized
preadapt them for use as chaperonins, helping protein folding. ambient water. Dead and dying cells would inevitably accumulate
The phylogenetic tree implies strongly that the first living communi- under the biofilm, creating a potential habitat-niche in recycling the
ty was not photosynthetic. It seems improbable that the sophisticated reduced organic matter. Thus once a biofilm existed, niches would
biochemistry needed for photosynthesis should spring out of nothing. inevitably form and be filled by evolutionary divergence. Evolution
Early Archaean life would have had access to redox contrast between a works by tinkering with the available equipment76, adapting existing
more oxidized atmosphere–ocean system, open at the top to space, and organs to new purposes.
the more reduced fluids in contact with mantle-derived magmas. Sul- Archaean hydrothermal settings (Fig. 1) would have been varied42,73.
phur offers the best opportunities. An early atmosphere rich in sulphur In deep water, mid-ocean ridge volcanism may have been much more
gases, with CO2 partial pressure exceeding 2 bar, could have provided active than today, with abundant vent fields including ‘black smokers’
some warmth and protection against UV radiation74. With water pre- and hydrothermal deposits rich in, for example, manganese, iron,
sent in the air, and hence probably OH, volcanic sulphur dioxide would copper, zinc and sulphur. Widespread volcanoes erupted komatiite,
have been oxidized to sulphate75, although this may have been slow on a possibly forming shields similar to Hawaii today, but lower and much
glacial planet. Dissolved in water, sulphate would provide oxidation wider, hosting subaerial hot springs. If plate tectonics operated, subduc-
power for organisms to react against reduced species in hydrothermal tion volcanism (comparable to that in Japan today) would also have
fluids, such as hydrogen and methane, and in rock surfaces. occurred, hosting subaerial and subaqueous hydrothermal systems,
Perhaps the last common ancestor lived in a thin biofilm of cells near with fluids containing, for example, copper, molybdenum and zinc.
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Methanogens are deeply rooted on the standard tree, and it is volcanism (Fig. 1). Finally in this model, before 3.5 Gyr, cyanobacteria
possible to imagine an early biosphere inhabited by sulphate reducers brought a new occupant to the top layer. Their evolution, possibly
that exploited the oxidation contrast between the air–water system and as a bacterial chimaera formed from a genetic exchange between inter-
more reduced rock-derived fluids. These primary producers would be dependent purple and green bacteria living on the redox boundary of
underlain by methanogenic recyclers77,78. Such a biota would have a microbial mat, created an organism that could live freely on the plan-
produced surplus methane, which may, if the system was productive et, wherever water, light and CO2 were present (Fig. 1). Coupled with
enough, have had global consequences by greenhouse warming. If the their nitrogen-fixing ability, this would have allowed an enormous
CH4:CO2 ratio were high enough, a biogenic, methane-rich smog expansion of the biosphere. Whereas before the community away
layer23,24 might have formed that blocked UV light. from hydrothermal systems was limited probably to sulphate-
reducers depending on available sulphate, now life could spread
Origin of photosynthesis widely (and the sulphate supply would rise too).
There are various hypotheses for the evolution of photosynthesis79–83.
One plausible model is a sequence starting with accidental use of Is Rubisco a ‘qwerty’ enzyme?
pigments by simple organisms living in a setting where local chemical Where CO2 is in excess, as in the air, Rubisco87 preferentially selects 12C.
disequilibrium is easily and accidentally exploited, leading to For 3.5 Gyr, this isotopic signature in organic carbon, and the recipro-
preadaptation that allowed cells to exploit light as an additional cal signature in inorganic carbonate, has recorded Rubisco’s role in
source of energy in anoxygenic photosynthesis, and finally the oxygenic photosynthesis as the main link between atmospheric and
transition to full dependence on photosynthesis. biomass carbon32. But Rubisco itself may long predate oxygenic
It was thought, on biochemical grounds, that chlorophyll biosyn- photosynthesis, as many non-photosynthetic microaerobic and
thesis predated bacteriochlorophyll, but recent evidence disputes this83. aerobic bacteria use it. Unlike the many enzymes whose efficiency has
The appearance of anoxygenic (bacteriochlorophyll) photosynthesis been so honed by the aeons as to approach 100% (for example,
would have made shallow-level and subaerial hydrothermal systems catalase), Rubisco works either as carboxylase or oxygenase in photo-
much more productive. Anoxygenic photosynthesis exploits light in the synthesis and photorespiration88. This apparent ‘inefficiency’, capable
longer visible and near-infrared spectrum. The specific light wave- of undoing the work of the photosynthetic process, is paradoxical, yet
lengths used depend on the type of bacterium and setting in a mat79,84. fundamental to the function of the carbon cycle in the biosphere. With-
Purple bacteria have a wide spectrum of absorption, including bacteri- out it, the amount of CO2 in the air would probably be much lower.
