Petitioners Vs Vs Respondent Manuel O. Chan Jacinto R. Bohol
Petitioners Vs Vs Respondent Manuel O. Chan Jacinto R. Bohol
Petitioners Vs Vs Respondent Manuel O. Chan Jacinto R. Bohol
As to the fact that the suspensive condition took place after the death of the
debtor, and that advances were made more than ten years before the sale, we are
supported in our conclusion that the same is immaterial by Sanchez Roman, who says,
among other things, as to conditional obligations:
1.a La obligacion contractual afectada por condicion suspensiva, no
es exigible hasta que se cumpla la condicion, . . .
2.a El cumplimiento de la condicion suspensiva retrotrae los efectos
del acto juridico originario de la obligacion a que aquella afecta, al tiempo de la
celebracion de este; . . .
3.a La referida retroaccion, no solo tiene lugar cuando el cumplimiento
de la condicion se verifica en vida de los contrayentes, si que tambien se produce
cuando aquel se realiza despues de la muerte de estos. (4 Sanchez Roman, p.
122) (Emphasis supplied.)
As the obligation retroacts to the date when the contract was entered into, all amounts
advanced from the time of the agreement became due, upon the happening of the
suspensive condition. As the obligation to pay became due and demandable only when
the house was sold and the proceeds received in the islands, the action to recover the
same only accrued, within the meaning of the statute of limitations, on the date the
money became available here, hence the action to recover the advances has not yet
The above considerations dispose of the most important question raised on this
appeal. It is also contended that the third group of claims, i.e., credits furnished the
intestate's grandson after his (intestate's) death in 1944, should not have been allowed.
We nd merit in this contention. Even if authorization to furnish necessaries to his
grandson may have been given, this authorization could not be made to extend after his
death, for two obvious reasons. First because the obligation to furnish support is
personal and is extinguished upon the death of the person obliged to give support
(article 150, old Civil Code), and second because upon the death of a principal (the
intestate in this case), his agent's authority or authorization is deemed terminated
(article 1732, old Civil Code). That part of the decision allowing this group of claims,
amounting to P3,772, should be reversed.
One last contention of the appellant is that the claims are barred by the stature of
non-claims. It does not appear from the record that this question was ever raised in any
of the courts below. We are, therefore, without authority under our rules to consider this
issue at this stage of the proceedings.
The judgment appealed from is hereby a rmed in so far as it approves the
claims of appellee in the amounts of P2,341 and P12,942.12, and reversed as to that of
P3,772. Without costs.
Bengzon, Padilla, Tuason, Montemayor, Reyes, Jugo and Bautista Angelo, JJ.,
Separate Opinions
PARAS, C.J., concurring and dissenting :