ochlorophylls absorbing at 900 or >1,000 nm, whereas green bacteria It is possible that Rubisco is not subject to evolutionary pressures
use bacteriochlorophylls that have absorption maxima around 750 nm because it has a monopoly. The qwerty keyboard, which is the main
in living cells. Anoxygenic photosynthesis uses a variety of electron present link between humanity and the silicon chip, may be a parallel:
donors in different bacteria, including hydrogen, hydrogen sulphide, legend is that qwerty was designed to slow typists’ fingers so that the
sulphur and various organic chemicals. Some cyanobacteria can use arms of early mechanical typewriters would not jam. It is among the
sulphide in anoxygenic photosynthesis85. Anoxygenic photosynthesis worst, not the best, of layouts, and only minor evolution occurred
could have evolved in a bacterium using infrared thermotaxis82. This (English has Y where German has Z). Perhaps the same applies to
preadaptation, useful in a deep-water setting near hot hydrothermal Rubisco: if so, genetic engineering to improve Rubisco might lead to a
vents, could have allowed a bacterium that drifted into shallow water to productivity runaway that removes all atmospheric CO2.
utilize sunlight and occupy mesothermophile habitats.
In contrast, oxygenic photosynthesis uses visible light in more Origin of Eucarya
energetic wavelengths, and has H2O as the electron donor; Rubisco then Late-Archaean (2.7 Gyr) rocks contain molecules that suggest not
helps capture carbon from CO2 in the atmosphere–ocean system. The only the presence of cyanobacteria but also eukaryotes48,49. Eukaryotes
family of photosystem II reaction centres, using pigments and quinones may have evolved slowly, from a parental stem that symbiotically
as electron acceptors, is found in purple bacteria and in Chloroflexus incorporated chloroplasts (which are descended from cyanobacteria)
aurantiacus, a green bacterium that may be from a line of great antiquity, and then mitochondria (probably descended from a-proteobacteria).
as well as in cyanobacteria and chloroplasts. The photosystem I family of In this model the amitochondrial eukaryotes would be primitive.
reaction centres, using iron–sulphur centres as electron acceptors, However, it is possible that the incorporation of mitochondria was
occurs in green sulphur bacteria, cyanobacteria and chloroplasts. The synchronous with the origin of the eukaryote nucleus89. In the ‘hydro-
involvement of both photosystems in oxygenic photosynthesis gen hypothesis’90, a symbiotic partnership may have become a union
indicates an origin from genetic transfer between cooperating or closely between anaerobic hydrogen-dependent archaea and heterotrophic
juxtaposed cells, each using anoxygenic photosynthesis. proteobacteria capable of producing molecular hydrogen through
A key component in oxygenic photosynthesis is the oxygen- anaerobic fermentation. An alternative, but not necessarily exclusive,
evolving complex that is based on a manganese complex exploiting a hypothesis91 is that an anaerobic archaeon could have evolved the
transition from Mn4O4 to Mn4O6. To the geologist, the involvement ability to survive in more oxidizing environments (for example, near
of manganese immediately suggests the vicinity of a vent of a to oxygenic cyanobacteria) by incorporating symbiotic respiring
hydrothermal system, but the environment needs to be oxygen-rich. proteobacteria. The origin of chloroplasts may have been a single
The complex might have developed in a photosynthetic mat from ancestral cyanobacterium, but this is not proven92. Perhaps the
manganese–catalase, perhaps to handle excess peroxide81, or as a eukaryote-creating event also incorporated mitochondria and
toxic weapon to use against competitors, or both. chloroplasts simultaneously, in a single accident, possibly in a symbi-
The evolution of the structure of microbial mats may have paral- otic consortium living on the redox boundary in a microbial mat.
leled the evolution of photosynthesis, with newer forms progressively
claiming occupation of the more productive but more dangerous The oxygen debate
uppermost level in the mats, where light was brighter86. In this model, The debate about the oxidation state of the Archaean atmosphere is
early pre-photosynthetic biofilms that were hyperthermophile and vigorous, with strong proponents both of the ‘oxic’93 and not-oxic94
chemotrophic would have had bacterial sulphate-processers on top, viewpoints. Certain facts are available. In the early geological record,
underlain by archaea that recycled redox power. Anoxygenic sulphate, although rare, does occur. Apparently evaporitic at first, it is
photosynthetic mats would have added a top layer of bacterial photo- present in ~3.5-Gyr rocks95,96. Deposition of sulphate implies local-
synthesizers, introducing a new source of reduction power. This ized non-reducing conditions (although not necessarily the presence
would have allowed occupation of the mesothermal outer perimeters of free oxygen), at least at 3.5 Gyr. But many Archaean rocks contain
of hydrothermal pools, and then the open environment away from apparently detrital pyrite, siderite and uraninite94,97, minerals that are
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difficult to transport far in oxidizing settings. Rocks widely The evolution of the sulphur cycle remains controversial. Some iso-
recognized as redbeds do not exist before about 2.2 Gyr (there are topic evidence103,104 suggests that microbial fractionation of sulphur
some older exceptions, but these may have been oxidized later under was limited in the Archaean, implying that sulphate concentrations
Cretaceous or Tertiary erosion surfaces), and interpretation of were low. But other isotopic evidence50 implies that the full sulphur
palaeosoils also suggests oxidizing conditions after this time. cycle evolved earlier, which would be expected if the ‘standard’
Models of the chemistry of the early atmosphere, into which abun- molecular phylogeny52 is correct with respect to sulphur processing. It
dant CO2 and sulphur gases would have been emitted by volcanism, is possible that the microbial diversity of sulphur handlers was present
suggest that oxygen was present, but at low partial pressures98. Given early on, but only became widespread much later105.
the probable oxidation state of the mantle and thus the degassing of
SOx gases and subsequent presence of oxidant in the high atmos- Afterview
phere75, as well as a possible supply of relict oxygen after hydrogen loss On Earth, life probably dates from 3.8 Gyr or before, but life may have
to space, it is likely that the supply of sulphur gases was adequate to existed earlier on Mars or even on Venus or an outer moon and been
support early chemotrophic life. Such life would have reacted chemi- translated to Earth by meteorite. We still have little idea how, when or
cal species from the relatively oxidized atmosphere–ocean system, where life began. The notion that life began in a hydrothermal setting is
bombarded by light and open to space, with more reduced mantle- extremely attractive, but the evidence is circumstantial and can be
exchanged hydrothermal fluids98. The planet may have been covered compared with delving into such records as there are in Massachusetts
mainly in ice, except for open-water leads99, unless the CH4 content of of the Mayflower, to discern the origins of the English language.
the air was high enough to sustain a methane greenhouse24. The debate about life’s origins has deep resonance in our society.
The appearance of oxygenic photosynthesis before 3.5 Gyr (ref. 32) Those who work in this field frequently find their search challenged in
provided a source of atmospheric oxidation power that would have assaults on empirical natural science. Judaeo–Christian thought must
increased the productivity of chemotrophic life. The nitrogen cycle accept convincing evidence from nature; denial is both destructive of
may be of similar antiquity. Nitrogenase, which after Rubisco is the faith and dangerous to science. To find the fragments of fact, and to
next most important enzyme (and is perhaps also a qwerty enzyme), attempt to understand them, is a powerful response to the Creationist
consists of an iron protein and a molybdenum–iron protein that heresy. Not only fact and honest interpretation, but also orthodox
includes a 4Fe–4S cluster and a Mo–3Fe–3S cluster. The presence of theological argument reject Creationism: much Jewish and Christian
molybdenum, iron and sulphur suggest a hydrothermal heritage, thinking agrees with the anonymous writer of the epistle to the
perhaps originally for dealing with ammonia in a reducing setting, as Hebrews, Peter and Augustine in the view that the Biblical Day is a wider
nitrogenase is inhibited rapidly by oxygen. concept than the 24-hour rotation of the Earth. The Seventh Day is
Life spreads instantly on a geological timescale, and immediately the lasting. The author of Job and Paul both challenge us to search nature,
modern carbon and nitrogen cycles were in place the atmosphere would although we may not find the answer.
have become biologically ruled by kinetics and disequilibrium, not In summary, the best evidence is that life has been present on Earth
sustainable equilibrium (see Box 3). There were huge reservoirs of since about 3.8 Gyr or earlier, and for at least the past 3.5 Gyr the main
reductant (for example, reduced iron, sulphide and organic debris in biochemical carbon cycle has been operating. But whether Earth is
sediment), but the biosphere is inflationary in that it sequesters oxidant alone as a planet of life remains an open question. ■
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